Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown! 12 days away

May 2, 2016 9:26 pm
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With the Viaduct closure and lots of other breaking news, it’s been a few days since our last update on the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day for a few days! The countdown is on – 12 days until Saturday, May 14, 9 am-3 pm, when more than 330 sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, will bring neighbors, friends, and families together for one big fun day of person-to-person recycling. We hope you’ve set aside at least part of the day to see who’s selling what in your neighborhood, if not beyond.

Registration closed five days ago so we could get going on the map, which will be available (here and at one week in advance, so look for it next Saturday. Checking the listings after the list was finalized, we’ve seen an amazing array of items for you to explore – including lots of kid stuff, home decor, furniture, kitchenware, and so many unusual items we’ve made note of while going through the list … somebody’s selling a car, somebody’s selling a scooter, two sellers have outboard motors, lots of art, one seller even has 500+ vinyl records … Some sales are fundraisers; some have lemonade and bake sales on the side; some are for businesses, schools, youth groups … moving sales, “just moved” sales, “just married” sales, downsizing sales … and of course the multi-seller sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors). Just wait till you see the map/list.

If you’re a seller, watch for an update from your coordinators in a few days. And start telling your family, friends, social-media circles all about your sale and WSCGSD in general, if you haven’t already! Any questions or concerns, e-mail the special WSCGSD mailbox,

Hours left to register for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016

April 27, 2016 6:16 pm
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One more reminder that if you’ve been waiting to sign up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016, time’s running out – 11:59 pm tonight is when we close registration. If you haven’t signed up your sale yet – do it here! And whether you’ll be selling or shopping, get ready for the 12th annual WSCGSD, 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 14th.

P.S. Any questions, or problems with registration? E-mail – thanks.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016 update: Registration deadline Wednesday night

April 26, 2016 9:25 pm
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We have moving sales and moved-in sales; fun sales and fundraising sales; garages and carports and yards full of stuff to furnish your apartment or house, entertain or clothe your kids, cover your car … or if you don’t have a car, at least one is on sale during West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016. If registration stopped right this moment, with 265+ sales, it would already be another incredible day (9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 14th, all around the peninsula) .. but we know somebody out there is procrastinating, or just made the decision, or hasn’t had the time yet, so this is the 26-hour warning: Registration closes tomorrow night, Wednesday (April 27th) at 11:59 pm, if you’re planning a sale for WSCGSD. We have to shut it down to give us time to make the maps and get the info packets out – the map’s always ready to go one week in advance so shoppers (some of whom come from hundreds of miles away!) can plan.

Planning a sale but not signed up yet? Go here.
Signed up but had trouble paying? Go here.
Thanks! We are excited about WSCGSD 2016 too (the 12th annual sale day, ninth one we’ve coordinated), and it’s just two and a half weeks away.

2 1/2 days left to register for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016

April 25, 2016 3:41 pm
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Our area’s biggest day of person-to-person recycling is getting closer – Saturday, May 14th, is West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016. More than 230 sales have signed up already, all over West Seattle, at apartments and houses and townhouses, in garages and carports and courtyards, schools and businesses and retirement centers … and more, with an amazing array of items on sale! As always, we’ll be spotlighting some once registration closes – and as announced last week, that’ll be 11:59 pm this Wednesday (April 27th). To register your sale – please go here.

IMPORTANT – IF YOU’VE REGISTERED BUT DIDN’T GET THROUGH PAYPAL – we still need your payment before we can get you on the map (which we start working on right after closing registration). A few sales show as registered but not paid; if that includes yours, you CAN pay without going through the registration form again – just go to this page to find the direct link to PayPal, which you can use without having to be a member – PP takes credit cards too. (We’re usually able to match the payment to the sale, especially if you use the same e-mail address with which you registered, but if you didn’t, just send us a note to to let us know you paid separately. Same address if you think you paid but didn’t get a separate receipt from PayPal – we can sleuth that too.)

If you’re planning to shop – look for the map and listings, in online and printable versions, one week before WSCGSD, linked/featured here on WSB as well as the official WSCGSD website.

Planning to sell on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day? Register by Wednesday!

April 22, 2016 11:30 am
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The 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – Saturday, May 14th – is just three weeks from tomorrow, and as promised, we’ve decided on the deadline for registration. If you’re having a sale and not signed up already, please register by next Wednesday night (11:59 pm), April 27th. You can do it right now by going to the official registration form here.

Garage/yard/etc. sales are a time-honored form of person-to-person recycling, so on this Earth Day, we’re proud to again be getting ready to present the area’s biggest Community Garage Sale Day, founded in 2005 by a community-connection organization called Megawatt; we’ve been coordinating it since the fourth edition, in 2008. If you don’t have enough stuff, or space, for a full-fledged sale, check ASAP with our two multi-seller sites, WSB’s coffee-purveyor sponsors, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (which for WSCGSD oversees both its courtyard at 4410 California SW and the parking lot across the alley at Ginomai) and C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW).

For shoppers, our tradition is to launch the map a week in advance, so you can check for it here and/or at our official WSCGSD site at starting on Saturday, May 7th. Both the interactive web version and the printable/downloadable PDF version will include the up-to-20-words listings for the sales, too. More than 190 sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, are signed up already. Again, here’s where to go. And if you have questions/problems, is the official WSCGSD mailbox. Looking forward to May 14th!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016 update, as registration continues

We’re in the third week of registration for the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 160+ sales now signed up, north to south, east to west, all sizes, many types! Later this week, we’ll announce the registration deadline, but we can tell you that signups will continue for at least one more week.

Whether you’re shopping or selling, 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 14th, is the big day (some sales choose to start earlier and/or end later, our only rule is to honor that basic six-hour window). We close registration relatively early so that we can get the map made and available a week ahead of time – we provide it free in two versions accessible online, the clickable “interactive” version and the printable/downloadable PDF version, both with the up-to-20-words listings that sellers provide, so shoppers can plan ahead.

One more reminder – if you just have a few things to sell and would like to be part of a multiseller site, check directly with the two who are offering spaces again this year, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors).

Why be part of WSCGSD? It’s about more than buying and selling, as organizer Susan wrote on her block-sale registration form: “The 5900 block of 34th Ave SW loves this event! Every year it’s an excuse to party! We visit with our neighbors, meet new folks and catch up with annual Garage Sale returnees, who come to our street each year.”

Ready to register your sale? Here’s the form. Questions? (or comment section here) – thanks!

One month until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016!

We’re now exactly one month from the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – Saturday, May 14th, many sales of many sizes all over the peninsula, 9 am-3 pm. We at WSB have been coordinating it since the fourth year and are excited about another awesome day in which West Seattle becomes the epicenter of person-to-person recycling.

In Week 2 of registration, the list has grown to 110+ sales, north to south, east to west; at apartments, townhomes, houses, businesses, retirement centers, schools, and of course the multi-seller courtyard sales at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) /Ginomai Art Center and C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). Some are selling to raise money for nonprofits, some are selling to de-clutter and make a few dollars, some are selling just for the fun of seeing who shows up. You’ll find almost everything for sale somewhere – clothes, shoes, furniture, baby gear, books, dishes, toys, art, plants – just spotted a listing for an outboard motor, and one for a car! We’ll highlight more items in the weeks ahead.

If this is your first year – we close registration relatively early (we’ll announce the end date before the end of next week) so we can make the map/listings available a week in advance, to help people figure out where they want to go – some garage-sale devotees come from as far as Eastern Washington! So if you’re going to sell, better to sign up sooner rather than later. Just be sure you have your listing info (up to 20 words this year) ready, and head to the registration form here. (If you have just a bit of stuff to sell, you can inquire directly with Hotwire or C & P about one of their spaces.)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016 update, as registration continues

April 11, 2016 9:00 pm
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After the first week of registration, 80 sales are on their way to the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016 map – all sizes, all over the peninsula, all set for 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 14th. Thanks to everyone who’s signed up so far – including group and organization sales, block sales, and dozens of individual sales. Registration will be open for at least two more weeks – we usually set the deadline when we get to that last week and see how things are going. If you’re planning a sale, and have your up-to-20-words description ready, go here to sign up – remember that as always, it’s a two-step process, and you’re not done until you’ve made it through PayPal too (no, you don’t have to have an account). And if you have just a little bit of stuff to sell, and no room to sell it, check in with Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) or C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW), both WSB sponsors, to see about a space at their multi-seller sites.

COUNTDOWN: 5 weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day; registration continues

Five weeks from today – on Saturday, May 14th – sellers and shoppers will have wrapped up the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. We’re in the first week of registration (which we usually keep open for about three weeks so people have plenty of time to hear about it and think about it), with 70 sales all over the peninsula signed up already. If this is all new to you – WSB coordinates and presents WSCGSD, one day with many sales of all sizes, including, again this year, multiseller sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors; contact them directly to get on their lists for spaces). We make the maps – clickable online version and printable/downloadable PDF version – including each sellers’ listing (up to 20 words this year) of sale highlights, and they’re available a week before sale day so you can make your plan. If you’re planning to sell, sign up as soon as you’re ready by using this form!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016: 40+ signed up so far!

Thanks to everyone who’s already registered to be part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016 on Saturday, May 14th! After the first full day of registration, we have more than 40 sales signed up so far. A spot check of the registrations shows they’re from neighborhoods all over the peninsula, including Arbor Heights, Sunrise Heights, Fauntleroy, Highland Park, Genesee Hill, The Junction, Admiral, Puget Ridge, South Delridge, Westwood, Avalon, High Point, Belvidere, North Delridge, Seaview, Gatewood, Alki … with listings from “Selling everything to travel the world!” to “Shoes, shoes, shoes!” WSCGSD is one big day with sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, mapped online (clickably) and in a printable/PDF version, published well in advance to provide plenty of planning time. If you’re having a sale, sign up when you’re ready by going here!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016: Registration begins!

April 4, 2016 9:49 pm
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With just under six weeks until the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 14th, we are ready to register!

The form to sign up your sale is here.

If you’ve been part of WSCGSD in past years – we haven’t changed anything except expanding the word limit for your listing on the map to 20 words – the field in the online version has lots of room, but the printable/downloadable PDF is the reason we need to set a limit. The fees are the same as they’ve been since we took over WSCGSD in 2008; they cover our production and promotion costs (and anything left over supports WSB’s ongoing operations as West Seattle’s 24/7 news source).

*Sale day is Saturday, May 14, 2016.

*Official sale hours: 9 am-3 pm, but if you want to start yours earlier/end it later, that’s up to you – you can say that in your “ad” text (but no late starts/early ends, though, it’s important to cover the official time period – thanks!).

*Registration gets you on the map, which is published on WSB and on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day website – as well as promoted/advertised regionally and in our social-media channels – with clickable and printable (PDF) versions. The map is ready a week in advance and assigns each sale a number, which you can use for cross-reference and for your own promotion (“come see us, we’re sale #22!”), etc.

*Same three sale categories: Individual, Organization/Business/School, Block Sale.

P.S. If you have a small amount of stuff to sell and/or no place for a sale, check in at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) ASAP for a free spot in the Hotwire courtyard or Ginomai across the alley. There’ll be one general map listing for Hotwire; if you sell there, you’re still welcome to buy your own (optional) mention on our list via the form above – just mention Hotwire/4410 California SW as the sale address.

P.P.S. We haven’t set the end date for registration yet – we usually wait to see how things are going – but we keep signups open for at least three weeks, so there’s plenty of time for people to decide to jump in.

Six weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016! Signups start Monday

The countdown continues – exactly six weeks until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016: Saturday, May 14th, 9 am-3 pm. This will be the 12th year for WSCGSD, and the ninth year that we here at WSB are coordinating it. That means we handle registration, the map/listings, and promoting it all over the region. If you’re new to West Seattle, or haven’t heard much about it before, the quick description is – one day, many sales, of many sizes, all around West Seattle. Many people have told us the best part is meeting neighbors who walk or ride around to the sales closest to where they live – although we also have heard about people coming from as far away as Eastern Washington to shop WSCGSD. If you’re planning to have a sale this year, check back here and/or at on Monday – the registration form will be available by evening. As always, the map will be available a week before WSCGSD, and will be offered in clickable online and printable PDF formats.

P.S. If you’re interested in having a sale but don’t have the space, or don’t have that much stuff, sign up for free courtyard space at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor) ASAP!

COUNTDOWN: 2 weeks until registration opens for 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

March 21, 2016 12:52 pm
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Saturday, May 14th, is the date for this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – one day, many sales of many sizes, all over the peninsula! We’re mentioning it again today because we are now two weeks away from the start of registration – we’ll open signups on April 4th, early as usual so that there’s (a) plenty of time for people to register and (b) plenty of time for us to make the map/listings packet that’s available a week before sale day.

Since our last mention, we also have confirmation from Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) that they’ll again open their courtyard and the one to the east at Ginomai (both just south of the California/Genesee corner) for individual sellers who don’t have enough room for a sale, or just have a bit of stuff to offer. If you’re interested, watch for word of signups there and anywhere else that offers a group spot; meantime, set the 5/14 reminder for shopping and/or selling, and the 4/4 reminder for open registration!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016: 2 months away!

March 14, 2016 11:46 am
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Exactly two months from today, it’s the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – the one day of the year that our area becomes the epicenter of person-to-person, in-person recycling – Saturday, May 14th, 9 am-3 pm.

If you’re new to our area, this is NOT one big garage/yard/etc. sale, but many sales of many sizes, in many places (usually including a couple of venues open to multiple sellers who just don’t have room wherever they live, or who only have a small amount of stuff to sell). Since 2008, we’ve coordinated it, including creating online and printable versions of the map, marketing and distributing it far and wide. This year, we’ll open registration on Monday, April 4th – three weeks from today – so check back here and at the official WSCGSD website when that day arrives, if you’re interested in participating!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2016: Eleven weeks away!

February 27, 2016 11:31 pm
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This week, we got the question for the first time this year – twice, in fact – “When is this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day?” Answer: Eleven weeks from today – Saturday, May 14th. If you’re new here, that’s the day West Seattle becomes the person-to-person-recycling (as we call it) capital of the region, with sales big and small all over the peninsula. This will be the ninth year that WSB has coordinated WSCGSD – after three years under its founders, so it’s the 12th annual sale day – and as usual, we will open registration in early April. Watch for word here and at next month!

AFTER THE SALES: Who’s accepting what, where, and when

If you’re a seller with leftovers and you’d rather donate them than bring them back in the house – or, if you just happen to have stuff you don’t want – we have a list of organizations hoping to reap some benefits from the aftermath of the biggest West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day ever. Here’s the list – from that list, who’s collecting RIGHT NOW:

BOOKS FOR WEST SEATTLE SCHOOLS: Look for the truck and the sign until 6 pm today across from Junction True Value (44th/Edmunds); other donation places and times are on the list.

SENIOR CENTER’S STOP ‘N’ SHOP: On the alley at California/Oregon behind the Senior Center of West Seattle, until 7 pm tonight, again 10 am-3 pm on Sunday, donate your re-sellable items.

NORTHWEST CENTER: The Big Blue Truck is at 44th/Edmunds until 6:30 pm today. Here’s what they do and don’t take.

ALKI ELEMENTARY ‘CLOTHES FOR THE CAUSE’: You can drop off donations at Alki Elementary School until 8 pm tonight – there’s a small window tomorrow too. (3010 59th SW)

*The Tool Library and Holy Rosary’s donation drive are going until 4 pm today – again, check for other dates/times by going here.

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: Scenes from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015

LINKS: Web map here * Printable list/map here * Benefit sales here * Donation drives here

FIRST UPDATE, 9 AM: Good morning! Our as-it-happens coverage of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015 is under way. You never know what you’ll find – check out what we discovered (above and below) when we checked out setup at multi-seller Sale #21, C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW)

We’re on the road stopping by sales for photos while WSCGSD continues until 3 pm. Unusual items? Unusual happenings? Send pics to

9:13 AM: We’re starting in the south – more sales this year in Arbor Heights than before (of course, overall, we have more sales than ever before – the recordsetting 340+ is up 25% from last year). Above, the #DUH is for Sale #5, which is swarmed, and billed on another pole as “PLEASE BUY OUR STUFF.” (added) Sale hosts, Kerry and Steve:

Next, we’re headed to Sale #15 at Arbor Heights Adult Family Home (10842 35th SW), with proceeds benefiting the NW Parkinson’s Foundation:

9:27 AM UPDATE: Another benefit sale just sent a photo – Sale #46 at Dance! West Seattle, on the north side of the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (4320 SW Director St.):

They note, “We’ve got costumes, toys, clothes, and a bake sale.” Next, a photo from Katie at Sale #322:

Katie says, “Sale happening at 4127 49th Ave Sw (dead-end block of 49th off Dakota) is selling plants to raise money for the Children’s Garden. Stop by!” Next, we stopped by Sale #91 to say hi to Allison in High Point:

She is at 2812 SW Graham. Note that the map software seems to have trouble with High Point, so be extra-sure to go by street addresses, not just map markers.

HOUR 2 BEGINS, 10:04 AM: We’re in the Alki area after getting a tip about a Seafair Pirates sighting.

More on that later. En route now to Sale #282, the northernmost sale on the map. When they advertised an old Hotpoint range, they REALLY meant “old”:

That sale is at a beach cottage on Duwamish Head, at 1258 Alki SW. From the mailbox, Jill says, “Come say hi to Huck at Sale #197!”

Jill and Huck are at 4048 56th Ave SW. Which reminds us that the hosts of Sale #320 at 3278 41st Ave SW invite you to come meet their bunny.

10:26 AM: We’re at West Seattle High School, Sale #270 on the map, which is having a benefit sale to raise money for Grad Night, a fun time that helps make sure seniors survive the night after graduation.

Perhaps you’d be interested in a classic West Seattle 5K T-shirt?

This year’s race, by the way (co-sponsored by WSB), is one week from tomorrow – Sunday, May 17th, 9 am, on Alki. Meantime, from the mailbox, Susan sends a photo from Sale #159:

Remember, you can click on any line on the list at the right side of the online map, and that’ll open a bubble with the address AND description. Susan’s description also mentions tools and exercise equipment.

11:02 AM UPDATE: Hour #3 of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is under way. Our most-recent stops include the West Seattle Tool Library, which is on the north side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in North Delridge (4408 Delridge Way SW):

On the map, the Tool Library is Sale #335. And they’re accepting donations as well as selling items – the award-winning WSTL, in fact, launched several years ago with tools in part procured during WSCGSD.

11:30 AM: We’re in The Junction. Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) is the biggest multi-seller site every WSCGSD, with dozens of sellers who also spill into the Ginomai parking lot across the alley to the east – Sale #183. It’s also steps away from the West Seattle Eagles‘ Auxiliary sale to the south – Sale #182 (4426 California SW). Can’t miss the sign!

This is an outdoor AND indoor sale:

Also in The Junction:

In the newly improved parking lot at the Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds), it’s Sale #300, hosted by Amethyst Chapter #138, Order of Eastern Star. And from the mailbox – Sara says Sale #347 “is off to a good start”:

She’s at 2201 SW Holden. Back to the west, at 6040 California SW:

West Seattle’s only co-working space, WS Office Junction (free all next week, by the way – look for more on that later), is on the map too – Sale #77.

12:29 PM: We’re halfway through Hour 4 already. Had to stop down for lunch – options abound (in addition to the F3-benefit hot dogs at Hotwire, mentioned above) – we went to West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), which happens to be having one of its spring/summer benefit barbecues today, burger or hot dog, chips, drink, proceeds to fight MS. And on the west side of the Thriftway lot, you’ll find Sale #71, which is a lemonade/bake sale and donation drive for Pathfinder K-8 (more details here):

Not far south of there, at Sale #97 in Gatewood, via e-mail:

Writes Christine, “Cooper is welcoming shoppers at 6741 38th Ave SW! A secretary desk and dining by table and chairs are hoping to find a new home.” Continuing south to Westwood:

The tweet is from Sale #106 at 8633 32nd SW. Another tweet, from east of The Junction:

Lots of moving sales today, and that’s one of ’em, Sale #102 at 4853 37th SW. Meantime, an indoor sale if you want to get out of the sun for a few – including cooking pots, drink glasses, more:

Sale 109 is in The Triangle, 3618 SW Alaska, American Legion Post 160/West Seattle Veteran Center (look for the cannon out front).

1:17 PM UPDATE: Hour 5! We’re back on the road, headed first to Highland Park – saw a sign promising an “epic sale” at 12th/Othello, and we believe that’ll be Sale #329. … And indeed it was.

“10 years in the making!” as the sign said:

We then found the sign for Sale #332, easternmost sale on our map, in the remote eastern reaches of Highland Park:

Also in Highland Park – two sales just a block apart, Sale #327 at 15th/Trenton:

And uphill to the east, Sale #350 at 14th/Trenton:

Checking the mailbox – Sale #42 relocated to 40th and Morgan, 6351 40th Ave SW to be specific – “Lots of kids’ stuff, vintage Pendleton blankets and, of course, lemonade!”

The lemonade’s a good idea – it’s getting hot out here. (For Seattle in May, anyway.) Just saw someone walk by with an umbrella … for shade! Also from the mailbox, in the Alki area, Elle is at Sale #295, 2485 55th SW:

She says, “I’m the only one on my street but I’ve got some goodies! Several 3/$1, 2/$5, 3/$5 etc. Accepting best offers as we are moving.”

2 PM UPDATE: Last hour, already – did you see Alison, an independent consultant with Thirty-One Gifts, when you stopped by C & P? If not, go back!

She’s having a gift certificate giveaway and is independently registered as Sale #87 (5612 California SW, out front of C&P). Meantime, we’re also hearing from shoppers:

Karen sent that photo and noted, “This is the haul my son found at his first garage sale of the day.”

2:45 PM UPDATE: We made one last stop, the Delta Kappa Gamma benefit sale at 8436 Fauntleroy Way SW, across from Lincoln Park:

And we just received this via e-mail, from Lee at Sale #174, 4420 46th SW:

Good day so far! Had an middle school friend show up! (pic attached)

Planning on selling until 4:30-5 with another sale tomorrow. I left a box with jewelry inside on accident, so that’s new here. Also still some musical equipment, tables, board games and records for sale. Met a lot of neighbors. Phew! What a day!

That’s what we always love to hear each year – WSCGSD giving neighbors a chance to see each other face to face. It’s been a beautiful day; thanks to all the sellers and shoppers. Now it’s the afterparty … a boon for local nonprofits accepting donations of leftovers (or items non-sellers want to donate) … separate story to come. Since West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is always on the second Saturday in May, next year it will be May 14, 2016.

What you need to know on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve

It’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve! 9 am-3 pm TOMORROW (Saturday), 340+ sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle. Even if you’re not shopping for anything in particular, WSCGSD’s biggest success every year is as a way for neighbors to meet face-to-face, and that’s a big reason why we’ve been happy to coordinate/present it since its fourth year in 2008.

You’ve probably seen the map by now – online edition here, printable sale list/guide/map here (21-page PDF, so make sure the printer’s stocked)!

A few other notes:

Sale #191 started early – 4822 SW Niesz Court – and sent that photo; they’re going until at least 4 pm today. A few other sales are starting early and/or ending late – if they mentioned it in their registration, it’s mentioned in their map listing.

Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (#183, 4410 California) and C & P Coffee Company (#21, 5612 California SW) are the official multi-seller sites. The sales that registered as “block sales” are:

*#289 – 3200 block 48th SW
*#321 – 4000 block 54th SW
*#158 – 5057 36th SW
*#141 – 5630 31st SW
*#339 – 2411 SW Myrtle
*#137 – 5914 34th SW
*#32 – 5454 45th SW
*#205 – 2719 47th SW
*#201 – 5231 SW Stevens
*#100 – 6600 38th SW
*#340 – Sylvan Ridge Townhomes

Remember that some sales are in garages, others are in front yards, others are in garages/carports on alleys. Where “special instructions” were provided, you’ll find them in the listings. But if you get to a specific address and don’t see the sale, maybe it’s out back.

*More unusual items you’ll find in the listings:
Grand Piano … Moroccan pottery … military-history books … ’50s tile tabletop … custom fireplace mantel … air hockey table … Porsche rims … castoffs from film sets …

*Did we mention the nonprofit/benefit sales? More than 20 – we’ve updated the list here.

*A bit o’trivia – West Seattle neighborhoods with sales include:
Admiral, Alki, Arbor Heights, Beach Drive, Belvidere, Brace Point, City View, Delridge, Fauntleroy, Gatewood, Genesee, Hansen View, Highland Park, High Point, Junction, Lincoln Park, Luna Park, Morgan Junction, North Admiral, Pigeon Point, Puget Ridge, Schmitz Park, Seaview, Snake Hill, Sunrise Heights, Sylvan Ridge, Upper Alki, Upper Fauntleroy, Westwood
(Go see a neighborhood you haven’t visited before!)

*Please check in the morning for any last-minute cancellations that were too late to make it onto the printable map – the clickable map is updatable and if we get word one’s canceled, we’re changing it there.

*Also – please do put out your Stamp Out Hunger food-donation bag by wherever your mail is picked up/delivered, before you go out to sell/shop tomorrow morning!

We hope to squeeze in one more round of updates/previews tonight around mid-evening, providing breaking news doesn’t get in the way, and then we’ll be out covering it all tomorrow, starting with early-morning preparedness – photos welcome at – thanks!

Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 2 days!

Now just two days until the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented by WSB, 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 9th. Looks like sellers are clear to start getting ready, because it’s clear sky all the way to and through Saturday, the forecast says.

The newest toplines:

*340+ sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle

*Addresses and sale descriptions are on the online map here and the printable list/guide/map here

*The sales are numbered for easy referencing, same numbers on both versions of the map, of course

*Looking for a specific item or type of item? Use the search icon on the online map, or open up the printable (21-page PDF map) and use the FIND function

*Two official multi-seller sites, for people who didn’t have the room or the amount of stuff to have an entire standalone sale:
—-Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor)/Ginomai courtyard/lots, 4410 California SW
—-C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW

*For sellers with leftovers they don’t want to keep post-sale, AND/OR for people who want to shop for fun and donate their purchases to good causes, SEVEN organizations have donation drives going on Saturday (and a few of them on Sunday) for dropoffs (even one offering pickups). See the full details here, including who’s accepting what, where, and when.

*If you missed any or all of them, here are links to highlight lists we’ve published:
*Nonprofit/benefit sales
*Trivia from this year’s lineup
*Unusual items
*Memorable descriptions

Few more lists to come tonight/tomorrow, including block sales and unusual items, 2nd round. Also: We invariably get last-minute sale cancellations – we mark them on the ONLINE map, but it’s too late to change the PRINTABLE map, so please check the map page or for those changes.

Three days until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015!

The forecast for Saturday – the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 340+ sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle – just keeps getting better; now it’s sunny with a high in the upper 70s or maybe even 80. (Good thing we have multiple spots offering drinks – lemonade and coffee, in particular.)

Both forms of the sale map are now available – the clickable, searchable online version, which you’ll find here, and the printable sale list/guide/map, a 21-page PDF you’ll find here.

If you have a minute to print out a poster for sale day and stick it on the bulletin board at your workplace, school, favorite coffee shop – here’s one (one-page PDF, 8 1/2 x 11).

Today’s highlights – benefit sales listed in the registrations!

#1 – proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
#15 – proceeds to NW Parkinson’s Foundation
#27 – benefit for West Seattle Food Bank
#46 – at and benefiting Dance! West Seattle
#69 – benefiting Delta Kappa Gamma
#79 – stop by and donate at this “un-garage sale”
#132 – benefiting Chamwino Connect in Tanzania
#200 – Girl Scout Troop 41989
#228 – benefiting AAU JV basketball team
#229 – portion of proceeds to Providence Portland Cancer Center
#233 – benefiting Evergreen Homeschool Science Olympiad team
#251 – Girl Scout Troop 44028, helping Tent City
#270 – benefiting West Seattle High School Grad Night
#272 – benefiting Beat The Bridge team
#300 – Amethyst Chapter #138, Order of the Eastern Star

And there are sales AT nonprofits/volunteer-run efforts:
#33 – Solstice Park P-Patch
#52 – WSUU
#109 – West Seattle Veteran Center
#182 – West Seattle Eagles
#192 – Log House Museum
#335 – West Seattle Tool Library

Any fundraiser/benefits we missed in the list? – thanks!

5 days to 340+ sales on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

So far, the forecast looks great for the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, now just five days away – 9 am-3 pm this Saturday, May 9th. The online map of the 340+ registered sales went live on Saturday (the screen-grab at right is what it would look like if you zoomed way out) – if you haven’t already seen it, go here, or click the “Garage Sale Day Map” tab above the sidebar on any WSB page. The printable map/sale list (PDF version) is almost ready – we’re still triple-checking those 340+ listings! If you are a seller, your number is the same, of course, on both versions of the map, so let all your friends, co-workers, relatives, etc., know they can find you at #xx. If you haven’t printed a poster already, here’s one (PDF, 8 1/2 x 11) – put it on the board at work, school, wherever, and add a note with your sale number! (Even if you’re NOT a seller, consider sharing a poster – we’ve put up dozens around West Seattle already but we also promote the sale off-peninsula so if you work downtown, Eastside, wherever, you’ve got the opportunity to put up a poster someplace we won’t be able to!)

Some 2015 WSCGSD trivia, from the listings:

*74 listings feature “kid” stuff
*29 listings are for “moving sales”
*13 sales promise treasure(s)
*11 sales will have coffee (including the two multi-seller sites, which ARE coffee shops!)
*8 sales plan to serve lemonade
*6 sales are for “downsizing”
*5 sales list knick-knacks
*2 sales mention ephemera
*2 sales offer tchotchkes

Even if you’re not really looking for anything in particular, what we hear each and every year is that this is a prime chance to get out and mingle with your neighbors – somebody nearby is probably having a sale. Maybe more than one “somebody.”

Tomorrow – more highlights, including, by request, a list of the fundraiser sales!

1 week to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2015! Map’s out, & other updates

In exactly one week, sellers and shoppers will be recovering from the biggest West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day yet – 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 9th, at 340+ locations all over WS. Here’s what’s new:

THE MAP: If you haven’t already seen it, the online version has been linked from the WSB navigation-tab bar for a few hours now – or just go here. The page includes tips for using and searching the map. If you have any questions, is the official mailbox of WSCGSD. The printable version is still in the works – but it’s all the same information you’ll find on the now-available online map (click any sale marker to open its info-bubble including the sale description; you can use the search feature to look for keywords in those descriptions).

INFO FOR SELLERS: The e-mail version goes out in the next hour; postal-mail packets are in USPS’s hands. Speaking of whom …

STAMP OUT HUNGER: The USPS letter carriers’ annual door-to-door, mailbox-to-mailbox food drive is also on the second Saturday in May every year, so we always suggest that you put out your bag of nonperishable food for pickup before you head out to sell or shop – thousands of hungry neighbors are counting on you.

PUT UP A POSTER: We’re continuing to canvass WS with 8 1/2 x 11 posters for bulletin boards and shop windows; if you have someplace to put one up – favorite coffee shop, school, etc. – here’s the printable PDF we linked from the WSCGSD website earlier in the week.

UNUSUAL ITEMS: If you browse the sales, here’s some of the more unusual items you’ll find listed:

*Homemade dog jackets
*Stained glass
*Sports-car ephemera
*Movie props
*Antique typewriter
*Tiffany ceiling fan
*Mountaineering equipment
*Never-worn wedding dress

More spotlights during this week’s countdown!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: 10 days to go

“Fascinating and incredible finds you won’t want to live without.”

“Newlyweds shedding the single life.”

“Possibly a giant rat head.”

Those are just three excerpts from the seller-provided descriptions of the 330+ sales in the works for the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, now just 10 days away, 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 9th. We’ve read all 330+ of those descriptions as part of the process of making the WSCGSD maps (clickable Web version and printable/downloadable PDF version), which will be available starting this Saturday, here on WSB and on the official WSCGSD site, Three more description excerpts:

“Pre-estate sale: We don’t want to burden our heirs.”

“Pre-remodel de-clutter extravaganza.”

“Spring Clean-O-Rama.”

We’ll be counting down daily from here on out – stay tuned for more highlights!