Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update: The online map!

One week till the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 281 sale sites all over the peninsula. In case you haven’t seen it yet, we wanted to quickly mention that the online version of the map is now live – until Sale Day (next Saturday, May 11th, 9 am-3 pm) is over, it has its own tab on the WSB navigation bar, below the right side of the sunset-photo header. We’re still tweaking the printable version – the online version usually debuts first, and if sellers spot any address anomalies, for example (the mapping program has had one so far, quickly fixed), we can get those handled before publishing the link to the printable map. (E-mail Text atop the map’s WSB page explains how to use the map (same format as the last 2 years) and also how it works with your smartphone.

P.S. Registration closed a week and a half ago BUT if you’re still hoping to sell some stuff next Saturday, you can check with the group sites directly to see if they have room left – WSB sponsors Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company, as well as the VFW Hall in The Triangle and, in The Admiral District, Mind Unwind.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day countdown: Miss the deadline? 3 group sites on May 11th

April 29, 2013 3:01 pm
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We’re counting down to the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up on Saturday, May 11th, presented/coordinated by WSB again this year. A record number of sales, more than 280, are signed up, and we’re working on the maps. Registration was open for more than three weeks, till last Wednesday, but we’re still hearing from a few people who didn’t make the deadline. We apologize that we can’t add you to the map, BUT here’s an option: With three group sites this year, and you might find room at one of them, but you have to check with the sites directly – Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors) are two of them; we also just learned that the VFW Hall in The Triangle is planning to open its doors to sellers, too. Each will be listed on the map as a multiple-seller site. Whether you’re selling or shopping, be sure to invite your yard-saling friends, relatives, co-workers to come join the fun that day, whether they live in West Seattle or not – with more than 280 sales, there’s plenty of “person-to-person recycling” for everyone. As usual, the free maps (online clickable, PDF printable) will be available a week in advance, so look for the links here (and on the WSCGSD website and Facebook page) next weekend.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update: 280 sales May 11!

With registration closed and map-making under way, looks like the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day might set a record – pending a few last-minute doublechecks, we have about 280 sales! 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 11th, is when the peninsula will transform into a maelstrom of selling, buying, and browsing, with sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle. As usual, we will have two versions of the map – a clickable online version you can explore in a variety of ways, and a printable multiple-page PDF including map sections and the sales’ individual listings. They’ll be available via the official WSCGSD website, and here too. We also invite sellers, especially in the final week – once we have numbers locked down so they can refer to “sale #xx” – to share additional information on the WSCGSD Facebook page, if they’re interested. Maps will be available May 4th; sale day is May 11th.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 36 hours to register!

April 23, 2013 11:52 am
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Haven’t gotten around to registering your sale for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013 yet? Just 36 hours left to register! It’s 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 11th, one big day of sales big and small all around the peninsula – a chance for “person-to-person recycling” as well as meeting neighbors, making friends, finding treasures … We have 200+ sales so far, from Admiral to Alki to The Arroyos, Pigeon Point to Highland Park, and beyond, from individual homes to block sales, business sales, benefit sales, school sales … If you don’t have room for your own sale, or just don’t have THAT much stuff to sell, be sure to check directly with group-site organizers Hotwire Coffee or C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsors) ASAP! But if you ARE signing up your own sale: Go here, before the deadline (11:59 pm tomorrow [Wednesday 4/24] – that’s when we get busy making the maps so shoppers all over the region can get them a week in advance).

3 weeks till 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 20, 2013 5:35 pm
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190 sales ready to go so far for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, Saturday, May 11th, 9 am-3 pm … and no matter where you are, you will probably find yourself within walking distance of at least a few sales! Just sifted through the registrations we have so far, and it’s another spectacular lineup – 20 schools, organizations, and businesses already, including the two group sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsors). Neighborhoods with sales so far include Admiral, Alki, Arbor Heights, the Arroyos, Beach Drive, Belvidere, Fairmount, Fairmount Springs, Fauntleroy, Gatewood, Genesee, Harbor Drive, Highland Park, High Point, the Junction, Luna Park, Marine View Drive, Morgan Junction, North Admiral, North Delridge, Puget Ridge, Seaview, South Admiral, Sunrise Heights, the Triangle, Westwood … If you’re planning on a sale, you have until this Wednesday to register, here. And watch for updates here, on the official WSCGSD site, and on the WSCGSD Facebook page.

Delridge Grocery: Meeting on Monday – and part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 11th!

April 19, 2013 3:16 pm
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A two-part announcement from Delridge Grocery – first, it’s their regular monthly meeting on Monday (April 22nd), 6:30 pm at Delridge Library (5423 Delridge Way SW), with a call for volunteers – people to help at a community event, talk with their neighbors, and otherwise help as the DG team works toward its future storefront. They’re also putting out a call for donated items to sell at their benefit sale on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, which is three weeks from tomorrow. You can arrange for pickup or dropoff by contacting them at (and/or, go to Monday’s meeting and connect with DG leadership there).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 1 week left to register

April 17, 2013 10:33 am
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Do you function best with deadlines rather than “hey, whenever”? Us too. So here’s help if you haven’t decided yet on whether to add your sale to the list for the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 11th – the registration deadline is now one week away: When Wednesday, April 24th, is over, at 11:59 pm, so is our sign-up period – we need the ensuing time to get the map’s clickable online and printable PDF versions done so that, as promised, they will be available a week in advance of The Big Day. So far, 160 sales are on the list, all over the peninsula – and you can add yours by using this online registration form. REALLY, REALLY IMPORTANT REMINDER: *Please* be sure you have gone all the way through the PayPal process for the registration fee, too, which will generate a second confirmation e-mail that comes directly from PP, or else you won’t be on the map. (If you don’t have your own space for a sale, check with the two official “group sites,” WSB sponsors Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company – details on that are here.) Can’t wait for another great day of “person-to-person recycling,” deal-finding, neighbor-mingling, and all the other fun stuff WSCGSD is famous for – 9 am to 3 pm, Saturday, May 11th. Questions?

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013: Less than one month to go!

April 12, 2013 7:00 pm
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Your calendar likely is already marked for the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 11th – but here’s one more date, particularly if you are thinking about having a sale but haven’t signed up yet: Wednesday, April 24th. That’s the last day of registration – we need some lead time to make the map so that it’s available with plenty of preparation time for everyone interested in shopping to decide where they want to go! So far, more than 110 sales are on the list – individual sales, block sales, school/business/organization sales – it’s a big peninsula and there’s plenty of room for more. If you have questions, about selling OR shopping, here’s the WSCGSD e-mail address: And if you’re ready to register: Here’s the link! If you want to have a sale but don’t have the room, remember that the courtyard/parking lot area between Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) and Ginomai art center will be a group site, organized by Hotwire’s Lora Swift – e-mail her at to reserve a free space. And C & P Coffee Company is a group site again too – inquire at the shop for the plan (5612 California SW). More updates as sale day gets closer; watch for updates on the official website and the official Facebook page., as well as here on WSB.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Almost 100 sales!

We’re in the second week of registration for the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented/coordinated by WSB, coming up Saturday, May 11th, all over the peninsula. So far on the tally board: Almost 100 sales! Plenty of room on The Map for more. So if you’re thinking of signing up – or interested in participating at a group site – we’ve just published an update to the official WSCGSD site; see it here.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013 registration updates, including group sites

More than 70 sales are now on the list for the ninth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, just under five weeks away, Saturday, May 11th. Thanks to everyone who’s registered so far to help make sure it’s a big, fun day of selling and shopping, finding new treasures and meeting neighbors you never knew you had – sales all over the peninsula, usually more than 200, from Admiral to The Arroyos, Pigeon Point to Highland Park, and sometimes beyond! If you have signed up, please be sure you have a receipt from PayPal as well as the confirmation from us – our records so far show a few people have made it through the first part of the process but not the rest of the way – e-mail if you’re not sure. Ready to sign up? Here’s the link!

If you want to participate but don’t have room for a sale or just don’t have that much stuff, the two traditional group sites (both WSB sponsors) are doing it again. The courtyard/parking lot area between Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) and Ginomai art center is open for registration, reports Hotwire’s Lora Swift – e-mail her at to reserve a free space! Lora will then follow up as the date gets closer with a PDF map of the courtyard/lot showing where you’ll be. Meantime, C & P Coffee Company also is participating again – we don’t have details of their signup process yet, but we’d suggest inquiring at the shop. Whether you’ll be selling or shopping (or both), watch for updates on the official website and the official Facebook page., as well as here on WSB.

40 sales so far for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgSaturday, May 11, is the day this year that buying, selling, browsing, and mingling will be the order of the day for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013 – the ninth annual edition! It’s a fun tradition and we are glad to be coordinating/presenting it again this year; a community-building West Seattle nonprofit called Megawatt launched it in 2005, and when they shut down a few years later, we asked if WSB could take over and keep it going – this is our sixth one (already!). Anyway, you can register an individual sale, a block sale, or a business/organization/school (etc.) sale, by going here. This is the third full day of registration, which will be open for a couple more weeks – we don’t want anybody to miss out – and we’re off to the fastest start yet, with 40 sales signed up so far. We’ll continue sharing periodic updates here, but the major info links for WSCGSD are the official website and the official Facebook page.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013: Now registering!

April 3, 2013 9:22 am
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgSo much news in the past 36 hours, we haven’t had a chance to mention here on WSB that registration is officially open for the 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 11th. So – in case you didn’t catch the announcement on the WSCGSD website, you are hereby notified! This is our sixth year as coordinators/presenters of what we call the biggest person-to-person-recycling day of the year – hundreds of sales big and small all over the peninsula (20 are registered already). Ready to commit to a May 11th sale, the day we invite garage/yard/rummage-sale fans from all over the region to join us here in the most beautiful corner of the city? Here’s where to sign up. P.S. If you use Facebook, please consider “liking” the official WSCGSD page, which is (among other things) where you can directly share more information about your sale once the big day gets closer!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013: Signups in 5 days

March 27, 2013 8:53 am
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Saturday, May 11th is the ninth annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – one day, hundreds of sales around the peninsula, fun times meeting neighbors and new friends and engaging in the timeless practice of person-to-person recycling (for a modest price). In case you missed the earlier announcements, registration will open next Monday, April 1st – some people like to sign up early and commit themselves to that first big garage/yard sale of spring. Never too soon to start sorting your stuff for your sale if you’re planning one – then, watch our channels Monday for the announcement that we’re ready to start registration: the official WSCGSD website, the WSCGSD Facebook page, the WSB FB page, the WSB Twitter feed, and of course, here!

Eight weeks till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2013

March 16, 2013 2:30 pm
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Eight weeks from today – on Saturday, May 11th – it’s the ninth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated/presented again this year by WSB. Whether you’ll be selling or shopping, it’s always a great day to meet your neighbors and engage in what we like to think of as person-to-person recycling – not one big sale, but hundreds of sales all over the peninsula, big, small, and inbetween (you can browse past years’ coverage at to see the highlights). Registration is NOT open yet – we plan to start on April 1st, and we’ll announce it here as well as in our other channels – the official WSCGSD website, the WSCGSD Facebook page (as well as the WSB FB page), and the WSB Twitter feed.. Don’t worry about missing your chance to register your sale, because we keep registration open for a couple weeks to make sure everybody gets the word. Sale day, again, is Saturday, May 11th, 9 am-3 pm – stay tuned for signup time!

2 months till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: May 11, 2013

Before the day ends, we do want to make note that we are now exactly two months away from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – Saturday, May 11th, 2013. If you’re new to the area and/or WSB, this is not one big sale, but rather one big DAY of sales all over the peninsula, big and small and inbetween. This year marks the ninth annual WSCGSD, the sixth one that WSB will coordinate/present. We’re already starting to get phone calls, but no, registration is not open yet. We expect to accept signups starting Monday, April 1st. What you get for a nominal fee is a spot on the map, an online “ad” (also listed as text in the map packet), and promotion, promotion, promotion – not just to our audiences/collaborators/followers on the Web and social media, but also to hundreds of thousands of others via promotion/advertising that we seek out around the region. So note those two dates: If you are a prospective seller, April 1st, signups begin; whether you are a buyer or a seller, May 11th is the big day, when West Seattle becomes the Garage Sale Capital of Western Washington (if not beyond). Watch for updates not only here but also on the official WSCGSD website, the WSCGSD Facebook page (as well as the WSB FB page), and the WSB Twitter feed.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012, from the road

(Below, Team WSB’s travelogue, with photos and anecdotes, including a few reader contributions, as we hit the road for five hours during WSCGSD.)

The sales have begun! Team WSB has hit the road to visit some of the 245 sales registered for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (see the map here). We passed the sign above on our way out – it’s for sale 212 at 4211 SW Sullivan, not far from WSB HQ. On our way to one of the southernmost sales, the White Center Kiwanis at Greenbridge Plaza, 9800 8th SW, and we’ll head north from there. Send YOUR photos too!

9:29 AM UPDATE: The photo above was shared on Facebook by sale #9, the West Seattle Tool Library at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW. Remember they’re buying tools too (and have rovers on the lookout).

9:40 AM: Our favorite photo so far. At sale #177 on 34th SW just north of Roxbury (a “moving-in sale”) we photographed Philip on the recliner that he’s selling. Just before that, we were over at the aforementioned Greenbridge sale (8th just south of Roxbury) – which is beautifully laid out, from this overview:

We photographed the WC Kiwanis volunteers who are on hand and will publish that photo on partner site White Center Now. Continuing our northbound trek, here’s the only gas-station-site sale we have this year – on the south side of Gasco at 35th/Henderson, by the Southwest Library. Check the vintage bikes!

From there, we’re off to Gatewood and Morgan Junction.

10:06 AM: At 6451 California SW, Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) co-proprietor Jeff Gilbert is selling rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia including KISS alarm clocks and even a KISS electric toothbrush. Get there fast. A few blocks south at California/Othello is sale #224 at the Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s church – where the famous Whiskey Tango Foxtrot table and Frogsquatch are staples at big sales:

There are small finds such as a rabbit billed as doing an imitation of a squirrel:

10:30 AM: A couple photos from the inbox (thanks!) – first, sale #36 at West Seattle High School, courtesy of girls’ basketball coach Sonya Elliott, whose team is having a sale again this year:

If you haven’t been to WSHS, it’s at 3000 California SW. Also from north West Seattle, Scott sent this photo from sale #66, 2103 46th SW, benefit sale with a Daisy Scout Troop and part of the proceeds going to animal advocates:

And at sale #166, 5456 35th SW, there’s a benefit lemonade stand to benefit WestSide Baby and Kitty Harbor – thanks to Brooke for the photo!

We’re in The Junction now; we stopped in Seaview along the way, at sale #240, 4409 SW Raymond, where we found Renée selling her handmade notecards:

Find out more about them at And not far from there, at California/Findlay, one of the two official multiseller sites – C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor):

Next door to C & P, another WSB sponsor, Potter Construction, where proprietor Gary Potter has gone high-tech to track how things are going:

More to come as we keep heading north, and eventually east too.

11:25 AM UPDATE: Just left The Junction, where California/Genesee/42nd/41st is a nexus of big sales:

Galena and Ariana from Delridge Produce Cooperative have a fundraising sale in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard. That’s also where we spotted BJ from Brunette Mix (also a WSB sponsor), not selling but certainly browsing, along with many others:

The sale continues in the Ginomai lot immediately east, on the 42nd/Genesee alley, with West Seattle Christian Church raising money for their wellbuilding project – hot dogs and water bottles for sale:

If you have any trouble finding California/42nd/Genesee, just look for the clown on the California corner, where there’s also an eclectic array of stuff (the clown’s not for sale, though, its owner tells us)

Then if you continue down Genesee a block-plus east, you’ll see the balloons outside the Menashe Family Gymnasium at Seattle Lutheran High School, sale #41 – go inside and you’ll find Tyler and, if it hasn’t sold yet, the recliner:

Lutheran’s also offering free tote bags!

From there, we continued northbound toward Admiral, with a stop along the way – more shortly.

12:04 PM UPDATE: Halfway through already! We’re now back in White Center – not WSCGSD, but rather, checking on West Seattle High School’s big baseball tournament game against O’Dea. Back on the Garage Sale Day road shortly. But first – Olivia’s Consignment south of the Admiral District, sale #68, is donating part of their proceeds to WestSide Baby:

After the sale, Olivia’s will also accept donated items (baby/kid stuff, obviously) to take to WS Baby, if sellers have leftovers. Further north, in Admiral, along 42nd SW, just north of Admiral Way, Muttley Crew Cuts‘ sale is raising money for English Springer Rescue. So of course, there’s an English Springer starring at the sale – 4-year-old Hunter, who needs some hip work:

They’re selling hot dogs at Muttley Crew, too. Another Admiral stop – the Homemade Brigade arts/crafts sale at Freshy’s across California SW from Hiawatha:

Krystal Kelley of Mind Unwind is among the sellers there. After Admiral, en route to our current WC stop, we detoured onto Pigeon Point. Sale #12 is at 3831 22nd SW, with furniture and clothing:

12:34 PM UPDATE: Our WC detour is over. Now we’re checking out Arbor Heights, where one corner on 35th has signs galore:

More to come. Still just a little more than halfway through the day. Stopped right now off Marine View Drive, which might just be West Seattle’s premier view drive (photo taken from passenger seat as we traveled).

1:10 PM UPDATE: Here are our photos from the two sales we visited in the Arbor Heights/Marine View Drive area – Laura at sale 241, 11048 Marine View Place SW, had signs touting a neon sign for sale – but told us it went pretty fast, early in the day. However, a $10 Christmas tree was still available as of our stop:

Next door to Laura’s sale, another lemonade sale – Brandon, Spencer, and Darby were offering their wares to sale visitors, as the temperature keeps rising:

Not far away, at sale 248, 3918 107th SW, we met Barba:

Headed back north now – stopping in Sunrise Heights to check out Café Osita’s collection for Stamp Out Hunger, till 2 pm (35th/Webster). (photo added)

1:30 PM UPDATE: Three-fourths of the way through (already?) … we’re in the High Point area but first, a photo from west Admiral/upper Alki, from sale #77 on SW Campbell Place, which billed itself as the “guys’ sale” … these computers are among the offerings:

2 PM UPDATE: Final hour! Have noticed some sellers posting bargain prices for the last hour via the WSCGSD Facebook page. Also just got word, not part of WSCGSD but something you can do while out and about, the West Seattle High School Class of 2012 is having a benefit car wash at Washington Federal, 4102 California SW. Another benefit – the bratwurst-and-grilled zucchini $5 lunch at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) till 4 pm:

That’s Michele at the grill.

2:27 PM UPDATE: Last half-hour! Have already heard from a couple of happy buyers. Milo‘s mom Sarah says she got a screaming deal on this drum set today.

How about you – if you shopped, anything unusual? If you’re selling, let us know if you’re continuing past 3 or selling again tomorrow.

3:57 PM UPDATE: We should take a moment to say THANK YOU for being part of WSCGSD this year … our fifth as coordinators/organizers, but the 8th annual edition overall. We were so happy to see so many people out and about, and to hear about people meeting more of their neighbors. Anyway, one note: Our official post-sale donation partners at South Park-based Northwest Center remind us that their Big Blue Truck, now at 44th/Edmunds SEVEN days a week, is there late today – till 6:30 pm.

The 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is here!

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgIn neighborhoods all over West Seattle, at homes and schools and businesses, at a church and a P-Patch and even a gas station, 245 sales are on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map – which you’ll find here. Happy shopping/selling! 9 am-3 pm are the official sale hours. We’ll have updates on WSB, but our main coverage will be on the official WSCGSD site and the WSCGSD Facebook page (where some sellers have posted more info and photos of what they’re selling – we also welcome your photos while sales are in progress, whether you’re selling, buying, or just passing by – (P.S. Our updated list of sales benefiting nonprofits is here.) A full preview of everything else happening today/tonight, coming up.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow! The benefits

Out driving around this morning, we saw a sign already up on a pole pointing people to a certain sale # on the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map. Warms our heart. With a few last-last-minute cancellations garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpg(check here to see which ones to scratch off your printed map), we are now at right about 245 sales for tomorrow. Before sale day, we always pull the list of who’s donating at least part of their proceeds:

#8, 9800 8th Avenue SW, just across Roxbury from the south boundary of West Seattle, the White Center Kiwanis’s benefit sale is at Greenbridge Plaza.
#9, 4408 Delridge Way SW, West Seattle Tool Library (northeast side of Youngstown Arts Center), buy, sell, donate tools, and check out the WSTL’s wish list here
#36, 3000 California SW, at West Seattle High School, benefit for the WSHS girls’ basketball team
#39, 4136 Beach Drive SW, benefit sale for American Cancer Society via Relay for Life team
#41, 4100 SW Genesee, at Seattle Lutheran High School, benefit for student athletics
#57, 4426 California SW, at West Seattle Eagles, members donating part of the proceeds to charities of their personal choice
#58, 2753 44th SW, benefit to fight lung cancer through Breathe Deep Seattle 5K
#65, 4736 40th SW, benefit for West Seattle Rainbow Girls
#66, 2103 46th SW, benefit for animal shelter (sale hosted by Daisy Girl Scout Troop)
#68, 3916 California SW, Olivia’s Consignment sale with a portion of proceeds benefiting WestSide Baby
#75, 2326 California SW, at Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor), benefit for West Seattle Helpline
#103, 4200 SW Admiral Way, at Muttley Crew Cuts, benefiting English Springer Rescue
#115, 4142 47th SW, bake sale/fundraiser to fight breast cancer via Susan G. Komen.
#125, 4410 California SW, at group sale site @ Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), you’ll find Delridge Produce Cooperative (with their famous strawberry bags)
#126, 4030 55th SW, Amethyst Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
#140, 3618 SW Alaska, at American Legion Post 160, benefiting the West Seattle Grand Parade
#157, 3526 SW Rose, with part of the proceeds benefiting the Greater Northwest Chapter of the National MS Society.
#166. 35th/Findlay, lemonade stand to support WestSide Baby and Kitty Harbor.
#168: 5400-5600 block 31st and 30th, benefit block sale, families donating percentage to the charities of their choice
#173, 5612 California SW, benefit sale at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor) group site, for DetermiNation team in Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, benefiting American Cancer Society.
#181, 5931 47th SW, group yard sale to benefit Foolscap
#182, 6308 41st SW, all sales benefit American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
#188, 8436 Fauntleroy Way SW, benefits Delta Kappa Gamma (women educators), for scholarship fund.
#189, 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, Lincoln Park P-Patch.
#197, 5240 49th SW, benefit sale for world peace.
#232, 6309 Beach Drive SW, benefits Friends of Youth, La Leche League.
#236, 7571 46th SW, multifamily sale benefiting the West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival.

Anyone on the map who’s donating proceeds but didn’t mention it in your listing? Let us know and we’ll add you to the list.

Meantime, if you haven’t already, get your maps here – then, if you’re not selling, be out shopping 9 am-3 pm tomorrow. We’ll post in-progress updates as they happen; you can also join the pre-sale discussion on the WSCGSD Facebook page, including more on who has what.

Boatloads of bargains at West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day

OK, we can’t guarantee it’s a bargain – perhaps in the garage-sale tradition, they’ll negotiate – but it IS a boat and it’s one of the most unusual items listed for sale in the short “ads” that accompany the map for this Saturday’s 245+-sale West Seattle Community Garage Sale DayNicholas, sale #194 at 4036 SW Henderson in Fauntleroy, e-mailed the photo, writing, ‘Among the interesting items left behind by the former owners of our house was this model of a Chris Craft(?) boat. It’s all hand-crafted from wood and probably dates from the 1950s or 1960s.” Other sellers have been posting photos of slightly less unusual items on the WSCGSD Facebook page; check the page, check the maps (find the clickable/zoomable and printable versions both here), and if you’re not among the sellers, get ready for a shop-a-thon all over the peninsula 9 am-3 pm Saturday. Keep tabs on that page and/or the official WSCGSD website ( tomorrow and Saturday, for map pages, special announcements, you just never know. The weather still looks GREAT!

WS Community Garage Sale Day notes, with 4 days to go

May 8, 2012 12:11 pm
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A few notes as this Saturday’s 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (245+ sales, 9 am-3 pm, all over the peninsula!) gets closer …

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgPREPRINTED MAPS: If you absolutely have no access to a printer to print your own copy of the “printable” map (linked on this WSB page, right above the clickable/zoomable “online” map), we have made a limited number of copies and dropped handfuls off at three local coffeehouses: Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW), C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW and, like Hotwire, a WSB sponsor), and Bird on a Wire Espresso (SW Henderson just steps west of 35th SW). Hotwire (#125 on the map) and C & P (#183 on the map), remember, both are “group sites” for individual sellers who didn’t have enough space or merchandise for their own standalone sites, so you’ll want to visit them on Saturday, and while there’s no sale at The Bird, Saturday includes a sale at the Gasco station site right across 35th (#175 on the map)!

SNEAK PEEKS, AND WHO’S LOOKING FOR WHAT: With sale day so close, we’ve invited sellers to post more info/photos, if interested, on the WSCGSD Facebook page, and shoppers are also invited to post there if they’re looking for something specific. (For example, the West Seattle Tool Library plans another tool shopping spree that day, and its wish list is on its website, if you are selling any of those items or know someone who is.) The WSCGSD Facebook page is also where we’ll post any news of last-minute cancellations or other changes – you will find those on the WSCGSD page here on WSB, too, but if you use FB, that’s the one and only place devoted ONLY to the big day.

BENEFIT SALES: Browse the 7 pages of listings in the “printable” map version and you’ll see more than a few marked BENEFIT SALE – big sales benefiting community events, schools, youth groups, service clubs, health research, a church, an animal-rescue group, a P-Patch, and more. We expect to publish a few breakout lists over the next few days before sale day.

‘STAMP OUT HUNGER’ DONATIONS: And please remember, whether you’re a shopper or a seller (or doing something else on Saturday, for that matter), please consider donating to Stamp Out Hunger, postal carriers’ annual nationwide door-to-door food drive – leave a bag of nonperishable food by your mailbox or door (if that’s where your deliveries come) before you head out on Saturday morning – it’s an easy way to help in the fight against hunger.

See West Seattle’s newest ‘dog park’ during Community Garage Sale Day

(Photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
It’s the newest one, and the smallest one. A little patch of grass by a utility pole outside the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction is there for the convenience of passers-by and their pooches. It’s also one of two new features you can admire during the SEVENTY-DEGREE SUNSHINE! expected for Saturday’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with The Feedback among the participants, putting on a Rock ‘n’ Roll Garage Sale (read more on their website) – they’ve also spruced up the spot where a tree came down last year:

Feedback general manager Bradi Jones dubbed it the “Sound Garden” in her note to us this afternoon, explaining, “Gia Griffitts [pictured], Tim Jones, and I just got done with revamping the front patch where the tree (s) had been, in front of the bar! We made it all nice and fresh! AND Rockin’! Of course!” Go have a look on Saturday while visiting what is Sale #210 on the official WSCGSD maps, now both available via this page here on WSB (including the printable 12-page PDF with the full listing of sales; also check out the WSCGSD Facebook page, where we are publishing updates and where sellers are invited to post more info and photos before Saturday, while buyers are invited to post if there’s anything special they’re looking for).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012 countdown! 6 days

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgYes, we know the extended forecast is tough to rely on this far out, BUT we have to say we’re excited that the projection is for SUNSHINE next Saturday – the 8th annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, with 245+ sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula! Have you seen the map yet? It has its own page here on WSB again this year – note the tab (with purple text) at the top right of WSB pages. The online version – with a right-side list of addresses, each of which you can click to go to that specific sale and find out more (via an info-bubble) – is there now. The printable version, with all 245+ listings plus numbered map sections, will be linked from that page (among other places) once it’s ready to go. Whether you’re a seller or a shopper, thanks in advance for joining in the person-to-person-recycling, meet-your-neighbors, explore-West-Seattle fun, next Saturday! And keep an eye on the WSCGSD Facebook page, where sellers are welcome to post photos/more info about their sales – we suggest using the sale #, now that it’s available via the online map (numbers will be the same on the printable version), to make sure everybody knows WHICH sale you’re showcasing.

5:40 PM UPDATE: The printable map is available now too – get it here, or any time from the aforementioned page on which you’ll also find the online map.

1 week till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2012! Maps available later today

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgNow that it’s Saturday … we are officially one week away from the 8th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – 9 am-3 pm next Saturday, May 12th! As promised, the maps showing all 245+ sales – clickable online version and printable/downloadable PDF version – will be available today, and as usual, it’s down to the wire for us completing them, doublechecking them, etc. Just wanted to get a mention here in case you are a seller or shopper eagerly anticipating next Saturday – a few sellers have stumbled into PREVIOUS YEARS’ maps out there in the archives and mistakenly thought they had been left off the map – no, the 2012 maps are NOT online as of this early-early-am writing. We’ll announce it here in our 5 official channels (here,, the WSCGSD Facebook page, the WSB Facebook page, and the WSB Twitter feed) when they are. Thank you!