Community Garage Sale Day 398 results

Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 9 days!

9 days till the sixth annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – coming up Saturday, May 8, 9 am-3 pm, all over the peninsula.. We are deep in the throes of mapmaking right now – we start with a Google Map before converting the data into the printed, numbered map, and what you see at left is a screengrab of the peninsula with “only” two-thirds of the sales entered so far – there’s no question, we’re past 200 sales. If you missed out on the three-week registration period (which closed last Thursday), we heard tonight that there are still a few spots at the group-sale site at Highland Park Improvement Club (e-mail to inquire) – also you can check with Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) if there’s any room in the Hotwire courtyard/Ginomai parking lot multi-seller site, or at C & P Coffee. If you add all the people participating there to the total, plus the multi-family/group sales, there are at least 400 people selling! Lots of nonprofit fundraisers too – including West Seattle High School Grad Night, Chief Sealth High School PTSA, Lincoln Park P-Patch, CoolMom, Hope Lutheran mission trip, West Seattle Christian well-building trip, West Seattle Relay for Life, Alki and Lincoln Park Co-op Preschools, Amigos de los Americas, Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, Boy Scout Troop 284, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, and then there’s the West Seattle Tool Library – accepting donations, and sending “scavenger teams” out to buy tools, instead of selling. The West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map will be available online by Saturday night; we’ll have a limited number of printed copies for pickup at various locations, hopefully also by Saturday but it depends on how fast we finish it! Meantime, the most important thing to do is to mark your calendar and plan on a fun day. (Note to sellers: Thursday’s the last day we can take you off the map if you have to cancel – e-mail or call 206-293-6302.)

2 weeks till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 200 sales!

We’ve tallied up the signups for the sixth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up in two weeks – Saturday, May 8, 9 am-3 pm – and it’s another record: 200 sales, even though we didn’t offer postal-mail signups this year. On WSCGSD, you’ll find the sales all over the peninsula, on the map that we’ll have available for download (and a limited number of preprinted hard copies, pickup locations TBA) next Saturday – from individual sales, to organizations, to entire blocks, plus locations with multiple participants (Hotwire Coffee [WSB sponsor], C & P Coffee, Highland Park Improvement Club). The soon-to-open West Seattle Tool Library is participating too – but instead of selling, they’ll be accepting tool donations at 4 locations scattered around West Seattle, and also sending teams out on a Tool Library Scavenger Hunt to find and buy tools at participating sales. We’re organizing the list now as we start making the map, and we’re seeing a variety of block and business sales too – some of the many highlights include a block sale at what participants describe as “the neighborhood squished between the West Seattle Bridge and Avalon Way.” We’ll be highlighting many more in our nightly updates between now and sale day – meantime, one thing you can do to help is to make sure your co-workers, friends, relatives, anybody interested OUTSIDE West Seattle knows about the big day too – we’re advertising in regional publications and sending announcements, but nothing beats word of mouth, and you probably know garage-sale lovers who’d be excited to spend the day in shoppers’ paradise. When we finish the official poster in a day or two we’ll post a link here too so you can print one out for posting at work etc. if you can. Thanks! Keep an eye on WSB, as well as and the WSCGSD Facebook page, for updates.

Last day to sign up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 22, 2010 11:04 am
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgAlmost 160 sales are now registered for the 6th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up Saturday, May 8th – not one big sale, but many sales, all sizes, all over the peninsula. Final reminders:

*Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) still has a few courtyard spots as of last time we checked, if you don’t have room for your own sale – you can sign up @ Hotwire (free)

*C & P Coffee also is offering space for individual sellers (free) – check directly at the shop

*(added) Highland Park Improvement Club is having a group sale, but charging $20 as an HPIC fundraiser – e-mail

*If you’re not selling but want to help another local nonprofit, CoolMom is collecting donated items that they will use in their sale at Cycle University (4550 Fauntleroy) up through Friday 5/7, the day before Sale Day. Here’s their flyer about the donations and sale.

We’re advertising/promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day regionally so that people from around the Sound know this is the place to be to shop on Saturday, May 8th. Want to be part of it? Register and pay online by 11:59 pm tonight, starting here. We expect to have the map available a week in advance – look for details on that shortly.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day signups: Deadline nears

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgAs of this morning, we’ve passed 120 sales registered for the sixth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up Saturday, May 8th – not one big sale, but a multitude of sales big AND small, all over the peninsula. It’s the third year that WSB has sponsored/coordinated the sale, and we’ll start making The Map as soon as registration closes late Thursday night (it’ll be available May 1st). A few notes:

*Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) still has a few courtyard spots, if you don’t want to sell at your own place (or don’t have enough room) – you can sign up @ Hotwire (free)

*C & P Coffee also is offering space for individual sellers (free) – we’re checking on their status but you can contact them in the meantime

*(added) Highland Park Improvement Club is offering space too, but charging $20 as an HPIC fundraiser – e-mail

*If you have stuff you don’t want to sell but would like to donate to one of the nonprofits that’s participating, we know of at least one: CoolMom is collecting donated items at Cycle University (4550 Fauntleroy; that’s where their sale will be) up through Friday 5/7, the day before Sale Day. CM executive director Terri Glaberson says, “Folks can drop off their loot at Cycle University and place inside the Blue large storage container, which is located on the East side of Cycle University, Fauntleroy side. Here’s their flyer about the donations and sale.

As usual, we’re promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day regionally so that sale-shopping fans know they’re also welcome to come to the peninsula that for one day becomes a garage-saler’s paradise – the ultimate in person-to-person recycling. Want to be part of it? Register and pay online by 11:59 pm Thursday (4/22), starting here. (The form server’s been running a little slow this morning; we appreciate your patience.) Any questions? E-mail our special WSCGSD mailbox, or call our 24/7 business line, 206-293-6302.

Sale season! St. John’s tomorrow; 1 week for WSCGSD signups

April 15, 2010 9:29 pm
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Need gardening supplies, now that the weather’s getting really nice? That’s just some of what you’ll find at the big St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church rummage sale, starting tomorrow. This is a four-day sale – tomorrow and Saturday, then again the following Friday and Saturday (April 23-24), 9 am-3 pm each day, in the parish hall. Church volunteers have been working tirelessly for days to get everything organized. St. John’s is next door to West Seattle High School (map).

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgThat gives us another excuse to mention that the 6th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is a little more than three weeks away – 9 am-3 pm, Saturday, May 8th. It’s the third year with WSB sponsoring/coordinating the event, and the cool part about it is that WSCGSD is what YOU make of it – as many sales, big and small, around the peninsula, as West Seattleites decide to have! We collect the info and a small fee (depends on whether it’s an individual, group or block sale) to cover mapmaking and promotion – and do our best to tell the world, so that our area is full of happy shoppers and sellers on sale day (and hopefully lots of visitors also stopping for food and beverages in West Seattle’s many fine venues, etc.). Registration runs one more week – we’re shutting it down as of next Thursday night so we can make the map and have it ready for distribution (online and hard copy) a week in advance. You can sign up your sale by going here.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Registration, day 7

April 7, 2010 12:30 pm
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgThanks, garage-sale fans! We now have almost 50 sales on the list for the 6th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented/coordinated by WSB, coming up Saturday, May 8, 9 am-3 pm,. If you’re new to this – it’s not one big sale, but instead MANY (close to 200 last year) sales big and small, all over the peninsula. Registration continues till April 22 (then we start mapmaking). Two sites have spaces if you don’t have somewhere to sell your stuff: There’s room for 20 in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard (but hurry! here’s the flyer). Also, C & P Coffee is a group space again this year. If you plan to sell in one of those spots but still want your own “ad” – up to 10 words about your sale – on the map, please register and pay as an individual, noting the group site as your sale address (each of those locations will otherwise simply be on the map as “site with multiple sellers”). Ready to register and be part of a fun day of shopping/selling all over West Seattle? Here’s the form; any questions, e-mail

Update: West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day signups, day 4

April 4, 2010 4:57 pm
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garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpg30 sales — from North Admiral to White Center – are on the list so far for the 6th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up Saturday, May 8, 9 am-3 pm, all over the peninsula – not one big sale, but a multitude (close to 200 last year) of sales big and small, transforming West Seattle into a garage-saler’s parade for the day. Registration opened Thursday and continues till April 22, when we start building The Big Map. If you want to sell a few things but don’t have space at your own place for a sale, both Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) and C & P Coffee are stepping up to offer space again this year – check in with Hotwire or C&P if you’re interested in reserving space there. If you plan to do that, but still want your own “ad” – up to 10 words about your sale – on the map, please register as an individual, noting the group site as your sale address (otherwise, each of those locations will simply be on the map as “site with multiple sellers”). Ready to sign up? Here’s the form; any questions, e-mail

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2010 registration starts!

April 1, 2010 11:09 am
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 |   Community Garage Sale Day

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgAs of right now, registration is open for the 6th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (our third year of coordinating the event), 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 8, 2010. Here’s the form to register online. If you haven’t heard about it before – this is NOT one big sale, but rather, one day with many sales all over West Seattle, big and small (last year set a record with more than 180). There’s a registration fee to cover coordination costs including putting all the sales on two types of maps, printing and distributing copies, and promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day around the region – same fees for a third consecutive year. If you don’t have a good place to sell your stuff, but still want to participate, get in touch with Lora @ Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) – again this year, she plans to open the Hotwire courtyard as a group-sale spot (and if anyone else is interested in doing that, please contact us to coordinate – Registration will be open for 3 weeks – today through 11:59 pm April 22 – but whether you’re selling or not, mark your calendar, set an alert, whatever it takes, for BIG garage-saling on May 8.

P.S. Along with periodic updates here on WSB and in our regular Facebook and Twitter channels, we also have a separate WSCGSD site – you can browse it to see highlights from the past two years’ sales, if you want to get a feel for what it’s like – and a Facebook fan page (join here). And if you’re having a garage sale before or after WSCGSD, remember you can list it for free in the WSB Forums‘ Freebies/Deals/Sales/etc. section.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Signups start Thursday

Just a quick note to say that we will open registration for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day at 8 am this Thursday, and it’ll be open for three weeks, till April 22nd. The big day is Saturday, May 8, second Saturday in May as usual, 9 am-3 pm – if you haven’t heard about this before, it’s one day with individual, group, organization sales all over the peninsula – last year we set a record with almost 200! The event was founded in the mid-’00s by a nonprofit called Megawatt; when they disbanded, they looked for someone to take over their most successful creations – we took on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, and Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association took on Gathering of Neighbors (which is set for November this year). Stand by for full details about WSCGSD registration – just wanted to let you know Thursday’s Day 1. (A few eager garage-salers have already tried to sign up through last year’s form – please don’t, we’ll have a brand-new one Thursday. Thanks!)

2 months till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

Exactly two months from today, it’s the 6th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – the third year that the event, created by gone-but-not-forgotten Megawatt, has been coordinated/presented by us here at WSB. As in previous years, it’s the second Saturday in May, and will run from 9 am-3 pm – so that means May 8, 2010, is the big day this year. We’re not planning any big changes – as in years past, it’s a day for garage/yard/group sales all over the peninsula – it gets bigger every year, and we had almost 200 last year! We will open registration about a month ahead of time, so look for that in early April; you can “fan” the WSCGSD page on Facebook to track things there, and also we’ll once again be updating the separate site at (you can go there to browse back through the archive of photos/info from the past two years). Between now and then, a few other garage sale notes:

*You can list a West Seattle or White Center sale FREE any time in the WSB Forums’ Freebies/Deals/Sales (etc.) section

*Two big two-day annual church rummage sales are coming up in West Seattle this Friday and Saturday – Tibbetts United Methodist Church (9-4 Friday, 9-3 Saturday) and West Side Presbyterian Church (9-5 Friday, 9-2 Saturday)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2009, the wrapup

Hours after the selling stopped at the recordsetting 180+ sale sites in the fifth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, the photos were still rolling in – from Sale #61, Rachel sent that photo of her fiance’ “the human sign” – below, from Sale #88, Janna and Julie‘s sale, we got a photo and the report that “Everyone had so much fun!”

And for some with leftovers, it was off to the Junction dropoff spot for Northwest Center and its “big blue trucks” — we spotted these two, and a third out of view, late in the afternoon:

Another option for leftovers – Nancy Woodland from WestSide Baby sent a request during sale day – which you might be able to help with, even if you were NOT a seller – read it here.

Later, there were the reviews — raves via Facebook and Twitter (see the mentions here). Even people who weren’t planning on being part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day found themselves pulled in, like Victoria, who wrote on FB:

I heard about this for weeks, but was not planning on selling or buying, until we started driving through the hood. Three hours later, we had a bunch of new (to us) books, lawn chair and dump truck. A very fun diversion.

Here are the links to WSB as-it-happened WSCGSD coverage:
Update #1 (7:59 am through 9:25 am)
Update #2 (9:26 am through 10:47 am)
Update #3 (10:48 am through 12:41 pm)
Update #4 (12:42 pm through 3 pm)

On the official WSCGSD site,, we featured individual sales, photo by photo, some we took, some sellers sent. Just go to the site and scroll down to see the pix.

And a few people sent us “found item” notes afterward – we’ve posted them in the WSB Forums in their entirety — if you are missing keys, read this; if you are missing a box with money and children’s sunglasses, read this.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009This was our second year as official coordinators of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, which was created by Megawatt, a community-connection nonprofit; when Megawatt announced in late 2007 that it was disbanding, we asked its leadership if they would consider turning WSCGSD over to us, and to our surprise and delight, they did. We have made a few logistical tweaks in those two years and are interested in your thoughts about anything more for next year – one thing we realized too late, we need to set up a place for prospective sellers and buyers to communicate before sale day – we did suggest fairly late in the game that sellers could come to the WSB Forums and post extra sale info, but that was sort of a stopgap measure. This year, with Twitter and Facebook in the mainstream, we used both – the former more than the latter – to communicate during-the-day sale info (scroll down to read our during-sale “tweets”); what would be helpful next year?

Last but not least, last call for the contests – Deadline to send in your photos ( is 3 pm Monday – most creative sign, most unusual item bought, most unusual item sold. Each category has a gift certificate prize! Be sure you indicate the sale address, so we know it was related to an official WSCGSD event, and of course include your contact info. We’ll announce winners by Tuesday morning.

Mark your calendar for the 6th annual WSCGSD next year – the second Saturday will be May 8, 2010!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – update #4

That’s Sale #68 – Hope Lutheran Youth New Orleans Mission Trip – 4456 42nd SW – close to all the other Junction sales – they’re raising money to go help with the ongoing rebuilding effort. Another group of people raising money so they can travel to make a difference, Amigos de las Americas – Sale #33 – Amigos de las Americas – 3010 37th SW – this writer explains what the sale is all about, noting that his daughter is traveling to Honduras with the group:

Plus, sellers’ pix keep coming in, like this one:

That photo arrived from David with this explanation:

Tons gone with the morning rush. But we have a new arrival- 7 brand
new snowboards and gear. Boards are $150 obo, pants $10

Plus, electronics, furniture and more!

Use our back alley entrance off SW Walker/California Ave.

House # is 2116 Ferry Ave SW but sale located in back alley

Still some other spots we haven’t made it to in north West Seattle yet, like WSB sponsors Click! Design That Fits – heading out shortly!

1:18 PM UPDATE: Just visited Sale #170 – International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, 9206 30th Avenue SW – got some Rainbow Girls and their adult sidekicks to stop for a second and pose (they say the sale’s going “really well” – they have a bake sale too):

This is very close to Roxhill Elementary, which has a sale going inside the cafeteria – caught a glimpse as we passed but couldn’t get a pic from the street. Off now to Admiral and Alki. Oh, but first, just got a photo from Sale #126 – 6526 49th SW, where Kelly says they’ve got lots of great deals to be had, including “super baby stuff,” and sent a photo:

More to come! Sale continues till 3, all over the peninsula …

2:02 PM: Just visited WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits – which we caught during the only real lull of the day, Click! co-proprietor John Smersh told us … some deals half off!

Click! is open till 5 today, if you’re looking for a last minute gift for Mom, perhaps … Now on to Alki, where the weather is mega-warm, parking is tough to find, and this incredibly beautiful day continues. Passed several sales along the way and saw shoppers everywhere!

2:15 PM UPDATE: Just drove by the Log House Museum‘s sale, #18 on the map, 61st/Stevens. Good foot traffic, but parking’s a challenge, so we shot a photo as we passed – that’s the reflection of our laptop in the passenger-side window:

35 minutes to go … and remember some sales are continuing past 3 …

2:40 PM UPDATE: And on the other hand, some ended earlier: Just passed the 2200 block of 44th SW, where there’s a sign reading GARAGE SALE SOLD OUT – THANKS!

2:48 PM UPDATE: Dropping by the Hotwire courtyard, site of the biggest group sale, to see how the day is wrapping up, and to grab a drink. Couple photos here in the final moments:

Hope everyone had a great time, whether you were selling or shopping. We’ll post more wrapups later. Pix still welcome – and if you write about this on a personal website and want to send the link, we’ll be looking for those too – also remember the contest entries, most creative sign, most unusual item bought, most unusual item sold, send a photo and the sale address where it’s from, plus your contact info, – ASAP (we’re looking up the deadline we set last year).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – report #3

That’s one of the busiest sales we’ve been to so far – the Lincoln Park Co-Op Preschool sale (dozens of families participating; gee, that was Junior Member of the Team’s very first school!) at Seaview Methodist Church, #119 – 4620 SW Graham. Alki Co-Op Preschool is also having a multi-family sale, #31 on the map, 3035 38th SW. And back in The Junction, more pix starting with WSB sponsor Brunette Mix, sale #72 (SW Oregon just west of California in The Junction, north of the main WaMu/Chase branch), where we found a couple of cool custom purses, among other items:

11:02 AM UPDATE: Back from more sites. The Lincoln Park P-Patch crew has a great sale going – sale #139, official address 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW – it’s a little bit off the beaten path – the garden is behind the Lincoln Park Annex tennis courts, which are on Fauntleroy across from the 76 station:

And West Seattle High School Grad Night Committee not only has a sale going — it’s #27 on the map and it’s at the school, 3000 California SW — but also a car wash:

Another group site in addition to Hotwire/Ginomai is Sale #107 – C & P Coffee, 5612 California SW – where we caught a quick pic while out running around:

Multiple sellers here. If you’re just joining us, the sales continue till 3 pm (although a few have chosen to run longer, like Alki Lodge #152 [WSB sponsor], 4736 40th SW in The Junction, going till 4 pm). And everyone’s welcome to send a pic – just got one from Sale #95 – 5204-D Delridge Way SW, only foosball table we’ve seen so far:

Thanks to Ryan for the photo. We’ve also received a photo from Hillary – Sale #176 – 9822 42nd Ave SW – who had noted in the ad verbiage, they’ve moved from back East with too much stuff!

12:16 PM: If you haven’t been to the Hotwire courtyard yet (4410 California SW in The Junction), ArtsWest is among the sellers, with costumes among other items – Hotwire’s Lora sent this photo:

Haven’t been out shopping yet? Still time … the map’s here … so many sales that they can’t ALL be sold out yet … We’ll be launching Update #4 here shortly, and again, we’re updating in sale-by-sale bursts at … some of today’s sellers also have posted extra info about their sales in the Freebies, Deals, Sales section of the WSB Forums (where you can post your future yard sale FREE, any time, as long as it’s in West Seattle/White Center).

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2009, report #2

May 9, 2009 9:26 am
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(above photo, Hotwire courtyard, courtesy Lora Lewis)

Service groups and other nonprofits have a big presence on The Map (get it here) today, as well as schools, churches, etc. Above – just a small section of what you’ll find at Alki Lodge #152, sale #81, 4736 40th SW, which sponsored WSB this past week to get the word out about The Sale (same location has the Westside Unitarian Universalists, whose mascot was shown in our first update) – they’re selling later than the official end time – find them there till 4 pm. And the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle (sale #108, 5637 42nd SW) has a big sale today too:

More pictures and updates to come – remember to send us yours, (or if you already have an address for us in your phone or computer, we’re monitoring them all).

9:31 AM: Just received this request to shoppers and sellers, from WestSide Baby, which helps families in need, all over West Seattle, White Center and vicinity:
Just received this:

Request to WestSide Baby Supporters and Garage Sale People

As you are shopping or closing up shop at the end of the day today, please help us fill the need.
We are desperate to fill our shelves for clothing items in the following sizes:
Boys. Sizes 4 to 8
Girls Sizes. 4, 5, 7, 8

We also need the following equipment:

Carseats that are less than 6 years old
Highchairs with straps
Bouncy seats
Strollers, especially doubles
Portable Cribs

We would be thrilled to have them on Monday at 10032. 15th Ave SW in white center.

9:35 AM: Just got a photo from Sale #121 – 6043 Fauntleroy Way SW:

9:45 AM: From Sale #117 – Chief Sealth PTSA: 5950 Delridge Way SW – where we seem to recall word of a bake sale, hot dogs, all sorts of additions beyond “just” the big sale itself, which is a fundraiser for a student trip to Japan:

9:59 AM: Hour #2 just beginning! Added a photo at the top of the post, from Lora @ Hotwire, where the courtyard sale is buzzing.

10:23 AM UPDATE: From Sale #149 – 8107 37th Ave SW – a “most unusual item” entrant, a $10,000 van:

Keep the pix coming – our roving photojournalist will be back with more too! (And we’re starting update #3 now … remember, sales are also being spotlighted individually at – where you also can get the map if you haven’t procured one yet, the sales continue till 3 pm!)

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update #1

May 9, 2009 7:59 am
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(That’s Frogsquatch, mascot of the Westside Unitarian Universalists’ sale, same site as Alki Lodge #152’s sale)
Sun! Shopping! Selling! First pix shortly. Don’t have your map yet? Go here. Updates here on WSB will be interspersed with other news; at, it’ll be All Garage Sale Day, All The Time. We’ll also be sending updates on Twitter (@westseattleblog) and Facebook. Have fun! And send pix if you can (cameraphone pix are GREAT too) – or any of our other addresses.

8:23 AM UPDATE: Adding the first photos and video. Here’s video of setup at the Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) courtyard, where dozens of people are tabling instead of having individual sales (the courtyard at C&P Coffee is another such site):

8:42 AM: Sale #51, 3831 44th SW, just sent this photo:

And here’s Sale #83’s entry into the sign contest (with three other variations):

8:59 AM:
Sale #152 is one of the southernmost sales – 11027 36th SW:

We were there around quarter till 9 and the first potential buyers (hey! we said no early birds!) were pulling up already. We’ll be starting another update here on WSB shortly – continuous updates on – gotta mention a few other things that are happening today.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, now hours away

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009First: Please remember to put out your donation bag for Stamp Out Hunger before you head out to shop or sell. Both local food banks have been pushed to the limit, and then some, in recent months – and whatever you leave out for your letter carrier to pick up tomorrow will go directly to people in need. Now, on to sale notes: We have been busily promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day far and wide, with ads (paid as well as freebies) around the metro area, events calendar listings, news releases, Twitter and Facebook updates … plus of course posters around West Seattle … and it’s great to see that even the weather is cooperating. Now, nothing left to do but sell/shop – and, for us, cover the event! We’ll be out and about starting at 7 am, when Alki Lodge #152 (WSB sponsor) is kicking off its early sale … not far from there, we’ll be taking an early look at setup at Hotwire/Ginomai, where dozens of people have signed up for space in the courtyard … and we’ll continue to post photos and updates throughout the day. Most of the coverage will be at, but we’ll have updates here too, as well as on Twitter and Facebook. We promised another mention of the business, school, church, nonprofit participants — here’s that list:
SCHOOLSAlki Co-op Preschool, Bella Mente, Chief Sealth PTSA, Lincoln Park Co-op Preschool, Roxhill Elementary, West Seattle High School Grad Night Committee

NONPROFITS/SERVICE GROUPSAmigos de las Americas – Seattle Chapter, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls-West Seattle Assembly #18, Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, Liberty Tree, Lincoln Park P-Patch, Seattle Glee Clubs, Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Log House Museum, Southwest Youth and Family Services

CHURCHES: Grace Church, Hope Lutheran Youth New Orleans Mission Trip, Seaview Methodist, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation

BUSINESSES: Brunette Mix (WSB sponsor), C and P Coffee (courtyard group sale), CF West Seattle, Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), Freshy’s Coffee, Hotwire courtyard group sale (plus Ginomai lot), Muttley Crew Cuts and English Springer Rescue America, Sharon’s Westwood Florist, Shotridge Studios, Riverhouse Creperie

More bright and early … if you haven’t gotten your map yet, follow the “how to get the map” tab at

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day eve: Fab forecast, etc.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009Forecast for tomorrow: Mostly sunny! So — got your map yet for the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day tomorrow, sales 9 am-3 pm all over the peninsula? No worries, here’s how. If you have an early copy of the preprinted map (say, from picking it up at our table at last Sunday’s Sustainable West Seattle Festival), a couple notes – #179 has had to cancel at the last minute; on the first map page, north of SW Brandon, be sure to check out a few sales in the far west and a few in the far east whose number markers may have been cut off on some early versions of the printed copy (the “ad” listings are complete in all versions, however), including #56 in Pigeon Point, #36 and #37 along Beach Drive, #74 (Southwest Youth and Family Services!) and #75 in North Delridge. SWYFS just sent out an e-mail blast and it looks like they’re having a raffle too!

COME ONE, COME ALL — 4555 Delridge WAY SW

Or if you want to start fresh with your WSCGSD map, just print the updated copy here (8-page PDF here). If you want to browse around online and look more closely at your neighborhood and what’s happening, check out the clickable Google Map here. Reminder, besides the short “ad” listings on the map (and if you click a number on the Google Map version, it’ll bring up a “balloon” with that sale’s ad text), we’re also offering sellers the chance to post in the WSB Forums‘ Freebies, Deals, Sales section (where you are welcome to post a yard sale ANY time, free, as the season goes on) with as much info as they want to say about their sales – so far, here’s what we have:
Click! Design That Fits‘ (WSB sponsor) Forum post about the sale
Amigos de las Americas, Seattle Chapter, Forum post about fundraising WSCGSD sale
This sale in Arbor Heights has set up its own website –
Here’s another sale description in the Forums – including cribs!
This one detailed in the Forums has plus-size clothes and computer paraphernalia
Read the map closely, online or in print – some spots are having bake sales and free refreshments too!

Then there’s the big Hotwire/Ginomai group sale spot in The Junction (details here along with block-sale addresses); C&P Coffee has multiple participants in its courtyard too; and Alki Lodge #152 even took out a separate WSB ad to shine the spotlight on its 7 am-4 pm fundraiser sale.

Another shoutout coming up later for the schools and businesses that are participating too – and we’ll pitch again, send us a photo tomorrow – we’ll be running around taking pix but won’t make it to all 183 – and to enter the contests (most creative sign and most unusual item bought/sold), send us pix, info on which sale they’re from, your name/contact info – – We’ll be posting “live” at from morning till post-sale; and if you write about the sale afterward on your personal website and wouldn’t mind being linked here, send us that link too. During the event, we’ll also send little bulletins via Twitter – if you’re out and about shopping, you can subscribe to Twitter via your mobile phone (we’ll do this via @westseattleblog).

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Garage Sale Day, with bells on

May 8, 2009 11:12 am
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Actually the bells have nothing to do with tomorrow’s WSB-sponsored West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day wswllicon3.png(9 am-3 pm, get your map here!), but Bells of the Sound performs in West Seattle tonight, and with West Seattleites in their rank, we thought you’d like to see what they’re all about (this clip’s on the wild side) – 7:30 tonight at Tibbetts Church in The Junction. Meantime, tomorrow’s also the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive (PLEASE put a bag out before you go garage-saling – it’ll be picked up right at your mailbox/door!) and the Gateway cleanup followup – MUCH more going on, totaling more than 40 events in the full West Seattle Weekend Lineup, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:Read More

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day is ALMOST here!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009Day after tomorrow, prepare for the peninsula to be swarmed by shoppers. 9 am to 3 pm this Saturday is the fabulous fifth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. Among the more than 180 sales you’ll find, from Alki Beach almost all the way to Seola Beach, are these alley/block sales (listed here with their official numbers on the map – which you can print from this downloadable 8-page PDF, or view in clickable Google Map format (NOT suitable for printing), where you can click on any number on the map – the order is roughly north to south, west to east – to see more about that sale):

#25 – Block sale: 47th between Stevens and Lander
#55 – Block sale: 4000 & 4100 Block of Fauntleroy Way SW
#83 – Alley sale between 37th/38th, Edmunds/Hudson
#90 – Alley sale: 36th-37th, Dawson to Hudson
#114 – Block sale: 6000 block 45th SW
#130 – Croft Place Townhomes Block Sale – 6701 21st SW
#174 – Block Sale – 9030 17th SW

Sellers are also invited to post extra info in the WSB Forums‘ Freebies/Deals/Sales section (where you are invited to post yard sales free, after this weekend, any time). And if you haven’t received your info/placard packet yet, check tomorrow’s mail – if it doesn’t arrive then, call us and we’ll deliver your placard ourselves. Sellers are invited to enter both the “most unusual item” and “most creative sign” contest; shoppers can enter the “most unusual item” contest too – we have restaurant gift certificates for the winners in both. Stay tuned for more here and at tonight and tomorrow, plus continuous coverage on sale day (we’ll be running around to take pictures but you’re invited to send us a photo of your sale too, even before 9 am as you set up –

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: Updated map, & more

May 6, 2009 12:17 pm
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West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented by WSB, is just three days away. So far (knock wood!) the forecast looks promising (last year we had some morning sprinkles but things improved fast). IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have an early copy of the map – it was called to our attention early today that the first map page, northern half of the peninsula, cut off a few number markers to the far west and the far east. The sales were all described in the listings, but the number markets couldn’t be seen on the first printed version of the map. So we have fixed it – DOWNLOAD THIS ONE (8-page PDF). The fixes only involves the second page of the map. No changes in the clickable (but not very printable unless you decide to make a customized version) Google Map (see it here), since the number markers have all been there all along. Meantime, we have more information to share about the biggest group sale site, the Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor)/Ginomai courtyard, from Hotwire’s Lora Lewis:

We will have stage costumes (ArtsWest) to hand blown glass to locally made tie dye. The Hotwire & Ginomai sales will have lots of fun items for sale:

2 racks of costumes and clothing and some arts and crafts supplies as well as some left over party supplies

Books galore
Arts & crafts supplies
Huge selection of jewelry
Unique yard stuff
Wall accent mirrors
2 brand new IKEA Lersta Floor Reading Lamps
Tie dyes made right here in West Seattle

A variety of leather items rescued, repaired and revamped (bags and coats and purses) a variety of new laptop bags, camera bags and messenger bags.

Vintage fancy lady purses
Handmade leather journals
1000+ cds with a wide spectrum of music

Lots of garage sale-y items too! We will also be taking donations starting at 8am the day of the garage sale for Furry Faces Foundation, a non-profit animal rescue group here in West Seattle. Just bring your donated items to the Furry Faces space right next to Hotwire. You will receive a charitable donation slip and a coupon for a free latte or Americano.

We will also have hot dogs for sale (veggie too) with all the hotdog’ish condiments. All proceeds go to the Africa trip group at WSCC.

More seller info to come – we know everyone’s working hard to get ready – a couple of the mailing lists we monitor are for groups that are participating, even the Lincoln Park P-Patch! If you are a seller, with any size sale, your info packet from us will probably screech into the mailbox right at the wire tomorrow or Friday – if you don’t get it Friday, call us (206-293-6302) and we’ll personally drop off your “official participant” sign card, even if we have to drive around all night! And if there’s any extra info you want to post about YOUR individual sale, we invite you – yes, all 183 participants if you want – to post it in the WSB ForumsFreebies, Deals, Sales section – just make sure your subject line includes WSCGSD and your sale address – anything that turns up there, we’ll crosslink to too.

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: The map’s online!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009Just four days till the big shopping/selling day this Saturday! We handed out the first 200 copies of the map/listings for Saturday’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day at the Sustainable West Seattle Festival on Sunday – but now, even if you didn’t get a copy today, you can get yours: Here’s the printable version, an 8-page PDF, with — same as last year — the map and listings split into 3 sections. Improved from last year, we’ve numbered the sales so you can cross-reference the map and listings. If you ‘d like to see the sales in Google Map format online, you’ll find the G-map version here – it’s not printable, but if you know how to tweak G-maps, you can use this to customize your own itinerary for Saturday, among other possibilities. Meantime, if you or someone you know is printer-less but needs a copy, this morning we will be distributing hundreds more copies to these pickup spots (the first five are WSB sponsors):
Hotwire Coffee
Fauntleroy and West Seattle YMCA
Illusions Hair Design
Stor-More Self-Storage
Brunette Mix
Senior Center of West Seattle
Delridge and WS (Junction) Neighborhood Service Centers
Southwest Community Center
Southwest Library

One week till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

9 am-3 pm next Saturday, May 9th, it’s the fifth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (second year WSB has coordinated it; it was created by a now-defunct nonprofit community group, Megawatt, which organized it the first three years). Mapmaking is in its final throes as we speak – some copies will be available at the WSB table near the main stage at tomorrow’s Sustainable West Seattle Festival, and then it’ll be available online for you to view/print no later than Monday morning) and it looks like the unofficial final count is 183 SALES! Soon as we get that map done, we’ll talk more about the highlights and specifics. Remember there are contests — with prizes! — again this year, for “most unusual item” and “most creative sign,” but you will have to send us your photo(s) afterward to enter ( Help get the word out: Print this poster and tack it up at work, school, telephone pole. We’ve distributed some but the more the merrier!

West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update: 10 days away!

April 29, 2009 7:33 pm
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West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, May 9, 2009In the throes right now of making The Map for the big day (Saturday, May 9) – you can be among the first to get a copy by stopping by the West Seattle Blog table at the Sustainable West Seattle Festival this Sunday in The Junction, 10 am-3 pm in and around the Wells Fargo parking lot north of the Farmers’ Market. The count’s still not final but we know we’ve passed 180 sales, far surpassing last year’s record – and as we go through the listings, we’ve come across some unique items – a car, a treehouse, a “cuddle couch.” We’re promoting WSCGSD citywide and you can help: PLEASE PRINT THIS 11 X 17 POSTER if you can spare the time and paper, and tack it up at your workplace, your church, your kids’ school, anywhere (not just in West Seattle) you can think of. Thanks! And keep an eye on for more-frequent updates (like this one from earlier today).