Coyotes 232 results

West Seattle coyotes: 2 morning sightings

We received two reports of coyote sightings about one hour and three blocks apart on Saturday morning. Karen in Hansen View reports her neighbor saw a “cat and coyote in a staredown” around 8 am at 36th/Dawson; a resident tried to scare the coyote away “but he didn’t seem to be afraid,” so the resident went on to “follow the cat down the street,” and its owners came out to get it. Then around 9 am, about three blocks north of there, Chris in the 4700 block of 37th SW saw a coyote in his backyard. Time to haul out the “coexisting with coyotes” advice from the state – which also reminds us, this is birth season.

West Seattle wildlife: 2 more coyote sightings

Two coyote sightings to share – one somewhat pastoral, one less so. First, from Andrea, out of the WSB inbox this morning:

At 7:40 am I spotted a coyote briefly in our neighborhood. The coyote appeared between two houses just across the street from us and surveyed the scene for about 30-45 seconds before turning around and returning to his/her original spot. We’re near 17th Ave SW & SW Myrtle in the Puget Ridge/Delridge area. It made breakfast much more interesting!

Ahead – Kurt shared the story of a coyote that was having its own breakfast (maybe lunch? dinner?) last week – a bit graphic so it’s after the jump:Read More

West Seattle wildlife: 2 coyote encounters, 1 with photos

Two coyote reports tonight – the first one, with photos, from Jennifer in Fauntlee Hills:

Just wanted to let your readers know to keep small pets and kids indoors tonight!

Two big coyotes were in our backyard around 5:30. They were really aware of us watching them and stayed, watching us in return for a good 5 minutes or so before running off to a neighbor’s.

No photos, but a graphic story from Candice, after the jump:Read More

West Seattle coyotes: 2 ‘healthy’ sighting reports

April 10, 2011 11:30 am
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Two reports in the past day and a half, both ahead:Read More

West Seattle coyotes: First-time sighting shared

Latest coyote-sighting report is from Val:

Thanks to your great coverage, I do know we have coyotes in WSeattle, but this is the first time I’ve seen one here myself. I live at the end of Webster off of Delridge and I got to my patio this morning just in time to see a coyote departing, loping along the property line. Makes me glad my cat’s always been an indoor cat! Just thought I’d pass the sighting along.

Previous sightings shared with us are archived here, newest to oldest (many with photos, even a little video here and there). Along with the usual “coexisting with coyotes” info, we decided to check online to see the latest coyote-related news from, well, anywhere, to see how the rest of the country is dealing with them. Not coexisting-mindedly, it seems; in Texas, there’s legislation for aerial hunting; in Rhode Island, a town is hiring a hunter to kill “rogue” coyotes.

West Seattle coyotes: Seen, and heard, in Delridge

Tonight, from “Wseavirgo“:

thought you might be interested in a coyote sighting this morning on Delridge at the Louisa Boren school. A woman was taking photos of it and it ran across the street in front of my car – had to hit the brakes so I would not hit it. This was at 8:20 this morning, a time when kids are in the area waiting for buses- there were a couple about half a block from where the coyote was.

We’ve been publishing coyote sightings (with photos when available – scroll through the archive) for about four years, by the way, and haven’t had any West Seattle reports of human-coyote problems, though certainly there’s no doubt they eat smaller animals, which is noted in the coexisting-with-coyotes advice to which we often link. Then, there are the audio encounters, like this one Sha’ari shared last week:

All the dogs in the neighborhood went nuts as a coyote sang his high-pitched repetitive barks for about 10 minutes, just ending about a minute ago. Sounded like it was coming from the Longfellow Creek/golf course area. I’m on 25th Ave SW near Alaska. Wish I’d recorded it! First time I’ve heard that in 12 years @ my house.

West Seattle wildlife: ‘So this coyote walks up to a bar…’

Well, the story could have started that way, though Jesse headed the e-mail sent early today “Crazy late-night wildlife” – read on:Read More

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote trio; br-r-r-d; octopus washes up

To close the night, more wildlife photos shared by WSB’ers. First, on the heels – or paws – of Linda‘s coyote closeups, Mike in Gatewood caught three on camera this morning (take a very close look at the second photo). He wrote:

WSB, we love our coyotes. My wife and daughters have been watching them frolic in our backyard for the last half hour. Our cats were really scared at first, but they too have joined the wildlife viewing. One will occasionally walk away, but return. While we have had an occasional sighting before, we have never seen two at once, much less three. Happy viewing.

And for the second time today, we are graced by a photo from Machel Spence – this time a robin on still-snow-dotted branches:

Finally, an unusual photo from Lincoln Park – an unlucky Pacific Giant Octopus that washed up. We’re putting it after the jump because, while it’s not gory, you might find it disturbing:Read More

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote in the snow

As another snow shower moves through the area (weather/commute updates coming up) – we have the most detailed coyote photos we ever recall receiving for WSB. Karen photographed this coyote at West Seattle Golf Course this morning.

West Seattle wildlife: Urban coyote, caught on camera

We get a fair amount of coyote reports (THANK YOU!) but not many come with photos. Thanks to Amanda Teicher for snapping the one she spotted as she and her dog were headed out for a walk this morning at 17th and Brandon (map). Quite the tail on this one. And here’s the long view:

We share coyote reports not to generate hysteria but just to remind people that they live among us and that it’s important to take steps on your (and your pets’) behalf and theirs to keep them at a distance (as explained here). Our archived coyote coverage, newest to oldest, is here.

West Seattle coyotes: Totem pole, Morgan Junction sightings

Three coyote sightings to share tonight – two in the same spot, so may well have been the same coyote – read on!Read More

West Seattle coyotes: ‘Definitely not normal behavior…’

Out of the WSB inbox early today, from C:

My husband and I live near the corner of 30th Ave SW and Brandon [map] in the Cottage Grove neighborhood. Being bordered by the Longfellow Creek Trail and Camp Long (along with a neighbor who leaves piles of food outside on the trash bins for wildlife)…I’m sure the coyotes have made themselves quite at home around here.

(Tuesday) I had my fourth sighting since November, but my first sighting while on foot. At 5pm I was walking our 90lb mastiff mix when I saw a coyote standing in the street on 29th, watching us head for the Longfellow Crk trailhead across from the Camp Long entrance.

I tried to scare it off up the hill, but it just backed off a bit. I decided to head down the trail anyways, got about 20 yards and the coyote was now flanking us in the bushes, coming within about 15 feet from us. Thoroughly pissed off and creeped out we turned around and went home.

Definitely not normal behavior for a wild coyote…and probably won’t lead to anything good.

Is someone going to have to get bit protecting their dog/cat or small child before they would get re-located?

We’ve included “coexisting with coyotes” links before – here’s “solving problems with coyotes.”

West Seattle coyotes: Morgan Junction, North Delridge sightings

Two new coyote reports from the WSB inbox. This one came in late last night, from Derek:

Just a heads up. Out walking my two small dogs at 10:15 this evening and a coyote came trotting towards me down Morgan St and ran across California Ave down towards Fauntleroy. We both startled one another.

And received a few hours before that, from Karrie in North Delridge:

A neighbor on my block (25th Ave. SW between Brandon and Findlay) in Cottage Grove spotted 2 coyotes on our block last night and one on 21st up the hill from us. He sent an e-mail to neighbors on our block to encourage everyone to keep cats indoors.

Haven’t checked out the “coexisting with coyotes” advice lately (which includes tips on how to make sure they keep their distance)? Find it here. Meantime, our archived coyote-sighting reports, newest to oldest, are here.

West Seattle wildlife: Snowy sightings – and some ID help sought

Mid-afternoon wildlife break! First, the top photo is from Felicia, who’s looking for ID help:

I live along Harbor Ave, close to the West Seattle Bridge, and (Tuesday) night I’d been getting up to look out the window all evening to check out the snowfall. A little after 10 pm I saw this guy on the wire just below my balcony. He hung out for a while and let me take some photos. The cars below didn’t seem to bother him, he even seemed to watch them go by. He looked up at me a few times, when my camera made noise, and finally flew off. Beautiful! I did a bit of research and believe he was either a spotted or barred owl. If anyone can tell for sure, I’d be interested in which one. It was an unexpected and amazing moment to share the wonder of the quietly falling snow with this beautiful creature.

Next photo is our latest reported coyote sighting, sent yesterday morning by Paul:

Paul explained that was “a Fairmount ‘yote (Wednesday) morning getting back on the street after taking to the brush to get around me.”

West Seattle coyotes: Sighting in The Junction

Quick note about a pre-dawn coyote sighting today, from David:

Just saw a coyote running south down California turning east on Edmunds, 5:45 am – it looked to be moving as fast as it could go.

We have three years (and counting) of coyote sightings archived here.

West Seattle coyotes: Another High Point sighting

High Point seems to be a coyote hot spot these days. Sara sent news of the latest sighting less than an hour ago:

I was driving down 36th Ave SW (headed north) about 10 min ago and spotted what appeared to be a small coyote (heading south in the middle of the street) at Graham. Just checked the blog and didn’t see any other spottings. It was a tad scary, as 1) it was broad daylight and 2) we walk our dogs in that area frequently. Curious to see if anyone else spotted the lost coyote.

Wondering how to deal with coyotes – both when you see one, and in hopes you won’t? Here’s some advice.

West Seattle coyotes: Gatewood, Sunrise Heights sightings

Two West Seattle coyote sightings to share. First, this is just out of the WSB inbox, from Paul and Karen:

We would just like to let you know that we saw a coyote walking south down 44th St. at the intersection of Portland St. (Gatewood area) this morning about 10:15 am. It was a very healthy-looking animal, maybe 35 lbs. It trotted to the dead end of 44th just south of Portland [map] and disappeared down the slope toward Lincoln Park. Beautiful animal!

Via Twitter, James reported a coyote sighting on New Year’s Day – 27th/Othello vicinity (map). He says, “They were going after cats. I threw rocks at them.” (That is part of the official advice offered on this federal-government webpage.)

West Seattle coyote sightings: Gatewood and golf course

ORIGINAL 3:15 PM REPORT: Just spotted by WSB co-publisher Patrick, who was driving, solo, and unable to photograph, a coyote running down the middle of California SW, southbound, at SW Holden in Gatewood (map). (He reported it as more of a traffic alert – since more than a few drivers had to slow down.) We suspect it’s off the main route now, as we just looked in that direction from California/Thistle and no sign of anything four-footed but a dog out jogging with its person.

ADDED 5:24 PM: From Jake:
I was jogging tonight in Camp Long around dusk. After doing a few laps of the trails, I decided to cut through the woods to the outer path of the golf course. Once there, I noticed a coyote running right at me. I stopped, stomped, and yelled, and it backed off. A few moments later, it again ran toward me and I stopped it the same way. Eventually I scared it off, and continued running south toward Hudson street. As I turned left along the fence, I saw two coyotes running silently toward me across the grass. I quickly cut through the Arborvitae and hopped the fence onto Hudson street. Very scary!! I’ve run and hiked in wooded areas all my life, and come across wildlife often. This is the first time I’ve ever been pursued. Please warn your readers about this!

West Seattle wildlife: Genesee hawk, Alki brant, Arroyos coyote

Three West Seattle wildlife notes tonight: First, that photo from Creighton came with this explanation: “Found a red-tail hawk in my Genesee Hill backyard today, finishing up his breakfast of one very unlucky starling.” (9:04 pm update from comments – apparently a sharp-shinned hawk!)

Second, Guy Smith has just provided his second annual report on the arrival of brant – the small, white-ringed-neck geese – on West Seattle shores:

Our brant showed up just after noon today on winter solstice; nearly a month later than normal. Was their late arrival weather-related? Probably, but we don’t know for sure. This is only the second time in the last 17 years they have been this late. But to paraphrase from the brant story published last (November); “On this chilly, shortest day of 2010, our brant and their young winged into the shore north of Alki Point, made a pass, then banked south around the point to the waters along West Seattle, where they will winter and start their annual cycle again.”

Last but not least, a coyote report from Wendy:

I was on my way home on Tuesday night around 10 pm, driving up Marine View Drive. Just past the intersection of SW 106th I realized I was following a coyote that was on a dead run down the middle of the Drive. It turned down into the Arroyos on 42nd Ave SW, flew down the hill, and turned left onto SW 109th St, where I lost track of it. It looked healthy and well fed. There are quite a few cats in our neighborhood; I hope people keep them in at night!

West Seattle coyotes: High Point close encounter; 2 others

Just in from Wendy Hughes-Jelen, most recently of the Kitty Cornered kitten-raising saga, a High Point coyote close encounter tonight:

Late-night dog walkers on Graham at High Point Dr [map] were followed by a coyote after the courtesy patrol followed it down an alley. It looped down a walkway and came back to follow us on our block. Sophia and I ran for the porch and Steve ran it off. I am a country girl and believe in coexisting with wildlife; however, this life is more urban than wild and the coyote did not show the appropriate shyness or fear of 2 humans and a dog on a short leash. If I used an 18 foot flexi leash like most people do and also we were not aware of where our dog was and where the coyote was things could be different. Courtesy patrol is what pointed it out to us as it stood at the mouth of an alley we had just passed 30 seconds before and the car came around the corner toward us and caught it in its lamps. It was large for its breed and clearly hunting.

(Sophia is the Hughes-Jelens’ Italian greyhound.) Meantime … 2 other West Seattle sightings reported in the past few days. From Shannon on Friday afternoon:

I was just doing dishes and spotted a coyote hanging out in Greg Davis park through my window at 1pm today. He isn’t spooked by passing cars or my dog barking. Just a heads up to all the dog walkers that use those trails and park. It’s the corner of Brandon and 26th. [map]

And from John at 51st/College (map) early Wednesday afternoon:

FYI: Just saw a very healthy-looking coyote emerge from the greenbelt and walk down the street before ducking under our neighbor’s hedge.

West Seattle coyotes: Sightings from Morgan to Alki to Delridge

Several more coyote reports have come in over the past week, including two in the past 24 hours – read on to see where they’ve been spotted:Read More

West Seattle coyotes: North Admiral-area sighting

Out of the WSB inbox, from Marian:

A pair of fluffy, well fed individuals were sniffing around our neighbors’ drive at the 1900 dead-end block of Walnut [map] this morning about 9:00. They didn’t seem to mind us gaping at them a bit!

We publish coyote sightings not as a warning, but as a reminder that they are more or less everywhere, even if you are somehow sure they can’t be in YOUR neighborhood. Here’s important advice about coexisting with them, and here’s our archive of previous reports you can scroll through (some with photos).

West Seattle coyotes: A “surreal .. symphony of sound”

October 27, 2010 4:05 pm
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Usually, we hear about sightings. This one’s more like a hear-ing. From John and Joyce Loftus:

Last night at about 9:30 as my wife and I were getting home to our residence on Alki, we heard the unearthly sound of a pack of coyotes yipping and howling in unison in the greenbelt above our house — possible College Street Ravine. This is a symphony of sound that’s amazing to hear in a wilderness setting. It borders on the absolutely surreal when heard in the city. Of course, it heightens our concern for people’s pets.

As noted here over and over again, you can reduce the chance of coyote confrontations by reading and following the advice in this “coexisting with coyotes” info. And you can check out our archive of coyote sightings – some with photos – by going here.