Coyotes 232 results

West Seattle coyotes: 1 on The Bridge, 1 by the water tower

Two coyote sightings to share – first one was a close call late Monday night toward the Fauntleroy end of The Bridge, and Kerry thought you should know:

We just almost hit a coyote as we were coming home from downtown at the top of the West Seattle bridge. He was trying to cross west to east but was flummoxed by traffic and the divider. This was right by the people statues. [Walking On Logs] Poor little guy ran back to where he came from. Neighbors in that area should be aware.

Earlier, Crista saw one in the Myrtle Reservoir vicinity:

There was a coyote in our yard early this morning. We are on 36th and Willow [map] close to the water towers and new park.

Previous coyote reports – some with photos – are archived here; here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” information that everyone should read at least once.

ADDED 12:44 PM TUESDAY: For the coyote record, got one more note, this one from Tim:

I saw two coyotes this morning on my way to catch the bus. They were running down SW Lander Street by 38th Ave SW. It was about 6 am and they were running fast!

West Seattle scenes: ‘Healthy’ coyote? Plus, Vincennes under tow

Two photos shared this afternoon – obviously taken before the weather turned. First, Tom sent the top photo, taken at 12:45 pm in his backyard at 21st and Holly (map), observing, “That’s one healthy-looking coyote! He’s looking at our chicken coop…..” (Here’s info on coexisting with coyotes.) Next, from Gary Jones:

In the distance, looking over the top of Alki Lighthouse, Gary believes that was a Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser under tow northbound, coming out of Rich Passage from Bremerton. Closer look:

We’re still researching in hopes of figuring out exactly what that ship was.

West Seattle coyotes: Sunrise Heights, Marine View Drive, Admiral

Two Make that three coyote reports in one day, from different parts of the peninsula – read on for details (including the third, sent after we first published this):Read More

West Seattle coyotes: Two spotted near Forest Lawn

Thanks to Cormac for sharing the photo. His note mentioned only “Highland Park” but we have a followup inquiry out to ask if he can provide a slightly more specific location. 11:20 AM UPDATE: Cormac replied and identified the location as “near Forest Lawn Cemetery” [WSB sponsor] which is more like “east of High Point,” so we’ve changed the headline. He also says he saw at least three in all. (Think you know all about coyotes? Here’s the “Living with Wildlife” link we always offer – including information on what to do if you find yourself too-close-for-comfort to a coyote.)

West Seattle wildlife: Skunk, coyote sightings

Two wildlife sightings from the WSB inbox – first, from Nancy:

3:00 AM – 36th SW in Admiral area Friday night/Saturday morning. Our dog went crazy barking in house. Turns out a large black/white skunk had taken over our backyard. Anyone else report a skunk in the Admiral area?

We don’t hear much about skunks, but the state has a “coexisting with skunks” webpage with handy advice, if you’ve encountered them – see it here. We hear much more often about coyotes, including this report this morning shared by Chris from SoundYoga (WSB sponsor):

6:45 am, walking my dog going north on 37th, and a coyote loped by us at 37th and Juneau on the opposite side of the street. We looked at each other but he seemed on a mission…

The state’s “coexisting with coyotes” info is here; our archive of West Seattle coyote-sighting reports (some with photos) can be browsed, newest to oldest, here.

West Seattle canine news: Toby’s been found; plus, coyote on cam

Two bits of four-footed news: First, you might have seen signs – or searchers – looking for Toby the yellow Lab. He’s been on the WSB Pets page for the past several days, too, and a topic of discussion in the WSB Forums. This morning, we got word he’s been found. Grace, who recently adopted Toby, sends a big thank-you to everybody who helped look, saying they got lots of calls from WSB readers. We also just got word of another happy reunion, this one from a post to the Pets page early today. Hope you never need to use the Pets page, but if you find or lose a pet, it’s been there as a West Seattle-specific resource for almost three years now (e-mail lost/found pet reports, with photos if you have them, to

Also in the canine realm:

That photo’s used with permission from Byron , who posted it on his blog-format site for Textura Design, a creative agency in West Seattle. He photographed the coyote this morning near his Schmitz Park-area home and says he’s seen this one before. (If you haven’t read the advice for coexisting with coyotes, here’s the link we always share; our archived coverage of West Seattle coyote reports, including other photos, is here.)

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote sighting, and raccoon-vs.-dog alert

Two wildlife notes this Friday evening. First from Sue:

Just a FYI, I saw a coyote this morning (7/16) 4 am at 35th and Manning [map].

And from WSB’er “Buddsmom“:

Coyotes aren’t the only wildlife that pet owners need to look out for. Last night at approx. 5:45 PM in the 108th block of Arbor Heights, our dog was bitten by a mama raccoon in our fenced back yard. Apparently, mama and babies were making their way across the yard when spotted by the dog and a chase ensued. Fortunately for both sides ,the raccoons got away and our dog suffered only superficial puncture wounds.

We often share the coexisting with coyotes link; here’s similar information regarding raccoons.

West Seattle coyotes: Another new believer

Out of the WSB inbox, from Michael:

I recently read about a coyote being spotted running at 37th and Juneau. Didn’t think it was possible, but this morning at 4:45am, I say one running down 38th between Juneau and Raymond [map]. I thought that was the last I would see of the animal but a few minutes later it came running back up the street in the opposite direction. If I weren’t for the fact I know they like to eat cats and small dogs, I’d welcome this bit of wildlife in our midst!

How to coexist with coyotes – read it here; past WSB coyote coverage – see it here.

West Seattle coyotes: Fairmount Springs sighting

From WSB Forums member BookGal, via e-mail:

I just witnessed a full grown coyote running up SW Juneau Street and head north on SW 37th Street [map]. Yes, in broad daylight! It almost looked like the crow was chasing the coyote and by all the very loud cawing, it was reading the coyote the riot act. I still hear a crow in the distance.

As always, here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” info; previous sighting reports are archived here.

West Seattle coyotes: Two south-side sightings

2 coyote-sighting notes in the south half of West Seattle in the past 12 hours. First, from Dave in Westwood:

Got up @ 3:10 am to change a diaper … sleepily glanced out the window. Wasn’t expecting to see a coyote staring back at me across the street. Once it knew I had seen it, it ran down 34th toward Barton [map]. It also appeared like his/her left hind leg was injured, as it ran very awkwardly. Maybe that’s just how coyotes roll, but it didn’t move like a dog or wolf.

Next, from Kelly:

I’m almost positive I saw a coyote on Cambridge & 21st [map] @ about 9:20 pm. it was walking west on cambridge, I drove past, turned around to get another look, and it was walking into a woody area on 23rd. Run, kittens, run!

And that’s the point toward which we share these reports – in case you want to reconsider where your pet goes by itself, for example, if coyotes are seen nearby (and even if they’re not seen, chances are that they aren’t far). The state offers advice for how you (AND your pets) can co-exist with coyotes – read it here. (Previous sighting reports are archived here.)

West Seattle coyotes: Two latest sightings

2 quick notes for those keeping tabs: Early Saturday morning, from Sonia via Facebook, a coyote was spotted running south in the 6500 block of 42nd SW (behind West Seattle Thriftway in Morgan Junction); midmorning on Thursday, Marsha reported a coyote at 36th and Dawson (map). We publish these not as a warning, but as a reminder, if you think “Nah, not MY neighborhood” – they’re everywhere, and here’s how to coexist with them.

West Seattle coyotes: Reports from North Admiral and Delridge

Two West Seattle coyote reports today. Kim e-mailed the longer one from North Admiral:

After a hiatus, North Admiral has a coyote in the neighborhood again. On Thursday in broad daylight, two neighbors walking west on Walker between 47th & 48th SW [map] saw a coyote walking tandem to them. Then the coyote sprinted ahead, turned and started walking towards them, turned again and ran away to the west. This might also account for the bite marks on our cat this week. Kitty will live, but small pet owners in the area need to be on alert.

Earlier, we got a quick Delridge coyote report via Twitter from Dartanyon:

Just saw a coyote sprint across Delridge from Chief Sealth [at boren] into Longfellow Creek!

Here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” link; here’s our archived coyote reports, reverse chronological order.

West Seattle coyotes: Pigeon Point sighting

Out of the WSB inbox, from Crystal:

I noticed that the coyote sightings are being posted on the blog so I just wanted to mention that we saw one tonight. We were walking through the Pigeon Point neighborhood toward the school there and we saw one behind the fence, near the Duwamish trail. It ran away from us because we were walking our dogs, but looked pretty big.

If you missed it – our previous coyote-sighting report included a photo. And as always, we don’t publish these because they’re cause for major alarm, but because some still aren’t aware they’re among us; here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” link frequently shared here.

West Seattle coyotes: One caught on cam in Gatewood

First photo-enhanced coyote report in a while. It’s from K. Parsons in Gatewood:

… in broad day-light after cruising around our front yards on the 7100 block of 39th avenue SW between Myrtle and Orchard, this guy was sunning himself (or herself) in our neighbors’ backyard for about 15 minutes then loped through our back-yard. This pic was taken today about noon. They sure do help with the rodent population but take care of your cats and small dogs!

West Seattle coyotes: The latest sighting reports

A couple to share this morning. Again, we don’t publish these reports (see our archive here, with some past photos, too) to promote hysteria, but rather to make sure you’re well aware that coyotes are among us (it’s pup season, too). First, from Karl:

This morning my wife chased a coyote away from the neighbor’s cat which was hiding in a fender well of a car. We live on 37th between Andover and Dakota [map]. I’m offering this to alert homeowners who let their cats (and dogs) outside and aren’t aware that we do have coyotes in northern West Seattle. This is the second time the coyote was seen in our neighborhood.

Further south, Scott C reported a double sighting last Wednesday:

… this morning at 2:45 AM I opened my front door and saw a couple of -large- Coyotes running down 36th Ave and turned down the hill on Othello [map]. They were both very quiet, and running very fast. Take appropriate measures given what I’ve seen. As they say, don’t leave food for animals outside. The two were large, which means well-fed.

Here’s the most valuable link we’ve ever seen on the topic: Coexisting With Coyotes.

West Seattle coyotes: Seaview sighting

April 24, 2010 11:52 pm
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Erin sent this tonight:

Just saw a coyote walking and then running between 48th and 50th on Graham St. [map] He disappeared into a private yard. Just wanted to send out the warning to small-pet owners!

Yes, we know they are relatively common, and certainly no cause for hysteria – here’s info on “coexisting with coyotes” – but every so often, it’s worth the reminder, for newcomers, or people who just haven’t heard about it before. (Then there’s the occasional cautionary tale like this one from Shorewood, too.)

Delridge District Council toplines: Tale of two viaducts

The latest on the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project and the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project – both of which will affect West Seattle drivers in a major way, as we’ve reported here for the past few years – comprises two of our three toplines from tonight’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting at Youngstown Arts Center. Read on for the highlights:Read More

West Seattle wildlife: Caution, coyotes crossing

From Jodi, by the southwest end of The Bridge:

I just wanted to let you know that coyotes have been very active in our neighborhood the last two nights. This morning at 4 am there was one in front our house yelping and running up and down the street (4000 block of Fauntleroy Way SW) along the West Seattle Bridge between the pedestrian overpass and the light at 35th. It was having a fit because there was another coyote on the road (West Seattle bridge) running back and forth between the east and west bond lanes trying to figure out how to get over the chain link fence to join it companion. We watched them for over 10 minutes before they both headed towards the pedestrian overpass. There wasn’t much traffic at that time of the morning on a Saturday, but it could be deadly other days of the week.

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote in Arbor Heights

Just out of the WSB inbox, from DRG:

Just wanted to drop a quick note about a coyote sighting (my first): I was driving south on 44th Ave SW (between 43rd Place SW and SW 100th [map]) shortly after 10 pm tonight, and saw a coyote dart across the street into some bushes.

As always, we want to share the “coexisting with coyotes” info-link, in case their presence among us is news to you. (All our coyote reports, some with photos, are archived here, newest to oldest.)

West Seattle wildlife: Coyote (?) sighting near Jack Block Park

Margaret sent this report Thursday night – as she notes, area animal-walkers might need to know, among others:

As I was walking my dog on Harbor Avenue today, I saw a wolf or a coyote dash across the street, from the harbor side to the wooded ravine. This occurred between Salty’s and the entrance to Jack Block Park. I think the animal may have been disturbed by someone driving a piece of heavy machinery pushing gravel around in the vacant lot next to Salty’s. The animal was almost hit by two cars as it crossed the street — one moving in each direction. It was about 12:30, in broad daylight. There was another witness (besides the drivers of the cars, who swerved to miss the animal) — a man walking toward Salty’s. He thought it was a wolf; I thought it was a coyote. In any case, it was not a loose dog. Perhaps people walking small animals in that area need to know. There is also a house … with goats in the back, on the hillside. I would hate to see carnage.

Wolf, pretty unlikely; coyote, much more likely. In fact, it’s been a little over a year since the case of the stranded coyote at Jack Block.

West Seattle coyote sighting: Heard but not (wholly) seen

While coyotes aren’t necessarily rare in Seattle, the occasional coyote report we receive always manages to serve as a reminder to SOMEONE that they should be mindful of pets’ safety, not leaving food out, etc. From Jen:

We woke up last night around 2:30 am to the sound of some kind of animal making a howling/yelling noise (something I hadn’t ever heard before). It sounded like it was coming from the field behind the school at Fauntleroy and Findlay. I looked out the window and saw what looked like a coyote – although it was large for a coyote – for a brief moment as it ran across my neighbor’s lawn at 37th & Findlay [map]. Anyone else see it?

Sunday afternoon notes: WSHS coupon sales; coyote sighting

COUPON FUNDRAISER: If you’re in or going to The Junction, look for West Seattle High School seniors at California/Alaska, selling Taco Time coupon books ($1) and Brown Bear Car Wash coupons ($8) to raise money for Grad Night. They’re expected to be there till 3 pm.

COYOTE SIGHTING: Quick note from Jennifer – “… at around 11 pm last night, I saw a VERY LARGE coyote at the missing totem pole on 35th.” Not surprising since West Seattle Rotary Viewpoint Park is just uphill from where the Camp Long greenbelt meets the West Seattle Golf Course.

Urban coyotes: 1 trapped/killed in Magnolia, but no citywide plan

While wildlife authorities usually evangelize coexistence with coyotes (and other urban wildlife) – as pointed out in this recent WSB report – they decided to take a different tack with two coyotes seen recently and frequently in Magnolia, trapping and killing one this morning, according to the Seattle Times (WSB partner). Though state wildlife agents indicated they were most concerned about the coyotes’ attacks on pets – which happen in other Seattle areas too, West Seattle included – the Times report says they are NOT planning a citywide anti-coyote effort.