Crime 6657 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Vehicle hit by gunfire

9:38 PM: Police checking out multiple reports of suspected gunfire have just told dispatchers they’ve confirmed it – finding an SUV that was hit. It’s reported to be on 31st SW near SW Morgan. No report of any injuries.

9:51 PM: Officers also have reported finding “casings east of the intersection.”

FOLLOWUP: Southwest Teen Life Center camera-replacement timeline

(WSB photo, January 27)

After the January 23 shooting death of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam at Southwest Teen Life Center/Pool, it came to light that the security-camera system at the center had long been inoperable. Seattle Parks told us on January 29 – six days after the shooting – that the camera would be replaced. No timeline, though. Today in his latest weekly newsletter, District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka says Parks Superintendent AP Diaz has told him the replacement will be up no later than mid-March. Meantime, no update from SPD on the investigation. Also – today was also the day that Mobarak’s sister Leyla Adam had said another protest would be held, this time, at City Hall, but we got no word of a final plan and didn’t receive a reply to our inquiries. She did speak emotionally to the Seattle Public Schools Board this past Wednesday (this link should take you to that part of the meeting video, 51 minutes in), asking for specific school-security improvements.

FOLLOWUP: Missing mailbox, month three

That’s the spot outside the West Seattle Junction Post Office where thieves stole the drive-up/ride-up/walk-up mailbox in late November. Still no replacement. USPS regional spokesperson Kim Frum told us in November that it would be replaced, but there was no timeline. We just checked in with her again – same thing: “The good news is the box is supposed to be replaced. Unfortunately, there is still no timeframe for when this will happen. We appreciate our customers’ understanding and patience. And hope to have the box replaced soon.” The mailbox that was stolen had been installed seven months earlier … described as a more-secure box than its larger predecessor. As for past replacement times … our archives note two occasions where the Westwood Village box was gone for almost four months (as well as another incident in which it was replaced within a week).


12:33 AM: Police are at Shree’s Truck Stop in southeast West Seattle (7801 Detroit SW) investigating an armed robbery. The holdup happened less than half an hour ago. According to exchanges between officers and dispatch, five people held up the store; the initial description of all five was: Black, male, 17-18 years old, masks, and dark clothing, at least one with a gun. Their getaway vehicle was described as a white Nissan Sentra that left heading north. SFD was called to provide medical attention for the clerk.

12:53 AM: Officers just updated dispatch, reporting that security video shows the getaway vehicle was actually a “white Kia, no plates.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Intersection attack, and two stolen cars – Volvo wagon, Miata convertible

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

INTERSECTION ATTACK: Emailed by a reader:

I was driving to an appointment in the Junction today. I stopped at the stop sign on Genesee at California. I made eye contact with a pedestrian. He approached my driver’s side window, made eye contact, and punched it quite hard. Then he moved in front of my car and lingered there. He turned to the sidewalk and finished crossing, but then came back to my car and punched the passenger’s side window hard enough to crack it. The man was white, about 60, tall, and dressed in a leather jacket with a lot of jewelry. He had sagging black jeans, and had partially covered his face. He had grey hair pulled back into a ponytail and wore a red checkered hat.

After the incident, I drove to safety, called 911, and snapped some photos of him. He walked north up California, past Dakota Place and onward. When I arrived at my appointment, I relayed the story to the women at the front desk. They said that he is known to them, and they have previously had reason to lock the door when he is in the area. Stay safe, everyone!

VOLVO WAGON STOLEN: Texted by a reader – the second theft report we’ve received this week involving an older Volvo:

Our family’s beloved ‘92 black Volvo wagon was stolen from the parking lot at Lincoln Park within the last couple of hours and we’re already heartbroken. It’s not worth a lot, but it has a lot that’s been put into it and it is our dogs’ favorite place to be – 4 dogs and a human have now grown up in it. We’d be so grateful if you would keep an eye out for this car that is only precious to us and please report it stolen if you see it anywhere … License plate is 256 RXR. I’m so angry and sad.

P.S. we have a yellow moose emblem on the front panel that is very distinctive.

Added: SPD report # is 24-036851.

MIATA CONVERTIBLE STOLEN: This photo and report are from Michael:

My beloved 1999 Mazda Miata was stolen from the intersection of 35th Ave SW and Willow St on Monday 2/5 at approx 5:45 am. On Tues 2/6 a very kind neighbor saw the car at approx 1:45 pm at the 7/11 on 35th Ave SW and Avalon by the bridge. He texted me pictures of the driver that match the grainy footage of it being stolen at dark.

My license plate is AHH7537 but it’s been removed. My police case number is 24-33954. Noteworthy features of the car are: a clear coat failure in the paint on the hood, a spare donut on the right rear wheel, and a small black antenna.

The antenna is shown in the photo; another photo the neighbor sent Michael shows the paint problem on the hood, and other recognizable dents/dings. Call 911 if you see it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation

Police are investigating gunfire just north of Westcrest Park. After a 911 call from a home near 5th SW and SW Cloverdale, officers went to the area and have told dispatch they’ve found 25 shell casings at an intersection in the area. No injuries or property damage reported so far. The original caller was reported to have said a “silver vehicle” might have been involved.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen red vintage Volvo

Sent by Mike, with the victim’s permission:

My buddy Kevin, who is a longtime employee at Easy Street Records and is responsible for creating every wonderful window display we’ve had in The Junction over the last few decades, had his vehicle stolen yesterday between 1 pm and 9:30 pm in the parking lot attached to Wells Fargo on Alaska and 44th Ave. Kevin is the best and I’m hoping our watchful community will keep an eye out for my friend’s car. If spotted, please call the store at 206-938-EASY (3279).

The car has a collector plate, 5813E.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Delridge Playfield lights’ power supply hit again

Multiple readers have reported that athletic activities scheduled for Monday evening at Delridge Playfield were canceled because of theft/vandalism affecting the lights – again. We also heard from John, who sent this photo:

John, a retired electrician, explained what he saw while walking around the fields: “Damaged power pipe and cut cables. I called Seattle City Light. Tested cables. which were dead. But still connected to transformer.” That was midday Monday; John subsequently talked to an SCL crew member who, he reported,”said a high voltage crew would be called out to disconnect the cables from the transformer. The parks department will need to call out an electrical contractor to repair the cables from the service drop into the electrical main switch gear.” We’ve been waiting to hear back from Seattle Parks and City Light on a repair timetable. We’ve also asked about what’s being done to prevent recurrences (not only has this happened recently – we even found this story from more than a decade ago.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Elantra

February 5, 2024 9:49 pm
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Via email, another report of a stolen vehicle to watch for:

My sister’s car was stolen this weekend, off the street just outside our alleyway – Genesee between 44th Ave SW and 45th Ave SW. It was taken sometime between Friday 02/02 at 6:00 pm and Sunday 02/04 at 7:00 pm. It’s a black 2013 Hyundai Elantra with WA plates CFU2256. In terms of unique identifiers, the car has a pink rear license plate frame and an expired Texas registration sticker in the driver’s-side front windshield. The SPD incident # is 24-33676; please contact them with any information.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen brown/orange Sierra pickup; two weekend incidents

February 5, 2024 12:04 pm
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Three notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN PICKUP: Jessica emailed this morning, hoping you can be on the lookout for her pickup:

My truck was stolen from outside my house in the Admiral District. 1989 GMC Sierra 2500, light brown with orange accents. Collector’s plate 6367F. Police report number: 24-33805

Meantime, weekend summaries made available by SPD today include these two West Seattle incidents we hadn’t previously heard about:

ALKI GUNFIRE: SPD says officers were flagged down near 62nd/Alki just after 1 am Saturday by someone reporting this incident, described as: “Four victims were involved in a verbal altercation with a male in a black SUV. Suspect in the SUV fired a single shot and then fled southbound. Evidence of the shooting was recovered.”

ASSAULTED BY INTRUDER: According to the SPD summary, this happened just before 1:30 am Sunday. The original call to the 7500 block of 21st SW was for a burglary; officers say they found someone “that the reporting party wanted removed.” That person was not arrested – until, SPD says, they assaulted an officer, resulting in a call to SFD for medical assistance, after which, the summary continues, “the suspect then assaulted a Medic, an AMR crewmember, and another officer.” We’re following up. ADDED: SFD tells us, “Medics were called in to assist AMR with a patient. One SFD medic and an SPD officer were treated for assault.” The suspect, however, was the only one who had to be taken to the hospital, a man in his late 20s.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white work van

February 4, 2024 10:29 pm
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Reported tonight by Jenny via email – this van was taken overnight from an apartment parking lot off Fauntleroy Way north of Fairmount Park:

It’s a white Chevrolet van, with ladders on top when taken; plates BFB7562, SPD report number 24-32912. Call 911 if you see it.


A reader reports their home was broken into between 3:30 and 4:20 pm Thursday, February 1. It happened in the 2400 block of Myrtle, a block off Delridge. The victim explains, “Our neighbor’s security camera caught this footage of 3 men walking out of our driveway (his footage is about 28 minutes behind the actual time) … The gray/silver minivan was waiting for the 3 men, all dressed exactly the same.” They appear in the distance in the upper left of the video around :16 in:

The minivan then headed west on Myrtle toward Delridge. The victim adds, “They used a crowbar to open the front door and stole cash and jewelry, mostly family items not replaceable. I am usually home during this time and ran a random errand, so it seems like they were really watching as the window was very small, or they had a stroke of great luck with timing!” The SPD report number is 24-30292.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arbor Heights store robbed for second day in a row

Police are at Global Smoke and Vape (35th/Roxbury) right now, after the store was robbed for the second time in less than 24 hours. So far tonight police are saying they don’t have much to go on – officers have told dispatch that the store staff has only described the robbers as “three males wearing masks,” at least one with a gun. The robbers who hit the store around 7:30 last night were described as three white men around 20 years old, 5’4″, one in a white jacket, two in dark jacket, all in masks, one with a gun. No injuries reported in either holdup. In addition to other robberies at the store, it was hit by crash-and-grab burglars five times in less than a month last fall.

VIDEO: Teen shooting victim’s family and schoolmates protest again. Next stop, City Hall

For the second time this week, relatives and schoolmates of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam gathered outside Chief Sealth International High School and marched to nearby Southwest Teen Life Center/Pool, where he died 10 days ago in a shooting that has been classified as a homicide. Police have not disclosed what they have learned so far about the circumstances of the shooting in a restroom at the center. Whatever happened, the protesters say, Mobarak is another young life lost to gun violence that needs to stop. Like Monday’s rally, this one had short, often emotional speeches. Mobarak’s brother remembered him as “the best brother anyone could have”:

Some of Mobarak’s friends spoke too:

Adults spoke as well, including a family representative:

Some like Chief Sealth assistant principal Hope Perry and Denny International Middle School principal Mary Ingraham reminded the students that they have a role in keeping each other safe:

Government reps were there too – including School Board member Gina Topp, who did not speak. From County Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda‘s office, Chris Lampkin vowed to be “a partner” in the family and schoolmates’ quest for justice:

And Mobarak’s sister Leyla said they’re taking their demands and concerns directly to City Hall next.

She told the crowd about plans for a protest/rally at City Hall for next Friday (February 9th) – no time set yet. While City Councilmember Rob Saka was at Monday’s protest, he was not in view today, but he wrote about the situation in his weekly newsletter, sent this afternoon. He said of Monday’s rally, “Students presented some demands which I strongly support.” Specific to one of them, the lack of working cameras at Southwest Center, Saka wrote that he spoke with Parks Superintendent AP Diaz: “I was informed that the department is assessing the appropriate next steps for the cameras, which may include a replacement of or potential new system. It is very important to me that this be addressed with due haste.” And he wrote, “We all know well that there must be some more stringent laws to prevent gun violence.”

FOLLOWUP: City Attorney’s Office says graffiti law is enforceable again

(Reader photo from 2023, aftermath of what sender called a ‘rampage’ of vandalism north of The Junction)

The city’s graffiti law is enforceable again, according to this announcement this afternoon from City Attorney Ann Davison‘s office:

Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison today announced that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has reversed a lower court ruling that halted the City of Seattle’s ability to enforce its misdemeanor graffiti ordinance.

City Attorney Davison appealed the lower court ruling on July 3, 2023 and made oral arguments to the Court on Jan. 9, 2024. The Court of Appeals made its ruling this morning.

“The people of Seattle won an important victory today when the Ninth Circuit upheld our City’s right to enforce our laws against graffiti property destruction,” said City Attorney Davison. “Graffiti is a massive problem for our City, costing taxpayers, businesses, and residents millions of dollars while creating widespread visual blight. We must have as many tools as possible to protect neighbors and residents impacted by graffiti.”

In June 2023, the U.S. District enjoined the City from enforcing its graffiti ordinance, Seattle Municipal Code 12A.08.020(A)(2).

We reported on that ruling here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue Mazda3; car prowl too

Reported via email:

A 2012 Mazda3 sedan, gun-metal blue, plate # BWY0174, was stolen overnight near 20th Ave SW & Roxbury, noticed missing today at 4:30 in the morning. A police report has been made: 24-29655.

In connection with the theft, according to the email report, another car nearby – a Honda Passport – was prowled.

FOLLOWUP: Shooting victim’s sister announces another protest outside Chief Sealth IHS on Friday

(WSB photo, Monday)

Three days after a protest outside Chief Sealth International High School and Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center, where 15-year-old Sealth student Mobarak Adam died of a gunshot wound, another one has been announced. The victim’s sister Leyla, who spoke at Monday’s rally and march, sent this flyer, announcing the gathering for 2 pm Friday (February 2), a “protest against gun violence and finding justice for Mobarak Adam.” This past Tuesday, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office announced that the teen’s death one week earlier was ruled a homicide. No further word yet from Seattle Police about the status of the investigation. Seattle Parks, meantime, told us Tuesday they will replace the long-broken Teen Life Center/Pool camera.


Via email – this truck was stolen overnight:

Date: 01/31/24
Time: Last seen at 8 pm
Location: 30th SW /Morgan Street, West Seattle
Make/Model: 1997 Ford Econoline
Color: White
License Plate: C98764G

Additional Identifying Features: American Data Guard (ADG) on both sides of the truck

Call 911 if you see it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Condo-lobby burglars; nonprofit vandalized

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

CONDO-LOBBY BURGLARS: Residents of a building in the 1300 block of Harbor Avenue SW report their lobby was broken into at 5:15 am Sunday (January 28); the burglars stole packages:

If you have any information on the break-in and/or the burglars, the SPD incident number is 24-901670.

BUILDING VANDALISM: Southwest Youth and Family Services – the nonprofit located just east of Delridge Playfield – was hit by particularly prolific tagging vandal(s) in recent days. They painted over the tags as they usually do but wanted to let the community know about the problem.

FOLLOWUP: Student’s shooting death classified as homicide

An update in the shooting death of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam one week ago at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center: The King County Medical Examiner’s Office announced this afternoon that it’s classifying his death as a homicide; the KCMEO says he died from a gunshot wound to the torso. When the KCMEO released his name last Thursday, both the classification and cause of his death were listed as “pending”; the updates were released this afternoon in the office’s daily list of death investigations. Classifying his death as homicide does not necessarily mean investigators believe it was deliberate, but it means they’ve ruled out suicide. The victim was a student at nearby Chief Sealth International High School, where hundreds of students rallied Monday in his memory to demand action against gun violence. Police continue to investigate; any information can be reported to the SPD Violent Crimes Tip Line at 206-233-5000. This death is now the first homicide case in Seattle in 2024. (Family photo)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Swedish Automotive hit again

Todd at Swedish Automotive (35th/Kenyon; WSB sponsor) says this happened sometime overnight:

Well, make that #3 in the last 12 months. Still nothing of value taken – looks like just a box of old valve shims – but, of course, the expense is in getting the glass replaced.

That’s not necessarily a quick turnaround – last time, Todd adds, they had a three-week wait. They’ve filed a police report; we’ll add the number when available. (Added: It’s 24-901762.) The previous two smash-and-grabs were in February and August 2023.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Early-morning gunfire investigation

One incident of confirmed gunfire early today: 911 callers from North Delridge reported hearing suspected gunfire just before 3 am. Responding officers reported finding at least one spent casing “near the trailhead at 25th/Juneau.” No injuries were reported.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Kia theft attempt; (added) dumped Hyundai

9:48 AM: The photo is from Stephanie, whose son discovered early this morning “that the rear passenger window on our 2020 Kia Sportage was smashed. It was parked in our carport at the apartments on 24th and Holden in Delridge.” They subsequently found the steering column was broken, so someone had tried to steal the car. Not the first time: “This is the third incident with our Kia. It was stolen in October 2022 (recovered the next day with plenty of damage), the door lock was broken in May 2023.”

ADDED 11:33 AM: Just sent by Elena:

Found at 37th and Myrtle still running. Back window smashed and trunk pillaged. Still running.