Crime 6660 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Suspected peeper; followed by ‘creeper’; stolen red Camry; more…

All of the following are from the WSB inbox:

PEEPER/FLASHER: A resident near 34th/Cloverdale reports this:

Sunday night at 12:30 after midnight I went to bring my garbage out and there was a man standing by my garbage cans, below my open window. He said something to the effect of, “oh, sorry, I was just taking a leak.” I am certain that is not what he was doing. The police agreed. There was NO reason for him to be all the way up my driveway, beyond all the darkened nooks and crannies on the street, only house on block where someone was still up – just doing dishes with the TV on, essentially at window 1.5 stories up. I had a flasher freak 2 years ago – his “flashing” illuminated by his own flashlight (as it were) while standing on my car bumper/garbage cans so that I could see him. I suspect it is the same cretin pervert.

Police suggested more motion detector lights, perhaps a security camera. Also, don’t leave windows open when retiring for the night. I never leave windows open when sleeping, and police said I never should. Criminals know on these hot nights things can get easier for them.

For what it’s worth, this freak was I’d say 6’-6’2”, medium build, Caucasian, black pants, top & hat.

CREEPER: From Halle:

Just a lookout for a man in a tan pickup truck who followed both myself and a friend home last night. Walking in opposite directions from the Morgan Junction, he followed both of us, pulling over and asking for directions to Alki. After we gave clear directions, he exited his vehicle and followed us both on foot asking for our names and saying that he wanted to “get to know us better.”

I’m not sure who he followed first but we both had the same experience which meant he followed one and then turned his vehicle around and pursued the other. We both made it home safely but the experience was unnerving and people should know that this creeper is following women in his vehicle.

STOLEN RED CAMRY: Brian reports his red “1990 Camry was stolen (last night) from behind Spud Fish and Chips. License 253-ZBX.” Call 911 if you see it.

CARS VANDALIZED: Nore reports of cars vandalized with squiggles in that same green paint we’ve shown before. Most recently, Sara says, “Overnight, someone tagged/vandalized our car parked next to our house.” That happened near 35th/Thistle.

BATTERY THEFT: This happened Wednesday morning near 37th/Webster – the victim described it as a grab-and-run:

Our neighbors saw this car pull over and take something from our yard. A check on the security footage shows it to be the battery for our camper. [Video added]

Neighbors got the license plate number, and we will report it to the police.

This happened 8:30 am with my husband and kids at home.

PACKAGE THEFT: From Heather:

54xx block of Fauntleroy. Second time someone has stolen a package off my front porch. This was a Blue Apron box so all I can hope is they needed the food more then I did and the food is being used to feed hungry children.

We hope you never have anything to send in for West Seattle Crime Watch – but if you do, – thanks!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Westwood search after gunfire

11:23 PM: A report of gunfire in Westwood has police searching for up to five suspects. Per scanner, they were most recently reported to have fled behind the 35th/Barton 7-11 southbound and then westbound. A K-9 team is joining the search. The person reported to have fired one shot is described as a young “light-skinned black male” wearing a “sparkly red jacket.” No injuries reported.

11:29 PM: The gunshot reportedly happened near the Southwest Library (35th/Henderson). Also, the Guardian One helicopter is joining the search.

11:35 PM: Per radio communication, this involved someone “chasing (the suspects) with a two-by-four” when one “turned around and shot at” that person.

11:49 PM: The search is scaling down; they’ve exhausted the possibilities and there are other pending calls.

ADDED THURSDAY AFTERNOON: We have obtained the report narrative from SPD. The person who said he was fired at told police that he was chasing the suspects because they had assaulted his girlfriend. He said the two of them are squatting in an empty house in the 9000 block of 35th SW. She was walking in the alley and around the 34th/Barton P-Patch, looking for cigarette butts, when she encountered the suspects. One asked her for cigarettes; she said she had none and was looking for them herself. Then, the boyfriend told police, the suspects called her names, punched her in the face, knocked her down, and kicked her. She screamed for help; her boyfriend went to the house where they were squatting, got a 2 x 4, and chased the suspects after calling 911. That’s when one turned and shot at him, he said, as they were running southbound behind the 35th/Barton 7-11. He said he lost track of them at that point. While he insisted that’s where the shot was fired, police did not find a shell casing nor any other evidence of gunfire. Nearby residents also said they heard the shot. As we reported last night, helicopter and K9 assisted in the subsequent search, but no one was found.

FREE! The tool you should borrow just in case

That’s free for you to borrow and use … just in case. Southwest Precinct Crime-Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner explains:

Due to a continued increase in burglaries over the last few months- the SW Precinct would like to remind our community members that you can rent a professional engraver from the SW Precinct for free!

These engravers allow you to mark your property (such as tools, bicycles and electronics) with an identifying number- such as your Driver’s License number. Then if/when your items are stolen- you are able to report to law enforcement that it was marked. These markings assist the Seattle Police Department in getting recovered property back to victims, as well as aid with investigations.

If you are interested in renting an engraver- please stop by the SW Precinct (2300 SW Webster St.) and speak with the desk officer. Remember the SW Precinct is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Please also keep in mind that I, as your SW Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator, offer free residential and commercial safety/security assessments! Contact me directly for more information and for scheduling. is the best way to reach her. Meantime, whether you choose to borrow/use the engraver or not, she also recommends you keep a home inventory – here’s a template that can help.

FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox found competent to stand trial in Gatewood stabbing case

When we last checked in on Ryan Cox, the 40-year-old repeat offender arrested after a man was stabbed in Gatewood last August, he had been ordered sent to Western State Hospital for an attempt at restoring competency to stand trial. Today, a King County Superior Court judge formally found Cox competent, an assessment that doctors at the state hospital had reached while he was there. According to the evaluation document that’s in the public court files, they diagnosed Cox with unspecified psychosis, while finding him in full understanding of the charges he faces and capable of assisting in his own defense. For his part, the evaluation says, Cox told them he “played crazy to come here” because he prefers WSH to county jail. It’s not the first time he has said that; we covered a Municipal Court hearing eight years ago in which he said that to his lawyer and then basically asked the judge if she could send him there ASAP. This was the first time in five years he had been to that hospital, according to court records. Aside from his time there, he has been in the King County Jail since his arrest, bail set at $150,000, awaiting trial on second-degree assault. Now that the competency issue has been resolved, his next case-scheduling hearing is set for July 26th.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: About that pursuit; plus – stolen Yamaha dirt bike; found Diamondback bicycle

July 16, 2018 11:49 am
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Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

ABOUT THAT PURSUIT: We got several messages about a law-enforcement pursuit on NB 35th SW this morning; via scanner, we then heard that it was King County Sheriff’s Office and that it had been terminated. Before we could inquire further, we got a tip about a sizable presence at the park-and-ride on Roxbury across from Holy Family. Once we arrived there – with one officer left on scene (photo above, a Burien Police – who contract with KCSO – vehicle) – we found out the two situations were related. KCSO was pursuing someone who was both driving erratically and who had plates that didn’t match the vehicle. The driver seemed to be pulling over on Roxbury – then hit an unmarked KCSO car and took off again. At some point on NB 35th, KCSO stopped the pursuit. No arrest last we heard and no other details so far. Thanks again for the tips – best way to get us is always 206-293-6302, 24/7, text or voice.

From the inbox:

STOLEN DIRT BIKE: The photo is from Danyell:

She reports, “My husband’s dirt bike was stolen right outside our front door, in Admiral.” Plate 2F8098. Call 911 if you see it.

FOUND BICYCLE: From the “likely stolen and dumped” file – the photo is from Nancy:

She writes, “Anyone missing a Jr Viper Diamondback bike, green and white? Found between SW Dakota and SW Adams on 30th.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Alley arson; window warning

Two reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

EARLY MORNING ALLEY ARSON: Thanks to Patrick for the photo and tip that an early-morning fire callout near California/Raymond was arson.

We confirmed that tonight with SFD spokesperson Kristin Tinsley, who tells WSB via an e-mail response, “Investigators confirmed two recycle bins and one garbage bin were set on fire, along with two rolls of toilet paper inside a porta potty. These all occurred in an alleyway. Total estimated loss for all bins combined is $500. Case referred to SPD for followup.” Earlier in the morning, SFD responded to a dumpster fire at Westwood Village but Tinsley says that was not believed to be related.

WINDOW WARNING: From Lindsay, reporting a burglary in the Highland Park area last night:

The burglars got in the house via a semi=open window that was accidentally left open. With the weather so hot, I thought it might be good if you could broadcast a PSA reminding folks that burglars look for open windows and doors. I would really hate for anyone else to be affected in this way.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Admiral attack defendant found incompetent; 2 reader reports

We start this morning’s West Seattle Crime Watch report with an update on the Admiral assault case:

KIERRA WARD FOUND NOT COMPETENT: At a Thursday hearing, a judge ordered Admiral attack defendant Kierra Ward sent to Western State Hospital for up to 90 days for treatment that will attempt to restore competency so she can stand trial. A recent evaluation (ordered last month) found Ward incompetent, deemed to have untreated schizophrenia. She has been jailed in lieu of $400,000 bail since she was arrested last October and charged with stabbing an Admiral woman who was out for a walk with her baby. With the new order in the case, the next hearing is scheduled for late September.

Also in Crime Watch, two reader reports:

HIT-RUN: From Creek, whose wife was hit in a multiple-vehicle crash on the West Seattle Bridge: “Vehicular assault, hit and run on the West Seattle Bridge early (Thursday) afternoon. Multiple cars damaged. White box truck. Last seen in Admiral Junction area. White male, 40-50 years old, long blondish hair, no shirt, short/thin build, khaki shorts. Call the police immediately if you have any info.”

CAR PROWL: From Derek: “(Wednesday) night someone car prowled and ransacked a trailer, box truck and multiple vehicles at our business property located at 5405 West Marginal Way SW.”

FYI from SPD: Level 3 sex offender moves into Admiral area

From Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner, another one of the occasional notifications that a Level 3 sex offender has moved into the area:

In an effort to keep you informed, and in our constant attempts to reduce future victimization, we want to let you know about one level 3 registered sex offender that has recently moved into a Southwest Precinct neighborhood.

Peter Schulte, a 69-year-old white male, is a level 3 registered sex offender who has recently moved to the 2700 block of California Ave SW in Seattle and is no longer under Department of Corrections supervision.

Detective Spong from the Seattle Police Department’s Sex Offender Detail is responsible for checking on this offender and verifying his address as long as he is residing there.

To learn more about this offender and to see his photo, please visit the King County Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender website and search by their name. [Editor’s note: Here’s a direct link to the page with his photo.] You will also find personal safety tips and resources on this site.

If you have further questions about this offender, contact Michelle McRae of the Seattle Police Sex Offender Detail at 206-684-5581 or e-mail at

To register to receive an email alert whenever a published offender registers within one mile of your desired addresses, go to this link.

Level 3 sex offenders pose the highest risk to re-offend. It is normal to feel upset, angry and worried about a registered sex offender living in your community. The Community Notification Act of 1990 requires sex offenders to register in the community where they live. The law also allows local law enforcement to make the public aware about Level 2 and Level 3 offenders. Since these offenders have completed their sentences, they are free to live where they wish. Experts believe sex offenders are less likely to re-offend if they live and work in an environment free of harassment. Any actions taken against the listed sex offenders could result in arrest and prosecution as it is against the law to use this information in any way to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders. The SPD Sex offender detectives will check on these offenders every 3 months to verify our information.

The single most effective means of protecting your child is communication with your child. They have to feel comfortable discussing sensitive matters with you. Teach your children that they should not be asked to touch anyone in the bathing suit areas of their body or allow anyone to touch them in those areas. Teach them types of situations to avoid. It is not good enough to tell a child to avoid strangers. Please remember that children are most often molested by someone they or their parents know.

FOLLOWUP: Competency evaluation ordered for West Seattle burglary/sex-assault suspect

Keelan Malone was back in court today, almost two weeks after the 26-year-old was charged with burglary and indecent liberties in a mid-June burglary/sexual-assault incident near 13th and Roxbury. The court documents from the hearing reveal two actions of note: First, Malone wanted to dismiss his defense lawyer, but the judge said no. Second, a motion was granted for his competency to be evaluated, and the documents say it will be done at Western State Hospital. Meantime, he remains jailed in lieu of $500,000 bail.

FOLLOWUP: Charge filed in apartment fire

July 11, 2018 8:54 pm
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(Sunday morning fire, photo sent by David)

The man who police say told them he started a fire in his West Seattle Junction apartment Sunday morning is now charged. One count of first-degree reckless burning was filed today against 31-year-old Andrew D. Morales, and his bail was raised to $125,000, half what prosecutors requested. In the charging document, they note, “Although the defendant has no apparent Washington criminal history, he has a notable arrest and conviction history in New Jersey, including felony convictions in 2007 for Felony Aggravated Assault on Law Enforcement and Felony Possession CDS /Analog – Schedule I, II, III.” (In NJ law, CDS = Controlled Dangerous Substance.) Otherwise, the charging document has the same narrative we reported after Morales’s bail hearing Monday, that he told firefighters and police he had set the fire because there were “snipers” in his apartment and that he believed doing so had saved others from them.


Christopher reports his dark green 1998 Honda Civic, four-door, license plate BEC6072, was stolen from the Montridge Arms apartments at 20th/Henderson. He adds, “I did get a flat tire yesterday, so the vehicle has a doughnut on the right rear wheel.” If you see it, call 911.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver Honda (found)

12:48 PM: From Katie – yet another stolen car to watch for: A silver 1996 Honda Civic sedan, taken near 31st/Roxbury early this morning. Plate AWC3683. Katie adds, “There is an ‘island girl’ decal on the back window of the car that should make it recognizable.” If you see it, call 911.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: It’s been found, as noted in a comment. We’ll include the followup in our next Crime Watch roundup.

FOLLOWUP: $2.2 million bail for suspect in South Park teen murder

(WSB photo from February)

The suspect in February’s South Park murder of a 16-year-old boy was arrested in the area where it happened. That’s part of what we’ve learned from the probable-cause documents made public this morning in connection with 27-year-old Juan J. Macias‘s bail hearing. As we noted in the report on his arrest, he was already wanted on a $250,000 warrant after being charged in June with assaulting his girlfriend. The new documents say officers saw him Saturday evening at the Chevron station on 14th Avenue S. in South Park – same one in our photo, above, from the night of the shooting – and recognized him from a bulletin about that warrant. He was in the driver’s seat of a red Impala that they discovered had been stolen in Kent; the report says its engine was running and that officers found two “large fixed-blade knives” and two hatchets in the car. It does not say what led police to identify Macias as a suspect in the murder, but attributes that description to detectives. He is due back in court tomorrow afternoon, by which time there may be a charging decision in the case. Meantime, he’s being held in lieu of $2,250,000 bail.

FOLLOWUP: Bail set at $100,000 for West Seattle apartment-arson suspect

(WSB photo, Sunday)

A judge has set bail at $100,000 for the 31-year-old man arrested Sunday for allegedly setting his West Seattle Junction apartment on fire. We covered the fire at the Elan 41 complex at Jefferson Square early yesterday morning; later in the day, police announced they had arrested the resident of the apartment where the fire started. According to probable-cause documents used at this afternoon’s bail hearing, the man first told firefighters that he started the fire because, the report says, “there had been snipers in his apartment and they were shooting at him; to defend himself, he grabbed a bottle of acetone, threw it at them, and lit it on fire.” He then ran out, he is reported to have explained, but came back for his dog. After police arrested him, the report says, officers asked him why he started the fire; they say, “He changed the subject and wanted to know who the person was in the back of the patrol car.” The officer wrote that he advised the suspect he couldn’t see that person; “this made him upset.” The suspect then repeated what he had told SFD, adding, according to the police report, “he had saved people because the snipers would have killed them all.” The only prior arrest we can find for him was a misdemeanor assault case a year and a half ago, dismissed because there was “no prosecuting witness.” Not much information is available about that case but we do note his address was listed as the same apartment. One person was hurt in the fire, an SFD lieutenant who suffered minor injuries.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Honda mini-van, ‘desperately needed for doctor appointments and therapies’

Another stolen vehicle to watch for – Ayn and her family really need it:

It was stolen the morning of the 8th between 2:30 am and 8:00 am. From in front of our house near the corner of 18th Ave SW & Elmgrove.

It is a Black 2018 Honda Odyssey, license plate# BJX 7919. Has a license plate holder that says SODO Honda of Seattle.

I’m disabled and have three children with Autism. We desperately need our vehicle for doctor appointments and therapies.

My disability placards and walker with wheels and seat were also in the Van.

Call 911 if you see the van – and/or an abandoned walker, too.

FOLLOWUP: Arrest in South Park teen murder

(WSB photo, February rally/march)

12:46 PM: Seattle Police have announced an arrest in the February murder of a 16-year-old boy in South Park. This was the deadly shooting that brought more than 100 people to a rally/march for peace days later. While the suspect is not yet charged in the murder, he is also jailed in connection with a $250,000 warrant in a case where charges have been filed, so we are publishing his name: 27-year-old Juan J. Macias. In the other case, he was charged in June with choking his girlfriend unconscious. We are checking with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to see if he is due for a bail hearing today; police say they arrested him in South Park on Saturday.

6:30 PM: Macias did have a bail hearing this afternoon. We don’t have documents yet but the jail register shows his bail now upped to $2,250,000.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue Ford pickup truck; car prowls

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports this morning:


Our truck, a blue 2002 Ford F-250 crew cab, was stolen from outside our house last night. We live on 38th near Oregon st.

(10:50 am update: Plates B96816K.)

CAR PROWLS: Karen says this happened on 48th SW between Hanford and Hinds:

Just wanted to let you know that our block had a car prowler last night. My wife’s car was ransacked, but nothing taken and I could see one other vehicle while walking our dog that had it happen, as well. I forgot to lock the door after running out to move the car. We don’t keep anything of value, but they did go through everything. They opened everything.

UPDATE: 1 arrested after ‘intentionally set’ fire at Elan 41 apartments in West Seattle’s Jefferson Square

(Photo sent by David)

1:22 AM: A Seattle Fire “full response” is headed to the 4700 block of 42nd SW. SFD says the initial report is “light smoke in an apartment building. More to come.

1:25 AM: The address has been updated to 4100 SW Edmunds, the Elan 41 apartments at Jefferson Square. Firefighters on scene are reporting “heavy black smoke” from one side of the building.

1:28 AM: Per scanner – we’re still on the way – flames visible from the second floor.

1:33 AM: Added photo sent by David. SFD crews report fire “knocked down.” SFD reports its first search of the “fire floor and floor above” are “all clear.”

1:36 AM: SFD now reports the fire “under control.” (added) Also from radio communication – one firefighter is reported to have minor injuries.

1:41 AM: Our crew just arrived – adding photo of one of two ladder trucks on scene. This is in the section of the apartments that’s over the east side of Jefferson Square businesses.

1:56 AM: Fire now reported “tapped.” No other injuries reported so far. Our crew says the injured firefighter is a lieutenant who’s been treated by medics and will be OK. The firefighting itself is ramping down but now crews are checking into possible water problems elsewhere in the complex.

2:10 AM: SFD tells us on scene that the residents of the apartment where the fire started were not home at the time. They’re checking adjacent apartments for extension/damage. Also, the injured lieutenant will be checked out at Harborview. A pipe break is reported to be contributing to water problems elsewhere at Jefferson Square, including the parking garage and animal hospital.

2:33 AM: They’re continuing to mop up that water. Some SFD units, meantime, have been dismissed.

3:02 AM: No word yet on the fire’s cause.

10:50 AM: Via Twitter, SFD says the fire was “intentionally set” and that police are investigating. Damage is estimated at $120,000.

1:50 PM: SPD just announced that a resident of the apartment was arrested for investigation of arson after saying he started the fire.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Who steals from a yard sale?’

Reader report from Schuyler:

Around 12 pm this afternoon, I was having a yard sale on the corner of 45th and Stevens. A white male in his late 40s to early 50s pulled up in a darker-gray Buick 4-door sedan. He had short grayish hair, and some semblance of a beard, and was wearing a bright green T-shirt and shorts. He was friendly and inquired about a number of items — including my Seiko divers watch.

At one point he made an off the cuff remark stating ‘I wish I could afford some of the items you have here’. It was then, when he believed I was not paying attention, that he picked the watch up and put it in his pocket and began walking to his car. I confronted him and he swore he did not take it and hopped immediately peeled out. The Buick was new and had a temporary paper license plate in the upper left hand corner of the back window — which I was unfortunately unable to read. And The license plate mounts on either bumper contained yellow dealership advertisements – although I did not have time to catch the dealership name. The cops were notified and a report has been filed.

As infuriating as the theft was, it’s less about the item and more about the principle — who the hell steals from a yard sale?


READER REPORTS: Stolen bike rack; found football gear

Both reports are from the Schmitz Park Elementary campus vicinity:

FROM MIKE: “Somebody stole our Thule XT Pro bike rack (holds 4 bikes) off our trailer hitch, while parked in our driveway, between 9 pm July 3 and 8:30 am today July 4. Was locked to the hitch too. It’s very heavy, would need a hitch or pick up to take away. Silver/black for the half that has the hitch mount and all black for the add-on half.”

FROM SEAN: “Found this youth gear behind SP near the playfield and suspect the owner may want it back.”

He was not able to scoop it up for safekeeping so if you are looking for it, that’s where to check.

P.S. While we spotlight items like this that might have been stolen and dumped, our main Lost and Found/Non-Pets section is in the WSB Forums, which are self-post.

UPDATE: Police search in Admiral

(WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)

10:24 PM: If you’re hearing the sirens: Police have been searching for a suspect in a store robbery and assault on a security guard in The Admiral District – the address mentioned by the dispatcher checks to Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor).

10:54 PM: We are at Metropolitan Market and found police here. They say it was a case of shoplifting turned violent and that’s why it’s classified now as a robbery. No one in custody so far.

SCAM ALERT: Utility cutoff threat, again

This is not a new scam but somebody must still be falling for it, or else the scammers wouldn’t keep trying it. So we’re sharing the warning just received from Natalie – she got two calls this morning that both spoofed the official Seattle city utilities hotline, 206-684-3000, with someone telling her that her electricity was about to be cut off if she didn’t pay them pronto. The info on this City Light scam-alert page goes for Seattle Public Utilities too – including that they will “never call, email, or make a home visit requesting an immediate payment.” And if you hear from a would-be scammer – report it! Natalie says the SPU person with whom she spoke had gotten other recent reports too

UPDATE: Shooting victim in Arbor Heights

12:57 AM: Seattle Fire is sending a “scenes of violence” (formerly “assault with weapon”) response to a house near 35th SW and SW 106th in Arbor Heights. Per scanner, a 29-year-old man is reported to have suffered a gunshot wound to his leg in what was described as a “drive-by shooting” – but the location and circumstances are unclear; it may have happened elsewhere.

1:10 AM: Per scanner, the victim, now described as 24, shot in the “right thigh,” will be taken to the hospital via SFD Medic 32. Officers have broadcast the description of a possible suspect vehicle – black Subaru Outback.

1:15 AM: The victim is reported to have been walking when shot; police report finding a casing near 35th/Roxbury.