Crime 6660 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver CR-V; gas thieves hit school buses

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports today:

STOLEN CAR: Mariana reports her silver ’99 Honda CR-V, with Yakama Nation plate 2535, has been stolen from the 7300 block of California SW, where it was last seen at 9 pm Sunday.

She adds, “Unique plates, but my original Washington plates are in car and could have been switched out. I don’t know my WA state plate number. It has studded snow tires, painted feather and beaded bag in window. Police Incident Report # 17-422184.” Call 911 if you see it.

MORE GAS-TANK PUNCTURES: We’ve published previous reports of gas tanks being punctured, apparently to steal gasoline. Now the thief/thieves are hitting schools. Sometime between last Wednesday and Sunday, they hit Hope Lutheran School‘s bus: “One of our teachers went to fill the bus and realized at the gas station that there was a pencil sized stream of gas from the tank. We took it to West Seattle Autoworks and it was the 4th incident they had seen of this type this month.” The Seattle Lutheran High School bus parked next to Hope’s bus (on the north side of The Junction) also had gas stolen, but via siphon, not puncture. (We had multiple gas-tank-puncture reports last month, including this one.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in South Delridge

10:10 AM: Police are searching in the 17th and Barton vicinity right now for one or two people wanted in what’s been described via scanner as a robbery and hit-run in which someone was reportedly dragged by a stolen car. One suspect has been described as a “possible Hispanic man, 25, heavy set, brown or black wavy hair, small mustache, black hoodie, light T-shirt.” The car’s been found but no one was inside. We’ll update with anything more we find out.

10:31 AM: The search continues, and a K-9 team will be joining. The person who was hurt did not need to be taken to the hospital, we’re told. That part of the incident apparently happened near/at a 13th/Henderson-area construction site (photo added above).

10:37 AM: Added above, a photo of the abandoned stolen car, a blue Subaru with plates starting in AYT. (We don’t know whether it was stolen in West Seattle or elsewhere – it’s not one that we’ve received a reader report about. Police eventually plan to impound it.)

UPDATE: Deadly shooting in White Center; helicopter search

(WSB photos)

10:53 PM: For everyone asking about the helicopter – a shooting is reported near 15th and Roxbury in White Center. King County Sheriff’s deputies have asked SPD to assist with the investigation. We are on the way to find out more.

10:58 PM UPDATE: KCSO says one man has been shot and is undergoing CPR.

11:11 PM UPDATE: Just arrived at the scene. 15th SW is taped off about a block south of Roxbury. SPD is here as well as KCSO, and Guardian One is still overhead.

11:15 PM UPDATE: A sergeant at the scene tells us the victim has died. No arrest reported so far.

8:44 AM: New information in from King County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Cindi West: The victim was a 27-year-old man from Burien: “Witnesses told police that a group of men were talking with the victim prior to the shooting. The suspect who was with the group of men fought with the victim. When the fight was over, the suspect pulled out a gun and shot the victim. The men fled the scene on foot. King County Guardian One and K-9 responded but were unable to locate the suspect or the men he was with. The only description obtained was that the suspect was wearing a red hoodie.” They’re hoping for tips, 206-296-3311.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: One stolen Accord swapped for another

Mike in Gatewood e-mailed this morning, hoping you can help find his stolen car – “a green 1994 4-door Honda Accord. It was stolen last night from a home in Gatewood. It’s not the prettiest car, but it runs wonderfully.” License plate ACY5949, SPD incident # 2017-416928 – call 911 if you see it.

And there’s a twist: Where Mike’s car was taken, another stolen Accord was left behind – the one Tim reported last Monday, taken from Charlestown Hill.

FYI from SPD: Level 3 sex offender moves to Delridge

Just in from Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Burbridge, one of the occasional notifications that a Level 3 sex offender has moved into the area:

In an effort to keep you informed and to reduce future victimization, we want to let you know that recently one Level 3 registered sex offender has moved into a SW Precinct neighborhood.

Please see the below message from Michelle McRae from the Seattle Police Department Sex Offender Detail Unit.


Elijah Vincent is a level 3 registered sex offender who has recently moved to the 5600 block of Delridge Way SW in Seattle and is currently under Department of Corrections supervision.

Detective Foster is the detective responsible for verifying his address as long as he is living there.

To learn more about this offender and for additional safety tips please visit the website at and search by his name. [Editor’s note: You will find his photo and background here.]

If you have any questions please contact me. Thank you

Michelle McRae
Seattle Police Department
Sex Offender Detail Unit
ph – (206) 684-5581


(From Jennifer Burbridge:) Level 3 sex offenders pose the highest risk to re-offend. It is normal to feel upset, angry and worried about a registered sex offender living in your community. The Community Notification Act of 1990 requires sex offenders to register in the community where they live. The law also allows local law enforcement to make the public aware about Level 2 and Level 3 offenders. As all of these offenders have completed their sentence, they are free to live where they wish. Experts believe sex offenders are less likely to re-offend if they live and work in an environment free of harassment. Any actions taken against the listed sex offenders could result in arrest and prosecution, as it is against the law to use this information in any to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders. The SPD Sex Offender detectives will check on these offenders every 3 months to verify our information. You can use 9-1-1 to report any and all suspicious activity.

Please call me to schedule a Block Watch meeting if your block is interested. My office phone at the precinct is (206) 256-6820.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Little red wagon stolen from porch

That’s Riky‘s daughter. Riky sent the photo with this Crime Watch report:

I know a wagon isn’t the same as a car or something more significant but my daughter’s Radio Flyer Wagon was stolen from our porch yesterday and I’m so upset over it. She loves it and we use it constantly. Any tips on its location are greatly appreciated.

(As we replied, yes, a wagon IS significant!) This happened near 28th SW and SW Roxbury, and a police report has been filed; meantime, if you see a wagon like this abandoned somewhere in that area, let us know.

FOLLOWUP: Police find stolen Prius, arrest suspect

Last Saturday morning, we published Fuchi‘s report of a black 2017 Prius stolen near California/Hanford. Today, Fuchi e-mailed with word the car was found last night, “with a collection of presumably stolen goods inside, and suspected thief was arrested.” We contacted Seattle Police to find out more. Media relations Det. Mark Jamieson tells us a detective spotted the car in the Junction QFC parking lot and confirmed it was stolen; the suspect was arrested shortly thereafter “without incident.” After the car was reclaimed, that’s when items that didn’t belong to the owners were discovered; police have those items now, Det. Jamieson said. He didn’t have details about the suspect – except that he’s in his 30s – because the report is still being processed.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen gold/ivory Honda Accord

10:39 AM: Tim‘s car was stolen overnight on Charlestown Hill:

It’s a golden/ivory 1996 Honda Accord. Very clean 110% bone stock. 5-speed manual. Tan interior. It has a small dimple dent with a green scuff on passenger rear door, and the bumpers have small scratches/scuff marks with “color match paint” to cover. Last seen parked out front on Charlestown St. (near 52nd SW; map) Stolen Sunday night 11/5/17. License plate #BEZ9764. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Call 911 if you see or have seen it. (Tim was in the process of reporting it to police and we’ll add the report # when we get it.)

ADDED 1:28 PM: SPD incident # is 17-411669.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Kite-surfing gear stolen

Our second report today of sizable items taken in a car prowl. This report is from Paul in the 3500 block of SW 98th [map] in Arbor Heights, where the theft happened sometime this weekend:

The main thing that was stolen was a large gear bag (black PGA golf bag with wheels) that contained kite-surfing gear:

Kite board
10 and 12 meter kites
Bar and line
Wet suit
Long board skateboard
About $2500 worth of stuff to the right person but worthless to most people

I also lost a black briefcase that had my entire financial life in it and an old MacBook Pro.

Hopefully the criminals just dumped it all somewhere and I can recover it soon.

If you have any information, the SPD incident # is 17-410552.


Matt lives across SW Frontenac from the north side of Gatewood Elementary and is asking you to watch out for guitars stolen from his car:

I’m kicking myself for making the mistake, but I left my guitars in my truck out in front of our house on the evening of Thursday November 2nd. When I went out to my truck to go to work on Friday morning, I knew right away what had happened. Someone had broken in and stolen my guitars and my backpack with song books, journal etc. We love our neighborhood, but I never leave things in our vehicles for this reason. Sadly, I blanked out this time and paid for it. Here are some more details as to what was taken in the off chance they cross people’s paths.

Taylor 714 Acoustic Guitar – serial #20060209124

Vintage Classical Guitar – circa early 70’s with distinctive wear around the sound hole where someone played it with a pick long ago and scratched up the soundboard.

It seems crazy that I don’t know the make given how long I’ve had the guitar and how much I love it, but it’s true. I seem to remember it being a Japanese maker, perhaps starting with an M. …

Northface Backpack, black – contents include a song book, journal, egg shakers, harmonica, harmonica holder, and other odds and ends etc. In short, things that would be meaningless to others, but matter to me.

A police report is filed among other steps Matt has taken to get the word out. If you have any info on the stolen items, you can refer to SPD incident # 2017-409388.


9:45 AM: Fuchi in South Admiral moved to West Seattle a few months ago and has just become the victim of auto theft: Black 2017 Prius stolen early Friday, from SW Hanford between California and 44th. License plate BGJ4568. Fuchi found out from neighbors that someone was seen prowling cars shortly before the 3 am theft – described as a white man, late 20s to mid 30s, 5’10”, dark pants, “some kind of insulated jacket,” carrying a gym bag. If you see the car, call 911; police incident # is 2017-408542.

1:45 PM: Here’s the aforementioned prowler, as caught on a neighbor’s security camera:

TUESDAY UPDATE: Fuchi reports the car has been recovered and a suspect was arrested. We’re working to get more followup info from SPD.

CRIME WATCH: Package thieves, including a repeater; sign mystery

In West Seattle (and vicinity) Crime Watch:

WESTWOOD REPEAT PACKAGE THIEF: What you see in this security video isn’t the usual quick look at a theft. Toward the start, you see someone remove a package from the porch; then you see another delivery; then about 5:15 in, you see the same person back to remove that package. Stacey, who sent the link, explains:

Our family had the nice UPS driver come by last night around 8 pm to tell us that a thief was prowling the Westwood area stealing packages. You can see in this video clip a guy with an odd hat and puffy jacket grab a small package and later come back for our Old Navy package which was hidden in a milk box. The UPS man said he was chasing this guy down with over a dozen packages.

A very Good Samaritan brought us back our ripped open Old Navy bag. Keep an eye out for this guy. And anyone in the Westwood area, look to make sure you got your packages the last two days.

BEACH DRIVE PACKAGE THIEF: The photos and report are from Nina:

I live on the 5600 Block of Beach Drive. On 11/1 at 10:58 AM, this woman stole a package off our porch 4 minutes after it was dropped off.

She was following the delivery truck through the neighborhood. I have filed a police report but thought the neighbors in West Seattle should be warned. Police Case Number 2017-910072

SIGN MYSTERY: Do you know what happened to this sign at 4th SW and SW 108th? Vandalism? Crash?

Mark Ufkes, who led the White Center Chamber of Commerce when this and similar signs were installed, sent the photo and notes, “Wish we knew who did this, to help us make it right. The sign alone cost the Chamber over $2,000.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Trespassers; bicycle found; driver pursues rider on Alki Trail

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:


The vacant homes on the corner of Fauntleroy and Brandon have attracted squatters. Unfortunately, we were informed that this has become a problem throughout the area.

The owners of both vacant properties (5251 Fauntleroy Way SW & 3914 SW Brandon St) have been notified and the police have been out multiple times this week. While an arrest was made on Monday evening, there does not seem to be much that be done to deter this.

As concerned neighbors, we will continue to notify the owners or both houses when we see individuals on the properties and will contact the police.

As reported in our community-meeting coverage, vacant homes are indeed a problem throughout the city. Police have to have permission from their owners to “trespass” people found squatting, so in some cases, they have been able to get that permission in advance so it doesn’t have to be sought anew every time. Meantime, we checked city files for the addresses, wondering about the sites’ future; both have redevelopment proposals on file – 5251 Fauntleroy, for three-unit rowhouse and two single-family houses, and 3914 Brandon for a six-unit rowhouse.

FOUND BICYCLE: Carmine spotted this bike at Lincoln Park:

Abandoned 17” Marin bicycle at far north end of Lincoln Park beach trail. Looks stolen, flat front tire caused abandonment.

DRIVER ON BICYCLE PATH: Yesterday on Reddit, a member reported seeing someone driving a car on the Alki Trail, pursuing a bicyclist with whom they had just had some kind of confrontation. The member reported having recorded it on video, and then posted it in a separate thread today. Caveat: It is shot from a distance, and the narration is full of profanities. We invited the witness – who was planning to take their video to police – to contact WSB, but have not heard from them, so we don’t know the status of the case, and all we can do is link to their posts. (Thanks to the people who flagged us to this – we do read the Seattle subreddits regularly but hadn’t seen this until we got the first note about it.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Locker-room theft victim chases thief

Out of the WSB inbox, from Andrew:

I had just returned to the locker room from a post-workout shower at LA Fitness at about 7:30 am to discover that someone had cut the lock off of my locker and stolen my wallet and bus pass. I’ve been exercising there every morning before work for over two years, so I recognize most of the regulars.

I’d seen a unfamiliar man there this morning, so I confronted him then contacted the gym’s staff. When the staff asked that he empty his pockets, he had my credit card and about $50 in cash from my wallet on him.

He bolted out of the front door, and I gave chase while the staff called the police. I then took photos of him while he was getting away. He took off on a bicycle heading east on SW Alaska Street. I did not escalate the situation because I didn’t know if he had a knife or some other weapon.

Fortunately, he must’ve ditched my wallet and bus pass at some point during the confrontation, because the gym staff found and returned both, minus the cash, which he must’ve shoved back into his pockets. He was not a member of the gym and apparently snuck in somehow. I’ve been working out with no problems at LA Fitness since they opened their West Seattle location, and I’m somewhat shaken by the brazenness of this encounter. However, I will return, since something like this could happen almost anywhere.

I gave my statement and emailed the photos to the police, and they provided me with Incident # 17-404018.

Andrew added more description in a followup note: White man, late 30s, medium build, about 5’10”.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Seen this stolen black Honda Civic?

October 30, 2017 3:26 pm
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Just out of the WSB inbox, from Chris:

My wife and I just got back to our Roxbury Street home from a weekend visiting family to find my 1999 Honda Civic stolen (4 door, black, license plate #ASU6838). If anyone finds it abandoned on their street, please let me know.

But first, call 911. (Update – you can refer to SPD incident # 2017-430174.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Alki hit-run; South Admiral discovery

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes this morning:

ALKI HIT-RUN: From Russ and Kim:

Our 2002 Volvo S60 was parked on SW Stevens street in front of our house (last night). Around 11 pm we heard a crash outside and saw a pickup truck zooming away. It had clipped the front of our car as it turned right down the alley the leads down to Alki Ave.

The whole front of our car was taken off. Called SPD and they responded quickly and are looking for a pickup — a big one that might be carrying two barrels in its back (according to our neighbor, who caught a brief look).

We are fine. Just an annoying hit-and-run. SPD is on the lookout, but if anyone sees a pickup — probably a larger one — with damage to its front right side, please let us know.

DUMPED ITEMS: The photo and report are from Teresa:

She found the items in the parking lot at 3700 California SW early Friday morning and turned them over to police: “The purse on top still had the wallet, ID and cash inside. I did not look in the rest of the bags but high heels were falling out of a tote. I don’t remember the person’s name but the address on their ID said Marysville.” So contact SPD if you know whose these are.

West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network, report #2: SPD’s emphasis areas

Earlier this week, we reported on what the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network heard from this month’s guest, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Now, the other part of the meeting – what they heard from police:

(WSB photo)

That sign installed today in The Junction is related to crime-prevention work that police are doing with the West Seattle Junction Association. Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis and crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Burbridge talked with WSBWCN about working with WSJA executive director Lora Swift to discuss and address chronic issues. Right now, the precinct’s bicycle patrol is active in The Junction, Capt. Davis said. But the precinct only has a budget to deploy them in the daytime, so requests for nighttime bicycle patrolling might take a while to work on. Capt. Davis also said they’ve made some arrests and written some tickets, so they’re making progress. (Side note – Officer John O’Neil is now the Community Police Team officer assigned to the West Seattle sector that includes The Junction.)

Capt. Davis also talked about the Westwood Village-emphasis area that’s been mentioned at previous community meetings, and said they’re making progress in cleaning up Roxhill Park – via patrols as well as via steps such as locking the restrooms overnight and getting Parks to clear some of the overgrowth. They’ve had a sharp decline in the number of 911 calls about the park.

The West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets fourth Thursdays most months – but not November and December – 6:30 pm at the precinct (2300 SW Webster).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search; gunfire suspects arrested; recognize this red backpack?

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes this afternoon:

POLICE SEARCH IN SOUTH DELRIDGE: If you’ve seen the officers, including a K-9 team, searching in the South Delridge area (17th/Barton and beyond) in the past hour or so – we’re told it’s related to a theft case that originated on the King County side of the line. That’s all we have so far.

SPEAKING OF CITY/COUNTY CASES: Via SPD Blotter this afternoon, the saga of something we heard a bit about on the scanner last night but couldn’t pursue because it ended downtown: It started with a robbery in White Center just before 11 pm, continued with gunfire in the 9000 block of Delridge Way SW – the robbery suspects allegedly firing at a witness who was pursuing them – and, as police shared information about the suspect vehicle – a Monte Carlo – across precinct lines, officers caught up with the suspects on I-5 near exit 168B. “Officers looked into the vehicle and saw cash and a purse on the floorboards. Officers booked the 19-year-old gunman, the 21-year-old driver, and the 19-year-old passenger into King County Jail for investigation of assault and drive-by shooting,” wrote Det. Patrick Michaud.

And a reader report:

STOLEN BACKPACK? If this backpack looks like something taken from you or someone you know…

Rich is wondering. He sent the photo (which we have cropped), explaining, “Saturday 10/22 around 3:30 pm, there was a suspicious looking young man emptying the contents of a red backpack into the bushes near California and Charlestown … he was very aggressive towards me when I questioned what he was doing. I don’t see on the blog any mention of a lost/stolen backpack, but perhaps you can post the query if this happened to anyone.” Let us know if you recognize it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stabbing suspect arraigned; car prowled; more

October 26, 2017 5:09 pm
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We start this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup with an update on a high-profile recent case:

(October 9th WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)

ADMIRAL STABBING SUSPECT ARRAIGNED: Kierra Ward, charged with attacking an Admiral woman who was out for a walk with her baby October 9th, was arraigned today. She pleaded not guilty to first-degree and second-degree assault charges (the second is for allegedly threatening to stab the man who tried to get between Ward and victim Sarah Hanson). Ward remains in King County Jail, bail set at $400,000, with her next hearing November 8th.

P.S. The crowdfunding campaign to help Sarah care for her baby and work from home while recovering has more than surpassed its goal.


READER REPORT – CAR PROWL: Lori reports a car prowl overnight Tuesday into Wednesday in Arbor Heights: “34th & Roxbury. Broke into our car that was in our driveway, didn’t get much. Sunglasses and handful of change. Other cars in area had windows wiped clean of condensation to see inside. Please advise neighbors to not keep valuables in vehicle.”

And a followup:

ATM REPLACED: We noticed today that the ATM stolen two and a half weeks ago from the Chase drive-up in The Junction is back in business – probably not its first day, since we noticed crews at work several days ago, but didn’t get to check back until now.

While SPD told us the day after the theft that the stolen ATM had been recovered, there’s no word of arrests so far.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Assault investigation in Westwood

5:52 AM: 30th SW is closed for about a block north of Barton [map] right now by a big police response (thanks for the tip). Officers at the scene could only say that someone was assaulted and has been taken to Harborview Medical Center; the Seattle Fire log shows a medical response in the 9000 block of 30th SW just before 4 am. More information as we get it.

6:01 AM: Just talked to SPD spokesperson Det. Mark Jamieson. He is still working on getting details, including whether someone is in custody, but says this started as “some kind of disturbance or argument between two men, and one was assaulted by the other.” The victim has life-threatening injuries.

6:07 AM: SPD confirms a suspect is in custody.

8:10 AM: Police have just released more information via SPD Blotter:

Detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding an early morning assault incident in West Seattle. An adult male has been taken into custody and transported to police headquarters where he was interviewed, along with three other witnesses.

Just before 4:00 am two men, acquaintances, were in the 9000 block of 30th Avenue SW. One of the men jumped on the back of the other man attempting to take his cell phone. A struggle ensued, and the man who attempted to take the phone experienced a medical emergency. Officers arrived on scene within three minutes, located the victim, and rendered aid. Seattle Fire responded and transported the man to Harborview Medical Center, where he is in stable condition, expected to recover.

30th SW had reopened when we checked around an hour ago.

FOLLOWUP: Two 17-year-olds charged as adults in 2-location gunfire incident

(WSB photo: Suspects’ car, after it crashed in Upper Fauntleroy last Wednesday night)

A routine check of the King County Jail Register revealed that two 17-year-olds are now charged as adults, six days after their arrests in a case that started wth gunfire in Delridge and on Puget Ridge and ended with a crash and search in Upper Fauntleroy (WSB coverage here). They are Daniel A. Moore and Jaydze Sabala. Charging documents say police got a call just before 9:30 last Wednesday night from someone who said that three boys she knew “from school” had shot at her twice – once while she and her boyfriend were driving to the Delridge 7-11, shattering a car window, then while she was at her home near 21st/Graham, doing other damage to the boyfriend’s car parked outside (as shown in our coverage that night, police found casings in the street). She said her boyfriend and Sabala had been having some kind of dispute.

After getting the description of the suspects’ vehicle, police spotted it on Delridge, speeding up to 70 mph; they say the driver tried to get away but finally crashed into a parked car at 39th/Cloverdale. Sabala was driving and was ordered out of the car and arrested; Moore ran; a third passenger, not listed as charged, was taken into custody. Police say Moore was soon found hiding nearby, in possession of a 9mm handgun, a loaded magazine, and some loose 9mm rounds. When a detective interviewed the boyfriend of the person who originally called police, he is reported to have claimed he was in a dispute with Sabala over a vehicle, and that Sabala had shot at him at least six or seven previous times, only one of which had been reported to police.

Moore and Sabala are both charged with one count of drive-by shooting; Moore is also charged with unlawful firearm possession, and Sabala is also charged with attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle. The documents say neither has a criminal record. Both were booked into King County Jail, with bail for each set at $150,000; according to a check of the register before finishing this story, Moore posted bond and got out less than an hour ago, while Sabala is still in. Both are West Seattle residents, according to the addresses on court documents.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Cigarette dispute sends 1 man to hospital, 1 man to jail

We had a request out to Seattle Police this morning for information about an assault of some kind at 42nd/Alaska on Monday afternoon. The response – this post on SPD Blotter:

Officers arrested a man Monday afternoon in West Seattle following an assault that left a man with serious facial injuries.

Witnesses called 911 just after 4 p.m. to report of a fight in the 4200 block of SW Alaska Street. When officers arrived they found a 54-year-old man who was bleeding heavily from his nose. His left eye was swollen shut. The man said he was assaulted by “the local boys” over a cigarette.

Dispatch later received a phone call that said the suspect was inside an apartment in the 4500 block of 42 Avenue SW. Officers went to the apartment and found a 37-year-old man who confirmed he had punched the victim once following a dispute over a cigarette.

Seattle Fire Department Medics treated the victim for his facial injuries and determined he may have also sustained a possible broken rib. A private ambulance took the victim to Harborview Medical Center for further treatment. Officers booked the suspect into King County Jail for investigation of assault as well as an unrelated warrant for assault.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Seen this white Subaru Outback?

In West Seattle Crime Watch, a stolen car to watch for. From Emily and Winn:

Our 2013 white Subaru Outback was stolen from in front of our house on SW Hinds in the Admiral neighborhood overnight. Has Maryland plates (02141CF) and a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. Please report it immediately to the police if you see it! I have reported this information to the police. Thank you!

SIDE NOTE: Citywide, through last week’s SeaStat update, 2,813 vehicle thefts have been reported so far this year – and that’s a 10 percent drop from the same period last year.