Crime 6660 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Cannabis shop hit 3 times in 1 week; 2 car prowls

In West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:

3 BURGLARIES IN 1 WEEK @ CANNABIS SHOP: Police are investigating early-morning burglaries today, Sunday, and last Monday at Canna West Seattle (5435 California SW). After hearing from neighbors about the break-ins in the past two days, we requested the reports from SPD, and one report mentions another break-in a week ago. This morning’s full report isn’t available yet but media relations Det. Mark Jamieson tells WSB, “It happened about 3:18 am and was reported by a neighbor. The caller stated that 3 black males in their 20s were observed running northbound from the business carrying bags. Officers arrived within minutes of the call along with a K9. The K9 team did a track, but it appears that the suspects got into a car.” As for the Sunday break-in, the report narrative says police got the call at 3:50 am, with a neighbor reporting “three males in front of the store breaking into the front glass door with axes.” K-9 tracking in this case also suggested that the burglars departed in a vehicle. And this report says police were met at the business Sunday morning by the owner, who told them the store had been broken into last Monday (October 16th) in the same way, by three people with axes. The report says there’s surveillance video and that, in the Sunday burglary, it shows that the burglars – who wore masks and gloves – were in the store for just two minutes, breaking the door at 3:37 am and fleeing with merchandise at 3:39 am.

Also, two reader reports about overnight car prowls:


We wanted to let everyone know that there are car prowlers in Arbor Heights. My husband was loading up his car this morning between 5 and 6 (making several trips), and someone took multiple items from his car. They stole his work computer and everything from his console. They also left a women’s purse and a trail of garbage from our house toward Fauntleroy Park. We live near 39th and 97th aves. [map] It is particularly upsetting because the car was parked at the end of our driveway (closest to the house) and was essentially right outside our back door. We were all inside (my husband, myself, our toddler and infant) about 20 feet away. The car is also parked under a security light and they had to walk down our driveway past my car to get to it. Given this, it was particularly bold, brazen and unsettling. We were wondering if people were watching and waiting, or if it was just dumb luck. Apparently leaving your car unlocked, in your driveway, outside your back door for about 30 minutes in the morning is just not safe any more.


Our older-model Highlander was prowled sometime last night (Sunday). Car was mistakenly left unlocked – no broken windows. Nothing of value taken but would love to have back the car records, etc. that were in a small zipper binder in the glove box if someone finds it randomly dumped. Car was parked in vicinity of 41st and Austin. Lock your car at all times and leave nothing inside.

P.S. Another reminder that the next local crime/safety-related meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday (October 24th), the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network, with special guest Councilmember Lisa Herbold – 6:30 pm, Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster).

TUESDAY: West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network hosts Councilmember Lisa Herbold

October 22, 2017 6:40 pm
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Wondering what your West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold is doing about crime, safety, policing concerns? Here’s your chance to ask her: She’s the guest at Tuesday night’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster). Right now, in addition to representing our area on the council, Herbold is also chairing its budget committee, which is making spending decisions for the next year; she ascended to that role after the shakeup that started with former Mayor Murray’s resignation. You don’t have to be part of a Block Watch to attend the meeting, which will also include updates from local police leadership – just come to the precinct meeting room, which is right off the parking lot, entrance off Webster west of Delridge [map], east of the south side of Home Depot.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 reader reports, plus 28 feet of happy ending!

West Seattle Crime Watch starts with three reader reports:

CAR BREAK-IN: From Kala in South Delridge:

Last night my car was broken into sometime after 8pm. I live in a townhome off of 17th and Barton. My Jeep was parked in the designated parking spot for my place..when I came out this morning all my stuff from the center console and glove department were all over the ground..after checking doors I realized that the back hatch was open so guessing they crawled through. Nothing of value was taken other than a wallet that contained only an Id.

We’ve previously had someone cut the lock to our back gate and also have seen lots of people lurking around the area. It’s very unsettling. Just wanted to report so everyone stays safe!

HIT-RUN, THREAT: From Brittany:

(Friday) night a car intentionally rammed into my boyfriend’s car on Avalon Way. He followed the vehicle onto a side street to obtain a license plate and insurance info, at which point the driver of the vehicle exited his car. He leaned in through my boyfriend’s open window and attempted to put his hands on him while threatening to shoot him and beat him up. He then drove away. My boyfriend got a photo of the car, including the license plate, and filed a police report, which hasn’t turned up the guy.

I’m hoping someone will recognize the car and be able to identify the driver so he can be held accountable for his dangerous actions.

Police have the full plate; since this isn’t a photo showing a crime in progress, we’re just showing the first three digits, but if you know who it is, that would likely be enough. We will add the SPD incident # when we get it. (Added: It’s 17-390469.)

HIT-RUN ON THE BRIDGE: From Anne, who says this happened on the westbound bridge, middle lane before the rise:

My red Prius was rear-ended on the West Seattle Bridge Wednesday 10/18/17 between 6:15 and 6:30 pm. It was a white four-door older vehicle that hit me and then drove away before the police arrived. There were at least two males in the car. When the white car collided into me I was pushed into the car in front of me, which was a Subaru SUV. Please contact me or the police if you saw the white car drive away, have any more details or observations , or see a white car with new front-end damage in your neighborhood. It may have red paint on the bumper.

AIRSTREAM STOLEN, THEN FOUND: If you don’t read comments, you missed all this! But it’s too good not to mention in a followup note. Back on Thursday, Esther sent word that her 28-foot classic Airstream trailer had been stolen in the Alki area. In a comment on that report, Michael posted this photo he had taken of an Airstream being towed later that morning, elsewhere in West Seattle:

Esther should have been notified about the trailer’s discovery and tow, but the thief/thieves had switched the plates, among other things. Friday, with the help of Michael’s photo and some other reader suggestions, she got it back! Thanks again to everyone who has helped reunite readers with cars, bicycles, motorcycles, and trailers via WSB Crime Watch over the years … we hope you never have a crime to report, but if you do, please let us know – so much does NOT go out over the scanner, so without e-mail and/or other tips, we won’t be able to report it –, or, if it’s happening now, text/call 206-293-6302.

FOLLOWUP: 3 charged with murdering Derek Juarez-Lopez in Westcrest Park

The three suspects arrested in the September stabbing death of 15-year-old Derek Juarez-Lopez are all now charged with first-degree murder: 18-year-old Jonatan Islas-Martinez, 17-year-old Elizabeth Cabrera-Aparicio, and 16-year-old Diego S. Carballo-Oliveros, all three of whom live in West Seattle. (The latter two are charged as adults, so we are publishing their names.) The charging papers say that Carballo-Oliveros already was facing charges of robbery and attempted robbery in an unrelated case, and was due in court the day after the murder that led to these charges.

The narrative in the charging documents is largely the same as what we reported yesterday from the documents in Islas-Martinez’s probable-cause hearing, with a few additions: Prosecutors describe Cabrera-Aparicio as Carballo-Oliveros’s girlfriend, but also had written that she was the victim’s girlfriend. Also, the documents quote an unidentified witness as saying he went to Westcrest Park with Carballo-Oliveros with the expectation they were going to buy and smoke marijuana, and they awaited “the dealer.” The victim showed up with Cabrera-Aparicio and showed a glass jar that was in his backpack, “just enough of the jar that would clearly show that it was filled with marijuana, which, according to (the witness), is a common practice when purchasing an ounce of marijuana, which was the case in this transaction.” (The witness) said that as soon as Carballo-Oliveros saw the marijuana, “he demanded everything” from the victim, who resisted – and then, the documents say, was stabbed by Carballo-Oliveros, who had removed a “medium-sized knife” and flipped it open. The victim tried to run but was pushed down from behind. Islas-Martinez then grabbed the backpack and ran, the witness said, while the victim remained on the ground and Carballo-Oliveros allegedly said, “That wasn’t supposed to happen, I don’t want to have to kill you.” He then ran, said the witness,who did the same thing, saying he didn’t realize the victim was hurt.

Next steps in the case: All three defendants are scheduled for arraignment November 2nd. Bail for each is now set at $1 million.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Updates on 3 court cases

From the online court files:

ABEL LINARES: The second suspect arrested in last month’s murder of Edixon Velasquez outside his Westwood home was arraigned today. Linares, 19, pleaded not guilty to the first-degree murder charge filed against him two weeks ago. Online court files also show his lawyer filed an objection to the fact that probable cause was found to hold Linares based mostly on two unidentified witnesses saying he told them he shot Velasquez. Linares remains jailed in lieu of $1 million, as does the first suspect arrested in the case, 21-year-old Anna Kasparova (who was supposed to have a case-setting hearing today,but it’s postponed until next Tuesday because her lawyer is sick). His next hearing is set for November 2nd.

RYAN COX: The repeat offender charged with second-degree assault in the stabbing of a man at California/Orchard in August remains in jail, insisting on going to trial, but the trial date was pushed back at his most recent hearing. If it doesn’t change again, Cox is scheduled for trial the week after Thanksgiving. His bail remains set at $150,000.

JESSICA DETRICK: This repeat offender has just pleaded guilty in the most recent case against her. It wasn’t in West Seattle, but court documents say an image published here from a West Seattle burglary was instrumental in identifying her. She has pleaded guilty to attempted burglary of a residence on Queen Anne back in March. She was recorded on video, accompanied by her dog, as she had been in West Seattle incidents. Documents say that when the victim posted about the attempted break-in online, someone pointed her to a previous report about Detrick on WSB. That led to the involvement of a West Seattle detective who identified her as the suspect. As part of her plea bargain, prosecutors will recommend two years in prison when she is sentenced on November 3rd.

Shiny, silver, stolen: Seen this Airstream, taken near Alki? – FOUND!

ORIGINAL OCTOBER 19TH REPORT: Last time we published a photo of a stolen trailer, a WSB reader found it. Maybe that’ll happen this time too – given how conspicuous this particular trailer would be. The photo is from Esther, and it’s her vintage 28-foot Airstream, stolen from her driveway in the Alki area sometime after midnight last night/early today, possibly around 12:30 am, when neighbors heard some noises. “It’s a 1972 Land Yacht, with a high $ and sentimental value.” Call 911 if you think you’ve seen it; refer to SPD incident # 17-388291.

UPDATE: Found, thanks to commenter Michael‘s photo!

3 teenagers arrested in Westcrest Park murder of 15-year-old Derek Juarez-Lopez

(WSB photo from September 5th search at Westcrest Park)

10:34 AM: A month and a half after 15-year-old Derek Juarez-Lopez was stabbed to death in Westcrest Park, police have arrested three suspects.

The Seattle Times first reported last night that an 18-year-old man is in jail, bail set at $750,000. This morning, we have just obtained court documents confirming that – and police have just announced that two other suspects, both juveniles, are in custody too:

Detectives arrested an 18-year-old male and a 17-year-old male separately at residences in West Seattle on Tuesday, October 17th. The adult was booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Murder, while the juvenile was booked into the Youth Services Center (YSC) for the same charge. On October 18th, detectives arrested a 17-year-old female at a residence in West Seattle. She was booked into YSC for murder Wednesday evening. This remains an active and ongoing investigation.

As police said early in the investigation, robbery was the motive, according to the probable-cause documents for the 18-year-old’s bail hearing. He is alleged to have stabbed the victim, who, police were told, was lured into the park so that he could be robbed of marijuana he was allegedly carrying. We’ll add more details as we read through the lengthy narrative in the court documents…

ADDED 11:18 AM: According to the probable-cause documents, the 18-year-old suspect is a South Delridge resident; we haven’t found any criminal record on file for him. The narrative extensively details how police tracked the case. The victim and his family live in Arbor Heights, and he left on the day of the murder with his brother. The brother told police he was driving Derek to meet his girlfriend and dropped him off near 14th/Roxbury. Derek and the girlfriend had been communicating by a social-media messaging service so police had to get a search warrant for his phone, which was recovered, damaged, at the murder scene. Police wrote,”The texts between the two suggested that they were meeting for the reason of the sale and/or use of drugs.” (Marijuana is the only “drug” mentioned in the narrative.) They found the girlfriend and interviewed her the same day Derek died. They say she admitted leading him to an area of the park – near where she lives – where she said three men armed with knives jumped and attacked him, and, she said, she ran away, but didn’t report it to police.

The next day, the narrative says, police received an “anonymous tip” about who was allegedly involved in the murder. They eventually tracked down and spoke with the tipster, who said the victim’s girlfriend did not know that he was going to be killed, but the robbery situation “got out of hand” and that the victim was stomped on as well as stabbed.

It appears from the documents as if one more possible suspect, a 16-year-old boy, has yet to be arrested. Meantime, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office tells us that the 18-year-old suspect is due back in court tomorrow, by which time charges may be filed. We’ll be checking on the juvenile suspects’ status too.

READER REPORT: Double hit-and-run on Puget Ridge

More trouble on Puget Ridge – the photos and report were just texted to us, and flesh out a bit of scanner traffic we heard a short time ago:

My fence and bushes were just destroyed by a hit-and-run driver fleeing the scene of a prior hit-and-run at 16th and Dawson. They left behind their GMC bumper.

The texter is near 22nd/21st SW, and explains:

The guy hit the first car and was chased by the son-in-law of the car’s owner. They hit our property while fleeing the person who was chasing them. They were heading down the hill toward Delridge. Probably long gone over the bridge.

Or – they could have stayed on-peninsula. So be on the lookout for a GMC vehicle missing a bumper like that.

@ West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Shoplifting crackdown; precinct’s fall events…

No special guest at last night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, so it was a shorter-than-usual meeting devoted to police updates and community concerns. Read More

UPDATE: Police arrest 3 teens in Upper Fauntleroy after gunfire on Puget Ridge

(UPDATED 10:09 AM THURSDAY with additional information from police)

9:43 PM: We’re working to find out more about a police search in the 39th SW/SW Cloverdale area. This is related to gunfire somewhere else – no injuries reported so far that we have heard. Police were following a vehicle with suspects in it and are reported to have two people in custody but are looking for others. More when we get it.

9:50 PM: The search is around a fairly wide area, including part of Westwood to the east, and a K-9 team is involved.

9:56 PM: Police tell us this started around 21st and Graham [map] on Puget Ridge.

10:11 PM: While our crew is off checking on that scene, we’ve just heard via scanner that another person has been taken into custody near 37th/Cloverdale, and “weapon recovered” (they had been looking for a gun but reportedly had not found it in the car).

10:16 PM: Part of 21st SW is closed at Graham, our crew reports, while Gang Unit members are investigating. (photo added above) The shell casings from the original gunfire incident are clearly marked on the street here. We’re told they expect to keep the street closed another half-hour or so. Meantime, back at the Upper Fauntleroy scene, officers have confirmed to dispatchers that they do not believe any other suspects are at large.

ADDED 10:19 AM THURSDAY: Just in via SPD Blotter, before we even checked in with SPD looking for additional details:

Three juvenile suspects, all 17 -year-old males, were arrested Wednesday evening following a drive-by shooting in West Seattle after they crashed the car they were driving. A handgun was recovered at the scene.

Just before 9:30 p.m. officers responded to reports of shots fired at a residence in the 6300 block of 21st Avenue SW. Witnesses provided officers with a suspect vehicle description and officers located a possible suspect vehicle nearby. The vehicle fled from officers but crashed a short distance away. Two of the three occupants were taken into custody at the vehicle, but the third suspect fled on foot. A few minutes later he was located and arrested after a K-9 track. That suspect had a 9mm handgun in his possession.

While investigating the incident, officers learned from the victim that the three suspects were known to the victim and had been in a long-standing disagreement with her boyfriend. The victim also informed officers that approximately ten minutes prior to the shooting incident, the same suspects shot out the back window of a car she and her boyfriend were driving in while on Delridge. That shooting was not reported to police at the time. The boyfriend had left the scene prior to the police arrival.

Officers examined the victim’s vehicle and discovered several apparent bullet holes and a damaged rear window. The scene was processed and the victim’s car was impounded. There were no reported injuries.
The three suspects were later booked into the Youth Services Center. Southwest Precinct detectives will handle the follow-up investigation.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 reader reports and a followup

October 18, 2017 3:34 pm
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Four reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

BURGLARY THIS MORNING: Just received this from Dawn:

Our house was broken into this morning between 10:30-11:00 am. We live on the corner of 49th and Hanford. [map] Tried to break into a window and kick in the basement door. When that didn’t work, they used something to pry open the front door and shatter the frame and lock. Luckily they didn’t take much and no one was hurt so we are grateful for that. Just wanted the neighbors to be on alert and ask if anyone saw anything. Our house is on a VERY visible corner so it’s surprising a break-in was attempted.

FAUNTLEROY BURGLARY FOLLOWUP: We requested and obtained the report narrative from the Fauntleroy Park-area burglary covered here Tuesday afternoon. Police got the call just before 3 pm. For one, the report answers the questions about a description – the report says a witness saw someone climbing through a second-floor window and could only describe clothing – dark stocking cap, dark hoodie or jacket, tan or brown work pants, dark shoes. Then at some point before the report was filed Tuesday evening, police made contact with the resident, who gave them “video of a suspect at the front door,” described as “a light-complexion male, black jacket with a red line, black pants, gray backpack.” The house has an alarm that the report says was tripped – which likely explains the loud siren-like sound we heard while on scene. Nothing was reported taken, at least as of the report’s filing.


I woke this morning to find my SUV had been prowled. All the contents in the glove compartment were on the driver seat and it appears they were looking for something in particular as my jackets shoes and headphones were in the back seat. We are somewhat at fault. My Husband left the truck unlocked and the kids turned off the porch light before bed. My driveway is completely dark and out of view from the main street. I live near 21st & Roxbury. [map]

CARS VANDALIZED: From Maari in Gatewood:

On Tuesday morning, my neighborhood block was hit by a car that drove down the street and broke about 5 car windows. I live on 36th Ave SW between Willow and Holly. [map]

If you have a tip for SPD, refer to incident 2017-909470.

NEXT CRIME/SAFETY MEETING: Did you miss last night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting? We’ll have a report before tonight’s out. Meantime, the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network just announced that City Councilmember Lisa Herbold will be their guest next week, 6:30 pm Tuesday, October 24, at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search by Fauntleroy Park

(WSB photos)

4:20 PM: Thanks for the texts – we’re on our way to check out a police response near Fauntleroy Park. Checking with Seattle Police media relations in the meantime, this apparently started as a report of a possible burglary at a home on the north side of the park, along Barton. More to come.

4:27 PM: Police are outside a house on the south side of Barton at Director.

They think a burglar might be inside, so they are using a bullhorn to tell anyone inside to come out before they send a K-9 in to search.

4:41 PM: The K-9 has gone in and come out.

4:47 PM: The house is empty but police found a hole in the fence. Now the Guardian One helicopter is flying around the area looking for any signs of a possible burglar at large.

5:40 PM: The helicopter has long since departed after doing what it could; no word of an arrest yet but last we heard, police in the Fauntleroy area were still on the lookout.

8:18 PM: We checked with SW Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting; no arrest. The K-9 tried tracking from the hole in the fence that might have been used for entry/exit but couldn’t pick up a trail.

YOU CAN HELP: Friends launch crowdfunding campaign for Admiral attack victim and family

After an Admiral woman was stabbed last week while walking with her baby on 41st SW, many people asked how the community could help with her recovery. Now, there’s a way. This afternoon, friends of the victim launched a crowdfunding page for Sarah Hanson and her family, and just shared the link with us so we could share it with you. While she is home from the hospital, as we reported in last week’s ongoing coverage of the attack and the ensuing arrest, her friends explain that she has a long road to recovery:

She is suffering from a number of knife wounds to her head and face that required many stitches and two damaged tendons in her left hand that will take 12 weeks of healing and physical therapy until she can use it again.

Besides trying to recover physically and emotionally from this terrifying and traumatic experience, her left arm and hand are completely bandaged and unusable, leaving her unable to pick up her wiggly baby and do independently many of the things for him that he needs during the course of each day (picking up, diapering, nursing, dressing, buckling into carseat, and getting to her physical therapy appointments with him in tow). In short, she needs someone with her all the time so she can care for him.

We are raising funds to help cover costs for professional helpers that will be with her every weekday for the 10 weeks after her husband and mom return to work, voice-activation software so she can continue her work at home without the use of her left hand, extra meal deliveries beyond what friends are bringing, and a little extra to cover unexpected costs.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Meantime, the woman charged with assault for attacking Sarah and threatening a man who tried to help remains in jail, her bail set at $400,000, awaiting arraignment next week.

SEATTLE PUBLIC SAFETY SURVEY: Now ready for your replies

Do we have enough police officers? What do you think of the police force? Have you been a victim of crime? Are people in your neighborhood likely to intervene if they see potential criminal activity? Those are the types of questions you’ll be asked when you reply to this year’s Seattle Public Safety Survey. It’s now open and available online in 11 languages. It’s managed by Seattle University, which continues to have graduate students interning as research analysts in SPD precincts. This is the third year for the citywide survey – you can see last year’s results here.

P.S. If you don’t have time to take the survey now, you can use the “Share This” link below to e-mail yourself (or anyone else!) the link to this story.

MORE DUMPED ITEMS: Purse and photos; lined-up shoes

After the three bicycles we showed last night, more reports of dumped-and-possibly-stolen items.

Someone dumped those items – including photos and a purse – in Salle‘s yard-waste bin. The photo at right has a frame from the Museum of Flight and is dated November 2015.

After a different discovery, Darin sent this photo:

Darin explains, “Very odd shoe collection on display just off 41st Ave at the Northeast corner of 41st and Alaska. Many still have store’s security tags on them.”

Any of the aforementioned items potentially yours? Let us know.

P.S. The next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting is just two nights away – the focus is on neighborhood concerns – bring yours! – Tuesday night, October 17th, 7 pm, at the Southwest Precinct .

DUMPED BICYCLES: Recognize any of these?

October 14, 2017 6:35 pm
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Three bicycles found around West Seattle:

IN MORGAN JUNCTION: This one turned up on the patio at Peel and Press (6503 California SW; WSB sponsor), reports Chris:

IN ARBOR HEIGHTS: This was spotted at 42nd SW/SW 98th:

IN THE JUNCTION: Guy, who reported another found bicycle recently, also discovered the one below, with flat tires, in the alley between 44th/45th and Edmunds/Alaska.

If any of these might be yours, let us know. (And if you’re missing a bicycle you don’t see here or in a previous Crime Watch “found bicycle” report, check the WSB Lost and Found [non-pets] forum section – we’ve noticed a few recent “found bike” posts there.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Packages taken; stolen car found; prowler seen

Four more West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

PACKAGES TAKEN: The video is from Zuned, who says this happened at 62nd SW/SW Admiral Way at 1:38 pm today, recorded by his security camera:


We had a package theft (Wednesday) from the front porch of our apt. building across from Shell/McDonald’s in Gatewood between 9-4. It was a Rock’n Ride Blue Castle Grow with me Pony Ride on Rocker, Bouncer convertible to spring horse. It was for the Grandson’s first birthday. Honest. I have my own.

STOLEN CAR FOUND IN GARAGE: A vacant house near 31st SW/SW Roxbury that was sold less than a week ago had something unexpected in the garage on Wednesday – a stolen car. We obtained the report on this incident after a neighbor’s tip today. Police found the car when another neighbor called them to report seeing an unfamiliar red ’90s Honda Civic in the house’s garage. It turned out to have been stolen from Renton, and for reasons not specified in the report, police here were already on the lookout for it. It was in the process of being taken apart, and it was impounded in multiple pieces.

PROWLER IN ADMIRAL: Ryan reports seeing a prowler targeting cars in the 50th/Prince area and then going into a house or yard at 51st/Grayson around 10 am today: “He was wearing a blue jacket, black pants, appeared to be Asian and about 45-50 years old.” Ryan says he called police three times but did not see officers respond; a report was eventually logged for “suspicious circumstances.” If your car or house was broken into in that area today, be sure to file a police report (and if you have, please let us know too).

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Admiral stabbing suspect charged, bail quadrupled

(Monday photo by WSB’s Christopher Boffoli)

We have new details of Monday’s Admiral stabbing from the documents that charge 26-year-old Kierra M. Ward with one count of first-degree assault and another of second-degree assault. In addition, her bail has been quadrupled from what was set at her first hearing, to $400,000. The documents say that the victim, who was pushing her infant son in his stroller, was attacked from behind on 41st SW:

Officers obtained a statement from (the victim) at the hospital. (She) stated that she was walking on the sidewalk with her infant son in a stroller when she heard footsteps behind her. She noticed the footsteps increasing in speed so she moved to the side to allow the person to pass her. At that time she was attacked by an unknown woman with a knife. She was stabbed/slashed several times in the face and head. She tried to protect herself by covering her head with her arms and hands.

(The victim) was afraid for her son’s safety so she pushed his stroller away from her and screamed for help. Residents in the neighborhood heard her screaming and came outside. (Her) son was taken inside by the residents of (a nearby house) for protection. Another resident of the neighborhood came out and attempted to keep Ward from further assaulting (the victim), allowing her to get away.

The victim collapsed in the front yard of the house whose residents had taken her son for protection, the documents say, adding that police interviewed the man who stepped between attacker and victim. He told officers Ward had pointed the knife at him and threatened to stab him. She then ran away, he said, as officers arrived. As we reported that day, a relatively short standoff ensued, and Ward was arrested.

The charging papers also say that Ward told police she was homeless (as commenters had said, recognizing her as someone who had long slept outside at Hiawatha Playfield) and that, as we had reported, she has no known criminal history – but, prosecutors wrote in arguing for raising her bail, “her willingness to brutally attack a mother and a neighbor in broad daylight raises severe concerns about the public’s safety if she were to be released into the community.” She is scheduled to be arraigned in two weeks.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH UPDATE: Burgundy 2012 Toyota Highlander, found

1:56 PM: The photo and stolen-car report are from Eric:

It is a 2012 Toyota Highlander Hybrid, burgundy/dark red color. License plate #AYC6610. It has a small dent in the rear door. It was stolen sometime Saturday night at 37th Ave SW and SW Kenyon St. in the Gatewood neighborhood.

The police have been notified, but I’m offering a $250 reward if you find it, so please call 911 and then call (removed) to let me know too.

UPDATED EARLY THURSDAY: Eric reports the vehicle was found – by his wife, who spotted it along 35th SW between Henderson and Barton.

Police investigating two cases of possible gunfire

12:51 AM: Thanks for the messages. Police have investigated two reports of possible gunfire in the past two hours – 911 had multiple reports in both cases, no word of any victims, and so far we don’t know what evidence if any was found. Both were heard in North Delridge. We’ll check later this morning to see if police found shell casings or property damage in either case.

11:13 AM: So far this morning, the incident types listed in report logs do not suggest evidence of gunfire was found – which doesn’t necessarily mean it was something else; sometimes it doesn’t turn up until daylight.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: $100,000 bail for suspect in Admiral stabbing

(Monday photo by WSB’s Christopher Boffoli)

A judge has set bail at $100,000 for 26-year-old Kierra M. Ward, arrested Monday afternoon after a short police standoff on an Admiral street, accused of stabbing a woman who was out for a walk with her baby.

Probable-cause documents from today’s bail hearing don’t reveal much more about the attack beyond what we and commenters reported yesterday – the brief police narrative says the original call was that a woman had stabbed another woman; first officers on the scene reported finding Ward, holding “a large kitchen knife,” and launching the eventually successful attempt to get her to surrender less than an hour later, while other officers found the victim and cared for her until SFD arrived to take her to the hospital. The court document describes her as having suffered injuries to her head, face, and hands “from Ward slashing at her with the large knife.” (Her infant son was not injured.) The document also says Ward threatened to stab a man who was trying to help the victim and pointed the knife at him, which explains why the original notation on her jail-register listing included investigation of felony harassment as well as investigation of assault. The documents do not mention anything about Ward having a criminal record, and as we noted in Monday’s coverage, we have not found one online.

The victim, according to a commenter and to someone who called us today, is out of the hospital and continuing her recovery at home.

Regarding commenters recognizing Ward as someone who has long slept outdoors at Hiawatha Playfield, today’s documents list her “last known address” as being on Walnut SW just east of Hiawatha.Community Center. Our conversation with the aforementioned caller may explain that: The caller contacted us in response to our question about whether anyone had reported, and/or tried to get help for, Ward. The caller reported knowing both Ward and the victim, saying that Ward had lived in a car along Walnut until it was towed, and then started sleeping outside on the field. The caller reported befriending and suggesting resources for Ward, with multiple interactions, and said Ward never showed signs of mental illness or other instability, aside from apparently choosing not to take advantage of the suggested resources, so far as the caller knew.

We may find out more details on the case if/when charges are filed in the next day or two. And in case you wondered – the incident was not brought up by anyone at tonight’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, which did not have a police representative in attendance (none was scheduled, but sometimes we’ve seen last-minute changes at neighborhood meetings after an incident of significance).

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION NOTES: Tagging vandalism cleanup plan; more bikeshare dropoffs; recycling event Saturday

Three Junction notes:

TAGGING VANDALISM TO BE CLEANED UP: Thanks to everyone who tipped us about the particularly big and brazen tagging across the front of the former Radio Shack store at 4505 California SW. We checked in with West Seattle Junction Association executive director Lora Swift, who had just put up the sign you see in our photo – informing everyone interested that it is scheduled to be cleaned up tomorrow.

Also in The Junction, more bike-share bicycles were dropped off today:

RENTAL BIKES REPLENISHED: The orange bicycles in the truck are from Spin; the truck was replenishing/adding them at spots along California, judging by what we later saw as we headed south, all the way to the bottom of Gatewood Hill. The green rental bicycles are from LimeBike, also in view along the sidewalk (we see them most often in use), and there’s also been a recent multiple-bike appearance by the third company authorized to operate in the city, Ofo, whose bicycles are yellow. Anna sent this photo as they appeared on corners in the heart of The Junction a few days ago:

Those three companies have permits to have thousands of bikes out around the city. The trend is spreading nationwide.

RECYCLING REMINDER: Our third and final Junction note – just four days until the dropoff Recycle/Reuse event on Saturday (October 14th), 9 am-1 pm, in the Junction lot along 42nd SW just south of SW Oregon – here are details about what they will and won’t take.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Woman grabbed on path behind Westwood Village Target

Sorry to have another disturbing incident to report today, but we also wanted to thank the people who e-mailed us to ask about it, after they saw the victim’s husband’s post on a neighborhood group but didn’t see anything about the incident on WSB and thought more people should know. Saturday night, a woman was grabbed while walking on the path (photo above) to 28th SW from behind Westwood Village Target. We obtained the police report today. The narrative begins with officers being dispatched at 7:49 pm Saturday to a nearby residence where they found the victim, a woman in her 30s:

(The victim) stated that she was walking home from Westwood Village when she cut through a walkway that connects the parking lot to 28 Av SW. (The victim) stated that she was walking when she observed a man standing in the walkway. As (the victim) walked by the man, she stated that he grabbed her left shoulder and squeezed. (The victim) stated that the unidentified suspect mumbled something to her, but she could not understand what he said. (The victim) reported that the suspect appeared to be intoxicated.

(She) described the suspect as a W/M [white male], ín his early 20s, with short blond hair and wearing a dark gray sweatshirt with blue jeans. (The victim) also stated that the suspect is around 5’10-6′ tall and thin.

(She) explained that she often walks through the walkway and has not previously seen the suspect. She also stated that it is an area where transients frequentÌy hang out and sleep. (She) reported that it has been an ongoing issue with transient people sleepinq and staying in the area of the walkway. (She) explained that there are multiple beds made of cardboard, un-capped needles, trash, and empty alcohol bottles littering the walkway. I advised (the victim) to call the SW Community Policing Team regarding the ongoing issues.

The report says the officer then searched the area and didn’t find anyone resembling the suspect, and that the victim did not have injuries requiring treatment. After obtaining the report, we went over for a look at the pathway – the photo above looks back toward Target, and we noted this syringe along the way:

Community Police Team contacts for the Southwest Precinct, by the way, are listed here – eastern West Seattle sectors are assigned to Officer O’Neil. Also of note, this is a few blocks east of where 2 students walking to school were inappropriately approached a week ago, and not much further from where two other students were flashed last Friday.