Crime 6748 results

@ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network: Police updates; how 911 works

From Tuesday night’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting at the Southwest Precinct:

NEW CRIME-PREVENTION COORDINATOR: Last October, we noted that the new city budget called for each Seattle Police precinct to have its own Crime Prevention Coordinator – Mark Solomon, assigned to the Southwest and South Precincts, has been one of two doing double duty. And now, the plan has become reality – precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis announced at the WSBWCN meeting that Jennifer Burbridge, who worked extensively with the precinct and community groups as a Seattle University graduate student, got the job. The centerpiece of her work during that longterm assignment was development of the Micro-Community Policing Plans. We’ll have a separate story Thursday morning with more about Burbridge and her new job.

Also at the meeting, local crime updates and a version of what you might call 911 101: Read More

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Trailer stolen; carport prowlers on video; repeat offender wanted again

STOLEN TRAILER: K just e-mailed to say this was taken last night from Othello/Fauntleroy:

As shown in the photo, the plate is 7052-VJ.

(Added 1:10 pm) STOLEN TRUCK: From Carol:

Our 2005 Ford F-250 was stolen around 4 or 5 am this morning. It is a white pickup , diesel, Super duty, crew cab with a black roll bed cover. License #B66224G. It was parked in front of our house just off of Admiral Way on 64th Ave SW.

CARPORT PROWLERS: From 48th/Hudson, David shares this video and report from Tuesday:

So it looks like they’re working in pairs, one guy checks one car and the other guy checks the next car. They obviously don’t care about flashing lights, security cameras or video surveillance warnings. As I suspected they appear to be hitting the same areas night after night and are working in teams. They have hoodies on and are carrying backpacks. They’re in and out in 5 seconds or less. They’re looking specifically for unlocked cars because you can see them check the doors, so make sure you lock your car every night. Online report made to police.

ANOTHER WARRANT FOR JESSICA DETRICK: A texter says today that neighbors in Highland Park believe they’ve seen Jessica Detrick around again. Court records, in fact, show she is again wanted on a warrant. Detrick is a convicted burglar known for taking along her dog. When last we checked on her a month ago, she was arrested on a warrant for not complying with conditions of the drug treatment included in her sentence last year. A subsequent hearing, prosecutors said, resulted in a condition that she would go back to inpatient treatment and would stay in jail until a bed was available at a treatment facility; apparently something went wrong along the way, because she’s listed on the jail register as “released” March 15th, and the warrant (dated March 17th) says she was due to enter inpatient treatment that day but did not. This is a $15,000-bail warrant, as was the last one.

UPDATE: 5 shell casings found after gunfire heard near Delridge/Kenyon

ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:42 AM: Thanks for the tips. We have multiple reports of apparent gunfire along Delridge – described as sounding like five shots – and one person reports police are searching Delridge Way by SW Kenyon. No medical calls, so, no reports of anyone hurt, so far. (Just a reminder – if you think you hear gunfire, even if you didn’t see it and aren’t sure exactly where it happened, police ask that you call 911 – the more reports they get, the more likely they are to be able to figure out what happened and where.)

10:08 AM UPDATE: We followed up this morning with Seattle Police spokesperson Det. Mark Jamieson, who tells WSB that responding officers did not find victims or property damage but did find, photograph, and collect five 9mm shell casings in the street.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 reader reports and a followup

The latest West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

VANDALISM: Suzanne says this happened overnight Friday into Saturday in the underground garage by the Admiral Bartell store:

Several cars that have monthly parking there had windows broken by a fire extinguisher. My housemate’s old Z car had windows broken & the spray of the Fire Extinguisher all over the interior of his car which is powdery. This is just ridiculous!! He has had both his vehicles vandalized before, his truck stolen, etc…

CAR PROWL: From Sierra:

My car was broken into for the second time in 5 months within less than a block of the Spruce apartments sometime between Monday evening and Wednesday evening. It was parked on 40th Ave SW just past Jiffy Lube. They sat in the car and went through everything and stole air freshener (weird), items from my roadside emergency kit (zip ties, tape, possibly for drug use) as well as my green iPod nano (engraved with my name Sierra S——-) and my Coach sunglasses (gold frames, Coach logo with green inside on the arms). I would appreciate an help keeping an eye out for these items or people in the area to stay mindful of suspicious activity since this happens frequently within a few feet of homes and apartments.

FOLLOWUP: The 44-year-old man pulled from the Duwamish River after an alleged burglary and assault at a nearby marina just got out of jail tonight. Prosecutors told us charges have not yet been filed against the suspect, who had an Admiral address listed on probable-cause documents. The documents say the suspect was found eating food from a refrigerator in a boathouse; he pepper-sprayed the person who found him and then started to punch him. After that, police say, he jumped into the water under the boathouse and refused to come out for an hour. The narrative concludes, “Suspect came very close to drowning.” His bail was set last week at $50,000 but tonight the jail register says that, after his second appearance, it was a “conditional release.”

TOMORROW – WEST SEATTLE BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS NETWORK: Our area’s next crime/safety-related community meeting is Tuesday night, 6:30 pm, at the Southwest Precinct, when all are welcome at the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network‘s monthly meeting. You’ll get a briefing from the Southwest Precinct; WSBWCN leadership is awaiting confirmation of a guest speaker from the 911 Center. The precinct is at 2300 SW Webster.

SCAM ALERT: Fake ‘City Light’ callers at it again

Thanks to Lisa at CAPERS in The Junction for the heads-up after getting a scam call:

I just had someone call saying they were from Seattle City Light and that if I didn’t pay my bill in 20 minutes they would shut off my service. They also asked for a credit card to satisfy the bill.

She didn’t fall for it because she knew that’s NOT how City Light works – this is a phone scam that’s been going on for years, but it’s worth another reminder, since they’re obviously still getting some victims, or else they wouldn’t keep trying. Here’s the City Light webpage dedicated to stopping the scammers – with this advice:

If you suspect a scam attack or have questions regarding your bill, call our Customer Care Center at 206.684.3000 as well as the Seattle Police Department at 206.625.5011.

ONE YEAR LATER: What has, and hasn’t, happened in the West Seattle tree-cutting case

(WSB photos: Above, south section of the illegally cut site, photographed this weekend; below, same area, photographed April 2016)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

One year has now passed since first word of a brazen round of tree-cutting on publicly owned slopes in east Admiral.

On Saturday, March 26, 2016, a stream of visitors made their way to the narrow street ends from which the cut trees could be seen (the photos above are from just north of City View/34th). The night before, The Seattle Times had broken the news, reporting that more than 100 trees had been cut on Parks– and SDOT-owned land, apparently weeks earlier.

Among those who visited the slashed slopes a year ago today were City Attorney Pete Holmes and City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. As noted that day in our first followup, she reported being “assured that criminal and civil sanctions are on the table for the responsible parties.”

No criminal cases so far. But you might recall that midway through the past year – six months after the tree-cutting went public – Holmes announced two civil lawsuits on September 20, 2016. One involved “the northern site” (off 35th SW), naming nearby residents Stanley Harrelson and Mary Harrelson and Martin Riemer and Karrie Riemer, as well as Forrest Bishop and John Russo, who the city alleges “were hired by the Harrelsons and Riemers to cut trees on city property located adjacent and/or across from (theirs).” The second suit involved “the southern site” (off City View), naming nearby residents Kostas Kyrimis and Linda Kyrimis. Both lawsuits also mentioned John/Jane Does whose identities the city had not learned yet.

(March 2017 video by Christopher Boffoli)

Since then, we have continued to watch the online files of both lawsuits, which have tentative trial dates in fall 2017. Two months after the filings, we reported last November on some action in both cases: The Kyrimises had sought a stay, saying they “have good cause to believe that one or more criminal charges are potentially going to be brought against them.” They were granted a partial stay. The Harrelsons and Riemers, meantime, filed documents that acknowledged they hired Bishop and Russo for tree-cutting but specifically not admitting to any involvement in the illegal tree-cutting on the city parcels. The Harrelsons’ lawyer acknowledged that a month before the tree-cutting came to light publicly, they had contacted the city — “on February 5, 2016, the Harrelson Defendants sent a letter to the City advising the City of what had occurred on the Parcels and offering to share a remediation plan the Harrelson Defendants had developed with a former arborist for the City’s Department of Parks and Recreation. …”

Since that report, another four months have gone by; we’ve continued to check the files, and nothing else of note has happened in the cases. No criminal charges, either misdemeanor or felony, either. In preparation for this “one year later” update, we checked directly at week’s end with both offices that would be involved with such filings – the City Attorney’s Office (if misdemeanor) and the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (if felony).

KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe said nothing has yet been referred to their office (which would have to happen before prosecutors could prepare felony charges). CAO spokesperson Kimberly Mills told us they have nothing to report yet but affirmed that the investigation is still very much active. So we haven’t heard the end of it, apparently. Stay tuned.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 Honda Civics stolen overnight

Two stolen cars to watch for, both Honda Civics – here are the reader reports we received this afternoon:

From Sibyl: “My car was stolen last night, ’96 Civic, red/rosy-ish color. License plate AHH7425.”

From Todd: “Just discovered our 2007 blue Honda Civic Hybrid 4-door car was stolen sometime between 7 pm Friday night and Saturday morning. It was parked in front of our house on 3200 block of 41st Ave. License plate is AON8130.”

If you see either one, call 911.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white CR-V; package theft; car break-in; found fishing gear; bicycle reunion

Five notes in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

STOLEN CAR: Lisa sent the photo, reporting: “Our 1999 white CR-V was stolen from 35th and Andover sometime in the last two days. Plate number BCX-8350. It has a Yakima rack on top, and the back window has a snowflake on the top left and WSEA sticker on the right.” Call 911 if you see it.

STOLEN PACKAGE: Thao reports from The Triangle: “Just wanted to notify that I had a package stolen today. FedEx had it delivered (I verified with them the correct address later and they confirmed the drop off) at 9 am. I came back to pick up my package at 11 and it was not there. Asked neighbors and they did not see anything at all. I know there has been a lot of theft lately, but this is the first time it has ever happened to me. I am on 37th and Alaska.”

CAR BREAK-IN: From Tiffany: “We had a car break in (Wednesday) night/(Thursday) morning at 39th and Stevens. Nothing material stolen but we can’t figure out how they got into the car. We just want the neighbors to know in case someone is stealing car signals or something!”

FOUND FISHING POLES: From John in Gatewood: “While out walking today, came across two discarded fishing poles (with reels) discarded at 39th and Cloverdale; possible that someone stole them and dropped them there (or set them down and forgot them?).”

BICYCLE REUNION: Happy ending for a bicycle-theft case in the Westwood area. Mark found one in his yard and sent the photo we published early Thursday. Hours later, Thad saw that photo here and immediately recognized the bicycle stolen from his son – who now has it back.

Thanks to everyone who shares Crime Watch reports! Once you’ve reported it to police – 911 if it’s happening now or just happened – consider letting us know so your neighbors all around the peninsula will be aware of what happened – 206-293-6302 text or voice, – thank you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Street robbery followup; triple bike theft; more

3 items in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STREET ROBBERY FOLLOWUP: The Southwest Precinct tells us they are pursuing “leads” in Wednesday’s street robbery on the south end of The Junction. We obtained the report today; it says police found the victim on the northeast corner of 45th and Edmunds, a revolver on the ground next to her. She told them she was walking westbound on Edmunds, looking at her phone, then noticed the robber walking southbound on 45th toward her. Without a word, he grabbed her purse, a large brown Louis Vuitton handbag, and began tugging on it. She tried to keep hold of it; they struggled, “spinning in circles together,” the police-report narrative says. During that scuffle, the gun “fell off the suspect and to the ground.” Two water bottles fell out of the purse. Eventually, the robber pulled the victim to the ground, by pulling the purse, and started dragging her, at which time she said she yelled, “Get the f— off me.” The strap broke, and he got away with the purse, headed westbound on Edmunds. She picked up the gun, noticed it was loaded, and put it back down, so she could call 911. Police also talked with a witness who said he saw the robber and victim scuffling, and tried to chase the robber, but lost him in the southbound alley between 45th and 46th. Police meantime took evidence including the broken purse strap and the gun, described as a Smith and Wesson .38 special. The records check on it was “clear,” according to the police report. The robber description, which changed in broadcasts during yesterday’s search, is in the written report as “mixed-race male, 30s, scrawny build, black hat, black zip-up hoodie, black pants, large bluetooth in one ear, black beard/mustache.”


Our three bikes were stolen from our apartment building secure garage yesterday (03/22/17) between 5:30 am and 11 am. Police report: #1700010282. They were locked together with a bike lock behind my car, so they were taken as a grouping. Two of them were purchased in Fall 2013 and we would really like them back. The 3rd one was gifted to us and I don’t recall much information about it other than its a blue mountain/road bike. All three is very good condition and well maintained. Any information, please call the police and reference the report number.

Men’s Specialized AWOL 2013
Color: Satin Black/Bronze

Women’s Specialized bike
Color: Black with gold writing

3rd bike:
Cannot remember the name:

VEHICLE BREAK-INS: From E: “I live on Belvedere and Manning and have had both my van and car broken into in the last 2 weeks. Both were right on my driveway on Belvedere. We saw a small silver car circling the block earlier in the evening with a man driving it. It’s happening after 11 p.m. at night.”

CRIME WATCH: Gunfire followup; package stolen; recognize this bicycle?

March 23, 2017 12:59 am
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Three more things to report from the Crime Watch files before the night’s out:

GUNFIRE FOLLOWUP: We did finally get the police report on the North Delridge gunfire from early Tuesday. It says the reports started coming in via 911 about 2:38 am Tuesday, centered on the 4800 block of Delridge Way SW [map]. Many heard it; no one saw it. “After an extensive area search, multiple shell casings and property damage were located in the alley behind (a redacted address in that block). Two separate calibers of spent shell casings were located – nine 9mm shell casings (and) three .45 caliber shell casings … intermixed along the alley stretched approximately 20 yards.” Four rounds hit a Honda Accord in the alley, while another hit a Land Rover, and yet another was found embedded in a garage door, while one more hit a downspout and went through a fence. The report makes one more note: “Gang-affiliated graffiti” was found on one garage door, though the resident there said it had been there for about three months. If you have any information about the case, the incident number is 2017-99086.

DUMPED BICYCLE: Does this bike look familiar?

M sent the photo, saying: “Sometime in the last 24 hours, a kids’ bike was stashed underneath a large juniper bush in my yard near Westwood. I’m sure whoever owns it would like it back.” (UPDATE, THURSDAY NIGHT: The owner’s dad saw this, and now has the bike back!)

PACKAGE THEFT: Michael e-mailed to report: “Sad to say, we had a package stolen off our porch today (Wednesday). We live near 21st and Cambridge. Just wanted to spread the word.”

Thanks to everyone who shares Crime Watch reports! Once you’ve reported it to police – 911 if it’s happening now or just happened – consider letting us know so your neighbors all around the peninsula will be aware of what happened – 206-293-6302 text or voice, – thank you.

UPDATE: Police searching in Junction area after reported street robbery

(Added: WSB photo, police west of robbery scene)

5:30 PM: If you’re seeing/hearing the sizable police response on the south side of The Junction right now, police are looking for a man after a reported street robbery. Per police radio, the man stole a woman’s purse in the alley between 45th and 46th at Edmunds, and dropped a gun as he ran away with it, southbound. With the caveat that description information can change from what’s first reported, so far we’ve heard the robber described as a black man in his 30s, black jacket or hoodie, black pants. The purse is described as large and brown. If you have any information about the robber, call 911.

5:54 PM UPDATE: Added/changed description: White/mixed-race man, thin build.

6:39 PM UPDATE: No arrest reported yet. The search has included a K-9 team.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Police sketch of home-invasion robber

One day after a woman was robbed in her home northwest of The Junction, police have made a sketch based on the description she gave:

He is described as a white man in his 30s, 5’10”, medium build, short sandy brown hair, clean-shaven, wearing a tan “windbreaker” jacket and jeans. If you have any idea who he is, call detectives at 206-684-5535.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Package-theft suspect charged, released

6:49 PM: Quick followup: The package-theft suspect arrested last night after reader videos/photos led to tips and a police search is out of jail. 35-year-old Kelly W. Klein was charged with misdemeanor theft and pleaded not guilty at a hearing this morning; he was set free on personal recognizance. We haven’t seen court documents related to the charge yet and will likely have to get them from the city attorney – which handles misdemeanor cases – tomorrow. State records show no felony record for Klein.

9:26 PM: One side note to this emerged at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (full meeting report tomorrow) – while officers were staked out/searching for Klein last night, they made another arrest in the area after spotting someone in a stolen car.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Woman robbed while watching TV at home

Just got information about the reason for a police search northwest of The Junction this morning – which included containment units at spots including the one in our photo above. Scanner traffic at the time talked about burglary – but now police say it was as a home-invasion robbery. Just published via SPD Blotter:

Robbery detectives are searching for a man who broke into a West Seattle home this morning and robbed a woman as she was watching TV.

The victim was watching television at her home in the 4400 block of 47th Avenue Southwest around 8:45 AM when she realized there was an unfamiliar man standing in her room. The man told the woman he wouldn’t hurt her, and said he only wanted cash. The woman pointed the suspect towards her purse beside the bed.

The suspect removed the cash and walked out of the home.

Officers searched the area, even employing a K-9 unit, but were unable to locate the suspect. The woman described the suspect as white, 5’8″ with a medium build, and sandy blonde hair. Police believe (he) entered the woman’s home after kicking in the back door. Robbery detectives are investigating. …

Vandals damage West Seattle Little League fields, facilities on eve of new season

Last weekend, a huge volunteer turnout worked at West Seattle Little League‘s home field, Bar-S Playfields on Alki Point, to get it ready for the start of the season next weekend.

They put in hundreds of volunteer hours, league spokesperson Kathy Powers says.

Then Monday, the league’s field maintenance director went to Bar-S – and discovered vandals had struck, in a big, heart-sickening way.

(Photos courtesy WSLL. We don’t show tags in their entirety, so the photo is cropped)

Buildings were broken into, and facilities were tagged.

Also, Powers says, “The infields, already in rough shape from all the rain, were trashed by a vehicle. Most frustrating was the damage done to the newly rebuilt pitchers’ mounds and batters’ boxes.”

They’re working to fix the damage – only part of which is shown in the photos – and you can help – in two ways.

For one, Powers says, “We hope the entire West Seattle community will join us in keeping watch and reporting behavior that tries to steal our kids’ opportunity to play baseball.” (Call 911 whenever, wherever you see a crime or possible crime in progress and it’s happening now, or has just happened.)

For two, you can join in one or both work parties planned to clean up and fix up at Bar-S:

*Thursday night (March 23), 5:30-7:30 pm

*Friday night (March 24), 5:30-7:30 pm

The fields and facilities are off SW Admiral Way a short distance west of 63rd SW [map].

P.S. Yes, the vandalism has been reported to police.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUPS: Stabbing, gunfire cases

As promised, followups on two cases from the past few days:

FAUNTLEROY/ALASKA STABBING: When we reported on this attack Saturday night, we didn’t know whether the person being questioned by police had been arrested. Tonight, we know the suspect, a 49-year-old Tukwila man, did get arrested and was jailed for investigation of assault. This afternoon, a judge set his bail at $100,000. The probable-cause documents say the suspect attacked two people that night – both strangers – first punching a man who was walking out of the Junction QFC at 42nd/Alaska. That victim’s wife yelled at him to stop; the documents say he did, and left the area. A few minutes later, the suspect turned up in the mini-mart at the Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell station, where, police say, he attacked a man paying for a purchase at the counter – stabbing him several times with a screwdriver. The suspect then ran from the store to a nearby bus stop, according to court documents; the store clerk ran after him, and police arrived shortly thereafter, taking the suspect into custody. The victim was treated at the scene but did not need hospitalization. The suspect is due back in court Wednesday.

JUNCTION GUNFIRE: We also asked the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office today about the two 17-year-olds arrested early Friday after a nearby police officer heard/saw gunfire and stopped them at 40th/Alaska, finding a gun in their car. KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe tells us they had a detention-review hearing later that day; the 17-year-old boy, who police say already has a felony conviction, was ordered to stay in detention, while the 17-year-old girl was released to her father (whose 2008 Dodge Avenger she was driving). Both suspects are listed in court documents as living in Tacoma. The report does not mention ownership of the gun found in the car, described as a black Glock 9mm semi-automatic handgun; it says four 9mm casings were found at the northeast corner of 40th/Edmunds. Charges could be filed as soon as tomorrow (Tuesday).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH UPDATE: Police arrest package-theft suspect

(UPDATED Monday evening with arrest, Tuesday morning with status)

4:11 PM: Just got this from Megan – and if you compare the photos to the person shown in the video in this package-theft story, there’s a definite resemblance (assuming he doesn’t have an identical twin) – and she’s reporting a theft from this afternoon:

This individual has now stolen 3 of my packages since January. All have been reported to SPD. Since I caught it real time today, they said they were going to look for him. I know he must be hitting all the houses nearby as well. Just wanted to share in case anyone else has been having packages go missing, or has a better picture of this guy to share with police.

I live off Fauntleroy Way, near Morgan Junction. This happened around 2:30 pm.

We don’t have Megan’s incident/report number yet, but the one in the case from the reader report published here Saturday is 2017-902386.

7:30 PM: As discussed in comments, there’s an active search under way, thanks to people’s tips, so if you see/hear anything/anyone suspicious, please call 911. Also, we have the incident/report number for Megan’s case – 2017-98442.

8:46 PM: As noted in comments, just got word from SPD that they have made an arrest. This followed an intensive search, K-9 team included, following tips called in to 911. We photographed police in the Seaview/North Morgan Junction area, where they had been searching:

We’ll of course follow the case through the system.

7:51 AM: The suspect, 35, was booked into King County Jail late last night. His bail currently is $1,000, as he’s being held for investigation of theft, a misdemeanor. He’s scheduled for a hearing today and we’ll have a followup after that.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire heard, evidence found

Sometimes what sounds like gunfire turns out to be fireworks – or something else – unless evidence is found, such as casings and/or property damage. What you see above is evidence. A neighbor shared the photo and this report from Highland Park:

Last night at around 9:45 pm, we heard load gunshots near our house on 10th and Elmgrove [map] and a car speeding away. We called 911 as did some of our neighbors. This morning my husband found bullet casings in the intersection, underneath the 10th and Elmgrove sign. He called the police again; they came out, collected the bullets, and took his statement.

We are feeling very rattled today. Even though we live near some dangerous spots like 16th and Holden, we’ve never had gunshots this close to our home. This street (10th Ave SW) is home to lots of kids and Highland Park Elementary.

If you saw something related to this and haven’t reported it – you can call police at 206-625-5011 and refer to incident 17-097562. And if you hear what you think is gunfire anywhere, even if you’re not sure where it’s coming from, call 911 to report it ASAP – the more calls they get, the better the chances of finding evidence, a suspect, and/or … if there is one … a victim. (Consider then letting us know for Crime Watch, as this neighbor did.)

P.S. SPD’s SeaStat data reviews track “shots fired” around the city to look for trends; the last page of this slide deck from the most-recent briefing shows that confirmed gunfire incidents are up slightly citywide so far this year, compared to last.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car prowlers leave the change; sleeping suspect jailed…

Three notes in Crime Watch tonight:

CAR PROWL: The latest one for which we received a reader report is this one from Anne, who’s west of California/Graham:

We had a break-in of our car last night, sometime between 11 pm and 7 am this morning. I think they were just looking for anything valuable to take; took the $20 from the glove box but left the change on the floor. The car has a steering-wheel lock so they couldn’t take the car.

Anne says car prowlers have hit them a few other times in the past 10 years.

CAR PROWL FOLLOWUP: A 40-year-old man remains in jail tonight, in lieu of $2,500 bail, after being arrested in the Alki area early Friday. SPD Blotter reports that officers responding to a call of a suspicious person lurking near a pickup truck at 61st/Admiral found the suspect asleep inside the truck. They say he told them he had permission to be there; the truck’s owner, whose home was steps away, said he did not. Officers “arrested the suspect and found he was carrying someone else’s tax forms, which had been stolen in another car prowl earlier that morning,” per the SPD Blotter report. The suspect is being held for investigation of criminal trespass and receiving stolen property. The jail register shows that he spent a day there a week earlier in connection with a failure-to-appear warrant in a drug case.

PACKAGE-THEFT VIDEO FOLLOWUP: Last night, we published Roger‘s very clear security-cam video of a package theft that happened March 9th. Since then, we’ve heard from multiple tipsters who believe they recognize the man in the video and are talking to police.

P.S. Another reminder that you can bring your neighborhood crime/safety concerns/questions to police on Tuesday night, 7 pm, at the monthly West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (Southwest Precinct, 2300 SW Webster).

UPDATE: Police investigating stabbing, one person hurt

10:36 PM: Big police/fire response arriving in the 40th/Alaska area for a reported stabbing. More to come.

10:45 PM: The location has been changed on the SFD log to Fauntleroy/Alaska.

10:59 PM: We’ve talked with police at the scene. The victim has minor injuries. The weapon is believed to have been a screwdriver or something similar. They have taken one person into custody for questioning. What exactly happened and why, they are still trying to sort out, from multiple witness stories.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another package theft on video

The photos and video are from Roger, who belatedly discovered a package theft from a little over a week ago:

47th and Graham. Just wanted to let you know that we had a package thief on March 9th, we just tracked down that it was stolen, first time in 5 years this had occurred here.

He took the package at 2 pm, after the UPS man dropped it off at 11 am. Luckily it was just a cheap door mat that day. He was definitely on a mission looking for packages, parked his truck hitting the curb, jumped out, sprinted back and forth from our front door. Doubted he even saw our cams. …

Keep on the lookout, didn’t appear to be anyone from our immediate neighborhood but please pass around.

P.S. Next West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting – to which you are invited to bring neighborhood crime and safety concerns, so you can talk with, and hear from, police – is on for Tuesday, 7 pm March 21st, at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire, arrests in east Junction

After hearing about possible gunfire and a car stopped in The Junction early today, we asked SPD for the report. Turns out they were in the process of publishing this summary via SPD Blotter:

Two teens were arrested early Friday after a patrol officer heard gunshots coming from a car on a West Seattle street.

Officer Carl Woodward was driving near Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Edmunds Street when he heard shots being fired from a black Dodge Avenger down the block.

The driver of the Dodge sped off, but the officer was able to follow and stop the car a block away.

Police detained the female driver and male passenger, both 17, who claimed not to have any weapons.

However, officers quickly spotted a gun on the floor of the car and arrested both teens for discharging a firearm. Officers also discovered the male suspect is a convicted felon, and unable to legally possess firearms.

Police weren’t able to find any victims or damage from the shooting, but recovered shell casings from where the teens had been parked at the time of the incident.

Both teens were booked into the King County Youth Service Center. The Dodge, which belongs to the female driver’s dad, was seized for gang detectives.

According to the reports we received, the stop was around 40th/Edmunds.


March 17, 2017 9:18 am
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Another auto-theft report this morning. From Rachel:

My 1998 Honda CR-V was stolen from the street in front of my home on the 4500 block of 48th Ave SW. It’s silver with the license plate #921-ZVK. Here’s the police incident # 2017-83889. Additionally, earlier this week and on the same block, our neighbor’s car was rummaged through.

Please call 911 if you see it.