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West Seattle Crime Watch: Two bicycles stolen, another left behind

July 17, 2016 7:39 pm
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20160716_110549 (1)

Recognize that bicycle? Carol sent the photo, explaining:

Friday night, two of our bikes were stolen from our garage in the Fauntleroy neighborhood and the attached bike was left behind. We’re assuming this bike was stolen. The found bike is with the local police if anyone recognizes it. Our bikes are both white. One is a woman’s Diamondback and the other a K2 Astral. We have filed a police report and know the bike’s serial numbers if they are found. Sadly, our teenage girls have had a damper put into their summer with their bikes gone.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen with keepsake; rock vandalism

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

CAR STOLEN WITH KEEPSAKE: From Nita near 35th/Thistle:

My Honda 1999 White Civic was stolen in front of my house sometime this morning, last seen last night around 11 p.m. License plate AWL3194. This car was a gift to my son from his Godfather. We have our dog tag hanging on the mirror; we just put our dog down a few weeks ago – very sentimental to my kids. Thank you.

If you see Nita’s son’s car, call 911.

ROCK-WIELDING VANDAL(S): The photo and report were sent this morning by Mark:

Just woke up to this at 34th & Barton …. appears as though someone just randomly walked by my car last night and smashed my windshield with a rock. Sweet.

Online report filed with police, Mark says (here’s how to file one).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Business break-in; prowler on video; parking-lot scare

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

BUSINESS BREAK-IN: Emily reports this happened just south of The Junction:

The Northwest Association of Independent Schools was broken into at 3:07 am on the morning of July 13, 2016.

At that time a rock was thrown through a glass window of the storefront at 5001 California Ave.

The prowlers left through the front door after 8 minutes in the commercial unit of the Adelaide Building. They stole 5 laptops.

NWAIS is a nonprofit organization that serves and advocates for private, independent schools in WA, OR, NV, UT, WY, MT, AK, and British Columbia.

If you saw anything suspicious or have any information about the break in, please contact Julie McGuire at

PROWLER ON VIDEO: D “wanted to share this video of a house prowler I caught on our camera who was snooping around our front yard. We live in the Highland Park area near 14th SW and Cloverdale.” We haven’t been able to download the video for embedding so far, but just click that link to see it on Ring.


At about 5:30 or 5:40 this evening, I was leaving the Westwood Village QFC with my toddler. A tall white man with long hair and a large knife in a black holster followed us to our car. When I noticed he was following closely behind us midway through the parking lot, I looped back toward the store. He stopped briefly to look into the window of a parked extended cab truck, then followed again back toward the store (thankfully at more of a distance at that point). A security guard was standing outside so I told him what was happening. He escorted me back inside and notified the police. He then kindly helped me get safely back to my car when all was clear. He told me not to stay and wait for the police, so I left with my toddler thankfully safe and sound. I don’t know what happened after that. Hopefully they were able to find him and do something about it. He was easily identifiable because of the gigantic holstered knife.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Highland Park/South Delridge prowling suspect

The 26-year-old suspected prowler arrested in Highland Park/South Delridge six days ago has not yet been charged, but she’s still in jail because of two previous cases. Since she is charged in those cases and documents show she has pleaded guilty and been sentenced, we’re identifying her: Taylor A. Church. Neighbors caught images including the one at right before she was arrested last Wednesday in Highland Park/South Delridge; as we reported after her bail hearing last Thursday, documents say neighbors reported her trying to break into homes in the 8600 and 8800 blocks of 17th SW and the 8800 block of 18th SW. Police found her at 18th SW and SW Thistle. While the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office told us a case hadn’t been referred to them yet for what happened last week, police did find Church had two warrants, for trespassing and theft. According to Seattle Municipal Court online records, she appeared in connection with those cases yesterday, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 90 days in jail, with credit for time served. City court documents are less comprehensive than the ones available through the county, so we’re not sure how much time Church is credited with – the jail register indicates she’s spent a cumulative total of 100 days in jail in connection with 7 bookings over the past 11 months, but they’re not all necessarily related to those cases, both of which involve businesses at Westwood Village.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car just prowled

July 10, 2016 10:34 pm
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Just in from a resident near Lowman Beach – this happened about 20 minutes ago:

Just now a couple of young people came pounding down our little winding street, making a racket talking and running. I heard a car door open, went to the window and saw one rummaging around in my partner’s car. I yelled “Get out of there!” and he ran off. I think he had a light-colored T-shirt on.

That car is kept unlocked (to avoid people breaking in as they have in my car), and of course he doesn’t keep anything of value in there. But it’s a little upsetting nonetheless.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car with ‘distinctive stickers’


10:08 AM: That’s Kandis‘s ’92 Honda Accord, stolen overnight from 34th SW near High Point Library. It has “distinctive NHRA stickers on rear window [photo]; on quarter windows and back, there are several stickers from Mount Rainier and Forks, Washington. There is also things on my rear view mirror which includes the ashes of my uncle in a small silver heart.” Plate #415YNJ. Call 911 if you see it.

8:45 PM: Kandis reports the car’s been found in Shorewood.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3 reader reports and a Summer Fest reminder

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:

CAR PROWL: From Kami:

(Thursday) night around 3 am I caught a car prowler on 36th Ave SW, 4000 block. I called the cops but I am not sure if they made an arrest. Thought it would be worth sharing the description so the neighborhood can be on watch. It was small, 2 door, gray pickup truck, older style with driver and passenger. The driver would slowly driving to keep up with the passenger as he walked the street checking for unlocked doors. They did get items from a white pickup truck that was unlocked and had items in the back bed and front seat. 2 white males and the passenger was wearing a navy hoody with bright blue baseball cap. The thieves must have got to end of block and circled back because I saw their vehicle one more time but wasn’t able to see plates.

AND ANOTHER CAR PROWL: From Eli in the 3800 block of Beach Drive:

After 3 (!) stolen bikes within a year out of our condos’ garage within a year now, my car was “searched” (earlier this week), nothing missing as far as I can tell. A reminder to leave nothing valuable in your car.


We just found a box of stuff strewn across 22nd Ave SW in Shorewood; looks like it was probably stolen from someone’s home. Box contents include letters dated 1985 from Taiwan, addressed to a D.E. P—-r on 31st Ave SW, a diploma from 1947 for Ruth H—–t, a drivers license for a Janice P—-r and various empty coin holders (which I’m assuming were all stolen). If anyone knows these folks or is missing this box, please email me! is Erin’s address. We’ve taken some letters out of the names so as to help ensure the right person claims the items.

BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS NETWORK AT SUMMER FEST: Want to talk safety and crime prevention with the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network? Come to West Seattle Summer Fest until 2 pm today, and/or 11 am-2 pm tomorrow, and catch Karen and Deb from WSBWCN in the Community Tent section of the Info Tent at California/Alaska (look for the huge INFORMATION banners across the top of the tent).

West Seattle Crime Watch: $15,000 bail for ‘known burglar, auto thief’

Thanks to the tipsters who let us know about a Highland Park/South Delridge arrest on Wednesday – a suspected burglar with a long record. The arrest followed 911 calls from multiple neighbors who reported a woman allegedly going through their area trying doors and windows. The 26-year-old suspect had a bail hearing today, and we obtained the probable-cause documents, which say SPD received “several 911 calls” about “a female trying to break into houses.” The addresses listed are in the 8600 and 8800 blocks of 17th SW and the 8800 block of 18th SW; the documents say that neighbors interrupted her at two of those addresses, and that the homeowner confronted her at the other. Police then found her at 18th SW and SW Thistle and discovered she had two arrest warrants, for theft and trespassing. The probable-cause document also says that stolen mail was found, from a residence in the 8100 block of 18th SW, and describe her as a “known burglar and auto thief (and) known drug user.” Online court files show she has at least three felony convictions in King County, all of which appear to have resulted in plea bargains; documents in this case say her “last known address” – a term that could mean current home, or not – was in White Center. She’s in the King County Jail in lieu of $15,000 bail – $10,000 for the current case, $5,000 for the two warrants; the jail register also shows that this is her sixth booking there this year. She is due back in court on Monday, by which time charges could be filed.

FOLLOWUP: Charge filed against North Delridge rifle-firing suspect Tony Samoun

The 29-year-old man arrested for allegedly firing a semi-automatic rifle into the air at his North Delridge apartment on the 4th of July is now charged. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has just filed one count of first-degree unlawful firearm possession against Tony Samoun. Charging documents lay out the same allegations as the probable-cause documents from which we wrote yesterday’s bail-hearing report – that police were in the area, heard suspected gunshots, learned 911 calls had come in, and found witnesses near 25th/Dakota, leading them eventually to Samoun, who is described as having confessed to shooting into the air as part of an Independence Day celebration. The charging documents contain a little more information about the gun that both police and prosecutors called an “assault rifle” – it is described as a “Romar AK-47 … 7.62 caliber semi-automatic rifle,” found “unloaded, without a magazine in it,” behind a washing machine in the apartment, where police found “sixteen fired 7.62 casings” in the front yard. Its serial number is listed in the report but there’s nothing further about its origin.

Samoun’s bail remains at $50,000, the amount set yesterday. The charging papers say he has 15 prior convictions between 1999 and 2011, most of them property crimes. The photo above is from 2010, the newest one on file at the state Department of Corrections.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers interrupted; bicycle found

Two quick West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

CAR PROWLERS INTERRUPTED: Michael reports this happened early Tuesday near 47th SW and SW Oregon, west of The Junction: “Just an FYI, at 4:30 am I caught 4-6 teenagers (all girls, one boy with a “cowboy” type hat), probably 14-16 years old, trying to open all the cars on my street. Turns out mine was unlocked, so I caught them in the act and called cops. They were walking down 47th and Oregon, southbound. Not sure if cops caught them but they continued to try handles down the next 2 blocks.”


We just found this bike [Wednesday], black with red lettering, propped up against our wall near 13th Ave. & Henderson SW. No idea who left it or why, but maybe it was stolen – someone might recognize it. It has a flat rear tire. I’ve blurred the text on the lower bar – the owner should be able to identify that text.

Think it’s yours? Let us know. Meantime, another CW report is in the works for later today (awaiting court information).

FOLLOWUP: $50,000 bail for 4th of July rifle-firing suspect

As promised, we followed up today on the case of the man arrested in North Delridge for allegedly firing what police described as an “assault rifle” on the 4th of July. We just obtained probable-cause documents from this afternoon’s bail hearing for the 29-year-old suspect, whose bail was set at $50,000.

The documents say he is a resident of the apartment in the 4100 block of 25th SW where witnesses say they saw him “shooting a long gun into the air,” an officer wrote in the report. As mentioned in yesterday’s SPD Blotter report, the shots were first heard by officers who were behind the DSHS building in the 4000 block of Delridge at the time, around 11:20 pm on the 4th, describing what they heard as “6-8 rapid-fire gunshots.” They were advised via radio that 911 calls had come in, too. When they got to the building, one officer “took up a position” behind it, their partner did the same in front, and the officer in the rear saw the suspect leaving the building shortly thereafter, “holding a long gun in his right hand.” The officer ordered him to put it down, but the suspect “ignored (the) orders and instead turned and ran back inside the building while still carrying the long gun.” Several minutes and repeated “orders” later, the officer writes, the suspect and nine other people left the apartment; police got a relative of the building’s owner to give consent to a search, and inside, they say, the found “an AK-47” (SPD photo at left), subsequently finding “16 spent 7.62mm casings (which they) photographed and collected” from the front yard. The report adds that the suspect “admitted to firing the weapon … stating that he fired off some celebratory rounds into the air while some fireworks were set off.” They then discovered, checking his record, that he had multiple felony convictions.

The report does not say anything about the gun and its ownership beyond the “AK-47” and “long gun” description. That information might be part of charging documents, which prosecutors could file as soon as tomorrow, before the suspect is due back in court. Online court files indicate he also lived at the 25th SW address at the time of his most recent felony conviction, a drug case dating back to the fall of 2007.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Man hit while trying to stop suspected car prowler

(WSB photo)

Police are looking for the driver suspected in a hit-and-run that allegedly started with a suspected car prowl. They tell us the victim saw what appeared to be a car prowl in progress in the area (39th SW and SW Oregon), tried to stop it, and then was hit by the suspect making a getaway in his own car. The victim’s injuries are not life-threatening – he’s on the way to the hospital in a private ambulance. We heard only a fragment of a description of the suspect’s car – silver – but will be following up. (Added: Silver or gold older Camaro.)

FOLLOWUP: ‘Assault rifle’ seized in North Delridge July 4th gunfire arrest

Early today, a reader tip led to our report about a gunfire arrest in the 4100 block of 25th SW late last night. This afternoon, new details, including this Seattle Police photo of the gun that officers say was involved:

Here’s what SPD’s Jonah Spangenthal-Lee just published via SPD Blotter:

Seattle police arrested a 29-year-old felon late last night after the man reportedly conducted his own 4th of July celebration by firing an assault rifle into the air in West Seattle.

Officers were patrolling near the 4100 block of 25th Avenue Southwest around 11:30 PM when they heard the sounds of gunfire. They began driving through the neighborhood and were soon flagged down by several people …

Witnesses told police a group of men had emerged from home on the block and fired a rifle into the air before going back inside the house.

Officers went to the home, contacted 10 people inside, and arrested the 29-year-old resident. He admitted he had fired his AK-47-style assault rifle in the air following a celebratory round of fireworks at his home.

Police found the gun stashed behind a washing machine in the home and booked the man – who is a convicted felon and unable to legally possess firearms – into the King County Jail for unlawful possession of a firearm. No one was injured in the incident.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gunfire arrest in North Delridge

Thanks to Nicholas for the tip: Police arrested a man in North Delridge after he was reported to have been “seen firing numerous rounds from a rifle up into the air,” in the 4100 block of 25th SW, Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams confirms. He says officers found the rifle and “spent shell casings … in the front yard.” No damage or injury reported; the suspect was expected to be booked into jail.

West Seattle Crime Watch: No holiday for car prowlers

Hate to have to remind you, but if you’re driving somewhere to watch fireworks tonight … don’t leave anything in your car. Not even while it’s just parked in front of your house. If you still haven’t gotten that message, we have two more car prowl reports:

FROM FAUNTLEROY: “Seattle Sparkle” posted this in the WSB Forums – a break-in last night in the 9100 block of 45th SW [map], and “they took a quilt gifted to us by a friend and our granddaughter’s favorite Hello Kitty sequin jacket. If you see either of these things tossed please contact me.- the tag on the blanket said Sew Sew Ginger and my granddaughter’s jacket was a 3T. They also took prescription glasses, a Peek 2-4 year green hoodie, a butterfly umbrella, a dry cleaning receipt, and a Boots London canvas bag (presumably to carry everything in). Keep your belongings out of your car and stay safe!”

FROM EAST ADMIRAL: Early Sunday, writes a texter from the 3700 block of Belvidere [map], “there were numerous cars and people enjoying the holiday and the beautiful outside weather. Amongst the noise, around 1 am, we heard a car door opening. Unbeknownst to us, it was our car door and someone was going through our things. Later that morning on our way out, we saw all the items typically in the middle console, haphazardly thrown throughout the car. We accidentally left our car door open, and a very opportunistic criminal went through our car. Please let everyone know to be careful.” The “only thing of value” they’re missing is a checkbook.

WSB crime coverage is archived here. We also keep a link list under the aggregated local Tweets by Beat on our Crime Watch page.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves at it, again

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes with warnings about theft:

WESTCREST PARK: Via scanner this afternoon, a report of car prowlers on the loose again – someone broke a car window, grabbed a purse, took off in a car with no plates. (That’s all the description we heard.)

LINCOLN PARK: Greg sent this report about what he saw last Sunday, thinking it might help you understand how car prowlers work. We missed it until a mailbox review today, but still enlightening:

When I was driving down Fauntleroy from the ferry dock direction toward Morgan Junction, I saw a woman breaking into a car in the first parking lot directly after the dock.

This woman was mid-40s? or slightly older but it was difficult to tell her age because she looked like a longtime drug addict/meth head. She had very bright burgundy red dyed hair and was dressed like a jogger, with maroon stretch pants and a white sleeveless stretch top. She drives a white Scion xb, the box like looking car a 2004-2007 model (the front ends are different), and the car was clean and would not stand out in any way.

As I was stuck driving behind a bus we were waiting on Fauntleroy and out of the corner of my eye I noticed this woman get out of the passenger side of her vehicle and then suddenly push her body against the car parked next to her and start jerking her hands up and down, it took me a moment to realize that she was using a slim jim and trying to pop the lock on the car, while she looked around making sure nobody was watching. What surprised me is that there were a ton of people getting in and out of cars, but no one was paying this woman any attention as she was dressed like any other park goer and was parked close enough to the other car to attend to her business without being seen.

I wound down my window to get a better look and this is when the woman turned and saw me staring right at her, so she then proceeded to do a bunch of exaggerated stretching like she was going for a run while I was staring at her. This part was comical as this woman although dressed like the average park going runner, looked like she had never exercised a day in her life and the haggard look of her face screamed drug abuse and I could clearly see the slim jim in her hand the entire time she was pantomiming being a jogger getting ready for her run.

I was on the way to drop off my 3 year old daughter or I would have jumped out of my car and at least gotten some pictures, but I dialed 911 and informed them what I was witnessing and then went and dropped off my kid about 5 minutes away.

On the way back to Arbor Heights, the parking lots of Lincoln park had at least two cop cars in each lot, way to go WS Police for the quick reaction, so I parked and spoke to one of the officers and pointed out that although the woman was not currently in sight her car was still in the lot. When I left they were leaving an officer stationed down the road to wait for the woman to return to her car.

Did they find her? We don’t know but will be looking for an incident number so we can try to find out.


My tenant (in Upper Alki) was having a moving sale and her purse with her house and car keys, money, and credit cards was stolen from an off-limits bathroom whose door was closed and it was in the middle of the house, not in a back corner. The police were called and we changed all the locks.

P.S. Both the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council and Block Watch Captains Network are on meeting hiatus for the next two months but there’s another opportunity to talk about neighborhood crime/safety – the focus groups that researcher Jennifer Burbridge is hosting – check this recent WSB story for the list.

Crime trends, Roxhill-Westwood Find It-Fix It walk planning, more @ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network

June 30, 2016 6:21 pm
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Some promising news about local crime trends, as this month’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network meeting got under way Tuesday.

SEATTLE POLICE UPDATE: Here’s what Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis told the group: Yes, the weather’s warm, but please be careful about leaving your windows and doors open – “there are still individuals out there who like to exploit that. … It invites criminal activity, it really does.”

That said, the burglary rate is running lower than usual right now, he said. Car prowls, though, are still running relatively high, which led to this reminder in a tone that merits all-caps: “DON’T LEAVE VALUABLES INSIDE YOUR CAR.”

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bicycle; dumped-and-likely-stolen shoes

Two reader reports:

STOLEN BIKE: Rachelle‘s Schwinn Hornet was stolen sometime overnight Tuesday night/Wednesday morning: “It was stolen from my place at 54th and Alki. It’s a black and white beach cruiser style bike, with a black and white seat.”

STOLEN SHOES? Cass just e-mailed to say, “We found a bag of shoes dumped in our front yard near 35th SW & SW Roxbury this morning. I wanted to let you know in case they were stolen and someone is looking to get them back … We’ll keep the shoes for a couple days.”

If you have info on either of the above, please comment below (or e-mail us).

West Seattle Crime Watch: 4 reports plus ‘focus groups’ on neighborhood crime/safety

Four reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight, plus upcoming neighborhood discussions about crime and safety:

RACIST GRAFFITI VANDALISM: Florentino reported calling Port of Seattle Police to report “disturbing racist graffiti” vandalism in one of the restrooms by the sandy area at Jack Block Park. Photos accompanying his e-mail showed messages in black marker including “white power” and a swastika. Florentino waited until Port police arrived to investigate; we followed up with the Port to ask if the graffiti had been painted over or cleaned off, and we’re told it has been.

SCHOOL BREAK-IN: Seattle Police confirmed to WSB this pm that they investigated a reported break-in at now-closed Schmitz Park Elementary early this am. According to Det. Mark Jamieson, they got a call from Seattle Public Schools security around 1:13 am saying they were “viewing” five suspects in the school’s main hallway – described only as “two white males, late teens, thin build; two black males, late teens and wearing backpacks; one white female, late teens, thin.” No one was inside the building when police arrived; nothing appeared “disturbed”; no sign of forced entry but they found an “unsecured door on the north side of the school.”

STOLEN CAR IN ADMIRAL: Tracey‘s car was stolen from SW Walker Street. Black Saab 93x. The message to us didn’t include plate info but we’re guessing it’s this one on @getyourcarback. See it? Call 911.

LIGHTING THEFT: Darren e-mailed with word of a theft outside his Alki home: “I’m writing to notify the blog that over the weekend, someone came through our private gate and stole our exterior ambient lighting (strings of bulb lighting over hanging our porch). We left for camping Friday afternoon and noticed them missing upon our return Sunday am. We live on 60th Avenue between Admiral & Stevens. I’ve notified the police, but since there was no witnesses and the value is less than $500, there isn’t anything they can do. Neighbors didn’t hear or see anything.”

CRIME/SAFETY FOCUS GROUPS: Once again this summer, researcher Jennifer Burbridge, who works out of the Southwest Precinct, is leading focus groups in the local “micro-communities” that have policing plans. She wants to talk with you about “knowledge of the micro-community policing plan project, interactions with the Seattle Police Department, crime and safety concerns, and suggested improvements for each of your unique neighborhoods!” Use this map to check if you’re part of one of these “micro-communities” (except for South Delridge/Delridge Triangle, which Burbridge says is not yet updated on the map).

Here are the focus groups scheduled so far, with links to their micro-community-policing plans – first one is tomorrow night:

-Wednesday, June 29th, 6-7 pm, Alaska Junction (at the SW Precinct community meeting room, 2300 SW Webster)

-Thursday, June 30th, 7-8 pm, Fauntleroy (at the SW Precinct community meeting room- 2300 SW Webster)

-Monday, July 11th, 7-8 pm, Pigeon Point (at the SW Precinct community meeting room, 2300 SW Webster)

-Wednesday, July 13th, 6-7 pm, High Point (at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, 6400 Sylvan Way SW)

-Monday, July 18th, 7-8 pm, North Admiral (at the SW Precinct community meeting room, 2300 SW Webster St)

-Wednesday, July 20th, 7-9 pm, Morgan Junction (second half of the Morgan Community Association meeting at The Kenney, 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

-Monday, July 25th, 7-8 pm, South Park (at the SW Precinct community meeting room, 2300 SW Webster)

-Wednesday, July 27th, 7-8:30 pm, Highland Park (at the Highland Park Action Committee meeting at Highland Park Improvement Club, 12th Ave SW and SW Holden St)

-Monday, August 1st, 6:15-7:45 pm, Westwood/Roxhill/Arbor Heights (at the Westwood/Roxhill/Arbor Heights Community Council meeting at the SW Branch of the Seattle Public Library in the meeting room, 9010 35th Ave SW)

-Monday, August 8th, 6-7 pm, South Delridge/Delridge Triangle (at the SW Precinct community meeting room, 2300 SW Webster)

-Wednesday, August 10th, 6-7 pm, Alki (at the SW Precinct community meeting room, 2300 SW Webster)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Purse stolen; mail theft & garage break-in; burglary attempt

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports tonight – first, from Pam, who’s on 47th southwest of The Junction:

Sadly this beautiful summer night has turned ugly for our family! After a great, exhausting, first day off from school, our tired family spaced out on a million details which resulted in my purse getting stolen from my car in front of my house.

Obviously it was stupid of me to leave my purse in the car, and what’s worse is that two sets of my car keys were in my wallet. To top off all of that absentmindedness, one of my kids left the back window open, so the big jerk crawled in the back window and grabbed my bag.

Our dogs were going crazy (as were all the other dogs on the block, we thought it was the mailman walking by), we heard a car alarm sound and didn’t realize it was ours because it was instantly shut off. (The thief reached in my bag, got my keys and turned the alarm off himself!)

Just a reminder to keep your head together this summer and don’t get too relaxed! Also- if you happen to see this bag in black, it’s mine and I would LOVE TO HAVE IT BACK! I’m angry and also so sad!

From BW on 37th in the Genesee area:

I wanted to let readers know about our mail theft and garage break-in so that hopefully it won’t happen to them.

On Saturday, a kind neighbor tracked me down online to let me know he had our mail. It was in a locked mailbox and the thief pried it open to get the mail.

Then, on Sunday morning, we discovered our garage had been broken into. There’s construction work going on at our house and all the builder’s tools were stolen as well as our own power tools.

The garage was locked with a mammoth huge lock to prevent this but they cut through the U-shaped loop the lock was on so the lock just fell to the ground.

A policeman arrived within 10 minutes of me calling (YAY SPD) and said the incidents were likely not related. His suggestion was to create so many barriers that future thieves would move on from our house and if our neighbors did the same thing, thieves would eventually move on to other neighborhoods. He suggested security cameras, lights with motion sensors and a simple alarm on the door that would scare anyone off if the door was opened without the alarm being turned off first.

As for the mail, well, we’ve learned to be vigilant about removing our mail every day from the mailbox, even if it is locked.

And John near 34th and Andover reports a burglary attempt:

Wanted to report a possible attempted house break-in. Locked our door today leaving work and came home to find that the key wouldn’t even begin to go into the deadbolt. After trying several times, noticed a small bit of metal beginning to fall out, and I was able to pull out a cheap rake-style lock pick.

SIDE NOTE: Is your neighborhood having a safety-and-preparedness-enhancing block party for Night Out? It’s coming up fast – Tuesday, August 2nd. Here’s the official SPD info page.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Robbed at home; plate stolen, swapped; what to do if your mail’s stolen

(UPDATED 3 PM MONDAY 6/27 with police-report details on home invasion)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 10:56 PM SUNDAY: Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

HOME INVASION ROBBERY: This happened near 18th SW/SW Elmgrove [map] on Monday afternoon; the first we heard about it was when the victim e-mailed us days later, and the police-report details aren’t available online. But the victim wants to be sure the neighborhood knows about it:

It happened Monday afternoon at 2 pm. I was in my bathroom in the basement when he came in with a gun. He immediately asked me to FIND THE DOPE.

He had already been in the house when I was in the shower but he wasn’t finding what he thought i had. He led me to another room and told me again and again to find the DOPE.

I was shaking and begging him not to hurt me and somehow I found a backpack and that made him happy so he told me to lie on the floor and be quiet for 10 mins. … He took all my jewelry and electronics including phones etc. They took everything.

A neighbor told the victim about seeing a white truck in the alley and “watched 3 men in hoodies enter (the victim’s) yard.” That’s all the description information we have at this point; we’ll pursue the full police report tomorrow.

ADDED 3 PM MONDAY: Added details from the police-report narrative – The report says the robber was described as a black man, about 30, “dark baseball hat, satin-like green jacket that looked like a Sonics jacket.” No vehicle was mentioned. The victim’s husband was reported to have been home and asleep, and the robber might have entered through an unlocked door or window.

(back to original Sunday night report) LICENSE-PLATE THEFT: From Ross:

Last night (or possibly earlier), our license plates were stolen from our Honda CR-V that we rarely drive. It was parked on 37th between Juneau and Findlay. We’ve reported the theft to the police, but wanted to get the word out. A Washington D.C. license plate was swapped onto the back of our car.

MAIL THEFT: It happened to Sarah south of Westwood, and she has some helpful advice to share about reporting cases like hers:

A neighbor found my empty package on 26th Ave SW just south of Roxbury. Inside my rifled package was another empty envelope that belonged to someone who lives just off 26th on 106th Ave. I left their empty envelope on their doorstep with a note attached. My package was supposed to contain a scarf I ordered from Scotland. The other empty envelope looked like the person had attempted to use their own mailbox to mail a check or something worth stealing. I didn’t file a police report but did call the USPS Inspection Service on Saturday afternoon. After a brief phone tree, a lady answered and took my statement and said a file had been created for my case. She also said to alert other neighbors that reporting mail theft to them is a really good idea because the more complaints they receive, the more likely they are to open an investigation for our zip code, 98106. If anyone wishes to file a complaint they are encouraged to call Postal Inspectors at 877-876-2455 (press 3). Here is the webpage I used.

THANKS ... for sharing Crime Watch information. If it’s happening NOW – call 911! Then let us know, when you can. Our 24-hour tipline is 206-293-6302, text or voice. If it’s not happening now, e-mail is the next best thing, – thanks!

Reader report: Recognize this bike?

June 25, 2016 7:49 pm
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One more abandoned-likely-after-being-stolen bicycle: The finder says, “This bike was apparently hidden behind a big shrub on my Alki property several weeks ago (neighbor thinks about six weeks). She just told me about it (this week). I don’t want to take it out yet as I don’t have a safe place for it. I plan to also contact the police.” So if this looks like one stolen from you – check with SPD and refer to the case number from when you reported it.

P.S. If you missed it – this Crime Watch roundup earlier this week included photos of three bicycles found around West Seattle.

FOLLOWUP: Charges filed against accused gun-waving car-prowl suspects

Charges are now filed against both suspects arrested in West Seattle Tuesday night for allegedly breaking into a car on Alki and then waving guns and other items in two incidents including the car prowl’s aftermath. (Our original report is here; our first followup is here.)

25-year-old Jory L. Preston and 19-year-old Justin M. Hoyt are both charged with second-degree vehicle prowl and second-degree theft. Preston also is charged with second-degree unlawful-firearm possession, as he is a convicted felon and not allowed to have a gun. The incident that led to the conviction, for domestic-violence assault, was covered here five years ago – Preston turned himself in at the Southwest Precinct after police, eventually including SWAT team members, sought him at a Delridge apartment building. He originally was charged with two counts of assault for a situation involving a former girlfriend, and struck a plea bargain, pleading guilty to one count, sentenced in September 2011 to the month and a half he had served by the time of the hearing. )

The charging papers filed today tell the same story detailed in our report last night on their bail hearing, with a few additional details – the amount of property they are accused of stealing is listed as more than $1600; also, police say Hoyt, despite having a Glock .380 semi-automatic handgun in his front pants pocket, did not have a concealed-pistol license. The charging papers say that while Hoyt has no felony record, he has convictions for being a minor intoxicated in public in 2013 and for hit and run in 2014. And while his bail was set at $100,000 in this new case, the jail register says he is being held without bail for a Cowlitz County warrant alleging failure to appear in a case of driving with suspended license. Preston’s bail remains at $100,000. Both will face arraignment next – no date on the docket yet, but likely week after next.