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West Seattle Crime Watch: Another stolen CR-V

STOLEN 99 Honda CR_V

Another stolen vehicle to watch for – this one, reported today by Ron:

Sorry to have to report my [blue] ’99 Honda CR-V (WA plate 009-YQY) was stolen late Sunday/early Monday morning from my condo’s parking lot. This is the Town Square Condominium complex right across from Westwood Village. Surveillance cameras show the car driving out of the lot at 2:38 AM with the lights off. If seen, please contact Seattle PD and refer to Incident #16-294962.

At least in our reader reports, CR-Vs seem to be “popular” with West Seattle-area car thieves lately.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Early-morning car theft

If you see an unfamiliar gray 2006 4-door Honda Accord in your neighborhood, it might be the one stolen early today outside Joshua‘s house on Tillicum Road SW near Lincoln Park [map]. License plate AKV4815; “slight dent with paint chip on the top front of the hood.” The key was mistakenly left inside another vehicle nearby; the thief/thieves found it and stole the Accord. Call 911 if you see it – could be anywhere; WSB readers’ recently reported stolen vehicles have turned up near and far.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Roxhill bus-stop police response; 5 reader reports

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:


ROXHILL BUS STOP RESPONSE: Thanks for the messages about a big police response in the Roxhill bus-stop area across from Westwood Village this past hour. Here’s what SPD told us at the scene: A man tried to hit a Metro bus driver. The driver wasn’t hurt, but the suspect was so intoxicated, he couldn’t stand up, and he’s being taken off by private ambulance to be checked out.

We also have five reader reports:

ALKI VANDALISM: Sometime overnight Friday into Saturday, SU writes, at least three cars in the 1300 block of Alki and vicinity had “small rear windows” bashed in, including this one:

It did not seem to be an attempt to break into the cars, just to damage them, the e-mail says.


This afternoon we discovered that someone had slashed a front tire on one of our cars. The car was parked in our off-street space in the alley, in back of the house. We live near 45th and Hanford, two blocks from where The Great Tire Slashing took place a couple weeks ago, so perhaps the same perpetrators are at it again.

GARGOYLE THEFT: M says, “Sometime last night a gargoyle was taken from my front yard on 34th between Barton and Henderson. It’s an Orc-like guy, crouched, with 10 years of patina. Attached is a similar photo (but with horns, less ears and a snaggle tooth). If anyone sees someone with something like that I”d LOVE to meet them.”

STOLEN HOSES: On Saturday, Danny reports, “a tall late 30s male on cruiser bicycle in bright red t-shirt and yellow trucker cap (was) riding on Alki (at 54th) stealing garden hoses. Just watched him take our neighbor’s and has several more on front of his bike.”

And some good news:

TRUCK FOUND: On Saturday, we published Janice‘s report about the theft of her Toyota Tacoma work truck from the Beach Drive area. Today, she got word it was found – in Tukwila.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Pickup truck stolen

August 13, 2016 11:13 am
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Out of the WSB inbox: Janice‘s 2003 white Toyota Tacoma is missing in the Beach Drive area; she says it “has a foot-long scrape on back, driver’s side; cab in back with missing door, loaded with tools and a sheet of plywood.” Call 911 if you see it.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Phones stolen; bicycle reunion; pickup found – with somebody else’s stolen stuff

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight, two of them followups:

STOLEN PHONES: The mom of a West Seattle High School cross-country runner says he and some of his teammates were practicing at Hiawatha on Wednesday when someone stole their phones. She says, “If anyone encounters suspicious selling of cellphones in West Seattle, they are probably the ones belongings to the students.” If you have any info, report to police and refer to incident report #2016-288545.

Now, the followups:

STOLEN-BICYCLE REUNION: On Wednesday, we published Dave‘s report of a child’s bike, stolen from his dog-guarded yard in the 7300 block of 17th SW. He tells WSB that they got the bike back after a South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) employee found it abandoned alongside a campus parking lot. She took a photo and turned the bicycle in to security; she later checked WSB and found Dave’s description and contact information. They connected and Dave retrieved the bike from security.

STOLEN TRUCK FOUND – WITH SOMEBODY ELSE’S STUFF: On Monday, we published Mardi‘s report of a company-branded pickup truck stolen in Shorewood. Today, she reported that it was found “a few blocks” from where it was stolen. A suspect was arrested, too. But here’s the twist: “We picked the truck up this morning and there was a black backpack with rings and other jewelry” – belonging to somebody else. She’s planning to take it to the Southwest Precinct tomorrow, but if you’re missing a black backpack and/or jewelry, speak up.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Woman attacked while walking; possibly stolen items, dumped

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes this afternoon:

ATTACKED ON 35TH: Mike says his mother-in-law was attacked while walking to a bus stop on 35th SW near SW 99th in Arbor Heights [map] around 9:20 this morning. Someone “violently knocked her to the ground, from behind,” he says, but she didn’t see the attacker, so there’s no description. Nothing was taken from her. He says she’s “not badly hurt, but was dazed from hitting her head on the sidewalk and she has cuts and scrapes on her face and body.”

ADDED 4 PM – MORE DETAILS: We had asked Mike a few followup questions. He says his mother-in-law, who’s 68, is at the hospital now being checked out. To be more specific about where this happened, he says she “was walking north on 35th Ave SW between SW 100th St and SW 99th St, on the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. An assailant ran up from behind, striking my MIL from behind, knocking her to the sidewalk, then ran off. As my MIL’s glasses were knocked off her face during the fall, she did not see the assailant. There was no apparent robbery, as she still has her handbag and cellphone.”

(back to original Crime Watch roundup) DUMPED AT 32ND AND TRENTON: From David – “Just reporting recovery of possible stolen property. Today found a Franklin badminton and ping pong set including four rackets, paddles, shuttlecocks, net and instructions (Frankin item #3944, Intermediate BM Set) but without box. Looks new, old stock, never been used or used very lightly. Just left by our car. We’re at the corner of 32nd & Trenton.”

CRIME WATCH: 2 car prowls; stolen bicycle; ‘dumped’ 3-wheeler

The newest reader reports (


Just wanted to send a quick note that my son’s car was broken into Sunday night. This happened in the 2700th block of 38th Ave SW. No damage to the car but about $400 worth of CD’s were stolen. It is an eclectic collection of CD’s (heavy metal, reggae, Hindu music). If anyone sees a bunch of discarded CD’s, please let us know, he would love to have them back.

CAR PROWL #2: From Adam:

Victim of car prowl last night near Genesee. Car was parked in driveway off the alley between 46th and 47th. Criminal got nothing but a couple bucks in coins and a Starbucks card that was deactivated before they could use it.

BIKE THIEF DEFIES DOG: Dave says it took a lot for someone to steal a kids’ bicycle from his residence:

A 24″ kids Specialized Hot Rocks bicycle was stolen from the side of our house on the 7300 block of 17th Ave SW between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm. Here is a picture of what it looks like.

The thief had to deal with a barking dog and multiple gates to get into the yard so must have been determined. The bike was under a tarp and other bicycles. This was reported to the police and I believe is call 16-286935. The serial number is WSBC71104. Please contact Dave at 206-409-3439 with any leads, thank you.

ABANDONED, LIKELY STOLEN: Sue found this “dumped in our side yard on 47th.”

If it’s yours, contact her at

P.S. – HOW TO FIND ARCHIVED CRIME WATCH COVERAGE: Two ways. One, everything categorized as “crime” automatically goes into the newest-to-oldest archive here. We also manually add the links to the WSB Crime Watch page, but it can lag a little; that page is also where you’ll find all the West Seattle-area Tweets by Beat and some resource links.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Little League’s mower stolen; bicycle taken; stolen car found

In West Seattle Crime Watch, three reports:


The West Seattle Little League’s new 2016 Kubota riding lawn mower was stolen from the equipment shed at Bar S. The thieves broke into the shed during the middle of the day Saturday sometime between 1:00-4:00 p.m. According to neighbors, one of the thieves was a white man in his 30’s wearing an orange safety vest. They left Bar S by cutting the chain and exiting the Southern side of the ballpark. If you have any information regarding this theft, please contact or 206-790-6358.

Or, call police. (The stolen mower looks like this.)

STOLEN BICYCLE: Matt tweeted this photo of his bicycle, stolen from his apartment building south of The Junction:


He says, “Brand is Specialized and the model is “Ground Control” (or at least that’s what it says on the frame). It’s gray, unknown number of years old. I got it for free from a coworker. Handlebars are flat.” It’s been reported to police.

STOLEN CAR UPDATE: We published JW‘s auto-theft report here on Saturday. Her followup:

My Honda has been found at the bottom of Fairmount Ave by parking enforcement, fortunately drivable. Yea! By any chance someone has any surveillance from 4:00 to 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning that could have captured it heading east on Hanford and turning left and heading down the Fairmount ravine, that would be killer.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 more stolen vehicles to watch for

Two more stolen vehicles reported overnight – if you see either one, call 911.

STOLEN WORK TRUCK: From Mardi – “At 4:40 am, our 2016 Ford F-150 was stolen from our parking spot on our private road, Seola Lane. The quad-door truck is white with royal blue decals that say Multi-M Construction all over it. We live real close to Arbor Heights, White Center, and Burien. Please keep an eye out.”

STOLEN FROM OWNER’S WORKPLACE: Someone stole Robby‘s truck from in front of his workplace, West Seattle Produce (4722 Fauntleroy Way SW), sometime between 9 pm Sunday and 7 am today. It’s a 1994 white Jeep Cherokee (looks like this photo), plate 165-ZXN.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this stolen car?

SUNDAY NIGHT: Now that the Fauntleroy whale situation is mostly resolved, we’re getting back to other news, starting with a stolen car: Scott reports, “My 2000 Honda CRV was stolen from in front of my house on 49th SW between Hinds and Spokane Streets sometime after midnight last night. I notified the police and hopefully will get it back but really just perplexed that anyone would take my old (but beloved) Honda.”

ADDED MONDAY MORNING: A little more information from Scott: “Plate is ANJ0347. It’s a pretty unique silver CRV, slightly lifted with bigger than normal all terrain tires and a bike rack on back. Black carrier basket on roof rack.” If you see it, call 911 (and then let us know!).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen ashes; scam callers try again

ORIGINAL REPORT, 5:42 PM SATURDAY: Two more West Seattle Crime Watch notes as evening arrives:

STOLEN ASHES: Car prowlers might not have realized what they were stealing from Meghan: “Another car break in (in the 2100 block of) Fairmount Ave. This time they stole fishing gear and an urn with ashes in it. It’s a wood box about 12 by 12 and in a red velvet bag. We would really like the ashes back, could you post something about it, in case they ditched it on the side of the road somewhere around West Seattle?”

UPDATE, 3:25 PM SUNDAY: We heard this afternoon from Maureen, who said she found the ashes and took them back to the funeral home on the label, which said they’d contact the family; then she found this story. We sent a note to Meghan to be sure she’d heard; Maureen, meantime, re-contacted the funeral home, which said it had reached the family.

(Back to the original story)

FAKE ‘CITY LIGHT’ SCAM CALLERS, AGAIN: This has been going on now for years, but just in case you haven’t heard or forgotten – Jenny from The Bridge says she got the classic scam call today: “I received a call from a person claiming to be a technician with Seattle City Light and that he was going to disconnect me unless I called a number and paid my bill. I called the number, asked them to verify my account number, at which point they hung up.” That’s not the way City Light works, as the utility explains on its Scam Alert page; SCL says you can report suspected scams to them at 206-684-3000 and to the SPD non-emergency line at 206-625-5011.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car theft, and what was left behind

One reader report so far today – a stolen car in south Admiral. From JW:

My car was stolen last night (2000 white Honda CR-V, license AQK1600, bike rack) from Hanford and California, parked on Hanford between California and 42nd Ave SW. There was at least one other neighbor who had a break-in to his vehicle parked right next to mine, and there was a first aid kit left on sidewalk that doesn’t belong to either of us if anyone had a break-in and is missing that. Heard a noise between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m., but it’s so loud in the neighborhood nowadays, didn’t think much of it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. If you missed the story late last night, the car-theft suspect arrested in Highland Park early Thursday has already been charged.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Charges filed against robbery, car-theft suspects

Two suspects whose arrests we reported earlier this week are now charged.

TRIPLE ROBBERY SUSPECT: Coleman E. Calloway is the 48-year-old man charged with one count of first-degree robbery and two counts of second-degree robbery for three holdups in three days. In charging documents, prosecutors describe him as “a career criminal with 13 felony convictions” who has spent “a large amount of his adult life in prison”; their request to raise his bail to $250,000 was granted. The narrative in the charging documents is the same as what we reported here last night after his bail hearing, detailing the robbery of the Capitol Hill QFC last Saturday morning, then West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) last Monday night, and the Washington Federal bank in Morgan Junction on Tuesday morning. No weapon was seen in any of the robberies, but Calloway is alleged to have told the QFC cashier he had one. Charging documents say he netted a total of almost $2,000 in the three holdups.

CAR-THEFT SUSPECT: Nicholas V. Renion is the 37-year-old man arrested in Highland Park early Thursday, as reported here. He is charged with one count of motor-vehicle theft, and prosecutors say he too is a career criminal – “arrested 44 times since 1997 … 59 warrants issued for his arrest in King County alone.” His convictions include multiple counts of theft, vehicle prowling, and assault. The charging documents have a few additional details beyond what was provided in the SPD Blotter report we quoted, including that the car was stolen in the 9400 block of 14th SW, blocks from where police spotted it on SW Roxbury. When police found Renion in a garage in the 1000 block of SW Portland, he claimed he lived there, but the homeowners told police that wasn’t true. Charging papers show his “last known address” was in Lakewood. They also show that prosecutors wanted Renion’s bail set at $25,000, but the King County Jail Register show it as only $5,000, and that he had just been released less than a week before this arrest, after serving more than a month in a theft case.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen, found bicycles; hit-and-run

ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:22 PM: This afternoon’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup starts with three bicycle reports.

First, Pam found this bike, abandoned:
She explained, “Girls’ Specialized, found ditched in alley between 47th and 46th sound of Edmunds.”

Next, Julie reports two stolen bicycles: “They were taken from California ave and Genesee – (one is a) hot rock bike; (the other) is periwinkle color, a little bit of rust on the shocks. My daughter was just riding it Wednesday evening. The Trek is probably about a 1994-1995 year, has the side grips that come out from the handle bars. I can describe specifics and scratches on it. Just want them returned please, no questions asked. We have done long-distance bike rides and they are both very sentimental to the family.”

From Justin:

’95 Specialized Stumpjumper, black, stolen from in front of Admiral Bird Cafe.

And now the hit-and-run report, from Lily:

This morning at about 6:45 am on 8/5/16 (Incident # 16-281319): A white older Model F250 was seen sideswiping a green Ford Ranger on Alki Ave SW between 55th Ave SW and 56th Ave SW.

The White F250 was an older model with a white canopy and a Dark (possibly black) shell storage on the top.

The license plate was an Idaho plate, but although there were many witnesses on the scene, no one was able to get the license number as the driver sped off at a high rate of speed.

Any help in identifying this hit and run driver is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!

9:27 PM UPDATE: In case you haven’t seen this in the comments – the found bike in the photo turned out to be one of two stolen bikes another reader subsequently mentioned. Owner and bike have been reunited, though the family’s second bike is still out there somewhere.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: $150,000 bail for man suspected of 3-robbery spree

Bail is set at $150,000 for the 48-year-old man accused of robbing three businesses in three days, two of them in Morgan Junction, eerily echoing the triple robbery case that sent him to prison a decade ago. We received documents this evening from his bail hearing. Here’s what they allege:

He’s accused of starting the robbery spree on Saturday morning, when, police say, he arrived at the Capitol Hill QFC in a cab, went into the store and robbed a clerk, claiming he had a gun, then hopping back into the cab three minutes later with $1,100 in stolen money.

The robbery and getaway were caught on surveillance video; police found out the cab had then taken the robber to West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), where he bought cigarettes and beer. He was gone by the time they arrived but store employees recalled that the man had been recognized and greeted by a customer they knew as a resident of Cal-Mor Circle across the street. Police, meantime, took images from the Thriftway surveillance camera and circulated them. A Department of Corrections community officer subsequently recognized the man as someone with whom they had dealt. Records showed the man’s last known address was his mother’s apartment at Cal-Mor Circle.

Then on Monday night, Thriftway was robbed by what surveillance video showed to be the same man; he demanded money from a clerk and got away with $320. Twelve hours later, the Washington Federal bank across Fauntleroy Way was robbed, and surveillance video showed another match.

After that, police caught up with the suspect’s mother and asked her to contact them if her son returned to the building. Later in the afternoon, she reported he had just arrived; when police got there, she and her son were waiting outside, and he was taken into custody without incident. The police report says he confessed to all three robberies and also made a point of saying he had never had a weapon and didn’t hurt anyone.

His criminal history in online records dates back almost 30 years; his most recent felony convictions were for another three-business-robbery spree in West Seattle and Capitol Hill, in May 2005 – at the former Video Vault store in Morgan Junction, at the Staples store in Westwood Village, and at a Safeway on Capitol Hill. Court documents from that case also show a cab used as a getaway car. He already had an “extensive criminal history,” as prosecutors described it, when sentenced to 11 1/2 years in prison for those holdups.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Auto-theft suspect arrested; stolen car, found; stolen van, not (yet) found; bike, found…

ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:09 PM: In West Seattle Crime Watch today:

CAR THIEF, ARRESTED: We received a couple questions about police in Highland Park around 3 am. Just in from SPD Blotter, the details:

On August 4th, at approximately 2:00 am, Officer Bryan Grozav took a report of a stolen 2006 Subaru Legacy. As he was leaving the scene after taking the report, Grozav saw the stolen Subaru driving on South Roxbury Street. The officer attempted to follow the car, but it quickly drove off. About 10 minutes later, Sergeant Tamara Floyd saw the Subaru on Roxbury driving at a high rate of speed. The Subaru was emitting a strong odor, caused by the driver burning the clutch.

At about 2:40 am, Officer Sam Specht was in the area of 9th Avenue SW and SW Trenton Street when he noticed the strong odor of a vehicle’s burning clutch. The officer saw the stolen car drive into an alley near 11th Ave SW. The officer located the unoccupied stolen Subaru in the alley and requested a K9 team to respond and additional officers for containment.

K9 Officer Mark Wong and Police Dog Ziva responded and began to track from the stolen car. They tracked the suspect for several blocks until they reached a garage with an open door in the 1000 block of SW Portland Street. Officers entered the garage and found the suspect hiding behind the door. The suspect was arrested without incident.

The vehicle’s owner responded to the scene and took possession of his Subaru. The 37-year-old suspect was later booked into the King County Jail for investigation of auto theft.

(added) Just took a quick look at the suspect’s history; this is his fourth time in King County Jail in just under a year.

(back to original report) Our next report is also from Highland Park:

STOLEN CAR, FOUND: Trina shared photos of this Honda Accord, saying it “has clearly been stolen and dropped on my block”:
She continued, “The car looks like it’s been hotwired; the driver’s door has been cracked like they went for a joy ride and dropped and ran. The car is at the 7900 block of 5th Ave SW. It’s been there a couple days and no one on the block knows about it.” As soon as we saw the photos, we looked up the license plate via SPD’s @getyourcarback Twitter feed of Seattle stolen-car reports – and there it was, stolen July 31st. Whether stolen from West Seattle or elsewhere, we don’t know, as @getyourcarback still does not include any sort of location information (we’ve begged!), which is why reader reports are so important. Meantime, we asked Trina to let police know, if she hasn’t already … and if you know whose car this is, let them know it’s been found!

STOLEN VAN: Frank‘s 2000 gray/green Honda Odyssey van was stolen in The Junction last Sunday night/Monday morning. WA plate APT5575 – call 911 if you see it.

FOUND BIKE: Lori found this in her yard along an alley near 27th SW/SW Elmgrove:


Look familiar?

ADDED 1:22 PM – BURGLARY: Just in from Cynthia:

I am in the 7800 block of 39th Ave SW – Gatewood; break-in, back door – broke glass in door; white male, plaid shorts and tool belt. Happened around 11:45am…. took off out back down the alley.

Police have been notified.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Morgan Junction bank-robbery suspect also under investigation for two grocery-store holdups

As first reported here last night, police arrested a suspect hours after Tuesday morning’s bank robbery at Washington Federal in Morgan Junction – and we now have confirmation from police that he is also the suspect in Monday night’s holdup at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) across the street from the bank, as well as an earlier robbery at a QFC on Capitol Hill. The 48-year-old suspect was booked into jail after midnight today, so his first bail hearing won’t be until tomorrow. We’ve been working to get even more information from police, but this is what we’ve been able to confirm so far through the Southwest Precinct. Online records show his criminal history in this state goes back almost 30 years.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Jessica Detrick charged in two burglaries


Repeat burglar Jessica Detrick – known for prowling with her dog in tow – is now charged in two West Seattle burglaries, including the one in which she was caught on a security camera, as shown above.

When we first published that photo on July 18th, after the victim of the burglary in Upper Fauntleroy sent it to us, readers quickly noted the resemblance to the prowler-and-dog video we had published in May, weeks before her arrest in connection with Highland Park/South Delridge cases in June.

Detrick, 36, had been charged with misdemeanor criminal trespass in connection with those June cases, and got out of jail after three days. Since then, as we noted in last month’s story, a warrant had been issued for her arrest due to failure to appear for “day reporting.”

While making a routine check of the jail register early today, we discovered that she had been booked on July 23rd; four days later, she was charged with two counts of residential burglary – for the July 18th Upper Fauntleroy burglary and for a break-in at a home in the 8800 block of 16th SW on June 19th. Her bail is set at $101,000 – $100,000 for the burglary cases, $1,000 for the earlier warrant. Prosecutors asked for the relatively high bail amount, saying that they believe “defendant is escalating her serial (residential) burglary conduct and poses a danger to the community.” The charging documents summarize Detrick’s history as “38 warrants in King County alone since 2000 … multi-state criminal history, including arrest history in Illinois and conviction and warrant history in Arizona.”

West Seattle Crime Watch update: Morgan Junction bank-robbery suspect arrested

(UPDATED 6:16 PM with word of arrest)


11:45 AM: Thanks for the tips about a major police presence in Morgan Junction – we’ve confirmed that the Washington Federal branch at California/Fauntleroy has been robbed. No other details right now – we’re waiting to talk with police to at least get a description. The bank is closed for now as police investigate, with a note on the door attributing the closure to an “emergency.” This is right across the street from West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), which was robbed late last night, but we don’t know yet if there’s any connection. More to come.

12:19 PM: We’ve just talked to a sergeant on scene who told us they don’t know yet how much money the robber got away with, but they do have a description – heavyset black man, 6 feet tall, in his 40s. That is similar to the description of the man who robbed Thriftway last night, but police say it’s too soon to say whether this is the same person or not. No word if a photo will be circulated publicly as it was with last week’s Bank of America holdup.

6:15 PM: We’ve just confirmed with SW Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis that a suspect has been arrested – he says detectives “did a stellar job” in identifying the suspect. Expecting more information soon.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police search for Thriftway robber


10:59 PM: Police are searching in Morgan Junction for someone reported to have just robbed, or tried to rob, West Seattle Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan; WSB sponsor). Early information from scanner has this description: Man in his 40s, dark skin, bald, 6′, heavyset, wearing a blue sleeveless sweater or vest and blue basketball shorts, last seen headed away from the store, northbound on California SW. He is reported to have demanded money from a cashier, though no weapon is reported to have been seen. Call 911 with any information.

11:45 PM: A K-9 team joined the search for a while, but no arrest reported so far.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Tire slashers hit two streets

We’ve had multiple reports of a tire-slashing rampage on at least two streets southwest of Admiral overnight:

Karen on 48th SW sent the photo and reports, “We woke to find several cars with punctured tires today on our street. Three in our section of the block and at least three to the north. Our neighbors and I are reporting to the police via online reporting. Some of us were lucky and only had one puncture others had two. AAA said there is a slash in the tire. Looks like they hit cars from Stevens to Hinds so far.” [map]

Then Emily reported: “The tires on my car and a few of my neighbors’ on my block were slashed last night. 47th Ave between Hinds and Spokane. Jerks.”

And Jennie reported seeing “numerous cars with flat tires as I was riding my bike on my way to work this morning. Along 48th Ave SW, they were all between Stevens and Hanford. Then on 47th between Hanford and Spokane. I’d say I saw at least a dozen flat/deflated tires and some cars even had two.”

If it happened to you too, be sure to file a police report. You can do it online by going here. And if you witnessed anything potentially related to this – call it in.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Sign torched; stolen, priceless bicycle; recognize these golf clubs?

In West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports tonight:

SIGN ARSON: Within the past half-hour, somebody set a political sign on fire in Gunner‘s yard in Highland Park (7500 block 12th SW). It was a sign for 7th District Congressional candidate Brady Piñero Walkinshaw. A neighbor saw it on fire and knocked on the door to sound the alert; no suspect description. Police have been called. Gunner says another yard sign (for Vision Zero) was untouched.

SHOTS OR FIREWORKS? Several people have e-mailed today about hearing possible gunfire from south Admiral to south of The Junction to Morgan Junction early this morning. The latter appeared to be fireworks, around 4:20 am, according to one person who says she saw the flashes. No confirmed gunfire reports on the SPD log so far, and we can definitively say no shooting victim(s) turned up.

STOLEN BICYCLE WITH EXTRA SENTIMENTAL VALUE: Have you seen this old, but priceless, bike stolen from Justin?

It was stolen out of a secured parking area on California near Morgan Junction Friday night. It’s a green, men’s, mountain-bike style bicycle with no name label. It was built at home with a kit. It does have a Marin County bicycle sticker on it (pink on the sticker). It’s heavy and has toe-clips (not for clip-in shoes). The black handle bars have extensions (also black). It has 26-inch wheels currently with Ritchie slick tires. It has (had) a red Canondale pouch under the seat. Still in good condition, but it’s over 20 years old. My late uncle built it and I’d really like it back.

FOUND, LIKELY STOLEN, GOLF CLUBS: Jessica sent the photo and report:

(Saturday) evening I found a set of golf clubs that had been dumped in an alley between 34th and 35th SW. They were apparently stolen, because the pockets of the bag were strewn about. They are in a blue Wilson Staff bag and one of the clubs is engraved for Travis.

P.S. – NIGHT OUT: Having a Night Out block party on Tuesday? Let us know, so we can potentially stop by for a photo! We’ll also welcome your photos and party updates –, texted to 206-293-6302, or tweeted/Instagrammed with a tag to us @westseattleblog – thanks!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Junction shoplifter; Highland Park car/mailbox break-ins; Triangle bike theft; CDs found in Gatewood..

4:57 PM: We have several West Seattle Crime Watch reports for this roundup, but first, something working right now:

JUNCTION SHOPLIFTER: Donna from City Mouse (4218 SW Alaska) in The Junction wants to warn of a shoplifter who just hit her store this past hour: “Hair in a bun with a flower garland headband. Light colored pants. Large white satchel. Tall. African American. Maybe 30?”

ADDED 5:04 PM – HIGHLAND PARK CAR/MAILBOX BREAK-INS ON CAMERA: From the 8th and Elmgrove area:

This happened while we were on vacation. It was at 12:28 am on Friday, July 22nd. We just got home. Two men in a black 4-door car broke into our car. Unfortunately it was unlocked, which we are still trying to figure out because we locked and armed both our vehicles before we left. They stole stereo equipment and a bunch of mechanic tools that were in the trunk. They were at our car for 6 minutes! Then when they were done cleaning out the car, they checked all the mail boxes and pried open our neighbors lock box. You can see two different men in the video. The first one’s face is not really clear, but the second one is. …

The car pulls into camera view at 12:28:46. The first man’s face is visible at 12:29:34. The second mans face is visible at 12:33:20. At the end of the video is where he breaks the lock box. … I am so done with stupid people getting away with stuff like this. We did file a police report. The police actually showed up 15 minutes after we called them!

BIKE STOLEN IN THE TRIANGLE: Nicole‘s new bicycle was stolen at her workplace on Thursday:

Around 6:45 pm 7/28/16 I was getting ready to close the shop, I’m a barista at Realfine Coffee, and while making a drink for a customer, this man in a newer white Infiniti came to use the bathroom. As he was leaving he jumped right on my bike – we have a garage door that was open where I keep it – and rode off as fast as he could while someone in the car drove off. My customer chased after him with all of his might for about 15 minutes but was unsuccessful.

I am really upset because I had worked so hard to buy that bike and have only had it for a week now. It is a vita sport disc. Matted black, it says Specialized in teal and has some pink as well, medium sized, and straight handlebars.


Crazy amount of thefts/car prowls happening in our neighborhood this month, west of Gatewood Elementary.

(A paper grocery) bag of CD’s with two cases, blue and purple, was found in front of the house next door. Perhaps they belong to someone in the neighborhood? They were most likely left by the same person(s) who got into our car and took two backpacks. We circulated the photos around to our neighbors, but no luck, perhaps you can post them on the blog and someone might be able to reclaim them? I have them at our house.

NORTH DELRIDGE CAR PROWL: From A – “Someone went through our truck and stole some tools – hammers, drill bits, etc – from one of the truck’s drawers on the 2800 block of SW Dakota St … sometime after 6 pm on 7/28 and (before) 7:30 am 7/29.”


(Thursday) around 10 am, this person trespassed into our backyard (Arbor Heights – Marine View Dr SW) and was seen by our babysitter, who took the picture.

Nothing appeared out of place or missing. He was in our backyard for around poking and looking around for about 2 minutes. If you have any information regarding this person, please call the Seattle Police Department at 206-733-9800 and reference Incident #16-272005.