Crime 6664 results

FOLLOWUP: Bail set at $25,000 for suspect in Saturday house fire

(Police and fire investigators at scene on Saturday)
An 18-year-old man is in jail, suspected of setting the fire that damaged a house in the 9200 block of 31st Place SW on Saturday afternoon. SFD confirmed on Monday that the fire had been ruled arson, but we weren’t able to confirm until this morning that a suspect is in custody. Court documents say he is the boyfriend of the 18-year-old woman who was found outside the house, “screaming and crying,” as it burned. She is reported to have told investigators the suspect lived inside the house, and that when they had argued earlier in the day, he had threatened to set it on fire. She also said the house, described by SFD and in an online complaint as “vacant,” had belonged to a relative of her boyfriend and that he had been staying there because he was otherwise homeless. A neighbor told police he had seen the man walking away from the house just before an “explosion” that preceded the fire. The suspect was found “on a pathway near the Roxhill Park entrance,” according to the probable-cause document, and recognized by officers “from prior contacts” (he does not, however, appear to have a criminal record, either felony or misdemeanor). He was booked into King County Jail on Saturday night; on Monday afternoon, a judge set his bail at $25,000. Prosecutors have until tomorrow to file charges.

Remembering little Drue: Neighbors’ tribute in Morgan Junction

As they had promised in the note published here this morning, neighbors created a sidewalk-side memorial tonight for 17-month-old Drue Lehto, who died eight days ago of internal injuries that police say his father’s girlfriend confessed to causing by kicking him. They told us other community members had stopped by to add small tributes – stuffed animals, candles, flowers. It’s in a tree well along the sidewalk in the 6500 block of California SW, just south of the Morgan Junction apartment building where Drue died; you are welcome to add to it, they said. Meantime, the accused killer remains jailed in lieu of $1 million bail; we’ll likely hear from prosecutors tomorrow about charges.

FOLLOWUP: Crash victim’s mother asks for help finding hit-run driver

(Family photo, taken the day Alex left Harborview)
That’s Alex, who survived a crash on Fauntleroy Way north of Lincoln Park four weeks ago. His mother Katie e-mailed to say that investigators are still looking for the driver who left the scene:

On 9/8/15 around 9:30 pm my son was involved in a hit-and-run accident on Fauntleroy and Othello. He was admittedly going over the speed limit when a white truck pulled out in front of him, cutting him off. The driver of the truck then stopped in the middle of my sonā€™s lane, causing my son to hit the back driverā€™s side quarter panel. The impact threw him off his motorcycle and into two parked cars. The motorcycle slid for quite a ways in the middle of Fauntleroy. The driver of the truck then backed up, looked at my son, and then drove off ā€¦ leaving my son screaming in pain, asking for help.

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Neighbors plan memorial for toddler killed in Morgan Junction

Two followups this morning in the case of 17-month-old Drue Lehto (family photo at right, republished with permission), who died eight days ago in a Morgan Junction apartment, with his father’s 20-year-old girlfriend in jail for investigation of homicide:

First, neighbors invite you to join them tonight in an informal memorial. Alexa told us via e-mail, “There will be a few of us neighbors setting out a small memorial for baby Drue, the baby killed last week, (tonight) at 8:30 by the building [6533 California SW]. Just some flowers, candles, and stuffed toys, no formal event, but others are welcome to come join to pay their respects or stop by the next day to add to the memorial.”

Also, Drue’s aunt Samantha shares word of this crowdfunding page raising money for funeral expenses.

In the criminal case, meantime, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has until tomorrow to file charges against the suspect, who, according to court documents, had lived for about half a year with Drue, his father, and her own toddler from an earlier relationship. She remains in King County Jail in lieu of $1 million bail.

West Seattle Crime Watch update: Stolen Honda Element found

ORIGINAL SATURDAY REPORT: From Jenny, who says this happened in the Whale Tail Park area:

My car was stolen from out front of my condo on Alki last night after around 10:30 PM, plate number NP06983, black 2011 Honda Element with upgraded wheels. Please keep an eye out for me; my hopes of recovering it are slim, but any help is greatly appreciated.

This is also on SPD’s @getyourcarback Twitter feed.

SUNDAY UPDATE: Jenny confirms that (as reported in a comment) the Element has been found. Missing a few things – including those wheels – but she has it back.

Preventing package thefts: Seattle Police’s advice for what you can do, plus another local case

Earlier this week, one of our West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports featured video of a package thief, carrying the loot down the street. So what can you do to prevent, or at least deter, someone like him? The newest newsletter from the Southwest and South Precincts‘ Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon answers that question (ADDED AT END – a new reader report of local package theft):

Package thefts are crimes of opportunity. Thieves will follow or watch for FedEx, UPS, US Mail and other delivery trucks and then target a home after a delivery is made. Often packages are simply left at the doorstep of the home and in plain view of the street. Package thefts from doorstops and front porches during the day usually increase between the months of October and January. There are steps you can take to be proactive in keeping your package safe from theft. To reduce the chances of being victimized by package delivery thieves, we offer the following advice:

Tracking and Delivery

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VIDEO: They tried; they failed; they tried again – and again. See the would-be thieves who kept trying to steal a classic car

Last night, we published Laura‘s reader report about would-be car thieves who tried repeatedly – and failed repeatedly – to get away with her classic all-original 1972 Chevy Malibu. She now has the video from her Harbor Avenue building’s surveillance camera. First, they pull up to “assess the scene,” as Laura puts it:

Then, this clip is a compilation “a compilation of three trips to the car. And they’re in order. On the last one he’s trying to hotwire it. You can see the dome light flickering.”:

It all happened, Laura says, between midnight and 1 am this past Tuesday. If you have a tip for police, the incident number is 15-341205.

P.S. You might have seen Laura and her car at last month’s West Seattle Car Show:

West Seattle Crime Watch: Recognize these would-be classic-car thieves?

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports: First, off Harbor Avenue, two people tried to steal Laura‘s 1972 all-original Chevrolet Malibu Monday night/early Tuesday morning. She got this image from the building surveillance system:

Here’s what Laura found inside the car:

She continues, “They made three different passes at the car between 12 and 1 am but inevitably could not start it due to a bad carburetor. … As you can see there is substantial damage. With classic cars, even if insurance covers the cost of damage, you can’t always restore the value once something has been repaired.” She’s hoping to get clearer images from the system soon, but for now, she wanted to get the word out and warn others.

The second report is from Westwood, where another Laura reports her car was broken into:

This morning I discovered my car had been prowled in my driveway near 22nd Av SW and SW Barton. No forced entry, kids probably forgot to lock it. A red bag with a Chinese design was taken. Motion sensor lights did not deter this thief, and the dog must have slept through the whole thing.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Diapers, toys, tote taken in car prowl. Also, see where else thieves struck this week

September 29, 2015 1:12 pm
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Maybe you’ve seen some of what car prowlers stole from Ashley last night?

My car was broken into last night on the corner of 48th Ave SW and Dawson St. My work badge from Seattle Children’s Hospital was stolen as well as a large pink beach tote with our last name on it full of beach toys, towels, and spare clothes and diapers, and my son’s school tote with his coat. I am certain that none of this is at all meaningful to the thieves but it is to me!! I wonder if they threw it out after looking through it. If anyone finds it, I would so appreciate getting it back!!

After receiving Ashley’s e-mail, we checked online SPD records for the past week.

Above is what the SPD Crime Reports map shows right now, dating back to last Tuesday – the car prowls on the map, north to south, are: Alki/61st, last Tuesday morning; 45th/Hinds, last Friday morning (reported here); 2900 block of Avalon, last Friday morning; 4000 block of 42nd SW, last Tuesday night; 5600 block of 35th SW, last Tuesday night; last Friday night, 2800 block of SW Barton; last Wednesday evening, 9400 block of 16th SW. To doublecheck the files, we also reviewed Tweets by Beat (which continually update on the WSB Crime Watch page), and found six others that hadn’t made the map yet, besides what Ashley reported above:

*4000 block of SW Brandon, reported this morning
*4000 block of Admiral Way, reported this morning
*3000 block of 38th SW, reported Monday morning
*1600 block of SW Roxbury, reported Monday morning
*4000 block of SW Concord, reported Sunday afternoon
*3000 block of SW Orleans, reported Friday night

(Also not listed, we noticed while checking the archives, the 8800 block of 40th SW car prowl reported here on Sunday.)

P.S. – PROWLED LATELY? Some “found item” listings turn up in the WSB Forums, like this one, so be sure to check there.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Package theft; car break-in; bag found

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes this evening:

PACKAGE-THEFT VIDEO: This reader video is from 34th and Morgan, 6:43 pm this past Thurdsay:

Two people go through a gate, come back out, enter the next one, and when they emerge, the first person is carrying something extra – which the person whose system recorded the video says is the bag delivered to their doorstep from Macy’s. Let police know if the people in the video look familiar.

CAR BREAK-IN: In Upper Fauntleroy this morning, 4 am in the 8800 block of 40th SW, a car window was broken and “some sports gear of minor value stolen.” The victim says a neighbor’s security camera recorded it (we’re asking if they have any images to share) and that the “video showed that the people who did it looked into several cars with a flashlight before breaking into ours. Definitely a good lesson to not leave anything in your car (even though in our case it was just two small bags)!”

SPEAKING OF BAGS: The person who found this one thinks it’s probably discarded loot from a home or car break-in – it wasn’t far from what’s been a burglary/car-prowl hotspot lately – so take a look:

The finder says, “My husband found this backpack in the alley behind our house. (Between 35th & 36th, Findlay & Brandon). All of the zippers were open. There are some workout clothes and shoes still in it. I know there have been quite a few break ins lately. Would love to get it back to
its proper owner.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Flasher’ on Harbor Avenue

A reader e-mailed this alert for others who use the Alki Trail:

I wanted to share an incident I witnessed yesterday (Thursday, 9/24). At about 4:30 PM I was walking on the bike path in the 3000 block of Harbor Ave [map] and saw a man in the driver’s seat of a white pickup truck parked facing northbound with no pants on, masturbating. I didn’t stop or slow down, but called 911 as I kept walking. They said they’d send someone out. Once I got about a hundred yards down the path I looked back, but he was gone. I doubt the police were able to find him. I wish I was brave enough to try and get a video or photo for police, but didn’t want him to know I noticed what he was doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy does this regularly, so a heads-up to the other walkers, joggers, and bikers to be on the lookout. I didn’t get a good look at his face, but he was white, had a bit of a belly, and was wearing a white t-shirt (and nothing else). His truck was a little older, maybe 1995-2000, possibly extended or crew cab.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this ’85 Volvo wagon?

In the photo is Patrick‘s stolen wagon – if you see it, call 911:

My 1985 Volvo 245 turbo wagon was stolen from the Junction last night between 11 and 7 this morning. Taken from my building parking lot on 44th and Alaska. Plate #ASL2453

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police, helicopter search for armed car prowler

12:08 AM: Guardian One is helping police search for a car prowler reported by neighbors in the 45th/Hinds area. A texter tells us car windows were broken, and one report via scanner said the prowler might have threatened someone with a gun.

12:18 AM: Confirmation from a texter: “My neighbor caught him in the act and grabbed him, and the suspect pulled a gun on him.”

12:33 AM: Haven’t heard anything further – the helicopter left before long. Meantime, the texter says it appears this might have been more a case of attempted auto thefts than car prowls: “Our car’s ignition was stripped. Nothing stolen out of the vehicles like our typical car prowlers. Seems they were after the cars themselves.”

10:18 AM: In comments, Beth says her son spotted what turned out to be a loaded gun near 45th and Hinds, and reported it to police, who picked it up.

3:26 PM: The aforementioned neighbor contacted us with more information. The gun, he says, turned out to be “a BB pistol but looks very much like a full size, ‘real’ gun. Model is a Smith & Wesson 327 TRR8 BB Revolver.” He confirms it’s the one the prowler threatened him with last night and was apparently tossed aside at the spot where the prowler got into a car and took off.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bicycle; found bicycle; burglary hotspot …

In West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:

STOLEN BICYCLE & BREAK-IN ATTEMPT: That’s Lisa‘s bike, stolen – via cutting off two locks, including a “U lock” – in the 9100 block of 45th SW between 10:40 last night and 2 this afternoon. She adds, “They attempted to break in to my apartment but were unsuccessful.” A police report is in progress. Be on the lookout for her bicycle.

ABANDONED BICYCLE: In most cases, that means someone stole it and cast it aside, so we’re featuring Denise‘s discovery here:

Located 18th/Myrtle near greenbelt to Sanislo, 1/2 block north of intersection, in bushes on west side of road. (Wednesday) morning, I was dropping off materials for a specialist at Sanislo Elem, and saw this abandoned bike. Thought “physical fitness bicycle” characteristic was familiar…

BURGLARY HOTSPOT: Another one Tuesday in the general Camp Long area. From George:

At 9:10 a.m. our back door alarm was triggered (5200 block of 35th Ave SW near Brandon). Neither of us were at home but the police were dispatched. They didn’t see any forced entry — the burglar(s) must have been scared off by the alarm, but clearly the back door had been tampered with, which triggered the alarm.

Ours is at least the third house in the immediate vicinity that has been targeted by burglars in the past year, so this is a reminder to call 9-1-1 if you see any suspicious activity. Likewise, if anyone saw anyone acting suspiciously or perhaps running from or speeding away from 35th and Brandon at 9:10 a.m. Tuesday and can provide any identifying info, please contact the police.

Then on Wednesday morning, according to a note from another area resident, 36th between Brandon and Findlay, had a burglary attempt following at least two car break-ins and home burglaries since Sunday. One of those victims saw a man trying the doors on her neighbor’s house yesterday, then called police, only to see the would-be burglar “hide in another house/yard across the alley when they drove by”; she then saw the man break into another house after police left. Neighbors Then watched as he came back and entered her neighborā€™s house, as she tried again to get the police to come. This tipster also says, “I would like to let folks in our extended neighborhood know to be on the lookout and to report any car prowls or suspicious activity.”

UPDATE: Police search after bank robbery north of The Junction

9:44 AM: Police are searching north of The Junction after a bank robbery reported at the Washington Federal branch in the 4100 block of California SW. No other details yet.

9:55 AM: Only description we’ve heard so far is partial: “”black jacket, olive green wading boots, cargo pants.”

A K-9 team is helping search.

10:16 AM: We have asked police at the scene if any more descriptive information is available. So far: 6′, male, hat obscuring his face. He was reported to have shown a gun. This is the third bank robbery in West Seattle in less than two months, after more than a year without one – the Bank of America in Admiral was held up last Friday, and the Umpqua Bank in Admiral was robbed in early August.

11:34 AM: Thanks to those who have pointed out that two nearby schools, Tilden School (WSB sponsor) and Holy Rosary School, have been in what amounts to shelter-in-place because of this.

‘Drastic turnaround,’ for the better: West Seattle crime stats and more as West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network reconvenes

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

As the temperatures have dropped, so has West Seattle crime. The report heard by the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network tonight was basically what the WS Crime Prevention Council heard last week (WSB coverage here), and what online reports have borne out: After an early August spike, and some key arrests, things have slowed way down.

From tonight’s meeting at the Southwest Precinct:

CRIME TRENDS: Operations Lt. Ron Smith told the 15+ WSBWCN attendees that the Anti-Crime Team has “made some great arrests,” about a dozen people. While back during the week of August 9th, there were 32 car prowls in West Seattle – “that’s a lot” for this area – that fell to 8 car prowls a week in mid-September, and this past week, 3 car prowls, after some arrests with the help of watchful neighbors – “our K-9 is running down the street and a citizen will come out and identify which shed someone is hiding in.” Lt. Smith declared that drop “That’s a drastic turnaround.” One commercial burglary this past week, also a drop, and residential burglaries are also down on average – peaking in early August at 14 burglaries one week, declining to 4 the week of September 6th, 7 the most recent week (as shown here last night). Year-to-date compared to last year, residential burglaries are down 5 percent in this area – 349, compared to 370. (At right, the city map for the past week, filtered for burglaries, car prowls, and robberies.)

Auto thefts are reported to be up a bit lately but down 5 percent year-to-year – Lt. Smith says some of the more recent arrestees are “back on the streets” so the Anti-Crime Team is back on their case. The robbery rate is more or less unchanged, averaging three per week, which includes shoplifting cases that were classified as robberies because the thief used force. Lt. Smith also mentioned that the recent Hamilton Viewpoint Park concerns seemed to be under control. Asked about the Community Police Team status, it’s still at half-strength, down to two officers, but three candidates are being evaluated, Lt. Smith said.

Two other major topics tonight:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Missing a jewelry chest? Plus, latest burglaries; window mystery

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

DOES THIS JEWELRY CHEST SOUND FAMILIAR? Amy, who found it, is all but certain it’s tossed-aside burglary loot:

Hi, I found a large wood jewelry chest dumped in some shrubs in the alley behind where I live. I suspect it belongs to someone whose home was (burglarized) and dumped after they took all the contents. I live near California / Findlay. Wood (cherry colored), 17 x 11 5/8 x 9 1/4, the top lifts up, 3 narrow drawers, burgundy lining. There is a small gold plaque on the top that could be engraved but isn’t. Each side has a gold handle. Sticker on the bottom says: Eureke Mfg. Co, Division of Reed & Barton Silversmith’s Norton MA -2766, also stamped 9/99.

When last we exchanged notes, she was reporting it to police, too. (ADDED: Commenter says this is a silverware chest.)

SPEAKING OF BURGLARIES: Here’s a screenshot from the Seattle Police crime-reports map, showing seven reported burglaries/attempts in West Seattle in the past seven days:

Four are linked (on the city-website version) to reports with details: Last Tuesday night in the 2100 block of 49th SW, a video-game console was stolen; the victim thinks the burglar got in through an unlocked door … Last Tuesday morning in the 8700 block of 16th SW, a resident called police about a man who appeared to be trying to break into a garage off the alley; when confronted, he said he thought it was his friend’s house, and walked away (description: “white male, approximately 6′ tall, wearing dark jeans, a black sweatshirt and a black baseball hat” and carrying a black suitcase “with clothing sticking out of it”) … Earlier last Tuesday morning, in the 9400 block of Delridge Way SW, someone pried open the main entry door to Last Monday in the 9400 block of 7th SW, a house was broken into, its door kicked in and a window smashed, but nothing appeared to have been taken – spots of blood, possibly from the intruder(s), were noticed and sampled for evidence.

WINDOW MYSTERY: From Matt in Fauntleroy:

Sometime early Sunday morning (between 5:00-7:00 AM, I would guess) a window at my house (45th & Director) was hit with an unidentified object.

It looks like it was shot with a bb/pellet gun but I have been unable to locate any bb/pellet/bullet. I did call the police and they sent an officer over. He was unable to determine what broke the window, but guessed that it was either a rock or a bb. Just thought I’d let you know in case anyone else in the area suffered the same misfortune.

If you did … be sure to report it.

ONE MORE REMINDER: Tomorrow night brings the next crime prevention/safety meeting in West Seattle, 6:30 pm Tuesday, as the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets for the first time since summer recess. Agenda details are on the WSBWCN website. (No, you don’t have to be a BW captain, or even member, to be there – all welcome.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Break-in indirectly leads to found (stolen?) ashes; hit-run help sought…

September 20, 2015 2:51 pm
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Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

MISSING A LOVED ONE’S ASHES? Dawn‘s home and car were broken into last night near Fairmount Park. Someone found some of her stolen belongings and messaged her via Facebook – mentioning along the way that he found some other items too, particularly the ashes of someone named Charlotte Goodman. If you have any idea whose those might be, go here and Dawn can mediate. Police have the info too.

HIT-RUN: Any info about this?

My car was hit (Saturday) afternoon while I was shopping at the Jefferson Square Safeway. The right rear bumper is badly damaged. I was wondering if you could put a short notice in the blog to see if anyone saw anything. … I have a 2014 Honda Civic (white color) that I bought just two weeks ago.

You can contact the victim at

WEST SEATTLE BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS NETWORK: The next crime/safety meeting in West Seattle is this Tuesday night, September 22nd, 6:30 pm, as WSBWCN meets for the first time since summer recess. Lots on the agenda – details on the WSBWCN website. (You do NOT have to be a BW captain, or even member, to attend – all welcome.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bike stolen; fire extinguishers returned

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

STOLEN BICYCLE: Travis hopes you will be on the lookout for his bicycle, stolen from the back patio of his house between 10:45 pm Friday and 9 am today near the corner of 38th SW and SW Hinds. The serial number starts with M13; the bags were not on the bike at the time; a report is filed with police, so call 911 (and then comment here!) if you see it. (8:38 PM UPDATE – it’s back.)

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RETURNED: Back on Tuesday, we published a report that two fire extinguishers had been stolen from SFD Engine 32 while its crew was out on an emergency call. Last night, we received word that they’ve been returned to the station – with a note of apology. (We added that info to the original story last night, but are mentioning it here since most probably wouldn’t be checking back for an update.)

UPDATE: Recognize this man? Police circulate photo after bank robbery in Admiral District

(Tweeted photo, added 3:24 pm)

2:56 PM: Police are rushing right now to a reported bank robbery in The Admiral District. The address that’s been broadcast is the Bank of America branch (4323 SW Admiral Way). The only description police have at this point is (updated) “black male in his 20s, 5’8″, wearing a baggy white shirt with red/blue lettering.”

3:05 PM: No weapon seen, officers are telling dispatchers (per scanner). If you’re seeing or have seen the Guardian One helicopter in the area, this is what they are/were helping with.

3:24 PM: We asked Seattle Public Schools if any of the nearby schools had gone into lockdown/shelter in place. Spokesperson Stacy Howard says Lafayette Elementary and West Seattle High School did, briefly, but that should be over now. Just added, meantime, photo of the robber, tweeted by SPD. Call 911 if you have seen him and/or know who he is.

(WSB photo, taken around 3:30 pm)

4:24 PM: No word of an arrest yet. Side note – this is the second bank robbery in West Seattle in a month and a half, after one at the Umpqua Bank in Admiral in early August. Before that, there hadn’t been one here since Washington Federal north of The Junction was held up in May 2014.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Helicopter search; car prowl

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes before the night is through:

HELICOPTER SEARCH: We’re hoping to get more details on this from police in the morning, but for those who asked about the helicopter over southeastern West Seattle early this evening, it was related to a car crash in the Olson/Myers vicinity, reported as a hit-run; police were looking for someone who wound up in the greenbelt, and eventually, became the subject of a Guardian One search and SFD rescue.

CAR PROWL: From Robert:

My car was broken into last night. No damage and nothing stolen, just rummaged thru my glove box but nothing was of value. Woke up with all my stuff on my seat. I live at 34th and Alaska. Just wanted to give a heads up.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Another motorcycle stolen

September 15, 2015 10:20 pm
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We don’t often hear about two motorcycle thefts in one day – but here’s the second reader report we’ve received today. From Alicia:

Sometime between Monday at 11:00 pm and Tuesday at 2:00 pm our motorcycle was stolen out of our backyard, near 17th and Trenton, close to Westwood Village. It is a 2007 Yamaha YZF-R6, license plate number 8C5298, gray/blue in color. Please contact Alicia if found at 425-891-6248 or at

Motor-vehicle theft – which includes motorcycles – is holding steady in our area, neither increasing nor decreasing, the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council was told tonight – our report from that meeting is coming up.

West Seattle Crime Watch update: Fire extinguishers stolen from SFD Engine 32, returned

ORIGINAL TUESDAY REPORT: Be on the lookout for two extinguishers like that – stolen from the Seattle Fire Department in West Seattle today, according to SFD Lt. Sue Stangl:

Fire Engine 32 from West Seattleā€™s largest fire station had two firefighting extinguishers stolen early this morning while they were on a medical incident near the intersection of Alaska and California. … It would be great to be able to retrieve them, not to mention that stealing from the people that are in place to help anyone in need is in poor taste.

Call 911 if you have any info. (Station 32, by the way, is in its interim location on 40th north of Edmunds while an all-new station is being built at its permanent site.)

FRIDAY NIGHT: We have word the fire extinguishers were returned – with a note of apology.