Crime 6749 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police search after Alki robbery report

12:54 AM: Police are searching right now for a man who is reported to have held someone up at gunpoint in the Alki area. We don’t have many details, but it happened about half an hour ago, according to information broadcast over police frequencies, and the robber was reported to have last been seen in the Whale Tail Park area; police also are searching near Schmitz Park. The only description mentioned so far is “light complexion black man, early to mid-20s, 6 feet tall, thin build, striped shirt.” No information about the victim(s) and whether they were hurt – no medic calls in the Alki area, though.

12:13 PM: The only additional information we have about this so far is that it was reported in the 1100 block of Alki SW, according to an SPD auto-tweet. Unless it appears on SPD Blotter or unless we happen to find a sergeant in the field who can tell us more, we won’t be able to get additional details until Monday.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Convicted rapist jailed for harassment, attempted officer-biting

ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:15 PM: New on SPD Blotter: A 52-year-old man arrested in North Delridge “after he menacingly harassed two women on the street, and tried to bite an officer as she took him into custody.” It all started in the 4000 block of 26th and ended in the 2600 block of SW Yancy, police say. Here’s the full story.

ADDED 12:24 PM: Picking up where the SPDB story left off – we’ve just looked up the suspect on the jail register. He remains behind bars; while his initial bail from last night’s booking shows on the register at $2,000, an online court docket shows that an increase to $50,000 was granted at his bail hearing this morning.

ADDED 12:40 PM: We’ve just learned more about the suspect and are identifying him as he is a registered sex offender – because of a rape conviction – Randy Gene Stark. In 2010, he made regional news for attempted child luring. He’s registered with a downtown address. (Photo from King County sex offender lookup website)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gatewood burglary; major-crime trends

May 13, 2015 9:49 pm
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2 West Seattle Crime Watch notes – an incident this evening plus an SPD stats/trends update:

GATEWOOD BURGLARY: A neighbor texted us (206-293-6302 any time) about that big police response near 41st/Elmgrove in Gatewood [map] around 6 pm. When we went over to check, police told us they were checking out a burglar alarm but hadn’t yet found evidence of a break-in; no one was home. Later, though, it was confirmed as a burglary, according to neighbors and to SPD’s automated Tweets by Beat. That was the first confirmed West Seattle burglary, per TBB, since one reported at noon yesterday in the 8400 block of 12th SW.

STATS/TRENDS: Today’s edition of the every-two-weeks SeaStat SPD-wide briefing includes a page of year-to-year and week-to-week stats for the Southwest Precinct, which includes West Seattle and South Park – scroll through this slide deck to the very last page. Year-to-year – January 1st through May 9th this year, compared to the same period last year – every category except aggravated domestic-violence assault is up. (Though there’s no breakdown per precinct sectors, we know that the breakdown in one category – no 2014 homicides in West Seattle and none so far this year; the one 2015 homicide listed for the SW Precinct was in SP.) In the week-by-week stats for the past month, all categories are trending downward (or holding at zero) except for larceny, which was up from 12 in the third week to 13 in the fourth week.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Suspect charged in McDonald’s stabbing

The 23-year-old man arrested after an employee of the Westwood Village McDonald’s was stabbed early Sunday is now charged.

We’ve obtained the documents detailing the second-degree-assault charge filed by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office this afternoon against Daniel Jacob Stevens. The charging papers say he went into the restaurant and – after ordering and receiving two McGriddles – “inexplicably” started shouting insults at the victim. While being escorted out just before 4:30 am Sunday, according to prosecutors and police, Stevens shoved the victim, who punched him. During the clash, he then is reported to have “punched the victim, pulled out a knife, and pounced on top of the victim,” subsequently “punch(ing) him six times in the face and head, and then head-butt(ing) him twice” before trying to stab him in the side, “with the victim suffering a small puncture wound.”

The police report says a customer was able to disarm Stevens, who left the area but was found by King County Sheriff’s Deputies in White Center about 40 minutes later; police say he claimed he used his knife in self-defense. Court documents say Stevens, an Arbor Heights resident, has no felony criminal history, though the King County Jail register says he spent two days there earlier this month in connection with a reckless-driving case; he remains jailed in lieu of $150,000 bail while awaiting arraignment in two weeks.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 arrested after Westwood stabbing

What was on the 911 log as an “aid response” – usually a minor-injury incident – early this morning turns out to have been a stabbing in the Westwood Village area, report Seattle Police:

Seattle Police and King County Deputies arrested a man Sunday who fled following a 4 AM stabbing … An employee of a restaurant in the 2500 block of SW Barton St. was attacked and stabbed twice, once in the chest and once in the head, before the 23-year-old suspect fled on foot.

A Seattle K-9 officer tracked the suspect toward an area in unincorporated King County and called King County Deputies for assistance. Deputy Cueva found the suspect at 25 Ave. SW and SW 100th St. where he was taken into custody without incident.

The employee suffered non-life threatening injuries and was treated and released at the scene. Officers located a four-inch folding blade knife at the scene. Officers have booked the suspect into King County Jail for investigation of Assault.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Local resident reports ripoff via router

A Belvidere resident was hit by a “sophisticated identity theft” that she describes as resulting from “an easily overlooked risk,” and wrote this to warn you about it:

Sometime around the end of April, someone hacked into my wireless router and stole my name, address, WDL#, and SS#. I’ve since discovered that wireless routers have two passwords – one for the wireless signal (which I had locked down), but also one for the router admin itself. The router comes from the factory with a standard login/password, and no instructions for changing it. This is something I overlooked, and this is how the thief got in.

I was first alerted to the theft when I received an email receipt from a store in University Village for a large purchase I didn’t make, on a card I haven’t used in years. I called the store, and they fortunately remembered the woman who made the purchase, and were able to provide a description – a white woman, age 30-35, with long blond hair (not a description of me). She had a WDL ID with her photo and my name and address.

I of course immediately checked my credit reports and set up fraud alerts, and discovered that over a dozen inquiries had been made with my name, and several new cards opened.

It turns out the thief also had a plan to collect the new credit cards and statements. The thief put a vacation hold on my mail at the post office on California & Oregon (using her fake ID), saying she would be back May 15 to pick up the mail. Sure enough, when I figured this out & got my mail restarted, there were the new credit cards and statements.

With further investigation, I discovered that my identity had been used in Puyallup and Everett to open store credit accounts, and that the thief was using a prepaid cell phone purchased in Everett. I also received an alert that my complete information (plus passport # & medical ID #) was for sale on a black-market website.

I’ve filed reports with both the police and postal service investigators.

Just want to emphasize this was a complex and local theft – to get into my router, the thief had to physically be close to my house. Then of course they visited the WS post office, and shopped at nearby shopping centers. Everyone, please check your wireless router admin login and secure it! If you find your information has been compromised, do report it to the police and let them know you’re aware of my case so they can put it all together. I was told the police cannot investigate this kind of fraud without more evidence, more thefts, or a higher amount of actual monetary loss.

Here’s what the Federal Trade Commission says about how to protect yourself from what happened to “Belvidere Resident.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3 incidents, including early-morning response

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes this morning:

BIG POLICE RESPONSE EARLY THIS MORNING: Several people asked about a big police response westbound on Admiral just after 6:30 am. According to Tweets by Beat (the feed you’ll find on the WSB Crime Watch page), it was a response to a report of an “in progress (or) just occurred) burglary” in the 2600 block of 50th SW. We have a message out to SPD to find out if the burglary was verified and, if so, if anyone was arrested. (Added 10:12 am, SPD spokesperson Det. Drew Fowler tells us a man found two intruders inside his home; they fled toward Schmitz Park, search with K-9 ensued but no arrests so far – description: Hispanic males, late teens, one in a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants, other in a black coat, gray sweatpants, with a black backpack.)

FOLLOWUP ON ITTO’S TABLES/CHAIRS: At the end of reporter Randall Hauk‘s story about the future Junction restaurant Itto’s, you might remember the postscript about the theft of tables and chairs from outside the space at California/Genesee. Randall tells us Itto’s proprietor Khalid Agour subsequently spotted the stolen stuff online and with the help of police, they were recovered and a suspect was arrested; the restaurateur wanted to express big thanks to the Southwest Precinct Anti-Crime Team.

CAR PROWL: It’s been a quiet week so far for reader reports but here’s one from last weekend:

My 2013 VW Passat was broken into, at 17th and Henderson, between the hours of 12 am – 8 am, Saturday May 2nd. They broke into the car, made a mess, left a cigarette butt, and a nugget of weed, took nothing but my car registration and my work ID / Key card. They left the change I had in the car, as well as all my kid stuff in the trunk. It seems like the burglars spent time hanging out in my car, but got away with personal information.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gatewood hit-and-run

One note tonight, from a Gatewood resident who’s wondering if the same hit-run driver had any other victims:

Unfortunately, our neighbor’s car got hit quite badly about 7:40 pm this evening by someone driving out of control down Rose near 39th. It was a gray SUV. We have of course called the police and our neighbor found the car at 44th and Portland without the driver. The reason I am writing is we heard a loud boom about 5 minutes prior to the hit and run. Please share with the police if your car was stolen or if your car was also hit in the Gatewood area.

SCAM: West Seattleite’s warning for you, after she was defrauded by ‘Jury Duty’ scammers

Another scam warning from a West Seattle resident. Cheryl says, “I got scammed today,” and continues:

I was told that I had a warrant for my arrest for failing to appear to two summons to be on Jury Duty.

After a horrific afternoon, and paying money to these crooks through a PayPal cash account, I then met a neighbor downtown who was able to think better than I and said that she was sure that I had been scammed.

One of the points that they made is that I was to meet with one of the Superior Court Judges who would release the warrant and not make me pay money as, actually, they don’t ask folks over 75 to serve. So, at this point, I began to think about this situation, and I went on the King County Superior Court Judges site and lo & behold, there was a section, ‘Senior Fraud.’ It was Alert #1. I totally fell for this scam; it was at the point where “Officer Randall McKenzie” told me that he could not guarantee that a deputy would not come to take me to jail over the weekend. THAT got me and I rushed off to get the money through the PayPal cash card.

There were several hints that I was not dealing with “real” officers, but the threat of jail made me lose focus. Although I had gotten a name and badge number, it was all bogus.

So I am encouraging you to copy and send this note out to your Elderly friends and relatives — wherever they live – because this sort of fraud is ubiquitous. There is also a Seattle City Light scam going around, folks phoning Elders, telling them that their SCL bill has not be paid and that they need to pay it right now.

That one targets businesses too, as mentioned here earlier this week (and SCL has its own page about scams).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Another scam; Westwood arrest; more car prowls

In today’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:

RETURN OF THE ‘CITY LIGHT’ SCAM: Overnight, we published Barb‘s report of “the grandparent scam” targeting a relative. Now, we have word the “City Light scam” is out there again. Dave Montoure at West 5 in The Junction e-mailed to say, “They’re at it again. Just called West 5 and said they were sending out a truck to cut power because of unpaid bills. … If your readers would like to call and say hello, they left the number 866-978-6981.” We’ve reported on this scam before – and City Light even has its own scam-alert page now.

WESTWOOD ARREST EXPLAINED: SPD Blotter has published the saga of an arrest that got some attention early Wednesday evening. At the time, a few people texted us about police activity at Roxhill Park; we went over, circled the park, saw nothing, figured it was one of those short-lived calls. Turns out it had started over at the Westwood Village McDonald’s; officers spotted a stolen car, boxed it in, then wound up chasing – on foot – the occupant, who shed his shirt and shoes along the way. As SPD’s Jonah Spangenthal-Lee tells the story, they caught him and recovered not only the car but also the gun which, as a convicted felon, the suspect shouldn’t have had.

CAR PROWLS: Today’s reports start with this from Misha:

We live near Ercolini Park. We had a club on our car, but they jimmied the passenger door and rifled through the glove compartment. Nothing appears to have been taken — we still have our CDs and car seats–and we did file a police report online.

From Susan, in the same area:

Someone went through our car last night. Stole some prescription sunglasses and went through all the junk in the glove box.

And in Sunrise Heights, a car-prowl attempt is part of what an apartment resident near 35th/Holden warned neighbors about in this note subsequently shared with us too:

I witnessed an older model Red Chevy Blazer with two occupants (male driver and female passenger) circling around the Chevron and also witnessed the male driver trying to break into a car parked on the north side of the Chevron.

After a failed attempt by the male driver to gain access to the car, the Blazer backed up and drove very slowly NB through the alley ( headlights off ) I suspect casing the area, this alley has many garages and fences that face the alley along with access to homes’ backyards.

They proceeded through the alley, stopping approx. 100 feet from Webster at which time … it appeared that the driver got out and was looking around. I called 911 and gave the best possible description of said vehicle and was told an area check would be conducted and then came back inside my apt.

Keep an eye out for this vehicle if you see it and one VERY distinctive note about this vehicle…..It has a VERY LOUD engine ( low rumble/idle ).

P.S. SPD’s latest every-two-weeks SeaStat trends briefing is now online. No Southwest Precinct breakouts this time, but if you’re interested in what else is going on around the city, have a look.

SCAM WARNING: Tell your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa…

This isn’t a new type of scam but every so often it hits someone who falls for it. Barb says her mom knew it didn’t sound right and she just e-mailed us to share her story, to make sure you and your elders are aware of it:

Some guy who claimed to be a grandson just called my mom claiming he was in a car wreck, got a broken nose, had stitches in his leg, and was arrested on DUI charges in Vegas. He told her not to tell anyone, but he needed money to get out of jail.

My mom asked why he was in Las Vegas; he said he had been at a wedding. Thank God, my mom said this doesn’t sound like you, and asked, what is your mother’s name? The guy said his nose was broken in 2 places and that’s why he sounded different. The guy wanted her to call his lawyer (whose name is supposedly Harvey Gardner) and have $9800 to be sent to bail him out.

She said she didn’t have that kind of money. He told her to go to the bank and get it. He told her to “call the lawyer” in Las Vegas so he could get out of jail and gave her the phone number (514-015-5782) and maybe she could pay by credit card. When she asked again what his mother’s name was, he said, “I love you, grandma,” and said he had to get off the phone.

My mom called me, very upset, and wanted to know what she should do. Luckily I was able to reach my nephew (who the guy pretended to be). He was in Spokane, not Las Vegas, and he was not in any car accident. I’m grateful and proud my mom questioned the guy. I’m fairly sure they used information from Facebook targeting an elderly woman, hoping for an easy mark.

I called the Seattle Police but they said that since she didn’t give them any money, there was actually no crime.

This was a very scary call to receive. I want to spread word to stop these scammers. I just hope to prevent people from sending these types of people any money. I’m glad I had talked to my mom about various scams people use to get money and (had told her to) never give out any credit card information to anyone who calls her.

This scam is so common that even the FBI’s website has a warning about it, saying reports date back up to seven years; one version goes back even further, according to (And here’s a story from the East Coast about a scammer who got caught.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowls; possible gunfire

Reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

CAR PROWL: From Mike:

Just wanted to inform you that sometime last night someone smashed the windows on my car and another one on the block. They were parked on Admiral, in the 5900 block (by Alki). Anyway, the thieves only stole a black Atama backpack. I’m guessing that they ditched it once they realized all that was in it was papers. Anyhow, if anyone sees it (long shot, I know), I’d appreciate a heads up.

ANOTHER CAR PROWL: This one surfaced in comments on Tuesday’s roundup – an early-morning break-in in which the thief/thieves “took a Vintage analog keyboard called an ARP Odyssey 2800 and a large blue suitcase.”

(added 5:13 pm) AND ANOTHER CAR PROWL: Just in from Shimi in Gatewood:

Just wanted to let you know my van got broken into last night and equipment was stolen from it as well as extension cords from right outside my house on 38th Ave SW (the Myrtle st. dead end).I have filed a report with the SPD.If anyone sees randomly a Honda EU6500i up for sale please alert me as this was the main thing stolen.

GUNFIRE? Scattered reports early this morning from people who thought they heard gunfire – we received one text from 23rd/Brandon at 1:40 am, two from North Admiral around 6 am. We checked around both times, and then went through the SPD Tweets by Beat log again this afternoon, but no confirmations of gunfire – which just means, no shell casings and/or property damage found (and definitely no victims – they would turn up on the SFD 911 log). Sometimes many hours elapse, though, so if anyone does find shell casings or damage (bullet holes in cars, fences, etc.), please do notify police.

P.S. As we told texters, if you think you hear gunfire, DO call 911 – the more reports they get, the more they are able to try to zero in on where it (gunfire or not) happened.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Triangle robbery; tote bag taken in car prowl

Two notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STREET ROBBERY: A man was robbed this morning in The Triangle around 4:15 am. We’ve been trying all day to get some details, after seeing the robbery designation on Tweets By Beat, and finally just got information from police who are here at the Block Watch Captains’ Network meeting we’re covering. According to Lt. Ron Smith, two people described only as a black male and white female approached the victim in the 4600 block of 36th SW, asked for a ride to Renton, and then grabbed him, took his wallet and 60 dollars, tossed the wallet on the ground and took off. The report also says they considered stealing his car but it was manual transmission, so they apparently gave up on that idea. Police searched the area, with a K-9, but didn’t find the robbers.

CAR PROWL: A car-prowl victim in West Seattle early this morning is hoping somebody might spot what was stolen from her car:

Someone broke my passenger side window and stole an over-sized brown suede tote bag (I believe it was from Eddie Bauer). They took nothing of financial value, except my well-worn tote bag.

Nothing in that bag would have been of value to anyone else, she said, but it contained client files that were important for her business – if you’ve seen the bag, please let police know.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen truck; swapped plates; bicycles found/sighted; mail theft

West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share:

LUNA PARK TRUCK THEFT: Bob discovered this morning that someone had taken his white Chevy Blazer from what’s supposed to be a secure garage at City View Apartments in the Luna Park area. License plate 105YGD – call 911 if you see it.


This morning I discovered someone had swapped my back license plate on my car with someone else’s. I have reported them as stolen, so if anyone sees plates ASU6665 call the police. The ones they put on the car were ANK8876, and the officer said he recognized them from a call this morning. I live on Trenton & Delridge [map] if anyone saw anything.

This happens more often than you might think, so it’s always worth a quick glance at your plates every time you go out to your vehicle, if it’s parked outside.

POSSIBLE STOLEN BICYCLES: Two posts in the WSB Forums regarding bicycles –
**Vintage Puch bicycle found in a Westwood/Roxhill-area backyard
**Redline bicycle frame spotted in Admiral in unusual circumstances

HIGHLAND PARK MAIL THEFT: In the 9400 block of 10th SW (map), Fran A spotted several mailboxes open this morning, with mail littered on the street, including an envelope that was supposed to contain her husband’s new driver’s license.

VIDEO: Suspect arrested after South Delridge/White Center search with police, deputies, helicopter

(Aerial/infrared video of last 7 minutes of the search, ending with arrest)

12:56 AM: Thanks for the texts – a search that’s under way seems to be spanning both Seattle Police and King County Sheriff’s Office jurisdictions, with locations including the 26th/Roxbury vicinity. Working to find out what/who they’re looking for.

1:05 AM: Per scanner, deputies have taken a suspect into custody; at some point this included pursuit of a vehicle that the suspect ditched.

1:23 AM: Guardian One has explained via Twitter what it was about:

3:51 AM: Just added atop the story, Guardian One’s video of the last 7 minutes of the search, as they spotted the suspect hiding in the 9600 block of 24th SW and talked the ground officers (including a K-9 team) in.

P.S. Guardian One’s pilot is the guest at next Tuesday’s meeting of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network – bring your questions – 6:30 pm at the SPD Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Drive-by statue theft in Fauntleroy

7:27 PM: Quick West Seattle Crime Watch reader report – somebody just stole a statue of Buddha out of a front yard in Upper Fauntleroy, put it in a car and drove away. The statue’s owner has already called police and says it was a blonde-haired man in his 20s, driving a blue Subaru Legacy or Outback, last seen headed southbound on 40th SW.

7:54 PM: Statue photo added.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bee Garden mosaic vandalized; suspected stolen car; break-in attempt

(UPDATED SUNDAY NIGHT with confirmation car was stolen)

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

BEE GARDEN VANDALISM: When volunteers arrived for today’s work party at the West Seattle Bee Garden, they discovered that mosaic sign made by students at West Seattle Elementary had been vandalized overnight. Christine sent the photo and says someone threw a brick into the sign; it’s been reported to police, and, “We hope someone saw something or heard something.” They also are hoping someone will offer to help repair it. We’ll be following up on this; if you can help with repairs,

STOLEN CAR? A resident who e-mailed recently about ongoing problems in the (updated) 8600 block of 25th SW has a new report today – a suspected stolen car left nearby this morning, after two stolen cars were recovered there recently.

“Police were called and agree it’s probably stolen but not reported yet. … Plate AQC4102, 4-door light blue older model Honda with a red disabled plaque hanging from mirror.” Also, the resident reports, a battery was stolen out of a neighbor’s van. (Sunday night update – we found SPD tweet from an hour after we published this, confirming this was a stolen car. Also added photo sent Sunday by resident who spotted it.)

BURGLARY ATTEMPT: From an Arbor Heights resident:

My home (located on 35th SW, near 100th) got broken into on Wed, 4/22. I came home from work to find the glass of the patio sliding door shuttered and the security alarm going off. I called 911 and the police officers came and searched the premises. Looked like nothing had been stolen. I am pretty certain that the sound of the alarm scared off the would be intruder and they fled without taking anything.

Getting the home security system installed turned out to be the best investment I have made to the house!

Not having a door overnight and then dealing with the subsequent repair work the next day to install a brand new set of sliding doors (it turned out, the doors were not standard size so lots of adjustments had to be made around the opening) in pouring rain was pretty annoying but my house was okay and so was I.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Highland Park burglary suspect arrested after officer’s White Center pawn-shop hunch

Also just in via SPD Blotter – a Highland Park burglary suspect caught by police in White Center while trying to sell what he allegedly stole. The story spanned multiple locations which we’ve just clarified with SPD’s Det. Drew Fowler, so we’re summarizing with added information, as well as quoting:

Police say the burglary happened in the 9400 block of 7th SW (map) around 7 pm last night – a resident saw a man go into his garage, steal an air compressor, and take it to a getaway car nearby. A plainclothes officer in the area went to Pawn Pros at 16th/102nd in White Center (map) and found a vehicle matching the description given to SPD. The officer checked the license plate and discovered it was a stolen car. A female passenger was inside, but the burglary suspect was nowhere in sight. Picking up the SPDB account:

Unbeknownst to officers at the time, the victim’s sister had the same suspicion and went to the same pawnshop. Inside the pawnshop the victim’s sister recognized the suspect and the air compressor. She took a cellphone picture of the man holding the air compressor, which prompted him to leave the store.

Officers saw the suspect exit the pawnshop still carrying the compressor which he loaded into the stolen car. Patrol officers attempted to stop the suspect, but he began driving recklessly, speeding through neighborhoods and stop signs alike.

This happened in White Center and Highland Park – finally, officers terminated the vehicle pursuit for safety concerns, and found the stolen car, empty, in the 11000 block of 18th SW in White Center. The burglary suspect and his female passenger were caught nearby. Police found drugs in his possession “as well as property taken in a recent car prowl,” they reported (that’s been returned to its owner). The 27-year-old suspect is jailed for “investigation of attempt to elude, auto theft, trafficking in stolen property, drug possession, and burglary.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Middle-school student groped in Admiral

(MOST RECENT UPDATE 3:54 PM – scroll down)

2:35 PM: Another attack on a local student – this time in the Admiral area. From SPD Blotter:

Police are searching West Seattle for a man who groped a middle school student Thursday as she was on her way to school.

School officials called police around 11 AM after a student reported that a man had followed her off a bus near California Avenue and SW Stevens Street and grabbed her from behind.

The suspect is described as a black male, in his mid 20’s, with short dreadlocks, wearing a black sweatshirt and black jeans. He reportedly boarded a bus in the West Seattle Junction neighborhood after the incident. Seattle Police are working with King County Metro Police and school officials to identify the man and ensure the safety of students.

If you witnessed this incident or have any information about the suspect, please call 911.

This happened two days after an attack on a student at Westwood Village – here’s the report on that.

ADDED 2:51 PM: We’ve just obtained the letter sent home by the principal of Madison Middle School:

Dear Madison Middle School Families,

We want to share with you information right away regarding an incident that was reported this morning involving one of our scholars on her way to school.

At approximately 10:20am a female scholar was followed from the Metro bus stop at McDonalds and California west on Stevens by a man who approached her from behind and grabbed her.  He was described as an African man in his early 20’s or 30’s, thin build, with short curly hair. Our scholar turned and yelled at him, and he ran back toward PCC on California. She proceeded to school and immediately reported the incident to school staff. Madison administration notified the family and the Seattle Police Department, who are actively investigating.

The safety of our scholars is our top priority. We are continuing to coordinate with the SW Precinct Captain to discuss the safety and their increased policing efforts. We will continue to collaborate with the Seattle Police Department and Seattle Public Schools Safety and Security to help monitor the surrounding area.

You can help your children stay safe by talking to them about personal safety. Tips to discuss are:

 Walking in pairs or groups and being aware of their surroundings at all times.

 Leaving for school at times where there are high levels of pedestrian traffic.

 Immediately reporting anything suspicious to trusted adults (school staff and family members).

 Keep earbuds off and expensive phones or other items out of sight.

More tips and information can be found on the Seattle Police Department website:


Dr. Robert Gary, Principal
Madison Middle School

3:55 PM UPDATE: Just talked to SPD spokesperson Det. Drew Fowler. No arrest so far. He says police are aware that the descriptions in this incident and the Tuesday Westwood Village incident are similar, and the same detective is handling both cases – so again, if you have any information, please call 911.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Helicopter search after 7-11 robbery

April 22, 2015 9:14 am
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helicopterwatch.pngSeveral people are asking this morning about a helicopter search in eastern West Seattle early today. Here’s what we’ve found out: Guardian One helped Seattle Police try to catch a man who robbed the 35th/Avalon 7-11 around 2 am. According to the police report we’ve obtained, the clerk was mopping the floor when the robber approached him from behind and placed the barrel of a handgun against his neck, ordering him to empty the register and give him all the money. After the clerk complied, the robber grabbed six packages of cigars and ran out of the store – dropping the cigars in the process, but not the money. The clerk summoned police immediately; they searched on the ground with a K-9 and from the air with Guardian One, but couldn’t find the robber, whose track ended in an alley near the golf course, several blocks east. No description – we’ll add it if we get it.

Crime Watch: Myers Way house raided in multi-agency, multi-location drug-trafficking investigation

(WSB photo)
We took that photo this morning in the 10200 block of Myers Way – just south of the city limits – after a texted tip (206-293-6302 any time) from someone who reported seeing a major presence of Washington State Patrol and FBI agents there. When we asked the FBI about it, they told us information would be forthcoming shortly on a multi-agency, multi-location operation – and here it is:

Federal, state and local law enforcement partners made 18 arrests and searched more than a dozen locations in connection with a two-year investigation into a violent drug trafficking organization, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Annette L. Hayes. The organization distributed cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine across a wide swath of the greater Seattle metro area. The defendants (were) scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in Seattle at 2:00 today.

“These defendants preyed on our community by supplying drugs in neighborhoods across Seattle, and demonstrated a willingness to use violence where it served their purposes,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Annette L. Hayes. “Their criminal activities included hiding weapons and using violence in homeless encampments located along Interstate-5.”

According to the indictment and court records, beginning in February 2013 law enforcement authorities used a variety of tools including telephone wire taps and confidential sources to infiltrate and interdict this drug organization. The investigation determined that the organization distributed approximately 15-20 kilos of cocaine, 10-15 kilos of heroin and 5 kilos of methamphetamine per month.

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Man grabs girl @ Westwood Village; safety volunteers needed

(UPDATED 2:11 pm with letter sent home by Denny/Sealth prinicipals)

Just in, from Seattle Police:

Police are investigating after a 15-year-old girl was grabbed while walking through Westwood Village Tuesday morning.

The girl told officers she was walking to school at 6:30 AM when a man approached her and asked where he could buy a phone charger. She answered his question and made her way to a nearby coffee shop. The girl said that when she exited the cafe, the man continued to follow her, at one point wrapping both of his arms around her. The girl broke free and ran the rest of the way to Denny International Middle School, where she reported the incident to administrators.

The victim described the man as in his early 30’s, black, wearing a black hoodie and sweat pants. If you have any information in this case please call 911 and speak with an officer.

This is the first walking-to/from-school incident reported against a Denny or Sealth student in more than a month – last one in our archives was in early March.

Reminder that, as mentioned earlier, the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets tonight, so if you have questions/concerns about this or anything else recently in WS, come hear from and talk to police, 7 pm @ the precinct (Delridge/Webster).

ADDED 2:11 PM: We asked Denny principal Jeff Clark to please share the letter that we expected would be sent home to parents. Here it is (it’s to be sent to Sealth families too) – please note that they still need volunteers for the safety effort we spotlighted here last month:

April 21, 2015
Dear Denny and Chief Sealth Scholars and Families,

We want to share with you information right away regarding an incident that was reported this morning involving one of our scholars on her way to school.

At approximately 6:20 am an eighth-grade female scholar was followed around Westwood Village by a man who persistently asked her questions. He was described as an East African man in his early 30’s, thin built with short curly hair and a goatee, who spoke with an accent. He continued to follow her through the parking lot and on the path from Westwood through the Southwest Athletic Center toward our campus. When she approached Thistle, he grabbed her. She broke free from his grasp and ran to school and reported the incident to school staff right away. Denny Staff notified the family and the Seattle Police Department, who are actively investigating.

The safety of our scholars is our top priority. We are continuing to coordinate with the SW Precinct Captain to discuss the safety and their increased policing efforts. We will continue to collaborate with the Seattle Police Department and Seattle Public Schools Safety and Security to help monitor the surrounding area. As a part of these efforts, we are recruiting a team of volunteers to be trained and posted around the neighborhood to serve as part of a “block watch” system as our scholars come to and from school. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact Jeff Clark at or 206-252-9000.

You can help your children stay safe by talking to them about personal safety. Tips to discuss are:
• Walking in pairs or groups and being aware of their surroundings at all times.
• Leaving for school at times where there are high levels of pedestrian traffic.
• Immediately reporting anything suspicious to trusted adults (school staff and family members).
• Keep earbuds off and expensive phones out of sight.

More tips and information can be found on the Seattle Police Department website:

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen/found purses; lawn mower lifted; another car with a bullet hole …

This time we’ll start with the reminder:

WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL MEETS TONIGHT … 7 pm, precinct (Webster/Delridge). Bring your questions and concerns for local police, who will share updates on crime trends. Plus – special guest, Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes. All welcome.

Now, the newest reader reports we’ve received about local incidents:

STOLEN CAR: White two-door 1998 Honda Civic DX, license plate ASU-1986, stolen from the 4700 block of 36th SW. Distinctive features include “a “Drager” Breathalyzer with a camera on the dash, the front end (hood, front bumper, and passenger side fender) had been repainted and doesn’t exactly match the rest of the car,” and no muffler.

PURSE STOLEN FROM CAR: Marj is hoping the prowlers who broke into her car trunk in the south-side parking lot at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) late Monday morning might have discarded her purse – “light colored black leather with a short leather strap and a striped over the body strap. Inside was a black shiny snake wallet, green check register, black & white cat beaded glass case and small brown and green address book. Purse says made in Italy inside.” A police report was filed.

FOUND PURSE: This isn’t Marj’s purse but – whether it was stolen or lost, it turned up, empty, on a bench at Lincoln Park:

DLBJ sent the photo, saying it was “two benches south of Colman Pool.”

STOLEN LAWN MOWER: Tom reports from the 7500 block of 15th SW:

We had a lawn mower stolen from the back of a pickup truck and 150 ft of electrical cord stolen from the sidewalk on Saturday (4/18) around 2:30 pm. A neighbor had seen an unknown white male with a tattoo on his hand driving a black pickup truck looking for yard work at the time of the thefts. Police report has been filed.

BELATED BULLET-HOLE REPORT: We heard over the weekend from Barbara, who saw the report about Admiral cars with bullet holes and wondered if anyone else heard gunfire/had damage from two weekends earlier:

Our car was parked on the street on Alki Ave SW in the 1500 block (not directly in front of our condo building, but close) from the afternoon of Wed. 4/1 through Sunday 4/5 while we were out of town, in our other car. Sunday 4/5 we came home and saw the bullet hole in the driver’s side door.

Police told her they had no other gunfire reports in the area that weekend; if you have any information and/or it happened to you too but you didn’t report it, the case # is 111-279.

THANKS … for sharing Crime Watch reader reports, so your neighbors in the wider WS community can be alerted too. If something is happening NOW, please text or call, 24/7, at 206-293-6302.