Crime 6662 results

Cleanup planned for tagger-vandalized trees at Me-Kwa-Mooks

That’s one of several photos that Jason e-mailed to us this morning – showing tagged trees, as well as a trash-surrounded picnic table, at Me-Kwa-Mooks Park on Beach Drive. (We’ve blurred the trees so as not to clearly show the tags, which were done in white paint.) By the time we got there for a firsthand look at noontime, the picnic table had been cleaned up, but the vandalism on the trees remained. Seattle Parks spokesperson Joelle Hammerstad tells us that Parks’ graffiti team plans to go to the park tomorrow morning and see what can be done about it: If the bark is thick – like on a fir tree – we can spray it with a combination of water and sand. That assumes that we can get a truck close enough to spray it – because our graffiti trucks have water tanks and spray equipment on them.” For deciduous trees, which appear to be what’s involved here, Hammerstad says it’s a little dicier, but they’ll give it a try.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Missing from the porch

What is believed to have been stolen from a Fauntleroy porch today wasn’t a package – just something left for friends, by friends. David is just hoping to get the items back:

Some friends left a Trader Joe’s paper grocery bag on our front porch this afternoon (in the 8400 block of) Fauntleroy Way SW (directly across the street from Lincoln Park, just north of the southern parking lot) and the bag was stolen from the porch. It’s terribly frustrating because the bag didn’t contain much except a couple of kids’ books and kids’ sunglasses (both Easter presents), and my prescription glasses (which I have no backup for). Nothing of value to anyone but me and my family. Hopefully someone might come across the contents (maybe dumped in the park?) and could return to them to us. My phone number is 206-349-5477.

Search for accused White Center arsonist, also charged in West Seattle assaults

(WSB photo of fire scene, 2/13/13)
Six weeks ago, we reported on an early-morning arson at that home at 25th and Roxbury – on the county side, but affecting drivers from both West Seattle and White Center as the investigation continued into the morning commute. Today, we have learned that 43-year-old Hung Minh Pham (right) is charged with domestic-violence arson – and that KKing County Sheriff’s Office is seeking him with a $1 million arrest warrant (that’s the amount his bail will be set at when he’s caught). Word of the search comes from KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West, who also says that Minh is believed to be homeless and known to hang around the White Center area.

Since we first published word of the search on partner site White Center Now earlier this afternoon, we have learned more about the case from court documents obtained online: Pham is charged with first-degree arson/domestic violence, third-degree assault, and second-degree assault/domestic violence. The court documents say the victim is a 20-year-old woman described as having been in a “dating relationship” with Pham for two years. The information about the fire – said to have started when he set the victim’s clothes on fire – apparently emerged after an incident in West Seattle, in the 9000 block of 16th SW, a week ago, detailed in the second paragraph of this excerpt from charging papers:

(The victim) has been assaulted by the defendant throughout their two-year dating relationship. As recently as January 2013, the defendant attacked the victim with a baseball bat while she slept sending her to the hospital. In early February 2013, the defendant held a knife to her throat and struck her in the head. On February 13, 2013, the defendant was angry because he could not locate the (victim) at the house she was staying. After searching the home, he gathered her belongings in her bedroom, poured paint thinner on the items and essentially attempted to burn the house on down. The fire spread through the lower structure and rendered the home unsafe and uninhabitable.

On March 22, 2013, the defendant pummeled another victim … in her own bedroom with a detachable wooden wall shelf just because she asked him to be quiet one late night. During the same incident, the defendant went on to attack (his girlfriend, the first victim) as she came out of the bathroom, knocking her to the floor, climbing on top of her punching her repeatedly in the face then finally strangling her to the point of unconsciousness. (She) awoke to the defendant kicking her repeatedly as she laid on the floor. The victim was only able to escape when (the second victim) intervened. (Both women) were both later treated by SFD and taken to Harborview for treatment.

If you see Pham, call 911.

Serial bank robbers found guilty of West Seattle heist, 2 others

(October 2011 photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
In October 2011, the Washington Federal bank in Morgan Junction was held up by two masked robbers. Days later, as reported here, two men in their mid-60s were arrested in connection with that holdup and others in the region. Today, we get word from federal prosecutors that their trial is over and both were found guilty. Here’s the announcement:

Two men with a quarter century history of robbing banks, were found guilty late yesterday of a string of bank robberies in the Seattle area, announced U.S. Attorney Jenny A. Durkan. The two men, 66-year-old JACK P. SEXTON and 65-year-old RONALD C. KETTELLS were convicted of conspiracy to commit bank robbery, three armed bank robberies, and using a firearm during a crime of violence. The jury deliberated for about a day before finding the men guilty following a seven-day trial. Both men face a mandatory minimum 57 years in prison when sentenced by U.S. District Judge Robert S. Lasnik on June 21, 2013.

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15th and Holden ‘resolution’ soon? Neighbors face police @ West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting

(March 19th photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Police are often heard to exhort neighbors to get involved – because they ultimately can have more effect on the crime situation in their neighborhood than can police. And so, neighbors from Highland Park’s 15th/Holden vicinity (map) came to the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting on Tuesday night to show their intensifying concern about a neighborhood trouble spot.

Ongoing problems started coming to something of a head on March 19th, when the big police response shown in our photo responded to what Lt. Pierre Davis told us at the time was a case of cell-phone theft – but at Tuesday night’s meeting, pressed for information by neighbors, precinct commander Capt. Joe Kessler admitted it was something more: “Ten police cars don’t show up for a stolen cell phone.” (Toplines in the police-report system later indicated the call also involved “threats.”)

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Missing a guitar? + 2 more reports

West Seattle Crime Watch (and related) reader reports to share:

STOLEN CAR: Pam reports her husband’s car was taken from outside their home in the 5600 block of 25th SW on Monday afternoon – green 1994 Nissan Altima, four-door, Washington plate AAJ8298. Just two weeks ago, she says, their cars were hit by prowling and siphoning. Speaking of car prowls …

CAR BREAK-INS: From a 31st SW resident:

Just wanted to let you know that on 31st Ave SW between Thistle and Elmgrove, we experienced 3 car prowls (Sunday) night. Two of the cars were locked and armed- those folks are thinking that somehow the thieves have keys to their cars. My car, stupidly, was unlocked. Thankfully nothing of HUGE value was taken, but I wanted to get this out there to remind people to take their valuables inside at night.

POSSIBLY DISCARDED LOOT: Received this note:

I found a guitar in the alley by my garage Sunday morning (March 24th) in the North Admiral area. I assume it was ditched by some car prowlers early that morning since the neighbors’ car was broken into. Call me to identify it. 206 935-4063

One more quick reminder of a crime-prevention, neighborhood-empowerment meeting TONIGHT – the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network, 6:30 pm, SW Precinct – you don’t have to be a captain, or even a Block Watch participant, to come be part of it.

West Seattle (and vicinity) Crime Watch: Alan Polevia in jail

Remember Alan Polevia, subject of an air and land manhunt centered in Shorewood on March 5th, resulting in school lockdowns, days after he escaped from custody while being taken to Harborview Medical Center – in handcuffs? He is back behind bars today, according to the King County Jail Register. Before his escape, he had been arrested on warrants related to theft allegations, and our research showed that in November 2006, he was found guilty of third-degree assault for a West Seattle incident involving him and his father getting kicked out of Poggie’s in The Junction, then going across the street and attacking a man outside Talarico’s with a beer bottle and a tire iron. Meantime, as for how he was caught this time around, Sgt. Cindi West from the King County Sheriff’s Office tells WSB this afternoon that last Friday night he was found “rummaging through a dumpster behind a building” in Burien. He at first told deputies his name was Alex Polevia; they used a photo and tattoo descriptions to identify him as Alan, at which time, deputies report, he “apologized for lying about his name.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Cars hit; cars prowled; more

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports this afternoon, starting with an early-morning crash that left a trail of damage, reports a resident who didn’t want to be identified. It happened around 3 am in the 3800 block of California:

Police responded last night. 5 parked cars damaged, here [photo above] is the worst. … I am told by resident the perp could not drive away and was arrested.

Blocks to the north, from someone else who did not want to be identified (though they have reported this to police):

Just wanted to let you know that last night two young adults, possibly teenagers, were going through cars and stealing items last night around 10 pm on the 3000 block of 45th Ave SW. They were wearing black with hooded sweatshirts and backpacks. They escaped on foot and police searched the neighborhood. They were not able to find them.

We had a few items taken from our car. This morning I also noticed items from other cars on 45th in the street. This is the second time this month we have had our car ransacked.

One more report ahead, with a photo – a car whose driver is reported to have followed a young woman for blocks on Friday:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Police response @ Genesee Hill school

March 23, 2013 5:09 pm
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No arrests reported so far in a reported burglary attempt at the closed Genesee Hill School today. Police and Seattle Public Schools security responded around noontime to a report of a possible break-in; police told us at the scene that it appeared to be an attempt. Scanner traffic later indicated that witnesses saw two suspects, both female, but no other description, heading northbound on 51st SW.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Early-morning, late-night gunfire

Sunrise Heights residents who thought they heard gunfire around 4:30 this morning have found proof, and police have gone back for further investigation. The report we received mentioned a yellow or light-colored “muscle car” at the time shots were fired near 32nd and Kenyon (map) – police got there fast, we’re told, but the car was gone. Then this morning, our tipster found spent casings (including the one shown above) and a needle in the gutter, across the street from the east wall of the Westside School campus:

They counted five, but just texted us to say that while police were there a short time ago, a sixth was found, all 9mm. No reports of injuries or property damage.

In a separate incident, we have a report from Tom in Highland Park, who reports three shots fired from a car last night around 10:30 pm at 15th and Holden (map), by the apartments that drew a major response back on Tuesday. The call is noted in an SPD auto-tweet but as with all auto-tweets, no further details.

One more Crime Watch note that does NOT involve gunfire – an Arbor Heights resident reports a house in the neighborhood was broken into during the day Friday, 39th and 106th (map), and urges “vigilance,” observing that it went unnoticed until the resident discovered it later.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-run crash; paintballs & prowling

Two reader reports in this West Seattle Crime Watch update. First, from Greg:

About 9:45 (last night), we heard a ‘bang’ outside our home at 39th & Othello and a very loud vehicle speeding off (sounded like a V8 to me). Our friend’s car was hit and badly damaged; the right front quarter panel destroyed among other things. When I ran outside I heard the vehicle speeding south … The damage would be on the right front side of that vehicle. Any tips can be relayed to SPD, I can give the case number as necessary.

David e-mailed to report somebody paintballing his car, and then had an addendum:

Awoke to find our car had been ‘paintballed’ (Wednesday) night – – bright globs of yellow gunk all over. Vicinity of Trenton & 32nd. … (Later) while cleaning the paint off my car, several neighbors came by and reported four car prowls this week in the same vicinity, one of which occurred while they were unloading plants from their little SUV. While their back was turned, someone dived in the cab and made off with CDs, work keys, and a McDonald’s container of soda pop. Didn’t have their back turned twenty seconds – – unbelievable!

Next crime-related meeting is Tuesday (March 26), 6:30 pm, West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network (Southwest Precinct, Delridge/Webster) – watch the WSBWCN website for an agenda announcement soon.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Highland Park arrest; robbery-suspect video

(Photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
HAPPENING NOW: Thanks to those who texted/e-mailed about a big police response in Highland Park a short time ago. Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis tells us that officers were after somebody who bolted into an apartment complex near 16th and Holden after reportedly stealing somebody’s cell phone. Not an armed holdup, but “a crime of opportunity,” he explains.

SEPARATE CASE – RECOGNIZE THESE SUSPECTS? SPD has just gone public with video from another case:

Per SPD Blotter, this video shows two suspects from an armed street robbery in The Junction on February 2nd. It doesn’t show the actual holdup but does show suspects on a store surveillance camera afterward. Can you help detectives identify them? Call the SPD Robbery Unit at 206-684-5535.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police search in Arbor Heights

Some Arbor Heights residents asked about a police search late Sunday night. Here’s what we’ve found out from Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams: A man was arrested for violating a domestic-violence court order in the 3700 block of SW 106th (map). He ran as police were answering the call; a search ensued, with a K-9 unit, and Lt. Williams says they “found him hiding under a porch, and arrested him. The suspect had some non-life-threatening injuries caused by his flight and some self-inflicted injuries that occurred before police arrived.” After hospital treatment, he’ll be booked into King County Jail. According to Lt. Williams, nobody else was hurt.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gunfire hits house twice in one week

The house at 20th SW/SW Cloverdale hit by gunfire last Saturday night was shot at again last night, according to police. From SPD Blotter:

The Gang Unit is investigating the second shooting in a week at a West Seattle home. This morning at approximately 1:32 am, officers were dispatched to a drive-by shooting at a house in the 2000 block of SW Cloverdale St. Upon arrival, they located damage from small caliber rounds in the outer wall of the house.

One bullet fragment was removed from the wall and placed into evidence. The only two people home at the time of the shooting were the parents of the family. There is no suspect information and there were no witnesses to the shooting. The residents of the house claim they have no idea as to why anyone would target their home. This is the second drive-by shooting at this house in a week.

Everyone at the scene tonight denied any gang affiliation, but the stairs leading to the front door were tagged with gang graffiti. There were no reported injuries. The Gang Unit responded and processed the scene.

Besides the two incidents involving that house, there’s been at least one other confirmed gunfire case in West Seattle this past week – as we reported last Monday morning, casings were found near 10th SW and SW Elmgrove after people heard shots. No injuries have been reported in any of these incidents.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowl; ‘known burglar’; more

3 reader reports in this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup. First, from a Gatewood resident who didn’t want to be identified:

The night/morning of March 13/14, our car was prowled in our driveway– 3700 block of SW Elmgrove. We may have accidentally left the doors unlocked; however, a Club was locked on the steering wheel. We found the glove box and middle console open, as well as items in the trunk area disturbed. Items were taken and some strewn down the street.

Second, we received a brief note from a Fairmount Park-area resident about a tire-slashing overnight, Wednesday into Thursday, in their driveway.

Next, we have two reports of suspicious behavior involving people in vehicles – Bill reported this from Lincoln Park:

Noticed a suspicious vehicle (dark Chevy SUV, tinted windows, license 723-Y–) pull up in front of a neighbor’s house and park (near 46th Ave SW near Monroe). It’s an odd, out-of-the-way place to park, unless you live in one of the houses or are visiting someone there. Male passenger got out and walked toward a mailbox, then returned to the car. He and female driver lingered around the car, then got back in and started to drive away. I was able to get the plate and, as a precaution, decided to call 911.

About an hour later, I got a call from an officer saying they had located the vehicle and briefly questioned them. They say the male passenger is a known burglar. While they couldn’t find any evidence a crime had occurred, they were appreciative of the call and encouraged me to spread the word to neighbors. The officer reiterated to call 911 every time you see suspicious activity like this. I didn’t get a good look at them, but the male appeared to be late-20’s, medium-build, caucasian with a shaved head. Female was also late-20’s caucasian.

And this one from an anonymous Seaview resident:

My neighbor reported a suspicious white panel van casing the 5400 block of 49th SW this afternoon just before 2:30 PM. She reported it to the police to advise them.

This is after a reported stolen car just off of Genesee Hill a few days ago. Our neighborhood has been fairly anxious because of the numerous reported burglaries recently.

This month’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting is just days away – next Tuesday, March 19th, at the Southwest Precinct. Graffiti is the featured topic, but all issues/questions are welcome.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary attempt thwarted

In the 4700 block of Delridge Way SW a few hours ago, a resident apparently rattled the potential burglar who had just rattled her door:

I was by myself and heard the side door being rattled and thought it strange since my husband wasn’t coming home until later this evening. As I came down the stairs, I saw a young (approximately 18 – 20 years old) thin, African American guy with his navy parka hood covering his entire face except his eyes peering into the door. We made eye contact as I was coming down the stairs to investigate, and I turned around and went upstairs to get my cell phone to call 911.

The police responded immediately and after making sure he was no longer around, I showed the officer a large piece of concrete that was on the ground close to the door that wasn’t there when I got home. After some discussion, I showed the police officer the back door to where the would-be burglar could have exited via the alley since the other police officers did not find him on Delridge. And it was there that the officer found a pile of concrete debris (from which) the suspect had gotten the piece he was going to use to break the glass on our door with.

I just wanted to let you know, since it is still pretty bright out at 6:20 pm and this guy was pretty audacious to attempt this.

We checked the police-report map – no other burglaries shown in that area in the past week.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gatewood shots? Plus, street robbery

Two West Seattle Crime Watch cases tonight – and three reader reports from earlier. First, we have information now from police regarding the reason for a search around the Fairmount Park and Triangle areas – a street robbery in the 4700 block of 40th SW (map) around 8:30 pm. According to Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams, the victim said he was confronted by a white man in his 20s wearing a gray hoodie and demanding money. “The suspect struck the victim on his head with an object that the victim described as a handgun, took some cash, then ran off. Patrol officers and a K-9 unit checked the area but were unable to locate the suspect. The victim did not require any medical attention.”

A few hours later, 911 received multiple calls – and we received a note – about possible gunshots heard in the Gatewood/south Morgan Junction area; our note was from someone near Gatewood Elementary. We have not yet heard if there was any confirmation of gunfire, such as casings or property damage; we’ll check again later.

Ahead, three Crime Watch reader reports, two with photos – a stolen bike to look for; a car-prowling MO to watch out for; and another garage break-in:Read More

Tribute to Greggette Guy, 1 year after her unsolved murder in West Seattle

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Greggette Guy loved the Girl Scouts, and the outdoors.

That’s why her family considered this to be the perfect tribute: A memorial plaque unveiled by her husband and daughter this weekend at the base of a totem pole at a Girl Scout camp in east King County:

Today marks exactly one year since Mrs. Guy’s life ended, decades too soon, at age 51.

The evening of March 11, 2012, she is believed to have come to West Seattle for a walk along the water, far from her home in Kent, but she had lived here decades earlier. The next morning, her body was found in Puget Sound, off the Harbor West Condos, half a mile north of where her car was found, by Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook. Three days later, police announced it was a case of murder; they kept the cause of death quiet for a while, but eventually disclosed she had suffered neck wounds.

One year later, no arrest, nor even a suspect description; a detective who came to the Saturday ceremony told us they remain very eager for any tip that might help solve the mystery of who killed Greggette Guy.

But on that sunny afternoon, the focus was on celebrating her memory. It was a simple and touching ceremony, not even 15 minutes long; we recorded it on video:

Mrs. Guy not only had volunteered with Girl Scouts, she had been one herself – her husband Dwight Guy shared this photo:

The Saturday tribute included a Color Guard ceremony, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Girl Scout Promise, led by the Guys’ 22-year-old daughter Darilyn and alums of her former troop, who carried the flag:

Girl Scouts organization representatives included West Seattleite Wendy Colton, who called Mrs. Guy “the epitome of everything that is good about Girl Scouts.” Her husband also shared a photo of her as a Girl Scouts volunteer:

He spoke briefly before unveiling the plaque with their daughter: “I still miss her. I always will.”

They had been married for 30 years. (The day before what would have been their 31st anniversary last September, he joined other murder victims’ loved ones at an event announcing billboards meant to bring in tips, billboards featuring photos including that of Mrs. Guy.)

September is also when Dwight Guy told us about the tribute involving the totem pole, which was carved and donated last year by a local artist, in honor of the organization’s 100-year anniversary, depicting levels of the program from Daisy Scout upward, and also paying tribute to Girl Scout volunteers like Mrs. Guy.

The ceremony honoring her ended with the singing of “Daylight Taps”; family and friends then gathered in a camp shelter where a slide show of photos played:

Refreshments included, of course, Girl Scout cookies.

IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE MURDER OF GREGGETTE GUY: Seattle Police stress that you can call the SPD tip line at 206-233-5000. Or even 911 – be clear you are calling with information about a murder investigation. Or, use CrimeStoppers (which can accept anonymous texted tips – here’s how to do that; the information is permanently atop our West Seattle Crime Watch page, in case you need it again sometime). And here again is the CrimeStoppers poster, first posted soon after Mrs. Guy was killed last March:

West Seattle Crime Watch: Shots fired, night two

For the second night in a row, someone has fired a gun from a car in West Seattle. Saturday night, a car and home were hit at 20th and Cloverdale, no injuries; Sunday night, again no injuries, and this time no property damage, but Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams confirmed to WSB that spent casings were found after shots were reported to have been heard around 10th SW and SW Elmgrove. Also, he says, whoever did it was nowhere to be found.

Police advice: Door-to-door sellers; ‘it’s OK to call 911’

Earlier this week, the new Westwood/Roxhill/Arbor Heights community council heard from Seattle Police crime-prevention coordinator Mark Solomon (here’s our report). Later in the week, he addressed two recurring topics in his periodic community newsletter – the rules regarding door-to-door sellers, and when it’s OK to call 911. You might find the advice helpful, so if you aren’t on his mailing list, check out the newsletter in its entirety here, courtesy of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network.

West Seattle Crime Watch: House, car hit by bullets

From SPD Blotter this morning:

Officers are investigating a possible drive-by shooting that occurred last night in the 2000 Block of SW Cloverdale Street [map]. No one was injured, but a parked car and a house were struck.

Officers from the Southwest Precinct responded to a report of shots fired last night around 10:35 pm at that location. The occupants of the home told officers they heard the bullets hit the house, but did not hear any gunshots. Officers located a parked car that had been hit by a bullet, and a bullet was removed from the wood door frame on the house. It is presumed that the shots came from a car on the street. Officers conducted an area check, but did not locate any suspects.

Update: Former West Seattle community-center staffer in custody after North Seattle shooting

(Photo of suspect Carolyn Piksa, added 3:47 pm – call 911 if seen)
ORIGINAL REPORT, 2:51 PM: Community centers in West Seattle are currently under lockdown because of a situation in the North End – a woman is being sought after a shooting at a Parks facility in North Seattle. Parks spokesperson Joelle Hammerstad confirms that all community centers in the city are under lockdown except for the ones closest to the shooting scene, which have been closed/evacuated. While waiting to hear back from her, we went over to our nearest center – Southwest Teen Life Center – and it indeed has a sign on the door confirming the lockdown (photo added 2:57 pm).

More info as we get it.

ADDED 3:02 PM: SPD tweets that the North Seattle shooting might be “a case of workplace violence.” The suspect they are looking for after the shooting – which sent a 70-year-old man to the hospital – is described as a white woman, 46 years old, wearing a blue stocking cap and beige or army-green jacket, might be driving a dark-colored SUV.

3:06 PM: Per the scanner, plate for the suspect’s vehicle is B03450D, believed to be a blue 2007 Chevy Colorado pickup or similar vehicle, and the suspect is a Burien woman.

3:25 PM: No additional information but police have circulated a name on the scanner. Cross-referencing that name with the city employee directory, it checks to someone who works for Parks in the North End. Waiting to see if they will distribute her photo.

3:33 PM: Per the scanner, the suspect has worked in the past at Hiawatha and High Point Community Centers. She is identified as Carolyn “Zoom” Piksa. The victim is identified as Bill Keller, executive director of the Associated Recreation Council, which runs programs at many centers. (Photo added at right from our coverage of Keller’s participation in a 2011 news conference announcing community-center changes.) He is reported to be in critical but stable condition.

3:50 PM: Photo of Piksa now added above. Commenters have shared e-mail they received from the school district saying that all Parks facilities are closed now and that children who would normally be taken to a Parks facility for after-school programs will instead be at their “schools of origin” awaiting pickup:

On Friday, March 8, the Seattle Mayor’s office closed all community centers, pools and Seattle parks facilities in response to an incident of violence in the north end.

Students citywide who were expected to be transported to a Seattle parks facility for after-school activities and were not already dropped off will be returned to their schools of origin to await pick up.

Thank you,
Office of Public Affairs
Seattle Public Schools

4:04 PM UPDATE: Tiffani from Hiawatha Community Center says that if you have kids there, please come pick them up ASAP, since the facilities are being closed for the rest of the day/night, and programs canceled, including Madison basketball.

4:16 PM UPDATE: Per scanner, the suspect’s vehicle has been found in Burien. She is not in custody so far. Also, we have added a photo of shooting victim Keller to this story, from the 2011 event at High Point CC announcing community-center budget changes.

4:25 PM UPDATE: New message from Seattle Public Schools:

Due to the City of Seattle’s closure of all community centers citywide, Seattle Public Schools is returning all students who were on buses bound for after-school programs to their schools of origin. In some cases, students were delivered to community centers before the closure announcement was made. In that case, the community centers are calling parents and asking them to pick up their students. Students returned to their school will remain at school with adult supervision until their parents can arrange for pick up.

Again, all activities are CANCELED at city-run centers for the rest of the day/night, not just afterschool events.

4:50 PM: The suspect’s in custody, police say. (Addedhere’s video from

5:27 PM: The mayor, SPD, and Parks plan a briefing at 6 pm, and we’re told it will be streamed – we’ll add a video window here as soon as we find the code. (added – just click the “play” button around 6 pm)

(Substituted late Friday – archived video of briefing)
The victim was last reported to be in critical but stable condition.

6:06 PM: The briefing has begun – hit “play” on the video window to see it live.

6:29 PM: The briefing is over. We’ll substitute archived video above when it’s available. Toplines:
-Victim now in serious but stable condition, an improvement from earlier report
-No word on the suspect’s potential motive
-Police tracked her through her cell phone
-She was arrested peacefully – they called for her to come out of her home in Burien, and she did, unarmed
-They are still looking for the weapon she used
-After shooting Keller, she threatened someone else and brandished a gun
-Mayor and police stressed that this was a “citywide emergency” because Piksa potentially had access to many Parks facilities (it was reported on the scanner and elsewhere that she had keys)
-The shooting happened at 1:52 pm; the arrest at 4:49 pm

West Seattle Crime Watch: Wednesday morning roundup

First of all, in case you wondered: The man that King County Sheriff’s Office deputies were looking for yesterday in the Shorewood area, Alan Polevia, hasn’t been caught yet. See our Tuesday coverage for his mug shot, background, and other info.

Next: Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports – two car prowls and a stolen bicycle. Cori first reported in the WSB Forums that her daughter’s car parked west of Chief Sealth International High School was broken into Tuesday afternoon, with a variety of items missing. This morning, she added an update that much of what was stolen has been found – via an arrest (we’ll check with police on that) and also thanks to a helpful neighbor who spotted schoolwork-related items dumped nearby and brought them to CSIHS.

An earlier car-prowl report was from Kerri in Sunrise Heights:

I live near 34th and Holden. My car was parked behind my house, and was rifled through (Monday night-Tuesday morning) between 8 pm and 8 am. I must have forgotten to lock the doors because no windows were smashed. Items taken include CD’s, loose change, car registration, ring of keys for my other job. I have reported it to the police and my neighborhood Block Watch.

And Mark asks that you be on the lookout for a new black TREK Crossrip road bike – “stolen out of my open garage while I was in the kitchen ten feet away. … I live on Webster Street behind Home Depot off Delridge. Just a reminder to keep your eyes peeled and your garage doors closed!”