Crime 6662 results

West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network: Last look at summer

Like most community groups, the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network has reconvened, now that summer’s over, and had a fairly low-key meeting last night at the Southwest Precinct. Without a featured guest on the agenda, the spotlight was on members’ recaps of how the summer went. Relatively quiet, most agreed, aside from some car prowls and thefts including bicycles. SWP Operations Lt. Pierre Davis (standing, photo left) said that matched the official stats. One trend that some participants said seemed to be back on the rise is mail theft; WSBWCN leadership will consider bringing in a guest speaker to tackle the topic. Some also wondered if city grants might be available to bring locked mailboxes to areas where theft is a problem. Reminders of upcoming events: Thursday night, the Safe Communities city-facilitated conversation at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 7 pm (more info here), and Saturday, National Drug Take-Back Day – drop your expired/no-longer-needed medications off at the precinct, 10 am-2 pm (more info here).

West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meets on 4th Tuesdays; watch for updates on their website, here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Mail theft, car-prowl alert

West Seattle Crime Watch has quieted down a bit, according to both inbox in-flow and a check of the police-activity map. Danielle, however, shares a two-part alert for her neighborhood (and advice for everyone):

I wanted to give those who live near 8th & Roxbury a heads-up that in the last two weeks we have had a car prowler on our block as well as a mail thief.

Car Prowler – A car prowler was seen at approx. 10:30PM on a week night approx. two weeks ago peeking in the windows of my husband’s work vehicle that was parked on the street. The police were called but my husband, who is extra weary of prowlers after his work vehicle was stolen from our street last fall, yelled at the prowler who left the scene on foot before police arrived. He was tall, thin, and wearing a hooded sweatshirt with jeans. I urge everyone to park their vehicles in driveways and garages.

Mail thief – We discovered (Monday) that a check we placed in our mailbox on 09/06 was removed from our mailbox, washed with a new name and check amount, and cashed at a local check cashing center. We are in the process of working with the bank to file all of the necessary paperwork.

One more reminder that, as mentioned in today’s daily preview, the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network is back in action tonight, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct, and you don’t have to be a captain to come attend and talk/hear about community crime prevention/trends.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-run ‘karma wins!’; dog parks targeted?

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch – first, a hit-and-run solved by the husband of the victim. She writes:

I woke up (Saturday) morning to find my car had been sideswiped overnight. I park on the street because I have no driveway (39th & Hinds). The genius lost a very distinctive wheel hub. I called the police and an officer came within 30 mins. While they were on their way, my husband canvassed the neighborhood and FOUND THE CAR! Just a block away. Unbelievable. The officer headed right up there after I told her where it was. Two criminal citations later and justice is served. Karma wins!! Oh and yes, they have insurance. I am just glad they didn’t hurt anyone!

Second report, about a car break-in at Westcrest Off-Leash Park – and extra information thanks to victim vigilance in tracking down who was using her stolen card:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Man stabbed, woman arrested

Thanks to those who have e-mailed/called about a sizable police response on the east side of The Junction, in the 4500 block of 41st SW.

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
8:56 PM: Police are investigating an assault that officers on scene described to WSB’s Christopher Boffoli as a “domestic-violence situation,” and they say there are no suspects at large. Witnesses saw a woman taken away in handcuffs; a private ambulance was called, and Christopher saw a man being treated for a leg wound. We’ll be following up with police for any additional information.

12:15 AM UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams confirms the suspect has been booked into jail. The victim, he says, was stabbed once in the leg with a knife, and is expected to recover.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bullet hits house

The city’s time-lagged police-report map includes a notation about an incident coded as a “drive-by” early this morning in the 1700 block of SW Trenton (map). Tonight, we have details via e-mail from the person (requesting anonymity) whose home was hit:

At approximately 5:05 this morning (9/21) a single shot was fired from a moving vehicle into my house in the 1700 block of SW Trenton St. The bullet lodged in the front door a few feet away from where I was sitting, looking out the window and visible to the road. I do not have a good description of the vehicle other than it was a car. No one was injured, and the police were called and came to investigate.

There’s no indication of whether it’s related, but that’s just a few blocks from a recent confirmed case of “shots fired” (no one hit), in the 8600 block of 14th SW, as noted in our most recent WSBeat roundup.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen vehicle to watch for

From Karen:

Sometime in the middle of the night, my 1998 Red Honda CRV was stolen from in front of my house on the 7300 block of 29th SW. Police report has been filed. CRV has older Yakima rack with roof mounted bike rack and rear tire mounted Thule 2 bike rack (silver and black). License plate 649VJZ, just in case any WSB readers see an out-of-place Red CRV matching description.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Search for hit-run driver

2:56 PM: If you’re in Arbor Heights and wondering about the notable police presence – there’s a search under way for a hit-run driver, according to Seattle Police. After the crash – for which we don’t have full details yet – the driver parked and ran, with a citizen in pursuit for a while.

3:03 PM: We’re in the neighborhood where it happened, 44th SW south of SW 98th. Nobody hurt. An SPD K-9 team just arrived to join the search. The driver is described as a bald Caucasian man, white T-shirt and blue jeans. He was driving a blue sedan that smashed into a parked white Suburban.

Also next Thursday: West Seattle ‘Safe Communities’ chat

September 20, 2012 12:04 pm
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And just out of the WSB inbox: Next Thursday, you’re invited to come talk about community safety as part of the city’s “Safe Communities” program. 7-9 pm September 27th at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW). And it’s a conversation, not a meeting, as the invitation-format announcement makes clear:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary interrupted; heavy-metal theft; mail stolen

In West Seattle Crime Watch – four reader reports about three incidents. First, an attempted burglary as told by both the victim and the neighbor who interrupted. Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Daughter’s warning after elderly mom robbed while out walking

In West Seattle Crime Watch today – Carole reports her mom was robbed while out for a walk, and she is sharing the story to “reach as many people who care for the elderly to be very cautious if the person is able to walk or travel by themselves”:

My 82 year old mother went for her daily walk around the block (Sunrise Heights). She was approached by two males in a vehicle who talked to her like they knew her. Somehow, the driver of the vehicle managed to get her wedding ring off of her, saying he would get it cleaned and bring it back to her. My mother has Aphasia – she knows what she wants to say or do, but cannot get the words out in a coherent manner. Because of this condition, she has difficulty in telling us what happened. She was not hurt but is very upset. She is now frightened to go outside for any reason.

The ring was purchased in 1957 – white gold, about size 4 or 5, one big stone in the center with smaller stones on either side (I think it is called emerald cut). It is a 3-band ring, with the 3rd band added by my dad for their 25th anniversary. The third-band stones are cubic Zirconias.

The police have been notified and a report taken.

Carole says this happened around 1:45 pm Tuesday.

‘Who Killed Me?’ New billboard campaign to solve murders

Tomorrow marks exactly 31 years since Greggette R. and Dwight K. Guy were wed at a church in Burien. Today – six months and one week after Mrs. Guy was murdered in West Seattle – her husband (above) came from Kent to stand in a South Seattle parking lot with other murder victims’ families, showing support for a new billboard/bus-board campaign. CrimeStoppers and Seattle Police are among the sponsors of “Who Killed Me?”, which will place billboards around the city, showing murder victims’ faces, and imploring people with any information to come forward. Dwight Guy did not speak at today’s media event, but several of those on hand did, often emotionally. (Added – here’s our video of the entire event:)

Mr. Guy’s message, in a conversation with WSB afterward, is the same: Even if it takes years, his wife’s killer can be found and brought to justice. Organizers tell us a billboard will be put up in West Seattle with Mrs. Guy’s photo; they’re checking on the planned location (update – it’ll be on Harbor Avenue near the bridge). The first billboard, unveiled during the media event, highlights three other unsolved killings.

For more on where the Greggette Guy case stands, here’s our detailed followup from last week. P.S. There is one more West Seattle case on SPD’s list of spotlighted unsolved murders in the past 2 years – that of Kaari Higgins, a Fauntlee Hills woman whose January 2011 death was not classified as a homicide till long afterward. Find out more about Ms. Higgins, Mrs. Guy, and the other unsolved-murder victims here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Four reader reports

Four West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports from the weekend – starting with a bicycle theft; Daniel sent the photo and report:

I just wanted to share that my bike was stolen off our back porch Sept 15th. We live off Fauntleroy and Dawson (across from Fairmount Park). It was an old gray Raleigh beach cruiser I had turned into a lowrider. It wasn’t worth much by any means; I just feel cheated, is all.

Three more reports ahead, including a car prowl and a detailed account from a rollerblader who says he was attacked near Luna (Anchor) Park:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Afternoon burglary

In West Seattle Crime Watch this evening, Timothy reports his home was broken into this afternoon:

I wanted to alert the neighborhood (we live in North Admiral on 46th between Hill and Walker) of our house burglary today 9/14/12, around 12:30 pm. My wife, our two kids, and my visiting mother-in-law came home to a loud noise in the upstairs bedroom. A side ground level window was jimmied open, with a small hammer left on the ground which was used to pry the window up thus breaking the lock. My wife went upstairs to find a shoebox on the bed, where she keeps her meds, that had been rifled through. Her jewelry box was emptied, which fortunately mostly had costume jewelry in it. Her iPhone is missing too. The upstairs window was open with the blinds hanging on the outside.

It seems that this burglary was interrupted at the very beginning, and the thief exited the house onto the roof while my kids and wife and MIL entered the house. Fortunately, no one was injured and only a few things were stolen. … There were several neighbors around at this time, and only one finding was a “tall lanky white guy with light hair” was walking down the street, likely a coincidence.

If you have neighborhood crime concerns, note that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council resumes its monthly meetings next Tuesday (September 18th), 7 pm at the Southwest Precinct (Delridge and Webster).

Unsolved murder, 6 months later: New memorial for Greggette Guy; police still seek tips

(Family photo of Greggette Guy during a hike, 2004)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Today marks exactly six months since Greggette Guy was found dead off the 3700 block of Beach Drive – the second, and most recent, West Seattle murder victim of 2012.

Police have yet to find her killer(s).

Her family, however, has found a way to honor her memory, via her lifelong involvement with Girl Scouts – from childhood through parenthood:

That’s some of the new information we have obtained for this update on the case, half a year later, after speaking with Mrs. Guy’s husband as well as with police.

Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Words of warning & thanks

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share this morning – starting with an interrupted car prowl. Karleen wanted to warn you and to also publicly thank someone who tried to help:

(Last night) around dusk I took my dogs for a walk near Salty’s/Alki, only to return to some strange guy sitting in the passenger side of my car, rifling through my belongings. My car was next to GT Towing (right near the West Seattle Bridge). I shouted at him ‘what are you doing in my car??’ then yelled for John the tow truck business owner – who I’ve come to know since I park near his business several times a week when I walk my dogs. Not a lot I could do with 3 little dogs with me, and the guy got out of my car and ran down toward Alki. John heard me and chased him, caught up to him but he pulled a knife so John let him go. Meanwhile I called 911, and they came and I filled out a police report. My car has a busted window and glass everywhere, but not much taken and no one hurt. The guy got away though, and it was scary that he had a knife. I am really grateful to John for helping me!

Two other reports, both involving theft, ahead: (ALSO, ADDED 9:58 AM – A report from another West Seattleite whose car has been hit by prowlers/vandals twice in the past five days.)Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Maroon Tercel stolen

Another stolen car to watch for. From Sarah:

My car was stolen on Thursday night in the Delridge neighborhood. It is a maroon 1988 Toyota Tercel. Passenger window is missing. The liscense plate number is AHR2334. If someone sees it, please contact me:

And, as the official police advice goes, call 911.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Subaru stolen in The Triangle

September 8, 2012 12:14 pm
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Another stolen vehicle to watch for: From Brady via Twitter, “My black ’99 Subaru Outback Sport was stolen last night outside of the Link Apts (38th & Alaska)! WA license 045VTO.” As Seattle Police note in their @getyourcarback tweets – if you see a known stolen car, call 911.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 more bike-theft reports

The latest West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports: 2 more bike thefts. From Eric, who also sent the photo:

Last Thursday my gold Kona Kikapu was stolen out of my garage. I filed a police report and I’m keeping an eye out. The ironic part is my friend’s son had his bike stolen on Thursday, also a few blocks away by the Admiral fire (station) out of his garage, and my neighbor found it in our alley. My bike must have been a little nicer. The bike has small dent in the top frame tube between the seat post and the neck. Any info would be appreciated.

And from Leah:

Hi, just thought I’d let you know that our electric Hebb bike was stolen from the alley near 36th SW and Willow near Myrtle Reservoir park. The bike is silver with Hebb lettering in black on the frame. There is a black Burley bike rack over the back wheel that accommodates a Burley tag along. I can supply the VIN number if it turns up anywhere.

P.S. With a caveat that the city police-report map is not necessarily comprehensive, it still can at least offer a sense of trends – here’s what it shows for bike thefts reported and mapped in the past 3 weeks on the peninsula:

West Seattle Crime Watch: Vehicle stolen, ‘just gone’

September 5, 2012 7:21 pm
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Just one Crime Watch report so far today – from Heidi:

Our vehicle (2009 brown Toyota Rav 4, plate # 802YZQ) was stolen from our driveway (62nd & Admiral) on the evening 8/28 or early am of 8/29. No broken glass. Just gone. Please contact police if found.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Restaurant robbery in Admiral

(Thanks to our tipster for the photo from the search/arrest scene)
If you’re seeing police in the Admiral District – they’re investigating a robbery at Luciano’s Pizza next to the Admiral Theater. A suspect is in custody, according to Seattle Police Det. Mark Jamieson, but they’re searching for the money he reportedly says he dropped in somebody’s yard near the north end of Hiawatha Community Center‘s park. The robbery happened just after 1 pm; they don’t know if the robber was armed, but police say no weapon was seen. (Thanks to the person who texted us about the search, which in turn tipped us to the robbery – 206-293-6302 any time.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Delridge robbery; latest reader reports

Before we get to the Crime Watch reader reports, we have finally been able to get details on a Friday-afternoon incident some have asked about, a street robbery in Delridge. Det. Renée Witt in Seattle Police media relations says, according to the report, the victim was washing a car in the 2600 block of Brandon when a 4-door silver Buick drove by, parked, then left – and came back. When the car returned, it pulled up near the victim, stopped in the middle of the street, and two passengers got out of the back and walked up to the victim. One (described only as a black man in his late teens/mid-20s, about 6 feet tall and medium build) showed a silver handgun and said, “Empty your pockets.” The victim complied; the robber got back in the car, which left southbound on 26th. According to Det. Witt, the victim reported being so focused on the man with the gun that he couldn’t describe what the others looked like or were doing.

Meantime, as is unfortunately somewhat frequent, there were scattered “sounds like gunshots” reports over the weekend, but – in case you wondered about one near you – none has resulted in a finalized police report of actual gunfire – which only means no one was shot, no casings found, no property damage. (EARLY WEDNESDAY UPDATE: One incident has now turned up on the police-report list, but didn’t show until late in the day Tuesday – listing a “weapons-discharge” call in the 8600 block of 14th SW around 3 am. No details in the report, but now that there is a report #, we can check with police later today.)

Now, to the reader reports – scooter theft (stolen from kids who had bought them with their birthday money!) and indecent exposure – times two:Read More

Towing fee-cap proposal to be introduced this week – but too late for a West Seattle car-theft victim

(TUESDAY UPDATE: There’s a Thursday briefing at City Hall – agenda here)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Right after the Seattle City Council returns from its summer break post-Labor Day, a new set of rules will be proposed and is likely to generate intense debate.

It’s a proposal to change city rules to cap fees charged for “involuntary towing from private property” – also known as “private impounds” – announced a month ago by Mayor McGinn and Councilmember Nick Licata.

The actual package of proposed rules itself was not made public at the time of that announcement. In fact it was not finished and published until a few days ago (when we checked last month, a Licata staffer told WSB they were “tweaking it before we formally introduce it”). It’s now on the city website – see all the specifics here. The key points include:

A. Towing service fee: The maximum hourly fee that tow companies may charge for towing service for private impounds shall be no more $209 for the first hour and $130.60 for the second and subsequent hours for tows conducted with a Class A, D, or E tow truck. …

4. The hourly fee must be applied to the resulting net time and, after the first hour, must be rounded to the nearest fifteen minutes. …

B. Uncompleted tow fee: Tow companies may charge no more than the maximum hourly towing service fee specified in subsection 6.214.220.A for an uncompleted tow. Beginning with the first hour, no more than one quarter of the hourly fee may be charged for each fifteen minutes of towing service work performed. Reimbursement for time spent on an uncompleted tow can only be computed from the time of dispatch to the time the car is released to the vehicle operator.

C. Storage fee: The maximum storage fee that tow companies may charge for storing a private impound vehicle shall be no more than $15.50 for each 12-hour increment. …

D. After hours release fee: The maximum fee that a tow company may charge to release a privately impounded vehicle outside of normal business hours may not exceed $100. …

If it passes and does what the mayor and councilmember suggest it would, it might prevent future cases like that of a West Seattle woman who told WSB she lost her car three times – first and second times to a car thief, then, finally, to a towing/impound bill she couldn’t afford.

Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: One arrest; one search

First, the arrest: Karen from Hansen View Blockwatch reports an arrest that may help solve multiple recent thefts in their area. A 31-year-old man is in the King County Jail, arrested for investigation of possession of stolen property.

She says a neighbor in the 5000 block of 37th SW (map) “happened to notice someone behaving oddly” and started watching. The neighbor noticed the man had a scooter and a van, and then saw the man take an edge trimmer from a nearby yard and put it into the van. Then, the neighbor saw the man take off on the scooter, and followed some distance through alleys while calling 911. The scooter crashed; the suspect ran into a house at 36th and Morgan (map). Police made the arrest there (finding the suspect, Karen says, hiding in the attic) and are reported to have found at least 10 bicycles in the yard, along with suspected stolen mail. We’ll keep an eye on this case and follow up on whether charges are filed.

Second, the search: It’s a request for help finding a hit-run driver. Ed shared the photo at left. He says the damage is from a dark metallic-green vehicle that hit his car around 3 am today in front of his home in the 3700 block of 40th SW (map). He says he knows the color “because it left some pieces behind,” so if you’ve seen a car that color with front-end damage, please contact police.