Crime 6662 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: 6 reader reports

Six West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share, that have come in over the past several days. For starters, two reports of mailbox crime: Above, Gregg says six mailboxes at 22nd SW and SW 104th in Shorewood were broken into on Tuesday. “Two were the security locking type. Did not seem to stop the mail thief.” Also on Tuesday, in the 8400 block of 25th SW, Bill says, “Mailbox block was destroyed by a moron with a rock. They’ve been replaced and reported to postal police.”

Ahead, four car-prowl reports:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch update: Dog missing after break-in, now back home

FIRST REPORT, 6:24 PM: Just got this from the victims’ neighbor:

My friend just asked me to e-mail about a possible (burglary) and stolen dog. It happened this afternoon (in the 4100 block of) 22nd Ave, a window was smashed and the dog, a 2 year old male English Setter named Holt, is missing and was likely stolen by the thieves. If you have any information or have seen this dog in the neighborhood please call, its owners are heartbroken.

206-390-5298. The friend is trying to find a photo – we’ll add if she sends one.

ADDED 7:25 PM: The story is now topped with a photo of Holt.

12:12 AM UPDATE: In the comment section, Holt’s owners say he has found his way home.

Why the helicopter’s over South Delridge/White Center

4:57 PM: Asked about the helicopter that seems to be searching in that area, Seattle Police here at Summer Fest told us there’s a bank robbery in White Center – so we’re trying to find out more from King County Sheriff’s Office.

5:03 PM: Sgt. Kathleen Larson with KCSO says the robbery happened less than an hour ago at the KeyBank on 17th SW in White Center. They’re looking for a man described as white, in his 20s, 5-5, wearing a beanie, gray sweatshirt, light blue jeans. He was last seen running out of the bank. No injuries reported.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Guilty plea in Alki gunfire case

While checking WSB archives in relation to this morning’s “automatic gunfire detection” story, we noticed we had lost track of the case of 26-year-old Nicholas J. Bowman, arrested for allegedly shooting at a man behind Cactus on Alki late one night in March (WSB coverage here), after pointing and waving his gun at others outside nearby Bamboo. No one was hit or hurt; witnesses called 911 and described Bowman and his vehicle, which was stopped by police on Harbor Avenue. Investigators at the gunfire scene found one 45-caliber shell casing in the area; Bowman was charged days later with one count of second-degree assault. Online records say he pleaded guilty to that charge two weeks ago and will be sentenced July 27th. As part of the plea agreement, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office recommends a sentence of 3 years, 3 months – with 3 years of that being the mandatory sentence “enhancement” for use of a deadly weapon. He has no felony criminal history, but five misdemeanors, including three drug charges, larceny, and a driving violation. Bowman’s been in jail since his arrest 3 1/2 months ago. (March WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)

Automated gunfire detector? Part of West Seattle on recommendation list

This afternoon at 2 pm, the City Council’s Public Safety, Civil Rights, and Technology Committee, chaired by Councilmember Bruce Harrell, looks at a high-tech solution to a recurring problem: How to tell when reports of gunshots are really gunshots – and how to find out about gunfire if no one reports it. The committee will see a presentation for a system called ShotSpotter, which involves acoustic sensors – a media advisory for today’s meeting summarizes it this way:

How will the Automated Gunfire Locating System work? When gunfire occurs outdoors, acoustic sensors will activate instantly and software will triangulate and identify the exact location of the gunfire. A gunfire and acoustic expert analyzes and validates the audio data and routes the alert to the police dispatch center. Within minutes, the police will receive critical information and arrive at the exact location of the gunfire knowing how many shots were fired, the original shooter’s position, speed and direction of travel (if shooter moved) and exact time of gunfire.

The company’s PowerPoint is online as part of the committee agenda, so we took a look, and noticed the map above – labeling part of West Seattle as an area recommended for the sensors, because it’s one of three areas in the city that together represent 55 percent of the shots/shootings/weapons calls (the West Seattle area mentioned is described as representing 8 percent of the calls), while only comprising 18 percent of the city’s acreage. Today’s meeting is a briefing – no specific proposal is up for a vote; too soon for that, and note that the slide deck says the cost of this is $40,000-$60,000/square mile annually – but if you’re interested in watching, Seattle Channel will have it live, on cable 21 and online at

ADDED EARLY FRIDAY: Our partners at The Seattle Times covered the hearing; here’s their report.

Police-car-ramming suspect Sothany Sok charged with 5 crimes

Four counts of second-degree assault and one count of attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle are the charges just filed against 37-year-old Sothany Sok of West Seattle. He’s the man arrested on the north end of Delridge Way SW (right) after police finally stopped him, following a pursuit that started at Don Armeni and proceeded west along Harbor/Alki Avenues, then east again, and under the bridge, with four police cars getting rammed along the way. We reported on the incident Sunday, and then followed up Monday on his bail getting set at $30,000; today, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office asked that it be raised to $100,000, and the judge granted that request. Sok is due in King County Superior Court for arraignment on July 25th.

West Seattle Crime Watch: More car prowling, including video

Two car-prowling reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today – including one with an accompanying video clip. Both reports are ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Cents-less car prowling

From Regina:

As I was leaving for work this morning, I noticed 2 of my vehicles had been gone through, glove compartments open,papers all over. They made off with a iPod I had tucked under the seat and took most of the change from the ashtray – about sixty cents but left all the pennies (thanks, guys!). I will be checking my neighbor’s surveillance cameras after work, I will post a description of the losers so others can be on alert. I live on 21st & Roxbury [map], and I did leave both cars unlocked, so I take blame for this too. Please remember to lock your doors!

P.S. This is one of the crimes you can report online – find the form here.

Followup: $30,000 bail for West Seattle police-car-ramming suspect

A judge has set bail at $30,000 for the 37-year-old West Seattle man arrested Sunday morning after four Seattle Police cars were rammed during a pursuit along Alki/Harbor Avenues (WSB coverage here). That’s according to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which has until Wednesday to decide on charges against the man, who’s being held for investigation of assault and attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle. As we reported on Sunday, the man has a criminal history that in recent years included charges of domestic-violence assault and speeding in a school-crosswalk zone; court documents made public this afternoon add that he has a “history of progressing assaults and using his car as a weapon.” The documents also have more details on his arrest last Thursday, for which, as we also reported Sunday, he spent a day and a half in jail; he is alleged to have “purposely rammed a civilian’s car 4 to 5 (times) repeatedly …” The documents also say he told officers, after being advised of his right to remain silent, that he “has been off his medication.”

Followup: Stolen wagon replaced; Megan & Dylan say ‘thanks’

Two weeks ago, a West Seattle mom named Megan e-mailed a Crime Watch report (read it here): Somebody had stolen the little red wagon that she used to transport her toddler son, and groceries (they are carless). Along with the general outrage came multiple offers of a new wagon for them, both in comments and via e-mail. Megan gratefully accepted the offer of a West Seattleite who was first to e-mail us, minutes after we published our story, asking to buy a new wagon for her anonymously. We in turn asked Megan to consider sharing a photo when the new wagon arrived; this morning, she sent the photo, with this update:

Good morning. I recently received the new wagon (at the end of last week), and it’s great! It is all-terrain and very easy to control.

My dad set it for me yesterday, and brought me a bike lock which should at least deter thieves. I’ve attached a picture of a very excited little boy!

I never heard a thing about what happened to the stolen wagon.

Please send our thanks to the donor. We really appreciate the genorosity! Please also send our thanks to the honorary donors. We’d also like to thank you, the West Seatle Blog Editors!

Best Wishes and Many Thanks,
Megan and Dylan

We did hear from someone last week who said they thought they had seen the stolen wagon in The Junction. We couldn’t find Megan’s contact info at that moment to pass it on to her. Anyway, we’re grateful, too, for the caring and generosity expressed in this instance and so many others.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-run on SE end of Admiral Way

From Josh:

Last night at approximately 1:30 am my wife and I witnessed a hit and run accident on Admiral Way.

We had just merged onto Admiral Way from the lower bridge route. I noticed behind me a black sedan swerving as it approached my rear at a very high rate of speed, once onto Admiral Way I merged over to the far right lane. After changing lanes I noticed the black sedan behind me could not maintain a lane and had struck the median where the bridge off ramp and the lower bridge off ramp meet; I slowed down as my wife watched behind us. The black sedan then picked up speed at a very high rate while driving on the shoulder; at this time I was pulled off the road near the 3300 block of SW Admiral Way. As the car picked up speed in the shoulder lane, I told my wife “he’s going to hit that car parked on the shoulder”; two seconds after I said that, the black sedan slammed into the parked car and a huge plume of smoke went into the air. After witnessing the crash I turned my car around and went to go see if the driver was okay as we approached the black sedan, the car pulled onto Admiral Way and fled the scene; the car the black sedan hit had sustained serious rear-end damage. At this time I was able to identify the car: late ’90s Black Ford Taurus WA plate ABV—-. As the Ford went up the Admiral hill, an immense amount of smoke followed behind the car. At this time I called 911 to report the incident, by this time I was parked in the Safeway gas station. While on the phone with the 911 operator my wife and I saw the black Ford came from the southbound side of 41st Ave SW and the car pulled back onto Admiral Way and proceeded west.

I haven’t heard or seen any updates in regards to this incident, but I thought the West Seattle Blog should be made aware. Also I want the victim of the incident to know that they have two witnesses if they should need them.

SPD’s time-lagged “incident response” map hasn’t worked for several days, so we have no way to look up whether a report was filed, but if you were the victim, you should be able to find out from police. (Josh provided the full plate number to police; we only publish the first part if a case is in the early stages.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: False alarm; mail-theft suspect nabbed

Two notes tonight: First, in case you were among those who noticed a big police response heading south to Highland Park just after 5 pm (thanks to everyone who texted, called, and e-mailed!) – police at the scene told us it was reported as a possible holdup, but turned out to be a false alarm.

Second, from a local resident who wants to be anonymous:

Just wanted to pass along an incident that took place this morning shortly after 9am in the 6700 block of Beach Drive. I noticed a black car pull up to a bank of locked mail boxes. A male got out while a female passenger waited inside the car and the man walked to the boxes and looked as though he was trying to aggressively open one of the boxes. I had never seen this man in the neighborhood before so I continued to watch, a bit more closely and then I saw him use some sort of tool to try and open the box. I immediately called 911 and described the man, and what was going on and was able to provide the license plate of the vehicle. Other joggers/walkers had passed and he stopped what he was doing for a moment and then returned to the box, this time with more force.

He grabbed what he could and then crossed the street to another mailbox, which was not locked, and then headed back to his car. He drove a few houses down, parked behind a vehicle and then got into that vehicle’s trunk (not sure if it was by force or if it was unlocked) and appeared to be carrying items from that vehicle, back to his car when the first police car arrived, and then moments later, 2 more police cars surrounded the scene. All of this took place within a few minutes time and the thief and his female passenger were taken away. It turns out the car he was driving was stolen as well. Neighbors got their mail back and hopefully the car owner and anyone else who might have stolen goods will also get them returned. Thank you to the 911 dispatcher and the officers who immediately responded to the scene as it was unfolding. It feels great to be part of a community that cares!

We tried to get more details from SPD; no response yet, but didn’t want to wait any longer to share this reader report. If we are able to get any more info tomorrow, we’ll add it.

ADDED 2:08 PM FRIDAY: Southwest Precinct operations Lt. Pierre Davis says, “This was an excellent pinch by one of our 1st watch officers, based on an alert citizen’s 911 call of suspicious activity (possible mail theft). Block watch at its finest yet again puts bad guys in jail. Bad guys were caught with a large quantity of property, including a stolen vehicle.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3 thefts – painting, iPhone, scooter

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports tonight. First – have you seen the painting at right? If so, police need to know. Its artist, Mariel, says it was on display at the Admiral Theater – until someone stole it:

Recently, I put up a few paintings inside the Admiral Theater. They’ve been up now for a few months. Last week however, I went to the theater to watch a movie. I looked at my art as I walked by, and everything appeared in place. Upon exiting, I started chatting with Dinah, the manager. She mentioned how much people love the paintings, etc. She mentioned one of them.

As I looked over, my boyfriend & I both noticed it was missing.

Mariel’s report continues – along with two other reported West Seattle thefts – ahead:Read More

Fauntlee Hills woman’s 2011 death now classified as homicide

When Seattle Police launched an upgraded version of their SPD Blotter website yesterday, it included a new feature: This list of unsolved murders. The list of victims of course includes Greggette Guy, found dead off Beach Drive in March. But there’s another West Seattle victim on the list, one we didn’t notice, till crime reporter Casey McNerthney (whose report is here) did: Kaari Higgins, who died after being found seriously injured in a home on SW Concord in Fauntlee Hills in January 2011. There had been rumors her death might have been homicide, but when we checked with police in early 2011, it was not classified as such, and that’s the last we heard of the case, until now. The brief summary on the new SPD Catch a Killer” page:

Kaari Higgins was a loving mother to her two children, 10-year-old Ryan, and 13-year-old Lindsey. Kaari was found injured and unconscious inside her home on 44th Avenue SW and SW Concord Street on January 8, 2011. Medics rushed Kaari to Harborview, where she died from her injuries. The King County Medical Examiner determined Kaari’s injuries were not caused by an accident or a fall, and this case is being investigated as a homicide.

If you have any information on this or other unsolved homicide cases, the SPD Tip Line is (206) 233-5000. Ms. Higgins and Ms. Guy are the only West Seattle victims on the list, which SPD says dates back to January 2010.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Would-be package thief?

Just out of the WSB inbox, from Heidi:

Today at 3:30pm – I was expecting a delivery so I was listening for the delivery truck. When I heard an engine running outside my house I looked out the window and saw an older green SUV, I think a Chevy Blazer. A woman walked onto my porch and took a package, sticking it under her sweatshirt as she walked back to the SUV. It was just a $10 book. I was so pissed she was stealing this paperback book, I opened the door and yelled at her that it was just a book. (Upon later reflection this might not have been the safest thing to do.) She made up a story about how she was picking up a package for her grandma and, oops, what do you know, this was the wrong address. She returned to the porch, set it down, then got into the passenger side of the car.

I got a partial plate – starts with either 928 or 528, they left headed north on 48th Ave SW close to Andover. I called police and they responded right away, an officer stopped by to verify where I saw the car go next. The woman was probably in her 20’s, early 30’s at the most, wearing a white hoody sweatshirt and light pants. Average height, a little on the heavy side. Caucasian, blonde hair, long in a pony tail. Keep your eye out!!!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Auto theft; 2 car prowls

3 quick West Seattle Crime Watch notes this afternoon: First, Jeff‘s black Highlander with gray leather interior was stolen Sunday in the 8600 block of 36th SW and hasn’t been found yet – so if you see one that appears out of place in your neighborhood, please call police. Next, two car-prowl reports on opposite ends of West Seattle, this one from Lauren:

Just thought that this might help others in the area. My car window was broken and my purse, which was shoved under my seat and covered, was stolen from Westcrest dog park at approximately 1 pm today. The officers that responded to my call stated that there was another similar car break-in at the park last week at the same time.

And another car-prowl report was posted in the WSB Forum – member “WS Born” reported that her daughter was parked along Harbor Avenue near the 7-11 around 6 am Wednesday, went for a run, and came back to find a window smashed and “items stolen” from her car.

Block Watch Captains Network meeting Tuesday: Get ready for Night Out!

June 25, 2012 8:50 pm
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Just days after their first-ever Appreciation Party (WSB coverage here), the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network is indeed having a regular meeting tomorrow night, 6:30-8 pm at the Southwest Precinct (if you come early, around 6 pm, there’s leftover Zippy’s root beer and Full Tilt Ice Cream from the party). The main topic: Getting ready for this year’s Night Out crime-prevention/community-building Block Parties. WSBWCN leaders explain, “If you want packets to pass out at your Night Out, you are welcome to come stuff your materials during the meeting. There will be bags for kids and adults with information about crime prevention and emergency preparedness.” P.S. Register your block for Night Out by going to this SPD webpage.

From SPD’s crime-prevention coordinator: Sex-offender notifications

The WSB Crime Watch page has long had the “sex offender lookup” link in its resource section – but unless you check it frequently, you won’t necessarily know if a registered sex offender has moved into your neighborhood. Today, for the first time, we received e-mail from Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon listing Level 3 sex offenders that have recently moved into the area. We’re sharing it, along with SPD’s words of caution that this is not meant to be an alarm-sounding, but an FYI:Read More

Much-used wagon stolen from ‘single mom with toddler, no car’

Seen that wagon? Megan photographed her son and his friend out for a ride one day – and now hopes the photo will help find the culprit who stole it, or at least, will help find the wagon:

I am a single mother with a toddler and no car. To get groceries, or anything else for the matter, we take the wagon. It is impossible for me to carry groceries and keep my two year old from running out in the road. Our wagon was stolen within the last couple of days, from the parking lot in an alley behind my apartments, on 44th, close to (Skate Church).

We bought this wagon from the Senior Center. It is unique, and not a new model by any means. It is called a “Woody Wagon,” which is written on the side. The base is wood, and the walls are red and removeable. When we bought it, the screws started falling out. I took it to the local True Value to get some screws and the GREAT people there replaced all of the nuts/bolts/screws for me.

My son and I ran that wagon up and down the Alaska Junction several times a week, for function and for play, and it was (our) only mode of transportation! It’s just not right!!!

Any info? Let police know.

MONDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: We’ve been receiving e-mails from people who missed our mention of this in the comment section, so we’re adding it here too: Many kind people offered to buy, give, or loan a new wagon to Megan and her son. She has agreed to accept the offer of the first person who contacted us – moments after this story was published – and that person says it’s on the way. Megan also has posted a comment with words of appreciation, and let us add ours, so happy to see the community open its arms and do what it can to help.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bikes; hit-run driver search

June 24, 2012 11:33 am
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Two reader reports for West Seattle Crime Watch: a two-bike theft in Hansen View (south of Providence Mount St. Vincent) with another bike found nearby, and a hit-run in The Junction. Read on for both:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves take groceries, flowers

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share – one, the odd tale of a front-yard flower thief; the other, stolen groceries – read on for both, plus a quick roundup of notable incidents on the crime map from the past 24 hours or so:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Band rocked by big theft on tour eve

The punk band Random Orbits will head out on tour today as planned, reports KING 5 (whose story from last night’s newscast is embedded above), even though they suffered a big loss in an Arbor Heights car prowl sometime overnight Monday night/Tuesday morning. According to a post on the band’s Facebook page, the thief/thieves made off with:

Fender 72’ Telecaster Deluxe – serial # MZ9576505 – “SCS” is carved into the back of the head stock
Gibson SG Standard – Serial # 112610579 – Cherry Red
G&L 1981 SB-1 Bass Guitar- Serial # B015960 – Black
David Eden Traveler – Bass Head – Serial # 1887
Marshall JMC 900 – White, with “No Beer On Top” written across the top
2500 dollars Cash which was inside a box of beer koozies/stickers/posters

If you have any information on the break-in or the stolen items, you can call police and refer to incident # 12-191715. Random Orbits is scheduled to play Leavenworth tonight and then keep heading east, all the way to New York state over the course of their tour’s first week.