Crime 6660 results

Update: Police seek 3 robbers in West Seattle Viking Bank holdup

(6:07 PM UPDATE: Seattle Police have released their official summary. Adding that, and more photos, below)

ORIGINAL 3:50 PM REPORT: Police are at Viking Bank in The Junction – and nearby – looking for bank robbers. Seattle Police say three people robbed the bank. According to Officer RenĂ©e Witt in the media-response unit, they were described as possibly armed, three Hispanic men in their 20s, medium build, one wearing a red bandanna, black or dark hoodie, with black sweat pants.

3:57 PM UPDATE: Just added a photo. And yes, that’s what the helicopter is doing over The Junction.

4:30 PM UPDATE: The FBI is on scene as well as Seattle Police, since they have jurisdiction in bank robberies. Multiple witnesses report that some evidence was found, but there is no word of arrests. No injuries either, in case you were wondering.

(This photos and others below, all by Christopher Boffoli for WSB unless otherwise credited)
4;49 PM UPDATE: There have been anecdotal reports that some area schools’ afterschool programs sheltered in place while the search was on. We’re having trouble getting anyone on the phone to confirm this – but in case you are worried, know that NO INJURIES ARE REPORTED ANYWHERE as a result of the robbery or the search. Meantime, according to what Christopher Boffoli photographed, they left significant evidence behind:

5:05 PM UPDATE: Teresa Wippel from Seattle Public Schools confirms that Madison Middle School did decide to have the students who were still on campus “shelter in place” – some were outside when the school heard about the robbery, and the school decided – it was a unilateral decision, not a police order – to bring them in. Wippel says they also called the parents of students who would usually go home by themselves, and they escorted students to school buses.

6:07 PM UPDATE: Police have just published their summary of the robbery at SPD Blotter. Click ahead to see it in full, along with more of our photos:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Alleged car prowler thwarted, arrested

Just in case you’re wondering: K-9 is helping with a police search that is related to at least two complaints in the Fairmount Park/Fairmount Springs area. WSB contributor Katie Meyer heard the early scanner traffic and reports that two people were reportedly seen in at least one backyard, one possibly with a ladder; the 5400 block of 41st SW was mentioned. There has also been a report of someone suspicious seen east of the park. We’ll add more information when/if we get it.

1:47 AM UPDATE: We haven’t heard back from police yet, but we have it from a neighborhood source that one suspect was taken into custody, believed to be the man spotted going through a car.

2:07 AM UPDATE: Confirmation from Lt. Alan Williams at the Southwest Precinct: “At about 11:54, a citizen who lives in the 5400 block of 42nd SW [map] saw someone inside his (unlocked) car. The suspect ran when the victim yelled at him. The victim called 9-1-1. Several patrol units and one K9 unit responded. The dog and handler were able to locate and detain a possible suspect in the 5600 block of 41st SW. The victim identified the suspect as the person he had seen inside his car. The suspect, a 20-year-old man, was booked into jail for Car Prowling.”

Teen who attacked Alki bus driver charged in a new crime

As reported this morning by our partners at the Seattle Times: The teenager who beat an Alki woman unconscious in Tukwila, while she was working as a Metro bus driver, is back in jail. Thirteen months ago, we were at Juvenile Court on Capitol Hill (story here) to cover the sentencing of the then-14-year-old boy, who wrote a letter of apology that described what he did as “touching,” and who was described by his mother as a “good kid” while she also attempted to blame the victim for not preventing what happened. We didn’t identify Solinuu Leae by name at that time, as he was charged as a juvenile; now 15, he has been arrested again, charged as an adult for a violent robbery that, like the attack on the driver from Alki, also rendered its victim – robbed while waiting for a bus in Renton – unconscious. According to the King County Jail Register, Leae’s bail is set at $200,000; he’s been jailed since May 10th. The bus driver he attacked in January of last year told WSB back in March that she was returning to work as a driver. Court documents in the new case against Leae say his sentence for attacking her was completed in January.

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, report #1: Burglaries down

First of two reports from tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting at the Southwest Precinct: The burglary “spike” reported last month by Capt. Steve Paulsen is over, according to operations Lt. Pierre Davis. He presented one specific statistic as evidence: The second full week in April, this area had 23 burglaries. Second full week in May, there were five. (We doublechecked the online police-reports map, which shows even fewer, if you configure it for 5/8-5/14.) Lt. Davis attributes the drop to more arrests: “We went out and corralled a bunch of our bad guys – we really knocked ’em dead.” But don’t let your guard down, he said (and while he didn’t mention them specifically, yesterday’s Arbor Heights incidents underscored that) – keep an eye out in your neighborhood, particularly as vacation season kicks in next month and more people are away, and when you see someone or something, get as much descriptive information as you can – car descriptions, suspect descriptions.

Speaking of keeping an eye out, Karen Berge from the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network announced at meeting’s end that their next meeting is next Tuesday, 6:30 pm, also at SW Precinct. Coming up later: Current drug-abuse trends, from tonight’s guest speaker, a regional expert who spoke to the group 2 1/2 years ago (WSB coverage here).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Double truck theft in Genesee

First time we’ve heard of one household suffering a double auto-theft hit in a single day/night. Michael says, “You can imagine the shell-shock we’re feeling,” as he reports:

Sometime after 9:30 PM on Monday night, 2 of our trucks were stolen from our street parking. A 1993 Red Nissan King Cab and a 1991 White Ford F-250. We’re on 48th Ave SW between Andover and Dakota.

The ONLY reason we know about this so early was that at 3:48 AM (today), we were woken up by SPD knocking to inquire if we owned the F-250. It’d been involved in a collision in Auburn, and connected with a burglary in that area.

When we started to give them the info on the F-250, my wife looked out and saw that the Nissan was missing also.

We just checked, and so far, no other auto-theft incidents are listed in West Seattle in the past 24 hours of reports noted on the time-delayed police-response map. One other note: As mentioned in the daily preview, the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets tonight at the Southwest Precinct, 7 pm – it’s a chance to talk to police leadership about neighborhood crime concerns and to hear firsthand about the latest trends.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arbor Heights burglaries

Police confirm three incidents in Arbor Heights this afternoon might be related. According to Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Smith, two homes were broken into – “both had evidence of forced entry”; nobody was home at either one. Then there was a prowling/attempted burglary report, with somebody at home and calling 911. Lt. Smith says the caller saw two “juvenile males looking into the house”; they were seen fleeing southbound from the 10200 block of 37th SW. Jeff, who says he reported them, sent the following note as we were writing this story:

It was about 12:20, Monday afternoon, I had just pulled up in front of my house
when I heard banging coming from down the street. I looked over, and saw two black males late teens/early twenties trying to kick in a front door at 37th and 102nd. I immediately got their attention with some colorful language, then they ran south on 37th avenue towards Arbor Heights Elementary. I got back in my truck, drove to 37th and 104th and spotted the two punks before they disappeared behind cars and into someone’s yard. I called the police during pursuit, I am hopeful these guys get caught.

We had heard a scanner report that the police search resulted in “sheltering in place” at Arbor Heights Elementary; nothing actually happened at the school, but as noted above, the suspects had been reported seen in the area.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Traffic-circle tree taken out

The lushly landscaped traffic circle at 39th/Lander (map/Google Street View) lost its young tree to a hit-run driver overnight, according to a note we received from CD (who also provided the photo – thank you!). The tree was a 10-foot-tall coral-bark maple, CD explains, adding, “The vehicle must have been some sort of large truck/pick up truck as the traffic circle is fairly high.” The incident has been reported to police.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car casing house?

Andy wonders if anyone else has seen the car that appeared to be casing his house in Arbor Heights – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police brief Fairmount Springs neighbors

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

At the heart of a meeting tonight in Fairmount Springs was not a victim, but a person – a neighbor in the hospital, for reasons not yet understood, fighting to recover from serious injuries she suffered in some kind of attack.

She’s in stable condition, reported neighbors at the meeting’s start. Then at the meeting’s end, a prayer for her physical and emotional recovery was offered, by the pastor of the church where about 50 neighbors gathered.

And the neighbors’ condition was a source of concern too. Don’t be frightened, exhorted police. “It’s not the one who did this that’s the powerful one – you are,” asserted Mark Solomon, the Southwest Precinct‘s Crime Prevention Coordinator.

He spoke along with the top two Seattle Police leaders from the precinct, its commander, Capt. Steve Paulsen, and operations Lt. Pierre Davis. Before the meeting was out, City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen had offered a few words too.

The gathering at West Seattle Church of the Nazarene was the first major neighborhood meeting since another one sparked by crime concerns a year and a half ago (here’s our report from that night). And as it concluded, neighbors agreed they would like to meet more often – maybe quarterly – though they already are bound by strong Block Watches and a much-used mailing list. But first: What police said tonight about the Sunday morning attack, reported in the 5900 block of 41st SW – ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Fairmount Springs investigation update

Police have released more information about the case we reported here on Monday, a woman who is in the hospital and told police she was attacked by someone in her Fairmount Springs home. Seattle Police media-unit Det. Mark Jamieson says there is no question the woman was seriously injured – but police do not believe it happened in her home; there is no sign of a struggle or other evidence there indicating an attack. According to the police-report narrative in the case, the original call did not come from the woman’s home; the victim showed up at a neighbor’s house early Sunday morning saying she was “hurt and needed to sleep.” Then the neighbor noticed the woman was clearly injured, and called 911. The victim told police she woke up to find a man in her room; he said nothing but restrained her, then sat on her, and tried to strangle her. She said she fought back, and that she lost consciousness and awoke later to find him gone, at which time she said she managed to get herself free and walked over to her neighbor’s house. Police also confirm they questioned someone yesterday in connection with the case but that no one is currently under arrest. The victim remains at Harborview Medical Center, and because of her condition, Det. Jamieson says, police have been unable to talk more with her yet about what happened and where it happened.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen in Gatewood

Eagle-eyed WSB’ers have found stolen cars before – maybe you’ve seen this one. Out of the WSB inbox, from Angele:

My car was stolen between 7 pm Sunday night and 7:30 am Monday morning. It’s a white, 4 door, 1992 Nissan Maxima. Lic. #506SUN. It was stolen from California and Portland [map]. The car was locked, nothing visible on the inside, and the security system was intact. If anyone sees this car, please call 911. Thank you.

SPD is continuing to tweet stolen-car reports at @getyourcarback; here’s the tweet sent this morning for this car.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Woman in hospital after reported break-in

A 64-year-old Fairmount Springs woman is in the hospital today with what police describe as “serious injuries,” after an incident reported to them as a break-in. According to Seattle Police media-response unit Det. Mark Jamieson, the description is cautious because investigators are still trying to sort out what actually happened and how the victim was injured – he says they are not at all sure yet what actually took place, nor is there a description of a potential attacker, nor do they know for sure whether the attack was random or involved a stranger. He says all they do know for sure is that police were called to a home in the 5900 block of 41st SW around 4:30 am Sunday, that a woman is in the hospital with serious injuries, and that detectives are still working the case. When any additional information become available, we will add to the story.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this briefcase anywhere?

From the WSB inboxRobert wonders if anyone has seen a briefcase taken when someone broke into his car:

As I walked to my driveway to go to work Tuesday morning (05/02), I saw broken glass near my car. Sure enough, someone had smashed my driver’s side rear door window during the night. The only thing missing was my briefcase. It is an old, doctor’s style black case that opens from the top. It isn’t worth much, but has sentimental value. There was nothing of real value inside, other than some personal papers and some books on education. I imagine the thief was disappointed and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was dumped nearby. If anyone runs across it, I would greatly appreciate being notified. You can email me at Thanks. The theft took place near 37th and SW 98th ST in Arbor Heights.

(No “you shouldn’t have left it in there” comments, please, “blaming the victim” is against WSB rules.) Police do advise that absolutely nothing be left in vehicles, even if you think it’s nothing a thief could possibly have any interest in – here’s more information about car-prowl prevention.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Federal charges for accused dealer

Court documents confirm what a tipster reported in comments following our coverage of yesterday morning’s police operations at locations including Upper Fauntleroy (remember the helicopter?) and High Point: The man who was arrested is someone we’ve reported on before – James Monroe Flowers, Jr. He’s the alleged drug dealer that Seattle Police arrested in a SWAT-enhanced operation in The Junction back in February; he was out on bond when charges were filed and a warrant issued – we later learned that he posted bond on the warrant without having had to return to jail. Now he’s facing federal charges listed in court documents as “possession of cocaine base (crack) with intent to distribute” and “carrying a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime.”

The documents relate to the same investigation that led to the state charges against Flowers (detailed in this WSB report). The federal documents also allege witness tampering – though no charge is filed on that: The narrative says that after Flowers posted bond, one of the witnesses in the case received a phone call from him, asking the witness “not to take him [Flowers] away from his kids” (the court document notes that this is a paraphrase of what was said). The court document goes on to say, “Since this call, the (witness) has received several threatening calls from unidentified subjects who have either directly or indirectly threatened his/her life.” Flowers is now in federal custody, with a detention hearing set for Tuesday. Regarding the locations involved in yesterday morning’s warrant operations – one apparently an arrest warrant, one a search warrant – the documents don’t mention the specific addresses or their significance, but earlier state court paperwork had mentioned a High Point address for Flowers. (Photo courtesy Washington Dept. of Corrections)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Smash-grab burglar to be sentenced

A once-big case we lost track of has resulted in a guilty plea, and the sentencing is set for tomorrow. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office reports that Stephen Hayes Kirk (left) – charged in the series of smash-and-grab burglaries that bedeviled local businesses last year – pleaded guilty in March to eight counts of 2nd-degree burglary and 1 count of 2nd-degree attempted burglary. We last reported on him in September, when he was charged with burglaries at Luciano’s Pizza and Delridge Uptown Espresso, added to previous charges in Burien cases, though he was suspected in others (here’s our coverage of the burglary wave last summer). His sentencing is set for tomorrow afternoon before King County Superior Court Judge Mariane Spearman (1 pm, W-965), with a sentencing range of 51 to 68 months in prison.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Reader-report roundup

Another case of a watchful neighbor thwarting crime – plus, a stolen motorcycle, a found bicycle that might have been stolen, and suspected “suspicious activity” – West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports from the WSB inbox, after the jump:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 arrest after Fauntleroy search

4:12 PM: After a few notes and calls, we checked out major police activity this past hour near the Fauntleroy ferry dock. According to police on the scene as well as scanner traffic, a possible burglary in progress was reported. However, police say, no burglary after all – but they were still trying to find the people who had been seen possibly trying to break into a house; the only description we heard was white, male, early 20s, one in a red hat, last seen possibly eastbound on SW Director (which is the street that’s just north of the Fauntleroy Creek overlook across from the dock). 4:28 PM UPDATE: There’s a new call of a possible prowler, maybe related, just a bit east/uphill. Meantime, we’ve added a photo from the earlier search. 4:50 PM UPDATE: Scanner traffic indicates a possible suspect has been detained. We’ll be checking for more information on whether that led to an arrest.

5:53 PM UPDATE: Just talked with Brian, the nearby resident whose tip appears to have led police to the suspect. Brian lives near Fauntleroy Creek and was startled to look out a window and see “this guy walking through the back yard.” After seeing the guy walk on to open the gate, Brian went out and asked the man what he was doing. The man claimed to have been lost in the woods. Brian went back in the house and called 911 to ask if they were looking for anyone in Fauntleroy; and of course, they were. He then called some neighbors to alert them – and the neighbors told him a whole bunch of police had just rolled up, and found the suspect. (Brian says he was told they were going to detain the suspect on warrants that were out for his arrest; we’re still working on getting official information.) “I was impressed,” Brian told us. “From the time I saw him walking through the back yard, it was maybe five minutes (till they arrived) – they were right on top of it. There’s no reason for anybody to be in my back yard!”

7:26 PM UPDATE: Police confirm this all started with someone reporting “2 suspicious males attempting to enter a residence in the 9100 block of Fauntleroy Way SW.” Police talked with one suspect shortly after that 3 pm report, according to Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen, who says it all wound up with one arrest. Since no actual burglary happened, that arrest was for criminal trespass plus “miscellaneous warrants” including one for escape. Capt. Paulsen adds:

The Southwest Precinct would like to thank all of the citizens who called 911 when they observed the suspicious behavior at the residence as well as calling 911 after observing one of the subjects running through yards. It was your watchful eye and knowledge of your neighborhood that helps keep West Seattle as one of the safest places to live.

A similar sentiment from Lt. Alan Williams: “Once again, the Community-Police partnership has made life difficult for criminals in our area!”

ADDED 11:30 PM: From area resident Natascha:

I wanted to respond to your story and also provide my feedback and strong support for the Seattle police department. I had left my patio door open while working in my home office. After my dogs did not stop barking for quite some time, I left my conference call to find 6 police officers surronding my house and asking if they could search the premises for the suspect who was seen in my backyard. I was very impressed with the action of the police officers and response to the calls from the neighbors. Nice to know that everyone takes prowlers seriously and want to keep our amazing neighborhood safe. Having relocated from LA this is definitely refreshing!

Accused Lincoln Park attacker Duane Starkenburg back in court

Another delay this afternoon in the case of accused Lincoln Park jogger attacker Duane Starkenburg, over the prosecution’s objections. Starkenburg was arrested January 25th and charged with indecent liberties in connection with three attacks on women jogging in the park – the one that led to his arrest, as well as 2 in August and December. He returned to court today, and contributor Katie Meyer was there for WSB. She reports that while the prosecution wanted a trial date set, Starkenburg’s lawyer wanted a delay because they have arranged for a mental-health expert to meet with him, but that evaluation might not be complete for two months. They also wanted time to prepare for a certain type of evidence they say the prosecution is planning to use; Katie looked up the code that was cited, ER 404B:

Other Crimes, Wrongs, or Acts. Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show action in conformity therewith. It may, however, be admissible for other purposes, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence of mistake or accident.

Judge Theresa Doyle granted the defense’s delay request, though the prosecution protested it, saying that Starkenburg is charged with indecent liberties against “strangers,” involving force. So the next court date is set for July 5th. Starkenburg remains free on bond, and remains under orders to stay out of all parks in King County. (Photo from today’s hearing, by Katie Meyer for WSB)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves targeting Acura Vigors?

Tonight in West Seattle Crime Watch, the saga of two Acura Vigors stolen and recovered – with certain parts missing. The first part of the story is a followup on the original theft report; the second part is a stolen-and-recovered, all in one – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Pretty strange’; seeking witnesses

Hannah acknowledges that the circumstances of her story regarding an acquaintance victimized by a thief are “pretty strange,” but she’s sharing it to ask if any witnesses are out there. Read on:Read More

Update: ‘Low bridge’ closed for detective work

9:01 AM: We’re receiving multiple reports that the “low bridge” is closed to car traffic, with police presence. We don’t yet know why but are on the way to find out. (Thanks to Bill for the original tip – he says he did get through via bicycle.)

9:23 AM UPDATE: We’re at the low bridge and can confirm, it’s closed to cars. One officer says it should reopen within the next 45 minutes or so. If you approach from the West Seattle side, you’ll be detoured onto Harbor Island. Police at the scene will only say this is “part of an ongoing investigation” – they are clearly looking for evidence of some kind; we’ll keep checking for details.

3:29 PM UPDATE: Still no additional information available, except that it was indeed the CSI team, following up on “an investigation,” and no one can say so far whether the investigation even relates to a West Seattle case. (And yes, the bridge has long since reopened.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: BB break-in; prowler; motorcycle theft

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports today – one is a break-in via an unusual method, with the victim wondering if anyone else has ever heard of it; another, a prowler scared off early today; the third, another motorcycle theft. Read on for all three:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 big police responses

5:12 PM: Thanks to the WSB’ers who sent word of a big police response in the 37th/38th/Barton vicinity this afternoon. According to Lt. Ron Smith at the Southwest Precinct, the initial report was “burglary in progress” – he adds, “Officers arrived and observed numerous items belonging to the residence on the driveway.” However, no one was inside. They’ve since reached the resident, who will be figuring out what if anything is missing, so they can update the report.

ADDED 5:48 PM: We also received multiple calls in the past hour about a large police response in the 46th/Lander vicinity. The original call was about possible gunshots; police have determined, according to Lt. Smith, that NO shots were fired. They believe the sound that people heard was a bottle hitting a window – related to a dispute at a house. Apparently a man was trying to get into a house, and a woman inside – apparently NOT a stranger to him – didn’t want to let him in. Police tried to help her but say she didn’t want to cooperate with them. The bottle-throwing had something to do with their dispute.