Crime 6660 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Catalytic-converter victim gets help

First of two followups to the report two weeks ago of an “active” suspect arrested for car prowling: We learned that the “active” suspect is 28-year-old Joel Lund, arrested for allegedly cutting and stealing the catalytic converter from a Junction-area vehicle described in court documents as belonging to someone “elderly.” While Lund was out of jail within a day and a half of that February 13th arrest, he was arrested again just a day later, and remains in jail today (bail set at $20,000), charged with malicious mischief in that incident, under investigation for others. We’ve been working on a longer story about the case, but in the short run, we just learned from Southwest Precinct Lt. Pierre Davis that the victim in the February 13th case got some extra help – here’s how Lt. Davis told the story:

The victim in this case was a 78 year old resident of West Seattle who depends on her vehicle as she is still completely self-sufficient. However, the damage done to her vehicle disabled her sole mode of transportation. Our West Seattle Community Police Team officers located an automotive repair shop, The Muffler Shoppe, located at 10009 16th Ave SW. that upon learning of the circumstances, volunteered to do the necessary repairs at cost. Obviously we were excited only because we knew that we could get our victim her vehicle back without her incurring significant costs. And then the scenario got better. Upon our West Seattle Citizens learning of this issue, (they) volunteered to pay for the entire cost of repair to our victim’s vehicle and get her back on the road. Although your West Seattle officers apprehended our criminal, our WS citizens really put the icing on the cake!! Way to go West Seattle!!!!

P.S. On a related note, Lt. Davis also wanted to get the word out about a special one-day Citizens’ Police Academy – a mega-condensed version of training that is usually spread out over 2-plus months. It’s set for 9 am-5:30 pm on April 9th, location TBA. It’s not listed on the CPA’s official webpage yet – but that page DOES have contact info for the program, if you’d like to call or e-mail ASAP to sign up!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen vehicle; vandalism encore

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share this morning – auto theft and car vandalism, again. Both after the jump:Read More

WS Crime Watch: 41st/Edmunds drug suspect charged, sought

(February 8th photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
Ever since the police operation at 41st/Edmunds three weeks ago, we’ve been watching for charges to be filed against the man arrested that night, 40-year-old James Monroe Flowers, Jr. (At right is a photo of him that we obtained from the state Department of Corrections.) Those charges finally have been filed, and there’s a $100,000 warrant out for his arrest – he was out of jail within 24 hours of the bust. Prosecutors have filed two drug charges and one count of unlawful firearms possession. The first drug charge alleges that he “delivered [crack] cocaine” and the second alleges that he possessed cocaine with intent to manufacture or deliver it. The charging documents list a criminal history going back to 1990 and say he is a member of a known “street gang,” while also revealing more about what led up to the arrest and charges – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Auto theft; car damage

2 quick West Seattle Crime Watch reports this afternoon from Gatewood and Arbor Heights. First, from Justine:

We switched cars with our business partner last Friday night and thought they were driving our car to the airport, it turns out they took a cab and left our car on the street in front of their house at approximately 39th and Southern [map]. When we went back to pick it up tonight, it was gone, and it had not been towed. We’d love it if you could let the neighborhood know, and if anyone spots a black Nissan Maxima with black leather interior, license number 469 UNP, please let the police know.

From an Arbor Heights resident:

A neighbor just came to my door to report that several vehicles on the block of 35th Ave. SW south of SW 102nd St. [map] were car prowled last night. The rear windows were either shot or punched out with a tool, according to police. Unclear if anything was taken, or if this was vandalism.

P.S. As we finished editing this update, we heard the police-radio dispatch for the aforementioned stolen Maxima, which reminds us that Seattle Police continue to keep a list of stolen cars via the Twitter account they launched earlier this winter, @getyourcarback – it’s featured on our Crime Watch page, if you’re not a Twitter member and ever want to check the list.

SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: If you haven’t checked out the comment discussion – Justine found her car, thanks to Gary.

West Seattle Crime Watch: About this morning’s Fauntleroy search

Via Facebook, Tracey wondered early this morning about what appeared to be an extensive police search in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne area (45th/Wildwood). We’ve been pursuing information ever since, and just received a reply from Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Rasmussen:

Our officers were out in the area looking for car prowlers. They found one in this area who was in the process of breaking in to a car. The bad guy ran and other officers moved in to contain the area. Canine officers responded, tracked the suspect and we were able to arrest him. The stolen property was recovered as well. This was great proactive work on the part of our officers to help bring down crime in West Seattle and give the bad guys credit for all their hard work.

Southwest Precinct leadership has said time and again that car prowling is the toughest crime trend to get under control. P.S. Look for a followup later this weekend on a separate case – the status of the still-in-jail “active” car-prowl suspect whose arrest they recently announced.

The WSBeat: Close call; towel-wearer runs; unlawful soccer kicks

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

From reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers:

*Around 3 p.m. Saturday at 16th and Holden, an officer recognized a man driving by as a habitual offender who was wanted on a $5,000 warrant. When he spotted the officer, the man stopped his car and threw the keys between the seats (ostensibly giving reason that he should be rooting around near the floorboards). After hesitating, he finally complied with officers’ order to exit the vehicle and show his hands. After he was taken into custody, one of the officers found a .45-caliber Colt with a magazine holding six cartridges. Its location? On the driver’s side floorboard, in easy reach. The 21-year-old, a convicted felon, is forbidden by law from possessing a firearm. He was booked into King County Jail on the warrant and for investigation of weapons violations.

*The non-member was caught on video sneaking into a local fitness club Friday morning of last week around 7:30. While he was in the shower, employees locked up the locker where he had stashed his clothes. The man didn’t wait around for police (possibly because of the crack cocaine later found in his pocket): When he discovered he couldn’t access his duds, he ran out of the building and down a wooded trail wearing only a towel.

9 more summaries after the jump:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 break-ins

February 25, 2011 11:56 pm
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A truck break-in that brought an unpleasant “welcome” to a new West Seattleite is one of two break-ins that are among the newest West Seattle Crime Watch reports we’ve received. Details after the jump:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Open letter,’ stolen car, 2 more reports

The latest West Seattle Crime Watch reports from the WSB inbox include an “open letter” from a theft victim to the thieves, whom she believes were at an unauthorized party at her house, asking that two items with keepsake value be returned; plus, a stolen car to watch for, and more:Read More

West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network gets the 411 on 911

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

A lesson in how to call 911 – what to say, what not to say, when to call, when not to call – comprised the heart of Tuesday night’s West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meeting at the Southwest Precinct.

Teaching the lesson, Kayreen Lum, a King County 911 program manager. We’ve heard this lesson before, from different presenters, before different groups, but every time there is something new to learn:Read More

Charges in West Seattle murder of entertainer Hokum W. Jeebs

(2/16/2011 photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has announced it has charged 19-year-old Angelo Felice with first-degree murder in last Wednesday’s stabbing death of the 60-year-old Fauntleroy entertainer best known as Professor Hokum W. Jeebs (birth name Robert Stabile). He is scheduled to return to court March 8th to answer the charge. (Update: His bail has been raised to $1 million.) The charging documents allege that Felice killed Jeebs “while committing and attempting to commit the crime of robbery.” They also say that blood found on Felice’s shirt and on a knife found on the back deck of the house matched Jeebs’s DNA. The story of how the two were acquainted with each other, and what allegedly preceded the murder, is a complicated one – we will transcribe the court documents, minus names that aren’t those of the suspect and victim.

4:14 PM UPDATE: We’re transcribing the documents and updating every paragraph or so, after the jump.

5:03 PM. Transcription is finished. (Be forewarned that the narrative is graphic in spots.):Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Road-rage witness request, and more

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share this morning – including a call for witnesses to a reported case of “road rage” – read on:Read More

Your next chance to learn the do’s and don’ts of calling 911

If you see or suspect anything suspicious, call 911. You’ve heard that from local police leaders time and time again. Yet there’s still confusion about when to call, or even concern if it sounds like the 911 dispatcher isn’t taking you seriously. So here’s another chance to hear from the experts – and ask your questions – at Tuesday night’s West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meeting (note, EVERYONE is welcome):

When should I call 9-1-1? What should I say? Can I text 9-1-1? What do I do if they don’t take me seriously? What happens after I hang up? Should I call even if I think someone else has already called?

The February meeting of the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network will focus on the 9-1-1 system. Our guest speaker will be Kayreen Lum from King County 9-1-1. She will cover 9-1-1 basics, how to use it effectively, explain how the information is processed through the system and discuss future technologies. Our own CPT Officer, Jonathan Kiehn, will also be there to add his perspective and field questions about what the police do with information from a 9-1-1 call.

We invite everyone throughout the SW Precinct (even if you aren’t a Blockwatch Captain) to attend and improve your skills!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 6:30-8 PM
SW Police Precinct, 2300 SW Webster Street (at Delridge, next to Home Depot)

Find out more about WSBWCN at its website and/or on Facebook.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Mystery find; vandalism; stolen bike

Recognize any of that? It turned up night before last on Cheryl’s parking strip – left there while she was away for just a few hours. It appears to be the interior of a Honda. That’s one of three West Seattle Crime Watch reports out of the WSB inbox … this next one is from Howard:

Just wanted to let you guys know that sometime (Friday) night, our Nissan Xterra’s back window was smashed. It looks like it was a random act of vandalism because nothing was stolen, they didn’t even to attempt to open up any doors. The car was parked on the street in front of my house at 29th Ave SW and Cloverdale.

And from Adam via Twitter:

Bike theft, Hanford between 44th/45th this afternoon. Left my garage door open; when I came home around 6, my white Raleigh road bike was gone. … white Raleigh Record Ace with black custom fenders, head- and taillight.

Side note: Do you have a Block Watch? One last time before Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow retires, he’s leading a blockwatch-captain training event that’s being organized by the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network. It’ll be on March 7; full details here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 car stolen, 1 car found

First, the latest stolen-car report we’ve received – from Andy:

Last night between 10 pm and 1 am some hoodlums stole my black 1997 Nissan Maxima from the street in front of our house, which is located on the 5200 block of 45th Avenue SW. Most importantly, my golf clubs are in the trunk. Police report was filed… just sharin’ the love. License number 192 ZGB, if anyone spots the vehicle please report to police. Black Maxima, my kids like to write letters in the dirt on the doors, so that’s another identifying characteristic, golf clubs are Nike Procombos :(

Here’s the SPD tweet on that. Second, an update from Tina, whose family car was stolen for the second time in a year in the Genesee area, just as she and her cancer-patient husband were about to head out of state with it – she says it was found in South Park: “For the second time, they stole the car, stripped the brake light modulator, then dumped the car. We’re still waiting to hear about the trailer and our belongings. The crooks also stole a family heirloom that was very important to my recently deceased mother.”

The WSBeat: Carjacking, not; scam alert; suspect followup

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

From reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers:

*Early Monday, passersby reported an abandoned vehicle in the westbound lanes of the West Seattle Bridge. Both front airbags were deployed and the car had severe front end damage. About 15 minutes later, a Delridge man called 911 from home to say he had been carjacked downtown “by a Hispanic male.” An officer was dispatched and noticed that the “victim’s” injuries were consistent with those suffered by someone in an accident with activated airbags. The officer’s suspicions were confirmed when the man’s girlfriend (who had similar injuries) spilled the beans. The man was arrested (but taken to Harborview for treatment) for investigation of false reporting, hit and run, and negligent driving in the first degree.

*Scammers continue to call elderly people, plying them for personal and financial information under the guise that the victim is a money winner who has been “blessed by God.” Officers recommend that you never give out personal details and simply tell the caller that police will be notified. A savvy Arbor Heights woman received such a call this week and knew right away that it was a scam. The potential haul for the “lucky woman”? Nine and a half million dollars, two Mercedes Benz, and — if she were *extra* lucky — a Chrysler.

7 more summaries ahead:Read More

Update: $500K bail for West Seattle murder suspect; new details

2:47 PM: We’re at the King County Jail, where a jailhouse-courtroom judge has just ordered bail set at $500,000 for the 19-year-old who is suspected in the murder of 60-year-old entertainer Hokum W. Jeebs (aka Robert Stabile) at his Fauntleroy home early yesterday. The suspect’s lawyer waived his client’s presence, which is their prerogative this early in the case. The prosecution asked for $1 million bail, saying the suspect had just moved here from New York four weeks ago and had a criminal history (as we reported earlier – assault and burglary cases back east) and would be a danger to the community. She also said he may have mental-health issues. The judge ordered half that sum. We are not using the suspect’s name at this point as he has not been charged; the deadline for charges is tomorrow afternoon. More to come.

4:22 PM UPDATE: The probable-cause documents are just in. They indicate the suspect IS the man seen climbing out of a nearby ravine as reported by a WSB commenter hours after the murder. Transcription ahead:Read More

Fauntleroy stabbing victim officially identified as entertainer Hokum W. Jeebs

We just spoke again to the King County Medical Examiner’s Office, which finished its notifications this morning and is confirming that the man stabbed to death in his Fauntleroy home as 60-year-old Robert Stabile, much better known as the entertainer in the video clip above – Professor Hokum W. Jeebs.

He once told a Seattle Times interviewer (for this 2002 story) he only used his real name on his income-tax forms. As Hokum Jeebs, he co-founded West Seattle’s iconic Kenyon Hall in 1993, as Hokum Hall. It gained a reputation as a quirky vaudeville palace; you can read a bit of background here, if you weren’t around back then.

He had a 30-plus-year career of performing vaudeville, with comedy and keyboards, around the world. (There’s more biographical information here.)

As reported last night, police have arrested a suspect, who is expected in court for a bail hearing at 2:30 pm today. (Research indicates he has a juvenile record out of state including assault and burglary charges.) At and after that court appearance, more information will be released about what police believe to be the circumstances of the case. The Medical Examiner’s Office has the cause of death officially listed as “multiple stab wounds.” We have no information yet about a memorial but will report it if and when we do.

BULLETIN: Suspect arrested in Fauntleroy killing

5:27 PM: A suspect was booked into King County Jail this afternoon for investigation of homicide – and Southwest Precinct commander Captain Steve Paulsen confirms it’s a suspect in the Fauntleroy murder early this morning (here’s our previous coverage). He will not comment on whether it’s the person that WSB commenters mentioned seeing in the area, but he does say – as he has said in connection with other recent arrests – thanks to watchful residents for reporting suspicious circumstances and sightings. More to come; we’re researching the background of the person who’s been booked into jail.

6:16 PM UPDATE: The suspect is 19 years old, according to (WSB partner). There is no one in Washington state/county/city criminal records with the name that’s listed on the jail roster (also, to answer another question that’s been asked, the suspect’s surname is not the same as that of anyone listed in public records as living in the household where the stabbing happened). We should have a lot more information through the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office after an anticipated bail hearing tomorrow. Meantime, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office has not yet announced the victim’s identity, and we won’t publish an ID, either in a news story or comments, until it has been made public either by authorities or by the victim’s family.

6:48 PM UPDATE: SPD Blotter also has just noted the arrest, but no additional information.

Update: Police looking for killer after stabbing in Fauntleroy

(This story will stay atop the home page TFN – please scroll beneath it for other, newer stories. Latest update, 5:24 pm, working to find out whether a suspect booked into jail for investigation of homicde is linked to this case)

(Police car in Endolyne business district, as part of search/containment following nearby stabbing)
12:20 AM: Police are on the way – and you may hear a helicopter soon too – to a reported stabbing in the 9300 block of 44th SW (map).

12:28 AM UPDATE: We have a crew on the way. What we’ve heard from scanner so far: Victim is a man about 60 years old. Multiple stab wounds, CPR under way.

(Photos and video added from here, all by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
12:57 AM UPDATE: Search continues, with K-9, but no suspect found so far. WSB’s Christopher Boffoli is there; he’s been told the victim is believed to be around 65. Scanner indicates no suspect description available so far but the suspect “may be injured.” (If you think you see or hear anything or anyone suspicious anywhere near there, call 911 immediately.)

1:16 AM UPDATE: cites Seattle Fire sources as saying the victim has died. We can tell you that the aid unit in which he was getting CPR never left for the hospital – then, a few minutes ago, left without lights/sirens.

1:35 AM UPDATE: Media have been allowed to leave their vehicles. A briefing is expected shortly. We’ll have details as soon as they’re available.

(iPhone video added – briefing, unedited)
2:02 AM UPDATE: Here’s what Christopher says the media was told: SPD Captain Greg Schmidt briefed reporters, confirming that the victim, in his early 60s, is dead. The 911 call came from the victim’s wife, who was in another room of the house and heard her husband talking with someone, then arguing; when she went out, she found her husband stabbed, apparently in the chest, though SPD cannot confirm number of wounds. The man could not give police any information about the attacker; the wife didn’t see him and didn’t recognize the voice, but it’s believed he was “known” to the victim. This is West Seattle’s first homicide in almost five months; the previous ones were on two successive days, September 22nd and 23rd of last year – first the man killed in Roxhill Park, then the quadruple murder-suicide shootings in southeastern West Seattle.

5:31 AM UPDATE: Still no arrest reported.

8:35 AM UPDATE: Same status; police have posted a short item on SPD Blotter, without new details, except that it mentions a single stab wound to the chest, and asks that anyone with information on the case contact them. Photos added above and below – crime tape across the front of the property, and unmarked (except for the letters/numbers in the back window) Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) vans on the street.

12:23 PM UPDATE: We’ve just checked with the King County Medical Examiner’s Office, and they have NOT yet released the victim’s identity. If they DO confirm it – which doesn’t appear to have happened yet, according to the person with whom we spoke – and finish required notifications, the public announcement would likely be late this afternoon.

1:32 PM UPDATE: Just talked to Det. Mark Jamieson from the SPD Media Unit to ask if anyone’s been arrested or is being questioned. “Nobody in custody,” he replies, and no other news to report as “very active” investigation continues.

5:23 PM UPDATE: The King County Jail Register lists a suspect as having been booked into jail this afternoon just before 3 pm for investigation of homicide. We are working to confirm whether this is indeed a suspect in the Fauntleroy case.

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Property crimes down 39%

(SPD’s Lt. Pierre Davis (left) and Lt. Darin Chinn talk with community members at the SW Precinct)

Story and photos by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

West Seattle residents and Block Watch leaders gathered Tuesday night at Southwest Precinct for the monthly meeting of the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, to hear positive news about recent crime trends – but also to hear a presentation that served as a sobering reminder of ongoing drug problems facing communities as a whole.

SW Precinct Lt. Pierre Davis (pictured above, at left) reported that in the past month, there has been a “39% decrease in property crimes” in West Seattle, following a “spike in activity” in January in which burglaries and car prowls were more frequent.  

Lt. Davis said that SPD “mobilized more patrols” in response to that spike, and worked closely with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and community members to identify troublesome individuals and “basically take them off the streets.”  He cited yesterday’s arrest of an “active car prowl suspect” as a major success story in these ongoing efforts, which include a crackdown on catalytic converter thefts from parked cars.  

A major goal, Lt. Davis said, is to build strong cases against the repeat offenders to keep them behind bars longer – more like “25-50 months” versus much shorter sentences. 

Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Active’ car-prowl suspect arrested

In recent reports on crime trends and crime-prevention meetings, we’ve heard it from local police leadership again and again – car prowls (break-ins and attempts) are the crime category that continues to be hard to get under control. But Southwest Precinct Lt. Pierre Davis says there’s good news this afternoon: SWP officers “arrested one of our more active car prowl suspects in West Seattle. (At about) 12:33 PM, the suspect and others were in the area of Erskine Wy SW & SW Hudson street engaging in suspicious activity. Our officers, who responded to the initial call, located the suspects with goods in hand and made the arrest.” (We’re still following up to find out more about the “active” suspect and whether they were booked into jail, and will add that when we find out.)

West Seattle cancer patient’s car stolen for the 2nd time in 1 year

A Genesee-area cancer patient’s family, hit by a car theft last Mother’s Day (here’s the WSB story from last year), says it’s happened again – this time early Valentine’s Day – and this time, the car had a packed trailer attached, so they are missing a lot more than just a vehicle. It’s a gray 1991 Subaru Legacy Wagon, with DP plates, 02112, and a 4×8 utility trailer with Arizona plates. (Police have already sent it out on their Twitter feed for stolen-vehicle reports – here’s the tweet.) Their firsthand story after the jump:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Latest reports from the inbox

Collected from the inbox in recent days, seven West Seattle Crime Watch reports – two with photos of loot to be on the lookout for (one of those photos is related to a burglary already reported here). It’s all after the jump:Read More