Crime 6660 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: New online-reporting system

Even more online-services news today from the city: Seattle Police now have an online-reporting system for certain “low-level” crime categories. Read about it here. SPD cautions that this is just for certain “low-level” crimes – it doesn’t replace calling 911 for something urgent. Here’s the home page for the new service. (We have also linked this atop the WSB Crime Watch page, in case you need to find it fast.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: VW ‘getaway’ camper, & tagged poles

Two items to share in West Seattle Crime Watch: First – remember Sharon, who shared the story two weeks ago about a burglary near Lincoln Park with loot including the family van? Tonight, a followup:

Our VW Eurovan is home, much the worse for the wear. (was stolen from our home at the end of SW Othello St 6-30-10). The Kent Police recovered it 7-13-10. Seems the van was in use for criminal activity. They found an acetylene torch, bolt cutters, tool box, etc in the van. Can you imagine a VW camper as a getaway vehicle!!? We think they were depending on the “nerd factor”. We haven’t recovered any of the other items stolen from the house. Service station video (in Tukwila) of someone using my debit card helped nail the thieves. So looks as if the thieves were not from West Seattle.

And from Keith:

I thought I’d send in a message to let you know that 3 telephone poles in our alley on 47th were tagged the other night. Not sure how many alleys or homes were hit. We are on 47th near Andover/Charlestown.

Two weeks from tonight, it’s Night Out – the neighborhood-building, crime-preventing block-party night – if you let us know – thanks!

West Seattle Crime Watch: What the big Delridge response was for

If you saw the sizable police response at Delridge/Brandon Monday night – several people e-mailed us about it – here’s what it was about, according to Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Smith: One suspect was arrested after officers answered a disturbance call just after 8 pm, involving that suspect and a neighbor’s guest. During the disturbance, Lt. Smith says, “a knife was displayed, and the suspect began chasing the complainant’s cousin with a knife.” The suspect was eventually arrested for assault with a weapon; the knife had been thrown in the bushes just before officers arrived. Then police were called back to the scene just before 10 pm – the original complainant called to ask for help because, Lt. Smith said, “males associated with the suspect were hanging around and complainant was still having issues with them. Due to the nature of the original call, multiple units responded to ensure a peaceful resolution.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglar(s) hit Zebra, Freshy’s

ORIGINAL 11:58 AM REPORT: This morning, we got an e-mail tip from Mike Heavey about a broken window at Zebra Print and Copy (35th and Fauntleroy) – police were just arriving as we got there, so while we were able to get photos, we were waiting to hear from them regarding what happened. But in the meantime, we have just heard from the business – Idris Noor at Zebra says it’s the second time they’ve been victimized this month:

I just wanted to let you guys know that our store Zebra Print and has been burglarized for the 2nd time this month. The first incident occurred on July 2, and the second one last night.

The first time they attempted to break in through the back door. They tried to pry the door open but were unsuccessful . They ended (up) smashing the front door and leaving.

Today’s break in was caused by a brick being thrown at the window and smashing it while also destroying our neon sign. They seemed to have walked around and looked for stuff but nothing seems to be missing except strangely our candy vending machines. Yes, candy vending machines!

A local ADT employee seems to be the first person to have noticed it this morning and called the police immediately. He also stated that there was another coffee shop in West Seattle that was broken into with their register taken.

We are really starting to worry about the safety of our store and also of our employees. I would like to ask everyone to stay vigilant at night and if anyone might have seen anything last night today or early in the morning going past our store to contact us or the police to let us know what they saw

We aren’t sure if the “coffee shop” case is actually the smash-grab at The Swinery that we reported last Friday; we’re checking with police on that too.

12:01 PM UPDATE: Right after publishing this, we got a reply to that, from Lt. Norm James, who confirms the coffee-shop mention – he says a window was broken at Freshy’s Coffee, triggering its alarm. (added) Layne confirms this in the comment section – saying the stolen register was recovered nearby.

Alki Community Council highlights: Offleash dogs; beach parking

From Thursday night’s Alki Community Council meeting: At left, that’s animal-control officer Brandi Homeier from Seattle Animal Shelter, invited to discuss concerns about offleash dogs on the beach. Instead of a prepared presentation, she opted for Q&A. Homeier reminded those in attendance that dogs aren’t supposed to be on Alki Beach, whether on or off leashes. Offenders, she said, are cited immediately – no “first warning.” So what if you see a dog on the beach? she was asked. Answer: Don’t confront the owner – call the SAS. Or even 911 in an emergency if you can’t reach SAS; animal-control officers respond to all calls, she said, but emergencies take priority – such as injured animals, or reports of dogs left in hot cars. And, she explained, there are relatively few officers available citywide – 7 days a week, somebody’s on duty, but there’s a lot of territory to cover. Also at Thursday’s meeting, the ACC got a crime update from Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James – read on for his toplines:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Swinery smash-grab theft

Thanks to Brenda and to John Moore of Northwest Insurance Group (WSB sponsor) for sending in the tip after seeing the broken glass – Someone smashed The Swinery‘s front window overnight and made off with its cash register. We talked to The Swinery’s Garrett Doherty, who said there appeared to be a scattered trail of small change leading southbound. We’ve also checked with Southwest Precinct Lt. Norm James, who says the thief/thieves didn’t actually go into the shop – they managed to grab the register through the broken window. Though sometimes commercial burglaries come in waves, he says there hasn’t been an unusual number lately. (Last night he told the Alki Community Council that crime overall has been quieter in West Seattle lately; our report on the ACC meeting’s coming up later.) No arrest in this, yet.

West Seattle Crime Watch: That midday search, and more

After several notes scattered over the course of the afternoon/evening, we finally have information on the big police presence that several people noticed in Highland Park and south White Center at midday today: Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Smith tells us tonight that it started with a report of a “domestic-violence disturbance” in the parking lot of Walgreens at 15th/16th/Roxbury. The suspect, a man in his late 20s, ran; he eventually was found hiding in bushes two blocks away, but matters were complicated by the fact the victim was uncooperative, says Lt. Smith, and tried to keep officers from finding the suspect. Once he was found, he was booked into King County Jail in connection with an outstanding warrant. Also tonight, two reader reports – a stolen car, and a car prowl – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Catalytic-converter thieves at it again

If you see somebody under a car/truck – that might not be roadside repairs – read A’s report, after the jump:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: The latest reader reports

While we’re devoting much of the day to West Seattle Summer Fest coverage, the other news will go on. We’ll keep this story ongoing for any non-breaking Crime Watch reports that need to be added during the day. First one comes from Mary in Seaview, who sent the photo at left, explaining, “I just want to report that our car was vandalized, probably last night. We saw some orange paint that had been sprayed on a white fence on 49th last night as we walked home from Morgan Junction, then discovered that our car and a neighbor’s car had also been sprayed with a line of orange paint. I did report it to police.” Morgan Junction also is the location of another report from an incident Wednesday night – read on (also added, possible casing on Puget Ridge):Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch update: ‘Bones’ is back

This was first noted in a comment at 3:45 this morning, and we just got confirmation from the theft victims – Someone returned “Bones,” the drummer in a popular Delridge driveway-side art installation, overnight, five days after he was stolen (as originally reported in the WSB Forums). The theft victims’ note was addressed to us but we believe it’s meant for all of WSB-land:

We just wanted to thank you one last time and let you know that to our immense delight Bones was returned last night. He’ll be going back into surgery (we’re beginning to worry he may have an addiction) and was missing his shoes, but otherwise we’re hopeful he’ll return to his drum kit soon. Thanks again for helping to restore our faith in the world!

If you, like us, hadn’t seen the band when they were all “together,” go here to see a photo shared by Brian Zenk.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Metal thieves/’scavengers’ again?

From KV:

After reading through the blog it seems like these might be the same people that struck other neighborhoods. I live in the Gatewood neighborhood between Holden and Kenyon. Older model loud blue pickup with two men stopped pickup in alley, one African American male and one Caucasian male, got out and walked into neighbor carport. The whole back of the pickup was full of large metal items and they looked through the neighbors whole carport and stole fencing and other pieces of miscellaneous metal. The pair was stopped by another neighbor further down the block when they were found in the backyard looking around another neighbor’s yard. They said they were looking for scrap metal, but were going to ask permission before they took anything. This time, one of the people was actually around the front and side of the house and it is unclear what they were doing.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Drumming up support to find ‘Bones’

That’s a photo of “Bones” – a North Delridge neighborhood fixture before somebody “kidnapped” him from his driveway-side “stage” a few days ago, according to a creative, plaintive post published to the WSB Forums. In a subsequent e-mail conversation, his owners told us:

On July 2 someone stole (“Bones”) just after we’d spent a great deal of time and money repairing him from weather damage, and we’d really like to have him returned since he has great sentimental value as well as being a significant time and financial investment.

They don’t want to make their contact info public at this point – they just hope that publicizing the theft will inspire someone who knows something to find a way to get “Bones” back to his rightful place as part of their garden-art display.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary loot includes van

(updated) Four West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share – starting with a burglary that included a van theft, and a request that you be on the lookout for the van. Read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Night Out’ exactly one month away

(2009 WSB photo from Night Out party in Fauntleroy)
Signed up for a “Night Out” crime-preventing/neighborhood-strengthening party on your block yet? This year’s event is coming up August 3rd. And Seattle Police have changed a few things this time around, as noted here. For one – there’s a quicker way to sign up online – you can do it right here, right now. For two – they’ve set up a Seattle Night Out Facebook page (you can “like” it here). If your neighborhood does decide to have a Night Out block party, and you wouldn’t mind us stopping by for a photo, please let us know – SPD generally doesn’t share lists/maps of registered parties, so we’ve made this request to you the past two years, and have met some great folks as a result.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Highland Park beating case status

With more than a month passing since the beating of a teenager in Highland Park came to light in startling TV-news stories, with claims of a racist motive, and no news of any arrests, people have continued to ask about the case’s status – we got another note just this morning. We’ve been checking with police periodically, and just talked again with Det. Mark Jamieson in the Seattle Police media unit. The short answer: It’s still an “active and ongoing investigation.” Longer answer: The DNA evidence is still being processed; the case files, Det. Jamieson told us, show that the detective who’s handling it has received an update that the lab is working on the analysis this week. He also says that the victim and his “custodial parent” – not the one who’s done media interviews along the way – have been getting updates from police, as is their primary responsibility as the investigation proceeds. Det. Jamieson says SPD understands community frustration and fears that there are dangerous people on the loose who might attack someone else, but all they can say for the record is that it’s “an ongoing investigation until it’s resolved.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Man in yard; thieves on video

Two reader alerts to share this morning; both came in last night: One, a man who turned up in a family’s yard; the other, two men caught on a surveillance camera stealing metal including a wheelbarrow:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Grungy car? Thieves don’t care

In the latest West Seattle Crime Watch roundup – an e-mailed warning from a WSB’er that car prowlers will break into “even the most dirty old beat-up car” – plus, from the police files, the baseboard burglary, the overgrowth pathway, and the bike burglar caught on tape, among other cases – all ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 4 cases from the inbox

In West Seattle Crime Watch this morning, a few new reports from the inbox – for starters, first catalytic-converter theft we’ve heard about in a while. The victim says it was cut off their 2000 Toyota 4Runner on Avalon Way yesterday in the Luna Park business district “in broad daylight” and is upset that no one apparently called police while it was happening. Next, a car prowl, a burglary, and a bike theft (latter one added at 11:40 am) – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Pizza burglary attempt; metal-theft try

From the WSB inbox, two West Seattle Crime Watch reports from incidents apparently thwarted today along separate sections of 35th SW – first, a burglary attempt at Red Star Pizza; second, a metal theft attempt – read on for both:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: School lockdown over; 1 arrest

We’re piecing together an incident that led to a brief lockdown at Madison Middle School within the past hour – the Madison office confirms that it’s over now and only lasted 15 minutes or so. They say West Seattle High School may also have been in lockdown. What happened, according to Det. Mark Jamieson at the Seattle Police unit, is still being sorted out, but he says a call about 12:38 pm reported “a young male with an ax or hatchet near a bus stop” in the area. No injuries reported but a “juvenile male” was taken into custody at 48th/Spokane. That’s all we know so far. Will add to this if/when we learn anything else. (Thanks to those who called and tweeted with the lockdown news.)

Verdict in Delridge mother-and-son shooting: Guilty

gavel.jpgA week ago, we mentioned the start of the trial for 36-year-old DeVaughn Dorsey, charged with federal crimes including witness tampering for shooting a mother and her 10-year-old son in their Delridge residence two years ago. The verdict’s in – guilty. Here’s the story from our partners at the Seattle Times; here’s the official federal news release, which mentions Dorsey faces 23 years in prison, 10 years for this, and 13 years for charges to which he pleaded guilty before the trial. The Times story quotes a lead investigator as saying that Dorsey is a career criminal with almost 100 arrests on his record.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Report roundup, early Thursday edition

The new Seattle Police some-reports-available-online system currently has reports that are as new as just two nights ago. So in this roundup, we have seven burglaries, one attempted robbery, and we also have the report from last week’s incident in which shots were fired in Westwood just before officers found a beaten-up victim – read on for all of the above:Read More

Why a police officer might turn up at your door, with questions

In the Seattle Police Southwest and North Precincts, a “pilot program” is under way to talk one-on-one with residents about crime and safety issues in their neighborhoods – by sending police officers door-to-door with a survey of sorts. We learned about this from a West Seattleite who messaged us about it via Facebook after an officer showed up at her door to ask some questions. Our request to precinct staff for more information drew a callback from Capt. Joe Kessler, who explained:Read More