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Update: Charges confirmed, unsealed in Steve Bushaw murder

Just received documents from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office with the charges against the four suspects who, as we first reported early this morning, have been arrested in connection with the February 1 shooting death of Steve Bushaw in The Junction. The suspects named in the documents are the same three who we found on the King County Jail Register early today – 27-year-old Bryce Huber, 30-year-old Brandon Chaney, 28-year-old Danny O’Neal Jr. – and the man arrested in San Antonio, TX, 32-year-old John Sylve. More as we read the documents. 4:43 PM: The documents tell a long and complicated story which as we boil it down appears to explain why so much time elapsed between the murder and the arrests – it appears to have been an extremely complex investigation, involving a lot of cell-phone trails in the evidence – read on for more as we add it:Read More

Update: Helicopter search in White Center/South Delridge

December 2, 2009 4:15 pm
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helicopterwatch.pngKing County Sheriff’s Office says this is what it’s about: A bail bondsman was trying to arrest someone – which they have the authority to do, per Sgt. John Urquhart – and the would-be arrestee ran off. Now KCSO is involved. So that’s what we know about the search for now; thanks to everyone who’s sent tips/questions. 4:23 PM UPDATE: The helicopter seems to have left the original search area, which we have confirmed on scene is 16th/102nd, on the south side of the main White Center business district.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arrests in Steve Bushaw murder

(2/1/09 photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
We have been working most of the night to try to confirm a thirdhand report we received of arrests in the murder 10 months ago of Steven Bushawshot to death in The Junction hours after the Super Bowl. Police have not been available for comment and the court-records system is shut down for the night, but we did find three people listed on the King County Jail Register who were booked today on suspicion of first-degree murder – and one of our messages seeking comment from family members has just been answered: Steve’s sister Tanya Bushaw confirms that they have been told of three arrests, possibly four. This might be the fourth: We just found an out-of-town news story confirming one person under arrest in Texas (with a name different from the 3 in KCJ) and a mention of three others “sought”: This story from San Antonio names a man arrested there in connection with the Bushaw murder (the victim is not mentioned by name in the story but it describes the case as a Feb. 1 murder in West Seattle). We hope to be able to talk with police and prosecutors later this morning and will publish whatever additional information becomes available. (Photo above right was provided last winter by the Bushaw family, showing Steve with niece Ava in summer 2008.) 9:18 AM UPDATE: We just spoke with Det. Mark Jamieson in the SPD Media Unit. They are not yet ready this morning to release details of the case/arrests, he told me, but hope to later today – it’s still, he notes, “an active and ongoing investigation.” We’ve also checked the online court files but nothing on this is in the system yet – we have an inquiry in to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, asking for any documents that can be made public at this point. 3:19 PM: PAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe says, “The court documents are under seal because of ongoing investigation.” But he says “some more information” should be available later.

Update: Police-murder suspect Maurice Clemmons shot dead

ORIGINAL 3:02 AM REPORT: Nothing is confirmed – it’s all scanner traffic [assault with weapons call] – but there are multiple indications this is related to the search for Maurice Clemmons, the suspect in the Pierce County police murders: Someone’s been shot in the 4400 block of South Kenyon, south of Beacon Hill, and there’s a huge police response. We’ll add details as we get them; the citywide media is just revving up on this too. (Thanks to the unidentified person who phoned and suggested we turn the scanner back on!) 3:19 AM UPDATE: Mark Rahner from the Seattle Times (WSB partner) reports on Twitter: “Law enforcement source confirms suspect arrested on 4400 block of S. Kenyon was Maurice Clemmons.” Next tweet: “Clemmons said to have challenged police who approached him and was shot.” 3:23 AM: Seattle Police’s media unit just tweeted: “Possible officer involved shooting in the 4400 block of S Kenyon” and noted that they have two people on the way there. 3:50 AM: KIRO and KOMO have both reported — on Twitter, and KIRO did a brief on-TV break-in — that Clemmons is dead, quoting law-enforcement sources including Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. (Added, KING has just confirmed it too.) 3:57 AM: The Tacoma News-Tribune has background on what he was doing in the area where he was killed. 4:14 AM: The citywide media is in full swing now so we’ll point you there for continuing coverage – in particular; for the latest via Twitter, here’s everybody posting with the #washooting “hashtag” for related coverage.

5:38 AM UPDATE: Since we’re still up because of the Fauntleroy Way fire – a few more notes about this incident. Police are briefing the media now. Among other things, they say that a gun found on Maurice Clemmons when he was shot and killed this morning was taken from one of the Lakewood officers killed Sunday. 1:30 PM: Here’s the SPDBlotter summary of how it unfolded this morning.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Success story, plus two alerts

Three reports to share this time – first one’s a case of watchful neighbors getting a suspect off the street:

Fairmount Springs coalition of Block Watchers (about a hundred on our list) had a success story last week by reporting a local known problem person who had no reason to be in the neighborhood. The ever-vigilant block watch captain on 41st confronted (the man), who had a very dumb reason to be in the neighborhood (Thanksgiving at a vacant house) and reported him to the police. Thanks to SPD, they showed up and arrested (the man), who is now in jail on numerous charges. This guy has been seen lurking in yards and slowly driving his red Merc down alleys in our neighborhood and is suspected of being the source of some local crime.

According to King County Jail Register records, this is the fifth time this year the man’s been in jail – this arrest came just three weeks after his most recent release. He’s being held for alleged failure to appear to face previous charges, including harassment, trespassing and pot possession. Meantime, we have two more reports to share – a car break-in, and suspected casing – those two reports, just ahead:Read More

Search for the Pierce County murder suspect: Where it stands

View Manhunt! in a larger map

As of this writing, Pierce County police-killing suspect Maurice Clemmons (right) isn’t in custody yet, but there’ve been more than half a dozen searches in Seattle today – as shown in this Google Map assembled by @captaingentry, circulated via Twitter (having listened to scanner activity most of today, we can confirm these are locations where police have been). So far, none of these major searches have been in West Seattle, but it’s vital for everyone citywide to be on the lookout, as he could be anywhere. If you are an instant-info fan like we are, you can watch tagged Twitter traffic by using this link – those whose tweets you’ll see include citywide and neighborhood journalists who are or have been at the various search scenes (and you don’t have to have a Twitter account to use that page). Reminder – the tip line is 866-977-2362, and here’s the link for how to help the murdered officers’ families. 5:57 PM – The family of murdered SPD Officer Tim Brenton has issued a statement expressing sympathy and asking for the same support for those families that they have received. Meantime, a new search location is unfolding right now – in Renton – few details yet.

2:51 AM UPDATE: Until there’s more information, we’ll make a quick note here – there’s been a shooting south of Beacon Hill that may be linked to the case. When something is confirmed, we’ll post a separate update.

Update: Lakewood PD murders “person of interest” now “suspect”

ORIGINAL 6:10 PM REPORT: A new development in the search for the man who killed four Lakewood Police officers in a Pierce County coffee shop this morning: Authorities have gone public with the photo at left, saying that 37-year-old Maurice Clemmons is a “person of interest” with whom they want to speak in connection with the deadly ambush. The Seattle Times (WSB partner) has a story about his lengthy criminal history; he is reported to have been in jail until posting bond six days ago, facing charges including child rape. If you have any information about him, the official tip line is 1-866-977-2362. The four murdered officers also have just been identified – here’s the official announcement. The Lakewood Police union’s site has info on how to help their families. 9:00 PM: From left, Officer Tina Griswold, Officer Ronald Owens, Sgt. Mark Renninger, Officer Greg Richards.

9:48 PM: The search for the person of interest has expanded to Seattle – the Leschi neighborhood (which also, you may recall, is the area where SPD Officer Tim Brenton was killed). 12:42 AM: Real-time updates continue courtesy of our fellow independent neighborhood-news service, Central District News, at We’re continuing to monitor and will update when there’s something major but otherwise, CD News is where to get the moment-by-moment. 3:10 AM: A briefing at the scene of the Leschi standoff – now in its 7th hour – has yielded new information, including Maurice Clemmons‘ description changing from “person of interest” to “suspect” – this, authorities say, because he was shot. They don’t know if he’s dead or alive. CD News is continuing to add updates to this report. 9:04 AM: He wasn’t there after all. Now the search has moved on to the U-District; here’s the latest from the Times – and the warning to people at the UW is confirmed by a WSB’er who sent us the e-mail alert that went around, saying simply, “Lakeland shooting suspect may be in University area. Police responding. Be alert.” 10 AM: That search is said to have been called off, but there’s another one under way in Beacon Hill.

Checking: Overnight police search in Seaview

November 29, 2009 12:35 pm
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Several people have reported seeing/hearing this — multiple police cars and officers, reportedly including King County Sheriff’s Office as well as Seattle Police with K-9, involved in a search in Seaview overnight, between 2 and 4 am. (Phone-cam photo at left.) We’ve received reports from several spots along 49th SW (map), including this post in the WSB Forums. No official information so far but via Facebook, Deirdre – who was in the search zone, and says officers told her to stay inside – says she finally got a dispatcher to tell her that it was a case of someone running away after “a traffic stop,” and says they told her someone had been taken into custody. We may not be able to get any official details before early tomorrow morning but will update, whenever we do.

4 police officers killed in Pierce County ambush

Not West Seattle news, but so soon after former West Seattleite Officer Timothy Brenton was murdered here in our city … this is the region’s biggest story today, and we’re noting here in case you had not heard: Someone went into a coffee shop in Lakewood, south of Tacoma, around 8:15 this morning, where four police officers — whose marked cars were outside — were working on their laptops, and shot them all dead. KING5 is streaming investigation coverage; our partners at the Seattle Times have just published an update, including a preliminary description from a Pierce County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson; there’s also continuing coverage online at the Tacoma-based News-Tribune site. If any official “be on the lookout” bulletin comes out at some point, we will add it here, since so far there is no word of an arrest. According to KING, this hotline’s been set up for tips: 866-977-2362. 12:46 PM UPDATE: No major new information so far. The officers have been identified only as a Lakewood Police patrol team, 3 men, one woman. Among those who have spoken to the media is Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor; a media friend shared with us this link we wanted to pass on: something wrenching and important he published on his website after attending Officer Brenton’s funeral. 1:20 PM: Pierce County’s website is posting its updates in a special box on the home page – here’s the link. 3:24 PM: The Lakewood police union has published a statement that includes information on how to assist the murdered officers’ families.

West Seattle Crime Watch: No holiday weekend for car thieves

November 29, 2009 7:06 am
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The most recent West Seattle crime-stat toplines included a slight rise in auto theft, and this morning we have two reports to share. First, from Meryl:

They stole my neighbor’s car (Friday) night, an old Bronco, on Holden St. between 41st and California (map).

I believe they were pros as they broke the window and no one woke up except my cats. I looked out and saw the car rolling down the hill, but it was too late.

Last year my car was broken into the same way. Didn’t hear the window break. Didn’t wake up till they opened the door and the car alarm went off.

Also, Tanya reported a car theft by commenting after a previous Crime Watch report:

My boyfriend and I live in Highland Park. We got home from a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Got up to go to work and his car was stolen from our driveway. We live on 8100 block of 14th [map]. It’s a white Nissan 240sx with bronze wheels and a loud exhaust. Please e-mail or my cell #20677984898. Thank you so much for your time.

Amanda Knox case: Parents say they’re under investigation

The murder trial of Amanda Knox, whose mother Edda Mellas lives in West Seattle, could be over by this time next week. Mellas and Knox’s father Curt Knox are back in Italy now to await the verdict, but today they got unexpected news: They’ve received notice that Italian authorities are investigating them — allegedly for defamation because of their claim last year that their daughter said police had treated her roughly. This news broke after their live TV interview earlier today with CBS, in which they discussed evidence in the case and what happens if the verdict isn’t what they hope it will be:

Knox has been in custody for more than two years, since her arrest a few days after the November 2007 murder of her British roommate Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy. Her parents told citywide media that they bought her ticket home before flying to Italy for the remainder of the trial.

2 Junction notes: Police response; suspected coyote sighting

Two things to mention: First, we just checked out a tip about a notable police response in The Junction near the Chase bank branch. An ambulance was called too; turns out, police tell us at the scene, to have been a fight between two people described as transients. Second, just got this note from Courtney at Wallflower Custom Framing (WSB sponsor) across from Jefferson Square:

I thought it might be worth mentioning that I just watched a coyote run down the middle of 42nd Street. It briefly ducked into the parking garage under Jefferson Square and then came out (with a bunch of crows giving chase) and ran north on 42nd toward Alaska Street. I lost sight of it after that, and it all happened faster than I could react to snap a photo. I only mention this for any potential safety issues both for the public and the animal, and also to see if anyone else can confirm the sighting or if I am just sitting here in the frame shop hallucinating…

West Seattle Crime Watch: 6-report roundup

Before we go into something resembling holiday-news mode (we’ve got some great stories to share during the day, plus we’ll be on standby for breaking news, 24-7-365 means 24-7-365), we’ve got 6 Crime Watch reports to share. First some good news: In the WSB Forums, The Velvet Bulldog reports progress in the search for the hit-run driver who caused her big trouble six months ago – here’s her update; here’s the original post. Next – Unsolved (so far) cases, starting with one we found via Twitter, putting out the word about another work truck stolen, this time in West Seattle: 1980 GMC 4-door green full-size pickup with black racks. “Two ‘kids’ drove it off,” according to the truck owner’s spouse. It’s been reported to police, so call 911 if you’ve seen it. More ahead, including uniforms missing after a car break-in at the beach – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Help police find serial-burglary suspect

Just posted at SPDBlotter: Southwest Precinct investigators who’ve been working on dental-office break-ins in West Seattle and citywide are asking your help in finding the man shown at left. Here’s the text of the alert: “Seattle Police detectives are seeking the public’s assistance in locating Shane L. Carlson, 26, in connection with the recent pattern of dental/medical office burglaries in recent months. Carlson in the prime suspect in these burglaries, most of which have occurred in North and West Seattle, but also in Bothell, Shoreline and Bellevue since May of this year. Carlson has multiple warrants for his arrest, including a $100,000 Burglary 2nd Degree warrant and a $150,000 Possession of Stolen Property and Violation of Uniformed Controlled Substances Act (drugs) warrant. He is described as a white male, 26 years old, 5′6″, 155 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a thin build. He has a scar on his face and tattoos on his left shoulder, upper left arm and back. He may be driving a green 1998 Range Rover or a champagne-colored 2001 Cadillac DeVille. He may frequent North King County or South Snohomish County.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to call either 911 or Detective Bauer at (206) 233-7830. Those wishing to remain anonymous are encouraged to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or send a text to CRIMES (274637). Your text message should include “TIP486″ to ensure proper routing. If a tip leads to an arrest and the filing of charges, callers may qualify for a cash reward of up to $1,000. Calls are taken 24 hours a day.

Update: Victim robbed, beaten in 7600 block of 8th SW

(very brief clip added 9:09 pm, K-9 crew returning to SPD car after searching)
ORIGINAL 7:21 PM REPORT: (original headline described “assault with weapons” call) All we can tell so far from the scanner is that police are looking for a suspect who ran west from the scene in the 7600 block of 8th SW (map), and that there is an “injured victim.” More as we get it. 7:35 PM UPDATE: No details on the circumstances but a private ambulance has been called to take the victim to the hospital, a general indication the injury’s not major. According to, this started as a robbery. 8:03 PM UPDATE: Details now directly from Seattle Police media unit Det. Jeff Kappel: The call came in to 911 as a robbery around 7:10 pm; officers found a man who had apparently been robbed at gunpoint, then hit on the head with “the butt of what we believe is a shotgun wielded by the suspect,” said Kappel. The robber then ran or walked away; Kappel says the only description they have to work with right now is “black male, 30s, black skullcap, Army fatigues, gold tooth.” WEDNESDAY MORNING UPDATE: Just checked back with SPD. They did not find the robber last night, so he’s still out there somewhere. Also one clarification on circumstances – the victim was confronted, robbed and beaten as he was getting out of his car at his home, according to SPD’s Det. Mark Jamieson in the media unit.

Guilty verdict for gang-linked pimp with West Seattle ties

The verdict’s in for DeShawn “Cash Money” Clark, the teenage pimp linked to a gang called the Westside Street Mobb: Guilty. He’s the first person convicted under King County’s human-trafficking law. Though the gang was said to have originated in West Seattle, Clark’s crimes did not happen here – court documents and testimony focused on a Des Moines Memorial Drive apartment as well as Seattle, Tukwila and Portland hotels. Our partners at the Seattle Times have been covering the case closely; here’s their story on the verdict; a news release from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says five other Westside Street Mobb members have pleaded guilty in related cases and are facing prison time – Clark could get up to 26 years.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Burglar pleads guilty

It was one of this fall’s most memorable Crime Watch stories – a Gatewood burglary victim (who subsequently identified himself here as “burglarbustindad“) gavel.jpgfollowed a hunch to a supermarket Coinstar machine, where he found the 19-year-old who’d broken into his house, cashing in the change from BBD’s son’s coin jar. Commenting on another story last Friday, BBD disclosed that the person he caught, Kenneth Shouting, had pleaded guilty and been sentenced. Checking court records this morning, we found that indeed, Shouting pleaded guilty last month to residential burglary and was sentenced to 12 months plus 1 day in prison, which is within the “standard sentencing range.” According to court documents, Shouting’s past record included a conviction for attempted burglary almost two years ago – a case from Normandy Park, in which he also pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to serve less than 3 months behind bars.

Crime Watch: 2 theft cases – 2 violins, one truck

November 22, 2009 10:35 am
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STOLEN VIOLINS: Joan posted about this in the WSB Forums, and Ricardo has a story on our partner site White Center Now: 2 violins, in a rare double case, stolen from a truck on the Seattle side of White Center yesterday. The violins aren’t worth that much – but the sentimental value is high – and owner Mike teaches violin, so they’re part of his livelihood. This is a Seattle Police case; contact info is in the links above.

STOLEN TRUCK: @alpacadero via Twitter wanted to ask people to be on the lookout for a stolen truck used for work, stolen Friday night from the 9800 block of 18th SW (map). It’s described as a “white Ford utility truck w/ auto crane, welder, etc.” similar to this. That’s King County Sheriff’s Office territory but 911 should be able to help if you see it.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Stolen van found

In a Crime Watch roundup on Tuesday, we included Stephanie‘s note about husband Patrick‘s stolen van. Tonight, she sends word it was found:

2 friends of ours called this morning to say they were travelling south on Hwy 99 and think they saw Patrick’s stolen van. We went down there; sure enough, there it was on the side of the road. They left a handwritten note on the washers “Out of Gas”. We still had to have it towed because the ignition was messed up when they hotwired it. So glad we put the word out. I hope they had to walk in the rain.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Face-to-face with burglars

Betsy reports a burglary on 26th SW in North Delridge – and says she came face-to-face with one of the burglars when she arrived at her neighboring home around 1 pm — “a slender, dark-skinned African American man between the ages of 17-24 walking out of my neighbor’s house carrying a large bag.” She continues:

I confronted the perp who said he was “visiting a friend.” Another young man came out of the neighbor’s yard carrying a bag, saw me, and turned around and ran out the back. The young man I saw looked like he was of east or north African descent – high cheekbones, very slender build, dark complexion. I was on the phone with police instantly. The neighbor got home while I was still calling in the crime and he saw his house had been ransacked, trashed, and all his valuables stolen. Including his rent money as he has been working overtime to pay the rent. They were broken into a week ago but someone was home; they noticed someone casing the house a few days ago, and we saw someone prowling the house YESTERDAY but the police said they could do nothing because no crime was committed. The cars of interest are a RED SUV and a RED/MAROON midsized sedan.

ADDED 8:41 PM: Betsy has included more description information in comments. Meantime, we have had another break-in report – sent by two of the victim’s neighbors, and mentioned in comments – on 47th near Andover (map).

Help solve a hit-and-run: Reward offered in White Center case

We’ve been covering this story since night before last on partner site White Center Now, when several people sent tips about the crash and resulting traffic trouble – but now investigators are casting a wider net in trying to solve the hit and run (16th/106th) that sent a developmentally disabled man to the hospital, where deputies say he remains in critical condition. If you have any leads on a vehicle that might fit the description above, a $1,000 reward is offered, and 911 will take your tip.

SPD Officer Britt Sweeney tells her story for the first time

Less than three weeks after the Halloween night shooting that shook the city and took Officer Timothy Brenton‘s life, his partner Officer Britt Sweeney is telling her story. That video clip is from Wednesday night’s Q13 FOX newscast; Sweeney talked with anchor David Rose during a taping of the station’s “Washington’s Most Wanted” show. She told the station she’s still hoping to get back to work as soon as possible.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car keyed; robbery suspects charged

First, a quick CW report from Nicole:

I read the West Seattle Crime (Watch) frequently since our home was burglarized back in August. Wanted to report that our SUV was vandalized night of November 16 — someone keyed along the entire length of the car. It was parked on the street on 41 between Dakota and Andover. This just continues the disturbing trend of property theft and damage that our neighborhood is experiencing.

Second, a quick followup on last Thursday’s arrest of four teenagers who are believed to be linked to West Seattle/White Center convenience-store robberies as well as the Rainier Valley robbery after which they were arrested. All are now charged – only in connection with that robbery, so far – the three 16-year-olds are charged as adults, the 13-year-old as a juvenile. We will continue to watch the case to see what happens as they move through the system, including whether they are charged in the local holdups.