Crime 6660 results

Seattle Police officer killed: First official statement

Seattle Police have just released their first official statement about the shooting death of an officer in the Central District late last night — a crime that affects the entire city, as the first such murder in the line of duty in Seattle in 15 years, and one that drew officers (including a contingent from West Seattle’s Southwest Precinct) to the scene, where searching and blockading was followed by a somber procession earlier this morning, escorting the slain officer’s body to the Medical Examiner‘s office. Here is the entirety of the statement just published on SPDBlotter:

On October 31st, shortly after 10:00 p.m., a Field Training Officer (FTO) and his female student officer were parked in their patrol car in the 100 Block of 29th Avenue South. The student officer was seated in the driver’s seat and the FTO was in the passenger seat. A vehicle that has been described as a light-colored sedan pulled up next to the parked patrol car and the suspect(s) fired multiple shots into the patrol car. The Field Training Officer was struck multiple times, killing him. The student officer received minor injuries. She was able to get out of the patrol car, return fire several times to the fleeing suspect vehicle, and call for additional units. Officers from all precincts responded, as well as Homicide and CSI. This investigation is very much active and ongoing, and is a priority for the Department. Information is limited at this time, as it is still early in the investigation. There is a press conference tentatively scheduled for later this afternoon, where we hope to provide additional information.

Central District News, one of our fellow independent community-collaborative online news services, has been on the story all night/morning – they have even more details here, and you can watch here for updates. SUNDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: SPD will brief media at 3 pm today downtown. The acting chief, an assistant chief, and mayor will be there, according to the alert we received.

Seattle Police officer killed in the Central District

This is of citywide magnitude – and West Seattle officers are part of the investigation – so if you have not heard the tragic news, a Seattle Police officer has been shot to death tonight in the Central District, according to the latest from our partners at the Seattle Times. Our fellow community-collaborative independent news source Central District News also is covering it closely. No word yet on an arrest – if there is any information to share regarding vehicle/suspect(s) to watch for, we will add it here. The officer, not yet identified, is the first Seattle PD officer fatally shot in the line of duty in 15 years, since Officer Antonio Terry, and the first to die of any cause in the line of duty in three years, since the crash that killed Officer Joselito Barber. The full list of Washington State law enforcers killed in the line of duty is here. 1:44 AM UPDATE: Journalists at the scene are still awaiting an official statement; on the scanner, police can be heard arranging the procession and honor guard for the slain officer’s body to be escorted to, and into, the Medical Examiner‘s office.

Non-Halloween headlines: Flag desecration; TV truck trouble

FLAG DESECRATION: Highland Park community activist and ex-City Council candidate Dorsol Plants wrote about this incident on his Facebook page; we asked his permission to share it here, and he said OK. He wrote on FB, “Last night someone shredded the American flag I hang in front of my house. I woke up this morning and could clearly see knife cuts and they had tied it in a knot. That’s just pathetic.” (Plants, by the way, is a U.S. Army veteran who did two tours of duty in Iraq.)

TRUCK TROUBLE: Nick got this photo late today north of ActivSpace on Harbor Ave (including the uncroppable person he described as “zombie lawyer”):

We have no official report on what toppled the truck, but the KOMO news desk confirmed to WSB that everybody’s OK.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 people hit by BBs

From the new (a project of Jonah Spangenthal-Lee, formerly of The Stranger) – A police report says two people reported getting hit by BBs along 35th SW (first one in the 6900 block, then a half-mile north) last Saturday night, though neither was seriously hurt. Read the story here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: The box-of-beans candy caper

Belvidere resident Jocie P says a package was stolen from her front door, and the thief won’t need to go trick-or-treating:

FedEx delivered a large box to my home last week when I was away. If you noticed anybody with a large, white box with red Jelly Belly lettering on or near 35th Avenue SW sometime last week, please let me know. The thief would have a huge stash of free candy – more than one thief can eat. Hey candy thief – thanks for ruining Halloween, now I have to hand out substandard candy.

There will be a reward if the candy thief is caught. Yes, you guessed it – CANDY! Lots and lots of candy.

Hey, WSBers brought home a stolen bike – so maybe someone’s seen the beans.

Charges filed against one suspect in carjacking/robbery attempt

Charges are now filed against one of two men arrested after the carjacking/knife attack on a family in South Delridge last Friday night. 21-year-old Jose Antonio Castro, Jr., is charged with attempted first-degree robbery and second-degree robbery. The other man who was arrested is not being charged “due to insufficient evidence,” King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office spokesperson Dan Donohoe tells WSB. The court documents include details on how the incident unfolded, including how the victims fought back/resisted – read on:Read More

Warning: Seattle City Light says phone scammers are at it again

Seattle City Light has had to warn about this kind of scam before, and now they’re issuing a new alert: Telephone scammers “appear to be targeting customers with Asian surnames,” claiming to be utility-bill collectors and demanding credit-card numbers. Read on for the full warning:Read More

Update: 1 teen stabbed, 1 in custody in 4500 block Delridge

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
ORIGINAL 8:55 AM REPORT: The stabbing happened in the 4500 block of Delridge. Scanner says the victim is a 17-year-old boy who’s about to be taken to Harborview. We have one person on the scene and another on the way, details as we get them. 9:10 AM UPDATE: Police tell us on the scene that this began as “a fight between two juveniles” – one is hurt, one is in custody. 10:06 AM UPDATE: We have confirmed that this happened at Southwest Youth and Family Services. We waited at the scene to talk with SWYFS executive director Steve Daschle. He says it happened in one of the classrooms at SWYFS – both boys attend classes in one of the programs there. One other student and teacher were present when it happened. Right now, Daschle says, the students are debriefing with counselors and staff; they are working to convey to them all that it’s a safe place to be. He says there is no indication this was gang-related or anything more than a disagreement between the two involved. SWYFS happens to be the lead agency in our area working on the city’s Youth Violence Prevention Initiative; Daschle acknowledges an incident like this is a setback, but promises they will work even harder toward their goals. 10:40 AM UPDATE: Just talked to Det. Mark Jamieson in SPD media unit – he says the victim was stabbed in the back and leg but the wounds were described as “not life-threatening.” Weapon was a “kitchen knife” and was recovered at the scene. Christopher’s video shows the sizable emergency response – which cleared fast once the situation was resolved:

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Stolen bike found

Just received this note from Warren, referring to the stolen-bike report in this Crime Watch item published here last night:

We live on the 5600 block of 37th ave sw. One of our cars was prowled this past Friday night and whomever looked through our car left a BMX behind. I thought it was some kids that were looking for quick stuff to boost from cars and got scared off and left their bike. My neighbor noticed the above post so I just returned the bike to a very happy owner!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bike, plus: Trail of a stolen car

Two items to share: First relates to the bike you see in the photo at left. Andrea sent the photo along with a Crime Watch report: “My son had his bike stolen off our (well lit) porch in the early hours of the morning (Saturday). It was a very nice bike that was given to him as a present when he was adopted. It’s black and silver and has the words MAGNA and BUSTED on the frame in large letters. If you see this bike or have any information on it please contact us at (206) 932-9100.” She added in a follow-up exchange, “It really concerns me, because the person would have had to walk right up on our porch under the glare of the porch light to take it.” They’re at 37th and Edmunds (map) by the way – just a few blocks from where a theft reported earlier this weekend was later resolved. Although it’s not so much a happy ending, we do have the unusual opportunity to share multiple angles on how the case of the stolen Hyundai played out – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Family attacked, 2 men arrested

This happened just before 5 pm Friday but the report just appeared on SPDBlotter late tonight: A man, his adult daughter, and her nine-year-old son were parking their van at their home in the 8400 block of 20th SW (map) when 2 men jumped out from behind a nearby dumpster and tried to carjack them. The man fought back; one of the would-be carjackers pulled out what police describe as “a large knife with a 10-inch blade” and tried to stab him – but the other would-be carjacker “convinced suspect #1 to flee the scene” and the two ran off. Police found them a few blocks away, in the 8600 block of Delridge, and caught them after “a brief pursuit.” The two were arrested and booked into King County Jail, facing possible charges of robbery, attempted kidnapping and investigation of assault. SPD says one suspect is 21, the other 19; read the SPDBlotter account of the incident here. 3:51 AM UPDATE: A little more information – the two suspects are still in jail, with bail set at $75,000 for the 21-year-old and $50,000 for the 19-year-old, each of whom spent time behind bars twice earlier this year, according to the jail register.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Graffiti, again; teen robbed; car theft

First, we have received two more reports of the serial vandalism in the Morgan Junction/Lincoln Park area that’s widely known as “the homophobic graffiti” – invariably the same profane three-word slur. CJ writes today that it “reappeared on a garage door overnight – 6000 block of Cal Ave. Same ugly phrase as last time. Police were there taking a report with the homeowner.” And Jen e-mailed yesterday about another sighting; as we reported a week and a half ago, police have been looking to talk with the man who was arrested last spring (charges were dropped because he was found not competent to stand trial) – we’ll continue following up. Ahead – two theft cases – one from a parent warning about what could happen to a teen, another from a couple who hopes you’ll be on the lookout for their stolen car:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Skyelar Hailey sentenced to prison

gavel.jpgJust before the last few breaking stories happened, we had just walked out of King County Superior Court Judge Greg Canova’s courtroom downtown, after the sentencing hearing for 19-year-old West Seattle repeat offender Skyelar Hailey wrapped up. This was the sentencing for the incidents in mid-August in which Hailey and a teenage girl were arrested for stealing a teacher’s purse at West Seattle High School, then burglarizing the home of a nearby acquaintance (detailed here); earlier this month, Hailey pleaded guilty to residential burglary and theft. The prosecutor handling the case was Maurice Classen, who deals with “repeat burglar” cases, on which the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has placed a special emphasis. After hearing Classen declare, “This is an individual who has had a significant effect on a community” (while mentioning our presence in the courtroom as further evidence of that), then hearing Hailey say his criminal record is all because of a drug problem he didn’t admit till now, Judge Canova gave him the sentence the state had requested: 13 months on one count, 12 months on the other, to be served concurrently. The judge said Hailey’s lengthy record, mostly juvenile offenses since he is just 19, showed no previous evidence of a drug problem, so he dismissed the defense attorney’s request for a sentence focusing instead on drug treatment. Hailey offered no words of remorse:

I know I have a significant juvenile history, I’ve committed several crimes. I’ve never been looking at this much time – it kind of opened my eyes a bit – that I had a drug problem and was ignoring it. I don’t have the support of my parents, I don’t have a job – I’ve been on my own more or less since I was 15 – seems everything I ever got in trouble for was related to drugs – I’m hoping I can get through this and change.

The judge then asked sharply – referring to this April hearing, the last time we were in court to see Hailey being sentenced – “You didn’t think THAT was an appropriate time to raise the issue of your drug problem?” Hailey replied, “I never looked at myself as having a drug problem.” The judge noted that the report from this incident showed him as having been found with a small amount of white powder and pills, but nothing else indicating a problem or addiction. Judge Canova (a West Seattleite, by the way) pronounced sentence without further remark, aside from “Good luck, Mr. Hailey” as a deputy re-cuffed him and took him away – same thing he had said to two defendants whose unrelated sentencings we’d watched in the preceding hour while awaiting this one.

Afterward, we talked with prosecutor Classen to ask how much time Hailey will really spend in prison: Answer – about half a year. First, he has been in jail for two months since his mid-August arrest; then, Classen says, for a crime like this, one-third is taken off the sentence (which is less than some others, but more than violent crimes). So unless something changes, he will be out again by May. Classen acknowledges that doesn’t seem like enough for the “significant impact,” but Hailey did not have enough of an adult record for more.

Update: Investigation at Jack Block Park

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli)

WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is on the scene and we’re working to get more information. They’re keeping media way back – this apparently happened deep inside the park – but a public information officer is said to be on the way. 2:42 PM UPDATE: We are now told this – like the incident last night at Westwood Village is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. It’s important to note in these cases – suicide claims more lives than homicide each year – but is little-discussed publicly. If you or anyone you know has considered it, you can get help around the clock through the Crisis Clinic, 206.461.3222.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Woman robbed by strong-arm bandits

We have information now on an incident reported in the WSB Forums last night, after people in The Junction around 9:30 pm saw a woman screaming, followed by a police search. Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen confirms it was a “strong-arm robbery” near the QFC – 2 people, described only as “black males,” grabbed a woman’s purse and tried to take her cell phone, which the lieutenant says “she was using at the time.” No arrests so far. They’re looking into whether this might be related to other incidents, but they don’t have enough analysis to confirm a pattern so far.

Crime Watch misc.: Car found; Fairmount, S. Delridge meetings

October 23, 2009 3:41 am
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3 more Crime Watch notes this morning – but they start on a positive note, with this e-mail from Laura:

Good news for one West Seattle family! The police found our 2007 Acura (stolen last Friday night at 41st & Brandon) parked in front of a fire hydrant on Delridge near the Skylark Café. SPD ran the plates before ticketing it, it came up stolen, and they called us to come retrieve it. Damage appears to be negligible though we haven’t seen it in the daylight yet. We are grateful to SPD for their help in getting our car back!

We also have updates from two of this week’s meetings – South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Partnership Thursday night, Fairmount Community Association Wednesday night – with graffiti vandalism among the hot topics at both – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Robbers target 2 stores tonight

Via e-mail and Twitter, multiple reports of a police search in the Highland Park Way/Kenyon area. We haven’t reached police for confirmation so far but Sarah says the store there was robbed. More details if/when we get them. 11:35 PM UPDATE: Police confirm not only that the store in Highland Park was robbed, but also say that two of the three robbers tried to hold up John’s Corner Deli in Sunrise Heights moments earlier.

(photo added early Friday)
According to police spokesperson Jeff Kappel, two people, one with a knife in his hand, went into John’s (7500 35th SW) at 8:22 pm, but something “spooked them” when they got to the front of the store and they ran off without completing the robbery. Less than 15 minutes later, three people with at least one handgun held up the Highland Park Way/Kenyon store, and police are sure that two of them were involved in the John’s Deli incident – the trio got away in a car, no description, but the robbers are described as “at least one with red bandanna covering face, second with blue bandanna covering his face … three Hispanic males, late teens to early 20s, one wearing all gray sweat suit – another one with dark hoodie, third with red hoodie.” No injuries, no arrests – call 911 if you have any clues.

West Seattle Crime Watch: The Great (Stolen) Pumpkin

Just got this note from Frank:

We are in the 37th Ave SW and Hanford (map) area and just had a really large decorative pumpkin stolen from our yard.

Thieves were driving a dark red/maroon colored newer pickup that has red plastic panels/rails that go from bed of truck up to cab. If seen call West Seattle police. Suspects are in their teens and wear baseball caps.

Tie down your lawn decorations so they hopefully make it to Halloween!

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: More police for WS

October 21, 2009 5:06 am
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 |   Crime | Safety | Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council | West Seattle news

Big group at Tuesday night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting – so big that president Dot Beard exclaimed not once, but twice, how great it was to see them all. No special guest on the agenda, just an hour-plus of information about crime trends, questions/answers about crime concerns, an update from the local State Liquor Control Board officer, and word that West Seattle’s police force is growing – highlights ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 double-damage cases

First one comes from North Delridge: Thanks to the anonymous telephone tipster who called to share word that the Cottage Grove Shell store (5400 block of Delridge) had been broken into overnight. We went there to check it out and found boards on damaged doors (the store IS open); a worker told us that the burglar/s stole dozens of phone cards and lottery scratch tickets. Checking with police, we found out from Lt. Norm James at the Southwest Precinct that this store actually has been broken into twice in the past three days. Lt. James says, “Some type of pry tool used on both. There are currently no suspects in custody.” Detectives are investigating. Meantime, in other Crime Watch news, we’ve also heard from someone who’s had two cars vandalized in two days – and we have a followup from a resident in the neighborhood hit by a car-prowl spree last weekend – read on for those:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Fairmount Springs fights back

More than 60 people gathered at West Seattle Church of the Nazarene last night to brainstorm, commiserate, and most of all, prepare to fight back against burglaries and car prowls in the greater Fairmount Springs neighborhood – neighborhood organizer and e-mail-list-keeper Paul says his list, approaching 200 members, has grown to include folks in a wide area between The Junction and Morgan Junction. We reported last night on a side discussion at the meeting – how to handle door-to-door solicitors. Now, the main discussion: what can be done to deter crime. Some of it, you’ve heard before; some of it, maybe not. Read on:Read More

West Seattle city attorney rep: Ready to fight illegal solicitors

Just back from a meeting tonight involving neighbors banding together to fight crime – not a regularly scheduled meeting, but one called by the Fairmount Springs neighborhood, and held at West Seattle Church of the Nazarene (42nd/Juneau). We’ll publish a separate story about crimefighting tips and questions, including answers by Block Watch leaders as well as Community Police Team Officer Ken Mazzuca, but first a short story with a separate topic that came up – always a hot topic here: Door-to-door solicitors. When a meeting attendee asked, “So what’s legal?” deputy city attorney Beth Gappert, who is liaison to the Southwest Precinct and therefore based here in West Seattle, jumped up.

“Residential selling IS legal,” she began, but then went on to very clearly explain the rules that we’ve linked to here, time and time again, though without quite as vivid an explanation. “The company that’s selling is required to have a license. Each employee must have a residential agent’s license. It must be displayed prominently on their clothing. And each employee must have a copy of the company’s business license.”

Sounds easy enough, but Gappert went on to say that she’s checked the records and “only about half a dozen businesses have residential sellers’ licenses in the city – so the vast majority of sellers do NOT have licenses.” That means they’re operating illegally – as is the case if a solicitor of any kind knocks on a door despite a “no soliciting” sign – and, she added, “It is illegal if you ask them to leave and they refuse.” If ANY of those circumstances happen, Gappert stressed – with Officer Mazzuca at her side – “I highly encourage people to call the police over this issue. We know this precinct is going crazy over solicitors. I see the reports. I read about it on (WSB). … Make a report, be willing to testify, so we can prosecute. … Officers in this area are ready to go after them.”

Still got questions/concerns? Come to tomorrow night’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting — Gappert is almost always there, as are CPT officers and leaders — 7 pm Tuesday, Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster). Meantime, watch for our second story from the meeting, with advice from the police, and neighbor-to-neighbor, on fighting and deterring the crimes we hear about the most these days – burglaries and car prowls.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Be on the lookout – car, & thieves

We’ve had stretches of several days without Crime Watch reports – you can see this by checking the list on the Crime Watch page – but today we’ve had a couple reports since the ones we published this morning, so here’s a second update: A car theft, and produce theft, both with descriptions shared so that you can help be on the lookout. Read on for both:Read More