Crime 6660 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 incidents along Fauntleroy Way

One, a business break-in attempt – the other targeted a car (whose owner is puzzled why the thief/thieves took what they did) – read on for both reports (one includes a photo):Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car-theft-attempt arrest; break-in

Two more reports to share – first, the break-in; a quick report from Shelley in Gatewood, just a few blocks from the one in the “broad daylight” report from earlier – she says a neighbor on Thistle near 37th SW (map) was broken into today – no other details yet. Meantime, David reports this from further southeast:

3:15 am last Friday two fellahs tried to steal a neighbor’s car. They got about fifty feet before being confronted by some interested neighbors. One perp fled and the other, who advanced menacingly on the neighbors but was talked out of anything rash, was arrested by SPD who arrived en masse a few minutes later. Owner and somewhat mangled car were reunited a short time later – all things considered, a happy ending. Since one of the neighbors fears retribution, as she was also a victim of the “multiple burglaries solved” robber, the exact address should not be referred to but it happened west of Westwood Village. Since happy endings are rare in crimes, I thought to report this.

Great point – as we were discussing with Southwest Precinct leadership last week while working on the “multiple burglaries” story to which David alludes, it IS important to get out the word about arrests as well as about the crimes themselves.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Broad-daylight break-in

From Michael in Gatewood:

Would like to spread the word on this one. On the 3900 block of Southern [map] our neighbor’s home was burglarized. Burglar used an ax to go through a secured back door in the middle of the day, Friday, August 21. Seattle Police were dispatched and came to house. No one hurt. No one saw or heard a thing, unfortunately. What concerns us is the violent nature of this break-in.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Targeted by taggers, and ticked

Those are portions of three photos sent by Mark – we’re not showing or publishing the entire three-letter tag on the fence, or the spray-paint vandalism on the van (a face on the hood and a splotch over the gas cap), but he’s wondering if anyone else had anything similar happen to them:

I live at the corner of 39th/Stevens [map], in the Admiral district. (Saturday) night someone tagged my fence and my neighbors’ van. Seattle police were called and the officer mentioned another incident with the “T(-)X” tag being used. Needless to say I am quite pissed and if anyone else has seen the same tag please notify Seattle PD.

Mark says it’s all been “removed” now, and while his neighborhood has not had a tagging problem before, a recent break-in has neighbors “on edge” and now they’re stepping up their vigilance even further.

Followup: Skyelar Hailey charged with two counts of burglary

19-year-old Skyelar Hailey, arrested after a foot chase in Admiral this past Tuesday (first story here, followup here), is now charged with two counts of residential burglary – the first one involving the West Seattle High School purse theft in the original report, second one involving a home nearby. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed the charges today and is requesting that bail for Hailey remain set at $25,000 because: “The defendant has a prior conviction for Criminal Trespass in the First Degree (2008) as an adult and juvenile adjudications for Theft in the First Degree (2008); Theft in the Second Degree (2008); and Harassment (2007, 2007). The defendant is only nineteen years old and has five misdemeanor or felony resolutions in the past two years. The defendant is likely to fail to appear in response to a summons.” We also have the documents detailing the case against him; we are not uploading the documents themselves because they include victims/witnesses’ names, as well as that of a juvenile who so far is not charged in the case, but we have cut-and-pasted the “probable cause” text (with omissions noted either parenthetically or with ellipses). Read for yourself, just ahead (photo credit, Christopher Boffoli, April 2009):Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 suspects, at least 8 burglaries

The Southwest Precinct says two recent arrests appear to have solved a lot of burglaries — at least eight, and potentially more. We’ve spoken with both Detective Nick Bauer and Sgt. Jeff Durden to get the details you’re about to read: It started with a burglary on August 7th, 3400 block of 47th SW (map) – the resident(s) left the house for just 15 minutes, with a window unlocked or cracked open, and that’s all it took for burglars to get in. With some description information from neighbors, and a GPS-equipped BlackBerry stolen in the break-in, police tracked two suspects – one adult, one juvenile. That led to a search warrant for a house in the 1800 block of SW Brandon (map), where police found stolen property – “tons of it,” as Det. Bauer put it. Read on for the rest of the story:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen stroller

Just out of the WSB inbox, from Blake:

We had our jogging stroller stolen out front of our yard in broad daylight this afternoon at 34th and Othello [map]. We were standing 30 feet away when it happened but didn’t notice. We purchased it this Monday to exercise with our 13 month old child. If anybody sees a green jogging stroller for sale in the West Seattle area, please contact me at

Blake says they don’t have a photo. Which leads us to a point police made when we were talking with them this afternoon (working on a story about a burglary bust, which you’ll see here tomorrow) – be sure to keep identifying information so that if your stolen property is found, it can be returned to you more easily – that means serial numbers, photos, or etch an identifier into the item.

Followup: Why Skyelar Hailey faces three burglary charges

Update on the arrest of repeat offender Skyelar Hailey after a foot chase in Admiral yesterday: Our first information from police (reported here) indicated that he is accused of stealing a purse from a West Seattle High School teacher. Then when he was booked into jail last night, the register showed he is facing three burglary charges (the decision on actual charges is up to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which has three days to decide). We asked police about that this morning; Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen says the other two potential charges have to do with “two residential burglaries.” Hailey, who turned 19 last week, remains in jail as of last check; checking online court records, we found he also has a case pending from late July in Seattle Municipal Court, with charges including reckless endangerment, refusal to stop, no valid driver’s license, obstructing a public officer, and 1st degree property destruction – we are checking to see if that incident actually happened in late July or whether the charges stem from something earlier. 5:32 PM UPDATE: No answer on that yet but we can tell you that his bail’s now been set at $25,000, according to the King County Jail Register (he’s still there right now). THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office expects to file charges against Hailey tomorrow. FRIDAY MORNING: He is formally charged now with two counts of burglary. We are working on the story, which includes the full tale of what preceded his arrest this week.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 more break-in reports

One home break-in and one car break-in, and both victims e-mailed WSB to make sure you were aware of what happened – read on:Read More

Update: Skyelar Hailey in custody after theft at WSHS

ORIGINAL 10:58 AM REPORT: Thanks to those who’ve called and e-mailed – we have just confirmed with police that a foot chase in the Admiral area (near West Seattle High School) has ended with an arrest, so that’s why you’re seeing major police activity in the area. We expect to have more details shortly on what happened. 11:16 AM UPDATE: One of our tipsters had told us the suspect was believed to be Skyelar Hailey, a repeat offender who we have reported on here before, most recently in May, when police found him in a stolen car, weeks after he was sentenced on reduced charges related to an Admiral burglary case. Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen confirms to WSB that Hailey is in custody, under arrest for investigation of theft, along with a “female” who was with him, and has these additional details of what happened: Lt. Paulsen says Hailey is suspected of stealing a teacher’s purse this morning at WSHS, where summer school is under way; apparently a custodian originally gave chase. Police were called and a foot pursuit ensued, with Hailey taken into custody (the female’s involvement is not clear at this point). (Photo by Christopher Boffoli, from Hailey’s April 24 sentencing) 4:47 PM UPDATE: Hailey has finally shown up on the King County Jail register, booked about an hour ago. The potential charges are listed as three counts of investigation of burglary. 6:16 PM: His entry now has been updated to “bail denied.”

Followup: Stolen gorilla comes home to Youngstown

Eight days after we brought you first word of the gorilla-napping (involving an animatronic creation using the suit shown in the photo above) from Youngstown Arts Center (original WSB report here), the gorilla is back, according to a note tonight from Gina, who first reported its disappearance:

Thanks for your help in spreading the word! Our gorilla was safely returned to us today thanks to the good work of SPD. … We’re not pressing charges but would like to invite the kidnapper to wear the gorilla suit to attract attention at our next event.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Rock thrown through window

That’s Nicole‘s window, near 37th/Edmunds, south of The Mount. And this is what did the damage:

Nicole shared those photos along with the story of what happened:

I have a frightening and very disappointing incident to inform you about. Last night around 10 pm, I was sitting in my front living room when a rock was thrown through my front window. Unfortunately I was not able to see the suspects, it was too dark. I’m thankful I was not struck by the rock or the glass that was littered across the living room but it certainly could have been a lot worse. Whoever threw the rock did it from 100-150 feet away, as our house sits high up off the street. It was clearly deliberate and not an accident. The rock was the size of a baseball and shattered the big window which is quite large, 12’x5′.

The police combed the area but came up with nothing. I’m not sure how something like this can be prevented but it certainly has my attention. I’m going to add additional motion sensor lights on that side of the house and possibly add a video camera and surveillance sign, we have had a lot of car break-ins and burglaries in the area.

West Seattle Junction KeyBank robber strikes AGAIN (in Renton)

Got that photo this afternoon from the FBI, taken during a robbery today at the Alaska USA Credit Union on 3rd in Renton. Looked a lot like the robber from the KeyBank holdup in The Junction on August 5th (note he’s even wearing the same T-shirt):

The same robber was linked to at least one of two robberies in North Seattle a week ago Saturday. So we pinged the FBI to ask if this is believed to be the same guy. Agent Frederick Gutt says, “Yes, the suspect today is believed to be associated with each of these robberies.” Here’s the description from today:

The suspect is described as a black male, mid 30’s, approximately 6′ tall, mustache, wearing a tan baseball cap and blue jeans, and departed on foot. The suspect displayed a handgun and should be considered armed and dangerous. Anyone with information regarding the suspect is asked to call the FBI at (206) 622-0460

West Seattle Crime Watch: Break-in victims with advice for you

August 17, 2009 11:58 am
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We’ve received two West Seattle Crime Watch reports this morning to share with you – one vehicle break-in, one home break-in. Both victims have advice for you based on what they’ve learned about what happened to them – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Open door, stolen purse

Out of the WSB inbox, from John, who says this happened between noon and 1 pm today:

Just a warning to other West Seattleites. My wife and I were both home (Oregon & 39th) [map] with the front door open letting the sun in. Someone walked into our house and stole my wife’s purse from a chair close to the front door. Didn’t see anyone suspicious around. Everyone be on the lookout for weirdos.

John, of course, called the police, and says they “mentioned an incident yesterday in the same area.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen, clues found

Out of the WSB inbox, from Jon:

Our car stolen from our garage, 5400 block of 40th Ave. SW [map], sometime b/t ~5:00 pm 8/14/08 & 10:00 am 8/15/09. 1997 Honda Civic LX 4-door sedan, green, 624-XKD (WA). A guy near I-405 in Kirkland called me @ 10:15 this morning saying he found glovebox papers in the middle of his street, included owners’ manual, registration. I’ve filed report w/ SPD.

No Crime Prevention Council meeting this month – go to the picnic!

August 14, 2009 8:45 pm
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That’s the message tonight from West Seattle Crime Prevention Council president Dot Beard – she asked if we would remind you that the group is NOT meeting this month (they meet on third Tuesdays, so that would have been coming up next week), but they urge everyone to attend tomorrow’s Picnic at the Precinct at the Southwest Precinct (map), 1-4 pm. Next WSCPC meeting will be September 15th, and King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg is scheduled to speak.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 followup, 1 new report

FIRST, THE FOLLOWUP: Early this morning we brought you Sue‘s report of a van stolen in Fauntleroy. She just e-mailed to say she has found her van, “in the Allstar (Fitness) area” of North Delridge, and that it doesn’t have much damage.

NOW, A NEW REPORT: Christie e-mailed word of a burglary at 48th/Hinds (map):

Sometime during the day yesterday – we were gone from 1030am until 7pm – someone broke into our home and stole some goods. My husband came home to find the stereo moved around, our iPod touch gone and our new Apple computer gone from the living room. Upon further investigation, we discovered our iPod Nano was missing from its dock in one of the bedrooms downstairs and our jar of change was missing from the bookshelf. No visible sign of entry, but the back door was unlocked when my husband arrived home.

The iPod Nano is the first generation Red (donates to the Aids Fund) 4 GB and is engraved with “always enjoy yourself” – The iPod Touch is first generation Silver with a black case and is engraved with “all the dark can’t extinguish the light.” The apple computer was purchased last year and has the fancy touch sensors in the mouse pad. It has a purple case with the bottom back tabs (that hold it on) broken.

The police have a full report and serial numbers, but if anyone finds anything on craigs list/ebay/etc., please contact Christie Voos at

Update: South Park murder suspect pleads not guilty

From The arraignment in King County Superior Court is over, and 23-year-old Isaiah Kalebu has pleaded not guilty to charges including aggravated murder (for which the penalty could be death) and rape. He is accused of breaking into the South Park home of 39-year-old Teresa Butz and her partner in the early-morning hours of July 19 and attacking them; Butz did not survive. He was arrested less than a week later, after he was identified through DNA. He remains jailed in lieu of $10 million bail, and remains under investigation in a Pierce County fire that killed two people last month, including the aunt who had kicked him out days earlier.

Happening today/tonight: Court, campuses, Porterhouse, politics

COURT CASE: South Park murder suspect Isaiah Kalebu is expected in King County Superior Court at 8:30 this morning to answer charges including aggravated murder (which could bring the death penalty) in the July xx attack on two women who were asleep in their home when he allegedly broke in.

CLOSED SCHOOLS’ FUTURE: Also happening downtown this morning (9 am), the city Hearing Examiner is scheduled to hear an appeal of the June city decision determining that closed school campuses around the city – including Fairmount Park, Genesee Hill and EC Hughes in West Seattle – could be repurposed for various new uses without convening a School Use Advisory Committee.

PORTERHOUSE OPENING: The new restaurant/pub in the Admiral District (2329 California SW, just north of Admiral Theater) opens mid-afternoon. Lots of new food and beverage details in the West Seattle-headquartered Washington Beer Blog‘s review from the “soft opening” party Monday.

REP. MCDERMOTT TALKS HEALTH-CARE REFORM: Tonight, the long-hot topic gets its highest-profile West Seattle discussion yet, as the 34th District Democrats bring in Seattle’s Congressmember Jim McDermott in addition to other expert panelists. The agenda’s here, but also note the disclaimer on the group’s home page – this is NOT a “town hall meeting” and while everyone’s welcome to attend and listen, “only members may speak and participate,” per the group’s bylaws. The meeting starts at 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 car gone, 1 car hit

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share this morning, both involving cars – one stolen, one hit-and-run – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Counterfeit-money alert

Just in, this alert from Paul at Coffee at the Heights (WSB sponsor):

Thought that we would put it out to all the West Seattle businesses, we took a counterfeit 20 today, about 12:30. Description of the guy is 6’1″ dark complexion, slender build, 3 Inch afro that was kinda messy, appx 30-35 years old, with a slight accent. Wearing yellow, green and blue striped oversized polo with faded light blue baggy jeans. We don’t know if he was on foot or in a car, but he headed out of our shop north on 35th Ave SW. Just a word to the other business owners out there.

To elaborate on the location, Coffee at the Heights is in the building on the northwest corner of 35th/Webster (map).