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West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 break-ins – 1 car, 1 home

ORIGINAL 8:39 PM REPORT: Robin e-mailed to share this information:

In the interest of alerting our neighbors: our car (in our driveway, in the back yard – but fence gate was open) was rifled through sometime between 3 pm Monday and 10 am Tuesday (today). I think it must have been kids, or at least a “kind” burglar, because they took maps, our tire warranty, hand sanitizer, and a wind up cell phone charger; as well as the case only to my GPS – which they tossed in the alley at the end of the driveway, but left the satellite radio ???? I noticed the passenger door was ajar so I looked in and saw napkins, salt pkgs, and straws on the floor. Our dogs didn’t even bark, or if they did we were bad dog owners and told them “It’s OK.” Anyway, no real harm, just an FYI to folks near Thistle, 22nd, and Delridge [map]. We did file a report with the police.

Worth noting here that the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meets this Thursday night – both Seattle Police and King County Sheriff’s Office law enforcers are usually on hand, since this group’s coverage area is on both sides of the line – 6 pm Thursday, St. James Place, 9421 18th SW (map).

ADDED 8:50 PM: We just got word from Justin of a home break-in at 32nd/Trenton (map) that he says police are investigating right now. The burglar/s broke in through the kitchen window and stole items including a laptop.

More details of arrest involving teen from officer-attack case

Our report last Friday on the sentencing of the three teenagers convicted in connection with the attack that left Southwest Precinct Officer Jason McKissack with serious head injuries included a fact that emerged in the courtroom late in the hearing – that one of the defendants had been arrested for alleged residential burglary a month before the May trial. Today, Seattle Times reporter Christine Clarridge, the only other journalist in court for Friday’s sentencing, has a few more details on that arrest (which happened in the University District) and reports that the 17-year-old boy found guilty of assault in the McKissack case was arrested that same day, in that same area, for alleged underage drinking. Here’s her story.

Update: No additional jail time for teens in officer-attack case

gavel.jpgORIGINAL 1:57 PM REPORT: We’re at the King County Courthouse, in the courtroom of Superior Court Judge Chris Washington, who is scheduled shortly to sentence the three teenagers found guilty in connection with last year’s High Point attack that seriously injured Southwest Precinct Officer Jason McKissack one year ago (here’s the report on the verdict a month ago; here’s one of our reports from last year). A 17-year-old boy was found guilty of assault; a 17-year-old boy and 18-year-old girl were found guilty of obstruction of a law-enforcement officer. Five police officers are here in the courtroom so far to observe, in uniform; your editor here is one of two reporters present so far. We’ll publish the sentences (and any other information from this hearing) as soon as they are announced.

2:08 PM UPDATE: Officer McKissack, who is still on leave, is here as well – almost one year exactly after the attack (6/17/08). The three defendants have all arrived — all three in blue jeans, the two boys in white T-shirts, the girl in a gray sweatshirt – with six lawyers at the table with them (some of whom would be prosecutors, of course).

2:45 PM UPDATE: The first two sentences have been announced: For the girl, no detention; 75 hours of community service; 1 year of probation. She spoke briefly to the court, saying she didn’t believe she deserved detention time – but no words of apology. For the older boy (guilty of obstruction), no additional detention (he had already served 59 days, according to his lawyer), 150 hours of community service, 12 months of probation. He told the judge he knew what happened was wrong and what happened to the officer was wrong, but he wanted to say that he was not an evil person. Meantime, the officer’s wife and another relative have both addressed the court, with emotion in one case, emotion and fury in another.

3:29 PM UPDATE: The 17-year-old boy found guilty of third-degree assault has just been sentenced: No additional jail time (he apparently served 30 days electronic monitoring), 1 year probation, 150 hours of community service. This after a lengthy legal argument over the state’s request for an exceptional sentence. There is one more step in this case – a restitution hearing requested by prosecutors.

3:44 PM UPDATE: After a little more than an hour and a half, the hearing just concluded, as lawyers wrapped up paperwork and details. All three of the teenagers addressed the court, though none expressed remorse for what happened. Officer McKissack did not testify; in addition to his wife and another relative who spoke, one of the uniformed officers who were in attendance rose to address the judge before the sentencing ended. Here is our transcription of most of what he said:

We’re sending the wrong message – people have to be held accountable for their actions … I’ve been on the streets for 13 years … We’re getting into more fights, we’re getting assaulted more. At our precinct alone, we’ve had suspects bite officers twice in the past month, and I believe one was a juvenile. … We’re sending the wrong message. People have to understand – now, if you just hit, kick spit on officers, you’re not going to get any significant time … We’re not out there to be punching bags … (But people are) very comfortable, as if they know that minor assault on officers is not going to be held acountable. An assault on an officer is an assault on society. (But) an officer should not have to be stabbed, or have bones broken, for someone to be held accountable … This makes it hard for us out there. For those who [unlike testimony indicated, regarding these three] may truly be bad kids, the word is going to get out … and we have to go out and deal with them

A few more details to come, including the legal sparring between the prosecution and the defense – and ultimately, the judge sided with the defense, suggesting that if it wanted the case sentenced like second-degree assault, why wasn’t it charged as second-degree assault? – and what the officer’s family members told the judge … and the defendants. (By the way, the only other journalist in court with us was from the Seattle Times, and she may have some additional reaction, as she followed the police contingent out of the courtroom while the proceedings were down to the final details, which we stayed for – we’ll add the link to their story when we see it.) ADDED 10:48 PM: More details from the hearing — read on:Read More

Safety at the beach: Alki Community Council action plan

(Photo taken mid-May along Alki Avenue)
As we reported from the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting Tuesday night, police say things have been quieter on Alki in the month and a half since the May 1 shooting, but the Alki Community Council is taking nothing for granted. Following up on last month’s discussion with Southwest Precinct police leaders, the ACC held a “working meeting” last night to follow up on public-safety issues, and has come up with an action plan – including some components with which you can help. ACC officer Paul Carr has just published a summary to the ACC e-mail group – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Westwood break-in

Shellie just e-mailed to share this report and to warn area residents:

Thursday, June 18th between 8am and 1pm a house on 32nd Ave SW, between Roxbury and Barton, was broken into. The thief took jewelry, select checks with a woman’s name on them, and a laptop. They broke into a window where a bar had been located, somehow moving the window around the security bar to get in. The only part of the house ransacked was the one bedroom although oddly two empty jewelry boxes were stuffed under the cushions of the living room couch. No other incidents have happened in the area that we know of but warning to all to lock your windows and doors before you leave. Neighbors please add more…..

This also gives us the occasion to share the “Summertime Security Tips” in the latest edition of Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow‘s newsletter – read on (and if you are vacationing any time soon, note the last one):Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Theft story with a semi-happy ending

Just received from a WSBer who wants to stay anonymous – her story started with a theft that happened literally in an instant in the Admiral District, and ended with help from a Good Samaritan on the other side of West Seattle:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Not stolen, not prowled … tipped

We talk a lot about car crime – but hadn’t seen something like this lately: Paul from PB&J Textiles and Coffee at the Heights (WSB sponsor) sent that photo, explaining:

Here is what we woke up to this morning. We live at 109th and 28th Ave SW [map]. Some kids I am thinking felt the need to turn our car on its side. You can see the 2 hand prints from where they lifted it and pushed it over. Not sure of the damage yet, but not a fun thing to wake up to when you have a full day planned….

The handprints:

(The area is just east of the Seattle city limit, so it’s King County Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction.)

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Updates from police

We’re at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, where Southwest Precinct police are briefing attendees on the latest crime trends. Sgt. Jeff Durden just mentioned that plans are in place to keep things safe this Friday as school comes to a close – two Community Police Team officers will be “visible at schools” and then police will be keeping closer watch on parks, “to keep any shenanigans to a minimum.”

In other crime trends – car prowls are still a major problem, according to the latest statistics shared by Officer Adonis Topacio: 75 in the past month (since May 16) – including four in one day at Lincoln Park. (That’s actually a drop from the 100 recorded throughout the calendar month of May, according to the monthly crime statistics we published here.) Residential burglaries are trending down a bit – 45 in the last month, compared to 50 for the May calendar month; Sgt. Jeff Durden says that’s “normal” but “still too many.”

On the positive side, Officer Topacio says that Westcrest Park illicit activity has decreased dramatically – though he’s hoping the previously problematic area of the park will get more public use, to keep that “activity” from returning.

Community Police Team Officer Kevin McDaniel says “there’s an increase in gangbangers from the East side showing up in High Point” (he indicated that meant the other side of the city, not necessarily the east side of Lake Washington). He said two arrests were made last night after a call about a possible burglary; they had warrants out for their arrest, linked to the New Holly area, and had gang affiliation. Officer McDaniel says he followed up by meeting with the HP family whose son was allegedly hanging out with the people who were arrested, and said he denied any knowledge of those “kids” – so, Officer McDaniel said, “the father gave him an ultimatum – shape up, or ship out.”

As for Alki, Community Police Team Officer Ken Mazzuca provided that briefing, saying it had been fairly quiet lately, nothing major. One meeting attendee asked about noise laws and loud sound systems in cars; Officer Mazzuca says they can be cited if the noise can be heard from at least 75 feet away – and he says some citations HAVE been issued so far this summer.

Also discussed at tonight’s meeting – a reminder about signing up for this year’s Night Out (Against Crime) block parties on August 4th – and Sgt. Durden shared a little-known fact: If you want a police officer to drop by and visit your block party, just say so when you register your party (here’s where to do that).

West Seattle Crime Watch: “All for a hubcap?”

So asked Beth, leading into this report via e-mail:

In High Point tonight while sitting in the yard and enjoying the company of a neighbor, a woman we didn’t know/recognize pulled up to the curb. I said hello to her. At the same time, our neighbors husband pulled up to the curb. In front of all of us, the woman we didn’t know proceeded to take a hubcap off a vehicle owned by the neighbors we were talking with! The woman threw it in her trunk, refused to talk with any of us (who were by now asking her why she was stealing hubcaps!). The worst part? She did this with her kids in the car.

The Caucasian woman was about 5’3″, weighed about 175lbs, wore medical scrubs, and drove a bright blue Toyota Corolla with a dent in the front passenger door that was missing (wait for it!) a hubcap.

We know we’ve mentioned this multiple times already today – but once again, whatever West Seattle neighborhood you’re in, the WS Crime Prevention Council is the place to come share your concerns, ask police questions, and hear about crime trends, 7 pm tomorrow, Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster – the entrance to the building is off the parking lot on Webster west of Delridge). ADDED 11 AM TUESDAY: David just e-mailed this “sequel” (we are not publishing the entire plate because our policy is not to publish full identifying information — plates included — on people not charged with a crime, unless there is an immediate risk to public safety or law enforcers ask for assistance):

A car with this description parked in front of our neighbor’s house (32nd & Trenton) last night, around 8:40-8:45pm, and soon the driver was hammering something on their car (looked like a hubcap) then roared off down Trenton St eastbound. I got the license #: WA plate, 454-**D, a bright blue late model four-door Toyota Corolla. Didn’t see any dents on passenger side but it was traveling fast when it passed me.

This is not a 100% ID. I didn’t see the race/gender of driver; didn’t see the dent, or see any passengers in the car.

12-year-old boy in the hospital after West Seattle attack

Also from our conversation with Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct – and also thanks to Tony for letting us know that what sounded on the scanner like a call from outside this area actually DID happen in West Seattle: A 12-year-old boy is at Harborview Medical Center with a head injury after getting beaten with a “backpack full of rocks” at Southwest Community Center. Lt. Paulsen says police have spoken with the suspect, a girl “of similar age.” It happened this morning but no other details of the circumstances are available so far, nor do we know how badly the boy was hurt.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Two shooting arrests

(June 2 photo by Christopher Boffoli)
We’ve just finished talking with Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen for updates on several cases – and here are the first two you’ll want to know about: First, the suspect in the shooting outside the Westwood Village McDonald’s two weeks ago (photo above) has been arrested. Because, according to the police report, he was involved in a car deal with the victim, his identity was known — last Friday evening, Lt. Paulsen says, he was spotted in the 8100 block of 16th SW, and after a foot chase, officers arrested him. He’s still behind bars, according to the King County Jail Register. Second case happened early this morning in the 4100 block of 47th SW (map): A single gunshot was fired from inside a house, and the bullet (from a 40-caliber Glock) hit a next door neighbor’s house (no injuries reported). The suspect was booked into jail for reckless endangerment but is likely to face other charges because, according to Lt. Paulsen, a search warrant for the residence turned up cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, “numerous prescription narcotics,” and $700 cash – as well as the Glock. ADDED MONDAY NIGHT: We received this note tonight from someone identifying themselves as the person whose home was hit:

I live on the 4100 block of 47th Ave SW. In February, the house next to me was the target of a drive by shooting. Six bullets were fired and one struck my home. No arrests were made at the time. On June 15 at about 1:30 am I again heard gunfire. This time from inside the house next door. I called 911 and officers were dispatched. Once again my home was hit by gunfire as the bullet exited the neighboring house and entered mine. Officers issued a search warrant. The young man living in the home was arrested, and various drugs were found as well as the weapon that fired the shot. I am asking everyone in the neighborhood to PLEASE report any unusual activities in the area to the police. We are close to getting this ugly situation cleaned up, but still need the support of neighbors who are willing to watch over each other.

Thank you…
Your neighbor on 47th Ave SW

West Seattle Crime Watch: Wheels of misfortune

We’ve seen it before – and sadly we’ll likely see it again. Mariko just e-mailed to share the news of how she woke up to a car without wheels, in the 5900 block of 34th SW (map):

Just thought I would let you know that we awoke last Wednesday morning to find all 4 of my car tires stolen and my car on jacks. My neighbor reported seeing 4 Caucasian males leaning over my car with 2 vehicles blocking the street at 3 am… The police said it was really common for these people to cruise the streets looking for parts. It was pretty brazen to jack the car up on the street and steal the tires.

Just thought I would pass that along. Thankfully I have the club and they didn’t steal the whole car.

Concerned about crime, even if you’ve been personally spared? Tomorrow night’s your next chance to voice your concerns, hear about trends, and talk directly with local police, as the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets @ 7 pm Tuesday, Southwest Precinct.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-and-run driver on the loose

Althea and Ryan called and e-mailed to say this happened within the past hour:

I’d like to report a hit and run that occurred just before 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 13th on SW Andover St. between 44th and 45th. Our vehicle is a dark blue 2008 Mazda5 and was side-swiped on the driver side while parked. The drivers’ side taillight was crushed and side view mirror was knocked off. Judging from the placement of damage to our car, the vehicle to be on the lookout for may be a white pick-up perhaps with some light blue detailing (a faint light blue line can be seen on our car, but the damage is mostly a white or tan color). There will be damage to the right side of their vehicle, most likely with significant traces of dark blue picked up from our car when they hit it. Neigbors said that they could hear the car screeching arond the corner, so if anybody has seen a light-colored pick-up truck driving around crazily with damage to the right side, please let us know!

ADDED EARLY SUNDAY: They wanted to add this to their story:

Perhaps I should not have stated that it may be a “pick-up truck” because I don’t want to narrow the search too much. It could be a large SUV – something that was tall enough to crush our back taillight (which is actually at the top driver’s side of the Mazda 5, rather than down low) with their side view mirror, most likely. We would like to offer a $250 reward for information leading to the location of the vehicle that hit ours. Thanks for your help!

West Seattle jail-site fight: County to offer “multi-year extension”

June 11, 2009 3:47 pm
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We reported in April that the Seattle City Council had sent the county a letter asking for an extension of at least 10 years in the contract for the county to handle misdemeanor inmates – the same inmates the county had said it couldn’t handle after 2012, touching off a push to build new municipal jails (with a West Seattle site under consideration by the “north/east cities”). Now comes word the county will offer a “multi-year” extension – read on to see the official news release just received from the county, followed by a response on behalf of Seattle and the other “north/east cities” (indicating the jail-planning process will NOT be halted):Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary with distinctive loot

Kim has posted flyers about this around her High Point neighborhood but also wanted to share the word here:

My home in the new High Point neighborhood was recently broken into and my entire collection of over 35 years of SW Native American turquoise, silver coral and black onyx jewelry (bracelets, earrings, and rings), grandmother’s diamond ring, a queen-size pendleton blanket (creme, red, orange and yellow Native cross design), and four bottles of insulin with ice packs were stolen. A police report has been filed … If you have seen any of these items or have knowledge of possible whereabouts,
please contact

West Seattle Crime Watch: They tried; they failed

Dropped by the Southwest Precinct tonight to leaf through reports for the past few days. Most notable trend – four attempted car thefts. There was one actual theft, too – Sunday morning just after 10:30, a man told police his 1993 Acura Integra had been stolen sometime overnight, from its parking spot in front of his residence in the 5200 block of 46th SW. But before that, four attempts elsewhere – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Two cars targeted

(Updated from first publication with 10:35 pm addition of second incident) Just out of the WSB inbox:

FYI for the neighborhood.

Left the car parked outside my house last night, instead of the carport (32nd & Henderson area). This morning, found the keyhole damaged and the framing between the window and door was pried up. No other damage and they didn’t get in the car….Nothing fancy, just a 15 year old car with a fork in the front seat. Asked around and no one saw or heard anything.

Wendy B

Also note that in comments on our previous story about possible stolen items dumped in Pigeon Point, one commenter mentioned a keying spree in that area last night. ADDED 10:35 PM: From Todd in Westwood:

My wife’s 08 Subaru Impreza has been vandalized. Sometime in the last two weeks, someone has poured paint remover on the hood, doors and roof of the car. The substance was clear and sticky, we thought it might be tree sap, as we park it under two large horse chestnut trees. Once I started to wash the car, the paint came right off, just like automotive paint remover.

We have been in contact with an officer at the SW Precinct who thinks it might be random or a real amateur job. We have contacted Benjamin Kinlow at the SW Precinct a few weeks back to start the process of getting the block watch back in order.

If you’re interested in Block Watch, here’s the Crime Prevention page on the Southwest Precinct website.

Followup: Alki gun-violation suspect out of jail

June 7, 2009 1:30 pm
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We’ve been following the story of the 25-year-old Army sergeant arrested and jailed Friday night after an incident on Alki – original Friday night coverage here, Saturday followup here. Just checked the King County Jail Register — he posted bail (which had been set at $1,000) and got out around 9:30 this morning. The allegation against him is listed in Seattle Municipal Court records as “carrying firearm with intent to intimidate” (which is in this section of the Municipal Code). We’ll check with city attorneys tomorrow to see what happens next.

Alki gun incident update: Armed Army sergeant arrested

(Friday night WSB photo, taken on 63rd just south of 63rd)
Last night, we happened to be driving in Alki when police passed us, rushing to the scene of a report that someone had “brandished” a weapon; here’s what we reported at the time. This morning, in addition to commenters providing more detail following our first report, we now have full details from police via SPDBlotter, which identifies the suspect as a 25-year-old man and tells the story:

On 06/05/09, at approximately 7:00 p.m., a suspect was at 60th AV SW and Alki Av SW with a female friend, when he got into a confrontation with a group of juveniles (young teenagers — middle school students). The suspect hurled profanities at the teens and pulled up his shirt to display a holstered handgun, frightening the juveniles and many onlookers. Officers arrived on scene and quickly located the suspect at Alki & 63rd SW. Officers recovered a .357 magnum revolver from the suspect’s waistband. He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, and was also carrying a flask of whiskey. The suspect, produced a US Army ID, identifying him as an active duty sergeant, and a CCW permit issued by the state of Ohio.

After interviewing victims and witnesses, it was determined that the display of the handgun did not appear reasonable in response to any real or perceived threats from the juveniles. The suspect was arrested without incident and transported the Southwest Precinct. The suspect’s immediate commanding officer was contacted and made aware of the situation. The suspect was booked into King County Jail for unlawful carrying/display of a weapon. The revolver and Ohio CCW card were placed into evidence.

Washington does honor Ohio concealed-weapons permits, by the way, according to data we found online. As for the suspect’s status, while we don’t have his name, the jail register does show one man booked into jail last night on this type of charge, and he’s still in custody right now in lieu of $950 bail.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car break-in; duck theft on cam

Two Crime Watch stories to share. First, from Tara:

… my truck (was) broken into tonight at the junction. I was having dinner and was parked in the lot behind West 5. One hour later, I returned to our truck and the driver’s side lock was broken into and my backpack was stolen. I’m a teacher and my classroom keys were inside, along with my Seattle Public Schools badge. I’m so upset. Since there wasn’t anything valuable, I’m thinking the thief/s will probably get rid of it quick and I’m hoping everyone could keep an eye out for it.

Tara says it’s a gray backpack. Meantime, Ron at Lowman Beach wrote to call attention to his latest post in the WSB Forums — it links to what he says are surveillance photos and video of someone who was caught not only stealing something from his famous duck display by the park, but also prowling cars in the area. Here’s his post with those links.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Officer hurt in struggle with suspect

Checked with the Southwest Precinct today after receiving a few notes asking about a significant police presence at the 35th/Henderson (map) Gasco station around 9 last night – triggering an “aid response” Fire Department call – and happening just about the same time as the power outage, which certainly dominated attention for a few hours. Lt. Ron Smith tells WSB that officers responded to a call about an apparently mentally disturbed man “who was attempting to carjack a car from (the) gas station. When they arrived, the suspect was out of control, and unable/unwilling to follow commands from the officers. A struggle ensued, and the suspect was Tased and brought under control. One of the officers suffered an minor injury with exposure to suspect’s blood.” Lt. Smith says the suspect was booked into King County Jail.

West Seattle Crime Watch: May property-crime statistics

Earlier this week, we linked to the official Seattle Police release of crime statistics from the first 4 months of this year. Since then, we’ve learned the Southwest Precinct compiles even more specific – and fresher – reports each month, and Lt. Steve Paulsen has just shared the West Seattle-area “property crimes” report for May. The map above, showing where residential burglaries happened last month, is just one part of it. The entire document is a PowerPoint you can see here in its entirety (we converted it to a PDF) – or, just read the highlights: Last month in West Seattle, there were 100 car prowls, almost the same as April (101), but significantly up compared to 74 in May 2008; as for auto thefts, last month there were 32, up from 29 in April and 28 in May 2008. (Notably, though, June through May, the auto-theft totals are down from the same period a year earlier: 503 for June ’07 through May ’08, 417 for June ’08 through May ’09.) Residential burglaries are down: 50 during May, compared to 68 in April, and 56 in May 2008. Lots of numbers but if you prefer to see all the charts and maps for yourself – it’s all here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Another student’s books get stolen

June 3, 2009 10:21 pm
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Remember what happened to “Desperate College Student,whose school items were stolen from her car? She did get some of them back. Now Kathleen is hoping her daughter also can recover some of what *she* just lost in a theft:

We live at 106th and Marine View Drive [map] and someone broke into our daughter’s car in the driveway. She’s home from college for a couple of weeks and her car was locked and in the driveway. This morning I heard someone outside and saw a man get out of a black Suburban-like car. He was walking towards our house. I think he had already robbed my daughter’s car and was walking towards my husband’s car in the driveway to see if they could take anything from it. They took a box from her car that contained art books (she’s an art history major) and sentimental items. If they dumped the box because it had no value to them, please contact us so our daughter can get the box back. Call 206 497 8665.