Crime 6640 results

Update: Man shot in The Junction; shots pierce Talarico’s wall

ORIGINAL 11:53 PM REPORT, which was headlined “Assault with weapons call …”: Happening right now in the 4700 block of California SW, and police have just called for backups for “crowd control.” 25 year old man shot at least twice. More to come.

11:57 PM UPDATE: Here’s what else we know; WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is on the scene and we are monitoring the scanner at HQ. Apparently the victim ran into Talarico’s after being shot. Police are looking for a white Lexus with a “black male and Hispanic male,” at least one armed with a “revolver.” Their “be on the lookout” broadcast says it was last seen heading “southbound” from the area. Christopher says California is blocked off in that block of The Junction, and that it’s a “madhouse” down there right now. According to the scanner, the victim is alert/conscious, and has at least two gunshot wounds – described by medics as in “the right axillary area” and in one arm.

12:16 AM UPDATE: Added photo from Christopher, who also says police have found “shell casings” – which is what they were looking for in the street, as shown above (and in this next photo, added later).

12:23 AM UPDATE: Yet more information from Christopher on the scene – the victim and suspect apparently were fighting outside Talarico’s before the victim was shot. At least two bullet shells were found on the ground, and Talarico’s exterior was believed to have been hit by at least one of the shots. The victim’s wounds are NOT believed to be life-threatening. Police now are not sure the white car in which the suspect got away was a Lexus as first reported – it might be something similar, like a Camry.

12:34 AM UPDATE: An official police update via phone from Officer Renee Witt in the Seattle Police media unit – she says THREE suspects are being sought (no further description of them or their vehicle, though) and also confirms that gunshots pierced Talarico’s front wall, adding that bullets reportedly lodged “in a couple of barstools.” No one hit/hurt other than the man shot outside, however.

12:42 AM UPDATE: Christopher reports that police believe the gun was 9mm. In the comment section, we have heard from Erin, who says she was inside Talarico’s when this happened, and since she is a nurse, tried to help the victim as best she could till help arrived. She says the wounds were in the armpit (axilla) and leg. Meantime, in an unrelated (but nearby) incident, police report via radio that they have just taken one person into custody in connection with an assault at Poggie Tavern (again, stressing it’s NOT related to the shooting).

12:56 AM UPDATE: More from Christopher, who was the first newsperson on the scene and is sending additional photos shortly: He saw 4 bullet casings in the middle of California and confirms that police found multiple bullet holes in the front facade of Talarico’s. Also, he reports, the person who shot the victim “ran through the pedestrian tunnel and got into a car there. Eyewitnesses said the victim was wearing a white shirt but that they saw no blood at all. Victim was screaming, ‘They shot me. I’m shot’.”

1:48 AM UPDATE: Still no word of arrests, nor an update on the victim’s condition – we’ll be checking again with police in a few hours. According to our archives, this is the first West Seattle shooting incident in more than four months in which someone has been hit/hurt (here’s the last one we reported). One interesting side note from Christopher at the scene: Police marked the bullet casings found in the street by using new electronic flares, which you can see in this photo:

From the scanner: Dispatcher was asked for description of the suspects and replied “black males with dreadlocks,” so that’s a possible update from info available earlier.

7:32 AM UPDATE: We have posted a separate followup – police have just announced that the victim did not survive.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Status reports on 2 cases

ADMIRAL BURGLARY: Much has been written – even more in the comments than in official stories – about 18-year-old Skyelar Hailey, charged with burglary after his Admiral arrest November 10. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has notified neighbors that after Hailey’s latest court appearance, he has chosen to proceed to trial (prior court documents had suggested a plea bargain was a possibility) and the date is set for April 21. Hailey, whose publicly viewable record includes 10 cases in which he is listed as “defendant,” spent 10 days in jail following the November arrest.

DELRIDGE SHOOTING BEFORE CENTRAL DISTRICT MURDER: reminds us (see the story here) that Friday marked one year since the rampage in which Rey Davis-Bell was arrested for allegedly shooting into his girlfriend’s Delridge apartment (WSB coverage here) and then killing a Central District restaurateur. CDN says Davis-Bell is not scheduled for trial until October.

National Gang Threat Assessment: Read it online

Just saw a KING5 followup about the FBI’s just-released “National Gang Threat Assessment,” but we don’t see a link to that actual FBI report on their website; we have the link from an FBI news release e-mailed today, so we wanted to let you know that if you want to read it, you can find it here. Page 18 focuses on the current/predicted Northwest gang situation, and names the gangs the FBI believes are most “criminally active”; information on those individual gangs starts on page 23. No Seattle specifics, but local law-enforcement agencies are listed as contributors.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Burglar’s plea, sentence

January 29, 2009 11:08 am
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Last November, alerted by a hovering helicopter, we reported on the search for, and arrest of, a man who had broken into a Lincoln Park-area home — where a woman and her two children were asleep — shortly after trying to break into the Colman Pool complex in the park. He turned out to be 41-year-old Richard Lovejoy, a registered sex offender (for rape convictions; photo at left was from his page on the sex-offender-search website) from Arbor Heights who also had been convicted previously of burglary, harassment, and drug possession. After covering the original court action in the case in November (WSB report here), we hadn’t followed up till now — and discovered that Lovejoy pleaded guilty to 1 count of burglary (the second was dropped) on December 31st and was sentenced last Friday. Court documents confirm that Lovejoy was sent immediately to prison to begin a sentence of 5 years, 3 months (the lower end of the “standard range” for the crime, 63 to 84 months, per court documents).

Police arrest man for trying to pimp teens at West Seattle motel

Thanks to Trick for pointing out this Times article about prostitution-related arrests in West Seattle earlier this month. Here’s additional information we’ve found on the case: We checked the jail register, and the 33-year-old man arrested for trying to pimp two 15-year-old girls at Seattle West Inn and Suites in the Triangle (West Seattle’s only motel, aka the former Travelodge), Toda M. Robinson, is still behind bars, with bail set at $100,000. We also downloaded the court documents for more details; he is charged with two counts of promoting sexual abuse of a minor, and the documents note that Robinson has an “extensive criminal history” including “at least six crimes of violence.” (The state court-system search engine has 110 results for his name, dating back to 1991, when he would have been as young as the two girls involved in this case.) The court documents say police arranged the location for the sting, booking a room at the motel after answering a CL ad, and made the arrests after Robinson dropped the girls off – they tracked him down in the parking lot of the 35th/Avalon KFC with a 16-year-old girl in the car, which was described as emanating “a strong odor of marijuana.” One of the girls told police that he usually gets half their money and has at least 3 other teenagers and 10 adult prostitutes working for him.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Window followup; another car gone

We showed you that photo Monday, while reporting that West Seattle firefighters helped clean up and secure the area around a big broken window on the west side of a former Huling/Gee storefront on SW Alaska east of Fauntleroy Way. We subsequently checked to see if it was a case of burglary or “just” vandalism; this morning, we have followup information from Southwest Precinct Sgt. Mike Teeter, who summarizes that “a large rock was thrown through the window, but no entry was made.”

Meantime, a new Crime Watch report this morning, from Amy in Gatewood:

My car was stolen from my driveway yesterday sometime between 10 pm Monday evening and 6 am Tuesday morning. I live on the corner of SW Myrtle street and 36th Ave SW [map]. I filed a police report and thankfully my car was found yesterday around 5 pm by the King County Sheriff’s (Office). It was recovered in the South Park area and towed to a Burien lot. They said they had just recovered a similar Honda Accord like mine stolen from the same area. This is the second time my car has been targeted in my neighborhood. Two years ago my stereo was stolen. I think it’s a group of punk kids going for a joy ride. They didn’t take any car parts, just valuables that were in the car, punched out the ignition, stole my stereo again (luckily I carry the face plate with me so it’s useless to them now), and trashed the inside of the car. Just thought people should know about this in case there is anyone else out there who has had the same thing happen around the area.

We’ve received reports both official and unofficial of more than a few car thefts lately, including a “huge spike” in the unincorporated area south of WS, as described by King County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeff Hancock at last week’s White Center Crime Prevention Coalition meeting, but the Southwest Precinct says numbers on this side of the line are not currently higher than usual.

West Seattle scam alert: Beware of phony “IRS” caller(s)

It might seem “no duh” to some but since this scammer targeted particularly vulnerable people, the elderly, it’s important to get the word out any way possible: The folks at Merrill Gardens on 35th gave us a flyer about a scam alert they’re distributing to residents, and asked if we would share it with you too – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bloody break-in, possibly solved

“Only” one crime report to share tonight – it happened to Paul west of The Junction about this time last night:

Edmunds and 47th [map], 9 pm on Friday night. I got home … to find broken glass and a smashed flashlight in my kitchen. Looks like one or two people got in, stole a couple of DVDs of the Wire (ironic), and left a lot of blood – one of them cut themselves badly coming in through the back door window. Definitely felt like opportunists, not a professional job. At least they were nice enough to close the front door when they left, so the cats didn’t get out.

Our e-mail system didn’t get that to us till several hours after Paul sent it; after we e-mailed him back this morning, he sent an update: “The cop that showed up thought that he’d managed to pick up the guy at around 1 am – he’d been called out by someone reporting a vehicle prowl a little further up north, and apprehended a guy with a bleeding right hand.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Wheels; window; Trenton trouble

That photo is from Ray, who says his car is the wheel-less Honda Fit reported by Justin in this comment on last night’s Junction wheel-theft report. That’s not the only car-targeting crime we have received word about today:

Somebody smashed Mark‘s car window near Fairmount Playfield. He says it appeared to be an isolated incident, at least on his block (5000 block of 38th SW – map), and he also sent a report of the weapon:

Two more reports to share, ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: North Admiral scare

This is just out of the WSB inbox, from Daphne, who wanted to alert others to what happened at her home near Hill/41st (map) a little while ago:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 cars-on-blocks, and a burglary

Brian at TouchTech Systems in The Junction sent that photo Wednesday – he’d noticed this car parked in the pay lot at 42nd/Edmunds (map) for a while, with wheels, until yesterday morning. He notified the owner, and by late afternoon, the car was gone. Same kind of theft happened to Drury‘s husband’s car – read her story, and Amy‘s burglary report, just ahead:Read More

West Seattle woman scammed: Friend warns, “Be watchful”

Desiree is not only upset about something that happened to a friend of hers, she wants to make sure it doesn’t happen to you, so she e-mailed WSB to share the story, so you know what and who to watch for – read on:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Would-be mail thieves?

From the neighborhood east of Lincoln Park, an alert about two early-morning sightings of apparent would-be mail thieves:Read More

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: More quick updates

As mentioned in our previous story, tonight’s WSCPC meeting at the Southwest Precinct heard additional information on last night’s “home invasion” robbery. That’s not the only case police discussed – several more updates on cases old and new, plus the council’s decision on leadership for the new year, all ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: More on the “home invasion” robbery

A multitude of updates from police at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting – but there’s one we wanted to get to you first: A few more details about the “home invasion” robbery late last night at 12th/Myrtle. One concerned neighbor came to the meeting in hopes police would have more information to share, and they did: Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen said they don’t believe it was random — “we think they knew what they were looking for,” possibly with some kind of drug involvement. He says the two robbers were masked, believed to be Hispanic, and “forced their way in after knocking on the door.” The two victims they attacked were men, two of the four adults who were in the home along with one child. Lt. Paulsen reiterated that the victims weren’t the ones who called the police – after they drove downtown to Harborview Medical Center to get treatment for one victim’s injuries, the hospital called SPD, and that’s when officers went to the 12th/Myrtle home. “The scene was pretty extensive,” Lt. Paulsen noted, wth some of the loot left strewn “down the block.” He says because victims and suspects aren’t believed to be totally strangers, “it might not be too difficult to follow up on,” though no one’s been arrested yet. More updates on other cases, coming up later.

West Seattle Crime Watch: “Home invasion” robbery, victims hurt

Posted at SPDBlotter: Two people broke into a home in the 1200 block of SW Myrtle (near Riverview Playfield; map) late last night and held residents at gunpoint, beating two of them before getting away. Police say they first found out about it when one of the victims was driven to Harborview Medical Center for treatment. We’ll be checking for more info on this beyond what’s in the blotter entry. We’re also likely to hear more at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (7 pm, Southwest Precinct, all welcome). ADDED 12:37 PM: A few more details from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the precinct: “4 adult and 1 child victims were inside. There was an assault on two of the male victims which required hospitalization.. Some of the stolen items were recovered a short distance from the home. No suspects have been arrested yet.”

Non-inauguration news: 3 notable West Seattle events tonight

January 20, 2009 1:59 am
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Before we and the rest of the world go All Inauguration/All The Time for much of the rest of the day/night, 3 other events of note TONIGHT: (1) First meeting of the year for the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council – including your chance to take neighborhood concerns directly to local police. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct. (2) First meeting of the year for Sustainable West Seattle, 7:30 pm, Camp Long Lodge. (3) Second and final registration night for West Seattle Little League, 7 pm, Room 212 at West Seattle High School.

Crime Watch update: More on the “house shot at” report

As pointed out in comments on our report about several West Seattle incidents police investigated early today, SPDBlotter now has an item on the “shots fired at house” case in the 1800 block of SW Dawson (map). No injuries, no arrest(s) reported so far. (An automated feed of the newest WS items from SPDBlotter is part of the WSB Crime Watch page, so whatever they post will go there first.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Admiral “sparkler bomb,” and more

Lots of West Seattle activity on the police scanner these past couple hours – one report from someone in Highland Park who thought someone fired shots at his house, another call about possible shots heard closer to the Westwood area, beer getting shoplifted from the 16th/Holden 7-11 … Then, NOT from the scanner, Lisa e-mailed a firsthand report of a “sparkler bomb” in Admiral:

I live in Admiral by the PCC and had a “sparkler bomb” explode in the parking strip in front of my house about an hour ago. My house is swarming with about 5-6 police right now collecting all the fragments. It was crazy scary. There is a hole in my parking strip and fragments up to my front porch and 2 houses beyond. The police think it’s random, and have a suspect.

Lisa’s not sure if that suspect is in custody yet, though. (We will of course follow up with police.) Meantime, one other e-mail mentions hearing “explosions” in the Admiral area around 2 am, most likely the same incident. Five months ago, something similar happened in Highland Park; here’s our report about that one (be sure to read the comments, which brought out a lot of information about what a “sparkler bomb” is).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Beware, if your GPS is still in your car

Out of the WSB inbox, from Hillary in Arbor Heights, who called the police to report the car break-ins and then sent this to share with you:

I wanted to get the word out that both my husband’s and my cars were broken into last night. We are at 42nd Ave SW and 100th (map). Our GPS units were stolen, some change, and a phone charger (for a phone which was not in the car, so the charger is USELESS to the moron – but I need it since my phone has been discontinued).

We’ve lived here for less than a year, after a big move from the east coast. My husband uses his GPS for work, and I use it because I’m still becoming familiar with the area. We feel extremely violated and are wishing we were back east right about now.

I won’t expound on how I feel about the jerk who did this. But at least we can help others.

The Seattle Police website offers very basic information about deterring car break-ins; however, as we mentioned in our story about the November meeting of the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council, law enforcers say it’s optimal not to leave anything in your car that even hints at a GPS system – even suction cups with nothing visible might give someone impetus to break in to look under the seat or in the glovebox. By the way, the WSCPC meets again this Tuesday night (7 pm at the Southwest Precinct), and there’s always a local police rep in attendance, to share info about the latest local crime trends AND to answer questions personally.

West Seattle Crime Watch: What the Lincoln Park search was about

Got a couple notes last night about a police search/containment operation along the Fauntleroy side of Lincoln Park, but the units were gone when we went to check it out. So this morning we got the scoop from Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen: Two juveniles tried to steal beer from the Lincoln Park 76 station (map). As they ran, the clerk hit one with a bottle. They still managed to get away; no arrests so far.

Update: Police search in Highland Park

Just received multiple e-mails about a police search in Highland Park/White Center that may involve a car that’s up on the curb at 9th and Roxbury (that’s according to Tom; CatP wrote in the WSB Forums “something about a suspect run to the ground in the 9200 block of 13th SW; another forum post says police told neighbors the person they’re looking for is NOT armed). Working to find out information now. Anything you’re seeing or hearing, please add in comments. 8:58 PM UPDATE: Scene was clear when we went through but Zack has the scoop in comments: Stolen car crashed into house, suspect caught. Thanks, Zack!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Two possible car-casing alerts

One’s from Morgan Junction, the other from Fairmount Springs – read on:Read More