Crime 6659 results

Crime Watch from not so far away: Burien bank robber

Though it didn’t happen in West Seattle, it wasn’t that far away, and the photo’s pretty clear, so on the offhand chance you recognize this bank robber, we’re sharing the photo provided by the FBI. He held up a Key Bank on SW 152nd in Burien around 10:45 this morning, using a “demand note.” White man, late 20s, medium height, slim build, brown hair, and goatee. Call 911 if you have a clue about his identity and/or whereabouts.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Followup on the lottery-ticket heist

If you were here over the weekend, you may recall quite the lively discussion following our report on a Sunday morning robbery at the Fauntleroy/Alaska 76 station. Some participants in the discussion mentioned hoping more details would become available, so we’ve been watching for the police report to be released. We obtained it late last night, and the details reveal this robbery was even more serious than we were told that day – read on:Read More

Helicopter search update: 3 arrested in car-theft case

helicopterwatch.pngORIGINAL 12:06 AM REPORT: Have received several notes about a helicopter circling in south West Seattle – and a report that it’s related to a King County Sheriff’s Office search in northwest Shorewood. Nothing obvious on the scanner yet but we’re checking. Reports so far have come from 35th and Roxbury, near Westwood Village, and Arbor Heights, so far. (Aside – when you hear a helicopter at this hour, it’s 90% likely it’s Guardian One, the law-enforcement helicopter that belongs to the county but also assists various city jurisdictions sometimes; TV-news helicopters do not fly at this hour unless it’s a gigantic story for which a pilot has been called in.) 12:16 AM: One comment from Arbor Heights mentions police on the ground in their neighborhood. 12:48 AM: Several neighbors report the helicopter has stopped. If we don’t succeed in getting official information tonight, we will seek it out first thing in the morning and publish an update soon as we get it. 2:10 AM UPDATE: Lt. Ron Smith at the Southwest Precinct provides the details: It involved a stolen car; three suspects were arrested after a search involving not only the King County Guardian One helicopter but also Seattle Police K-9, Seattle Police ACT team, and SPD patrol officers.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Heroic neighbor; car-prowl spree …

Just finished reviewing several days worth of Seattle Police reports from Southwest Precinct cases, as provided for media review (with certain details excised before the copies are made public, such as exact addresses). One of the cases that stood out, a heroic neighbor who helped catch burglars: At 7 pm last Tuesday, in the 5000 block of California, a man heard a loud noise, and saw two people entering his neighbor’s house. He called the neighbor, who was in a workshop on the alley; the neighbor went into the house and confronted three people, holding them at bay with a crowbar till police arrived. Officers arrested two women and a man. It appeared they had gotten in by kicking in a door. Read on for summaries of other police reports, including one night last week in which “car prowlers” were VERY busy in West Seattle, two bizarre burglaries involving water, a reader report of a break-in this week, and moreRead More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bullet holes found in house, car

New information about the suspected gunshots reported last night by residents northwest of The Junction: This afternoon, evidence was found that shots indeed were fired. First word came from Stacy, who posted this comment on the original report:

Contrary to popular belief, the noises heard on the 4100 block between Dakota and Genesee last night around 8:30 were actually gunshots. At approximately 3:30 today, eight shell casings were found on the ground along with three bullet holes – two in a parked car and one in a neighbors house. Police were called and just finished their investigation.

Officers who investigated last night didn’t find anything, but we just confirmed Stacy’s report with Lt. Ron Smith at the Southwest Precinct, who says an officer indeed went back out this afternoon to investigate bullet holes in a car and house. No one was hit. (Later note: We have a followup question out regarding the exact location, as well as whether there is any indication of random vs. target.)

Benefit for shooting victim’s family: “We’re overwhelmed”

That’s what Stacey Bushaw told us about an hour ago, looking around at what she called “the second wave” of people filling Talarico’s for this afternoon’s benefit, raising money for the family of her cousin Steve Bushaw, shot outside the Junction restaurant one week ago tonight. “Half the people here, I don’t even know!” Stacey marveled. In addition to the capacity crowd inside, some gathered outside — among them, two police officers, a reminder that Steve’s killers have not yet been caught. Near the back of the restaurants, photos and tributes – some originally created for the streetside memorial last Monday – were set up steps away from the stage:

Under that table, people had placed bouquets of flowers – and a soccer ball, in tribute to the sport in which Steve excelled:

Stacey told us that Talarico’s covered the cost of both the pizza and the music, so all proceeds for the afternoon – and what she described as many generous extra donations – would go toward the benefit. All in all, she said, it’s been a weekend full of people showing support and love – she said the private funeral at Forest Lawn yesterday also drew an overflow crowd, more than 400 people. A video tribute to her cousin was shown twice during this afternoon’s benefit, and a printed copy of the eulogy was posted in the memorial area by the stage:

Stacey explained that the video closed with a line also seen on the poster for the benefit – “Our circle of love will never be broken” – because of family significance: It was a line of solace on the printed memorial program when the cousins lost their grandmother several years back, and Stacey says Steve had it tattooed across his chest, with his surname on one arm, his mother’s maiden surname on the other. She remarked again about how grateful their large extended family was for this weekend’s outpouring from friends, relatives, and other community members: “All this, for my little cousin.” Meantime, we are checking daily with police for any word of a break in the case.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Fauntleroy/Alaska incident update

ORIGINAL REPORT: We haven’t verified this yet but it’s from a known source and given the time sensitivity, we’d rather pass it along sooner than later:

just rolled up to the 76 station at alaska and fauntleroy, which has apparently just been robbed, probably between 11 and 11:30 a.m.

there were two patrol cars on site, and i asked one officer if she had a description. her reply:

“asian male, 5′ or so, black jeans, black sweater.” she said she was in the area when the call came in, and he disappeared pretty quickly.

i know the description is vague, but anyone in the area who sees a man fitting the description should call 911.

We’ll head over to see what we can confirm.

12:06 PM UPDATE: What we found out at the scene: The above-described robber – NOT displaying a weapon – somehow got behind the store’s counter, grabbed a bunch of lottery scratch tickets, and bolted.

Junction shooting, 1 week later: Memorial benefit today

One week ago tonight, two men opened fire on 26-year-old Steve Bushaw outside Talarico’s in The Junction. They got away, described only as black men in a white car; Steve died at the hospital. This afternoon, Talarico’s will be the scene of a fundraiser for his family, organized by friends, to share and celebrate memories, and to help the family deal with expenses, hopefully even raise some reward money. Everyone’s invited, 1-5 pm, $10 cover at the door. Donations also are being accepted at US Bank branches; mention the Steve Bushaw memorial fund. Meantime, we continue to check with police daily regarding any progress in the investigation, but they’ve had no updates to announce since Monday; here’s our coverage from the night it happened, plus followups the next morning and afternoon, and a Wednesday report with more about today’s event.

When to call 911, and when not to? Find out firsthand

It’s been discussed here before: Southwest Precinct police leadership advises “call 911 if you see something/someone suspicious,” and we’ve reported that here, multiple times; then on occasion someone who does call, reports back that they were told that wasn’t an emergency and they shouldn’t have called 911. The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council has been pursuing such concerns with 911 system managers, and Lt. Greg Schmidt, who runs the SPD 911 center, will be the guest at the next WSCPC meeting a week from Tuesday, to explain how it works, to answer questions, to listen to concerns. The reason we’re telling you now is not just so you can mark your calendar, but also because, if you have a specific question they can get to him in advance, particularly about a specific case in which you called 911 and didn’t get the response you expected, they’d like to hear from you by next Thursday – e-mail the WSCPC’s staff liaison from Seattle Neighborhood Group (which by the way is NOT a city agency), Jennifer Duong, at The council’s meeting also, as always, will include crime reports and neighborhood “hot spot” concerns; it’ll be at 7 pm February 17 at the SW Precinct meeting room.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Morgan Junction break-in attempt

Linda tells the story of what she found when she got home tonight (6300 block of 40th SW; map):Read More

Junction shooting update: Benefit posters up; killers still at large

That’s the poster that Stacey Bushaw tells WSB has been distributed throughout West Seattle to invite everyone to this Sunday afternoon’s event benefiting the family of her cousin, Steve Bushaw, the 26-year-old man shot and killed in The Junction last Sunday night. The two men who shot him are still on the loose; police have not provided any new information, so all we know is what we originally reported (here’s our coverage from the night it happened, plus followups the next morning and afternoon).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Fence-hopping burglar(s)

Out of the WSB inbox:

I wanted to let folks know that our neighbor’s house was broken into today somewhere between 10 and 11 AM. We live on the 8700 block of 16th between Trenton and Donovan (map). It appears they came over the backyard fence and entered through a window — (writing to ask) if anyone happened to see anything, and to be aware if they see any suspicious persons around. They stole specific items such as a laptop, video camera, etc.

Junction shooting update: Family photo of Steve Bushaw

The family of 26-year-old Steven Bushaw, the man shot and killed in The Junction on Sunday night, has now decided to go ahead and release a recent photo of him. His sister Tanya Bushaw says that’s Steve with niece Ava, photographed last summer. As we reported last night, a fundraising event is scheduled at Talarico’s this Sunday, and a fund has been set up at US Bank in Steve’s name. Some asked us what the money would be used for, so we asked Tanya, and she replied: “People should know that my family had nothing to do with organizing any of these memorial events or accounts. Friends of Steve set up the event with Talarico’s and another friend of our family who works with US Bank insisted on setting up this fund. Yes the funds will be used for funeral expenses other expenses associated with closing his estate if you will.” The family plans a private memorial service in West Seattle this Saturday. So far, still no word from police of arrests, and no further information on the suspects beyond the vague descriptions originally made public Sunday night — two black males, possibly with dreadlocks, who got away, heading southbound, in a white sedan.

1:02 PM UPDATE: The Sunday event at Talarico’s is being organized by another family member, Steve’s cousin Stacey Bushaw, who just told us the time has been changed to 1-5 pm. She also elaborates on the purpose of the event:

This fundraiser (is) to help cover all medical bills as well as all funeral and burial costs. In addition, this fundraiser will help with possibly setting up reward money to find the assailants and it will also help cover any other unforeseeable bills that may continue to creep up.

No one ever expects something tragic like this to happen to them or their family so we are being proactive and assuring that his parents and sister do not have to face any more obstacles while they continue to mourn over our loss. This is our chance to play a role in helping take away as much of the financial burden from them as we possibly can.

More importantly we are celebrating Stevie’s life. There will be music, food, drinks, and just a time to share in Stevie’s amazing memory with people that love him dearly. I can’t articulate the pain our family is feeling but we truly appreciate all the love and support we have received from family, friends, and the community at large.

Stevie will live on forever through us and our circle of love will never be broken!

Junction shooting update: Fund, benefit to honor Steven Bushaw


We just heard again from Tanya Bushaw, sister of Steven Bushaw, whose shooting death in The Junction on Sunday night remains unsolved – she wants everyone to know about a benefit coming up this weekend, and she has an additional message:

A friend at US Bank is setting up a memorial fund at US Bank. It is supposed to be set up tomorrow afternoon for people to donate to. I believe it will be under Steve’s name…so people just have to mention Steve Bushaw memorial fund but I will find out the final details tomorrow.

(And) Talarico’s has offered to open their establishment for us to hold a benefit evening in memory of Steve. It will be this Sunday evening at 8 pm and it will be a $10 cover for each person and any other donations are welcome as well. They have been so kind to offer a band to play and the proceeds from the evening will be donated to the family. They also told us that kids are welcome to come from 8 until 9 pm. After 9 pm anyone under 21 will not be allowed.

Tanya adds a message that she feels is very important for you to understand:

This had nothing to do with Talarico’s beyond the fact that it happened in front of their business. The people that did this were not patrons of Talarico’s and people should not feel scared to go there. I myself have been there before, and it’s not a place to be afraid of.

(An earlier version of this story included the date/time for the memorial but the family decided they need to keep that invitation-only for now.) Again, as we reported earlier tonight, police haven’t released any new information on the search for the two men who opened fire on Steven Bushaw as he crossed the street late Sunday night, midblock between Alaska and Edmunds. We are continuing to check with them frequently and will let you know whenever there’s anything new to report. 9:37 PM P.S.: The tribute table with flowers and signs is back outside Talarico’s tonight.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Shooting semi-update; attack near park

JUNCTION SHOOTING INVESTIGATION: We just checked with Seattle Police, and Officer Jeff Kappel says there’s no new information in the search for the men who shot 26-year-old Steven Bushaw as he crossed the street in The Junction night before last (Sunday night coverage here, Monday morning followup here, Monday afternoon followup here). As for his family, we have exchanged e-mail with his sister Tanya, who says she will let us know when there is information to share about his memorial service. (As of this afternoon, the temporary memorial set up outside Talarico’s [left photo] was gone; people who knew Steven are continuing to leave comments remembering him in this thread.)

ATTACK NEAR PARK: Police also released information regarding an incident we checked out last night but at the time were unable to verify: The “assault with weapons” call near Riverview Park around 9:40 last night turns out to have been a stabbing. Officer Kappel says a man in his 50s was out for a walk in the 7200 block of 12th SW (map) and was attacked by a man who got away. There’s no information on how the victim is doing. His attacker is described as “a black male, 5-7, 130 pounds, large front teeth, dark coat, light T-shirt, light pants, fled in a white subcompact car.” 9:24 PM UPDATE: From the WSB Blogs page (thanks to “d” for the tip), Highland Park Action Committee chair Dan Mullins‘ blog has more information about the victim, identifying him as David Skinner and saying he’s still in the hospital with injuries including a punctured lung.

Update: 12th SW “assault with weapons” call closed

February 2, 2009 10:09 pm
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There’s an “assault with weapons” call in the 7500 block of 12th SW (by the south end of Riverview Playfieldhere’s a map); no other details so far – heading to check it out. 10:32 PM UPDATE: Got to the area, police and fire gone, call now closed on 911 site. TUESDAY UPDATE: It was a stabbing, according to this P-I blog post. Following up with SPD.

Update: Memorial at scene of Junction shooting; victim ID’d

Flowers and other tributes have been placed at the scene of last night’s deadly shooting in The Junction (original report here, morning update here). No word of arrests yet, nor formal ID from the Medical Examiner’s office (the 26-year-old victim’s sister sent WSB e-mail early this morning but we have withheld his name pending official confirmation of the ID), but we are about to make another round of calls to check. We will have photos of the tributes shortly. Many people who knew the victim have already written tributes in the comments on our morning update, starting here. 3:37 PM UPDATE: Adding photos. The memorial was set up by three childhood friends of Steve; the table was provided by Talarico’s. To quote one of them, honest and raw: “This is so f—d up.” They are working on memorial plans, and they invite anyone who knew Steve to come down and write, or leave, a tribute. 3:49 PM UPDATE: The victim’s full name is now public: Steven Ray Bushaw, per the King County Medical Examiner’s office, cause of death reiterated as “multiple gunshot wounds.”

4:28 PM UPDATE: Just called police to ask if there’s ANYTHING new we can report. Officer Mark Jamieson in the media unit says, in a word, no. The last, and only, official description of the suspects is, “two black males in a white sedan” – they can’t even confirm the potential dreadlock-hairstyle detail that we picked up off the scanner last night (and of course, what’s heard on the scanner often changes in cases big and small as police receive conflicting information and have to sort through it). If you have ANY information that might help the investigation, call 911.

ADDED 4:42 PM: In comments, there’s a tribute mentioning that Steve Bushaw was a talented soccer player. While looking for online info, we found this link to a Times story from 11 years ago, about his role in a huge upset win for the West Seattle High School soccer team.

ADDED EARLY TUESDAY: We have e-mailed the family a request for a photo of Steve. Meantime, WSB’er Alice discovered he’s in her 1999 WSHS yearbook, and sent us the photo you see at left.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thieves target car racks

If you have a Yakima-brand rack on your car, beware – ahead, two theft reports in 2 nights:Read More

Update: Junction shooting victim dies, no arrests yet

(Sunday night photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
Though his wounds were originally described as “not life-threatening,” Seattle Police now say the man shot in The Junction late last night died overnight. The update a short time ago from Officer Renee Witt also includes a few other changes to what police have found out since our original coverage: They say he’s 26 years old and was “walking across the street” when two people “both opened fire, striking the victim twice.” (We have since clarified with Officer Witt — as originally reported, it’s still believed he was in some kind of argument with those two people when he was shot; the victim is reported to have said that himself after running into Talarico’s and collapsing.) The two suspects are still believed to have gotten away by car, described only as a “white sedan,” and Officer Witt says investigators have no other information on the suspects they’re seeking. 7:37 AM UPDATE: Checking e-mail from the past few hours, we found this note:

The man shot at Talarico’s was my brother, Steven. He was 26 and unfortunately, he did not make it. He passed away shortly after arriving to Harborview. The shot to his chest went through the main artery from his heart. He was an amazing man and I will miss him! If any of your readers know anything about what happened please have them call the police. I just can’t believe the people who did this are out there running around…

The note is from Tanya, whose surname also is on the e-mail, but we won’t add that until we can confirm with the Medical Examiner that the man’s next-of-kin have been officially notified (we just called and they currently don’t expect to release the official ID till this afternoon). This is the first homicide in West Seattle since 49-year-old Tracey Creamer was killed last April in Highland Park by her husband, who then killed himself; that was the only 2008 WS killing, following three in 2007. 8:39 AM UPDATE: The latest information from police is also now summarized on SPDBlotter. 11:37 AM UPDATE: New photo from WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli – one of the bullet holes in the Talarico’s facade:

Update: Man shot in The Junction; shots pierce Talarico’s wall

ORIGINAL 11:53 PM REPORT, which was headlined “Assault with weapons call …”: Happening right now in the 4700 block of California SW, and police have just called for backups for “crowd control.” 25 year old man shot at least twice. More to come.

11:57 PM UPDATE: Here’s what else we know; WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is on the scene and we are monitoring the scanner at HQ. Apparently the victim ran into Talarico’s after being shot. Police are looking for a white Lexus with a “black male and Hispanic male,” at least one armed with a “revolver.” Their “be on the lookout” broadcast says it was last seen heading “southbound” from the area. Christopher says California is blocked off in that block of The Junction, and that it’s a “madhouse” down there right now. According to the scanner, the victim is alert/conscious, and has at least two gunshot wounds – described by medics as in “the right axillary area” and in one arm.

12:16 AM UPDATE: Added photo from Christopher, who also says police have found “shell casings” – which is what they were looking for in the street, as shown above (and in this next photo, added later).

12:23 AM UPDATE: Yet more information from Christopher on the scene – the victim and suspect apparently were fighting outside Talarico’s before the victim was shot. At least two bullet shells were found on the ground, and Talarico’s exterior was believed to have been hit by at least one of the shots. The victim’s wounds are NOT believed to be life-threatening. Police now are not sure the white car in which the suspect got away was a Lexus as first reported – it might be something similar, like a Camry.

12:34 AM UPDATE: An official police update via phone from Officer Renee Witt in the Seattle Police media unit – she says THREE suspects are being sought (no further description of them or their vehicle, though) and also confirms that gunshots pierced Talarico’s front wall, adding that bullets reportedly lodged “in a couple of barstools.” No one hit/hurt other than the man shot outside, however.

12:42 AM UPDATE: Christopher reports that police believe the gun was 9mm. In the comment section, we have heard from Erin, who says she was inside Talarico’s when this happened, and since she is a nurse, tried to help the victim as best she could till help arrived. She says the wounds were in the armpit (axilla) and leg. Meantime, in an unrelated (but nearby) incident, police report via radio that they have just taken one person into custody in connection with an assault at Poggie Tavern (again, stressing it’s NOT related to the shooting).

12:56 AM UPDATE: More from Christopher, who was the first newsperson on the scene and is sending additional photos shortly: He saw 4 bullet casings in the middle of California and confirms that police found multiple bullet holes in the front facade of Talarico’s. Also, he reports, the person who shot the victim “ran through the pedestrian tunnel and got into a car there. Eyewitnesses said the victim was wearing a white shirt but that they saw no blood at all. Victim was screaming, ‘They shot me. I’m shot’.”

1:48 AM UPDATE: Still no word of arrests, nor an update on the victim’s condition – we’ll be checking again with police in a few hours. According to our archives, this is the first West Seattle shooting incident in more than four months in which someone has been hit/hurt (here’s the last one we reported). One interesting side note from Christopher at the scene: Police marked the bullet casings found in the street by using new electronic flares, which you can see in this photo:

From the scanner: Dispatcher was asked for description of the suspects and replied “black males with dreadlocks,” so that’s a possible update from info available earlier.

7:32 AM UPDATE: We have posted a separate followup – police have just announced that the victim did not survive.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Status reports on 2 cases

ADMIRAL BURGLARY: Much has been written – even more in the comments than in official stories – about 18-year-old Skyelar Hailey, charged with burglary after his Admiral arrest November 10. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has notified neighbors that after Hailey’s latest court appearance, he has chosen to proceed to trial (prior court documents had suggested a plea bargain was a possibility) and the date is set for April 21. Hailey, whose publicly viewable record includes 10 cases in which he is listed as “defendant,” spent 10 days in jail following the November arrest.

DELRIDGE SHOOTING BEFORE CENTRAL DISTRICT MURDER: reminds us (see the story here) that Friday marked one year since the rampage in which Rey Davis-Bell was arrested for allegedly shooting into his girlfriend’s Delridge apartment (WSB coverage here) and then killing a Central District restaurateur. CDN says Davis-Bell is not scheduled for trial until October.

National Gang Threat Assessment: Read it online

Just saw a KING5 followup about the FBI’s just-released “National Gang Threat Assessment,” but we don’t see a link to that actual FBI report on their website; we have the link from an FBI news release e-mailed today, so we wanted to let you know that if you want to read it, you can find it here. Page 18 focuses on the current/predicted Northwest gang situation, and names the gangs the FBI believes are most “criminally active”; information on those individual gangs starts on page 23. No Seattle specifics, but local law-enforcement agencies are listed as contributors.

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Burglar’s plea, sentence

January 29, 2009 11:08 am
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Last November, alerted by a hovering helicopter, we reported on the search for, and arrest of, a man who had broken into a Lincoln Park-area home — where a woman and her two children were asleep — shortly after trying to break into the Colman Pool complex in the park. He turned out to be 41-year-old Richard Lovejoy, a registered sex offender (for rape convictions; photo at left was from his page on the sex-offender-search website) from Arbor Heights who also had been convicted previously of burglary, harassment, and drug possession. After covering the original court action in the case in November (WSB report here), we hadn’t followed up till now — and discovered that Lovejoy pleaded guilty to 1 count of burglary (the second was dropped) on December 31st and was sentenced last Friday. Court documents confirm that Lovejoy was sent immediately to prison to begin a sentence of 5 years, 3 months (the lower end of the “standard range” for the crime, 63 to 84 months, per court documents).