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Update: Verdict in 59th/Admiral shooting case: “Not guilty”

BULLETIN: Verdict for the 18-year-old defendant: Not guilty, not of murder, not of manslaughter, not of anything. His mother cried, “Oh my God,” sitting in the front row. More shortly. 4:15 PM UPDATE: Took extra time to get to “shortly” — we talked with defense lawyer Robert Perez after he went down a floor to handle paperwork for his client’s immediate release. The trial is not completely over — on Monday, jurors will return in order to decide another matter: Perez filed a motion for the state to pay his client’s legal costs if he was cleared. We’ll be there for that part of the case too. Separate full report later recapping the case and today’s developments. (Again, full archive of trial coverage is at the bottom of last night’s story.)

gavel.jpgORIGINAL 2:37 PM POST: There’s word the jury has reached a verdict in the murder trial that only WSB has been covering, with an Alki 18-year-old claiming self-defense in the deadly shooting of 33-year-old Francisco Bailey-Ortiz inside a car at 59th/Admiral on 10/13/07. I am now standing by in the downtown courtroom of Superior Court Judge Richard Eadie, with reporter Rachel Gabrielle – who’s been covering the trial – on the way here, and I will post the verdict as soon as it’s read. (To catch up on the story, follow the links at the bottom of Rachel’s latest report.) – TR

59th/Admiral shooting trial: Jury deliberations begin

gavel.jpgJury deliberations have begun in the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with murdering the 33-year-old man he says sexually abused him for years. This is the third week of the trial that WSB is covering, start to finish, as followup to our initial coverage of the 10/13/07 shooting (and updates in the ensuing months); read on for the latest report from our courtroom correspondent:Read More

Crime Watch: Credit-card scammer followup; another break-in

Two West Seattle Crime Watch updates for you right now: First, a followup on yesterday’s arrest of the woman accused of using stolen credit cards for handcuffs_2.jpg$2,000 worth of purchases at local businesses. Southwest Precinct Officer Brian Ballew tells WSB that the item involved in the biggest of those purchases — a $700 fountain from West Seattle Nursery (WSB sponsor) — has been returned to the nursery today. The 53-year-old woman was booked into jail last night; as for how she got caught — Officer Ballew says she had pre-purchased some items at a local business, and before she returned for them yesterday, they and police had matched her to the investigation. Meantime, in separate Crime Watch news, we just got word of another break-in with the “method of entry” involving a BB gun – for those details and what police are saying about this apparent burglary wave, read on:Read More

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: Closing arguments tomorrow

October 29, 2008 7:02 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

gavel.jpgTestimony is over in the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with murdering the 33-year-old man he says sexually abused him for years. WSB is covering the trial, start to finish; read on for the latest report from our courtroom correspondent:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Credit-card fraud suspect arrested

handcuffs_2.jpgJust in from Sgt. Jeff Durden at Southwest Precinct: He says they have just arrested the woman they believe to be behind the fraudulent credit-card use we told you about two days ago; she’s being interviewed at the precinct right now and expected to be booked on felony charges later. Sgt. Durden wasn’t ready to share details of the arrest’s circumstances – but when those can be made public, we’ll bring you an updated report. He adds, “We got all the credit cards back.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Help find stabbing suspect

wardpic.jpgSeattle Police have just released that photo of the man they’re looking for in connection with the stabbing at the Stewart Manor apartment complex in High Point on October 17th. (Original WSB coverage here.) Here’s the information they sent along with the photo: “On October 17th, 2008 Daniel P. Ward (DOB 2/6/57) and his 42-year-old girlfriend were in her apartment in the 6300 block of 34th Avenue SW. After a brief verbal argument, Ward attacked his girlfriend. Ward stabbed her several times with a box cutter causing severe injuries to her neck, arm, and face. Ward told her that he would kill her and then kill himself. The victim was able to get away from him and seek help. Ward fled the scene and remains at large. The King County Prosecutor’s Office has since charged Ward with Assault 1st degree – Domestic Violence. Anyone with information regarding Ward’s whereabouts is asked to contact 911.”

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: Defendant’s family testifies

gavel.jpgAs WSB continues covering the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with murdering the 33-year-old man he says sexually abused him for years, the defendant has concluded his testimony, and members of his family have taken the stand. Read on for today’s report from our courtroom correspondent:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: “Burglary spree,” biz break-in, more

3 break-in cases in the latest update — a house (in an area where neighbors have just gotten word of a “48-hour burglary spree”), a car, and a store:Read More

Former West Seattleite Amanda Knox ordered to stand trial

Looks like Arbor Heights resident Edda Mellas will have to spend a lot more time in Italy – her daughter Amanda Knox is now ordered to stand trial in the murder case that’s drawn international attention over the past year-plus. Here’s the latest, via the P-I.

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: Defendant takes the stand

gavel.jpgThe trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with murder in the 10/13/07 deadly shooting inside a car at 59th/Admiral is now in its third week. WSB is covering the trial start to finish; today, the defendant took the stand – here’s our courtroom correspondent’s latest report:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this scammer? Plus – car break-in

Two incidents to alert you about this afternoon. One – word of a credit-card scammer who hit West Seattle Nursery (WSB sponsor) – with a distinctive description, and a distinctive purchase – and WSN wants to make sure other businesses are on the lookout; two, word of a car break-in – read on for details of both:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Fighting crime, by intervening early

Out driving around to check on a few things this morning, we noticed what looked like a particularly prolific graffiti-vandalism spree in recent days – one particular tag (which we will not name or show) in dozens of spots, from safety signs to real-estate signs to concrete construction blockades, where it hadn’t been just days earlier. Can’t say for sure if the vandal is a teenager, but in most cases, graffiti vandalism is done by young offenders. That reminded us we’d been meaning to write about a discussion at last week’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting — an update on the mayor’s proposed youth-violence-prevention program, and what local police are seeing and doing:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3 new reports, including “stinky skates”

Tonight, three reports have come in from people who want to share their stories so you can be more alert and aware — including the case of the stolen “stinky skates” plus an unfortunate reminder to lock up when you’re out doing yard work — read on:Read More

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: Prosecution rests its case

October 23, 2008 6:09 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

gavel.jpgWe’re continuing to cover the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with murder in the 10/13/07 shooting death of 33-year-old Francisco Bailey-Ortiz, killed inside a car at 59th/Admiral. The week’s proceedings concluded (the trial’s not in session Fridays) with prosecutors resting their case. Ahead, our courtroom correspondent’s full report:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 19-year-old arrested for alleged rape

October 23, 2008 1:41 pm
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 |   Crime | High Point | West Seattle news

Just posted on the new SPD Blotter site: A 17-year-old girl told police a 19-year-old “male acquaintance” had sexually assaulted her in his home in the 5900 block of High Point Drive SW (map) on Monday; she called police the next day, and they arrested the suspect for investigation of rape. (Reminder, the latest entries from SPD Blotter’s Southwest Precinct page are automatically posted on the WSB Crime Watch page.)

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: West Seattle witnesses testify

October 22, 2008 11:56 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

gavel.jpgToday was the first full day of testimony in the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with second-degree murder in the 10/13/07 59th/Admiral shooting; WSB start-to-finish courtroom coverage continues – here’s who testified today, what they said, and what happens next:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this missing motorcycle?

From Mary at Twilight Art Collective (west of Easy Street in The Junction), who usually e-mails us about openings and parties (like their Halloween gala), but is reporting something much different today:

Sad news from us this time. My motorcycle that I often park in front of the gallery was stolen from right in front of my house on 32nd and Holden last night 10.22.08. It’s a German-made MZ 125 sm. Very rare in these parts. I’ve made a flyer with two similar bikes. Mine is black with grey logos exactly like the ones on the lower picture. Please help!!

Here’s that flyer (Wednesday night update, Mary sends word that the reward is up to $500):


West Seattle Crime Watch: Two angry break-in victims

Two of your West Seattle neighbors have e-mailed to let you know what happened when burglars targeted them – one in Arbor Heights, one on Genesee Hill. Sometimes, the Crime Watch reader reports we get are simple and emotionless, but not these two:Read More

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: Testimony begins

October 21, 2008 8:22 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

gavel.jpgAfter jury selection was completed on Monday, testimony began today in the trial of the 18-year-old charged with murder in the deadly shooting inside a car at 59th/Admiral (map) a year ago. WSB is covering the trial start to finish — read on for today’s report from court:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Three ways to fight back

October 21, 2008 6:30 am
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 |   Crime | Neighborhoods | Safety | West Seattle police

TONIGHT: Wherever you live in West Seattle, you can get the lowdown on the latest trouble spots – and a chance to voice your concerns directly to your local police – by showing up for tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. 7 pm – but not the usual location; it’s at Denny Middle School (30th and Thistle; here’s a map) this time.

THURSDAY: People living in the southeasternmost neighborhoods of West Seattle are also welcome at the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting, which also focuses on neighborhood trouble spots and crime concerns, with King County Sheriff’s Deputies usually in attendance as well as Seattle Police, to address both jurisdictions. 6 pm Thursday, St. James Place (9421 18th SW; here’s a map).

OCTOBER 28TH: After crime concerns came up while neighbors of California Place, the mini-park at California/Hill (map), were discussing proposed park changes, it was discovered there’s no Block Watch in the general area of California Avenue between SW Walker and SW Holgate (map), and adjoining streets. So a meeting to organize one, with Southwest Precinct crime-prevention help, is set for 6:30 pm 10/28 at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. If you are interested but unable to attend, e-mail to get in touch with organizers.

59th/Admiral shooting trial update: Jury seated

gavel.jpgAs mentioned last week, WSB is covering the trial of the Alki 18-year-old charged with second-degree murder in the only 2007 West Seattle killing to go to trial, the deadly shooting in a car at 59th/Admiral on 10/13/07. WSB courtroom correspondent Rachel Gabrielle reports that a full jury was finally seated by the end of the day today in King County Superior Court, 8 women and 6 men (counting the two alternates). Opening statements are expected tomorrow in Judge Richard Eadie‘s courtroom, and we will have daily reports throughout the trial, estimated to last up to 3 weeks.