Crime 6658 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Mail-thief alert

Out of the WSB inbox, from Don, who wants you to be aware of what happened to him:

In the neighborhood due south of Alaska Junction’s Jefferson Square, we discovered that mail had been taken from our box, opened, and gone through, in search of credit card information and anything else of value. The perps tossed the remainder in our yard, which was ironic, as one thing of value turned out to be some expensive train tickets for an upcoming vacation trip. The only thing we actually lost was one of those fake credit-card-like things on a junk-mail come-on from American Express, but we found pieces of the neighbor’s mail near our house as well. When we mentioned this to USPS personnel, they told us to call the police and file a report, and let the local postmaster know as well.

BE ON THE LOOKOUT. These creeps take advantage of unlocked mailboxes and have no problem committing local and federal crimes. They are probably working neighborhoods across the area.

In a later e-mail exchange, Don told us police would not take a phoned-in report because nothing of value was missing. We will be checking with local police leadership after the holiday to see if there is a baseline for reports to be taken in this kind of situation; Don’s filing a report online with USPS, in the meantime.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Friday night miscellany

A few miscellaneous notes to share, including one from the scanner moments ago:Read More

Crime/safety update for south WS, including some good news

August 29, 2008 10:32 am
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Some of what was discussed at last night’s South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting will be of interest to anyone living/working in south West Seattle – including some good news about ongoing issues in the area — so we’d like to point you to the full report we have just posted on partner site White Center Now; you can read it here.

Reader report: Double trouble at 35th/Roxbury

From the WSB inbox:

My name is Cody, and I live on the corner of 35th and Roxbury. Monday morning my car was parked across from the Freedom Church on Roxbury and I had found that someone had flexed my window damaging it and broke in trashing my car and throwing everything out of my glovebox trying to find something. Living in Seattle I’ve learned to keep nothing of value in my car so the only thing they got was a broken iPhone charger :). This morning I walked out to my car parked on 35th and found that someone had side swiped me, taking out my back tail light, and mirror and leaving a nice big white scrape all along the driver’s side. This has not really been my week. I just wanted to let people know to park at your own risk on 35th and Roxbury.

Alert: Possible metal-theft casing?

Christopher just sent this – in light of this recent discussion, you might want to be on the lookout:

Just a few minutes ago I watched a man walk down my alley (just off
Oregon between 40th and 41st). He was white, thin, in his 20’s, about
5 foot 7, wearing blue jeans, a blue jacket and a baseball cap. He
drew my attention because he seemed to be acting
suspiciously…looking around at my neighbor’s doorways. When I saw
him pick-up and examine a copper garden ornament in a neighbor’s
garden I decided to go out there to see what was up. When he saw me
he put the item down and walked away. I called the SPD non-emergency
number and filed a report while I followed him on foot for a few
blocks until I lost him. He may or may not have driven away in a
small red Chevrolet that was parked at 39th and Oregon. Just wanted
to spread the word. From what I heard, 11 am seems to be prime
burglary time. I’m not sure if he was looking for metal in general or
if he was just opportunistic. Just thought I’d pass this along so
folks can be on the lookout.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Missing motorcycle

Out of the WSB inbox, from Courtney:

We live across the street from Rocksport on SW Alaska and woke up this morning to a missing motorcycle. Sometime between bed last night (11pm) and leaving for work this morning (530am) our 2008 Suzuki GSX-R black on black has gone missing.

Just filed a police report, bike did have a wheel lock on the front wheel – so it had to be at least two people who took it. If anyone saw anything or knows anything it’d be great to know.

Followup: Another West Seattle murder case closed

While doing research for our coverage of the plea bargain in the Cal-Mor Circle murder of Benny Reside (in-depth story here; today’s followup from court here), gavel.jpgwe discovered that one of the other two 2007 West Seattle murder cases was closed recently — and this one also ended with a plea bargain. 31-year-old Jabarie Phillips admitted he killed 35-year-old Dewayne West on March 14, 2007, outside the 37th/Findlay (map) home where West lived with a roommate. Phillips has pleaded guilty to manslaughter; he originally was charged with second-degree murder. Court documents do not indicate any clear motive, but they do note that West and Phillips had known each other since childhood. That’s about how far Phillips’ criminal record went – his first felony conviction was at age 14 1/2, for stealing a car and eluding police. The court documents we just found say that this month, he was sentenced to 159 months (13 years, 3 months), with credit for the 17 months he already had spent behind bars since the arrest. This leaves one 2007 West Seattle murder unresolved — the 59th/Admiral shooting from last October. The suspect is now 18; we stopped using his name when it was revealed he claims a history of sexual abuse by the man he is accused of shooting to death (as detailed in this WSB report from 10/29/07). He is charged with second-degree murder, and is still in jail, bail set at $200,000; his next hearing is slated for next week.

Dog poisonings update: Coco “normal,” investigation continues

poisoneddog.jpgFive days after we first told you about the poisoning of Coco the dog in her 47th/Genesee yard (map), owner Kate now reports Coco’s “back to normal.” She also has received an update on the case from Seattle Animal Shelter investigator Katherine Rich, regarding the reports of other area poisonings, and wanted to share what Rich e-mailed her, excerpted as follows:

I personally have taken 4 calls reporting poisonings in West Seattle. I know the dispatcher has also taken several calls. So far most of the reports pertain to fairly old cases (3-5 years old) and will be hard to follow up on. We are however questioning everyone that calls in and doing our best to follow up with what information is given. I am also waiting on some vet records in these older cases to see what the notes hold.

Kate says SAS is still interested in hearing from anyone else in West Seattle whose dog was poisoned – Rich’s number is 206.386.7387.

Followup: Killer’s plea in Benny Reside murder case

August 27, 2008 1:31 pm
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(photo added 1:48 pm – Pam Leach talking with the media outside the courtroom after the plea hearing, 17-year-old son Joey at her side; husband Jeff also was in the courtroom)
Last night, we published the story (read it here) of Pam and Jeff Leach of West Seattle, as they faced the end of a 16-month road through the legal system that started with beny.jpgthe murder of Pam’s brother Benny Reside (right) at Cal-Mor Circle, and is ending in a King County Superior Court courtroom this afternoon. I am in that courtroom, where Brian S. Walsh has just pleaded – as expected – guilty to the reduced charge of second-degree murder, and the judge has accepted the plea. (Several citywide media representatives are here too, and the Leaches are in the courtroom as they said they would be.) He is to be sentenced in October. 1:49 PM UPDATE: The deal signed by Walsh notes that the prosecution requests a sentence at the high end, 220 months, while the defendant agrees to ask for no less than the midrange of 170 months. An assault charge stemming from the beating of a witness in the case has been dropped as part of the deal. (WRT the citywide coverage, by the way, you’ll see a TV report tonight on KIRO.) Will add more quotes in a bit; leaving the courthouse now. 4:40 PM UPDATE: Added more details from the courthouse:Read More

West Seattle murder case: “My last fight for my brother”

Three people were murdered in West Seattle in 2007. Two of the three people arrested in those three cases are still awaiting trial — but if a hearing downtown tomorrow goes as expected, one will enter a plea rather than facing a jury. The suspect is 45-year-old Brian Sheridan Walsh; the victim was 44-year-old Harold Benjamin (“Benny”) Reside, a West Seattle native, developmentally disabled and using a wheelchair, viciously beaten to death in his Cal-Mor Circle apartment in April 2007. His sister and brother-in-law have been involved with the case against Benny’s alleged killer every step of the way since – and today, on the eve of the expected plea hearing, they sat down with WSB to tell their story:Read More

Dog poisonings: Investigation expands, citywide media covers

August 24, 2008 2:02 am
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poisoneddog.jpgSince Friday morning, when we first posted the story of Kate K and her dog Coco — who is recovering from being poisoned in her own yard — the comment thread brought two other nearby residents forward with stories about dog poisonings – and that has animal authorities investigating whether these cases might be linked (at Kate’s request, we e-mailed those two commenters to be sure they saw her note about contacting the investigator). It’s also brought two citywide-media reports – we want to thank the Times for crediting WSB and those commenters in its report today (here’s the link); the other report didn’t. Thanks also to those who shared advice on emergency vets.

West Seattle metal theft: WSB’er makes a map for you

View Larger Map

Based on this report and the comments that followed, Steve made the map you see above and asked us to share it – it’s open to collaboration (if it happened to you, go here and add your location). Unfortunately, he has extra impetus to see these guys get caught, as he wrote:

I decided to map out the locations of casings and thefts as suggested by the poster “Jana.” In the middle of typing a reply to the post, inviting Jana and other WSB’ers to view the Google map I created, I received a call from home to let me know that we had been hit (Thursday night).

If you aren’t familiar with how to use Google Maps, here’s the user guide. Meantime, we’re sorry to hear about Steve getting ripped off, but grateful for his generosity in making and sharing the map!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bike owner shares lesson learned

Alki resident Steve Sox is getting the word out about the bike he lost despite a lock, explaining in his e-mail to WSB: “While I am interested in recovery, but don’t have much hope, I am also interested in alerting people to the danger of trusting your expensive bikes to bike rack locks on your vehicles.” Here’s his alert:

My mountain bike was taken from the locked rack on top of my car Thursday night/Friday morning near Alki Beach. They did NOT get the front wheel. So be advised that if you see bike as described below with no front wheel or a mis-matched wheel set that it might well be stolen.

I can positively identify the bike beyond the serial number.

If anyone happens to see the bike for sale at a yard sale, pawn shop, where ever, I would appreciate a phone call. My cellphone number is 206-719-2158.

Gary Fisher Sugar 2+ Full Suspension Mountain Bike
Colors: Black w/ grey and silver
Fox front and rear shocks
Cateye computer
No front wheel or a mis-matched wheel set.

Yes, I will offer a reward for information leading to the return of the bike.

Thanks, and please take a lesson from my stupidity. Do not overly trust bike rack locks to protect your property.

Stolen West Seattle pugs update: Message from their owner


When we got the news last night about the safe return of the stolen Arbor Heights pugs, we asked owner Marsha Lubetkin if she could send a photo when she got a chance to catch her breath. The photo you see above just came in tonight, along with this note explaining more about the circumstances of the pugs’ return:

I wanted to thank your blog and everyone who helped us search for our pugs, Bandit & Pippin. It is such a happy ending and they are both fine and very glad to be home.

I do want to let everyone know that today I spoke with the woman who took them to the King Co Animal Shelter and she really was a good samaritan. She lives in the Skyway area near Renton and returned home from shopping about 5:00 yesterday with her brother and cousin and found 2 pugs in her yard. She had not watched the news or read the newspapers, so had not heard about Bandit & Pippin. They checked with all their neighbors and no one knew who owned the pugs. Her father told her to take them to a shelter, so she and her brother googled where the nearest shelter was and took them to Kent. She just wanted the dogs to get back to their owners, but felt the staff at the shelter were very suspicious of her and wanted all kinds of ID and she felt she was treated with disrespect. I think it was all a misunderstanding on each side. … After talking with her, I do believe her and thanked her for getting our pugs back to us. She did exactly the right thing and without her they could still be missing. She refused the reward, but I told her I was sending her a check anyway. She is the reason our pugs are home tonight. Thanks for spreading the word.

As for how the dogs got into that yard — still a mystery.

Pet alert: West Seattle dog recovering from poison


That’s Coco the dog, wearing bandages where she needed IV treatment for medications and fluids after an apparent poisoning right in her own yard in the 47th/Genesee vicinity (here’s a map). We first heard from Coco’s owner Kate K very early this morning, and then a followup after they visited the vet – she’s also put up flyers to get the word out (we just got e-mail about one of them) – here’s her story:Read More

Happy ending: Stolen bike found — in school bathroom

Just got a note from Dave at West Seattle High School confirming that the bike taken from a freshman during orientation earlier this week (original WSB report here) turned up in one of the bathrooms at the school (as mentioned in this comment last night). After getting Dave’s note, we checked with the family who originally reported the theft to WSB, and they told us that indeed, bike and owner are now reunited.

Stolen pugs update: Reward, possible sighting

pug30.jpg pug31.jpg

We have two updates from Greg, son of the Arbor Heights couple whose two pugs were taken by burglars (here’s the original report; here’s our update from yesterday, after police received information confirming they were stolen): First, he says a $1,000 reward is offered, “no questions asked”; second, he says, “Somebody thought they saw a wandering pug on Barton 1 block west of Delridge. If you are in the area, please keep an eye out. If you see a pug that looks lost, please take it to the vet. The two stolen pugs are microchipped.”

Reader reports: Metal thieves; door-to-door alert

First, from Karen:

Warning for the Westwood area – 18th Ave SW. A neighbor just stopped by to let me know that he saw two men going down the street in a pickup truck and taking anything metal they found. That included walking into our fenced front yard and taking the kitchen sink that was sitting out there while we put up new sheetrock. The police were notified but did not offer any hope of recovery.

And from further west, Amy sent in a door-to-door alert – might be perfectly innocent, always hard to tell, in which case comments might prove reassuring:Read More

Missing pugs update: Definitely stolen


New information today on the missing pugs we told you about yesterday, gone from their Arbor Heights home after a burglary — Southwest Precinct Sgt. Jeff Durden just called to say a witness who read about it on WSB has told police the dogs were definitely stolen – they were seen being loaded into a vehicle. Police are still working to see what kind of description of that vehicle they will be able to publicly release without jeopardizing the investigation. We’ll let you know when more information is available. 1:10 PM UPDATE: And here it is — Sgt. Durden says neighbors saw a dark blue SUV stopped near the house Monday afternoon around 2 pm, with a male driver and male passenger. They saw one of them come out of the home’s front yard, pick up the pugs, put them in the SUV, and drive off. They didn’t realize at the time that anything was wrong, so they didn’t call police until they read here about the burglary and missing dogs. They didn’t get a license plate, and not very much detail on the people in the SUV, except that one appeared to be in his late teens/early 20s, “dark complexion,” possibly Asian or Hispanic, close-cropped hair or shaven head. The police non-emergency number is 206/625-5011, or you can call 911 if you have a tip that needs immediate action.

West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Updates from last night

August 20, 2008 12:05 pm
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We weren’t sure whether to chuckle or cry when we found out last night’s Seattle Police Department Citizen Appreciation Awards event would keep us from visiting the Southwest Precinct to personally report on the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, which we consider a monthly must-cover. Luckily, we were able to draft previous WSB contributor Evan Baumgardner into service for the occasion – and he brought back important info, including an update on a recent business break-in, other West Seattle crime trends, and a request for ideas from YOU – here’s his report:Read More

Crime Watch reader report: Bike theft at high-school orientation

We mentioned this morning that today marked the start of freshman orientation at West Seattle High School. Linda and Joey Vargas e-mailed tonight to say one thing went awfully wrong for the freshman in their family – but maybe you can help solve the crime:

My son left his bike inside the front door of WSHS for less than 2 minutes to turn his back and sign something. When he turned around his bike was gone. It was his first experience at a full day of high school. He was surrounded by friends and of course some freshman he didn’t know. There were also some adults in the hallway. He’s crushed, it was his transportation, his sport. It was 3 months old. Please keep an eye out for it. We will be looking at the camera footage tomorrow of the hallway, we have also filed a police report. The bike is a brown DK BMX bike. His pegs were both on the left side only front and back. We purchased it at Alki Bike and Board.

Crime Watch reader report: Did thugs make off with pugs?


Got this late last night and added it to the WSB Pets page – but because of the unusual circumstances, we wanted to post it here on the main page too:

My parents’ house was broken into (Monday). They went through my mom’s jewelry box, but didn’t take anything. The only thing missing are their two pugs. Both are brown. One is male and the other female. The female is 4 years old and fifteen pounds. Her name is Pippen. The male is 6 years old and 23 pounds. He is completely blind. His name is Bandit. My parents live on 98th and 37th (near the corner of 35th and Roxbury). They are both microchipped, so if anybody sees a lost pug please take it to a vet. If found, please call Greg at 206-829-9360.

The photos above show Pippen at left, Bandit at right.