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West Seattle Crime Watch: Bra-scattering burglar(s)

E-mailed late last night by Justin:

Just wanted to let our neighbors in the 9200 block of 12th Ave SW (Highland Park) know about our break-in . Sometime between 8:30 Monday morning and 5:30 Monday afternoon someone skinny broke one of our very small basement windows out and shimmied into our house. We lost very little (the window, a Dell laptop, a blue iPod shuffle and a Dell PDA) so we feel very lucky. The officer that stopped to take the report left with several liquor bottles that had been handled and a few batteries that were relocated in the house. None of the neighbors that were home this evening saw anything unfortunately. In addition the officer thought that the perpetrator was likely a juvenile due to the fact that they looked very carefully through our underwear drawers and scattered multiple brassieres around our driveway. The scene was so profound I backed my car into our rockery causing a minor fender bender in addition to our break-in. All in all a very troubling evening. If anyone thinks they have any information, call the southwest precinct and ask for Officer DeBella. Thanks.

Crime Watch reader report: More egg vandalism

Out of the inbox this afternoon from M:

Our house just got egged while we were playing a board game near 15th Ave SW & Thistle. We ran outside but didn’t see anyone. I haven’t heard about this kind of thing happening around here recently.

Here’s a map for that location.

Crime Watch reader report: Parking-lot problem

Out of the inbox, from Rey:

I park my car in a lot below Bartell in the Admiral District. (Friday) a patrol car came into the lot with their lights flashing. I was actually fixing a rear window of my car and someone reported that someone (me) was breaking into the car. The officer told me they were having problems with thief in this lot. Ironically (the previous Saturday) I went to take my car out and left my truck in its place. When I came back my truck was broken into and my stereo and many of my tools were missing. I thought I would let you know to get out the warning.

We’ve reported a couple incidents in this lot in previous West Seattle Crime Watch reports in recent months.

Crime Watch: Text a tip to CrimeStoppers

Not just in West Seattle, but elsewhere in the metro area, you can now text a tip to CrimeStoppers — anonymously — the demo on this page explains how (and how it’s kept anonymous). Be sure to still call 911 when something’s happening NOW, though! (FRIDAY AFTERNOON ADDITION: Here’s today’s City of Seattle news release about Text-a-Tip.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglaries update; sign stolen

First, an update on the 37th SW burglaries reported here last night, from Block Watch Captain Karen:

The timeframe for the burglary in the 5000 block of 37th [last night] was sometime in the late afternoon/early evening, before 7:30 PM. One neighbor (who wishes to remain anonymous) told me today that, in hindsight, he may have seen the vehicle & one of the burglars around 5 PM. He has provided a report to the police.

The second burglary was in the north end of the 5200 block of 37th. The owners e-mailed to say that the burglars kicked in their French doors in the back of the house for entry. They ransacked the house, turned over the bed, went into pantry, closets, dressers, etc. They took items that were easy to take. The burglars put their dog in a bedroom & closed the door. One of the owners reports seeing a gray/silver color car with 4 teenage boys in it around noon, driving slowly & suspiciously on 37th. The burglary at their house took place in the afternoon between 1 & 4:30.

Also, a theft report to pass along, from BJ:

Just noticed that our street sign corner of Alaska and 50th is gone today. I caught some teenagers in the act a couple of years ago but didn’t catch them this time. It took 2 years to get a new sign the first time it was stolen.

BJ has since checked with the city, and is hopeful a replacement will arrive sooner this time, as her neighborhood is slated for those bigger street signs that have already been installed in many West Seattle neighborhoods (by the way, the old signs are still for sale).

West Seattle Crime Watch: New burglary string reported

These two notes appear to add up to three burglaries – we will check with the Southwest Precinct first thing in the morning. In the meantime, wanted to get out the word. First, just in from Karen, who’s a Block Watch Captain in her area:

I wanted to let you know that there was a burglary in our Blockwatch area, the 5000 block of 37th SW, this evening. I believe that it occurred between 6 & 8 PM. We have also heard that there was a second break-in just one block south in the 5200 block of 37th.

The owners of the house in the 5000 block reported that their door was kicked in and the house was completely ransacked. A lot was taken, including jewelry and electronics. Also, two of their indoor cats were let out/escaped but have fortunately now been found.

This one came in a short time earlier from KP (and we were about to post it when Karen’s note came in):

I live on 37th Avenue SW and SW Brandon. I just talked with a neighbor on the 5200 block of 37th Ave SW who was burglarized today. She stated the whole house was tossed and they stole a TV, jewelry and a laptop. She said a house on the 5400 block had been broken into yesterday.

This area is southwest of The Mount, northeast of Fairmount Playfield. Here’s a map.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Particularly damaging burglary

Just out of the inbox from Megan:

Our house was broken into today. We are in the 7300 block of 28th ave SW. They took the typical stuff … mostly electronics. The most disturbing part was all the rummaging they did; everything was thrown out of drawers, and the house was completely torn apart. They even tried to drill through a window, leaving it cracked but not broken out and broke our new plasma tv when they realized they couldn’t take it with them. The police indicated that this fit the profile of just wanting to damage property, not necessarily steal anything of value (nothing that they couldn’t walk away with). We are super bummed but no one was hurt, our pets were scared but safe and this is what insurance is for. It’s just a bummer that people are so disrespectful.

Here’s a map of that area.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Officers fight off attackers


Thanks to Scott for that photo of a sizable police/fire response early this morning in the 6000 block of California. In case you heard the sirens too, here’s the word on what happened, from Lt. Steve Paulsen @ the Southwest Precinct: Police were called about a fight in the street involving two men (Scott says there was plenty of shouting even before law enforcement arrived); when officers intervened, they themselves were attacked, and had to use a Taser to get one suspect under control.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gatewood car break-ins

View Larger Map

Thanks to Matt for sending this alert circulated on a Gatewood list:

“We received two emails from folks around Heights Place SW & 41st Ave SW (2 blocks east of California; area shown on map at left) and both had cars broken into last night. One just rummaged through glove box but the other had a checkbook stolen. One also reported their neighbor had his SUV stolen last week.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Still fairly quiet


First, a photo – this one from Mac, who asked this Seattle Police traffic officer for permission to take his picture – he obliged, then wished Mac a “good day” before zooming off to write a ticket. Not too much else happening in police-land according to our most recent review of reports at the Southwest Precinct:Read More

West Seattle locksmith arson victim’s sign of thanks


As reported here Monday night, Puget Sound Key and Lock owner Michael Dein said at the fundraiser organizing meeting that he would affirm his rebuilding promise by putting up this banner – and today, we got the photographic proof. (If the text isn’t entirely clear on your browser, it says “Thank you, West Seattle, for your love and support/WE ARE REBUILDING/Donations can be made at Wells Fargo Bank to Puget Sound Key and Lock Fund.” That, of course, is the donation account set up by the WSB Forum members who are planning the fundraiser – date and place still being worked out – if you want to get involved, check out this forum thread – organizers also are looking for auction items. Meantime, still no word from police on arrests or big breaks in last Friday morning’s arson, but it’s a priority for the Arson and Bomb unit; if you have any information, call 911 or the arson hotline (800-55-ARSON).

Locksmith arson victim: “We WILL rebuild and reopen”

So vowed Puget Sound Key and Lock owner Michael Dein when we talked with him briefly during the WSB Forum members’ gathering tonight at Beveridge Place Pub to plan a fundraiser. That’s him at left:


He says they’re going to hang a banner outside the store marking their promise to return, though it may take a couple months – he says the building owner promises to rebuild the interior, but they need to replace a lot of equipment and other supplies that “melted” in the fire, and as we first reported hours after the Friday morning arson, they have no fire insurance. That’s why WSB’ers are organizing a benefit – below, a different angle of part of the group – that’s “JoB” second from right (forgive us for not gathering everyone’s names; we had to rush off to check out the outage that someone had just texted us about) – the group was about a dozen strong when we stopped by:


JoB reports:

The consensus of the meeting is that we will have a combination raffle/social event sometime mid-April. The time and date will be determined by space availability … Our first choice is a tournament at West Seattle Bowl… But we will have to see what we can make work.

Next meeting is 10 am Saturday at Uptown Espresso, and even if you weren’t there tonight, you’re invited to pitch in and help. (Follow the discussion here.) Meantime, the Seattle Police Arson and Bomb Squad is still working to solve the firebombing; we talked with police spokesperson Mark Jamieson this evening and he had nothing new to report, just reiterating that the case is “a priority” and police want to hear from anyone with tips (call 911 or the arson hotline @ 800/55-ARSON).

Reminder: Meeting tonight to plan benefit for arson victims

March 24, 2008 5:29 pm
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Three days after the arson that did $90,000 damage to Puget Sound Key and Lock (Friday photo above) and adjacent businesses, no word yet of any big breaks in the case (just checked with Seattle police), but tonight WSB Forum members are gathering – 7 pm, Beveridge Place Pub – to plan a benefit for the arson victims, primarily the locksmith business owner, Michael Dein, who had no fire insurance, as we reported hours after the fire. WSB’ers have already proven they can do great things – and lots of ideas and people-power are needed. Even if you can’t be there in person, a reminder – an account is set up and donations can be made at any Wells Fargo Bank branch, account #5358011681. 7:50 PM UPDATE: Dropped into BPP very briefly to get pix and check on the gathering – about a dozen people were there and they had a plan outlined within minutes – Michael Dein was there too and told WSB he’s definitely rebuilding and reopening, and heartened by the outpouring of support. Full report on this later after we hear the final outcome of the meeting.

Crime Watch reader reports: Brazen taggers; gas siphoning

Two Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share — as discussed elsewhere, primarily in the interest of all of us watching out for each other. First from Erik in Westwood:

My neighbor’s house just got vandalized. Their fence was tagged by graffiti vandals at 8:15 tonight at the corner of 16th and Trenton in plain view right across from a street lamp. I scared the vandals away (before I got their license plate! D’oh!) but called 911 and the police took a report and were circling the block. I think other neighbors should be aware of this, and I think it’s worth sharing the “tip” that I should have gotten the license number before scaring them away. Keep an eye out for a red Mazda or Toyota with three vandals out looking for property to destroy and property values to drop.

ADDED MONDAY MORNING: This one from Shannon may be related:

There was a lot of tagging going on behind our townhouses on 18th Ave SW near Barton. We didn’t see it happen and, surprisingly, our dogs didn’t bark but we saw flashing lights when the police officer arrived. The vandals tagged our fences and a van parked in the lot of the apartments across the alley with the “M13” gang sign. The neighbor who reported it said they were driving a white car. His daughter saw them and he ran outside. When he did run outside, they drove away quickly before he could get their plates.

Just wanted everyone to be on the lookout. The officer says this is a known gang sign but, for some reason he didn’t make very clear, he believed it was a fake… not that he had any evidence that it was a fake he just said he had a “feeling” it was a fake. Needless to say, that didn’t make any of us feel any better.

(back to the original Sunday night post) And from Dunsany:

Last night, someone broke the lock off my gas cap and siphoned my tank. We’re in Highland Park near 12th and Holden. Savages, I only had maybe 5 gallons in the tank. I hope it was worth it.

Remember, police stress that if you see someone or something suspicious NOW, call 911. If you want to report something that happened some time ago, the non-emergency number is 625-5011.

West Seattle Crime Watch: This time, no news is good news

Just last night, we got a very thoughtful note from a WSB’er concerned that the prolific crime reports of late were leaving people feeling as if West Seattle is a hotbed of evil. handcuffs_2.jpgOur philosophy is that we believe it’s important to give you the facts – sometimes the facts are that crime is up, sometimes that it’s down, but we believe that “knowledge is power” in tough times as well as good times. Seattle Police online stats only go back through December 2007, so we can’t give you the big picture for this month, or last month, or even January. But know that everything runs in cycles and the best way to keep those cycles down is to stay alert, as we’ve discussed lately. All that said — GOOD NEWS – we just reviewed Southwest Precinct reports from Tuesday through late last night, and there’s barely a burglary in the bunch. Could mean the recent arrests got the major culprits off the street — could be a coincidence — but whatever the case, we wanted to let you know. Here’s what else we found, including an arrest that solved some house/car window shootings:Read More

Puget Sound Key & Lock arson update: Damage, donations

Updated information just in from the Fire Department: SFD investigators have finished their work on the Puget Sound Key and Lock arson (6016 California; map), and the criminal investigation is now in the hands of Seattle Police. According to SFD, damage to the structure is estimated at $50,000, damage to the business, $40,000. The arson hotline – as posted on the window in our video above and our photos in earlier coverage – is 800/55-ARSON, with a $10,000 reward offered, but you can also call 911 with any tips. In addition, the unstoppable WSB Forum members are already organizing a bank account for donations to help business owner Michael Dein (who told WSB this morning he has no fire insurance) — as well as a possible fundraising event — check here for the latest.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 apparently stolen cars found

March 21, 2008 11:23 am
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This out of the inbox from Tony, who reports both sightings in Arbor Heights:

1. Chevy Cavalier on 30th ave sw with a punched out door lock and a hack saw blade and a key on the floorboard. I notified the police of a suspicious vehicle at 12 midnight last night but apparently it was of low importance as it was still there this morning (And still is there) I notified the police again this morning. They stopped by and placed a 72 hour sticker on the vehicle since it was not reported stolen yet.

2. Chevy Suburban on 34 th ave sw . Police are on the scene investigating a possible stolen SUV. I know this because it was found in front of our friends house and we found it odd we would both find stolen vehicles in front of our houses on the same day. At this location my friend saw a couple males drop off the vehicle , jump into another vehicle. He jumped in his car and followed but the car pulled over and he just drove by since it appeared they knew they were being followed.

Locksmith arson victim: “They just killed my life”


That’s what Puget Sound Key and Lock co-owner Michael Dein just told WSB at the scene of this morning’s arson (note the big red-and-white sign on the window, clearly marking this now as an arson scene). Dein says they had no fire insurance — just the required liability insurance for his business, which is now a charred mess:


He tells WSB they’ve been in this spot at 6014 California since last August, after moving from a location on 35th north of Barton, where he says they were repeatedly hit by vandals, though overall, regarding the fire, he told us he doesn’t have any enemies who would have wanted to do something like this. While we (and lingering TV crews) were there, a woman he described as his “property manager” showed up, and they went in to look at the damage (Dein is in the cap at right):


Just moments earlier, he had told us pleasantly, “You can tell your readers, if anybody has any idea who did this, I’ll come over and make them dinner!” Then, as we walked away from the scene while he got back to tending to the aftermath of this arson, we heard shouts of raw rage from inside the business, apparently as they got an even-closer look at how much they had lost. More to come later whenever new police/fire info is available; as noted previously, there is a chance whoever did this was burned while doing it (police are quoted as saying a “bottle with some kind of accelerant” is suspected), and so might be very obvious to family, friends, or medical practitioners if they seek help. 11:10 AM UPDATE: If you miss it in the comments section – readers are organizing benefit efforts to help the arson victims. Get the latest here; donations can be made at any Wells Fargo branch, to account 5358011681.


Suspected arson north of Morgan Junction

Police are reported to be looking for suspects in an overnight fire set at Puget Sound Key and Lock at 6014 California (map). Here’s tv news coverage for starters (also here). One report says “… Witnesses reported seeing two young men leaving the scene … two white males wearing red shirts and blue jeans,” who might also have been burned, so officers are checking with hospitals and clinics. Call 911 if you have any idea who’s involved; we’ll have daylight pix here shortly. 7:55 AM ADDITION: According to an update from the Fire Department, the people in the apartment above the businesses got out OK. This is right next to the relatively new West Seattle Digital store that we reported on three months ago (you can even see part of the pre-fire locksmith store in the photo); we’re checking on nearby business effects. The major fire and police units are long gone – no traffic impediments at the scene – just a clot of tv trucks.

Police investigating unauthorized slope-slashing


We’re checking on the various components of this for a followup later today, but in the meantime, this is bigger than the More page roundup, so in case you haven’t heard – as reported (so far) in the P-I and on Q13 and at, someone cleared a section of city-owned slope over the 1600 block of Harbor Avenue (area map), without authorization. Neighbors blame a homeowner trying to get a better view. Police are investigating, and the culprit could face criminal charges. ADDED 4:55 PM: Added the photo, which shows the general slope area where this happened (just below the hedge-ish plants at the bottom of the white draping); difficult to get a close-up shot of the stumps from where we tried. Just talked to the Southwest Precinct – no new developments in the investigation today; cases like this take a while to develop (everyone may think they know who did it, but you need evidence). A parks spokesperson tells WSB that once there is definite identification, they “will determine an appropriate fine for the perpetrator based on the economic value of the trees and damage to the area.” Still waiting for word on how, and how soon, the city might restore the damaged area – since there are certainly erosion and slide concerns on a slope like that. ADDED 10:15 PM: Did manage to get a closer view of the apparent slash zone earlier this evening:


Crime Watch update: Burglary suspect linked to shooting

handcuffs_2.jpgThis just in from detectives at the Southwest Precinct: The youngest of the three suspects arrested after a West Seattle burglary on Monday (WSB coverage here) is now also confirmed to be the suspect in a shooting outside the Renton Fry’s store last week. According to this article about the shooting, it happened when a Fry’s employee tried to stop a car theft; nobody was hit or hurt by the gunfire. The suspect just turned 17 this month.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3-part update

Going to get this all out in one long 3-part report: First, details on an incident last night that several people e-mailed us about today. Second, news from tonight’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting. Third, the police reports we reviewed at the Southwest Precinct yesterday afternoon but never got around to posting before all sorts of other news (missing girl found, etc.) started breaking. All ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch updates: Arrest details; another break-in

Just got details from the Southwest Precinct on three of the arrests reported late Friday: Three people were arrested in connection with a break-in Friday in the 5400 block of 31st SW – because less than an hour later, police say, they were in Seatac trying to cash a check stolen during the burglary. Detectives say there’s a good chance these suspects are linked to additional burglaries, for reasons including the fact the loot found in their vehicle included more than the items reported stolen in the break-in on 31st. Meantime, just after getting the call with those details, we got a reader report about an apparently unrelated burglary yesterday:Read More