Crime 6769 results

Persistent patrollers

This article finally explains the wild sight some saw on WS streets at midday last Saturday. The officers’ persistence reminds us of the bank robber/signholder caper.

Safer than road rage

Too bad we didn’t get this note before a van almost broadsided us coming off a side street onto a south-WS arterial this morning: A reader notes that if you see a driver doing something heinous, you can post the plate at, which is celebrating its first anniversary today. The reader writes, “Having nearly been hit in the croswalk (with stroller) up at Admiral and 41st, being constantly subjected to delirious speeders up Admiral, and having neighbors who have been hit while legally crossing at crosswalks, I’ve had it. There’s only so much that posted signs and occasional enforcement can do.”


From the Southwest Precinct Public Safety Newsletter sent out this week. Ever wonder about whether to give a buck to one of those people holding cardboard signs along offramps? Check out the saga of one of them, quoted verbatim from the newsletter (after the click since it’s a bit long). Way to go, Officer Wilson!Read More

Husky player suspected in Alki hit-and-run

Hadn’t heard anything about this weekend collision till today’s Times article.

If you see them, call 911

May 4, 2007 12:35 pm
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 |   Crime | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

Several readers have written to suggest that the Amber Alert issued in Kitsap County be posted here. Since WS has a direct link to Kitsap via the ferry dock, it makes sense — apparently this mother and baby could be anywhere. Full details at the Washington Amber Alert site. Photos below are the baby, the mother (who isn’t supposed to have custody), and a truck similar to the one they are believed to be in. Call 911 if you even THINK you have seen them. SATURDAY NIGHT UPDATE: They’ve been found; the baby is safe.

We’d be thrilled to see them in our neighborhood too

Times says the police department has a new aggressive-driving team that’s already been on the move here in WS (Highland Park Way). The article includes pix of their distinctive new cars and a map suggesting this team will be in action on Alki, Admiral, and The Bridge. (Hey, don’t forget the many disregarded arterial stop signs here in South WS!)

47th/Admiral crash suspect’s record

May 2, 2007 11:15 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

The Seattle Weekly has continued digging into the background of the 47th/Admiral crash that killed City Council staffer Tatsuo Nakata; the latest edition reports that the driver who hit him has a record.

Flasher alert

Just posted at the P-I site: Flashing incident over the weekend in the 4500 block of 36th SW.

Vandals on the rampage, again

We’ve vented about graffiti/tagging vandalism before, but it’s reaching critical mass again. The latest “last straw” is an ugly tag on one of the charming Luna Park signs near the Avalon business area that’s taken on that historic name. Then there’s the ongoing saga of West Seattle’s once-fabled murals; taggers hit the one at the post office in The Junction (just part of the semi-disrepair the murals have fallen into, as Warren Lawless lamented in this recent‚ column). Finally, an e-mail tip says paint-equipped vandals have hit Lafayette Elementary repeatedly in recent weeks; not only is this kind of attack a needless hassle and expense for cash-strapped schools, but a parent points out, it also frightens the kids. Who is doing this and why can’t they be stopped?

25th/Brandon standoff aftermath

A few more miscellaneous notes in the aftermath of the domestic dispute turned SWAT standoff @ 25th/Brandon last night: A nearby resident’s blog reports on the news crew that lingered long afterward and also has an earlier post with some great pix of the police action; the P-I has a fairly basic wrapup; Slog’s got the only truly complete report, including an interview with the owner of the battered BMW, seen below, ax in windshield and SWAT vehicle right behind, in a photo sent to us by a witness. P.S. According to the King County Jail Lookup, the suspect, Robert Joseph James, is still behind bars as of this writing, under investigation for four possible crimes including domestic violence, court-order violation, and malicious mischief.


Police standoff in WS

Some kind of a standoff happening — just caught a bit of a tv report – here’s an e-mail report from a witness – needless to say, sounds like an area to stay away from! (If you’ve got pix, send ’em to us.) 5:57 PM UPDATE: One comment quotes a media site as saying it’s over. Also, Slog has scene photo. 8:18 PM UPDATE: More details from the P-I.

A guy took an axe to his ex’s beamer– and is now holed up inside a house in 5200 block of 25th ave SW.
Neighbors not being allowed access.. big cop presence.
Axe is still hanging on the broken windshield

WS scam alert

April 25, 2007 3:25 pm
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 |   Crime | Utilities

If somebody calls you and claims to be from City Light, put up your ripoff radar.

Cal-Mor murder suspect charged

April 18, 2007 11:30 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Latest information from the P-I. Given the particularly grisly details of the deadly attack, it seems hard to believe the suspect could only get 25 years in prison.

Still more revelations in the 47th/Admiral death

The Seattle Weekly has just posted an article with a few points we hadn’t heard before, including documents suggesting Tatsuo Nakata’s family considered suing the city, and a quote from the driver charged with a misdemeanor in the crash (who also has hired a lawyer), saying he “will probably release a statement soon.”

Burglar alert

A WSB reader who lives just east of The Junction wants to alert us all to a potential stepped-up burglary threat in the area. He returned from an out-of-town trip to find out from his alarm company that someone had tried to break in. Here’s the rest of his story; if you’re away during the day, it’s worth touching base with neighbors to see who’s home and who can keep an eye out for anything/anyone suspicious:

… since I’ve been back I have learned from a local real-estate agent (subsequently backed up by the Seattle Police) that there has been a local burglary ring that has been specifically targeting West Seattle as of late. Most of these attempts seem to be happening between 11 am and 6 pm while people are away at work. Sometimes these guys will even come to the door (asking for directions or seeking some random person) to verify that no one is home.

Cal-Mor murder suspect bail: $1,000,000

April 17, 2007 1:47 am
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 |   Crime

There’s some new information about the Sunday morning Cal-Mor Circle murder in today’s Times update, such as the suspect’s name and what allegedly set him off.

Scary search in WS

April 16, 2007 5:16 pm
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 |   Crime | Delridge | West Seattle schools

Times says police were looking for a possible armed student near Cleveland HS (which is housed at Boren on Delridge) earlier this afternoon.

More on the Cal-Mor murder

April 15, 2007 10:46 pm
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 |   Crime

Many new details in the article posted by the P-I late tonight. The victim’s sister told the paper her brother was mentally disabled and described the suspect as a homeless man her brother had taken in and was trying to help. EARLY AM UPDATE: The Times has added details to its coverage too.

Morgan Junction murder

Just hearing about this now thanks to reader tips: a man was killed at Cal-Mor (the cylindrical building on Cali’s east side just north of Fauntleroy) this morning; someone described as “an acquaintance” is in custody. The Times update says this is the third murder of the year in Seattle; by our count, that means two of the three were in WS (the other was the 37th/Findlay killing in March).

Driver to be charged in 47th/Admiral death

As noted and spiritedly discussed here 2 weeks ago, the driver who hit and killed City Council staffer Tatsuo Nakata at 47th/Admiral last November won’t face felony charges, but there’s a new development – the city has decided to charge him with misdemeanor assault.

Sticker shock

On recent walks through The Junction and along stretches of WS waterfront parkland, we’ve noticed an increase in one of the newer variations of tagging vandalism — sticker tagging. Somewhat satisfyingly, you can take direct action against this if you so choose, unlike painted tagging (unless you happen to routinely carry paint remover with you at all times). We did just that with most of the stickers we passed; peel, crumple, toss.

No felony charge in 47th/Admiral death

Just written up by the Northwest Asian Weekly — had not heard it before, though it appears the decision happened earlier this month: No felony charge in the crosswalk crash that killed Tatsuo Nakata.