Crime 6658 results

FOLLOWUP: Vandalized Easy Street Records mural wall restored

(WSB photos)

A vandal’s damage to the mural wall on the south side of Easy Street Records didn’t stand for long. The wall, including its portrait of Chris Cornell, was restored this afternoon by its artist, Son Duong, with whom we caught up as he was close to finishing:

He and his daughter worked all afternoon to restore the art. (Thanks to the texter who tipped us that the restoration work was under way.) In an odd side note, he mentioned that this mural and the Desmond Hansen signal box at 35th/Alaska weren’t the only Chris Cornell portraits that had been vandalized – one by Silver Platters in SODO had been defaced too.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 more stolen cars to watch for

Thanks to everyone who has helped find stolen cars, sometimes abandoned close to where they were taken. Here are two more reader reports:

WHITE SUBARU IMPREZA: The report is from Lindsay on behalf of a neighbor:

“A white Subaru was stolen last night on 47th and Alaska. The car was used in a construction robbery and was last seen around the Alki area. if you see this car, please call the police. 1999 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport, WA BZR4836.

RED HONDA CR-V: This report is from Grant on behalf of his sister:

Red 2007 Honda CR-V
Stolen on 36th Ave SW between Hudson and Dawson between 4:24 and 5:24 am
License#: BQL5587
Case number: 22-236545

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business-burglary attempt; charges filed in park assault, stolen-vehicle cases

One more West Seattle Crime Watch reader report tonight, followed by charges filed in two cases:

BUSINESS-BURGLARY ATTEMPT: From Peel & Press proprietor Dan Austin:

Someone pried the lock off my back door last night at Peel & Press. They were unable to gain entry to the building. Yet another expense that won’t be covered by insurance…

After that initial report, he sent this security-video image of a suspect and vehicle in the lot behind his restaurant:

Peel & Press has been hit by burglars before.

ASSAULT CHARGE FILED: We’ve heard a lot about trouble in Junction Plaza Park. One recent incident has resulted in a felony charge. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has charged 53-year-old Chet M. Bilderback with second-degree assault for allegedly hitting another man in the head with a board in the park last Sunday. When they arrived at the park, they talked with Bilderback and found the bloody board but couldn’t find the victim, so the suspect wasn’t arrested. They finally heard from the victim the next day, after he had sought medical attention. That gave them probable cause to arrest Bilderback, who they found near Junction Plaza Park one day later (Tuesday); he’s been in jail since then, in lieu of $7,500 bail. Court documents say he does not have any prior felony convictions.

CAR THEFT CHARGE FILED: The KCPAO has charged 46-year-old Malcom C. Marx with possession of a stolen vehicle after police found him in a stolen Chevy Silverado. Charging documents say they were familiar with Marx’s criminal history, including auto-theft-related convictions, and spotted this vehicle, missing its front plate, in his South Park driveway on August 25th. After subsequently seeing him driving it in Highland Park, they caught up with him on West Marginal Way. They verified the vehicle was stolen and noted it was “running without anything in the ignition.” They also found shaved keys, black checks, and a stolen e-bike in the car. They arrested Marx and took him to jail. The next day, over prosecutors’ objections, a judge released him on personal recognizance. Four days later – last Tuesday – the KCPAO filed this charge. Marx is still out of custody.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Music murals vandalized; yard prowler

Two notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:

MUSIC MURALS VANDALIZED; Thanks for the tips. We’re not showing the vandalism, but at least three music murals in West Seattle have been vandalized – the Chris Cornell and Mother Love Bone murals on the south side of Easy Street Records in The Junction, and the Chris Cornell signal-box mural near 35th/Alaska. That’s sadly far from the first Hansen signal box to be defaced. He painted the Chris Cornell box four and a half years ago. The Easy Street mural was painted by Son Duong.

HIGHLAND PARK PROWLER: April reports a prowler Saturday afternoon in their yard on 14th SW between Thistle and Elmgrove, She says he “entered our side yard via a latched gate, closed it behind him, and proceeded into our backyard … carrying a small tool bag. When we confronted him, he said he was trying to get away from the cars on the road and asked to cross the yard and exit through the alley. We allowed him to do that, and told him to never enter our property again.” She sent this thumbnail-size photo.

BIZNOTE: Salon closes, blames burglary

Last week, in discussion following our Crime Watch story noting three West Seattle business burglaries, a commenter said they’d seen security video online of a fourth, at Cuts Hair Salon on the ground floor of Charlestown Center. They said it happened August 26th. As shown in our photo above, the salon’s rear door is still boarded up – and today the salon sent customers an announcement that it has permanently closed. Thanks to the many people who forwarded it to us – here’s what the announcement says:

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Cuts Hair Salon is permanently closing its doors.

The unfortunate burglary we endured recently has left the staff feeling unsafe and they have all decided to move on.

As safety and happiness is paramount to anything else, we wholeheartedly support their decision and wish them all the best.

Thank you to all of our clients for your continued support of our staff and business.

(The email ends with a graphic of a peace sign.) We went over at midday to see if anyone was there to talk with, but the salon was dark and locked. It originally opened under different ownership as Budget Cuts in fall 2008.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen bikes, scooter to watch for; van break-in

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:


I live at the top of 29th Ave SW as you go up the hill from Brandon (by the south side of the golf course). My house is past a “Road End” sign, so a person would not be in my driveway by accident. You cannot see my garage from the road. (In other words I feel that my house has been cased and watched)

Overnight on Sunday/Monday (August 29th) a person, or persons, came into my garage and stole a Motobecane HAL mountain bike, a Cannondale CAAD 9 road bike and a Segway Ninebot F40 scooter. All of this most have been done very quietly as my dogs usually go crazy if they hear noises.

Almost nobody around here has a Motobecane HAL Boost 27 Plus

VAN BREAK-IN: Terry reports that this happened last night at 64th and Admiral. Items taken included tools and a camp fridge.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Starbucks window-smashing suspect charged, day after release from jail

(Reader-contributed image, Monday morning)

As noted briefly here earlier, the man accused of a window-sashing rampage at Morgan Junction Starbucks early Monday is now charged. But 48-year-old Gerald R. Hochstadt isn’t in jail right now, because he had to be released last night, after the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office didn’t get the information they needed in time to rush-file charges. That information in turn has to come from SPD, which was able to obtain it today. Hochstadt is charged with one count of first-degree malicious mischief, a felony. The KCPAO and SPD had been trying to get a damage estimate from Starbucks; today’s charging documents indicate that estimate was in excess of $10,000 for the four double-pane windows – double the minimum amount to qualify for the charge that was filed. Along with using metal furniture to break the windows, Hochstadt allegedly removed plants from pots outside the store and used them to hit the door, locked by Starbucks staffers after they had managed to get him outside. A $15,000 arrest warrant was issued when the charge was filed; that’s the amount of bail requested by the KCPAO, and it’s what Hochstadt will be held on if/when arrested. We’d mentioned in earlier coverage that he had a criminal trespass conviction for which he spent more than three months in jail earlier this year; the charging documents also list a second such conviction plus one for third-degree malicious mischief.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another stolen bicycle to look for

Andy emailed us after seeing that a WSB reader helped find the stolen bicycle reported here Wednesday:

In a very similar incident, my son Jack had his bike stolen from the bike rack at West Seattle High School on Tuesday afternoon while he was at football practice. The cable lock was seemingly cut with bolt cutters in broad daylight. The bike was a Cannondale Catalyst 3, 27.5″, charcoal gray, and had “JACK” written in red paint-pen on the down tube about 6-8″ above the pedals. Any help that you can provide would be wonderful. If anyone has any info, you can please share it with us by texting 206-529-7970 or 206-637-1935.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Store robbery’ report turns out to have been not a robbery after all

11:44 AM: If you saw the big police response in Highland Park a short time ago, officers responded to a report of an armed robbery at the 16th/Holden 7-11. A suspect was stopped quickly nearby and was reported to be in possession of “a blowtorch shaped like a handgun.” No other incident details so far; we hope to add an update later.

2:45 PM: We followed up with police. They say that after further investigation, this turned out to be a misunderstanding – “the ‘suspect’ pulled out a gun-shaped lighter while retrieving items from their pockets. They then made an approximately $40 purchase. They did not appear to point the lighter at anyone or make any demands.”

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Window-smashing suspect released from jail (update: now charged)

(WSB photo, Monday morning)

The 48-year-old man arrested Monday morning after a window-smashing rampage at the Morgan Junction Starbucks got out of jail tonight. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office told WSB they had hoped to receive enough information for a charging decision today – but a key piece of evidence was missing: Seattle Police detectives needed a damage estimate from Starbucks, and couldn’t get it. KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney says that’s “a required element to prove that the damage was a felony crime. Even though that seems obvious, the court needs that information under the law.” He says the KCPAO “also tried to loop in contacts from victim business (at the corporate level) to get that necessary information by the 2 p.m. deadline.” But they didn’t have any luck either. Without charges being filed, the suspect had to be released. But McNerthney adds that “SPD is still working on the case right now. We appreciate their great work, and we’re hopeful to have that required damage estimate and case referred this week. We know it can be difficult for businesses to get that required info within 72 hours too – those are frustrating constraints in the law and court system. King County prosecutors will act on this case immediately when we get the case referral from police.”

The document from a probable-cause hearing in the case on Tuesday summarizes what a Morgan Starbucks representative wrote in a comment on our original story, that the man came into the store and became agitated. They offered him water; he refused. He “then began to yell and escalated into an aggressive behavior. Employees of the store were able to usher the suspect out of the door successfully and locked the doors … to deny access to the suspect. The suspect tried to regain access to Starbucks by pulling the main doors multiple times. The suspect noticed that the doors were locked, and this caused him to escalate his behavior even further. The suspect infuriated grabbed a metal table that was located outside and property of Starbucks. The suspect then used the table to break 4 double-paned 8×8 windows.” It was recorded on video; this frame grab was sent to us anonymously:

No injuries were reported. The suspect has one King County conviction, a criminal-trespass case in Auburn, for which he served more than three months in jail earlier this year.

THURSDAY 2:41 PM UPDATE: A felony charge has just been filed, one count of malicious mischief, against the suspect, Gerald R. Hochstadt. He remains out of custody, released just after 6 pm last night, but now there’s a $15,000 arrest warrant. Separate story to come.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Seen this just-stolen bicycle? (update: found)

From Jon:

My son just had his bike stolen in front of LA Fitness today (8/31) around 4 or 4:30 pm. It was locked along with another bike and the bike thieves cut the lock and took both bikes. It’s a 2012 Dark Green Diamondback Mission that was custom built with specific parts. It is also a custom frame with the nickname “Jonny Diamond” laser-etched on the top tube above the upper shock mount. This is a unique bike that should not be hard to spot. If you see anything please contact me at (206) 399-0585. Thanks.

THURSDAY UPDATE: Found – see comment.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Pedestrian to hospital, injured by hit-run driver

5:30 PM: Police are investigating what’s reported to have been a hit-run collision that injured a pedestrian at 26th/Juneau. The hit-run driver was reported to be in a silver early 2000s Mercedes ML towing a silver Prius, last seen northbound on 26th. We have not yet heard whether the pedestrian is seriously hurt.

5:40 PM: Officers have told dispatch they’ve located what they believe is the suspect vehicle.

5:51 PM: They’ve told dispatch they have the suspected driver in custody. We’re checking with SFD about the victim.

6:05 PM: SFD spokesperson Kristin Tinsley says the victim is a man in his early 40s, in stable condition when taken to a hospital by AMR ambulance.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Hit-run rampage in stolen truck

The photos and report are from Rose – it happened on Pigeon Point:

So this morning someone stole a truck. They drove to 22nd.

They parked in front of a house who actually knows the truck (it [belongs to] their boss). They go out to find out why he was at his house.

Well, it wasn’t his boss. A small confrontation has the thief push the neighbor, almost run him over.

Then he tries to back up, smashing into a bunch of cars. He flees.

He left his unlocked phone in the car. They know who he is.

She adds that the truck’s owner apparently also knows the suspect through social media. We’re checking with SPD to see if there’s any indication the hit-run driver/stolen-truck suspect has been found yet. Case number for the truck theft is 22-231325; the hit-run crash – which Rose says is reported to have damaged up to seven vehicles – has at least three separate case numbers, starting with 22-231291.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stabbing investigation

5:33 PM: Police are investigating a reported stabbing at Junction Plaza Park. They just got there after some location confusion and are telling dispatch that the victim is uncooperative and “walking away” (though the initial report was that they were stabbed “in the face”). Medics are just now being sent.

5:39 PM: Police say the victim is an “adult male.” No word of an arrest so far, nor have we heard a verified description.

5:50 PM: The SFD response closed quickly, indicating the victim was not seriously hurt (we’re following up to verify).

ADDED TUESDAY MORNING: Further details were not available last night, but today SPD has this brief summary:

(At 5:23 pm Monday), two subjects got in a disturbance that resulted in the victim getting stabbed in the face with a broken bottle. When police arrived, the victim was uncooperative. The victim declined any and all attempts to provide him with medical care and left the area under his own power. The suspect was gone. Unknown who the suspect is as well as the victim.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Morgan Junction Starbucks closed after window-smashing rampage

8:48 AM: Thanks for the tips. Morgan Junction Starbucks is closed this morning for cleanup after a man went on a rampage inside the store and broke windows. Recorded police audio indicates the call came in around 5:30 am, that a man who had been in the area “talking to himself and following cars” had gone inside the store and started throwing items, smashing glass, and threatening people.

Police made an arrest shortly thereafter outside the Thriftway store across the street. No word so far of injuries; we’ll add anything more we find out.

12:20 PM: Just talked with a Starbucks spokesperson. They said the store was expected to reopen sometime today (we’re not able to go check right now to see if that’s happened yet). They also confirmed that no one was hurt and noted that their employees are trained in “de-escalation.” We also asked if counseling is offered given how traumatic the incident must have been; short answer, yes.

5:21 PM: The person arrested this morning is a 48-year-old man who spent 3 1/2 months in jail earlier this year after a burglary-related arrest. He’s likely to have a bail hearing in this case tomorrow.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Charges filed in burglary attempts days after suspect’s release from jail

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has filed three felony charges against a man arrested just a few days after getting out of jail. Prosecutors summarize the case against 45-year-old Ioane Sua as follows:

The defendant was last released from King County Jail on August 17, 2022; these incidents happened three and five days later and both involve the defendant repeatedly returning to occupied, fenced homes. In the first incidents in time, the victim first saw him peering in her windows and entering her backyard before being scared off by her barking dog. He returned twice to come into her fenced yard; it is worth noting that he was contacted by police after both the first and second incidents. In the other incident, the defendant encountered a different victim while she was walking her dog and followed her, quickening his pace when she moved faster to get away from him. He then followed her home and she was able to get safely into her house. He then entered her fenced yard before attempting to get into her house. He was next seen pacing in front of her home; when officers responded, he had already left. He came back and was again pacing in front of her home; she again called police and that time he was arrested at the scene.

That incident happened in Upper Fauntleroy, while the other incidents happened during previous nights near Roxhill Park. The court documents say Sua was arrested in those incidents for criminal trespass but not booked into jail for unspecified reasons. Last Monday (August 22nd), the day he was finally booked, he had been due to report to start serving a residential Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative for a case involving a stolen car and other charges, but never showed. (The KCPAO says the DOSA sentence was the result of a case in which the victim did not want to see the defendant incarcerated.) Prosecutors asked that his bail for the new cases be set at $100,000; the jail roster shows that it was set at half that. Charging documents list his criminal history as dating back 22 years, mostly property crimes but also including harassment, malicious mischief, and fourth-degree assault.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Drive-by pellet gunfire

Police are investigating a report of drive-by pellet gunfire near Delridge/Thistle. They got a call from someone who was out walking their dog a short time ago when someone in a passing car fired what they believed to be a pellet gun. They weren’t hit, so no injuries. Officers told dispatch that the only description they have so far is a dark blue or black early-2000s Jeep Wrangler with three people inside, It was last seen headed southbound.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglaries; cars vandalized; dumped-likely-stolen bicycle

Four Five reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

TRUEVALUE BREAK-IN: After a tip we called to ask about this, and store staff told us it happened at the 44th/Edmunds store between 3 and 4 am today, Three burglars who appeared to be in their late teens or early 20s broke in through the front door and made off with a large amount of Sawzall blades and a small safe. Security video shows their faces were obscured because they were wearing hoodies, They left in a newer-model Jeep Gladiator pickup with Bill Pierre tags. Police responded but lost them after a short pursuit, If you have any tips, SPD incident # is 22-226293.

ITTO’S BREAK-IN: Another early morning burglary at a Junction business, this time around 5 am Thursday at Itto’s Tapas.

The burglar is shown from 3:05 to 4:16 and again from 6:05 to 8:00. We don’t yet have the report number for this.

(added 10:30 pm) ADVANCE AUTO PARTS BREAK-IN: One more business burglary to add:

I work at Advance Auto Parts and our window was shattered (see photo) sometime before 7 am this morning. Not sure if it was tied with TrueValue. The only thing holding the window together in the photo is the window banner. Then at about 3:30 pm we had 2 males come into our store and steal a part that was supposed to be delivered to another shop.

CARS VANDALIZED: We received multiple reader reports about three cars with smashed windows on Beach Drive near Constellation Park. One of the people who contacted us, Michelle, said, “A neighbor came out of his balcony and told us it happened around 4 am this morning and they filed a police report.” The brick was left behind under the front of this car:

Incident # is 22-226269.


There’s an abandoned bike at the top of the steps where 8th avenue SW and SW Kenyon intersect. It’s a nice bike and I’d guess the owner would want to see it returned.


Police are investigating a shooting this afternoon on the southeast edge of West Seattle. They responded to the 7800 block of Detroit SW [map] just after 4:30 pm and found a 32-year-old man who had been shot in the leg. SFD medics arrived and took him to Harborview Medical Center; his wound is not believed to be life-threatening. Police say witnesses report “an altercation between the victim and the suspect that escalated into the shooting,” followed by the shooter getting away in a “dark-colored sedan,” no other descriptive information provided.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police to resume regular community meetings

It’s been many months since the last general community meeting with Southwest Precinct police leadership, under the auspices of the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council. Just got word that the meetings will be revived, starting next month. The anouncement is from the precinct’s Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner:

Due to a few significant incidents locally, the SW Precinct would like to offer our community a change to speak directly with our Command Staff, share concerns and ask questions.

We hope you can join us next month for our SW Precinct Crime Prevention Council Meeting.

This meeting will be held on Monday, September 19th, at 6 pm.

Here is our tentative agenda, and meeting link:

6 pm- 6:10 pm: Introductions of SPD Personnel
6:10 pm- 6:20 pm: Crime and Safety Update from Captain Rivera and/or Operations Lieutenant Kim
6:20 pm- 6:50 pm: Q&A
6:50 pm- 7 pm: Closing Comments and Next Meeting’s Date

You can attend online or by phone – the online link via Microsoft Teams is here; the phone number for participating that way is 206-686-8357,,642368087# – phone conference ID 642 368 087#.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic converter stolen from work truck; business sign vandalized; backpacks stolen

Three reader reports, starting with two businesses hit by crime:

CATALYTIC-CONVERTER THEFT: From Susanna at Niederberger Contracting (WSB sponsor):

Just letting neighbors know that the catalytic converter of our Chevy Dump Truck was stolen sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning at 42nd Ave and Palm. Got in the truck Wednesday am and heard the tell tall sound of a stolen catalytic converter. We filed a police report.

UPDATE: Incident # is 2022-918699.

BUSINESS SIGN VANDALIZED: Nikki at Beauty Therapy Collective reports that someone vandalized the portion of her sign belonging to one of the newest small businesses to open in her building at 42nd/Oregon, Reiki Reflect.

She adds, “She’s doing business by appointment only and only been here for a month. Starting a business is not easy … this will be expensive to remake the sign.” She’s hoping someone might have a tip as to who’s responsible.

Also just got word of this:

CAR BREAK-IN: From Brandy:

Our son’s car was parked on Hinds by Spiro’s last night between 10 pm-12 am and the two backpacks in the trunk with wallets were stolen.

We have had the talk about not leaving valuables in the car. It is a hard lesson to learn.

If you have any camera footage or happen to find a tropical flower print Vans backpack with a brown leather wallet and/or a big gray backpack and a large green fanny pack, please let us know.

SPD incident # is 2022-225064.

FOLLOWUP: Charges filed in West Seattle arson

(SFD photo, August 7th)

Another set of charges filed by the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office reveals new information about the West Seattle house fire on August 7th. SFD ruled the fire in the 2600 block of 39th SW was arson, and we now learn the suspected arsonist has been in jail since the day after the fire. 27-year-old Bert A. Dailing of Tukwila was arrested August 8th for five arsons in the Central District, and has been charged in those cases. Now prosecutors have announced he was also charged in the West Seattle fire. Dailing is charged with four felonies in the West Seattle case, all labeled as domestic violence – two counts of first-degree arson and two counts of violating a court order. According to the charging documents, a former girlfriend of Dailing was staying at the house, where he “arrived unexpectedly.” His ex-partner “reluctantly let him in to use the bathroom” – then after Dailing left, she discovered he’d set a small fire in the bathroom, which she put out herself and reported to police. Later he came back, demanded again to be let in, was not, and allegedly set the porch on fire – the flames spread and gutted the house; the victim got out safely (the homeowner was not there at the time). Prosecutors say a neighbor’s security camera shows Dailing “coming and going” at the time of the fire. According to prosecutors, less than two weeks earlier, he was released from a Snohomish County jail after being sentenced for a case of malicious mischief involving the same ex-partner, and a protection order was put in place at that time. He has convictions for domestic violence involving two other people; police say he did not know the people whose Central District homes he set fires at. Dailing’s bail is set at $1 million and he’s due in court tomorrow for arraignment in the West Seattle case.

FOLLOWUP: Delridge sexual-assault suspect charged in two attacks, described as escaped felon

We finally have confirmation about the identity and status of the 18-year-old suspect in the August 15th Delridge sexual assault. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Javyantre C. Sin today in two attacks, including that one, and the charging documents reveal he was an escapee from a facility where he was supposed to be still serving time for robbery.

The first attack happened the afternoon of August 6th at Southcenter Mall; the victim is a 16-year-old who works at the mall and told police she was on the roof reading before her shift, when she was attacked, raped at gunpoint, and robbed. That was nine days before the Delridge attack. The charging documents say Tukwila Police circulated security-video images of the attacker and that someone matched it to a social-media post in Burien showing images of a prowler in their garage hours earlier. (Added: Here are the images Tukwila PD circulated, showing Sin leaving the mall-attack scene on a scooter:)

Someone commented on the Burien post identifying the image as Sin and providing his Burien-area address. Police subsequently started looking for him. That address led to a vacant residence; they also discovered that Sin’s mother lived in North Delridge. Then Tukwila investigators found out about the August 15th attack here, and matched their images with security video provided by a resident in the area. They traced him to Everett, where he was arrested, by using information in records from one of his social-media accounts, which they obtained with a search warrant. Last Friday evening, South King County SWAT surrounded the Everett address – where he apparently had most recently been living – and arrested him when he came outside.

The charging documents say Sin, who turned 18 this past spring, has juvenile felony convictions for second-degree robbery, residential burglary, auto theft, and attempted eluding, The charging documents go into detail of the attacks with which he is now charged, and in the Delridge attack, in addition to sexually assaulting the victim, he is alleged to have beaten her until she lost consciousness. The 26-year-old victim got away after seeing people pass by and biting his finger,

Of note in the charging documents – he was supposed to still be in juvenile custody for another year-plus, serving time for the aforementioned convictions, until he turned 19 1/2. This direct quote from what prosecutors wrote in the papers explains why he was not:

The defendant resided at Naselle Youth Camp – a medium-security facility that is not fenced – until June 2021. Despite the defendant’s criminal history and lack of compliance with court orders, the defendant was deemed eligible by Juvenile Rehabilitation to be transferred to Sunrise Community Facility in Ephrata, WA in June 2021.

On 8/18/2022, I spoke with a Sunrise Community Facility Counselor who informed me that Sunrise Community Facility is a group home that has no fencing and has unlocked doors. The residents are supervised by counselors during their stay. However, the residents are not supervised while they are at work. The residents are also granted passes to go visit their family for up to five days at a time; during the visit the residents are expected to be supervised by their families.

The Counselor informed me that Javyantre Sin arrived at Sunrise Community Center on 6/17/2021 and resided there until 6/21/2022. On 6/21/22, Javyantre Sin and two other residents ran out the unlocked front door of the residence and got into a “getaway car” that quickly drove away.

The counselors at Sunrise Community Facility followed an escape protocol which included alerting local law enforcement about Sin’s escape, seeking information from the defendant’s family, and alerting Greenhill Juvenile Detention Facility, which issued a warrant for Sin’s arrest. The counselor informed me that Sunrise Community Center made no further efforts to locate Javyantre Sin after completion of the protocol and they do not go out looking for him. The protocol does not include notifying the King County Superior Court of the defendant’s escape. Javyantre Sin’s whereabouts have been unknown to Sunrise Community Facility and Juvenile Rehabilitation ever since.

Sin is charged with one count of first-degree rape, one count of indecent liberties, and two counts of first-degree robbery. His bail was set at $750,000 and he is scheduled for arraignment September 1st.