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WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another catalytic converter; car prowls; bikes found

September 10, 2021 9:00 pm
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Three quick reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

ANOTHER CATALYTIC CONVERTER: Posted in the WSB Community Forums, word of a theft near 37th SW and SW Hanford – a catalytic converter taken from an RV.

CAR PROWLS: Via Twitter, Matt reported, “Another car prowl last night. Nothing taken this time. Cars were locked. Shaking handles and looking in the back of trucks and Jeeps. Saw the guy on video. Happens every couple of nights now. 4000-6000 block of 34th SW.”

FOUND BICYCLES: Via email, Tyler sent the photo, reporting that these bicycles were abandoned by a fire hydrant near 15th/Barton:

Yours? Let us know and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: North Delridge gunfire

After getting some texts this afternoon about suspected gunfire in North Delridge, we looked around but didn’t see evidence of a shooting scene. We checked back with SPD tonight, and Det. Valerie Carson tells WSB that officers did confirm there was gunfire:

Several witnesses reported a drive-by shooting at 26th Av SW and SW Juneau St. Upon arrival five shell casings were located in the street. Through the investigation it was determined that there was a disturbance associated with a house in the 5600 block of 26th Av SW. A male approached a woman and began yelling at her. The female fired five shots either at his car or in the air. Both vehicles fled the scene in different directions. No victims and/or property damage were located.

This happened shortly before 4 pm.

UPDATE: ‘Scenes of violence’ response in Gatewood for shooting victim

5:42 PM: Big emergency response near California/Portland [map] in Gatewood; the call is classified “scenes of violence.” We’ve just arrived to find out what’s happening.

5:47 PM: According to police, one person was shot in the leg. Officers on the scene tell us they believe it happened somewhere else “south of here”; the driver of the vehicle the victim was in pulled over in this neighborhood to call for help. They’re still trying to find out more about the circumstances.

6:05 PM: If you’re noticing a helicopter, that’s just TV, not law enforcement.

6:17 PM: SFD says the victim is an 18-year-old man who’s been taken to Harborview Medical Center and was in stable condition when transported.

6:56 PM: Update from SPD:

At 5:23 p.m., a woman in the 7800 block of 44th Avenue Southwest called 911 to report her 18-year-old son had been shot in the leg. When police arrived, the victim told officers the shooting had happened in Burien and he then drove himself home to West Seattle. He refused to provide any additional information about the incident. SPD officers coordinated with King County Sheriff’s Office deputies, but a shooting scene was not located.

UPDATE: Woman shot south of The Junction

1:40 AM: Police and fire are headed to a report of at least one shooting victim near 42nd/Dawson. Updates to come.

1:43 AM: Officers are telling dispatch that a woman has been shot int the abdomen. She is reported to have told them who is responsible.

1:50 AM: The possible suspect is reported to have left the scene in a vehicle, maybe a green Infiniti. (Update: It’s been further described as a 1998 i3.)

1:56 AM: SFD medics are taking the victim, reported by medics to be 37 years old, to Harborview.

2:28 AM: So far, no further details on circumstances nor on the victim’s condition; we will of course follow up later this morning.

8:41 AM: Police say the victim’s injuries are not life-threatening; SFD says she was in stable condition when transported. SPD has just posted more details:

Around 1:30 AM, a 21-year-old man called 911 and reported that his mother had been shot in the 4200 block of Southwest Dawson Street. Officers found the woman leaning up against a car on the street.

Police learned the man and his mother were outside on the street when the man began talking to five known people in a car. The conversation turned into a dispute and one person in the vehicle fired a gun at the man, missing him and striking his 37-year-old mother.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Confirmed gunfire; stolen cars found; wheels taken; prowler returns; dress dumped

September 7, 2021 9:09 pm
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X items in West Seattle Crime Watch. First, two from police reports:

GUNFIRE CONFIRMED: Holdover from the holiday weekend – around 9:45 pm Sunday night, multiple 911 callers reported what sounded like gunshots. Police found evidence to confirm it – shell casings in the 6000 block of 36th SW. No injuries or property damage, and the police report says that although some thought they heard a vehicle leaving the area after the shots, no one could describe it.

STOLEN CARS FOUND: Just before 9:30 this morning, a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 9000 block of 3rd SW brought out police, who discovered (a) it was stolen, (b) a person was passed out inside it, (c) there were catalytic converters inside it, and (d) another vehicle next to it was stolen. After apparently reviving enough to say he’d ingested a mixture of drugs, the person passed out again and was taken to the hospital by Seattle Fire.

Three reader reports:

STOLEN WHEELS: Sophie says her boyfriend’s car was hit by wheel thieves last night in the Altamira Apartments garage in The Junction (same building as QFC):

Here’s what they look like:

PROWLER: Clayton sent the video and report:

After about half a dozen car prowls in the last couple months we noticed that there is a man walking our neighborhood every night around 2 AM, checking car doors. He carries a large sack or wagon to carry his plunder. Last night he got into my yard and poked around behind my house, which allowed me to get some footage of his face.

This is happening near 38th and Hinds.

DUMPED DRESS (AND MORE)? The photo and report are from Fiona:

We were cleaning up at Delridge a couple of months ago, and found a pile of clothes, so I bagged them to donate. I finally got around to washing them and realized they probably all belong to one person, and I thought I’d put word out. If no one claims them, I’ll donate them. There’s a very nice Betsy Johnson dress (pictured) and then if a responder could identify a couple of other items, that would clinch it. It’s a lot of really nice and unique clothing.

You can text Fiona at 509-761-9286 if this is yours.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Have you seen this stolen trailer? (update: found)

Have you seen Weston‘s trailer? It was stolen from 40th and Dawson between 2 am and 5 am today. Plate is 11756AE. Call 911 if you see it. (added) A few more details – it’s a 2018 KZ-IV Escape 140th Toy Hauler, with a burgundy and gray vinyl sticker stripe.

UPDATE: Weston says it was found in Burien.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gatewood vehicle vandalism

One reader report tonight in West Seattle Crime Watch:

The photo is from a texter who says that happened to their pickup truck near 41st/Austin in Gatewood on Friday night. “Appears someone smashed the window and didn’t even go into the truck or take anything. Terrible and probably the 6th time this truck has been vandalized in the past year.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic-converter thieves still at it

Just keeping you updated on where catalytic-converter thieves are hitting – here’s the most-recent reader report we’ve received. From Kevin:

I live in a home around 60th and Admiral, Alki neighborhood. My Lexus SUV catalytic converter was stolen between 11:30 am and 5:30 pm (broad daylight) on Friday 9/4/21. It has been reported to police and insurance. Writing this so others keep a vigilant eye out for your neighbors or think about securing your catalytic converter.

Case # 2021-915725.
Photo of damage attached:


Missing your mailbox?

A texter sent that photo of mailboxes discovered dumped along the 45th SW/Marine View Drive stairway this morning.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic-converter theft; window damage

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:


I had my catalytic converter stolen off my 2007 Prius while it was in the driveway. I live up on 44th Ave. SW, just up the hill from Endolyne Joe’s. I did file a police reportl just wanted to get the word out for other people in the area to check their vehicles and keep a sharp eye out

WINDOW DAMAGE AND HARASSMENT: This happened in The Junction today, a reader reports:

At 9:50 am this morning, a very angry woman was seen throwing rocks at the windows of the Junction 47 apartments, some of which also hit Bishops Barbershop. The incident only lasted a few minutes, and she was seen heading across the street. The police were called by myself and a few others.

At 10:10 am the woman entered Bishops Barbershop and had a small confrontation with the receptionist, and refused to leave. The police were called again, but she left before they arrived, heading down 42nd Ave towards Alaska st.

I’ve attached a picture of the woman responsible.

Police incident # is 21-230289.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 more stolen bicycles

From Sarah:

Please be on the lookout for 2 bicycles stolen from our home, sometime overnight before 7 am on September 1. They were not visible from the street. One is a small women’s Ghost mountain bike with a drop seat, the color is called “Jade Blue” but more of a green-turquoise. The other is an Easy Rider silver mountain bike. A police report has been filed. Stolen from 25th Ave SW between Brandon and Findlay.

If you find one or both, let us know, and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Racist vandalism at local school

Gatewood Elementary was vandalized overnight with what the principal described in email to families as “horrific racially-charged graffiti.” Principal Kyna Hogg wrote that, before students arrived for the day, “Our team took immediate action and covered the graffiti (until it can be permanently removed), we called 911, and informed the SPS Safety and Security team.”

(Added: WSB photo, part of the area where vandalism was covered up)

District spokesperson Tim Robinson tells WSB the work order for permanent removal is already in and work should happen soon. Gatewood has been hit with racist crime before; we reported earlier this year on the fourth theft of a Black Lives Matter banner from the school fence, The racists won’t win, Hogg assured families: “I believe it is important to continue to emphasize that Black Lives Matter at Gatewood Elementary School and throughout Seattle Public Schools.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen bicycle; found figurines; burglary arrest

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports:

STOLEN BICYCLE: Via email – the theft was discovered at 5:30 am today:

Stolen from Fauntleroy Way SW across from Fairmount Park Elementary. Please be on the lookout for a mountain bike “Ultra TreK,” mostly silver and blue with brand-new BMX tires and just metal handlebars. The seat is original and has a piece ripped out; it is yellow foam.


I found this in front of my house and I’m assuming it’s been dumped? Looks brand new; happy to get it back to its owner. Call of Duty Ghosts toy figurines.

If it’s yours, contact us and we’ll connect you.

BURGLARY ARREST: Police report arresting a suspected burglar Wednesday after a break-in in the 1000 block of California Lane SW (west of Hamilton Viewpoint Park). They answered a 911 call around 5:30 pm about someone running through back yards; before they detained the suspect, a home had been broken into. The suspect was booked into jail for investigation of burglary as well as a warrant.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 stolen vehicles – white Ford pickup, red Miata

4:07 PM: Michelle says this happened at 1:30 pm today:

Truck stolen from Arbor Heights – (9800 block) 37th Ave SW – from inside our locked gate. It’s a 2001 F350 Ford truck, white. License C82519W

Call 911 if you see it.

5;46 PM: Same goes for this stolen car – the report is from Emily:

Our car was stolen early this morning. It is a red 1990 Miata. It was stolen at 4:53 AM; the person walked north on 46th Ave SW on the west side of the street between Hill and Holgate, walked right to our car and took it within 30 seconds. In North Admiral. License Plate is BZE4444

UPDATE: ‘Possible threat’ leads to brief school lockdown at Summit Atlas

ORIGINAL TUESDAY REPORT: Summit Atlas, the charter middle/high school in Arbor Heights, was in lockdown for a little more than an hour this morning because of what was described in an email to parents as a “possible threat.” We called after a text from a reader; the school told us the lockdown was over and parents would get an explanation via email. One parent forwarded what was sent, in which the school said:

This morning, we responded to a report of a possible threat to our campus. When an incident occurs on our campus, we act quickly, we collaborate with the community and with local law enforcement, and we communicate with you promptly. The situation was resolved quickly, and all students are safe.

Our students’ safety is always our top priority and consistent with our safety protocols, our school building did go on lock down for approximately 70 minutes while the Seattle Police conducted a thorough investigation. …

Police say what information they have so far indicates the incident involved “an unfounded report of a weapon at the school.”

ADDED WEDNESDAY: The police summary that’s now available adds a few more details:

On 08-31-2021 at 0902 hours, officers responded to a school due to a student emailing a teacher about students bringing guns to the school. The school went into lockdown and units responded. The principal and officers spoke with the student about what they had heard. It became apparent quickly that the timeline of events given by the student was not possible. Officers did a check of the property for anything out of place. The school released from lockdown and thanked officers.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Early-morning gunfire; police chief’s plea

The city’s sharp rise in gunfire is in the spotlight today. First, a reader report on a West Seattle incident, from Anthony:

Just after 6:30 this morning, my wife and I were riding our bikes down Fairmount Ave and rounded the first corner just as the passenger in a stopped pickup truck fired three shots from a handgun (small caliber based on the sound) into the hillside at the first pullout on the right hand side. The truck, what looked like a mid-’90s white Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra, took off down the hill towards Harbor Ave. Unfortunately I didn’t get a good look at the vehicle occupants or license plate. We immediately stopped, turned around, and went back to the top of Fairmount and called the police. Several officers responded quickly and I gave them the information I had.

This was just a few hours before Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz and two other city leaders held an online briefing/Q&A session for reporters to talk about the city’s ongoing wave of violence involving people using guns.

He said the incidents were happening at an “unrelenting pace.” Diaz said police are doing what they can, with dozens of gun-related arrests and 700 guns seized so far, but the overall numbers are daunting: Citywide, 380 incidents this year involving gunfire – that’s 100 more than this time last year, 150 more than this time in 2019. Of this year’s incidents, 104 involved injuries or deaths. The city has had 35 homicide victims so far this year – two of those “delayed” (from incidents in previous years), and three-quarters were shooting victims, the chief said. He repeated that the department is understaffed; there’s money to hire officers but hiring is not keeping up with the pace of attrition.

The City Council was represented at the event by Councilmember Alex Pedersen, who said he hopes his colleagues will support money for recruiting and hiring incentives; midyear budget decisions are coming up in two weeks. Also participating was Rex Brown, who leads the city Human Services Department’s Safe and Thriving Communities division; he talked about city investments in community-safety programs, saying they’re addressing “risk factors” at the “societal and community levels.” The chief, too, acknowledged it’s a many-faceted problem, saying that it’s not just an increase in gunfire involving youth violence but also mental-health issues, such as road rage. Regardless of staffing levels, he said, police need community support for the violence to stop: “Talk to your friends and family, (tell them) ‘guns are not the answer’.”

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Did you see the 5-way shots-fired confrontation?

(SPD photo from last Tuesday, bullet-flattened tire)

Last Tuesday, we reported on what police described as a “road rage” confrontation that included gunfire at the 5-way intersection west of the low bridge. Police talked to everyone directly involved, including the people who fired their guns, who claimed they did it in self-defense. Though no one was arrested or cited at the time, detectives continue investigating to determine if charges should be recommended. While they’ve spoken with some witnesses, this happened during commute time at a busy intersection and police tell WSB the detective on the case would like to talk with others who saw what happened. If you can help, you are asked to call the SPD tip line, 206-233-5000.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Garage burglar; park vandalism

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

GARAGE BURGLAR: From an Admiral resident:

Someone broke into our garage and our cars and stole a bunch of stuff. She couldn’t carry everything, having taken a bunch of stuff, and left a bag that she took from another West Seattle home in the alley (there was a mailing label in the bag and we found the owner). She hit our place at 7:30 am (Saturday) – we have her on Ring camera.

Our neighbor is fairly sure he saw her picture re some other theft or break-in earlier this year? There have been multiple police reports filed.

In all, neighbors believe this burglar hit at least four homes on 45th/46th near Admiral Way.


As we were taking a morning walk around the path on top of the reservoir at Westcrest Park this morning, we found that a picnic table, bench and part of a play structure had been unbolted and vandalized. A garbage can had also been rolled down the hill, and the “no motorized vehicles” sign at the 8th & Henderson entrance had been bent and removed from its post. I called it in to the Parks Department’s maintenance request line.

That’s 206-684-7250. (Find other key Parks numbers here.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Early-morning gunfire

August 28, 2021 11:34 am
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Police say one person was pistol-whipped and another narrowly missed by gunfire in the 1900 block of Harbor Avenue SW early today. They went to the area after a report of gunfire around 1:20 am; they found a 22-year-old man with a cut to the head. He wouldn’t talk to officers about what had happened but they say witnesses saw him pistol-whipped in a fight with someone who then fired multiple shots as the victim tried to run away. One bullet went through a parked van where a woman was asleep, just missing her. The pistol-whipping victim was taken to the hospital. Police are asking anyone with information to call their tip line at 206-233-5000.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 cases of racist vandalism

Two cases of vandalism, both against symbols of the fight for racial justice:

DIVERSITY CENTER SIGN DEFACED: From Jean Iannelli Craciun at the Diversity Center of Washington in Morgan Junction:

I am sad to report that the Black Lives Matter sign we have had out front was marked with an X across the front and thrown down. Luckily the other side was not damaged and we could re-install it on that side. We were surprised to see this and it made us sad and angry….after all, this is West Seattle!!

MURAL VANDALIZED: On the south edge of West Seattle, Desmond Hansen‘s George Floyd signal-box mural has been vandalized again, this time with green paint splattered across it and someone then scrawling Black Lives Matter across the green blotch. This is not the only one of Hansen’s box murals to be defaced – his portrait of murdered hip-hop musician JuiceTheGod at 35th/Barton and the BLM-themed box at 42nd/Alaska have been hit too.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Latest catalytic-converter theft

Haley sent the report:

I live on 35th between Henderson and Trenton. Someone stole my catalytic converter off my 2000 Honda Accord last night. It was parked in the alley in our off street parking spot. Car is low to the ground so they must have had to jack it up in order to access the catalytic converter. Police report filed, but wanted to let others in the area know.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, catalytic-converter theft grew tenfold nationwide between 2018 and 2020.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bike stolen from outside store

What’s being stuffed into that car is a bicycle stolen moments earlier – around noon today – from outside the south end of Admiral Safeway. The thief cut the cable lock, according to (update) a friend of the bike owner’s mom, Kelly. The bicycle is a blue 2021 Kona Kahuna, 29″ wheels, bought from Alki Bike and Board (WSB sponsor). The thief’s car had an Oregon license plate, starting with 990; the image is from video taken by a bystander who followed him after the theft (we don’t have the clip in a playable size). No police-report # yet.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Apartment burglary; abandoned tricycle

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

APARTMENT BURGLARY: Una says this happened while she was out of town:

I wanted to alert you and by extension the community that my apartment was broken into. I live in a secured access building near the Junction that was broken into around 3:30 am on August 23rd. The thieves hammered at the lock multiple times until it finally broke. My own security footage picked up sounds of door tampering on the 16th, 17th, and 20th as well. They appear to have known that apartment was empty. Items stolen include: phones, hard drive, fine jewelry, costume jewelry, perfumes, sunglasses, and dozens of pieces of personal affects (letters, cards, marathon medals).

Una says building management apparently has images of the burglar(s) but has not made them available.


This SmarTrike was likely stolen and dumped by my house. It is located on the north side of SW Genesee just west of 26th across from the golf course. It’s in excellent condition and probably new.