Crime 6659 results

UPDATE: Man shot beneath 1st Avenue South Bridge

2:16 PM: If you’re wondering about all the sirens, police and fire have headed to the 2nd SW/SW Michigan vicinity beneath the 1st Avenue South Bridge, after a report of a man with a gunshot wound to the leg. So far, officers have told dispatchers, they haven’t found him.

2:20 PM: They’ve since found the victim, as well as what were described as shotgun-shell casings. They’ve been told a tan Cadillac with tinted windows might be involved.

2:44 PM: No updates so far.

3:57 PM: SFD says the ~40-year-old man who was shot was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

7:50 PM: The preliminary police report says:

During the mid-morning hours, a fight disturbance occurred in an encampment near SW Michigan St / SW Peninsula Pl. The fight was reportedly over narcotics and money. A few hours later, witnesses reported a large group of subjects arrived at the encampment looking for those involved in the fight. The group left a short time later. Just prior to (2 pm), a vehicle arrived, and four suspects exited. They approached the victim’s tent carrying a shotgun and edged weapons and confronted the victim. After a brief encounter, one of the suspects fired the shotgun twice, striking the victim on the right leg just below the knee. The suspects then fled the scene and left in the vehicle they had arrived in. Witnesses called 911 and requested police assistance while others began tending to the victim’s injury and loaded him into a vehicle. Officers arrived, located the victim and secured the scene while requesting SFD response. The victim was transported to HMC for further medical treatment. An area search was conduced with negative results for the suspects.

‘They’ve taken away our only line of defense’: Here’s what happened when volunteer steward at car-prowl-plagued West Seattle park tried to fight back

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

If you use West Seattle’s only dog park, the Westcrest Park Off-Leash Area, you’ve benefited from the work of Steve McElhenney, who’s been the volunteer steward there for two decades.

He’s given thousands of hours. But one of the gifts he’s tried recently to give – the gift of safety – has been roundly rejected. And he’s furious.

As has been reported in West Seattle Crime Watch coverage here over the years, Westcrest is a car-prowl hot spot. (Here’s just one of dozens of reports we’ve published.) McElhenney says he’s tried to get extra police attention there. But, he’s been told – as precinct leadership has said at countless community meetings – they’re shorthanded. (Back in February, the precinct said they’d try for extra patrols, but nothing’s been mentioned since then.) So he tried something else, something countless people are using on their own porches, decks, and yards: A camera.

Read More

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business robbery; burglary arrest; bicycle theft

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:

BUSINESS ROBBERY: Police are investigating an armed robbery last night at Canna (WSB sponsor), the cannabis shop at 5440 California SW. Police say it happened just before 11:30 pm as the shop was preparing to close. Four masked people entered the store, two with guns drawn, according to a witness, who says they ordered three staff members and one customer to get on the floor. They took phones from the security guard and a customer, threw the phones over the counter, then stuffed cash and marijuana products into plastic trash bags and took off. Some of the products were found in a nearby alley. The robbers have not yet been found.

BURGLARY ARREST: A reader reported hearing police making amplified warnings early this morning in Highland Park. Here’s what that was about. The early police summary says officers responded to a domestic-violence disturbance around 2:30 am near 9th/Trenton but the person reported to have caused it was gone. Two hours later, they were called back to the same residence after the same person forced their way in, then ran off, jumping fences to get away. A K-9 search ensued – that’s what the amplified warnings were about (police policy is to warn suspects that a dog is being deployed to look for them) – and a suspect was found and arrested.

BICYCLE THEFT: The photo and report are from an Arbor Heights resident:

This guy came into our yard with bolt cutters in hand and rode off with one of our bikes (he left his own bike behind). If he’s riding around with bolt cutters then I assume he’s looking for other bikes as well. (Stolen) bike is a black Novaro Buzz.

The victim says this has been reported to police.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen tools to watch for

July 19, 2021 7:57 pm
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From Derek McCloud, manager of the Seattle Public Schools-owned Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex:

Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex had the locks cut to the equipment shed and had a chainsaw, two weed-eaters, a hedger, and possibly more (taken). If anyone sees power tools with an SPS logo that would be from the complex.


The photo and report are from LL:

Just wanted to shoot out a warning for people to check their tire; somebody tried to slash 2 of my tires.

Happened sometime between Saturday midnight and this morning. In the alley 42nd & Raymond.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business-burglary attempt

July 18, 2021 7:44 pm
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The Antique Mall of West Seattle in The Junction says someone tried to break in through both its front and back doors last Thursday night or Friday morning (July 15/16) They’re hoping someone nearby with a security camera might have recorded the culprits. They’ve since had repairs done, but they say the would-be burglar(s) “bludgeoned the knob and jammed the back door. It would take a lot of effort to damage that heavyweight set-up, and there are visible marks on the door frame from being struck.” Side note: The Antique Mall hasn’t reopened indoors yet, but they’ve had some sidewalk sales and are going to try to make that weekly, 10 am-3 pm on Sundays.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Seen this stolen white Sienna? (Update: Found!)

11:52 AM: The photo and report are from Lisa in Upper Fauntleroy:

Our 2006 white Toyota Sienna – plate ABK5160 – was stolen from in front of our home this morning. The kayak rack was attached. Please keep an eye out for it.

If you see it, call 911

3:51 PM: Update from Lisa – her husband went driving around looking for their car and found it, at 15th/Cambridge.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 reader reports

From the WSB inbox:

MAILBOX PROWLER: The video is from Ryan, who explains: “Sharing video of attempted porch pirates operating pretty brazenly on 48th in Seaview. Sent in to SPD but sharing for awareness.”

ABANDONED CAR: Kate says two stolen cars have been dumped in front of her house and wonders if this is the third:

She says, “This Honda Accord is haphazardly parked on the 3200 block of 44th Ave SW. It’s been here a couple weeks and doesn’t belong to any of the neighbors we’ve talked to. Also looks like the front end is damaged.”

Got something for Crime Watch? Report it to police, and then let us know – – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Carjacking investigation

If you wondered what the big police response at 10th/Henderson [map] in Highland Park at noontime was all about – it was related to a reported armed carjacking. After that happened near 2nd SW and SW Michigan (by the 1st Avenue South Bridge), police tracked the car (in our photo above) up the Highland Park Way hill and southward to 10th/Henderson, where everybody bailed out of it. At least one person – possibly the armed woman who was believed to be at the wheel – was reported to have fled in a second vehicle; two others were on foot after abandoning the car, and police arrested one suspected accomplice found nearby.

The investigation is being turned over to robbery detectives.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Noontime catalytic-converter theft; abandoned bicycle

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:


I witnessed a catalytic converter theft on Alki this afternoon.

At approximately 12:00 PM, I was jogging down the hill at California Way SW leading to Harbor Ave SW (near Marination Ma Kai) when I saw a man underneath a parked silver Toyota Prius. Another man was standing next to the car. They were both white, in their late 20s or early 30s, and wearing backward baseball caps and undershirts. A woman in a parked silver Nissan Pathfinder without rear or front plates was looking back from the driver’s seat at the 2 men. After a few seconds, they had retrieved the Prius’s catalytic converter and ran toward the parked SUV, and then all 3 drove off. I took a picture of the Nissan and attached it.

Hopefully I got the make/model of the getaway car correct, would appreciate input from anyone who might be better at identifying cars from suboptimal pictures. I filed a police report and am awaiting a case number.

Jeff also left a note for the Prius’s owner and has connected with them.

ABANDONED BICYCLE: Mason saw this abandoned bicycle both days this weekend:

There was a bike left on the side of street on Holgate & 44th … (Sunday) it was still around, maybe someone stole it, then left it? Any reports of a missing old blue road bike?

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 3 reports, including axe-attack charge

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:


While walking my dog this morning I noticed that my mailbox on Cloverdale and most mailboxes on the 8400 block of 25th Ave SW were busted open. I’ve reported to SPD non-emergency but thought your readers would like to know.

TENNIS COURT VANDALISM: Players arriving at the Solstice Park tennis courts this morning noticed two nets had been tampered with and another appeared to have been cut down and taken, with only this (lower left) left behind:

It’s been reported to police.

AXE SUSPECT CHARGED: One followup today – a felony charge is now filed against the man accused of swinging an axe at a West Seattle Junction 7-11 employee on the Fourth of July. 29-year-old David D. Ailep Jr. is charged with second-degree assault. The charging documents say that the employee had asked Ailep to leave the store because he was acting aggressively, yelling, and throwing items on the floor. Her shift was almost over; her husband was waiting outside to drive her home, and she went out to tell him she needed to do a few more things. Ailep had just left and confronted her outside the store, the documents say, pulling out the axe and swinging at her; she told police that if she hadn’t backed up to get out of the way, he would have hit her in the head/neck/chest. The employee’s husband subsequently got out of his car and used bear spray on Ailep, who police say then fled; they found him in an alley a block away, lying on the ground, the axe under him. Ailep remains in the King County Jail, bail set at $150,000.

FOLLOWUP: White Center fire was arson, King County Sheriff’s Office now says

(WSB/WCN photo, Monday)

1:37 PM: Thanks for the tips. We’ve confirmed with the King County Sheriff’s Office that the fire which gutted the LumberYard Bar and seven other businesses in downtown White Center early Monday is now being investigated as arson. Though the original tentative determination was that it was likely accidental, KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Tim Meyer tells WSB that they received “new evidence” that led investigators to “reclassify it as arson.” Though the LumberYard has posted on social media that “This most likely is also a hate crime,” Sgt. Meyer would not speculate on a potential motive. Anyone with any information should contact KCSO.

1:50 PM: We went over to the fire scene to see if we could find out more; no one’s around, but we did photograph the signs asking for tips – 800-55-ARSON. That’s reiterated in this statement we’ve just received from the White Center Pride Committee:

The White Center Pride Committee is deeply disturbed and saddened to learn that the fire at The Lumberyard Bar on July 5th has reportedly been reclassified from an electrical fire to arson. The possibility of this being a hate crime targeted at an LGBTQI+ gathering space is also being investigated. Not only was The Lumberyard Bar destroyed, but also 7 other businesses, many of which were minority owned.

We will continue to stand with all of the businesses and individuals that were impacted by this horrible act. Our community is strong and will never back down in the face of adversity. We implore anyone with information to reach out to the King County Sheriff’s Office with any information at 206-263-2070 or 1-800-55-ARSON.

The fire broke out after 1 am on Monday. No injuries were reported. But along with the LumberYard, it devastated neighboring businesses The Boxing Gym, La Tipica Oaxaqueña, John’s Hair and Nails, Rat City Tattoo, Nuggi, and Dottie’s Doublewide.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Cars vandalized; axe-arrest followup

Two reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

CARS VANDALIZED: The photo and report are from Pelicans:

Sometime overnight, someone broke windows in 5 vehicles on both sides of the street on the 3300 block of Beach Drive SW, at Constellation Park. One had five broken, some one, two or three. The perps worked from the street side, as well as the sidewalk side. All vehicles were SUV’s. The only other cars parked there were a Prius and a sedan, which were untouched.

An SPD officer was cruising by sometime after dawn and noticed all the damage and the glass in the road. He took photos and filed a report. The incident # is 2021-171103. He said he thought this was vandalism versus done for the purpose of car prowling.

Apparently no car alarms nor anything else was heard. Please, if any one has overnight video, or heard/saw anything, contact SPD and reference the above incident number.

AXE ARREST FOLLOWUP: We reported Monday on a Fourth of July arrest – a man accused of trying to attack a Junction 7-11 employee with an axe. Here’s what more we’ve found out about the suspect: He’s 29 years old, still in jail as of this morning, and held not only in connection with this incident, but also on a failure-to-appear warrant in an unrelated assault case, We looked up the documents in that one; it’s a Municipal Court case in which he is accused of attacking a man on Capitol Hill in 2019. His prior criminal history includes an assault conviction from a 2018 random attack on a woman and her father walking downtown. Those case documents say the woman tried to defend herself with an expandable baton she pulled from her purse; he took it away and injured both her and her father. The case ended in a plea agreement and a 9-month sentence; he’d already served that much time when the case was resolved, and he was released. In this week’s West Seattle case, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is awaiting a referral from police for a charging decision.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Abandoned bicycle; two hit-runs

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

ABANDONED BICYCLE: Ruth Anne says that Peugeot bicycle was abandoned on Puget Ridge near South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) in April, and she’s tried a variety of ways to find its owner, So farm no luck, so she’s trying here too. If you think it’s yours, we’ll connect you.

HIT-RUN #1: From Mike, who says this happened around 8:40 last night:

I wanted to report a hit and run that totaled the front end of my car on 39th and Stevens in Admiral. Luckily no one was hurt and the person was caught by SPD. But I really wanted to give a huge shout-out to my neighbors, who all came out of their house to share video doorbell footage, told me what they saw, and help clean up the debris on the street. One my neighbors who got outside first, flagged down another neighbor who was driving by, and it was that neighbor who was driving followed the vehicle, called the police while she driving and got the police to stop the person who hit my car. It’s good to know that even we’re in a big city, we still have good neighbors that come together and help each other out.

HIT-RUN #2: SA reports this happened Saturday:

I was in my living room when I heard the sound of multiple impacts on vehicles. I ran out the front door in time to hear tires screech as somebody sped off south, and saw a white car pull over with the driver emerging. His car was pretty damaged, leaking radiator fluid everywhere, and he was very shaken.

Apparently a black or dark gray Toyota (Camry?) hit him from behind, and pushed him into the blue Ford truck (parked), which ramped the curb and came to rest partly blocking the road. The victim then tried to steer away from the Camry and veered into the parked Ford Focus which was facing north in the south-bound lane. That car was also leaking radiator fluids.

This was reported to SPD but we don’t have the incident number, so far.


One more incident from the Fourth of July. The preliminary police summary says this was reported just before 9:30 pm last night – here’s the narrative:

Officers responded to the 7-11 located on Erskine Way to a report of an assault. Upon arrival, officers contacted the victim, who is an employee. The victim told officers that an unidentified male came into the store acting “crazy” — throwing things around and yelling. When the male left the store, the victim followed him outside. The male turned and retrieved an approx. 2-foot-long axe from his pants pocket. The male swung the axe at the victim — who managed to get out of the way — narrowly missing the victim’s head and neck area with the blade. Another store employee pepper-sprayed the male, who fled the area on foot. The suspect was located by officers a short while later a short distance away — still in possession of the axe.

He was arrested and booked into jail.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Armed robbery at Lucky 5

Police investigated an armed robbery Friday night at the Lucky 5 gas station/mini-mart (35th/Henderson). Their preliminary summary report says it happened around 9 pm; the robber approached the counter, pulled out a handgun, pointed it at the employee behind the counter, and demanded cash. The employee gave him what was in the register but the robber demanded money from the safe, holding the victim at gunpoint until that was handed over too. He fled with cash and the employee’s cell phone. Police responding to the area used a K-9 but weren’t able to find the robber.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Peel & Press burglarized again; plus – catalytic-converter thieves’ getaway car

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

PEEL & PRESS BURGLARIZED AGAIN: In Morgan Junction, burglar(s) have again struck Peel & Press (6503 California SW), whose proprietor Dan Austin sent the photo and report:

This should be a celebratory weekend with the Fourth of July and 100% capacity for the first time in 16 months at the restaurant. Instead we walked in and found that we’ve been burglarized again. We are frantically trying to replace some critical equipment with hopes of being able to open later tonight.

ADDED: Some followup information:

Security hard drive was taken. They also got a week’s worth of my kitchen’s tips :-(. I just want neighbors to be aware and if folks want to buy some food over the next … it wouldn’t hurt. Thanks to White Center Glass for moving as fast as possible to get the glass replaced early next week and to the folks at The Bridge for helping me, temporarily securing the back door. The business community and neighborhood always rally.



My husband caught these guys taking our catalytic converter on our Prius. Older model white Dodge Durango, tinted windows, silver rims. End of the license plate is 793P or 723P. Contact police if you see this vehicle.

This happened before 6 am today in the Fairmount Park area.


July 2, 2021 12:10 am
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Be on the lookout for Tom‘s stolen car, a dark-blue 1997 Subaru Outback, license AXH 2450, taken from the 3900 block of 42nd SW (corner of SW Bradford) on Wednesday night. If you see it, call 911.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Murder, assault charges filed against alleged Alki shooter

(WSB photo)

That’s a photo of Tilorae Shepherd, the 22-year-old Federal Way man shot and killed at Alki on Monday night. Just before family and friends gathered at the beach this evening for a memorial, charges were filed in the shooting that took his life and injured three other people.

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has filed a second-degree murder charge and two first-degree-assault charges against 19-year-old Milton Arnold III of Des Moines, who’s been in custody since shortly after the shooting. The charging documents tell the story of what witnesses told police happened that night.

First – the charging documents reveal that while Arnold has no history of criminal convictions, in addition to the domestic-violence arrest last November that we mentioned in our previous coverage, he was also facing possible charges in an incident less than two months ago. Federal Way police say Arnold and accomplices robbed two people at a park there, at gunpoint, then hit one of the victims in the face with his gun, and walked both into nearby woods – still at gunpoint – as they pleaded for their lives. Charges had not yet been filed in that case. One of Arnold’s alleged accomplices that day, prosecutors say, is an 18-year-old friend who was injured in the Alki shooting – the one who was allegedly driven to Harborview, with Arnold in the same car.

Harborview, you may recall, is where police found Arnold. But first, here’s what else is the charging documents:

First, the original assessment of the victims that night as being in their 30s was incorrect. Along with the 22-year-old who was killed, and the suspect’s 18-year-old friend who was wounded, the two other people who survived with gunshot wounds to their legs are described as a woman and man who are both also 22 years old.

One witness told police that those two had “confronted his group about using fireworks” – one 911 caller said the woman had been hit with one – and alleged that Mr. Shepherd came over to defend the man, and “displayed a gun.” Another witness said that the gun was in Mr. Shepherd’s waistband, and that while he lifted his shirt to show it, he did not pull it out nor use it in any other way. As noted earlier, there had been a 911 call about a dispute involving a gun even before shots were fired; then the calltaker heard gunfire while that caller was on the line.

The documents say officers found nine fired 9mm casings at the scene along with two .25 caliber casings

Witness and vehicle descriptions were circulated among police, and when officers got to Harborview Medical Center about 15 minutes after the shooting, they saw a gray BMW arrive with two women and two men. The latter were Arnold and his previously mentioned friend, who had a gunshot wound to his abdomen. Police saw two guns in the rear passenger seat where Arnold had been sitting. Arnold matched a description given by witnesses, so officers took him into custody and impounded the car. (The two women in the car were questioned and said they had gone to Alki with Arnold but weren’t with him when the shooting happened, nor did they know his friend who was wounded.)

The other man who was shot was interviewed by police at the hospital, He said he and the woman who was shot – his partner – were riding scooters at Alki when they ran into Mr. Shepherd, an acquaintance of his. A short time later, he said, a firework hit his partner in the head, They started confronting people nearby, trying to find out who was responsible. At one point when they were asking two men if they had seen who did it, Mr. Shepherd came up behind him. The other men reportedly said, “Don’t come over here with that s—t, don’t come over here with that,” and then, the shooting survivor said, one man pulled a pistol out of his pants and shot Mr. Shepherd from just a few feet away. The survivor started running, and that’s when he and his girlfriend were shot.

Police talked to her too; she said she and her boyfriend got into “a little confrontation” with people over the fireworks but worked it out and were walking away when the two men, believed to be Arnold and his friend, said something like, “why are you beefing with my people” – and then the argument heated up again, followed shortly thereafter by gunfire. She said the two men were with two women who matched the description of the ones who arrived at Harborview with Arnold and his friend.

In trying to sort out who was armed and who fired shots, police included additional information in the charging documents: No gun was found on or near Mr. Shepherd, but a Glock .357 SIG magazine was found on him. A relative later contacted police and said Mr. Shepherd may have had his Glock 32 Gen 4 pistol with him when he was killed and provided the serial number. No casings of that type were found at the scene, just the 9mm and 25-caliber ones mentioned earlier. Detectives believe all the 9mm casings were from the same gun.

Earlier today police got a search warrant for the impounded BMW. Inside it they found a Glock 32 – but with a different serial number than the one given by Mr. Shepherd’s relative – along with a Beretta that fires “the equivalent of” a .25-caliber round, and a 9mm “ghost gun,” made from different parts. Neither the Glock nor the Beretta had ammunition but the 9mm gun had a 21-round magazine with ‘additional live 9mm rounds.” They also found a blue hat similar to what witnesses had described, and a bloody white T-shirt.

A judge set Arnold’s bail today at $2 million. He remains in the King County Jail and will be arraigned later this month.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another OfferUp user held up; potential thief scared off

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes today:

ANOTHER OFFERUP USER ROBBED: The newest post on SPD Blotter spotlights three recent armed robberies of people who say it happened after they responded to OfferUp ads – two of them in West Seattle. We’ve already reported on the first one, two weeks ago in Riverview. SPD says the other West Seattle case happened this past Tuesday (June 29th), in which “a man reported he had met a man purportedly selling a car on OfferUp in the 6500 block of 30th Avenue SW, only to have the seller pull a gun on him, demand cash, and threaten to shoot him.” If you have any information about these cases, you can call SPD’s Robbery Unit at 206-684-5535.


We scared off a trespasser the police believe was attempting to steal our catalytic converter at approximately 6:30 this morning, 5400 block of 49th Ave SW. A white male, 30’s, dark T-shirt and jeans, was brazenly checking our vehicle in our driveway, near our open front window. When the trespasser saw/heard us, he ran to the passenger side of a small, ‘90-’00 black sedan, headed north on 49th. SPD was quick to respond but our cameras did not get a vehicle plate number so these folks are likely still prowling.

CRIME WATCH: West Seattle warrant served during regional drug-trafficking raids

You might have seen regional-news reports about more than a dozen arrests today in what federal agents describe as “an investigation involving armed drug trafficking.” We’ve learned that one of the warrants was served in West Seattle. A reader told us a major law-enforcement response including federal agents and local officers had been at her apartment building near Westwood Village early today. We didn’t get an address but did confirm with authorities that one of the search warrants involved today was for an address on SW Barton. We don’t know yet if an arrest resulted at that location; the court documents made public so far don’t match addresses to names. In all, the U.S. Attorney’s Office says 12 people were arrested today in King and Pierce counties, indicted for alleged drug-distribution conspiracy. Its announcement adds, “Today alone officers seized 48 guns, 2 kilograms of cocaine, 2 pounds of methamphetamine, several thousand fentanyl pills and two illegal marijuana grows. An additional $120,000 cash was also seized.” Agencies participating in the raids included FBI, DEA, Seattle Police, HSI, Pierce County Sheriff’s Office, King County Sheriff’s Office, Valley SWAT, Kent Police Department, ATF, and Narcotics/Currency/Firearms K9 support from seven agencies.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Des Moines man arrested in deadly Alki Beach shooting

(Early Tuesday photo by David Hutchinson)

3:35 PM: Seattle Police have announced a 19-year-old man is in custody for investigation of homicide, suspected in the Monday night shooting that killed one person and injured three on Alki (WSB coverage here). The update on SPD Blotter says the suspect actually was arrested “several hours after” the shooting, though SPD told us yesterday afternoon there were no new developments. Working on more details, which we’ll add as we get them.

4 PM: The jail roster shows the suspect was booked around 9 am yesterday. So far the only thing we’ve found on his record is an arrest last November for allegedly threatening to shoot a cousin at their mutual great-grandmother’s house in Seattle’s Judkins Park area. The police report from that case shows a Des Moines address for the suspect (added: today’s court documents confirm that).

4:37 PM: A bit more information from the probable-cause documents just received from the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. First: The suspect is the person we mentioned in our original coverage as having been detained at the hospital after one of the shooting victims was taken there in a private vehicle. Police say that where the suspect was sitting in that car, they found “two semi-automatic handguns.” Also in the court document: One of the shooting survivors, who had a gunshot wound to the leg, told police the gunfire was preceded by “a dispute over fireworks.”

10:13 PM: The victim’s family identifies him as Tilorae Shepherd, 22, of Federal Way, and is crowdfunding for funeral expenses.

FOLLOWUP: Police’s plan for the beach, after Alki shootings

Our photo shows a Seattle Police car we saw at Alki Beach early this evening, as the first night after a shooting that killed one person and put three others in the hospital (WSB coverage here). No new developments in the investigation today, SPD tells us. We asked Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Kevin Grossman about the plan for police presence in the days/nights ahead. Here is his reply:

I have requested that the SPD Community Response Group (CRG) increase its presence on Alki on weekday afternoons and evenings, and as we have been doing on the weekends, we will have on-duty officers from the Southwest Precinct assist the Parks Department on the weekdays in encouraging beach fires to be extinguished by 9:30 pm and in closing the beach at 11:30 pm.

We constantly attempt to match resources with predicted needs, which is why we have emphasis patrols on Alki on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This year, an additional challenge is the reduced police staffing citywide — to include the Southwest Precinct — combined with a rise in gun violence across the city. We want to staff events and areas appropriately, which means utilizing the right amount of police resources for potential hotspots while maintaining sufficient staffing to answer 911 calls.

The man killed last night – whose identity we do not yet know – was the fourth homicide victim in Seattle in a week noted on SPD Blotter. As for police staffing, we’ve been reporting on that for months – here’s some local information and discussion from a report back in January. There have been some major shows of force at Alki, though, most notably one month ago, on the night a crowd estimated at thousands thronged the beach for a party organized via social media (WSB coverage here) and the night after.