Crime 6659 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Jeep Cherokee, with extra wheels

From Diana:

Just wanted to see if people could be on the lookout for our 1991 Jeep Cherokee that was stolen from in front of our house on 51st Street near Schmitz Park. It was taken Friday night, on Sep. 25. Just thought I’d see if any neighbors noticed that someone got a new car. It also had 5 tires with wheels inside that our neighbor gave us that day and we never had a chance to unload them. It has a firefighter sticker on the back.

(We’ll add the plate when we get it.) Call 911 if you see this vehicle.

Sorry, vandal. Katie and neighbors won’t let you win.

These are three recent views of the same wall in Pigeon Point:

Katie sent the photos, explaining:

My neighbors and I have been painting and maintaining a Black Lives Matter mural on our property at the corner of SW Andover and 23rd Ave in Pigeon Point that has been defaced 3 times in the past month. I saw that West Seattle Blog has covered this type of vandalism at other locations in West Seattle, so I wanted to add our experience to the record. We are setting up surveillance measures and will continue to restore the mural after each vandalism attempt, but I just wanted to let our community know that this is a consistent and seemingly widespread problem in West Seattle.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Neighborhood prowled, e-bike stolen (update: found)

12:01 PM: Neighbors in northeast Admiral report a prowler in the 3-4:30 am vicinity, seen clearly on this security-video clip:

Dana reports an e-bike stolen in the process, a black RadCity Step-Thru. “Definitely not seen from the street and involved [the thief] being inches from our bedroom windows. I’ve filed a police report but wanted to get the word out that he is pretty bold and not afraid to go searching around your home.” Dana says just to get in the yard where the video was recorded, the prowler had to “jump a locked gate.” Meantime, we’ve had a few bicycle reunions lately, so if you happen to see one like this abandoned, please let us know and we’ll connect you.

6 PM: Dana says in comments that a neighbor found the bike.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Headless statue by carless bridge

If you haven’t yet had a chance to go see the newly installed tribute to the “patron saint of the broken bridge” – reported here last weekend – we’re sorry to tell you, you missed your chance. Two people sent us notes this morning, both beginning “This is why we can’t have nice things” … this one (and the photos) came from Lars (who sent us the original announcement too):

The Delridge Maritime Historical Society is saddened to announce that the Rolf Neslund bust lasted less than a week before being vandalized and stolen. Though his time was short, his memory remains strong.

A curse upon the Rolf haters; “a spiritual burning barrel awaits ye!”

Seen in (relatively) happier times:

If you are just catching up, Neslund was the freighter pilot who hit the old West Seattle Bridge in 1978, leading to the chain of events that resulted in the construction of the currently closed bridge.. He gained extra notoriety a few years later as a murder victim.

P.S. This is not the first bridge-side statue theft.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Repeat offender charged after order-violation arrest in West Seattle neighborhood

Last Sunday, we reported briefly on an incident that brought a sizable police response to a neighborhood southwest of The Junction, described at the time as a court-order violation. We recognized the name of the suspect arrested that day, Casey Carlstedt. We reported on him multiple times in 2017, including a prosecutor’s observation that he appeared to be “spiraling out of control.” The cases we mentioned that year included a reckless-driving arrest and a bicycle theft in which WSB readers helped find the bike and the thief. In the new case, court documents say Carlstedt, now 27, was arrested a short time after he was served with a court order to stay away from a certain house and the people who live there. After officers presented him with the order – finding him near the house – he left the area, but police soon got a call alleging he had threatened to kill a random passerby. When they found Carlstedt, he was back within 150 feet of the house he was ordered to stay at least 1,000 feet away from. Court documents say this is the sixth anti-harassment order filed against him in six years. He is charged with felony harassment and violation of a court order, and remains in jail, bail set at $25,000.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 4 bicycles – 2 stolen, 2 abandoned

(Update) 4 reader reports about bicycles, starting with two thefts:


It was stolen sometime in the last 7 days from the garage of a condo building of the 6900 block of California Ave. The bike is a Specialized Sirrus, and the serial number (ends with) 867R. I’ve submitted a police report but don’t have a case number yet.

ADMIRAL THEFT: From Angie: “Stolen bike out of the Luna Apartment complex, purchased less than a year ago. Blue Yeti Sb130. Turquoise color.” (Similar to this stock photo.)

Finally, a dumped-and-likely-stolen bike:

FOUND IN FAIRMOUNT AREA: From Alex on Tuesday night:

Saw this one at the construction site on Fauntleroy near Dawson (not the one on the corner). It wasn’t there this morning and I assume construction happened since then so probably recent dump. Looks like an electric one without a battery so maybe taken from a garage or storage.

ADDED 3:51 PM: One more dumped bike.

FOUND ON ALKI POINT: Jason originally contacted us because a bicycle shown here last week as “found” turned out to be his. He has it back now. But this one was left in place of the one stolen from him, so he’d like to get it back to its owner:

Yours? Let us know and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Subaru; car prowls

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

STOLEN SUBARU: Via text: “My vehicle was stolen last night at 4550 38th SW in front of Link apartments. 1999 Subaru Outback sport.” Plate is shown in the photo; call 911 if you see it.

CAR PROWLS: From Taylor via email: “My partner has experienced two car prowls in the last month!! One (Monday) morning and one two weeks ago. Watch out, 35th & Cambridge area. We blame it on the increase in traffic and of course the economic shortage in the area. Keep an eye out, people, and make sure your floodlights are turned on with fresh bulbs.”

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Murder charge filed in deadly Delridge hit-run

(WSB photo, August 27)

Four weeks after a hit-run driver killed 34-year-old Derrick Lacomb near Longfellow Creek, a suspect is charged, and investigators say he’s the owner of the car found dumped in Highland Park three days later. 37-year-old Steven J. Abrahamson is charged with second-degree murder, though he’s not yet in custody. Court documents say he lives just blocks from the crash scene in the 6500 block of 25th SW. Police were called there the evening of August 24th when Mr. Lacomb’s body was found after neighbors heard the crash.

(WSB photo, August 24th)

Security video from nearby homes showed two vehicles possibly involved, and SPD asked for the public’s help in finding them. Three days after the crash, a WSB reader spotted the maroon Crown Victoria near 13th/Thistle; by then, SPD had posted without elaboration that the other vehicle, a silver van, had been found too. The charging documents explain that the van belongs to the suspect’s brother, who talked with police two days after the crash. Investigators say a relative of the victim recognized the van and knew its owner was a friend of Mr. Lacomb.

The charging documents say the suspect’s brother told police Mr. Lacomb was riding in the van that night, with the suspect driving his car nearby. They all stopped in the area, and Mr. Lacomb got out, went to Steven Abrahamson’s car; an argument ensued. The brother said he tried to break it up, then got back in his van, and as he drove away, saw Mr. Lacomb running after him. Then at some point his brother passed him, going very fast. Residents in the neighborhood also reported seeing a man running after the van, not long before they heard a crash. The documents indicate Mr. Lacomb was hit around 5 pm, about an hour before his body was found in some overgrowth. There’s no explanation of the reason for the argument.

A $2 million warrant is now out for Abrahamson’s arrest; court documents say he has no adult felony record, but has misdemeanor convictions including theft, trespass, and resisting arrest. (Thanks to Lee for the tip on the charges, first reported late today by The Seattle Times.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arrest; mail theft; package taken

Three items in West Seattle Crime Watch:

ARREST NEAR JUNCTION: We’ve received some questions about this incident a little over an hour ago just southwest of The Junction, in the 46th/Edmunds/Erskine vicinity. One neighbor says police were dealing with a man who was “yelling.” Radio communication indicates he was accused of violating a court order, and was eventually arrested.

MAIL THEFT: From Kelsey:

Around 7 am this morning, 2 guys were seen breaking into mailboxes in Fauntleroy. There was a woman driver. We were able to get a picture of just the car and license plate. Please keep your eyes out for this vehicle. We are filing a police report. The car is an older red Honda lic # BRV—.


I wanted to share a video of someone stealing a package off our front porch at 12:13am 9/20 (8100 block of 31st Ave). Wanted to share in case anyone recognizes the sweatshirt, etc. Package can be replaced, just wanted to get the description out there of this person, will also file a police report.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Westwood gun incident; sign vandalized again

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch reports today:

WESTWOOD VILLAGE GUN INCIDENT: We didn’t hear about this at the time, but have received two notes since, including Karen‘s firsthand report:

Two young men were fighting outside of the Hair Masters salon today at approx 3:45 pm. The fight quickly escalated as one man pulled out a gun and was waving it around. Employees and customers went inside the bathroom and stayed there until the police arrived (five of us were in the bathroom). Not sure if both men were arrested, or just the one with the gun. Police arrived VERY quickly and de-escalated the situation within a minute or so. Not sure what started the fight.

HPIC SIGN TARGETED AGAIN: Volunteer Rhonda reports the Black Lives Matter sign on the Highland Park Improvement Club fence has been vandalized again: “This is the third time we have had this happen. … Luckily we have another sign to replace it with. … This seems like these vandalism attacks are escalating. I plan to report it to the police.” This time somebody painted a phrase in yellow paint that could be interpreted as a death threat.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Corolla; stolen food truck (update: both found)

10:56 AM: From Kristi:

My car was stolen sometime last night for the 2nd time right in front of my house. 44th and Lander.

It is a 1996 Black Toyota Corolla. License plate ARN 0237.

If you see it, call 911.

7:27 PM UPDATE: It’s been found.


11:25 AM: Just in – from Brie at Pecos Pit BBQ (WSB sponsor) in West Seattle, a stolen food truck:

Last night sometime between 9 pm and 6 am this morning our beloved Bob the food truck was stolen from our HQ in Kent. Please keep your eyes out for him. If anyone has any information to please email or call our West Seattle location at 206-708-7691. Reward: Free BBQ. Kent PD Case# 20-11920.

3:39 PM: As noted in comments, Pecos Pit says the truck’s been found.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic-converter thieves strike again

Reader report:

Our Prius was vandalized this week. It was sitting on the street (Hill Street SW, North Admiral). We found it still jacked up with the catalytic converter missing. We read an article online that said catalytic converter theft has become popular because of their value, relative ease to steal, and their lack of identifying marketings. Metal recyclers will pay an average of $50 per converter for the precious metals inside them. Unfortunately our estimate to repair is $1,799.

This is the sixth reader report we’ve received this summer about catalytic-converter thefts, and others have been noted in those stories’ comments.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen beige Civic; Triangle window-smashing

Two reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:

CAR STOLEN: From Cynthia:

Our son’s 2000 beige Honda Civic was stolen from our driveway at 3642 Beach Dr SW, Seattle, WA 98116 sometime during the night. It was reported to the police this morning, but thought we’d get the word out in case someone finds it and for neighbors to be on the lookout for suspicious activity on Beach Drive. Here is a picture after a recent hit and run.

Call 911 if you see it.

WINDOW-SMASHING: Staffers at DogCity in The Triangle (36th/Oregon) arrived this morning to find windows smashed on cars outside as well as on their building. Here are two of the photos they sent:

So far, it does not appear burglary was the motive. They’ve reported it to police.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Triangle response; stolen rollerblades; abandoned bicycle

Three notes this afternoon:

TRIANGLE POLICE RESPONSE: Thanks to the reader who sent a tip about that big police response in the alley between Link and Lien Animal Clinic a short time ago. We went over to find out what was going on; police at the scene told us they had detained a suspect they had been seeking in relation to an assault on an officer. No other details so far.

STOLEN ROLLERBLADES: Tracey emailed this report this morning:

Reporting a car prowl at 30th ave SW and Holden evening of 9/13. Hoping readers could keep an eye out for my stolen rollerblades. I imagine they will get dumped. Sunglasses and prescription glasses too.


I found this ditched bike near my apartment (Alki area) this morning.

Yours? Let us know and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arson investigation; garage break-in; car prowl

Three incidents to report:

ARSON INVESTIGATION: This is happening right now at California/Charlestown; SFD has been investigating, and police have just been dispatched. A worker from a nearby business texted this moments before we hard that dispatch:

Fire call in alley between California and 44th off Charlestown. Someone lit the fence on fire. The fire was started with a beer bottle and paper then put it on the fence. Our front desk staff ran out there w the fire extinguisher to help put it out. Description of person who lit the fire in case you see her… Heavy female with green jacket and shorts – 5 ft 1-3 in and 150-175 lbs

Call 911 if you have any information.

GARAGE BREAK-IN: From Brandon: “The garage at The Verge Condos on Harbor Ave SW was broken into. Someone went into the storage area with an electric or gas-powered metal cutter. Sliced through the main lock and then went one by one cutting through each of the storage units. And then a window was broken out of a car in garage.”

(added 3:09 pm) CAR PROWL: From Iris:

Reporting a car prowler on the 8400 block of 17th Ave SW around 11:30 PM Sep 9, 2020

A woman with a ponytail opens our car door. Prior to doing that she calls out “Jessie” to her companion.

Nothing of extreme value was taken, thankfully.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Motorcycle stolen; gas siphoned; window-smashing suspect charged

Two reader reports and a followup tonight:

STOLEN MOTORCYCLE: Gary sent that photo, reporting: “Stolen off the street in Seaview early Thursday, September 10, 2020. 2006 Harley Davidson Deluxe, metallic black paint. Notable: The front tire has a wide white wall, the rear tire is all black.” If you see it, call 911.

GAS SIPHONED: From Andrejs: “This morning, while returning a rental truck to U-Haul on 35th, the employee checking me in indicated that last night someone siphoned gas out of most of the trucks parked on their lot.”

Now, the followup:

(Sunday night photo by Jason Hubbard)

WINDOW-SMASHING SUSPECT CHARGED: The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has charged 33-year-old Aikeem L. Roberts with malicious mischief and assault in last Sunday’s Junction QFC window-smashing rampage. The charging document includes more details on what police were told happened that night, beyond what we reported in our first followup:

… Roberts frequents the business on a regular basis. On this occasion Roberts entered the store carrying a backpack, blue reusable type bag, and two QFC paper bags which appeared to be full of product. Roberts walked throughout the store for several minutes. Roberts was approached by (the store manager) and informed that he would need to speak with store management if he was going to be inside of the store with store bags that were already loaded with merchandise prior to his arrival, and would need to leave the bags with store employees at the front while he shopped. Roberts was unhappy with this instruction and proceeded to walk toward the register where he started to check out a can of beans. Roberts decided not to buy the item and left it and walked out of the store.

At approximately 2114 hrs Roberts re-entered the store without his bags and approached (the manager) near store register #10. Roberts became increasingly agitated and proceeded to pick up multiple plastic bottles of seltzer water that were on a display and threw the bottles at (the manager), striking him in the head and arms. The bottles were also thrown at the checkstand computer screen and Plexiglas divider, damaging them. (The manager) and other store employees retreated to the back of the store to remove themselves from Roberts’ violent outburst. Roberts proceeded to throw several potted plants at the checkout registers. He made his way through the store and knocked over products from the shelves. He knocked over a display case of glass honey bottles. He picked up one of the honey bottles and threw it at a freezer door and shattered the door’s glass. He returned to the register area and caused further damage to that area by throwing around merchandise. He attempted to break out a store window by throwing a display case at it but was unsuccessful. Roberts then exited the store via the southwest exit and once outside, he picked up several stones from the ground and threw the stones at the store windows, breaking out 16 panels of plate glass. He also opened and slammed the automatic door several times, shattering the glass and rendering the door inoperable.

Roberts remains in jail tonight, bail still set at $5,000. In earlier coverage, we mentioned his record included stealing five cars from one night at an Eastside dealership; his eventual arrest in California made news.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car arson; stolen gun found

Two West Seattle incident reports just sent by the Southwest Precinct:

CAR ARSON: The Seattle Fire log shows a car fire at 3:30 am today. According to the precinct, this is an arson investigation, and the car turned out to have been stolen from Bellevue. “A male suspect was seen running away from the vehicle,” the precinct reports.

STOLEN GUN FOUND: An officer assigned to patrol Alki on Labor Day “noticed two vehicles illegally parked in a trailer-only parking stall of the Don Armeni Boat Ramp.” The first, with four people, was told to leave, and did. The second had no one inside; when an officer looked through its open windows, he “observed a handgun with an extended magazine on the driver side floorboard.” The report says he “discovered the serial number of the firearm, which returned stolen out of Utah. The SW Precinct Sergeant instructed the Officer to photograph the vehicle and location of the handgun.” The vehicle subsequently was impounded and remains under investigation.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: QFC window-smashing followup; two car break-ins

In West Seattle Crime Watch today:

(Sunday photo by Jason Hubbard)

QFC WINDOW-SMASHING RAMPAGE FOLLOWUP: We reported Sunday night on an arrest following a window-smashing rampage at the West Seattle Junction QFC. The 33-year-old suspect remains in jail. We’ve obtained the police-report narrative, which says officers arrived after “several 911 calls” and arrived to find a naked man outside the store, detaining him, as he matched the suspect description. The officer who filed the report wrote:

I observed that several windows to the store had been broken out or had objects thrown through them. These windows were double-pane, and many were over 10 feet off the ground. I saw several rocks on the ground in front of the store that appeared to have been used to break the windows. The glass in the sliding doors to the store had been completely broken out as well. Other officers went inside and contacted the store manager and (a witness who) stated the following:

(The suspect) regularly comes into the store and is not a problem. Tonight, he entered the store with several bags and (redacted) asked him to leave them at the front with staff. This enraged (the suspect) and he began throwing items from the shelves and breaking items. He threw several plastic bottles at (redacted), one of which hit him in the head. (Redacted) then called 911 along with several other people. (The suspect) continued to throw items around and break several more windows and a refrigerator. He then took off his clothes and ran out the store before being contacted by officers. The damage to each window was likely several hundred dollars. Both men and me positively identified … the suspect. (The person hit by a bottle) had a bruise developing on his forehead and a small cut on his left wrist and bruising as well. He was evaluated at the scene by SFD Ladder 11. SFD also boarded up the damaged windows and doors.

A quick check of the suspect’s record includes a case last year in which he was arrested for throwing rocks at a downtown bar; he was sentenced to three months in jail. In 2014, he was charged with stealing five cars in one night from an Eastside dealership. He’s being held in lieu of $5,000 bail.

Also, two reader reports today:

ALKI CAR BREAK-IN: From Kimberly:

Last night between 12 a.m. and 7 a.m. my car was broken into on 55th Ave SW off Alki Beach. 2 shark vacuums, miscellaneous cleaning supplies, and a lockbox safe were stolen from my Nissan Versa. Safe held cash, car title, and a box of ammunition.


39th and Orchard. Someone broke into our Subaru Outback at 3 am. They were trying to steal it. Fuse panel was open. They were able to get into it without triggering the alarm. They clearly knew what they were doing. My wife woke up as it was happening. Probably the only reason it’s still in the driveway.


From Joey in Gatewood:

Last night (9/6), our garage was broken into and two of our bikes were stolen. My wife’s new blue Specialized Rock Hopper (size small), mine… men’s Specialized Sirrus Sport (size large). We live (in the 4100 block of) SW Rose St. Our garage faces the alley, which is between Rose and Southern (right off California).

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Window-smashing rampage at Junction QFC

(WSB photo)

Thanks for the tips. The West Seattle Junction QFC is cleaning up a mess after a man went on a rampage, breaking windows with rocks, neighbors say.

(This photo and next two by Jason Hubbard)

Police were gone by the time we got there but neighbors say a man was taken into custody. The damage was clearly visible from outside the store.

So were at least two rocks.

The store was closed for the cleanup; a staff member would only comment that the rock-thrower was “upset.” No injuries as far as we know – there was no medical dispatch.

ADDED MONDAY: Thanks to Jay for the aftermath photo:


September 6, 2020 7:39 pm
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From Denise:

My 1997 silver Honda CR-V, license BCX 9989, was parked on the street [45th/Dawson] and stolen Saturday night. Seattle Police case 2020-259728.

Call 911 if you see it.


An incident in West Seattle today serves as a reminder that thieves will take things on spec. Katherine reports her car window was broken at Westcrest Park, north lot, and the culprit(s) made off with … a diaper bag.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Park search; prowler report

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

PARK SEARCH: Right now police are searching the Roxhill Park vicinity, with K-9, after a report of gunfire – called in as someone saying they were shot at. No injuries reported, and we don’t yet know if police have found evidence of gunshots. We’re continuing to monitor this.

PROWLER: Emailed by C:

Today 9/4 at 6:15, I caught a sketchy guy sneaking in the garage door at my apartment building on the 3600 block of aw Avalon way. He was a light build, white male, about 5’7”, dark baseball hat, dark long sleeve shirt and dark pants, dark bandana (facial hair underneath). He was carrying a black duffel bag. He hid in the garage for a bit then tried leaving out a locked door. When confronted, he tried some dumb story about delivering medicine to a relative in the building, then got defensive and left. Called the cops.