Crime 6927 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Pickup recovered; bike stolen again; package taken

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

PICKUP QUICKLY RECOVERED: The report and photo are from Michael:

I placed a 911 call this morning for a vehicle theft in progress at 35th and Graham. It was a white Ford pickup … Police recovered the vehicle in front of Providence Residence on 35th shortly after.


Please BOLO for my black single-speed beach cruiser w/high-rise handle bars and black fenders stolen last night.

A couple weeks ago it was stolen and abandoned a couple blocks away. This time my search in the Alki area has not yet produced any result. It is probably abandoned somewhere within a couple miles as it is difficult/impossible to ride uphill. It is not worth much but in good mechanical condition and I used it daily. Thanks.


I wanted to report a stolen package that happened yesterday around 5:30 pm. Here’s a link to the video of the incident . This is near Raymond and California. I was home at the time, but the delivery person didn’t make any noise. The thief literally came in 1 minute later on the video, so I suspect she was following him around. Easy to identify with that pink hair unless she dyes it again.

UPDATE: Police response after gunfire in White Center

6:30 PM: Thanks for the tips. Lots of SPD just south of Holy Family and Guardian One overhead. It’s a very active scene. SPD says one person was hurt in a shooting. They are questioning people at a house near 18th/98th and trying to get someone to come out. More…

6:52 PM: The possible suspect has come out. G-1 is gone. The sergeant at the scene tells us it turned out no one was hurt.

7:31 PM: SPD update via Twitter: “Officers investigating probable shooting at residence. No victims located at this time. One person contacted, but refused assistance. Officers collected evidence, this remains an active investigation.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search; bike theft; 2 car prowls

Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

POLICE SEARCH: We don’t have many details but a search is under way in the Lowman Beach/Lincoln Park area, with K-9. Radio communication indicates it’s related to a burglary.

STOLEN BICYCLE: From Jana – “Bike was stolen (Tuesday) night from 3200 block of 45th Ave SW. Thieves ripped the lock off the car rack. Bicycle is white, Specialized brand (looks similar to picture), standard handle bars, had a little bell that says “coffee” on handlebar, and needed a new rear tire.”

CAR PROWL #1: From Elizabeth: “We’re Gatewood residents (37th and Austin), and sometime between 11 PM and 9 AM, our new car was broken into. It appears the only things stolen were the temporary license plate off the back window, and the screws from the license plate holder on the front of the car. We also had two screws stolen off the license plate on our other vehicle. We think we accidentally left the car unlocked, as there’s no damage to the windows or locks. I wanted to reach out and provide a heads-up in case other folks in the neighborhood have had any similar experiences recently. Whoever did this dumped everything in the center console on the front seat and left it – including expensive sunglasses, along with masks and hand sanitizer. Very strange! ”

CAR PROWL #2: This was just blocks from the previous report. Via text:

Car prowler at 3:22am on July 1, 2020. Caught him on video in my driveway at 39– SW Austin Street. Both of my cars were locked and he headed east on SW Austin in the Gatewood neighborhood after trying to get in my cars.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Doctor charged with federal crimes, accused of fraudulently seeking $3 million in coronavirus-relief loans

A West Seattle-based doctor is charged with two federal counts of fraud, accused of fraudulently seeking more than $3 million in federal COVID-19-relief Paycheck Protection Program loans. The charges against 41-year-old Dr. Eric Shibley were announced Tuesday; a reader called our attention today to the fact the defendant has an office in West Seattle. From the federal announcement:

The complaint alleges that Shibley submitted several fraudulent PPP loan applications to federally insured financial institutions, other U.S. Small Business Administration-approved lenders, and the SBA in the names of businesses with no actual operations or by misrepresenting the business’s eligibility. In the applications, Shibley allegedly misrepresented the number of employees and payroll expenses in several applications and concealed his own criminal history. To support the fraudulent applications, the complaint alleges that Shibley submitted fake tax documents and the names of purported employees who did not, in fact, work for the businesses for which Shibley claimed they worked. The complaint alleges that Shibley fraudulently sought over $3 million in PPP loans.

The CARES Act is a federal law enacted March 29. It is designed to provide emergency financial assistance to millions of Americans who are suffering the economic effects resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. One source of relief provided by the CARES Act is the authorization of up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses for job retention and certain other expenses through the PPP. In April 2020, Congress authorized over $300 billion in additional PPP funding.

Shibley appeared before a federal magistrate on Tuesday and is out on bond. The charging documents say:

According to records available on the Washington State Department of Health website, the status of SHIBLEY’s license to practice medicine is identified as “summary restriction” due to allegations of unprofessional conduct. … According to records from the Anacortes Municipal Court, located in Anacortes, Washington, SHIBLEY pled guilty to a Violation of a No Contact Order, a criminal misdemeanor under Washington State law, on December 13, 2018 and was sentenced to a jail term of 364 days, with 334 days suspended, a $5,000 fine, and two years’ probation.

That factored into the charges, which allege that he was asked on a loan application if he was currently on probation or parole and answered no, which would have disqualified him. The charges allege that he applied for PPP loans – which under certain circumstances don’t have to be paid back – in the name of 12 different entities. Much of the documentation focuses on a construction company, the name of which Shibley is accused of using to open multiple bank accounts, and seeking a PPP loan for $563,500 on the same day of a 90 percent ownership-interest transfer to him. The charging papers say investigators found the construction company “has no apparent employees for which it pays federal payroll taxes and (that a form) Shibley provided in support of the PPP loan application is fake.” The loan, however, was approved (and later canceled).

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Victims found off Duwamish Head were shot to death

(WSB photo, June 19th)

3;30 PM: One day after Seattle Police announced that the “remains” found off Duwamish Head June 19th were that of a woman and a man, their names and causes of death have just been made public. The King County Medical Examiner’s Office says both died of gunshot wounds. The woman was identified as 35-year-old Jessica Lewis; the man, 27-year-old Austin Wenner. The date of death for both was listed as June 16th, three days before a suspicious-smelling suitcase brought police to the scene. SPD told us yesterday – before the names were made public – that they had been in contact with both victims’ families. We’re working to find out more and will update with anything additional.

3:43 PM: A social-media search brought up a page for an Austin Wenner, from Kent, who posted in 2015 that he was “in a relationship” with a Jessica Lewis, from Federal Way. Continuing to research …

FOLLOWUP: 2 victims identified in West Seattle ‘human remains’ case

(WSB photo, June 19th)

We’ve been checking with police and the Medical Examiner‘s office repeatedly since the discovery a week and a half ago of “human remains” found off Luna/Anchor Park. Today – new information: Police say the remains were those of two people, a 27-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman.(Their names have not yet been made public, nor has the cause of death.) They’re not saying anything more except that it’s very much an active homicide investigation and they “do not believe this case is connected to any other investigations in the Puget Sound area.” Police add, “Anyone with information on this case is asked to contact the Seattle Police Department’s Violent Crimes tip line at (206) 233-5000.”

ADDED – MORE BACKSTORY: As noted in our first followup last week, the discovery on June 19th – chronicled by teenagers in a TikTok video – involved a suitcase on the rocks by the Luna/Anchor Park viewpoint. The teens, who said they went to the park while playing Randonautica, called police because the suitcase smelled bad; officers weren’t able to get there for two hours, by which time the tide had risen and the suitcase’s contents started floating away.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 burglaries, one with a keepsake stolen

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

CAN YOU HELP FIND THIS STOLEN ITEM? Dennis Dye‘s insurance office in The Junction was broken into over the weekend. He’s asking you to help watch for an item that wouldn’t be of any value to the burglar(s), “a personal journal I was writing to my kids. It’s red and would contain the names Bill and Sarah in it. Thank you very much!” The SPD incident # is 20-199597.

HOME BURGLARIZED: Will sends word of a break-in at his house on 52nd SW June 19th, around 4;30 pm. A neighbor’s security camera caught a vehicle driving by multiple times, then pulling into Will’s driveway.

SPD incident # is 20-191864.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Rape suspect arraigned

Two months ago today, we reported on the arrest and charging of 18-year-old Jackson U. Sullivan, charged with second-degree rape. Prosecutors say he raped a 16-year-old girl who was incapable of consent, “intoxicated to the point of loss of motor functions … (during) what should have been an enjoyable high-school party” last November. Usually defendants are arraigned a few weeks after charges are filed, but court operations have been affected by the pandemic, and after delays, Sullivan was arraigned this past Thursday; we obtained the court documents today. They say he pleaded not guilty, remains free on bond for $350,000 bail, and is ordered to return to court August 25th for a case-scheduling hearing – those are usually short hearings during which the judge gets an update on the case’s status.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Restaurant furniture stolen

Just as the city encourages more businesses to use outdoor space to make things safer for customers and staff – one West Seattle restaurant’s outdoor area has been hit by theft. The photo is from Itto’s Tapas (California/Genesee), which texted the photo and reports, “Someone stolen a couple outdoor tables and chairs last night after midnight.” A police report has been filed (tracking # T20018446)..

READER REPORTS: Stolen white Fiat; mystery car; dumped items

Three reader reports:

STOLEN FIAT: From Grant:

Last night at 2 am my wife’s 2015 white Fiat 500 Abarth stolen on the corner of 30th ave SW and Henderson. it was parked on Henderson. License plate BSM5719. Please let us know if you have seen the car or see it parked somewhere. Two young males seen on our cameras, both wearing gray hoodies. Looks like one of them may wear glasses.

Call 911 if you see the car, and then contact Grant at

MYSTERY CAR: The photo and report are from Kristen:

There has been an abandoned Subaru @ the Admiral lookout for about 2 weeks. Alaska license #DJN 559. I tried to report to SPD, however, they are not taking abandoned vehicle reports at this time. I will try to find how to report to Alaska police department if possible, but thought I would share here in case someone locally is familiar with the vehicle.

We have suggested she also try Parking Enforcement and Parks, since the viewpoint belongs to the latter.

DUMPED ITEMS: Photos and report from Rebecca:

I was disconcerted to find a cache of dumped items in front of my property this morning, hoping to reconnect these things with their proper owner(s) one item is just a box that’s been ripped into- no contents- likely a porch pirate deal from a Trenton st address. Other items are umbrella stroller, clothing etc.

Didn’t want to dig too deep (even with gloved hands)

Recognize any of that? Let us know and we will connect you.


The video and report are from Kacie at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor):

Just wanted to share that we were broken into around 3:20 this morning. They broke in through the front door, smashing the glass and stole a refurbished Samsung tablet and loose change. We consider ourselves very lucky that we only have to replace the front door and clean up glass.

SPD incident # is 2020-196715.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen art merchandise; construction-site hit-run

Two reader reports:


I had about $400 worth of art prints, greeting cards and other products I was shipping out to customers stolen today just before 10 am from my front porch. I caught them in the act and briefly gave chase but no luck.

The car was a silver-gray four door sedan with a license plate number of BIS—. Although I didn’t get a good look at the driver, the guy who jumped out and stole the packages was white, probably between 20-30 years old, slim build, medium height wearing a black cap, black mask and dark clothing. They took off westward from the 3500 block of Charlestown towards California.

In case any of these items get dumped somewhere, there are eighteen 11×14 reproductions of watercolor art of PNW nature illustrations, plus some stickers and greeting cards.

They were mostly packaged in flat white rigid mailers, and one priority mail box. As a full-time artist and solo business owner, things have already been pretty tough this year, so this was an extra bummer on top of everything else. Thanks in advance if you find anything!

Police incident number is: 20-195744

HIT-RUN: Early Tuesday, a driver went through the fence at the 1250 Alki Ave. SW construction site:

Matt says neighbors think it was a small white SUV-type car. If you have any info, (206) 247-4136.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Brazen bike theft; car break-ins

Two reader reports:

BRAZEN BIKE THEFT: That bicycle was stolen as its owner watched, reports Robert:

My son’s bike was stolen from Schmitz Park Elementary tonight at around 8:20. He was waiting for some friends and put his bike down. A family (dad, mom and 3-4 kids – all under 10) were at the playground The family walked off and then the dad came back and took the bike. He put in the back of his van. My son tried to stop him but no luck.

He gave chase after the van on foot He was calling me and I happened to be a couple blocks away and saw the van with bike in back. I followed but he must have figured it out and took off. I honked a bit and then he really took off so stopped following.

We got several pictures of the van but it appears he took the license plate off. The vehicle was a later model mini van (didn’t get make). Color was silver-ish. The entire back window was taped so might be obvious if you see it. Hoping there is a chance he dumped it as he knew we following him. He drove toward Seaview neighborhood. Or maybe someone saw them at the school and can give a better description?

The bike was a Cannondale Habit 4. A few years old but a nicer mountain bike. He put his Birthday, lawn–mowing money, pressure-washing money toward it, so a tough lesson to learn.

Thanks in advance if you find the bike or see the vehicle.

The police report # is 2020-194353.

CAR PROWLS: Also tonight, this report from Flavia: “I live in the Arroyos neighborhood and had a car break-in at 2:40 in the morning. I am 1 of 3 houses that was hit in the neighborhood. All were car break-ins.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Nissan Leaf

June 22, 2020 5:28 pm
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The photo and report are from Samuel, who says this happened near 10th/Barton:

Our 2014 black Nissan Leaf (license plate BQJ-2625) was just stolen from out in front of our house (within the last 2.5 hours). Case number 20-194155

If you see it, call 911.

FOLLOWUP: What investigators are, and aren’t, saying about the human remains found off Alki Avenue

(WSB photo, Friday)

Lots of questions today about the story we first reported on Friday evening, human remains found off Duwamish Head. As promised, we’ve followed up. First, the biggest question: No information yet on whose remains, or how they died – that’s up to the King County Medical Examiner’s Office, and we just checked with them – they told us it may take several days, and they have nothing to report right now. As for Seattle Police, we’ve talked with them too. Their next steps depend on what the ME’s Office determine. But for now, it is a homicide investigation.

We also asked SPD about the TikTok videos that surfaced over the weekend, as discussed in the comment section following our Friday report. Det. Mark Jamieson says SPD “is aware” of the videos, and while they can’t attest to authenticity, he can say that the report does show the initial call was for “a suitcase that smelled really bad,” which is the circumstance presented in the videos (police previously had not mentioned a suitcase, only plastic bags). And yes, as noted in one video, he says, police did not arrive for two hours – they had no officers available to send when the call first came in around 2 pm; they arrived around 4 pm. On TikTok, the teens say the suitcase was on the rocks but then the tide started taking it, and its bagged contents, away.

(Side note: The gruesome nature of the case has attracted attention from around the world; we’ve received calls from a British tabloid and a nationally syndicated TV show.)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Catalytic-converter theft; car prowl; signs stolen

Three reader reports:


I want to alert people to the fact that my Prius had its catalytic converter cut out this morning around 10:35 am at the 8400 block of Fauntleroy Place (by the one-way street near Lincoln Park). My neighbor scared off a car parts thief as they were finishing up.

They sped off, without time to close their trunk or pick up all of their things, not stopping at the stop sign.

Maya’s neighbor got the getaway car on camera but this is the only sharable frame:

CAR PROWL: From Al on Myers Way:

On 6/16/2020 my truck was broken into. The perpetrator stole everything from the inside of the vehicle, attempted to steal a tool box that was secured with a cable and lock, left and came back two hours later with a torch to cut the handles off the tool box.

Al says the thief got away in the light-colored 1992 Toyota Paseo you see him putting items into, license plate starting with BNX.

SIGNS STOLEN: From Mary in Fauntleroy:

Two signs, one Black Lives Matter, the other In Our House We Believe…. Two were also stolen from next-door neighbor and one down the hill. We live on 44th Ave SW above Endolyne Joe’s.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen red TrailBlazer

James emailed tonight to report, “My red 2002 Chevy TrailBlazer (SUV) was stolen on Morgan and 40th Ave SW overnight.” Plate BTP1685. If you see it, call 911.


The report and photo are from Derek:

Someone decided to steal my outboard 7.5 hp Honda motor (Monday) night, 5400 block of West Marginal Way SW. I am offering $100 reward. Derek 206 478 3652

SPD # is 2020-189211.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglar on video

The video and framegrab are from South West Plumbing (Delridge/Alaska), which wanted to alert the community about a burglar. The man used a cutting tool to get into the yard:

Then, SWP says, “He walked around for a bit, took items, and returned a number of times to load more stuff. He then tried our doors to the building without success. He then went to our truck to try and open it. That was when the car alarm went off and he scurried off.”

He got away in that truck, which SWP says he had parked in the back alley. Here’s a clear view as he entered:

We’ll add the police-report # when we get it.

Why Guardian 1 was over Arbor Heights

Sorry that took a while to sleuth – we had to drive over and look around for an officer on the ground to find out why the Guardian One helicopter was over Arbor Heights. They were looking for a domestic-violence suspect in connection with a protection-order violation.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another BLM-support banner stolen

4:32 PM: That photo was sent by Christine on Pigeon Point, who first emailed us this morning to report, “Someone in our neighborhood keeps defacing the BLM sign that was hung on the Andover stairs. I realize the stairs are maintained by the city but the sign was put up as a show of support for people of color in our community. There are mixed families in this neighborhood.” Most recently, she said, someone tried to erase the word “Black” from the banner by covering it with a cloth patch lettered “All.” And after she emailed us this morning, she emailed again to add, “The sign was just torn down by a man, according to another neighbor.” We checked on our way back from the Junction demonstration; nothing left behind but faded chalk lettering that also declares, Black Lives Matter.

8:30 PM: Update from Christine: “We are working on a permanent sign solution. In the meantime, a march is planned in the neighborhood at 11 am on Sunday beginning at 20th and Charlestown. Neighbors are donating to BLM organizations and causes for every time the sign is defaced or stolen. Some companies are matching donations so it’s adding up.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Treasure-chest thief; hit-run fence-crasher

Two reports with video – first, from Mara, the case of the treasure-chest thief:

That’s the treasure chest that was stolen, a kids’ project in a Seaview yard. The theft was recorded on security video:

Mara explains, “It was something they created during COVID as a share place for kids … it was a big chest from the ’70s. It had a lot of sentimental value.” This happened late Monday night.

Also on video – the case of the fence-crasher:

Heather sent the video and explains: “We’re looking for help locating this vehicle. They ran through the fence never braking. We’re all lucky no one was on the other side of the fence as we all have kids and animals. This person needs to not be driving! Plates can’t be made out but it’s a very distinguishable vehicle. SPD case is 2020-185756.” This happened Tuesday morning near Fairmount Playfield.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Black Lives Matter’ support sign stolen

The photo and report are from Julie:

I am writing to share the upsetting and disappointing news that a Black Lives Matter sign our PTA placed on the Myrtle St. fence at Gatewood Elementary School was removed and stolen last night. Someone was trying very hard to block this message of solidarity and support for people of color in our community, and we ask that people be on the lookout.

We are planning to print another and post again.