Crime 6660 results


Police have found at least one shell casing, according to radio communication, while investigating reports of gunfire heard on Puget Ridge. They briefly closed SW Dawson at/near 18th for the investigation but just announced it’s reopening. One person near 19th/Brandon tells us they “heard what sounded like 5 rapid gunshots.” No reports of anyone being injured..


From KC near the north end of Lincoln Park, this incident from right after her arrival home very early this morning:

I exited an Uber 20 or so feet from my door and as I was walking up I noticed a dark vehicle (resembled a 4-door Camry but I am not sure) driving down Lincoln Park Way toward Lowman Beach Park stop and turn slowly around in a U-turn fashion. I at first thought they must be a neighbor returning to my building as it appeared they were waiting for me to walk out of their way so they could pull into a spot, but they finished the turn and drove up the hill, I believe. I had stopped paying full attention by that time, but I did get a strange feeling. Whoever was driving or riding in the vehicle would’ve been able to get a good look at me.

I entered my house and was on my phone for a few minutes. The blinds were drawn but all lights were on in my unit and this would be very evident from the outside. This is one reason why I think this was not necessarily a burglary attempt but something creepier. Basically why would a random burglar try to get into one of the only residences with lights on? Less than 5 minutes after returning I heard crunching leaves outside my window. I walked closer and crouched behind my TV where I wouldn’t be visible and listened. I thought it was possibly a raccoon at first until I heard a man’s very heavy breathing. The footsteps stopped by my open window and the breathing continued. There is a lattice fence and foliage that blocked this from view if anyone were to look. I said very firmly “get the f$&k away” and immediately he retreated, in a very calm and quiet manner. His footsteps didn’t sound startled, he walked away quietly. I was on the line with 911 by this time stating my address and the circumstances (I dialed immediately after demanding he leave) I then heard a car door open and close very quietly close to my unit. My intuition unfortunately tells me the car I saw and this man were likely not coincidental. I should mention, however, I didn’t see anyone, I just heard them.

I’m still a bit shaken up, and just wanted to alert others to be extra vigilant with windows, locking doors, just being extra aware as they are coming back to and leaving home. Hopefully this is completely random, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to mention, especially if something similar has happened recently and just wasn’t reported.

The incident number is 19-326111.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More car prowls – and a bike left behind

August 31, 2019 2:45 pm
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Two more reader reports of car prowls, starting with one in which someone else’s stuff was left behind:


Someone broke into my car last night in Arbor Heights (police report filed) and, in addition to stealing a bag of items to go to Goodwill, left us a stereo faceplate and bike. I’d love to reunite these items with their owners, if possible. Stereo faceplate is a Kenwood; bike is a metallic blue Magna.

If one or both of those might be yours, contact us.

MORGAN JUNCTION: From Ranny: “I would like to report a car prowl in my vehicle on the night of August 28th. I was parked on SW Graham St and California Ave, pretty close to the main road. No windows were bashed in, but petty change and an Apple cord was stolen. Please be careful!”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Garage break-ins, stolen black bicycle, yet another car prowl

August 29, 2019 8:49 pm
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Three more West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

GARAGE BREAK-IN #1: Just texted:

Our garage was broken into this evening on SW Bradford St (near 55th SW; map). I pulled up and I thought it was an Amazon delivery. It was a newer model, very clean bright cherry red Chevy smaller truck. It was a white male and white woman. The woman ran from the garage carrying a brand new generator from our garage – nobody was harmed, police were called. There was much stuff in the back of their truck.

GARAGE BREAK-IN #2 & BICYCLE THEFT: From Laura – “Last night our locked garage was broken into. A black Fuji bicycle, circa 2013 or so, was taken. Sorry, no pic available. We are at SW Barton and 22nd Ave SW [map]. Lots of recent car prowls here also.”


I would like to report a car prowl in the Morgan Junction, on 40th and Morgan [map] last Sunday. I must have forgotten to lock my truck, and when I got in my truck Monday AM someone had been through everything and stole my sunglasses and jumper cables. They also tried to get into the back of my truck (I have a canopy). I filed a police report today.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: More car prowls, mail theft

Anecdotally – judging by the reader reports we’re getting – seems like a busy week for car prowlers. Two more reports start this West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:

IN SEAVIEW: From D: “We’ve had 3 nights of car prowlers on 46th Ave between Graham and Raymond. We just had a block meeting with neighbors but wanted to give a shout out to other neighbors who might be next.”

VIA TEXT: Received this morning:

Thought I’d say I live in the 7300 block of 16th Ave SW; my car was had almost everything missing, taken when I left to go to work, just now realized. :( so sad, it’s just an old piece of dirt car with all my work items … among other things (that) got taken.

MAIL THEFT: From Michelle:

We live on 20th Ave SW between Thistle and Elmgrove. (Tuesday) night, someone figured out a way to pry open our sturdy locking mailbox. They stole a small package containing a new watch my father-in-law mailed to my husband. Other mail was stolen including birthday cards for our son. We called the non-emergency line and a policeman came out pretty quickly.

We usually pick up mail daily but missed Tuesday. This is the third time we’ve had mail stolen and thought the locking mailbox would deter thieves. The last time this happened, the police recovered our mail from the home of a woman they arrested for stealing identities and committing other fraud. It was a
painful process to restore identity.

Michelle says they’ve “started researching secure mailboxes and security cameras.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car break-ins; home burglary attempt; stolen bicycle

11:16 AM: Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

CAR PROWLS: From Debbie:

Last night (1:55 am) was a pretty active night in our neighborhood. We heard car of young men go through, a loud bang that we thought was a window breaking; but have no description of car or occupants. There is evidence they were in cars from 37th & Cloverdale to 39th & Thistle, hitting Sullivan Street between 37th & 39th as well. They took a set of golf clubs out of one car & tossed them along a one-block path.


Our doorbell camera caught this woman trying to break into our house (Tuesday) in the Alaska Junction. The door was locked so all that she got away with was a watering can and a plant from our deck.

ADDED 11:52 AM: One more report that just came in:

STOLEN BICYCLE: From Jake near California/Holly:

Want to give my neighbors a heads up – my locked bicycle was stolen out of our backyard early Tuesday AM (8/27). Particularly unnerving because it was very much out of sight within a fenced yard. I feel we were cased as the thief had to bring in some serious bolt cutters to cut the locking cable. Please be on the lookout for a metallic green TREK Mountain bike with twin black saddlebag/ panniers and rear rack.

COMMUNITY CRIME CONCERNS: What your neighbors prioritized for Seattle Public Safety Survey

The results of the newest annual Seattle Public Safety Survey – conducted by Seattle University for SPD – are out. Top concerns of respondents are listed citywide, by precinct, and by “microcommunity” (aka neighborhood with a community group that has participated in development of policing plans). Here are the Southwest Precinct-area highlights:

The survey summary says 706 people in the Southwest Precinct area – West Seattle and South Park – completed the survey; demographically, the summary notes, “Compared to Seattle demographics, survey respondents [from this precinct area] were disproportionately more likely to be non-minority and female.” The report summarizes:

The top public safety concerns for the Southwest Precinct are Car Prowls, Lack of Police Capacity, Property Crime- General, Residential Burglary, and Auto Theft.

Southwest Precinct slightly differs from the citywide top public safety concerns, which were Car Prowls, Lack of Police Capacity, Homelessness, Property Crime, and Residential Burglary; for residents in the Southwest Precinct, Auto Theft was a top public safety concern over Homelessness, which was a top public safety concern in the citywide findings.

The most prominent themes residents in the Southwest Precinct commented on in their narrative responses were Lack of Police Capacity, Homelessness is a Public Safety, and Public Health Issue, Crime- Public Order, Crime- Property, and Crime- Traffic/Pedestrian/Bike/Transit. In comparison with the citywide themes, which were Homelessness, Lack of Police Capacity, Public Order Crime, Property Crime, and Police being Prevented from Doing their Job, themes prioritized by residents in the Southwest Precinct were Crime- Traffic/Pedestrian/Bike/Transit, which was a concern over the citywide theme (that) police are being prevented from doing their jobs. At the micro-community level, top public safety concerns, prominent themes, and perceptions of public safety are similar to the precinct as a whole. However, some micro-communities differ from the others (e.g. unsafe driving/speeding in Alki, littering/dumping and gang activity in South Park).

You can read the entire report here.

FYI from SPD: Level 3 sex offender moves to Puget Ridge area

Just sent by Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner, another of the occasional notifications that a Level 3 sex offender has moved into a local neighborhood:

In an effort to keep you informed, and in our constant attempts to reduce future victimization, we want to let you know about one level 3 sex offender that has recently moved into a Southwest Precinct neighborhood.

Joaquin Garcia, a 38 year old Hispanic Male, is a level 3 registered sex offender who has recently moved to the 1800 Block of SW Dawson St. Mr. Garcia is currently under Department of Corrections supervision.

To learn more about this offender and for additional safety tips please visit the website at and search by his name. [Editor’s note: Here’s a direct link to the page with his photo and background information.]

To register to receive an email alert whenever a published offender registers within one mile of your desired addresses, go to this website.

Level 3 sex offenders pose the highest risk to re-offend. It is normal to feel upset, angry and worried about a registered sex offender living in your community. The Community Notification Act of 1990 requires sex offenders to register in the community where they live. The law also allows local law enforcement to make the public aware about Level 2 and Level 3 offenders. Since these offenders have completed their sentences, they are free to live where they wish. Experts believe sex offenders are less likely to re-offend if they live and work in an environment free of harassment. Any actions taken against the listed sex offenders could result in arrest and prosecution as it is against the law to use this information in any way to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders. The SPD Sex offender detectives will check on these offenders every 3 months to verify our information.

The single most effective means of protecting your child is communication with your child. They have to feel comfortable discussing sensitive matters with you. Teach your children that they should not be asked to touch anyone in the bathing suit areas of their body or allow anyone to touch them in those areas. Teach them types of situations to avoid. It is not good enough to tell a child to avoid strangers. Please remember that children are most often molested by someone they or their parents know.

Other questions? This FAQ might help.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Ferry-line cutting leads to 1 arrest, but not the line-cutter

(Saturday photo, sent by Kenneth)

We found out more today about a case of line-cutting that led to an arrest on the Fauntleroy ferry dock Saturday afternoon. WSF spokesperson Ian Sterling says it started around 2 pm with someone who got cut off reacting very intensely. A third person a few cars back, according to the police report, drew a gun to try to defuse the situation. That didn’t really help. A tollbooth attendant called police, and ultimately the person who drew the gun was arrested; the line-cutter apparently left the scene. No injuries reported; the ferry at the dock at the time was slightly delayed because the captain opted to hold off until everything was sorted out. Sterling tells us that August is peak time for line-cutting complaints, which have been on the rise in general – the state’s special hotline for ferry-line cutting had 2,000 calls in 2017, 2,400 last year, and is on pace to likely exceed that this year. Mukilteo and Edmonds generally bring in the most complaints – for example, 39 last August in Fauntleroy, compared to about 200 in Mukilteo. You can report line-cutting to 877-764-HERO – it’s a $139 fine.

P.S. Back to Saturday’s case – records show the 68-year-old man was arrested for investigation of “use of a weapon to intimidate,” and that after two days in jail, he’s being released today.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 2 motorcycles stolen in Admiral

The photos and report are from Stanley:

I had both of my motorcycles stolen from my secure parking spot in the Element 42 Apartment building, 2641 42nd Ave SW. I am a tenant there. Incident number 2019 – 315455

The theft happened August 18, 2:45 AM. At 2:07 AM, a man in a black and white Helly Hanson hoodie approaches the front door (Person 1). He goes to work with a pry bar. He gains entry by 2:12:19

2:13 AM, Person 1 forces entry into the first floor south hallway next to the office. This is that last I saw of Person 1.

2:45:25 AM, two men are seen leaving the garage with my motorcycles. I don’t think that Person 1 is either of these individuals. The guy in black on my Harley has different shoes than Person 1. The person pushing my dirtbike appears to be of a slighter build than Person 1, but they could be the same person, I just don’t know.

I think Person 1 has two tool bags with him. He has what is possible a Bellevue High duffel bag under his right arm, and he appears to have something on like a backpack under his hoodie. I think this because of his big humpie back in image “Capture 2”.

2006 Harley Davidson FXDWGI – Dyna Wide Glide, Yellow
2017 KTM 500 EXC-F, Orange

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue scooter; mail theft

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:


Make/model: 2018 Honda Metropolitan
Color: Dark blue body, beige seat
License: 9F5337

It was stolen from the 3500 block of Walnut Ave SW.

Call 911 if you see it.

MAIL THEFT: Jim reports this happened last night in the 3500 block of SW 100th:

Our mailbox (which is a locking mailbox- see attached) was pried open with some sort of a tool (screwdriver I assume?) and our mail was stolen. Our neighbors said they heard a commotion around 3am and saw an SUV pull up and then pull away a minute or two later. It looks like they attempted to hit several of the mailboxes in the cluster of mailboxes (and items were taken from mailboxes that do not have locking mechanisms.)

The neighbor also reported that he saw the person/persons walking up to doors of the homes in the area to see if they were locked. I guess it all happened so quickly he did not have time to call the police.

In the last 3 months, our car (in an off-street carport) was broken into as well and several items were taken.

GRATITUDE & REQUEST: Message from West Seattle hit-run victim

A hit-run crash in Morgan Junction back on Tuesday led to this message from Heather:

I wanted to give a huge THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who came to my aid after a car accident on 8/20 on California Ave and Graham. Within a few seconds of the crash, I had around 20 people holding my hand, comforting me, helping me in any way they could. It was absolutely amazing and I am truly overwhelmed by your kindness and care. This incident, while it hurt my body and my car, brought comfort to my heart and increased my love for the WS community. Thank you for all you did for me. It means more than you know.

Also, if anyone knows where the it and run driver is, please contact me. It was a 2000’s model Toyota Camry, maroon, with heavy front-end damage. He left the scene at high speed and turned west on to Fauntleroy toward the ferry dock. I’m hoping a camera might have picked up a license plate number. If you have any info, please email me at

Thank you!

Police incident # is 19-309656.

FOUND BICYCLE: From the ‘dumped, likely stolen’ file

August 22, 2019 11:29 am
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A reader sent that photo of a bicycle abandoned in the City View neighborhood. Yours? Let us know and we will connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Scooter stolen; home burglarized

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:



Stolen right out of the locked garage @ West Water condos, 6900 block of California Avenue SW, sometime in the late hours of Monday evening 8/19 to early morning 8/20.

Mini Sport Scooter
Make: ZLMI
Model: ROMA 150
Year: 2014
Color: Green with Black trim

HOME BURGLARIZED: A reader west of The Junction reports, “We had a break-in at our home (Wednesday) during the daytime. Appears to have removed screen on open backyard window. Trashed the bedroom and bathroom, taking money and a few bottles of prescription medication.”

About the SWAT sighting on 35th SW

August 21, 2019 5:19 pm
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Thanks to Chuck Edgin for the photo taken as police, including SWAT officers, wrapped up an arrest operation at 35th SW/SW Holly about an hour ago. Officers advised dispatchers afterward that it was a “warrant arrest” and that if anyone in the area reported hearing an explosion (as did Chuck), it was related to their operation. We haven’t yet been able to find out what the suspect was being sought for.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Package thieves out now; busy night for car prowlers

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:

PACKAGE THIEVES AT WORK RIGHT NOW: Just in from Marc near 35th/Cloverdale – thieves struck about half an hour ago: “Woman and two accomplices that appear male in a grey sedan with no front plate. Video:

Car and accomplices
Woman’s face

NEAR LINCOLN PARK: Nicole says car prowler(s) went through her husband’s car between midnight and 6 am near 46th SW and SW Austin:

They grabbed lots of stuff, but dumped much on the way from their walk from our house to the bus stop near the 76 gas station at the north end of Lincoln Park. Two things not recovered–two sets of golf clubs, one adult set of Cobras in a black bag with a Seahawks sock on the driver and one kid set in a red Wilson bag:

Since they seemed to be on foot, would love it if anyone seems them dumped somewhere or for sale online or at consignment. Also: a DVD wallet of kids’ movies and wireless headphones for the car DVD player.

I had my car broken in to on 30th Ave SW last night (August 19th-August 20th). Someone smashed in my front passenger side window, looted through my glovebox, and stole a phone charger. Thankfully I don’t keep anything of value in my car, but it also looks like other cars on the street were broken into last night.

No incident #’s yet for any of these cases but we’ll add them when we get them.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Weekend gunfire in The Junction

After we received a few questions about an incident early Saturday in The Junction; we followed up with Seattle Police today, and here’s what they told us: Just before 2 am Saturday, a caller reported “a possible domestic-violence disturbance in the alley behind his apartment building in the 4500 block of 44th Avenue SW,” with what looked to be a man and woman involved. Police continue:

The male pulled out a small handgun and appeared to be showing it off. He eventually handed it off to the female, who then discharged one round toward an unoccupied building across the alley. The shot occurred as officers were arriving in the area. Both subjects then entered the apartment building. Officers took up containment and a contact team was assembled. The apartment building was cleared floor by floor. Both parties were located on the rooftop patio and taken into custody without incident. The handgun was recovered from the male. The building did sustain bullet damage, and one spent round/casing were recovered. The male had a concealed pistol permit and was interviewed and released from SW precinct. The female was booked into King County Jail. There were no injuries.

A check of jail and court records shows the 32-year-old woman was released a short time ago after two days in jail.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen white pickup

August 18, 2019 10:21 am
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From a reader on Puget Ridge:

Our white 1999 F250 was stolen from our driveway sometime between 9:45pm and 9:15am this morning. License plate is C73348J.

Call 911 if you see it.

From the ‘dumped, likely stolen’ file: Bicycle

Missing a Gary Fisher Tarpon bicycle? L found one, abandoned, “at Lincoln Park near Fauntleroy and Othello. Likely stolen.” Contact us if it might be yours and we’ll connect you.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Bat-wielding resident chases fence-climbing intruder

A 32-year-old man is in jail today after a resident caught him trying to climb into his patio near California/Charlestown late last night. We requested and obtained the report, which says police got the call around 11:23 pm. Police arrived to find the victim following the suspect, with a baseball bat, southbound on California. Officers detained both until they sorted out what had happened. The victim explained that his dog alerted him to noise on the back patio; he said he walked out to find the suspect halfway over the fence. First he grabbed “a pellet gun resembling a rifle” and pointed it at the suspect, who he said dared him to shoot and then threatened to burn the house down. The suspect kept yelling and took off. When stopped, he claimed to police that he had had “a rough day,” had been in the alley collecting trash, and was just trying to get back to California SW to head toward Morgan Junction. Once the suspect was under arrest, the report says, investigating officers noted that the victim’s patio does not connect to California SW. The suspect was booked into the King County Jail on suspicion of criminal trespassing. Records show this is his third arrest in less than two months; the other two were for allegedly harassing/threatening people outside their homes in Morgan Junction, and the second report says he is a known troublemaker in that area.

PAWS ON PATROL: New Seattle Police program for dogs (and their people)

ORIGINAL THURSDAY REPORT: In the spirit of Block Watch, you might call this Bark Watch. Seattle Police Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Danner sent this announcement that they are launching a new program called Paws on Patrol:

You can help prevent crime while you are walking your dog!

Paws on Patrol encourages dog walkers to serve as extra eyes and ears for the Seattle Police Department.

This program trains pet owners to prevent crime, as well as recognize and report suspicious activity.

Get a free SPD Paws on Patrol dog tag when you join (while supplies last)!

The SW Precinct will be hosting the Paws on Patrol launch event on Saturday, September 21st at 10 am.

So if you are interested – save the date!

ADDED FRIDAY: A clarification from CPC Danner: “I have received a lot of inquiries about Paws on Patrol (yay!). Thank you everyone for your interest! Just wanted to clarify- at this time there is no link to join, please plan to attend the launch event on Saturday, September 21st, to join! I will send out more details as we get closer to the event!” This will be the first precinct to test the program, by the way. And yes, you AND your dog will be welcome at the September 21st meeting.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: About the High Point police response

August 13, 2019 2:38 pm
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(WSB photo)

2:38 PM: Thanks for the tip about that big Seattle Police response near High Point Community Center. We subsequently went over to find out what’s happening. Police say the white car is stolen and they’ve taken one person into custody. That person’s being checked for possible injuries because the car was involved in a collision (our crew says it has extensive rear-end damage). A K9 team is on the way to help search for evidence after, according to a radio exchange, “a magazine” was reportedly found in the car.

2:45 PM: Seattle Parks just tweeted that HPCC is in lockdown because of this.

3:42 PM: Parks says the lockdown is over.

ADDED WEDNESDAY: A few more details, and a photo of the magazine, from SPD:

A parking enforcement officer was on patrol at 35 Avenue (SW) and SW Morgan Street at 2 PM when they spotted an occupied stolen vehicle parked nearby.

As patrol officers flooded the area, the vehicle’s occupant piloted the white Jetta out of the area, nearly striking a firetruck and running a stop sign in the process. The driver continued to speed away until he lost control and rolled the vehicle down a hill.

Police took the man into custody and following a search of the car recovered a handgun magazine. A K-9 was brought in to search for a firearm but none was located.

Officers booked the man into King County Jail for possession of a stolen vehicle and firearms violation because he is a convicted felon and prevented from having a handgun magazine.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Honda motorcycle (found!)

10:11 AM: That’s Clayton‘s 2005 Honda Rebel motorcycle, stolen last night from the 9600 block of 17th SW. He emailed us in hopes you can “keep a lookout” for it. If you see it, call 911. P.S. Plate = 4F4235.

ADDED TUESDAY NIGHT: Clayton says his motorcycle was spotted in the 10300 block of 24th Ave SW.

ADDED FRIDAY: As Clayton noted in a comment, he has his bike back!