West Seattle festivals 907 results

West Seattle Summer Fest 2015: Here’s the music lineup!

Announced minutes ago by the West Seattle Junction Association – the music lineup for this year’s West Seattle Summer Fest, coming up July 10-12.

With a bigger emphasis on the musical portion of the event, the line-up includes some of the hottest bands in the Northwest including The Thermals, The Cave Singers, La Luz, Sisters, VOX MOD, “S,” Kithkin, The Fame Riot, and West Seattle’s own DJ Lance Romance among others. This FREE 3-day party in the streets celebrates West Seattle as a thriving music and arts community.

You can catch more than 20 artists performing on the California main stage all weekend from up-and-coming artists like Pig Snout (a father & his two kids-that ROCKS), NAVVI, Solvents, Evening Bell to Seattle music heavy hitters like Gibraltar, Sisters, and Black Whales.

Here’s a YouTube playlist put together by The Junction. And – the schedule:

2 updates, with 2 months to go until West Seattle Summer Fest

May 11, 2015 1:39 pm
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(WSB file photo)
Exactly two months from now, we’ll be in the midst of West Seattle Summer Fest 2015 – Friday-Sunday, July 10-12, presented by the West Seattle Junction Association (with co-sponsors including WSB). Two notes today as we look ahead to West Seattle’s biggest event of the year:


SUMMER FEST COMMUNITY TENT: It’s application time for West Seattle nonprofits and community groups interested in FREE space in the Community Tent. The Junction Association explains, “We will select groups who strive to benefit, strengthen, and educate our community.” Here’s what’s available:

Friday/Saturday: 4-hour slots
10 am – 2 pm, 2 pm – 6 pm

Sunday: 3-hour slots
11 am – 2 pm, 2 pm – 5 pm

The Community Tent will be located on Alaska St, east of California. Tent, tables, and chairs will be provided. Participants are encouraged to set up their table & area with displays which reflect their mission and contributions to the West Seattle Community. They are welcome to bring props, brochures and such, which will entice folks to stop and chat about their organization. NO SALES, PLEASE.

Interested neighborhood non-profits or community groups who would like to be a part of the Summer Fest Community Tent, please e-mail Jenelle by June 27th at jenelle@wsjunction.org.

No West Seattle Car Show this year, organizers announce


(WSB photo from 2014 West Seattle Car Show)
No West Seattle Car Show this year, according to Swedish Automotive and West Seattle Autoworks (both WSB sponsors), who joined forces last year to make sure the show would go on despite the death of its founder. They have just sent this statement and asked us to share it with you:

Due to all the changes in The Junction, including scheduling and space restrictions, The Junction is no longer an option for a car show, and there is no other reasonable alternative at this time. We regret to inform the community that we are unable to put on a car show in 2015. We appreciate the community support we had last year in our first presentation of the show in honor of Michael Hoffman and all of the volunteers, sponsors, participants, and spectators that made it a great success – and the biggest in the show’s history.

The show had been an annual late-summer Junction tradition since its start in 2008, founded and organized by local entrepreneur Michael Hoffman until his sudden death at age 47 in March of last year.

FOLLOWUP: Potential ‘Summer Streets’ successor on Alki

(Photo of bicycle-parade participants gathering during 2014 Alki Summer Streets)
One week ago today, we broke the news that SDOT is changing its Summer Streets program this year and, after seven years, scrapping the street festival it had been presenting on Alki Avenue SW after the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk (which **IS** still on for May 17th – it’s a separately organized benefit for the WSHS PTSA). Unless, SDOT told us, someone in the community wants to organize the event. That immediately galvanized some Alki residents including Guy Olson, who’s been an organizer of the bicycle parade during Summer Streets the past two years. He says – keep saving the date! Here’s what they’re working to plan:

We are most likely calling it “Alki Daze.” We are planning on still doing the costumed bicycle parade, hiring Bubbleman, having at least two bands play, and having the first ever bicycle drag race on Alki, all happening on May 17th. This will all be starting around 1:00 pm. I will be blocking off the parking spaces on the 2600 block of Alki, on the south side of the street for bicycle parking. In addition, we will be making this a 2-day event, hence the “Daze.” On May 16th we are going to host a community meet-and-greet at a local bar or restaurant. After that, we are planning a community bonfire.

Guy says they’re also checking into whether any kind of campout might be allowed in the area. We asked him if they’re looking for volunteers, sponsors, etc. – not yet, and no further details, but they wanted to let you know that they’re working on it.

West Seattle Bee Festival returns May 16! Honey Run, parade, more

April 9, 2015 9:13 am
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The West Seattle Bee Festival will be back this year! It’s the third year for the celebration surrounding the WS Bee Garden in High Point, and we just received the official flyer (above) as well as this list of highlights for the festival on Saturday, May 16th:

*The Honey Run starts at 9 am at High Point Pond, SW Juneau & 30th (no registration necessary, just show up)

*Come to Neighborhood House (6400 Sylvan Way SW) at 10 am and make your own bee or flower costume (materials and help provided) so you can march in the Kids and Pet Parade in High Point Commons Park at 11 am

*Learn about Bee-Friendly gardening, food, books and activities at the Information Fair from 11:30 am-2 pm

*Taste healthy, delicious, easy-to-prepare food at the Lunchbox Cook Off from 11:30-1:30

*Take a tour of the West Seattle Bee Enclosure (SW Graham and Lanham Pl. SW) and Garden from 11:30-2 pm, where you can buy honey from the Puget Sound Bee Keepers Association

*Kids can participate in the Bee-Ball Tournament or Field Games in Commons Park

*Music by DA Productions will fill the park. Text your request to 57682 on the day

*Crafts, henna, face painting and more…..

The first festival in 2013 launched the garden, whose backstory is here.

No ‘Summer Streets’/car-free festival on Alki this year, city says, unless you want to organize one

(WSB photo from 2011 ‘Summer Streets’ on Alki)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After seven years, it’s the end of the road – at least for now – for the city-presented “SDOT Summer Streets” event on Alki.

We have just confirmed that with SDOT, after noticing that no announcements or sponsorship solicitations had been circulating, though it’s just a little more than a month until the West Seattle 5K Walk/Run, which “Summer Streets” has followed since 2009.

The street festival (part of a series around the city) debuted in 2008 as “Car-Free Day” – a program announced by then-Mayor Greg Nickels and then-SDOT director Grace Crunican as part of the city’s climate-change-awareness campaign. The two West Seattleites even came to the WS waterfront to make the announcement.


(WSB photo of ‘Car-Free Day’ announcement, July 30, 2008)

That year, the city closed almost the entirety of Alki and Harbor Avenues for the first “Car-Free Day,” noon-6 on September 7th, a warm, sunny day, as is so often the case in late summer. It drew reactions from controversy to giddiness:


(WSB photo, September 7, 2008)
The next year, 2009, the city renamed the program “Summer Streets” and moved it to May 31st to follow the WS High School PTSA-presented West Seattle 5K, which already was closing much of the beachfront route for the first few hours of the morning. May, however, is seldom truly summery, as evidenced in our photo of street art during the 2012 Summer Streets event:

That’s been typical of Summer Streets weather – no all-out-sunny days since the September 2008 “Car-Free Day.” Nonetheless, community organizations have soldiered on with activities and festivities each year, and bundled-up community members have come to the beach to join in.

In 2011, the city shortened the no-motorized-vehicles zone to between 56th and 63rd, recognizing that few activities had been happening east of the Alki business district anyway.

Flash forward to this year. Two months ago, the Summer Streets Facebook page featured the cryptic status: “Sorry for the radio silence. Summer Streets is undergoing some changes this year – please stay tuned for our event schedule and a big announcement.”

No announcement has ensued over those two months, so we pinged SDOT spokesperson Marybeth Turner, who replied today, “SDOT is redesigning the Summer Streets program. While SDOT will still continue to support and sponsor the West Seattle 5k, we will no longer be organizing the street festival that has traditionally followed the race. If a West Seattle community group would like to sponsor a Summer Streets event this summer, we are willing to assist. SDOT’s new Summer Streets program is being developed, not quite ready for a public announcement.”

Again, the WS 5K is still on (we’re a co-sponsor again this year), and that will still close the beachfront road until about 11 am on race day, Sunday, May 17th. But after that – for the first time in 7 years – you’re on your own.

Think summer! Application time for 10th annual Morgan Junction Community Festival

March 26, 2015 12:51 pm
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(WSB photo from 2013 festival)
Not trying to rush you, but it’s already planning season for summer festivals – including the 10th annual Morgan Junction Community Festival. From Susan Madrid:

Applications are now available for local businesses and organizations to participate in the Morgan Community Association (MoCA) 10th annual festival. This year it will be held on Saturday, June 20th, from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm. As in previous years, participant booths will be located in open areas and parking lots near Morgan Junction Park. The festival will feature live music and entertainment throughout the day, as well as the popular Bite of Morgan and Bark of Morgan events.

The booth charge will be the same as last year; community groups and non-profits will be asked to make a $10 contribution and businesses to make a $20 contribution.

Contact Cindi Barker at cindibarker@gmail.com for an application form and further information. The deadline for applications is June 5. Announcements and applications are also available on the MoCA website www.morganjunction.org

West Seattle Summer Fest 2015 set for July 10-12 – vendors invited to apply now!

March 11, 2015 4:30 pm
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(2014 West Seattle Summer Fest photo by WSB’s Katie Meyer)
The West Seattle Junction Association has set the dates for this year’s West Seattle Summer Fest – July 10-12. Four months away, but if you’re interested in being a vendor, the time to apply is now, and the deadline is April 1st! A brand-new Vendor Information Page is the place to start – westseattlefestival.com/vendors.

West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival 2014, report #3: Behind the scenes; behind the masks …

(PREVIOUS REPORTS: #1, as-it-happened coverage; #2, Chili Challenge succe$$)

Just call that West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival-goer “Fire.” As for the next scene – how about “dog meets pumpkin”:

Take a minute and see 13 more views from the festival!

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West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival, report #2: The $3,200 chili!

Two more reports to share, following up on our “as-it-happened” report from today’s West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival. First: The WS Food Bank’s words of thanks for the Chili Challenge results:

The West Seattle Food Bank would like to thank the WS Junction Assoc., the nine participating neighborhood restaurants and all the tasters at the annual WS Harvest Festival. Congratulations to Deano Lucas at Deano’s for being the 2014 Chili Master winner. We raised $1580 and then Deano matched it with a $1600 check! WOW! A huge thank you to Deano and everyone! It was so much fun and some fabulous chili!

Corianton Hale shared this photo of the nine contenders:

Those who donated $10 for a flight of tastes got to vote. WSFB says Elliott Bay Brewery and Shadowland tied for second, followed by Terra Cole Butchery. Also particpating (which meant making and donating a BIG batch of chili): Easy Street Café, Husky Deli, Quadrato, The Swinery, West 5. Still to come: A photo gallery with more of today’s sights.

As-it-happened coverage: West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival 2014


(Mini-pumpkin toss at the Potter Construction [WSB sponsor] booth)
10:28 AM: We’re in The Junction, where the Harvest Festival is on! Bundle up if you’re coming down – it’s chilly. But everyone’s in good spirits. Activity booths and Farmers’ Market vendors are lining the streets (California between Oregon and Edmunds, Alaska between 42nd and 44th).


*11 am, chili competition flights on sale, while they last
*11:30 am, costume parade
*noon-2 pm, business trick-or-treating
*Until the streets reopen: Bus reroutes

Festival’s on until 2 pm, and it goes fast, so come on over!

11:23 AM UPDATE: We’ve seen some showers, but hey, it’s fall. Diver Laura is here with us now and brought plankton, iPhone microscope, and even an ROV.

Come see, and pick up a free WSB ice scraper.

Look for the banner in our booth on Alaska just east of California.

Meantime, the chili competition is on across California from us by KeyBank, until 1 pm (or while the chili – $10, nine tastes, benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank – lasts).

And the costume parade is about to start – with the West Seattle High School Marching Band leading the way.

11:46 AM: The parade’s just wrapping up. Here’s the start:

Just a few of the adorably costumed kids:

Trick-or-treating is up next, starting at Junction businesses at noon. That, plus the activities and Farmers’ Market continue until 2.

12:52 PM UPDATE: One more hour of festival fun! We’re continuing to admire creative costumes:

And we’ve seen two candidates – WSB policy is to photograph candidates who visit the booth when we’re at festivals, and first one to stop by today is newly declared City Council District 1 candidate Amanda Kay Helmick:

She’s gathering signatures to get on the ballot for next year’s first-ever by-district council elections. Also visiting – judge candidate Phillip Tavel, and family:

He’s a West Seattleite who’s on the November 4th ballot for King County District Court.

1:28 PM UPDATE: Chili competition vote results are in – Deano’s wins! (And the WS Food Bank wins, from the proceeds of the chili donated by nine businesses, and paid by voters/partakers.) Instagram video of the big announcement:

Meantime, half an hour to enjoy activities and to stop by here for a look at what Diver Laura’s iPhone microscope is showing, and for kids to trick or treat. We’ll wind up adding many more photos after we get back – more than we can process in the field before it’s time to wrap up. It’s been great to see so many people out despite the chilly, breezy weather (and despite the fact the Seahawks game).

1:54 PM: The rain’s returning and we’re packing up. Thanks to everybody who came to the festival!

P.S. Adding this for future reference – roads reopened just after quarter past 4.

West Seattle Harvest Festival tomorrow: The big preview

Despite tonight’s storminess, the forecast is still looking relatively promising for the third annual West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival, 10 am-2 pm tomorrow. It’s on, rain or shine – activity booths are covered, so are Farmers’ Market stands, and of course local businesses are happy to welcome you for shopping/dining – so we hope it’s on your schedule already. As a co-sponsor and activity host, we’ll be reporting live starting around 9 am, so check in here in the morning. (And remember that California will be closed to traffic between Edmunds and Oregon, with Alaska closed between 42nd and 44th)

Meantime, one last roundup of festival info! The basics, again, are:
*10 am-2 pm, activities
*10 am-2 pm, Farmers’ Market in the street
*11 am-1 pm, chili competition on southwest corner of California/Alaska
*11:30 am, costume parade from Junction Plaza Park at 42nd/Alaska, led by the West Seattle High School Marching Band
*Noon-2 pm, trick-or-treating at participating storefronts

We’ve already previewed several of the activities (including ours!) and here’s a more comprehensive list (apologies if we’ve missed yours – this is a compilation of info provided by the Junction Association and sent by those answering a call for info) – read ahead!

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Countdown to West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival: Activity previews

Counting down to this Sunday’s West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival (by which time the weather is supposed to be better – showers likely, not steady rain!) – a few reminders and previews:

STREETS CLOSED: Even if you are not going to the festival, keep in mind that California will be closed from Oregon to Edmunds and Alaska from 44th to 42nd – the West Seattle Farmers Market and the festival’s “harvest activity” booths will all be out in the street for the duration of the 10 am-2 pm festival. This means transit rerouting, too – see the alerts on the Metro website.

HARVEST ACTIVITIES: Thanks to everybody who’s sending previews of what they’re planning. We’ll feature a few a day for the next few days. Today’s mentions: My Three Little Birds in Morgan Junction will be there with the chance for kids to “stop by and make a hanging decoration for their house on Halloween. They can make a witch hat or a spooky spider. We will also hand out candy for the kids and a coupon for parents or grandparents,” says proprietor Jennifer. … Infinite B Canvas Creations proprietor B. says, “At my booth kids will be painting handprint harvest inspired trees on canvas panels. I’ve attached display examples that my little nieces Lillian (6) & Zoey (3) made for my booth.”

Meantime, West Seattle School of Rock proprietor Phil says, “We will be running spontaneous 2-3 minute Little Wing activities throughout the day as large enough groups of little ones (about ages 3-6) walk up. We will also have electric guitars the kids can check out. We will have percussion instruments at our booth for the kids to use.” Also, WSB sponsor Potter Construction will be there with a mini-pumpkin toss in their booth. More previews tomorrow!

ALSO AT THE FESTIVAL: 11 am-1 pm chili competition (9-sample flight for $10, benefits the West Seattle Food Bank), 11:30 am costume parade from Junction Plaza Park, noon-2 pm trick-or-treating. Aside from the chili fundraiser and anything you buy from the Farmers’ Market, festival activities are free!

Next countdown: 1 week to West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival

October 19, 2014 7:47 pm
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The banner’s up and we’re now counting down to West Seattle’s next fall festival – the WS Junction Association-presented 3rd annual Harvest Festival, 10 am-2 pm next Sunday (October 26th), with co-sponsors including WSB. Its components:

*10 am-2 pm, West Seattle Farmers’ Market vendors will be out in the street, on California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska

*10 am-2 pm, local organizations and businesses offer “harvest activities” at booths and tables that also will be out in the street – games, art, more

*11 am-1 pm, chili competition – buy a 9-taste flight at California/Alaska to vote; proceeds benefit West Seattle Food Bank

*11:30 am, costume parade starting from Junction Plaza Park at 42nd/Alaska

*Noon-2 pm, trick-or-treating at businesses throughout The Junction

We’ll get deeper into the details as the week goes by; make plans to stop by our booth for the return of the legendary (?) WSB-branded ice scrapers (haven’t had a bad winter since we gave them away two years ago; maybe it’s like garlic and vampires) and for our featured activity, iPhone microscope plankton-viewing with “Diver Laura” James.

P.S. Is your business/organization presenting an activity? Please let us know so we can mention it ahead of time, too, including in the Harvest Festival listing in the just-published WSB Halloween Guide. See you there!

As-it-happened coverage: Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2014 – fun in the sun (and indoors too)


FIRST REPORT, 2:24 PM: In, and out, of the sun – the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is on!

Above, our quick Instagram clip showing some of the decorated cakes awaiting the Cake Walk – you are encouraged to admire them and vote:

Then join in the 3:15 pm walk (for which some not-as-ornate-but-yummy-looking-too cakes are available as well). The cakes are in the Emerald Room (downstairs) at The Hall at Fauntleroy in the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse. Other festival activities are in and around the schoolhouse (including a petting zoo on the west side):

… and Fauntleroy Church / YMCA across the street – look for the tent with pumpkin painting, birdhouse making, and more. Address here is 9131 and 9140 California SW, and the festival’s on until 5 – get here!

2:47 PM UPDATE: Lots of music at the festival – the Epitones Jazz Quartet at the schoolhouse right now:

Elsewhere on the festival grounds, Toni Reineke was in brass mode; you probably know her best for her leadership of what’s now the West Seattle Community Orchestras:

And a festival fave – the Endolyne Children’s Choir:

The official festival schedule shows you the full lineup – including the West Seattle Big Band at 3:45 in The Hall at Fauntleroy’s Emerald Room, inviting you to indulge in a little (or a lot of) swing dancing.

3:42 PM UPDATE: SFD’s Engine 37 is a hit:

It’s parked by the church. That’s also where you might meet royalty:

That’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court Queen Bianca Carufel.

4:23 PM UPDATE: The festival’s three-hour span goes by so fast – but many have come to enjoy the afternoon:

That includes the indoor crowd for the cakewalk we mentioned earlier:

In the cake-decorating contest, the winning entry was a double-entry by Carolyn Tucker:

In the first-timers’ category, Lindsay Morgan Tracy‘s Frankencake scared up the win:

Still more to show you … as the all-volunteer-produced festival goes into its final half-hour.

5:22 PM: Festival’s over, cleanup’s on. We’ll be adding more photos and video – caught the WS Big Band’s final number …

Some classic rock on the church-parking-lot stage with B Sharp Studio & the 5 Buck Band

and also some earnest last-minute birdhouse-making:

The festival was free for visitors, supported by community donations and sponsors like the Fauntleroy Community Association, which is now set up to accept online membership payments (if you’re a local resident/business/organization interested in joining) and festival donations – see the donation button here! (And see many more photos on the festival Facebook page, whose editor Irene Stewart was making the rounds of the festival grounds all afternoon long.)

P.S. Next Sunday afternoon, you’re invited back to Fauntleroy to help drum, sing, and chant to call the salmon home – 5 pm (October 26th) by the Fauntleroy Creek overlook, across from the ferry dock.

Fauntleroy Fall Festival on Sunday! See what’s happening, when

October 18, 2014 2:02 pm
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The tent is up in the Fauntleroy Church/YMCA parking lot, one of the venues for Sunday afternoon’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival, but if the forecast holds, it might only be needed for sunburn prevention! Festival events will also be happening across the street in and around historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, where you can admire the new salmon art by Shawn Bennett in the raingarden out front:

Finding out about home raingardens and cisterns is one thing you can do at the festival – look for the folks from RainWise (WSB sponsor). And here’s the full lineup, as posted on the Fauntleroy Fall Festival website:

Also – it’s not too late to bake a cake to donate to the Cake Walk (details in our previous preview – you have to drop it off tomorrow right BEFORE the festival). See you at 9131 and 9140 California SW (map) 2-5 pm Sunday afternoon for the Fauntleroy Fall Festival!

Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2014 countdown! One week from today

October 12, 2014 10:46 am
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(WSB photo from 2013 Fauntleroy Fall Festival)
The first half of October tends to be quieter, as if we are all recovering from summer, bracing for fall and winter. But now, as we arrive in mid-month, big events are on the way, including the Fauntleroy Fall Festival on Sunday, October 19th, one week from today. It’s just three hours long, 2-5 pm, but those are three full-of-fun hours, so you might even want to plan to stay for the duration. Highlights announced so far include:

*CAKE WALK: A festival favorite. You can even donate a cake to be judged and then claimed. From the festival page, here are the basics:

All ages may participate. Contest categories include Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Cakes can be any shape or size. They should have either a Fall, Halloween, or West Seattle theme.

Bring your entry (or entries) on festival day, between 12 noon and 1 p.m. Voting begins at 1:30 p.m. and continues until about 3 p.m. Who votes? We all do! Once votes have been tallied, prizes will be awarded for each category.

The Cake Walk begins after the prizes have been awarded and continues until all the cakes have been given away. Even if you do not want to enter the Cake Decorating Contest, you can still bake and donate a cake for the Cake Walk. Cakes can be very simple or very elaborate. This is a wonderful parent/child, family, or group project! Questions? E-mail Carolyn Tucker at tucker_family @ me.com.

Also: Pumpkin decorating for kids, other arts/crafts activities, climbing wall, pony rides, petting zoo, musical performances, dancing to the West Seattle Big Band (3:30-5 pm) … The festival happens in the heart of Fauntleroy, both sides of the 9100 block of California SW (map) – with crossing assistance! – on the grounds of Fauntleroy Church/YMCA, The Hall at Fauntleroy, and historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse.

P.S. Food will be available for purchase, but otherwise, the festival is free (supported by donations as well as fundraisers over the course of each year). And the Seahawks game (10 am, at St. Louis) should be over in time for fans to make it to the festival, too.

Update: Chili competition returns to West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival: Sign up and dish out!

(OCT. 3 UPDATE: Four competitors have signed up – Feedback Lounge, Elliott Bay, Husky Deli, The Swinery – room for five more; see below!)

(Photo courtesy West Seattle Junction Association)
More West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival news: The chili cookoff is coming back. And businesses interested in being part of it this year need to speak up fast!

The Junction Association is sponsoring a fundraiser for the West Seattle Food Bank at our 3rd Annual Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 26th. Our neighborhood restaurants will bring their best pot of chili and compete for bragging rights of Best Chili at Harvest Festival – 2014. It’s free for restaurants to enter. The West Seattle public will vote by buying a flight of chili and choosing their favorite! 100% of the donations collected will go to the West Seattle Food Bank to help our community. Last year we raised $1400 for the food bank in just two hours!

Some logistics and rules to enter. Participants must:

* Be a West Seattle business.

* Bring 2.5 gallons of hot chili made in commercial kitchen. We’ll have chafing dishes but bring it hot!!

* Provide a chili server who has a current Food Handlers Card. Restaurant owner, lead chef, or manager preferred.

* Be ready to serve at 11 am! With 2.5 gallons of chili, we’ll be able to serve over 100 flights and the competition will be done by 1 pm.

* Note that we’re increasing requested amount from last year’s 2 gallons. The Food Bank is planning to hustle this thing to raise more money!

* We have room for only 9 competitors. First come, first serve, don’t delay.

We’ll provide everything else. To register, please e-mail susan@wsjunction.org with your business name, contact person, and agreement that rules will be followed. Deadline Friday, October 17th.

You can help! Two days left to sign up to offer kids’ activities at West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival 2014

September 29, 2014 5:43 pm
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Last call to be part of the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival by offering an activity for kids! From the WS Junction Association‘s Susan Melrose:

West Seattle Harvest Festival is less than 4 weeks away. The Farmers Market will take to the street, with the costume parade leaving Junction Plaza Park at 11:30, and trick-or-treating starting at noon.

Free activities provided by West Seattle businesses and non-profits bring fun and excitement to kids – and offer a Halloween activity that doesn’t necessarily involve sugar. If you’d like to bring a Harvest Activity, please submit an application. It’s FREE, but you must bring something that kids will love.

Deadline is Wednesday – you’ll find the application link here. And you don’t have to just think “Halloween” or “pumpkins” – for example, as we mentioned over the weekend, the “activity” at the booth we’re sponsoring will be plankton viewing with “Diver Laura” James and her iPhone microscopes.

Barton Street P-Patch stone/mosaic work complete – see it during October 4th Fall Festival!

Thanks to Elizabeth MacKenzie for sharing three photos taken today at Barton Street P-Patch – one week before its Fall Festival. She explained that she was walking there today “when I encountered Kate Farley and Keith Brewer of Farley Landscape Design. They were finishing up their 2 years of work on the pizza oven and counters! I so love the Barton P-Patch and I was so happy to tell them how much I admire the work they have done on it.” In the top photo, Elizabeth says, Kate was “placing the very last stone, which was the final bit to be done on the entire project.”

About that festival: Next Saturday (October 4th), noon-4 pm, you’re invited to come enjoy music, wood-fired pizza (bring your own toppings), homemade dessert pies (available for donation, as is the pizza), kids’ activities, as announced in the flyer. And of course – the beauty of what’s growing in the garden:

Barton P-Patch is on the southwest corner of 34th/Barton in Westwood.

Happening now: ‘Carnival of Community’ @ Holy Rosary School WestFest

The big day of fun is well under way at Holy Rosary School on the north side of The Junction – as noted again in today’s West Seattle Saturday preview, the WestFest “Carnival of Community” is on until 10 pm. Rides, games, a food court with tables that we’re sure have filled since our photo was taken earlier:

That festive table card with the onstage-entertainment lineup can also be seen here – looks like Raymond the Magician is up next at noon, followed by the Sundancers at 1, and more.

What you can see and do this Friday/Saturday at WestFest 2014

West Seattle’s next festival is two days away – Holy Rosary School‘s WestFest, 6-10 pm Friday and 10 am-10 pm Saturday. Along with information you can browse on the festival website, organizers have announced the highlights and entertainment schedule:


Bring your preschoolers to Toddler Time at WestFest! Holy Rosary is bringing the Carnival of Community to our younger West Seattle residents this year! From 10 am-12 pm on Saturday, they can enjoy a discount on 3 rides exclusively for them! We are also featuring a clown who will twist up creative balloon animals, PLUS we have an interactive dance session from the fabulous instructors of Sundancers! After all that fun, they can take in a magic show at noon. There are a lot of food options to add fuel to all this activity so stick around for lunch and treats too!

· We brought the book sale back, so bring your family and friends to WestFest to browse! You can “Fill A Bag For $1 Or A Donation” during the last 2 hours of the sale (4p-6p) on Saturday.

· We are proud to announce our 2014 Stage Lineup:

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As-it-happened coverage: Biggest West Seattle Car Show ever, in The Junction

(SCROLL DOWN for the newest photos/updates as the show continues)

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
10:14 AM: The seventh annual West Seattle Car Show is officially on – ~220 cars already, and it’s looking like the biggest one yet. That means the show is using the full street-closure footprint – same as Summer Fest – California midblock between Genesee and Oregon, to Edmunds; Alaska between 42nd and 44th, and there are cars along every stretch of street in those boundaries. Come buy a 50/50 raffle ticket at California/Alaska – the prize pot goes half to the winning ticket holder, half to charity. And get here before 3, which is when the awards ceremony is scheduled – participants will start departing after that.

10:26 AM: Yes, we know the game’s just a few hours away:

Lots of spirit, not just the Seahawks variety!

On the south end of the show zone on California, there’s a car Alice Cooper fans won’t want to miss:

And of course, it wouldn’t be a car show without an Elvis sighting:

(You thought we meant Elvis the SINGER?) Meantime, some of the participants are indeed taking advantage of the fact all years are allowed for the first time – this is a 2012 Aston Martin V12 Vantage:

And on the other side of the timespan, here’s a car from 1933:

Whatever year an entry’s from, you just might see an extra touch:

This might also be the best weather we’ve ever seen for the show – clear from the very start of the day – so even if you’re not a big car fan, come out and enjoy the sun. It’s a great tribute to the man who founded the show in 2008 and shepherded it every year, Michael Hoffman – gone too soon earlier this year, at age 47. You’ll recall that two local businesses – West Seattle Autoworks and Swedish Automotive (both WSB sponsors) – stepped up and asked if the community wanted the show to go on. Consensus was “yes”; they and a core group have been working on it ever since, including some changes, and the result of a beautiful day with big participation. Don’t miss the chance to help vote for the “People’s Choice” Award before 2 pm – come get a ballot at the booth next to our table alongside KeyBank.

11:44 AM: This is likely the biggest entry:

Not far east of there is one of the overflow zones – you haven’t seen everything until you’ve walked Alaska all the way between 42nd (where we took the photo) and 44th, and California between Genesee and Edmunds:

Along Alaska on the west end of the show, by 44th and the Farmers’ Market, the Zucchini Races are on (until 1 pm) and Pagliacci is tossing dough.

And while you’re on the north end of the show, pop over to 44th and Genesee for a fundraising lemonade stand:

Jen sent the photo – her kids are donating half their proceeds to the South Seattle College Co-op Preschools.

12:30 PM: Lots of families here:

Someone asked us if there’s a food court. Nope – lots of local restaurants to visit, both sit-down and take-out. We also hear the West Seattleites who run the Cookie Counter vegan-ice-cream-sandwiches truck are up by Greentree on California north of Oregon for the duration of the show – their vehicle, a classic VW bus, could be an entry even minus the treats! And of course, there are vendors at the Farmers’ Market – we’re told the empanadas are especially popular today. Meantime, a multimodal sighting:

1:30 PM: Half an hour to vote for the People’s Choice Awards. Meantime, we’re well aware the Seahawks game is on, so we’re posting updates at our table, just in case you’re here and without another quick way to keep updated (Twitter, etc.). And if you’ve seen a drone over the show, nope, not ours (we don’t even have one). Meantime, on the ground:

Meet the Hell’s Belles, who joined the West Seattle Car Show team as hosts this year.

2:07 PM: Just under an hour to get here and be able to see everything.

The judging is wrapping up, and the amazingly cool trophies (designed by Mindi Katzman, fabricated by Brian Walker) will be awarded at 3 pm.

If you’re here at the show, they’re on display on a table right behind ours (SW corner of California/Alaska). *Update*: People’s Choice Award voting has been extended to 2:30 – ballots are on the SW corner of California/Alaska.

2:58 PM: Right across from us – motorcycles next to the truck dubbed “The Kenworth.” Including a 1971 BSA:

Almost awards time!

3:23 PM: The awards have been announced – we have the list and photos and will be adding it when we’re back at HQ in a while.

8:38 PM & BEYOND: That process has been interrupted by a few things, but here we go. First – Best in Show, the Michael Hoffman Memorial Trophy, this 1955 Packard:

Best Import,” this Opel Kadett:

Best Antique,” this DeSoto:

Best Muscle Car,” this Hemi ‘Cuda:

Best Classic,” this Nova II:

People’s Choice winner – this Studebaker:

Best Motorcycle” was the BSA shown higher up in our coverage.

Best Modern/Future Classic,” this 2007 Shelby:

Still a few more to add, but we have to consult with our photographer again later in the morning, and we hope to get a few more infobits from the show team!