Alki Point sidewalk-project tour followup: Plans now posted online

As the Alki Point sidewalk-completion/traffic-calming project gets closer to the start of construction, we toured the project zone last Friday with SDOT managers and neighborhood reps (WSB report here). Today, the final plans that we saw on paper that day have just been posted on the project website – be forewarned, these are very detailed blueprint-style plans, but if you live in the area or have a close interest in the project, you might want to see them. (Here’s the link, 2 MB PDF.)

Another West Seattle soccer team goes for a state title

An update from Tim McMonigle at the West Seattle Soccer Club, who told us earlier this month about WSSC teams that made it to the quarterfinals of the state-level Commissioners’ Cup tournament:

Three of the teams have been eliminated in very close matches, with two of them (BU11 WS Jets and BU14 WS Deportivo Moctezuma) being narrowly beaten by the eventual state champion.

Our one remaining team (GU18 WS Ladyhawks, picture above) will be playing for the state championship this Sunday, Feb 22 at 1:45 pm at Starfire Sports Complex. Come on out and root these girls on, as this team will be done playing after this year. Several of them will be continuing on to play college soccer.

Here’s a map to Starfire, which is in Tukwila. By the way, the WSSC is still taking registration for spring soccer, through March 2; more info here.

Got $4 million? Buy a Junction-area apartment building

Latest apartment building on the market in West Seattle: 4840 California SW (map), a half-century-old 3-story, 28-unit building, listed for $4 million. (See the listing, with photo, here.)

Happening today/tonight: From 911 to WWII to taxes, and more

Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

911: When to call it, and when not to? Not as easy an answer as you might think. The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council has been pursuing concerns about citizen confusion and dispatcher response, and has the Seattle Police 911 boss as a special guest at tonight’s meeting. 7 pm, Southwest Precinct meeting room (map), and as always, you’ll also get the chance to learn about the latest West Seattle crime concerns and trends, as well as asking police any questions you have about what’s going on where you live.

WWII: The Rosie the Riveters of West Seattle are presenting a program about their lives during World War II at 2 pm today, cafe dining room at Providence Mount St. Vincent.

ANTIQUE SHOPPING: The folks at the Discovery Shop in The Junction (4535 California SW), which raises money for the American Cancer Society, are having their “yearly antique event,” open 10 am-4:30 pm daily except Sundays.

TAX HELP: Trained volunteers will be at the High Point Library branch, 5-7 pm tonight, to help you prepare a personal tax return. More info here.

Next Design Review meeting set for Conner’s Junction project

The city has set a “tentative” date for the Conner Homes Junction project’s next Southwest Design Review Board meeting – potentially the last one, if the board approves of the proposal: March 12, 6:30 pm, location TBA (added later: the site is now set – High Point Library). This is the two-building project, California/Alaska/42nd with an alley between the two; the image above is one of several we published from the most recent city Design Commission meeting related to the “alley vacation” proposal (because of the underground parking garage) that’s part of the plan. That commission has seen that street-level portion of the project twice since the last Design Review meeting on the entire project (WSB coverage here, from last May; official city report from the same meeting is here), and still has to review it again before SDOT can consider signing off on that component.

West Seattle sports: Deadline time for Pee Wee Baseball, too

February 17, 2009 12:36 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle people | WS & Sports

Earlier Monday, we mentioned the deadline to sign up for West Seattle Girls Softball; we’ve since heard from West Seattle Pee Wee Baseball president Eric Olson, saying their deadline’s fast approaching too:

Wednesday is the last chance to save money on registration with West Seattle Pee Wee Baseball. After Wednesday, registration for the Pinto and Mustang divisions closes when all the teams are full. We accept t-ball registrations for a few more weeks. West Seattle Pee Wee has been offering fun and competitive baseball for West Seattlites ages 5-10 years old for more than 50 years. We offer scholarships for those in need. All of our games are played at our own baseball complex located at the Lower Riverview
fields. You can register at

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Remember that helicopter?

helicopterwatch.pngLast Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, for the first time in a while, we covered one of those helicopter incidents – a law-enforcement chopper overhead a south West Seattle neighborhood for quite some time, leaving hundreds of people wondering “what’s going on?” Two hours after the first report, we finally got police information on what had happened – described at the time as a stolen-car case, with three arrests. Now we have the actual report from that incident, found in the latest stack of scanned reports we downloaded at the precinct tonight, so we wanted to share the details in case you’d been wondering:Read More

West Seattle snow aftermath: 1st wave of possible “baby boom”

(12/08 Alki photo by Cathy Woo)
Remember those long weeks of being barely able to get out of the house? Some speculated a baby boom might result … and in fact, two three FOUR *FIVE* people have announced their impending parenthood today this week in the WSB Forums. (Anyone else?)

“1st face-to-face interview” with Dow Constantine, candidate

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Instead of a once-planned family vacation on a sunny beach, King County Council Chair Dow Constantine is spending this partly sunny Seattle day — the first official day of his campaign for King County Executive — doing interviews, answering phone calls, e-mails, and text messages. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“This is fun,” he insists, as we part ways after a conversation at West 5 (WSB iPhone photo at left), in a space the native West Seattleite also remembers from spending many a day there in boyhood, when it was West Seattle Speedway, slot cars and all.

Read More

West Seattle YMCA pool update: Reopening tomorrow morning

February 16, 2009 3:31 pm
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 |   Triangle | West Seattle news

As promised, here’s a followup on last night’s announcement of an unplanned closure for the West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) pool – it WILL be back in business tomorrow, according to this note from Josh Sutton at the Y:

We have had the WS YMCA pool & hot area closed all day today for broken glass from a light fixture.

Thanks to Kevin Sy (our YMCA Maintenance Director) and a pool vendor with mobile heavy-duty equipment, we are on track to open the pool for our regular hours on Tuesday (5:30am), with all normal schedule & programs.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Last call to join West Seattle Girls Softball for 2009

February 16, 2009 2:38 pm
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Tomorrow’s the deadline to sign up for West Seattle Girls Softball, and league president Steve Peer wanted to put out the call one more time. This year, for the first time, you can sign up online – this link will take you there. Steve adds, “We want to let people know that scholarships are available. It’s really simple – if a girl wants to play in our league – she’s going to play regardless of her parents situation. This is a time when we as a West Seattle community pull together – and WSGS is no exception! If a girl doesn’t have the means to pay the registration fees please contact Steve Peer @ and we’ll take care of it. The WSGS board is ready to reach out to those in need – especially in these tough times.”

Traffic alert: Slow going, eastbound, on The Bridge

February 16, 2009 2:18 pm
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 |   West Seattle traffic alerts

A crash on the eastbound stretch of The Bridge has been slowing traffic heading out of West Seattle – thanks to everyone who has e-mailed us about this. (Refresh for the latest visual from the traffic cam above; more cams on the WSB Traffic page; looks like it’s finally clearing.)

Ferries’ future: “Plan C” proposal; advisory committees’ fate

February 16, 2009 12:12 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

As Washington State Ferries plots its future and ferry communities work to have a say, we have two updates: First, from the Kitsap Sun, a report on Saturday’s meeting of the “Citizens Write Plan C” group (a reference to Plans A and B in the WSF Draft Long-Range Plan); one of the main points they discussed, says the Sun, is shifting the two Evergreen State-class ferries that serve the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route, the Klahowya and Tillikum, to Port Townsend and building bigger boats for major runs rather than smaller new boats for PT. Meantime, two events are coming up this Wednesday: A ferry-communities rally in Olympia (details here); and a ferry update during the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s all-neighborhood meeting that night (details here). From FCA’s Gary Dawson, we also have an update on reaction to Governor Gregoire’s proposal to abolish the Ferry Advisory Committees, whose members are unpaid volunteers representing ferry communities, as part of her “government reform” plan. He was part of a discussion about it in a meeting of FAC chairs and ferry system head David Moseley late last week – read on for his comments:Read More

Remember the time capsule? There’s still … time!

nov1308snw.pngRemember last November 13th? The day people all over Seattle were invited to save a memento of the day and contribute it to a time capsule that the Southwest Seattle Historical Society is putting together? Turns out – there’s still time to get your contribution in, according to Andrea Mercado, who called us this weekend statue.jpgwith the reminder. (Jogged our memory too, since we had failed to print out the 11/13/08 WSB entries we intended to contribute!) So if you set something aside and just forgot to send it in – a photo from that day, art you created, a program or agenda from an event you sponsored or attended, or anything else signifying “how life was lived in Seattle 11/13/08” – e-mail digital contributions (photos etc.) to , or, for postal mail, find the SWSHS address here. The time capsule will be going into the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza when additional bricks are installed later this year, and they’d love to have more to put into it – just get it in by the end of this month. (Photo courtesy David Hutchinson)

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: One goes up, one goes down

February 16, 2009 6:07 am
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 |   Gas prices | Transportation | West Seattle news

gas-pump.jpgGas is what’s going up, while oil keeps going down; this week, all but one station in our West Seattle-wide survey is charging more, though oil is selling for less than a week earlier. General sense seems to be, that’s happening because refineries are producing less since people are using less. Whatever’s up, here are the prices, lowest to highest:Read More

Alert for iPhone/iPod Touch users: New WSB viewing option

By request, we’re trying out an iPhone version of WSB that should enable you to skim the site faster. So, if you have an iPhone (or iPod Touch) that version will load as the default, but you can switch to “normal” view with a link at the bottom – to go back to the “iPhone version,” you will again see a link at the bottom of the “regular” page. Let us know what you think!

Update: West Seattle’s Dow Constantine WILL run for Executive

(added 11:05 pm, Dow Constantine’s video announcement of his candidacy)
We reported here last Thursday that County Council Chair Dow Constantine had told the 34th District Democrats the night before, he would make a “quick decision” on whether to run for County Executive, now that Ron Sims is leaving for D.C. After the meeting, he told WSB that “quick” meant “within a week to 10 days.” Apparently even quicker – has just posted an item saying Constantine will announce tomorrow that he’s running. We have a message out to him seeking confirmation. ADDED 10:41 PM: Here’s the story. ADDED 10:50 PM: And we’ve just received direct confirmation from the candidate himself, “It’s true.” (15 minutes later, his campaign sent the video link we’ve added above. Quote near the 2-minute clip’s start: “We need to hit the reset button on county government.”)

Bulletin: Suspect jailed in connection with Fauntleroy Way killing

Early today, we spotted a listing on the King County Jail Register indicating that someone was booked last night for “investigation of homicide.” We checked this morning with Seattle Police to see if by chance it was related to one of the unsolved murders in West Seattle — and Detective Jeff Kappel from the media unit has just called us back with confirmation, so you’re hearing it here first: The 21-year-old man who’s in jail is being held in connection with the Friday night killing of a 71-year-old woman in the Sharon Lynn Apartments at Fauntleroy/Dawson (first reported here Saturday morning as a “suspicious death”). He says the suspect “is a family member, so it’s a domestic-violence homicide” and was arrested yesterday afternoon, about 8 hours before being booked into jail. That’s all the information available right now; the victim has not yet been publicly identified, and investigators have not yet described the manner in which she was killed. ADDED 9:27 PM: Police have now posted this on SPDBlotter (no additional details beyond what we’ve written).

YMCA West Seattle pool closed till Tuesday

Just in from Josh Sutton of the West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor):

We had a glass break over the corner of our pool deck (light fixture), and have closed the pool & Hot Area for a thorough cleaning. At this point, we plan to reopen on Tuesday morning (2/17), as we will take all of Monday to be sure we’ve gotten it safe again. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Look for further updates (here on WSB), our website (, or call us at 206-935-6000.

I am sorry to say that since it is President’s Day, the Southwest Community Center pool is also closed.

We’ll let you know tomorrow if they’re still on track to reopen Tuesday.

West Seattle’s “other” water boundary: Duwamish event ahead

February 15, 2009 4:31 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news


(August 2008 photo by John LaSpina)
We talk a lot about the two waterways bordering West Seattle to the north — Elliott Bay — and the west — the rest of “open” Puget Sound, but not so much about our eastern border, the Duwamish River. Yet all the while, it’s a working waterway, with industry, fishing, and … environmental cleanup, as well as future planning. So what’s ahead? Here’s your invitation, just out of the inbox, to find out in a few days:

You are invited to join the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition for the release of the Duwamish Valley Vision Map & Report!

Thursday, February 19, 4–6 p.m. at the Duwamish Tribe’s Longhouse and Cultural Center, 4705 West Marginal Way South.

The Duwamish Valley Vision Map has been a year in the making and is the result of community workshops, surveys and interviews in four languages with over 500 residents, workers, business owners, industry leaders, youth, elders, fishermen, housing and homeless advocates. The map and report describe the future vision of the Duwamish Valley’s environment, community amenities, transportation, and economic development.

Please join us for our Vision Release Open House ~
~ View the vision maps
~ Pick up a CD copy of the report
~ Enjoy light snacks with the project partners, and
~ Stay for the Duwamish Tribe’s screening of 2 films by Sandy and Yasu Osawa at 7 p.m.

r.s.v.p. to

Start-time changes for West Seattle schools?

From, authored by volunteer writers who thoroughly cover Seattle Public Schools issues:A presentation made to the School Board last week on school transportation included proposed changes to “bell times” for schools around the district. Middle and high schools would all start at 8 am, which means, in West Seattle, Madison and Denny Middle Schools, Pathfinder K-8, and West Seattle and Chief Sealth High Schools. Right now, per district webpages (linked to the schools’ names above), Sealth, Denny, and Madison start at 7:40 (added, see comment re: Madison/7:45), WSHS at 8:10, and it would be a dramatic change for Pathfinder K-8, which now starts at 9:10. Also per the presentation (see it here), elementary-only schools would start at 9:15, which is a bit later than most start now (particularly Roxhill, which has an 8:50 bell time). If this wins final approval, it would take effect this fall for 2009-2010, and then potentially be reviewed again before 2010-2011.

Reminder: What’s different (and not) tomorrow, Presidents Day

February 15, 2009 10:03 am
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 |   Holidays | Transportation | West Seattle parks | West Seattle schools

Just to be sure you’ve taken this all into account for Monday:

REDUCED METRO TRANSIT SERVICE: Same level of service most recently used on King Day; here’s the list of which routes aren’t operating Monday.

MOST GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND FACILITIES CLOSED: That includes libraries and community centers.

SCHOOLS CLOSED: And for Seattle Public Schools, students are off all week, for “mid-winter break.”

NO REGULAR MAIL DELIVERY: It’s a “postal holiday” for USPS.


TRASH, RECYCLING, YARD WASTE NORMAL: Here’s the city news release.


Happening today: Farmers’ Market, WSB Forum potluck, more

February 15, 2009 7:06 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle Farmers' Market | West Seattle online

All from the Sunday section of the WSB West Seattle Weekend Lineup:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, as always. The fresh sheet wasn’t published this week – but you’re bound to find a tasty surprise.

HEALTHY HEART DAY: There’s one more thing you can do in The Junction today to be kind to your heart (besides buying fresh produce at the Farmers’ Market) — Pharmaca (WSB sponsor) is celebrating Healthy Heart Day, 11 am-3 pm, with free cholesterol screenings, raffles, and more (details here; also, take along this WSB coupon to get $10 off a $50 purchase).

MORE DOG DONATIONS: The folks at Muttley Crew Cuts have some more bake-sale goodies today, raising money to help the North Sound puppy-mill rescue effort. (The Saturday sale raised more than $1,000, according to Muttley Crew co-owner Kelly; Bernadette from The Wash Dog also was raising money on Saturday, half the proceeds from self-serve dog washes, more than $700!)

WSB FORUM POTLUCK AND DONATION DRIVE: Furry Faces Foundation, which also is helping the puppy-mill rescue effort, is one of two nonprofits for which WSB Forum members are inviting donations during a potluck get-together today (the other is Seattle Education Access). Everybody’s welcome! 1-5 pm at Big Al Brewing in White Center; read more here.

MUSIC FESTIVAL TO HELP KIDS: This afternoon, 2:30 pm at Grace Church, it’s the concert and fundraiser (for Baphumelele, a South African children’s home) organized by Seattle Lutheran student Lauren Vanderpool as her senior project. Full details and a map await you here.