Reader report: Double trouble at 35th/Roxbury

From the WSB inbox:

My name is Cody, and I live on the corner of 35th and Roxbury. Monday morning my car was parked across from the Freedom Church on Roxbury and I had found that someone had flexed my window damaging it and broke in trashing my car and throwing everything out of my glovebox trying to find something. Living in Seattle I’ve learned to keep nothing of value in my car so the only thing they got was a broken iPhone charger :). This morning I walked out to my car parked on 35th and found that someone had side swiped me, taking out my back tail light, and mirror and leaving a nice big white scrape all along the driver’s side. This has not really been my week. I just wanted to let people know to park at your own risk on 35th and Roxbury.

Alert: Possible metal-theft casing?

Christopher just sent this – in light of this recent discussion, you might want to be on the lookout:

Just a few minutes ago I watched a man walk down my alley (just off
Oregon between 40th and 41st). He was white, thin, in his 20’s, about
5 foot 7, wearing blue jeans, a blue jacket and a baseball cap. He
drew my attention because he seemed to be acting
suspiciously…looking around at my neighbor’s doorways. When I saw
him pick-up and examine a copper garden ornament in a neighbor’s
garden I decided to go out there to see what was up. When he saw me
he put the item down and walked away. I called the SPD non-emergency
number and filed a report while I followed him on foot for a few
blocks until I lost him. He may or may not have driven away in a
small red Chevrolet that was parked at 39th and Oregon. Just wanted
to spread the word. From what I heard, 11 am seems to be prime
burglary time. I’m not sure if he was looking for metal in general or
if he was just opportunistic. Just thought I’d pass this along so
folks can be on the lookout.

Water Taxi bumps dock: Reader report plus Argosy update


If you go to Seacrest, you might see some yellow tape cordoning off the end of the fishing pier, after the Elliott Bay Water Taxi hit it this morning. Argosy Cruises, which operates the Water Taxi boat Sightseer, confirms a “minor incident” at Seacrest; we checked with Argosy after getting this first-person account from Sofia:

I was waiting on the lower dock to ride the 7:30 am water taxi to work this morning. As the Elliott Bay Taxi pulled in you could see a worried look on the boat’s captain. As she got closer she shouted Oh No and we could tell the boat was coming in too fast. I held on to the rail to brace myself as the taxi came in and hit the upper fishing dock and knocked out the South West Corner Piling (the one closest to the lower loading dock for the taxi). The post was knocked away from the dock and the whole dock shook, the boat then proceeded to go underneath the dock and then finally stopping. There was a small amount of damage to the boat, the overhang over the upstairs windows was bent slightly. The fisherman on the dock were shook up, then they proceeded to joke and pretend that their legs were cut off, but I am sure the ship’s captain was not finding it funny. I felt really bad for her, you can tell she was very scared during this. She then calmly and professionally loaded the boat, called someone (I am guessing argosy headquarters) and then had one of the boat’s mates tape up the corner of the dock so no one stands on that edge. I did not get a photo, but thought people might want to know what happened. It was quite a way to wake up on a groggy morning commute!

Argosy confirms it has staffers out at the dock but spokesperson Maureen Black stresses that the Water Taxi’s schedule IS NOT affected by this. We went out to the scene and indeed saw people in a small boat looking at the piling — here’s video:

Before you take off for the weekend: Labor Day info

August 28, 2008 9:22 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

In case you’re taking off for a long holiday weekend shortly, we wanted to mention some of this now: Seattle Public Utilities just sent a reminder that trash/recycling is on a normal schedule for Labor Day pickups next Monday, but many other services are NOT on a normal schedule: Ferry schedules differ depending on route (all listed here; Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth is on the holiday schedule); the Elliott Bay Water Taxi and its shuttle buses (Route 773) will be on a Saturday schedule and Metro buses will run a Sunday schedule (both per this Metro infopage); libraries and community centers are closed. We’ll add more as we get it; by the way, if you’re driving state highways, WSDOT has put up one of its cool “worst/best times to drive” pages based on past stats.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Missing motorcycle

Out of the WSB inbox, from Courtney:

We live across the street from Rocksport on SW Alaska and woke up this morning to a missing motorcycle. Sometime between bed last night (11pm) and leaving for work this morning (530am) our 2008 Suzuki GSX-R black on black has gone missing.

Just filed a police report, bike did have a wheel lock on the front wheel – so it had to be at least two people who took it. If anyone saw anything or knows anything it’d be great to know.

SRO again for Terry Brooks @ Westwood Village

August 28, 2008 3:22 am
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 |   West Seattle people | West Seattle video | Westwood | WS culture/arts

That’s what West Seattle-residing mega-best-selling author Terry Brooks told a standing-room-only audience last night at Westwood Village Barnes and Noble: While he’s on tour to promote the newly released third book in his “Genesis of Shannara” series, the book he just finished writing – yesterday! – is the first addition in a decade-plus to his “Magic Kingdom” books (catalogued on his website as “Landover”). Last night’s event marked the third consecutive year he brought his book tour to “his neighborhood store,” as B&N-WV community-relations manager Robin Ennis-Cantwell called it. Ahead, listen to Brooks talk about what else he sees ahead, and about a book his playwright sister has just published:Read More

Bulletin: Burien withdraws partial White Center annexation proposal

August 27, 2008 10:20 pm
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 |   White Center

whitecentericon.jpgOf interest to West Seattle, since it could ultimately play into whether our boundaries stretch further south: We just discovered this on the City of Burien website and posted it at White Center Now – a quick check shows it hasn’t been reported anywhere else yet – According to this city news release, Burien is withdrawing its North Highline annexation request (which included the southern portion of White Center) for now – pending a new round of talks with other interested parties, including the city of Seattle. We’ll continue updating details in this new post at White Center Now, as we get them.

Followup: Another West Seattle murder case closed

While doing research for our coverage of the plea bargain in the Cal-Mor Circle murder of Benny Reside (in-depth story here; today’s followup from court here), gavel.jpgwe discovered that one of the other two 2007 West Seattle murder cases was closed recently — and this one also ended with a plea bargain. 31-year-old Jabarie Phillips admitted he killed 35-year-old Dewayne West on March 14, 2007, outside the 37th/Findlay (map) home where West lived with a roommate. Phillips has pleaded guilty to manslaughter; he originally was charged with second-degree murder. Court documents do not indicate any clear motive, but they do note that West and Phillips had known each other since childhood. That’s about how far Phillips’ criminal record went – his first felony conviction was at age 14 1/2, for stealing a car and eluding police. The court documents we just found say that this month, he was sentenced to 159 months (13 years, 3 months), with credit for the 17 months he already had spent behind bars since the arrest. This leaves one 2007 West Seattle murder unresolved — the 59th/Admiral shooting from last October. The suspect is now 18; we stopped using his name when it was revealed he claims a history of sexual abuse by the man he is accused of shooting to death (as detailed in this WSB report from 10/29/07). He is charged with second-degree murder, and is still in jail, bail set at $200,000; his next hearing is slated for next week.

Dog poisonings update: Coco “normal,” investigation continues

poisoneddog.jpgFive days after we first told you about the poisoning of Coco the dog in her 47th/Genesee yard (map), owner Kate now reports Coco’s “back to normal.” She also has received an update on the case from Seattle Animal Shelter investigator Katherine Rich, regarding the reports of other area poisonings, and wanted to share what Rich e-mailed her, excerpted as follows:

I personally have taken 4 calls reporting poisonings in West Seattle. I know the dispatcher has also taken several calls. So far most of the reports pertain to fairly old cases (3-5 years old) and will be hard to follow up on. We are however questioning everyone that calls in and doing our best to follow up with what information is given. I am also waiting on some vet records in these older cases to see what the notes hold.

Kate says SAS is still interested in hearing from anyone else in West Seattle whose dog was poisoned – Rich’s number is 206.386.7387.

Design Review updates, including 1st meeting for Kenney expansion

August 27, 2008 4:23 pm
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 |   Development | The Kenney | West Seattle news


Nine days ago, we brought you the first in-depth report about the $150 million expansion in the works for The Kenney in Fauntleroy (including the demolition, and “replication,” of the cupola-adorned building shown above) – if you missed it, you can read our story here. We’re mentioning it because the first Southwest Design Review Board public meeting has just been set for the project, October 23rd. (The official city page has the wrong address for this, but the right project link; there are a few more notable new West Seattle dates on the page — we’d already mentioned 5020 California SW is coming up again on September 11th, but now the second meeting for the 35th/Graham High Point project has moved from that date to October 9th, while the October 23rd meeting featuring The Kenney’s plan is also scheduled to include 4106 Delridge, a 5-story mixed-use proposal.)

Eastbound lower Spokane St. closure date set: September 8th

We told you on Tuesday that the city’s project manager for the city’s Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project said the first major closure – the eastbound lower Spokane Street from 1st to 4th – was expected by mid-September; now, we’ve just gotten an update from the city, with a firm date: Monday, September 8th. So that’s the date most West Seattleites’ route to Costco will get a bit longer (among other things) because when you get off the SSV eastbound at 1st Avenue South, you will have to turn left to hit this detour route:


Full details on the SSV Widening Project can be found on the city website, and in this archive of WSB coverage. Meantime, here’s the full text of the city announcement:Read More

Followup: Killer’s plea in Benny Reside murder case

August 27, 2008 1:31 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news


(photo added 1:48 pm – Pam Leach talking with the media outside the courtroom after the plea hearing, 17-year-old son Joey at her side; husband Jeff also was in the courtroom)
Last night, we published the story (read it here) of Pam and Jeff Leach of West Seattle, as they faced the end of a 16-month road through the legal system that started with beny.jpgthe murder of Pam’s brother Benny Reside (right) at Cal-Mor Circle, and is ending in a King County Superior Court courtroom this afternoon. I am in that courtroom, where Brian S. Walsh has just pleaded – as expected – guilty to the reduced charge of second-degree murder, and the judge has accepted the plea. (Several citywide media representatives are here too, and the Leaches are in the courtroom as they said they would be.) He is to be sentenced in October. 1:49 PM UPDATE: The deal signed by Walsh notes that the prosecution requests a sentence at the high end, 220 months, while the defendant agrees to ask for no less than the midrange of 170 months. An assault charge stemming from the beating of a witness in the case has been dropped as part of the deal. (WRT the citywide coverage, by the way, you’ll see a TV report tonight on KIRO.) Will add more quotes in a bit; leaving the courthouse now. 4:40 PM UPDATE: Added more details from the courthouse:Read More

New High Point stoplights: The blinking begins


For anyone who said they wouldn’t believe it till they saw it – there you go – as of a little while ago, the light at High Point’s long-closed Lanham/Morgan intersection (by Commons Park and the new Bridge Park senior-living community) is in its “blinking” test phase, and by all accounts, that means the intersection will be open within a week or so. Not far away, minutes after we took the Lanham/Morgan photo, we also spotted SDOT getting ready to do the same thing with the upgraded light at 35th/Raymond:


West Seattle High School Foundation’s 1st-ever Breakfast Bash

That’s video of the West Seattle High School cheerleaders who welcomed guests to the first-ever Back-to-School Breakfast Bash this morning, presented by the WSHS Foundation. We also rolled a WSB vidcam on the West Seattle High School small ensemble, under the direction of WSHS music director Coach Rutherford (on bass), playing the Peter Gunn theme:

We had to duck out early, but dignitaries slated to appear at the event included WSHS alum and King County Councilmember Dow Constantine as well as Seattle Public Schools superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson. While various orientation and preparation activities have been under way for quite some time, the official first day of school for the district is one week from today (Wednesday 9/3).

Happening tonight: From (Terry) Brooks to Blayne, and beyond

August 27, 2008 8:38 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle people

Two events of note: Best-selling author Terry Brooks, who lives in West Seattle, is making his annual appearance at Barnes and Noble in Westwood Village tonight (here’s our preview; here’s our coverage of his appearances last year and the year before). 6:30 pm; he’s promoting the third book in his “Genesis of Shannara” series, “The Gypsy Morph.” Also tonight, it’s the weekly viewing party to root for Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) barista Blayne in “Project Runway”; you’re welcome at Ginomai (42nd/Genesee), doors open 8 pm, show’s on the big screen at 9. And one more note from the WSB Events calendar: Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle offers a free canning class, all ages welcome, at the Senior Center, 6:30 pm.

2nd annual Mars Hill Alki baptisms: Nothing like last year

Last night, for the second year in a row, Mars Hill Church members gathered at Alki for a celebration including water baptisms in ever-chilly Puget Sound. But this year’s event had none of the showiness and spectacle of last year’s “Hallelujahpalooza” (WSB coverage here) — not terribly surprising, considering the church made a point, in advance, of saying this was mainly for its West Seattle branch, not a citywide bash. Indeed, instead of MH network-wide leader Mark Driscoll, the Alki event was run this time around by WS pastor Adam Sinnett – more video ahead:Read More

West Seattle murder case: “My last fight for my brother”

Three people were murdered in West Seattle in 2007. Two of the three people arrested in those three cases are still awaiting trial — but if a hearing downtown tomorrow goes as expected, one will enter a plea rather than facing a jury. The suspect is 45-year-old Brian Sheridan Walsh; the victim was 44-year-old Harold Benjamin (“Benny”) Reside, a West Seattle native, developmentally disabled and using a wheelchair, viciously beaten to death in his Cal-Mor Circle apartment in April 2007. His sister and brother-in-law have been involved with the case against Benny’s alleged killer every step of the way since – and today, on the eve of the expected plea hearing, they sat down with WSB to tell their story:Read More

Two messages of thanks

First, from Sharon:

About a week and a half ago I lost my drivers license and credit card while walking with a friend on Thistle. I thought it was lost for good. On top of losing my things, I knew my old address was listed on my driver’s license so it was unlikely I would get it back.

A very kind neighbor took the time to figure out my new address and knocked on my door the next morning and returned it to me. He told me his wife had found it jogging. I just wanted to say thanks to this couple!! They were so honest and truly went out of their way to help another person. THANKS so much, NEIGHBOR! It is good neighbors like you who can truly make this a great community in which to live.

Next one’s from Gillian – but first, you should know the backstory on this one, because it played out on the WSB Pets page, which is mostly seen only by those who lose and find pets. Gillian’s dog was one of more than a few West Seattle pets that bolted during the big storm yesterday; we got several notes about sightings, this morning and this afternoon, and posted them to the Pets page, as well as calling Gillian at one point to make sure she got the word — now Mandy is home, and Gillian sent this home:

Thanks so much to everyone for all of their help and concern. Without the great tips from each one of you, we would have been looking miles off course. West Seattle Bloggers are the best!

You are, indeed.

Alki Car-Free Day: Here’s what Alki SW residents will get


Alki Avenue distribution of doorhangers about the September 7th Car-Free Day will start tomorrow, according to latest word from SDOT communications boss Rick Sheridan. He also just sent us a PDF of the actual doorhanger; see it here (the map above is from the doorhanger, which includes confirmation that the no-parking zone will be in effect in the Car-Free Day zone, California Way to 63rd SW, 10 am-6 pm that day).

Seattle Lutheran HS: Back to school – already!

August 26, 2008 6:44 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools


Bil Hood from Seattle Lutheran High School sends that photo with word that school started today: “191 students checked out their new lockers and met the new staff. The day was capped with an all-school BBQ. Regular classes begin tomorrow.” Most West Seattle schools don’t start till next week (Seattle Public Schools‘ first day is Wednesday 9/3).

The Bohemian: Expecting to open next week

That’s an eight-second peek inside The Bohemian (3405 California; map) from our visit a few days ago. At the time, proprietor Jason Todd Rice wasn’t ready to speculate on when they would finally be able to open — but we just called to check before posting this story, and he told us the health inspector’s given thumbs up, so they’re expecting to open their daytime cafe operations as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, with the nighttime/bar operations a week or so later, pending state signoff on that. Read on to see what else he told us about how things are shaping up:Read More

Tree alert: Dutch Elm Disease back in West Seattle, elsewhere

A tree alert just sent out by the city Transportation Department (SDOT) has some important info for West Seattle – read on to see the whole thing:Read More