Mid-afternoon photo break: Today’s spectacular sunrise


6 am today. Charley Biggs (thank you!) took the photo and shared it with you via us.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Last nonholiday summer weekend

August 22, 2008 1:59 pm
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Enjoy the outdoor activities while they last: Arts-in-Nature Festival, Duwamish River Festival, final concert at The Mount, final Movie on the Wall, a free beach-volleyball class, a block party, North Delridge’s next Adopt-a-Street cleanup (and picnic!), a graffiti paintout, the Great Cross-Sound Race (2007 WSB photo above), 48 events on the list ahead:Read More

Pet alert: West Seattle dog recovering from poison


That’s Coco the dog, wearing bandages where she needed IV treatment for medications and fluids after an apparent poisoning right in her own yard in the 47th/Genesee vicinity (here’s a map). We first heard from Coco’s owner Kate K very early this morning, and then a followup after they visited the vet – she’s also put up flyers to get the word out (we just got e-mail about one of them) – here’s her story:Read More

Nature Consortium melds art and nature, outside and inside



What you see in those photos are two displays (first one, “blackberry root ball”; second one, “red elderberry”) in the main hallway at Youngstown Arts Center — part of an ongoing exhibit by young artists, presented by the Nature Consortium at Youngstown through next month (drop by any time). We found out about it while chatting with NC executive director Nancy Whitlock in that hallway during our stop yesterday afternoon to preview the art being created for last night’s “Skiffle” event (waiting to hear some final numbers on that, by the way). She was on her way over to Camp Long as setup continued for this weekend’s biggest West Seattle event, the Arts-in-Nature Festival tomorrow and Sunday — you can see the schedule online here — they’ve added some new features this year, so even if you’ve been before, it’s a must-see.

Bag-fee battle: Sierra Club collecting “stories”

recyclebag.jpgWe’re checking to confirm this but West Seattle CoolMom.org leader Abby Suplizio tells WSB there’s word the grocery/chemical-industry-backed (references here and here) bag-tax referendum petition drive already has enough signatures to get it before voters next year, banbag.jpgless than two weeks after they started circulating petitions (here’s our report from the Thriftway sighting August 10th). We’ll update this item when we hear back from the organizers. The bag-fee battle was featured on National Public Radio yesterday (Suplizio gave us this link, where you can find the audio) — says the Sierra Club “is organizing a campaign about the petition gatherers misleading people all over Seattle” and asking people to send their stories to bradym@balestra.org – here’s what she sent about a West Seattle encounter (followed by some other info we found):Read More

Cajun conclusion tonight for The Mount’s summer concert series

August 22, 2008 6:43 am
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That’s Steve Rice and Big Squeezy, specializing in Cajun/Zydeco music a la New Orleans, and they’re playing tonight as Providence Mount St. Vincent (WSB sponsor) wraps up its monthlong series of free outdoor concerts. As you know if you’ve been to one or more of the concerts, they’ve drawn all-ages crowds (our reports, with photos/video: 8/1, 8/8, 8/15); the evening starts with food/beer/wine available for purchase starting at 5, then music at 6, all in the courtyard/parking area on the south side of The Mount. See you there!

Mars Hill baptisms at Alki, year 2: Church’s “FYI”

We told you last month that Mars Hill Church was planning water baptisms at Alki again this year. Tonight the church has posted an update on the event planned for next Tuesday night, including an FYI that “This event pertains to the West Seattle campus only and is not an all-campus event like last year.” The update also says the event will include “BBQ, epic beats via DJ Sandman, a brief message, testimonies.” (Here’s our coverage from last year.)

North Delridge gets “tot lot” grant for Cottage Grove Park

News tonight from the North Delridge Neighborhood Council e-mail list: The project to add play equipment for small children to Cottage Grove Park (map), creating a “tot lot,” has won a $15,000 matching-funds city grant, according to Betsy Hoffmeister. (This is the project we’ve told you about several times in the past few months, including this springtime request for input on three play-equipment options, and the architect search earlier this summer.) Organizers promise info soon on what happens next.

Full list of Seattle Police Department’s citizen honorees

August 21, 2008 10:30 pm
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We told you about the big event the other night, but never did get around to asking for an electronic copy of the full recipient list. The P-I has put one up tonight, along with capsule descriptions of everyone’s achievements, and it’s pretty cool to read; check it out here. (Also includes one West Seattle recipient we missed in our report: Carol Madaio, who found a lost child on a busy WS street.) The event’s organizer, Cathy Wenderoth (who is a West Seattleite too!), kindly sent our official photo too; it’s now on our About page.

Bulletin: Stolen West Seattle pugs found safe

pug30.jpgJust talked to Marsha, owner of the stolen pugs, and she confirmed what had been left as a comment on one of our earlier posts a short time ago: The dogs are safe. Here’s what happened: They got a call from the Kent Animal Shelter around 5:30 pm, thanks to the information on the pugs’ microchips. A woman apparently brought the dogs in this morning, said they had been in her yard and she was turning them in, and she left. They are in good health and appear to have pug31.jpgbeen kept indoors since they were stolen back on Monday. Marsha says THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who helped look for them and expressed hopes they would be found safe – she told WSB, “That’s one good thing that came out of this – seeing how caring and supportive everyone was.” She told us about bumping into a young woman who was out in the Fauntleroy Park ravine area this morning, looking for the dogs because she’d read about it here on WSB and wanted to help. (Apparently the pug spotted in the 35th/Barton area earlier today is someone else’s dog.) That’s the second happy ending today, hooray. We asked her to send us a photo of the dogs back safe at home (Pippin, above left, and Bandit at right), so we can share that with you, once she gets a chance.

“Skiffle” show and auction update: Creations in progress

August 21, 2008 4:33 pm
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We’ve mentioned the “Skiffle” show and auction tonight at Youngstown Arts Center, to raise money for All-Access afterschool programs, free to their young participants; the auction will include original works of art created during group sessions this afternoon, and we stopped by in the middle of the work to take a peek, emerging with photos including the ones you see above. Last reminder, doors open @ 6, show @ 7, suggested donation $25 at the door.

Another update on stolen pugs: Be on the lookout

This note came in from Marsha, owner of the stolen pugs:
pug30.jpg“Pippin [left] has been seen within the last few hours running. She is freaked out and will not come to anyone. She was seen at 35th & Barton (people at Tony’s Fruit Stand saw her), she’s been seen on Roxbury & 34th and also heading west on Barton. Dic is helping us search and he said she appears to be heading north. If she is west of 35th, she may be in more familiar territory since we walk that area a lot. I walked through the ravine (where we also walk) but didn’t see her. My husband, Barney, and I are out searching. Please call our cells if you spot her and can’t catch her. If you can get her, please do and call us. Barney’s cell is 206 730-0143. Marsha’s cell is 206 915-3308. Thanks for all your help on getting our pugs back.

Also tonight: Fireworks across the bay

smallerfireworks.jpgWe’ve had this on the WSB Events calendar ever since we spotted it on the USCG Local Notice for Mariners (a wonderful weekly bulletin to watch) — a fireworks show tonight for the conclusion of the Downtown Sailing Series races. We finally succeeded in getting details about the show, with a call to Olympia-based Entertainment Fireworks — they say the show will be from a barge offshore at Elliott Bay Marina in Magnolia, just west of the Port of Seattle’s piers. Time — probably 8:45-9 pm-ish. Rain or shine, says the fireworks company — their main pyrotechnics wizard, Ken Julian (with whom we worked while managing TV fireworks shows a few years back), is out assembling the show right now. So you’re likely to be able to see something from north-facing West Seattle spots.

Admiral meeting: Maybe play area, maybe “beautification”

Tension last night as the Admiral residents proposing a “play area” for the California Place mini-park faced vocal opponents who live nearby. Project organizers, meantime, stress that it’s extremely early in the process, while revealing a new possibility has emerged — “beautification” beyond the park. More on that, and last night’s meeting, just ahead:Read More

Tonight: “Skiffle” at Youngstown, “Nemo” by Hotwire

skifflereminder.jpgWhat a deal – awesome entertainment rolled up with the chance to help keep after-school arts programs FREE at Youngstown Arts Center. “Skiffle” is happening tonight, and we found a few more details on the big-name musicians who’ll be part of the show: the blog Bring the Noise quotes an e-mail from Pearl Jam‘s publicist as saying Bison, which is part of the “Skiffle” lineup, includes PJ’s lead guitarist Mike McCready, Dave Dederer from Presidents of the United States of America, Duff McKagan from Guns N’ Roses and Velvet Revolver, and members of the Dusty 45’s. More details in our previous mentions; tickets are available at the door for a suggested donation of $25, doors open 6 pm, show at 7. And don’t forget the auction that’s also part of the fun(draising) – original works to be created at Youngstown this afternoon by performers, youth program participants, and community members.

lilnemo.jpgAlso tonight – providing the weather clears (National Weather Service says the showers should stop) – it’s the rescheduled West Seattle Movies on the Wall presentation of “Finding Nemo” in the courtyard by Hotwire, with cooler-than-ever raffle prizes and free treats (get the full scoop on the raffle offerings, and more, here). If the weather still looks iffy later in the day, check back here because we’ll post up-to-the-minute info on whether the movie’s a go. 1:27 PM UPDATE: Lora at Hotwire says the movie’s still a go since the forecast continues to look promising. But we’ll have another update late in the day.

Anybody have room for a guest teacher?

Just e-mailed by Delridge District neighborhood coordinator Ron Angeles, this note from Chief Sealth High School:

Chief Sealth High School is seeking a family to host our Chinese guest teacher. Zhu Dan teaches Mandarin Chinese at Denny Middle School and Chief Sealth. She would need to have her own bedroom. The guest teacher is responsible for her own food. Zhu Dan has taught Mandarin at Denny and Sealth for a year and a half and she will need housing through the end of the 2008-2009 school year. She is a pleasure to host. If you are interested in hosting, please contact Principal John Boyd.

His number is (206) 252-8550.

Happy ending: Stolen bike found — in school bathroom

Just got a note from Dave at West Seattle High School confirming that the bike taken from a freshman during orientation earlier this week (original WSB report here) turned up in one of the bathrooms at the school (as mentioned in this comment last night). After getting Dave’s note, we checked with the family who originally reported the theft to WSB, and they told us that indeed, bike and owner are now reunited.

Stolen pugs update: Reward, possible sighting

pug30.jpg pug31.jpg

We have two updates from Greg, son of the Arbor Heights couple whose two pugs were taken by burglars (here’s the original report; here’s our update from yesterday, after police received information confirming they were stolen): First, he says a $1,000 reward is offered, “no questions asked”; second, he says, “Somebody thought they saw a wandering pug on Barton 1 block west of Delridge. If you are in the area, please keep an eye out. If you see a pug that looks lost, please take it to the vet. The two stolen pugs are microchipped.”

West Seattle barista on “Project Runway”: Blayne, Week 6

blaynecrop.jpgStill adhering to the “no spoilers on the home page” rule. Still going to the weekly “Project Runway” viewing parties at Ginomai, just around the corner from Blayne’s place-o-employment, Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor). So read on for a few lines on how Blayne did tonight and what his Hotwire boss Lora Lewis had to say about it:Read More

Reader reports: Metal thieves; door-to-door alert

First, from Karen:

Warning for the Westwood area – 18th Ave SW. A neighbor just stopped by to let me know that he saw two men going down the street in a pickup truck and taking anything metal they found. That included walking into our fenced front yard and taking the kitchen sink that was sitting out there while we put up new sheetrock. The police were notified but did not offer any hope of recovery.

And from further west, Amy sent in a door-to-door alert – might be perfectly innocent, always hard to tell, in which case comments might prove reassuring:Read More

Cafe Revo update: And now, the neon

Driving by the under-construction Cafe Revo (former Murphy’s) site on Avalon this evening, we noticed the new neon sign was lit — which indeed was supposed to happen this week, per an e-mail update sent to the Revo mailing list a few days ago, which also said:

We are waiting for our building permits to be finalized. In the meantime we have finished building all of our tables and the custom bar is halfway done. The exterior of the building is finished and the neon sign made for us at Western Neon, has been put up. … We plan to add some nice planter boxes in the front of the building soon as well. We currently are working with artist Glenn Case on some murals for the interior and our busy working with our vendors to get our equipment and front of house items chosen and ordered. Our cousins in Italy have e-mailed Sean more authentic recipes, including some recently from our close family friend in Cuneo, in the Piedmont region. Our hope is to be opened no later than early October, but once we have our permits in hand we will have a more clear opening date.

Cafe Revo proprietors Sean and Sofia Zadra Goff also have posted more in-progress photos (even their tables!) on one of their webpages (see it here); if you missed it earlier this summer, we talked with them for an in-depth preview back in June (read it here).

Alki alert: Shoremont sign says police to train there tomorrow


The first tip came from a post in the Alki Beach Community Yahoo! group, after someone spotted that sign on the front doors at the vacant (demolition permit still pending) Shoremont at 57th and Alki. And behind the building, police tape is up:


We’ve been trying since last night to find out exactly what kind of training you’re likely to see there tomorrow; it’s not being coordinated from the Southwest Precinct, as our contacts there didn’t know, but were trying to find out. So for now, in case you are in the area tomorrow and happen to see a heavy police presence, we thought we’d at least pass on the news about the posted signs. (The Fire Department uses vacant buildings too, as this webpage reminds us.) 7 PM UPDATE: Just heard back from the precinct – it’s tactical training: “Washington State Tactical Officers Association is conducting training at this site tomorrow. The training is being sponsored by SPD SWAT.”