Backing the bag fee: CoolMoms @ Thriftway today

In the same spot where we first saw a signature-gatherer with anti-bag-fee petitions eight days ago, by the southwest door at Thriftway, co-founder Kristy Royce of West Seattle (with some help!) showed support for it this afternoon by giving out free reusable shopping bags. A group of north-end CoolMoms had something similar planned at a store in their area.

Road relief on the way near South Seattle Community College


Just picked up this tidbit at City Hall downtown after Pigeon Point residents’ train-noise meeting with Councilmember Tom Rasmussen and reps from SDOT and the Port of Seattle — the report on that is coming up in a bit, but first, on an unrelated note, chatted for a moment afterward with SDOT’s Charlie Bookman, who said that relief is getting close for two miserable blocks of 16th SW around South Seattle Community College (near SW Brandon) – he says the street in that area literally has to be reconstructed, and the work should start within two months.

Teenage murder suspect arrested in West Seattle

Multiple reports in citywide media (including this one) say the 16-year-old suspected of killing a man at a Federal Way school last Thursday was arrested today in West Seattle. Per the Times, the arrest happened at 12th SW/Myrtle (map).

Update: Memorial service this week for Nels Ekroth

August 18, 2008 4:12 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle people

ekroth-nels-sh.jpgWe told you last month about the passing of longtime West Seattle activist Nels Ekroth; today, we’ve gotten word from Jackie Dupras that Mr. Ekroth’s memorial is happening this week, 2 pm Thursday, at Alki Congregational Church (6115 SW Hinds) — you’re invited to bring photos and stories.

Fellow info junkies, rejoice: EveryBlock hits Seattle

We knew this was coming but didn’t know it was here till a tip from Rasmus: EveryBlock has launched its Seattle site. The stuff you’ll find aggregated there includes some of the government databases we read to look for interesting tidbits to share with you, but if you want to see it all in raw form, in one place you can access by zip code or street address — this is it. Not perfect because it’s tech-based rather than human-based, so if one of our articles, for example, doesn’t have an exact street address but affects you anyway, it might not come up – for example, what you’ll find right now on the Alki page doesn’t seem to include any of our articles within the past 24 hours – but if you want to watch, say, the boiler permits in your ‘hood, which are issued by address, perfect. It’s indexing recent 911 calls too (the stuff you otherwise find “live” here).

West Seattle Weather Watch: Here comes … fall

Even as the clouds lift a bit, there’s word that today’s just a warmup, er, cooldown for what’s to come: An “unseasonable” storm “more typical of autumn” is on the way late tomorrow, says the National Weather Service.

$150 million project @ The Kenney: “Reinventing ourselves”


That cupola at The Kenney, the century-old senior-care complex in Fauntleroy, is a West Seattle landmark. As part of the major redevelopment project that The Kenney is planning, the building it’s part of will be demolished – but hold on, the cupola’s not going away. WSB obtained extensive details of the proposed project, just as The Kenney starts applying for city permits (its project page is now online here) and rolling out the plan to residents, neighbors, and community groups. Read on to find out about the big changes in the works:Read More

Traffic alert: Southbound I-5 trouble just south of The Bridge

August 18, 2008 10:17 am
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 |   West Seattle traffic alerts

Just in from WSDOT: “A roll-over collision is blocking the three left lanes of southbound I-5, just south of Spokane Street in Seattle. Fire and aid are on scene. WSDOT Incident Response is en-route.” Here’s the camera (what it shows, depends on where its operators focus it):

11:05 AM UPDATE: WSDOT says the crash has cleared but traffic is backed up a few miles into downtown.

Happening now: Port Commission/City Council meeting

August 18, 2008 9:58 am
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 |   West Seattle politics

For the first time in four years, the Seattle Port Commission and Seattle City Council are sitting down together – it’s happening right now and you can watch live via the Seattle Channel (online, or cable channel 21). We’ve been told City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen plans to bring up the proposal he backs to keep the “low bridge” from routinely opening during rush hours — since Port of Seattle management is on record as opposing it.

Happening today/tonight: Bag-fee support; train-noise concern

August 18, 2008 8:55 am
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 |   Bag fee battle | Environment | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

Reminders about two events we’ve previewed here in recent days, both happening today/tonight: Supporters of the city’s upcoming disposable-bag fee plan to show their support for it by gathering at Thriftway in Morgan Junction between 3-5 pm (read previous coverage here); West Seattle residents concerned about train noise from Harbor Island and vicinity will meet with city and port officials at City Hall downtown, 5:30 pm (previous coverage here). Organizers of both events told us anyone interested in those issues is welcome to join in.

Having a ball: Alki beach-volleyball tournament results


(photo by Brian Todd, Aus der Traum Photography)
Ah, beach-volleyball weather, suddenly seems like a distant memory with thunder rumbling in the distance again tonight … WSB was the “media partner” for Saturday’s EVP Beach Volleyball Pro Tour stop at Alki, and tonight we have the final word on not only the winners, but also how/when you can see it on TV – that plus more pix ahead:Read More

West Seattle-White Center area grocery survey results

Published this on White Center Now this morning, but wanted to share it with you too: Results of the latest area grocery survey by volunteers working with the King County Food and Fitness Initiative, which is focusing on areas including South Delridge/White Center, though this survey included a few West Seattle supermarkets too. Read about it here.

The best event that WASN’T on the West Seattle Weekend Lineup

We apologize profusely for not having seen the announcement of a West Seattle “Thriller” practice tonight till moments ago, a few hours too late (Google Blog Search runs a bit slow sometimes). But if you want to be a “Thriller” too, looks like you’ll have more regional chances to join in. Not sure the end result can top our favorite recent version, as seen below in one of sixty skabillion clips available online:

Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza construction, 3 weeks to go



More new photos from David Hutchinson with the Seattle (Alki) Statue of Liberty Plaza Project, as construction of the plaza enters its final weeks leading up to the September 6th dedication.

The pace has been picking up this past week … The bronze bench and landscape plaques arrived at the beginning of the week and the final pouring of cement took place. Three of the fifteen bench plaques were embedded in the newly poured apron around the front of the seat walls. Work also began on the first three wooden bench tops. The middle of the week saw continued work on the bench tops, work began on the new irrigation system, and holes were bored in the concrete for the step railing supports. The end of the week highlight was the arrival and installation of benches 13, 14, and 15 which were fabricated offsite as a single unit.

This coming week should see continued work on the benches and the arrival of the inscribed pavers which are scheduled to be installed over the next couple of weeks. At this time the new pedestal which is being cast offsite is scheduled to be put in place around the beginning of September with the Statue to be in installed in time for the September 6th dedication ceremony.

Here’s how the site looked Saturday:


You can catch up on this entire project and what led up to it over the past year-plus, in our Alki Statue of Liberty archive.

One year later, West Seattle construction arson still unsolved

August 17, 2008 6:30 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle fires | West Seattle news


(8/17/2007 photo by Garrett Burke)
That was the scene at 4132 California SW, on the northernmost edge of The Junction, as a huge fire burned in the early-morning hours of August 17, 2007, exactly one year ago today. The next day, investigators announced the fire had been ruled arson. In the ensuing months, we have received occasional e-mail questions wondering if the case was ever solved; a few days ago, we checked back with Seattle Police to see if any progress had been made in the investigation; Officer Jeff Kappel in the Media Unit told WSB by phone that they cannot comment on specifics, except to say it is an “open investigation.” The arson burned an under-construction live/work-unit building, but Knoll Development did not let the fire stop its plans — shortly afterward, as we showed you in this report last December, rebuilding resumed, and today the building is almost done:


We took that photo today. Meantime, if you have any information that might help investigators close this case, you can call Seattle Police (non-emergency line is 206/625-5011) or the national Arson Hotline, 800-55-ARSON.

Video, more photos: Picnic at the (Southwest) Precinct

We showed you a couple photos while Picnic at the Precinct was in full swing Saturday afternoon – but that was just in-progress coverage, for anyone checking here who hadn’t been yet. Today, the full report.


First – you see his name here all the time – but we don’t recall having shown you a photo before – that’s Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen at right, with Segway-riding traffic-enforcement officer L. James, who explained the two-wheelers are not just used because they’re cool:

Her face-painting, by the way (which was offered free to picnicgoers), said ‘Beep-Beep.’ Of course.

The event really was all about people – and your chance to meet the ones who work hard to keep you safe – better to meet them, oh, say, handing out free ice cream, than showing up in your neighborhood chasing baddies:


That’s Officer Brian Ballew from the Community Police Team. It was a perfect day for ice cream, but the nearby hot dogs tasted pretty good too (or so the Junior Member of the Team tells us). More pictures, including the Arson Bomb Squad robot unit, ahead:Read More

Happening now: 3Day fundraiser, pet adopt-a-thon, plus …


You can’t miss that big white tent, with balloons and bright-pink signs, set up right now outside West 5 in The Junction. Till 6 pm, West Seattleite Tracy Dart – 33 years old and fighting breast cancer – is there raising money (goal: $1200) with her teammates in the upcoming Breast Cancer 3Day (September 12-14), which she’d registered for, even before her diagnosis. Check out Tracy’s custom T-shirt:


The slogan refers to breast self-exams, which is how Tracy caught her problem in time to be diagnosed in Stage 1. In addition to taking donations (from southbound drive-by traffic behind their tent too!), they’re having a small silent auction in nearby Coffee to a Tea with Sugar tonight, 7-9 pm. We got a quick video interview with Tracy about how her fight’s going and the fact this isn’t the first 3Day for her and her crew:

Now, on to Morgan Junction:


The bright yellow Seattle Humane Society Maxmobile is in the West Seattle Thriftway parking lot till 3 pm, your chance to adopt a new pet. (Remember, everybody loves puppies and kittens, but the adult pets are tougher to adopt, yet can offer a whole lot of love … we have two cats adopted as adults from shelters.) One more sighting, back in The Junction:


Lisa Corbin with the West Seattle-based Nature Consortium is tabling at the Farmers’ Market (continuing till 2 pm today) to remind everyone about the Arts in Nature Festival that NC is presenting at Camp Long next weekend. We’ll take a closer look in the days to come; you can get a sneak peek right now online — the full schedule is posted here.

Update: Early-morning lightning photo – and more thunder


Thanks to Kyle for sending that photo (from 37th/Barton), after grabbing the camera when the early-morning lightning (originally mentioned here) made sleep difficult. Meantime, we just heard more thunder; t-storms are in the forecast all the way through tomorrow.

West Seattle Farmers’ Market today: Sweet stuff

honeyphoto.jpgSunday morning means of course we link you to the “ripe ‘n’ ready” list of what you will likely find at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market; remember it’s the citywide list, so some items are labeled as available only at other markets. But you never know when you’ll find a surprise, as did WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli last week (see comments here) – black locust honey. After reading his comment, we rushed out and got some too (our jar, shown at left); here’s where it’s from. Let us know if you find surprises; 10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Yes, that’s thunder

We heard the rumbling through our west-facing windows, but weren’t entirely sure about its source till we doublechecked the forecast; then we got a note from Scott with a screengrab of current radar, and it’s definitely thunderstorm action moving in from the south. If it gets to the lightning stage, photos always welcome;!

Video: High Point Neighborhood Center groundbreaking


That’s the $13 million High Point Neighborhood Center that should be up and running by fall of next year; an unconventional “groundbreaking” ceremony and community celebration on Saturday moved the project to its next stage, even as fundraising continues (leaders from the parent agency, Neighborhood House, revealed that $10.6 million of that money already is in hand). One speaker had a slip of the tongue and almost called the event a “groundbaking,” appropriate enough given the sizzling midday heat at the Commons Park Amphitheater, where ceremony attendees were summoned with the rhythms of African group Naby Camara:

(video no longer available because of shutdown)

The actual groundbreaking itself didn’t involve the traditional dignitaries with shovels; instead, it involved stones, handed out to attendees beforehand, with pens, for them to inscribe the stones with their hope/dream for Neighborhood Center. See how that worked – and hear short highlights from many of the speakers — just ahead:Read More

Bag-fee battle: Supporters launch their counter-offensive

banbag.jpgOne week after WSB broke the news of signature-gathering for a city referendum to cancel the disposable-bag fee (see last Sunday’s report here), we have word of a counter-offensive: The sustainability-oriented moms’ group coolmomgrab.jpgis planning pro-bag-fee demonstrations citywide, including one at West Seattle Thriftway in Morgan Junction – same place where we found that paid signature-gatherer with referendum petitions last weekend – on Monday, 3-5 pm. West Seattle CoolMom leader Abby Suplizio says anyone who backs the bag fee is welcome to participate; CoolMom is being joined in the citywide pro-bag-fee effort by groups including BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag), Foam Free Seattle, People for Puget Sound, Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, Washington Toxics Coalition, Earth Ministry, Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle Rainforest Action Group, Sustainable West Seattle, WASHPIRG, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, and King County Conservation Voters. CoolMom also is suggesting its members show support by talking to management at independent grocers (whose advocacy group Washington Food Industry is partly behind the anti-bag-fee drive) such as Thriftway and Metropolitan Market, to reiterate support for the fee and the emphasis on using reusable bags. Meantime, WSB’er Diane Vincent noticed new disclosure text at the bottom of the anti-bag-fee website (which we mentioned here and here): It now says:

Paid for by the Coalition to Stop the Seattle Bag Tax.
Coalition Members:
Washington Food Industry
7-Eleven Inc.
Progressive Bag Affiliates of the American Chemistry Council

Do 7-Eleven customers really use that many bags?