Bulletin: East-west pool “divide” update – Delridge to open Sundays


Three weeks ago, we told you about Delridge residents’ concern that none of eastern West Seattle’s city-run wading pools are open on Sundays, including the one in their neighborhood (shown above on a sunny Sunday earlier this month); read the original WSB article here. They had talked with the city, and we followed up with the Parks Department as well, but it seemed no reconsideration would be in order until the schedule for next year was drawn up, and the concerned wading-pool users were in the process of planning their next steps. Now – we have just received word of a breakthrough. Parks Board commissioner and Alki resident Jackie Ramels just told WSB moments ago that the city is about to announce that the Delridge wading pool WILL open on Sundays after all, for the rest of this season, five more Sundays starting this week. Delridge Neighborhood Services Coordinator Ron Angeles had also been working on this issue; a note to him from parks deputy superintendent Christopher Williams says in part, “Next year we will re-examine the wading pool operating schedule across the system in order to plan for the best overall distribution and access to wading pools in our system.” (Our original report included a map of which wading pools around the city were open on Sundays and which were not; in West Seattle, Lincoln Park and Hiawatha had been the only ones open on Sundays.)

Two more ways recycling is going beyond the bin out back


First: The demolition work at the ex-Hancock/Schuck’s/future Fauntleroy Place site at Alaska/39th/Fauntleroy is in its second week, and as we’ve mentioned, it’s proceeded more slowly than many such jobs because so much of the old building is being recycled. This morning, en route back to WSB HQ from the Alki Car-Free Day announcement (report #1 here; report #2 in the works), we caught that photo of a grinder helping take care of the biggest pile, the wood debris. Second: We have word from Amy Lee Derenthal at The Kenney that: “We’re the first retirement community to join the Seattle Climate Partnership — the city’s arm to help employers reduce pollution that harms the planet.” She sends this photo:


That’s The Kenney’s facilities director Daniel Casey with Eva Nieto from the Dining Services staff. Food-waste recycling is part of what The Kenney is doing as part of its “greening,” along with using paper towels made from recycled fiber, switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs, and implementing energy-conservation measures such as turning off computer equipment at night. Casey is using a special database to track The Kenney’s “carbon footprint”; he also says the facility is looking at possibly installing solar-power features on the roofs of new buildings in the redevelopment project that’s coming up within the next few years (potentially doubling residential capacity, which is now at 180).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Garage break-in

July 30, 2008 11:44 am
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Quick reader report from Justin:

I had wheels and tires stolen from my garage last night near 42nd and Brandon. It has been reported to the police.

Traffic alert: Northbound Alaskan Way Viaduct closed reopens

Thanks to Deborra for sending word. It’s also in the Traffic.com alerts you can find from the WSB Traffic page anytime – “Highway 99 – Past W. Seattle Brg – accident blocking all lanes – involving a hazmat situation; also blocking the on ramp from Spokane St.” 10:29 AM UPDATE: Note from this city traffic camera that the ramp off The Bridge is closed and things are already pretty jammed heading eastbound on The Bridge – see the “live” image (refresh the page for the latest) above. 10:39 AM UPDATE: Radio reports say the accident involves a gravel truck. We’re also checking to see if the “viaduct closed when flashing” lights are working, just out of curiosity. 10:45 AM UPDATE: The southernmost one on 35th is. 11 AM UPDATE: The “live” picture above shows that the ramp to The Viaduct just reopened, so all this should clear up in a while.

Report #1: Alki Car-Free Day confirmed for noon-6 Sept. 7th


What we reported here last Friday night is now officially confirmed: Alki’s “Car-Free Day” is set for noon-6 pm Sunday, September 7th. According to the official information handed out at the announcement event that just concluded at Alki/Bonair with Mayor Nickels and SDOT director Grace Crunican (pictured above) — both West Seattleites — plus City Councilmember Jan Drago and others, the closure will be from Harbor Ave/California Way SW to Alki Ave/63rd. Here’s a map (the hikers mark the western and eastern ends of the closure):

View Larger Map

Here’s video of the mayor explaining how he got into the spirit of the announcement while on the way there:

As we also had reported, the “Car-Free Day” won’t be entirely vehicle-free — there will be a lane for the Water Taxi shuttle and for residents who can’t get to Alki homes any other way; that’ll be the curb lane. Many more details and video to come in report #2; the mayor was joined at the announcement by West Seattleites including Christy Pudduck and Sarah Steere, the entrepreneurs who run Coastal on Alki — you’ll hear from them in report #2, along with Abby Suplizio, who leads the West Seattle chapter of CoolMom, the group that got first word of the impending announcement. Car-Free Days also were announced for Capitol Hill and Rainier Valley areas; read ahead for the official city news release:Read More

Today/tonight: Alki to Delridge to The Junction, and beyond

Starting with “beyond” — offshore, in this case:

ELLIOTT BAY: The Seafair fleet is expected to arrive in the bay around 1 pm, parading past Pier 66, docking at Pier 90, so there should be West Seattle viewing opportunities. More info here on Thursday-Sunday touring opportunities. According to the Coast Guard Local Notice for Mariners, the vessels expected include USS Princeton, USS Germantown, USCGC Steadfast, and three Canadian ships – HMCS Yellowknife, HMCS Saskatoon, and HMCS Raven.

ALKI: As previously mentioned, we’ll be there this morning for the mayor’s announcement of upcoming Car-Free Days, including one for Alki (you heard it here first last Friday; 9/7 is the expected day). We’ll send out first word of the official announcement as it happens via Twitter (check the aqua box halfway down the sidebar on all WSB pages).

DELRIDGE: First community meeting for the skatepark (which as reported here will be designed by a West Seattle firm), Delridge Community Center, 7:30 pm.

JUNCTION: Ginomai (SW corner of 42nd/Genesee) is the scene of the next “Project Runway” party to cheer for Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) barista Blayne, doors open 8 pm, show on the big-screen TV at 9, bring a nonalcoholic beverage and small dessert to share.

Dozens more West Seattle events, from today on into 2009, all listed here.

West Seattle author Terry Brooks sets annual hometown reading

July 30, 2008 3:04 am
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terrybrooksbnwv.jpgFor the third straight August, best-selling sci-fi/fantasy author Terry Brooks, who has a home in West Seattle, will mark the release of a new book with a reading/Q&A/book-signing event at the Westwood Village Barnes and Noble. (Read our August 2006 report here; our August 2007 report here – the photo at left is from that appearance.) According to Brooks’ website, terrybrooks.net, it’s at 6:30 pm on August 27th, one of two Seattle appearances he has planned in conjunction with the release of the next book in his “Genesis of Shannara” series, “The Gypsy Morph.” ASIDE TO BOOK FANS – ANOTHER B&N EVENT COMING UP THIS WEEK: We originally got into book-info-finding mode tonight after getting a note from the Westwood Village B&N about a book-release party this Friday night for a different author, different series (with a related discount offer for WSB’ers) – read on:Read More

Longtime West Seattle activist Nels Ekroth is gone

July 29, 2008 9:55 pm
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ekroth-nels-sh.jpgThis just in from Bill Schrier with the 34th District Democrats. He’s put up more info about Mr. Ekroth at 34dems.org – excerpt:

Nels and his wife, Fair Taylor Ekroth (1910-1990), were civil rights activists and supported various labor movements, political rallies, and protests during the 1940s and 1950s. Fair Taylor Ekroth was an officer of the Progressive Party in 1948 and the two met in Seattle in 1949, when both were working for the Progressive Party. Nels was investigated by the Committee for Un-American Activities and lost his job on Seattle’s waterfront as a result.

The 34th DDs are working on a special tribute page. Mr. Ekroth would have turned 90 in eight days. (Photo courtesy 34dems.org)

Have you seen this bracelet? A mom’s memento, missing

July 29, 2008 9:06 pm
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The photos came with this e-mail from Libbe:

I just had a rehearsal dinner for my wedding this past Friday at Lincoln Park right on the water (closest to the Vashon ferry, shelter #3) .

A close family member of mine believes she has lost the most precious objects she owns there. It’s a gold Medic Alert bracelet. Her son passed away in 2001, and she had his bracelet saved and remade for her. She has worn it for the past 7 years day and night. She’s convinced that it has fallen off at the park during this dinner. We have looked in the area and have been unsuccessful. It’s a very unique piece and had some custom engraving on it (In memory of you, Josh 10-19-79 to 5-31-01). I’ve attached pictures that approximates what it looks like. We plan on going to local pawn shops to inquire about it as well. Just thought it may be worth it to check with any WSB readers.

If you have any idea where it is, please e-mail or call us (all the options are on our Contact page) and we will put you in touch with Libbe and her relative. We usually invite people with lost/found items to post in the WSB Forum (except for pets, for whom we have a separate page) but this one’s a special case; hope someone in WSB-land can help.

Follow-up: Fate of dog that bit child at West Seattle school

When we talked with the Seattle Animal Shelter last week about the iguana rescued in High Point (it’s gone to a foster home), we asked about one other recent case – the pit-bull dog that bit a girl at Lafayette Elementary on the last day of the school year (original WSB report here). They didn’t have the info handy then, but promised to find it, and indeed, we just got a call from Don Baxter from SAS: He says the dog was “put down” after the 10-day quarantine period at the shelter — because its owner was never found, and they can’t run the risk of adopting out a dog that’s already bitten someone. “Plus, it showed additional aggressive tendencies while it was here,” Baxter added.

From the WSB Forums: Movies filmed in West Seattle

Even if you don’t frequent the WSB Forums, this thread’s kind of fun (thanks to PSPS for starting it): Movies shot, all or part, in West Seattle. Everyone knows about the “Sleepless in Seattle” Alki scene (and the hilarious implication it’s around the corner from Lake Union), it seems, but otherwise, we’ve seen some surprises so far! (P.S. The city “Film and Music Office” posts a weekly newsletter.)

Quick update on “new neighbors=former prisoners?” story

July 29, 2008 4:43 pm
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Re: last night’s WSB story about a local home that might be used for the Re-entry Housing Pilot Project: For those who have asked, the neighborhood is keeping its Thursday meeting as a block-level meeting, so they are not publicizing the time/place; WSB will be there to cover it and report back on what’s next. Meantime, speaking of coverage, one of the neighbors tells us KIRO TV picked up the story from WSB and is working on its own version to air tonight.

West Seattle jail-sites fight: WS meeting info now online

July 29, 2008 3:16 pm
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Follow-up to last Saturday’s city-organized public forum (WSB coverage here) about the two southeast West Seattle sites under consideration for a possible new misdemeanor-offender jail: The city just sent word it’s updated the jail-project website with feedback from that event (see it here). The city’s series of four public forums on the four proposed locations winds up tomorrow night at Seattle Center; that event is expected to focus mostly on the Interbay location, but city reps reiterated Saturday that participants are welcome to discuss any and all of the sites. The next government-organized public meeting after this will likely not be till fall, once an environmental assessment is out for these sites and any non-Seattle sites that the city’s new jail-project partners propose.

Update: “Car-Free Day” announcement set for Alki tomorrow

summeroff.jpgWe reported here late Friday night that Mayor Nickels was expected to announce this week that Alki will indeed have a “Car-Free Day” before summer’s out (a source told us it’ll be September 7th). And now it’s confirmed that the mayor is making an announcement at Alki tomorrow morning, though it’s described only as an event where he “will announce the dates and the streets chosen for the city’s Car-Free Days. As part of the city’s ‘Give Your Car the Summer Off’ campaign to combat global warming, selected roadways will be open to only pedestrians and bicyclists on designated summer Sundays.” We’ll be there to bring you the official word as soon as it’s announced.

Spokane Viaduct update: First “lower roadway” closures imminent


Thanks to everyone who has forwarded us an e-mail that is circulating today, and/or has asked about some new signage that has gone up, regarding the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project and work in that area beneath/alongside the east end of the West Seattle Bridge. We wrote an extensive in-depth preview about it and published it here in May, with graphics, detour information, and more. You can see that story here. We also have just checked with the city regarding what’s about to happen in the area – which is actually utility work, not the widening project itself, which starts in fall, but the utility work WILL trigger the first closure to dramatically affect West Seattleites heading for destinations such as Costco. We will add the details on the utility work here shortly, but since that e-mail is apparently going around fast, wanted to start by posting the link to our original preview. More shortly. ADDED 1:45 PM: Here’s the information on what’s about to happen in that area:Read More

Corner Inn auction: Memories up for bid

July 29, 2008 12:10 pm
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Your editor here has driven past the Corner Inn (California/Fauntleroy) thousands of times, yet never been inside till this morning’s auction, almost two months after its sudden shutdown. Above, you see just one video clip of many we captured during the auction’s first 45 minutes – even without any personal memories in the place, we found ourselves oddly teary at the sadness of the scene – the icicle lights and Mylar stars still dangling from the ceiling, right next to the elevated portable podium where the namesake of James G. Murphy Auctioneers cheerily (as our video shows) plowed through the list of items, from a colander, to photos from the wall, up to the piano and organ – those by the way went for a shockingly low price; that clip ahead (and we’ll be adding more as we go through our video):Read More

Reader report: Alki-area cell-calling woes

“D” wanted to pass along an alert to fellow T-Mobile cell users – she says her phone’s not working in the Alki area, except for text messages (they live near 62nd/Alki). She says the customer-service department reported “network problems in (the) area” are being worked on.

Update on West Seattle’s OTHER ex-Schuck’s site


As demolition proceeds on the 39th/Alaska/Fauntleroy ex-Schuck’s (etc.), the project on the site of the ex-Schuck’s that was knocked down seven months ago at California/Charlestown (WSB coverage, with video, here) is close to completion. It’s been six weeks since our last update, so we just checked back this morning with the leasing agent for Charlestown Center, Joe Beynon, who says he can reveal two of the businesses that are going in — Anytime Fitness is leasing two-thirds of the top floor, a hair salon called Budget Cuts is leasing part of the first floor. Who else is moving in? Beynon says he’s “not at liberty to disclose that” just yet. The spaces will be turned over to tenants on August 7th.

2 West Seattle freebie alerts

Two quick notes: West Seattle Aikikai sends word of a free introductory aikido class this Thursday night. More info on its website. Also, longtime WSB’er “The House” sent word of the “buy one, get one free” promotion at Jamba Juice, with two more days to go. Go here to get the coupon; JJ’s one West Seattle location is on the northeastern side of Westwood Village. Got a freebie? Let the WSB world know.

Coin-operated pool table, anyone? Corner Inn auction today

cornerinnauction.jpgThe preview’s at 8 this morning, auction’s at 10, for the fixtures and furnishings from the former Corner Inn at California/Fauntleroy, less than two months after it abruptly shut down. The James G. Murphy Auctioneers website has a list of items, plus pix. Besides the coin-operated pool table, there’s the piano, the organ, and pie case, among other things. (The auction is at the shuttered restaurant/lounge, by the way.)

New neighbors moving in — will they be fresh out of prison?

A neighborhood in Sunrise Heights, in the 32nd/Holden area (map), is nervously watching a newly rented house. It’s been rented by an agency called Sound Mental Health, to use as housing for some of its clients. And one of the programs from which those clients might come is the Re=entry Housing Pilot Project — a relatively new, state-funded program (described here) to help people make the transition from jail/prison to the rest of their life. Of course, once they’ve done their time, they have to go somewhere. But these neighbors are worried their street isn’t the right “somewhere” – partly because of schools and day-cares nearby, and 10 small children on the block. But they also wonder why they got no notice – till this happened, as explained by Bill:

A couple of my neighbors were in front of their house doing yard work when they noticed two young people walk up to the house that is right next door to them. They knew the house was recently for sale and/or for rent so the said “hello” thinking that these might be their new neighbors. What they quickly learned was that they were actually County employees doing a site inspection for the house because this home had been leased out to the County to house 5 convicted felons who will be released from prison. The County employees stated that these were not sex offenders but simply “convicts who committed violent crimes, domestic abuse, are recovering drug addicts or have mental health issues. Our neighbors quickly informed the rest of our block about this and we just had a neighborhood meeting (over the weekend) to discuss this. Nobody in our neighborhood was contacted by the County or anyone else for that matter to inform us that felons convicted of violent crimes would be moving in right next door to us.

We’ve learned a lot more since that first note came in — including the fact those weren’t county employees — an explanation of why neighbors didn’t get notice – and whether felons really might be moving in, ahead:Read More

Fauntleroy Place site demolition update: Facade still standing


At day’s end, when the heavy-equipment operators parked their rigs for the night, that’s what was still left at the future site of Fauntleroy Place — a massive mountain of debris, and the shell of the ex-Schuck’s/Hancock Fabrics building’s east-facing facade. Crews started tearing into the building around 10:40 this morning, as we showed you here; we checked back around mid-afternoon for another video clip — the progress here was coming from inside the building (keep an eye on the background for chunks falling down, especially one pulled from up top about a minute into the clip):

So there’s more work to do tomorrow. And as mentioned before, the newest Fauntleroy Place design gets a public hearing before the Southwest Design Review Board at 8 pm August 14th (two weeks from Thursday), at High Point Community Center.

Chief Sealth High School renovations: Major work begins

July 28, 2008 5:21 pm
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That’s a look inside the old Chief Sealth High School commons, where the old floor’s just been pulled up for replacement – one of many renovations that will be taking place in the next 2 years. At the back of the photo, the old cafeteria’s blocked off for hazmat work including getting out the type of old pipes that were wrapped with asbestos insulation way back when; the new cafeteria and commons will be a shared facility with the new Denny Middle School to be built on the Sealth campus, and while that’s not fully opening till a year after Sealth students return in fall 2010, project manager Robert Evans says the new cafeteria and commons will be ready in two years. We met with Evans and other key leaders from the Sealth/Denny project at CSHS this afternoon; full details of what’s happening now, what’s happening next, and the latest on the process to determine the future of the Denny site, coming up.