New medic unit dedicated at West Seattle’s Fire Station 32

August 11, 2008 10:58 am
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 |   West Seattle news


(Photo courtesy Seattle Fire Department)
It’s been in service since July 1st, but this weekend marked the official dedication of the new Medic 32, based at Fire Station 32 in The Junction – thanks to the Ed and Karen Levy Charitable Foundation (that’s Karen Levy, photographed with some of the SFD team, including Chief Gregory Dean next to her [in a tie]). This is the seventh medic unit the foundation has donated to SFD in the past 20 years – here’s a little more background info from the fire department:

The 2008 model is manufactured by Braun Northwest and has an updated drive train, engine and body style. The interior of the unit was custom designed by Seattle Fire Department firefighter/paramedics.

The Department’s medic units are staffed by two firefighter/paramedics that have completed nine months of intensive medical training through the Medic One Program. The County-wide Medic One system focuses on providing first-rate pre hospital emergency care to critical patients. The Department has a total of seven medic units assigned to fire stations throughout the City.

Station 32 itself, by the way, is targeted for replacement – yet another one of the major private and public projects on the drawing boards in The Junction/Triangle area.

Traffic alert: Tipped truck blocks ramp from WS Bridge to SB I-5

August 11, 2008 10:18 am
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 |   West Seattle traffic alerts

(traffic-cam image moved to newest post)
This just in from WSDOT: “The Spokane Street on ramp to southbound I-5 is blocked due to a semi that has tipped onto its side. Traffic traveling eastbound on the West Seattle Bridge is backing up.” 10:50 AM UPDATE: The camera view we have up now is a city-operated camera looking at that onramp.

2 weeks after Alki fire, survivor still seeking somewhere new

beforefireunits.jpgWhen that Alki duplex caught fire two and a half weeks ago, its owner was out of town and its tenant managed to get out OK (though her cat was missing for a while). Several people asked in WSB comment threads whether the tenant needed any help, and we renewed that question in an e-mail exchange with a friend of hers. Over the weekend, she e-mailed WSB to say there is one thing that’s proving to be a challenge – finding a new place to live:

Hoping to find a house for rent in the Admiral area, but it’s difficult; if anyone is a good networker and knows of a nice quiet neighborhood that takes dogs, that would be helpful. I really need a nice quiet place to recover from the chaos of the fire and Alki, it’s been too much.

If you have any leads, please post a comment here, or e-mail us and we will forward to her.

Strong showing for Seal Sitters session #1

August 11, 2008 2:50 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | Wildlife


Reporting this somewhat belatedly after Sunday night’s 35th/Dawson crash pre-empted the weekend-wrapup post … The Seal Sitters first training session of the season drew a good turnout (the photo above shows just part of the group; there were a couple more rows of attendees before we left Hiawatha a few minutes after their presentation began). But it’s not too late for you to get involved; September 9 is the next training session, 7-9 pm at Alki Community Center. And even if you don’t become an official volunteer, you can help by remembering what to do – and what not to do – when you see a baby seal; the key thing to remember is “leave it alone” – the Seal Sitters’ site has more specifics.

Update: 35th closed 3+ hours after car hits man near Camp Long

(video of traffic detour added 10:41 pm)
Just got a text message that 35th is blocked at Dawson (map). 911 log says it’s a medic response, “7 per rule,” which signifies generally that a major injury is involved or suspected. En route to find out more. 9:25 PM UPDATE: On the south side of this incident, 35th is actually blocked off at Brandon (map) – that’s where police are turning people around. This is near Camp Long. 9:30 PM UPDATE: Just got word from Karen, who lives nearby, that it’s a car vs. pedestrian crash. 9:38 PM UPDATE: The person who was hit has been taken to the hospital already. Our person at the scene is trying to find out more about the circumstances of the collision. At least one TV crew is there too and we’re told a Seattle Police lieutenant will be briefing media shortly. 9:55 PM UPDATE: The area is blocked off as a crime scene; still awaiting those briefing details. We have no confirmation yet on the victim’s condition; depending on how seriously the victim was hurt, you can expect 35th to be closed for some hours to come. The last deadly crash on 35th was last fall, when 85-year-old Oswald Clement was hit and killed crossing at 35th/Othello near the fire station (WSB coverage included this story about a tribute to Mr. Clement’s remarkable life). The last deadly pedestrian crash anywhere in West Seattle was the one in February near Westwood Village that killed 55-year-old Teri Soike (WSB followup here). 10:12 PM UPDATE: OK, here’s the official info from Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Smith: The pedestrian is a man around 40 years old, hit by a car when he ran out into the street chasing after his dog. He has head injuries but that’s the only information police will provide on his condition. The driver who hit him is apparently not hurt. The dog is reportedly OK. Police say more investigators are on the way and there’s no indication how long 35th will remain closed. Adding scene video momentarily. Will check back on the situation in the hours to come. 10:53 PM UPDATE: Added video – the clip at the top of this post shows where police are redirecting traffic (the vehicle involved in the crash, a silver SUV, was out of view at the time); this next clip is Lt. Smith talking about what happened, with a few more details:

We’ll let you know when 35th reopens. 11:38 PM UPDATE: Still closed, in case you were wondering. 12:28 AM UPDATE: Just a few minutes ago, the SUV was towed, the police cars cleared, and 35th reopened in both directions. Getting an update on the victim’s condition from hereon out may be difficult, but we will see what we can find out in the morning. 1:04 AM UPDATE: Lt. Smith tells us there’s no major update on the victim’s condition, aside from the description of his injuries as “extensive.”

Longtime WSB’er requesting your “good thoughts”

From the WSB Forums: Someone who’s been participating in WSB comments for almost as long as the site’s been around – then the forums when they opened – and e-mail news tips too — is now making a little news himself. Mike, aka “miws,” revealed in this forum post that he’s being treated for a rare form of leukemia. It’s very treatable, he explains, but quite a shock – he went into the hospital with what he thought was severe asthma, and instead doctors discovered “hairy cell leukemia.” He’s hoping to be home in his West Seattle apartment soon. We asked if there’s anything he needs – Mike says the “good thoughts” are it – he’s got several other great support networks that already sprang into action. Mike’s positive attitude (and lively WS memories) have enhanced many a comment/forum thread, so we’re sending profuse “good thoughts” from here and hoping you’ll do the same.

Petition drive to bag the bag fee: West Seattle signature-gathering


bagpetitions.jpgWent down the hill to Thriftway in Morgan Junction a short time ago; as we got out of our car, the gentleman you see in the photo above was a few steps ahead of us, heading for a spot outside the store’s southwest-facing door. He identified himself as a paid signature-gatherer for petitions pursuing a referendum to cancel the 20-cent disposable-bag fee (and foam ban) just approved by the City Council (original WSB report, with 60+ comments, here). He said he wasn’t sure who’s sponsoring the referendum (we’ll be looking that up shortly), just that he’s got a contract to get paid to gather signatures. And from a quick look at the petitions (photo at left) after he’d been in business just about 15 minutes, he seemed to be having a success rate of almost one signature per minute. MONDAY MORNING UPDATE: Still trying to figure out how to find out who’s behind this. Found the city rules for referendums, and they note that you do not have to file anything in advance to circulate petitions – and you’re not supposed to bring them in till you think you have at least the required number (almost 15,000) – so this wouldn’t necessarily be on record anywhere.

WSB “Jobs Offered” Forum: Free way to find a new employee

Several new job openings have appeared in the past few days in the WSB “West Seattle Jobs Offered” forum, so we wanted to remind you it’s there as a FREE service, for businesses to post West Seattle jobs, and for jobseekers to browse WS jobs. Our only requirement is that the job(s) must be physically located in West Seattle, and please let us know when the job’s filled so we can remove your listing (otherwise, there are no artificial limits so far like “posting good for a week only”).

Happening right now: HPIC’s humongous rummage sale

August 10, 2008 11:28 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Highland Park | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news


The Highland Park Improvement Club (NOT the same as the HP Action Committee, though HPAC meets at the HPIC’ historic facility) is having its big annual rummage sale right now, 12th/Holden, under way till 3 pm. (If you live in the area, you can also join in its potluck starting at 1 pm, but everyone’s welcome to come browse/shop!) HPIC, by the way, is the oldest community club in Seattle – founded in 1919, which is why its web address is We stopped by the sale site a little while ago to get some pix and found one that already had a story behind it, two hours into the sale:


Becca told us a man asked her how much she’d sell the bear hat for. She said, three bucks. He said, here’s five – gave her the money – and said “Just keep wearing the hat.” So who knows what you might find there; tere’s a map to the sale’s location.

More West Seattle sidewalk work, starting tomorrow

View Larger Map

Thanks to Kate for e-mailing to share news of a project that’s about to begin in the area on the map above:

I have received a “Bridging the Gap” door flyer from SDOT announcing that it will start construction this Monday, August 11, of a paved walkway on the north side of SW Forest Street from Walnut (Hiawatha Park) to Fairmount (top of Fairmount Ravine) to 39th SW. Here is the flyer’s text …:

– Location of work: SW Forest Street between Walnut Ave. SW and 39th Ave. SW
– Beginning on August 11, 2008, our crews will be working to install a new walkway with a concrete curb in your neighborhood.
– We will be placing temporary no parking signs in various areas.
– This project should be completed within 2 weeks, weather permitting.
– If you have any questions or concerns please call the asphalt paving crew chief at 206-233-2512.
– Thank you for your patience and understanding during our construction phase.

Kate also sent along the attached specs for what’s being built; click here to see them. It’s a $70,000 project, according to this city document (page 14).

West Seattle Farmers’ Market: What you’ll find today

It’s our Sunday morning tradition – this week’s “fresh sheet” for citywide farmers’ markets, including West Seattle (10 am-2 pm today, 44th/Alaska) – here’s what’s on it right now:Read More

The photo gold at the end of the rainbow

August 9, 2008 10:42 pm
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 |   West Seattle weather


We close the night (barring breaking news, of course, which we’re always watching/listening for) with another photo from David Hutchinson — though the summer storm dropped the curtain on tonight’s West Seattle Movies on the Wall plans, it also provided this spectacular sight.

Want to help protect baby seals? Tomorrow’s your first chance

August 9, 2008 8:57 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | Wildlife


(December 2007 photo by “H,” shot long-lens from a distance)
We mentioned it when the Seal Sitters announced it a week ago, and since it’s happening tomorrow, here’s a reminder: The first volunteer-training session for the Seal Sitters – who keep watch when baby seals turn up on West Seattle shores, to make sure mom/pup reunions aren’t threatened by people or other animals who get too close – is 3-5 pm tomorrow at Hiawatha Community Center (map). After that, your next chance is 9/9 – but baby-seal season could start at any time, so the Seal Sitters may need you ASAP.

Traffic alert, if you’re heading for southbound I-5

August 9, 2008 6:17 pm
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 |   West Seattle traffic alerts

Just in from the state Transportation Department: “WSDOT crews have closed the two left lanes of southbound I-5 just south of the West Seattle Bridge for emergency road work. Drivers should expect delays and use alternate routes.”

RAINOUT CANCELLATION: No “Movies on the Wall” tonight

lilnemo.jpgSad irony that the showing of a movie set almost entirely underwater has to be postponed BECAUSE of water … but … well … wouldn’t be too pleasant with soggy equipment, moviegoers, and concessions. So we’ve just confirmed that tonight’s showing of “Finding Nemo” is CANCELED. Philip Borgnes of Sidewalk Cinema tells us “Nemo” is being rescheduled to Thursday, August 21st; meantime, “Ghostbusters” is scheduled next Saturday (8/16) and “Galaxy Quest” the Saturday after that (8/23).

Movie update, sort of

Still waiting for official word on the status of tonight’s Movies on the Wall showing of “Finding Nemo” – will replace this post with the official update as soon as we get that word.

Fresh Vitamins now open at Westwood Village


10 months to the day after we mentioned a store called Fresh Vitamins had filed for various permits indicating a plan to move into a Westwood Village storefront (original WSB report here) – it’s finally open. Noticed this during a detour through WV this afternoon; the “open” sign (not pictured) forced us to stop and scamper in to ask when they’d opened — answer: last Tuesday. A quick peek at the inventory (shelves aren’t fully stocked yet) reveals some natural-food items as well as vitamins and other supplements; the ad circular tacked up on a board by the door confirms the same company owns Natureway in The Junction. Posted hours for Fresh Vitamins (just west of Bed Bath and Beyond) are 10 am-6 pm, Mondays-Saturdays.

Arson-gutted West Seattle locksmith shop about to reopen


(3/26/08 WSB photo)
He vowed he would rebuild, and now he has: Four and a half months after the arson attack that shut down locksmith Michael Dein‘s business, Puget Sound Key and Lock on the north edge of Morgan Junction, he just sent word the shop is about to reopen – and planning to offer a special service:

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am re-opening my shop on Monday!!!

I got my keys back yesterday, and am taking this weekend to set up the shop, so i just wanted to take a second to thank everyone for their support in helping me to reopen my shop. I look forward to being able to continue to serve the community, which I have truly grown to love.

Many of you may not be aware of how serious a problem domestic abuse is in modern society, and in an effort to do our share in making the exit of an abusive relationship safer, we will provide, free of charge, rekeying services to the victims of domestic abuse who have obtained “no contact,” “restraining” or other such lawful decrees. This is an open-ended offer, and we are available 24/7.

Thanks again,
Mike Dein – Puget Sound Key & Lock

To this date, no arrest has been made in connection with the March 21st early-morning fire that gutted Dein’s shop (6016 California SW); tips are still welcome at 800-55-ARSON. Dein told us the day of the fire that he had no insurance, and that moved WSB Forum Community members to action; a month afterward, they put on a well-attended fundraiser (WSB coverage here).

Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza progress, 4 weeks to go – and a search


Thanks yet again to David Hutchinson for another update on plaza progress — along with that panorama of how the site looked as crews wrapped up work at the end of the week. (Panoramas are hard to appreciate in our formatted sizing, so click the image to see a full-size version.) He adds:

Forms are in place for the final pouring of cement on Monday. Work is in progress to drill holes for the hand railings for the steps. Scheduled for next week are the installation of the bench plaques and the beginning of the installation of the inscribed pavers.

The scheduled dedication ceremony for the new plaza – by which time the statue will be back, too – is four weeks from today. And looking ahead to that ceremony, Plaza Project co-chair Libby Carr is trying to track down any of the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, or Sea Scouts who were present at the 1952 dedication of the original statue. If you were among them, or know how to reach one or more of them, she can be reached at or 206-938-8721.

Indoor fun this am, if needed: Grownup gaming @ Delridge Library

August 9, 2008 6:07 am
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If you decide to stay inside this Saturday morning, doesn’t mean you have to stay home. From the West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Another presentation of the popular “Wii Gaming for Adults” sessions at Delridge Library. 10:30 am-noon, free, no registration required.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Mount music, week 2

August 9, 2008 1:44 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | West Seattle video | WS culture/arts


Thanks to Karen Berge for sending pix again this week from the outdoor concert series at Providence Mount St. Vincent (WSB sponsor) — Friday night’s featured performer was Maia Santell, and we caught a video snippet of Maia and her backup band:

Two more outdoor concerts during the monthlong Friday night series — next Friday, it’s the West Seattle Big Band (get a video preview in our Hi-Yu Concert in the Park coverage from last month). The fun all happens in the courtyard/parking area on the south-central side of The Mount, with dinner and beer/wine going on sale at 5 pm, the free tunes starting at 6.

How we wound up in the NY Times … a new-media tale

One of those side things we wouldn’t usually bother you with ’cause it’s off-topic, but several people just sent e-mail and other messages so what the heck: The New York Times website has posted tomorrow’s Page 1 story about the massive delay in tonight’s Olympics-opener broadcast. Your editor here, identified as “a blogger in Seattle,” is quoted. Just because it’s an anecdote about the new world of new media, we thought we’d note how that happened, jumped off the home page so you can scroll by if you don’t care:Read More

Update on Park(ing) Day: West Seattle plan in the works

August 8, 2008 9:19 pm
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(Providence, RI, Park(ing) Day photo by Laurencia Strauss and Kate Field)
In our coverage of the last Alki Community Council meeting, we mentioned that a Feet First rep had previewed the upcoming Park(ing) Day, which the Seattle Parks Foundation describes on this webpage as “a one-day, global event to highlight the need for more urban open space, rethink the way green space can happen, and improve the quality of urban human habitat.” Specifically, regular old parking spaces – like the one in the photo above – are turned into temporary parks for a day; this year, that day is Friday, 9/19. We’ve been waiting to hear about a specific West Seattle plan; looks like one’s in the formative stages now, and reaching out to you – here’s what we hear from Todd Burley at SPF:

… we are working with the West Seattle Junction Association to create a “park” at the Alaska Junction because of our partnership with them to create Junction Plaza Park. We’d love to raise awareness about
this opportunity for folks in West Seattle and see if anyone is interested in creating other “parks” at the Junction …

Right now, Burley says, SPF will team with WSJA to convert one parking space, but: “If we can do more, we just might. Ideally we’d like to get multiple groups from W. Seattle together to create many parks at the Alaska Junction under one street-use permit (which makes it cheaper).” If you want to get involved, this page at the SPF site explains how; a training session is coming up next week for interested participants, but the SPF would love to hear from you sooner.

august 13th