Late-night leftovers from a busy West Seattle news day

Here are a few things we just didn’t get to – more video from the Coast Guard tall-ship arrival (including a chopper flyby), baby announcement, new sign:Read More

Update: Car crash closes Marine View Drive, suspects flee

(first video clip added 10:31 pm)
ORIGINAL REPORT: Heavy rescue callout at Marine View/SW 101st; on the way to check it out. (Here’s a map.) That call frequently involves car crashes; listening to the scanner to see if we can pick up any info before our crew arrives. 9:55 PM UPDATE: First update from the scene – a car heading westbound on SW 100st hit a parked car at 46th SW (map), pushing that car down an embankment/bluff onto Marine View Drive; the westbound car then went airborne and landed upside down, also on Marine View Drive, at 101st — and the driver got out and ran away; a search for the driver is under way now — all this, according to the person who owns the parked car that was hit. Marine View Drive is closed in that vicinity, but SW 100th is open until you get to MVD. 10 PM UPDATE: The fleeing driver reportedly headed southbound on Marine View, toward the Endolyne area. 10:08 PM UPDATE: New info from police and witnesses – TWO suspects fled the car, described only as “in their mid-20s.” 10:27 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Cheryl in the comments for the correction – the parked car is the one that landed upside down (you’ll see in the video we’re adding shortly); the white car is the one that hit it, from which the suspects fled. 10:50 PM UPDATE: Two clips now added – closer view of the cars atop the post, wider shot here (from the top of the embankment both went down). We’ll check back on Marine View Drive and suspect-search status in a bit; not hearing any updates on the scanner so far.

11:28 PM UPDATE: Cheryl reports in the comment section that both cars have been cleared and the road’s being cleaned up. 1 AM UPDATE: Marine View Drive is clear and fully reopened. No word of any arrests; we’ll check with the precinct later this morning. THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Sgt. Jeff Durden says both suspects – a man and teenage boy – were arrested.

West Seattle robbery side note: Downtown scene now clear


It’s the last entry in our all-day multiple-update running report on the situation that started as an armed robbery at the Admiral/California Wells Fargo and ended with police shooting a suspect downtown – but in case you missed it there, Spring Street is open again (photo above is from about an hour ago, nobody much left but TV trucks getting ready for 10/11 pm updates) – same spot from which Sharonn Meeks sent this photo at lunchtime (used in our earlier coverage):


Thanks again to everyone who contributed photos, video, information, and other comments to today’s updates. If we learn anything else significant tonight, we’ll add it to this post; tomorrow we plan to start a new one with an update on the bank, assuming it reopens for business in the morning. 9:57 PM UPDATE: P-I talked with the mother of the uninjured suspect, who is now in jail. 10:36 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Scott C (who says thanks in turn to friend Jeff for helping!) for sending this photo of the suspects’ Jeep Cherokee – he happened to pull up next to the “tow” truck as it was driving off, tonight after 5 pm:


EARLY WEDNESDAY ADDENDUM: Kevin in Arbor Heights just sent us this photo of a sign he saw outside a bar near the shooting scene:


What’s going on at the Junction Plaza Park site

July 1, 2008 7:08 pm
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If you’ve noticed activity at the Junction Plaza Park site (42nd/Alaska), here’s what’s up – plus a question you might be able to answer:Read More

Afternoon updates: Starbucks closure news, USCG tall ship


(USCG Eagle, photographed from Duwamish Head viewpoint, added 4:49 pm)
We are continuing to update the “West Seattle bank robbery leads to downtown gunfire” story. Also, we are at Duwamish Head watching for the Coast Guard tall ship to come into view. (3:45 PM UPDATE: Looks like it’s coming around Magnolia now; 4:24 PM UPDATE, well in view now – though its sails aren’t up – and fireboat is out too.) But we are working on other news too, starting, in this post, with the big news from Starbucks – 600 company-operated stores to close this year. So far, NO LIST AVAILABLE – but this “message from Howard” just posted at after a 2:30 pm conference call says that all stores will know “by mid-July” if they are staying open or closing. (A commenter at claims word’s due tomorrow.) The earlier news release says more than two-thirds of those that will close are stores that have opened in the past couple years.

Update: City replaces missing pedestrian flags

New info today about the new pedestrian flags at 3 West Seattle spots, including replacement of stolen ones:Read More

Updates: West Seattle robbery leads to downtown gunfire

(updated info, photos, video being added frequently to the bottom of this post – as well as comments with new info and links – thanks to everyone for helping co-create the updates, and keep refreshing)


(photo added 11:43 am, TV crew shooting door at original robbery scene @ Wells Fargo)
ORIGINAL POST: Just in from Seattle Police: A bank robbery in the 2300 block of California; the suspect was in a brown wig, sunglasses, black mask, black dress, police are looking for a “black Jeep Cherokee driven by a black male.” Call 911 with any tips. (Address check suggests that’s Wells Fargo; we’re headed that way to find out more.) 10:48 AM UPDATE: Confirmed on scene, it’s Wells Fargo, with a note on the door saying they’re temporarily closed for “an emergency.” (photo below added at 12:09 pm) We’re told by a nearby businessperson that one suspect may have been caught on The Bridge – checking that with police – might explain why only one patrol car is at bank.


11 AM UPDATE: Police confirm two suspects have been caught, outside West Seattle – one on Yesler, one on Spring.

11:05 AM UPDATE: Playing out in the comments right now – there’s been a gunbattle of some sort downtown. As a result, traffic is backing up on The Viaduct since it’s in the Seneca vicinity – avoid heading that way if you can. We’re now listening to the scanner and you’re going to want to avoid Spring/Seneca entirely, judging by what we’re hearing. Will continue updating as we hear more.

11:13 AM UPDATE: Scanner is talking about at least one person having been shot. Channel 7 tv has some aerial coverage right now. Our field crew is back out at the Wells Fargo branch where this all started, and Channel 4 has a crew there too. More to come.

11:21 AM UPDATE: Can’t stress enough, stay away from this part of downtown – sounds like absolute chaos/gridlock down there with so many police units involved, streets blocked off, etc. Channel 7 speculates that the shooting victim in an aid car is one of the suspects.

11:30 AM UPDATE: Citywide media is now swarming the original bank-robbery scene at Admiral/California – KING’s chopper sighted as well as somebody in a channel 13 jacket. Still awaiting a briefing there.

11:37 AM UPDATE: Some of the restrictions downtown are being loosened – we”re hearing pedestrians will soon be allowed through part of the area closed down (2nd/3rd/Seneca/Spring seems to be the epicenter of all the downtown activity).

11:49 AM UPDATE: Police have decided to do a combined briefing downtown with info about this robbery and the downtown shootings. We will monitor that and post updates here. Should also have more visuals from robbery scene (including interview with nearby witness) shortly. That witness told us that the robbers parked their vehicle on the California side at the bus stop – the side shown in this photo we just received from WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli:


12:08 PM UPDATE: TV reports that the area downtown is likely to be cordoned off a few more hours – so for those who work downtown or were planning to go there, beware.

12:26 PM UPDATE: This link just added in comments from “Fort Cloudy” – video where you can reportedly hear the shots (we haven’t had a chance yet to view it ourselves).

12:31 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Patrick for sending this cameraphone photo from downtown – looking down at one of the areas where you can see multiple police vehicles:


12:40 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Charles Moore for this pic from downtown:


12:52 PM UPDATE: Listening to SPD media officer Mark Jamieson recounting what happened – robbery at Wells Fargo was 10:10 am – officers “located the vehicle as it was leaving West Seattle” and “followed” it to Capitol Hill where in Broadway/Yesler vicinity, one suspect got out (and was arrested), then vehicle went back downtown where officers tried to get the second suspect to leave the vehicle, he didn’t, they opened fire. Jamieson does not know the condition of that suspect, who is being treated at Harborview for gunshot wound(s) – when we heard the scanner traffic earlier, it sounded like at least one bullet had hit him in the neck. No other major injuries reported, possibly one person hurt by flying glass during the downtown shooting. We also just heard scanner traffic about the “dye pack” from the robbery but didn’t hear where.

1:02 PM UPDATE: Police say that they will keep the block around the shooting scene downtown – approx. 1st/Spring – closed for at least a few hours. The Wells Fargo branch back here in West Seattle at California/Admiral is expected to be closed for the rest of the day. Next door at Museum Quality Framing, Robert (who didn’t want to give his last name) saw the robber – though he didn’t realize that’s what was happening, as he says people park in the bus stop area all the time – here’s part of his interview with several media crews (including WSB):

Robert didn’t think the suspect was wearing a dress; looked to him more like “baggy pants.” Meantime, the P-I notes this branch has been robbed a few times before; here’s an archive story from 2006.

1:31 PM UPDATE: We are going to start posting some other news atop the page (jumping after the first line so this story doesn’t move too far down) but we will continue to update this post when new information is available, particularly any updates on downtown traffic – since the commute is just a few hours away. We are also monitoring the citywide media sources that are also covering this story so that if someone else reports a significant development we will add a note about it (with attribution, of course!) here.

1:37 PM UPDATE: No sooner do we say that, when Sharonn Meeks sends some photos from downtown, where she says there’s still a “lot of activity” centering on 1st and Spring – including onlookers (second shot):



2:22 PM UPDATE: One TV crew left at robbery scene when last we went by (channel 4; they do news at 4 pm). Channel 7 has posted its raw downtown aerial video online, about 8 minutes worth, which started even before police opened fire on the vehicle; see it here.

2:39 PM UPDATE: The police media unit has posted an update with a full summary of this morning’s events. Noteworthy details include the fact they’re definitely calling the Wells Fargo stickup “a takeover-style robbery” in which the robber was armed and ordered everyone down on the floor, also the fact the suspect who was still in the car by the time it got down had shown a handgun repeatedly before officers opened fire. The one who was arrested earlier had gotten out of the vehicle at 1st and Yesler after the vehicle had traveled onto I-5 from the West Seattle Bridge (NOT onto The Viaduct? eyewitness reports seem to dispute that) and is being “processed” before expected booking into the King County Jail, according to the update from media unit Officer Renee Witt, who also says the officers iinvolved in the shooting were three Seattle Police officers “from various precincts” and one King County sheriff’s deputy, all described as “veteran” officers. No word so far on the condition of the robbery suspect who was shot in the neck. (We will watch the online jail register to see if we can get some info on the non-injured suspect.)

3:19 PM UPDATE: Times says the suspect who was shot is in critical condition.

3:59 PM UPDATE: Sharonn Meeks advises Spring Street is still closed between 1st and 2nd. The city is not expecting to issue official road-closure updates since it’s still a police scene, but we are monitoring traffic reports so we can tell you what we’re hearing – those of you who are downtown, your updates will be helpful too.

4:12 PM UPDATE: The Times says the FBI has identified the two suspects – 50-year-old Douglas Michael Cox and 43-year-old Kevin V. Palmer. We’re checking publicly available databases to see if either has West Seattle ties; Palmer has voter registration – from 2000; his reported convictions must have been later – linked to a South Seattle address. Not finding Cox yet. (He is the one who was shot.)

4:59 PM UPDATE: According to the King County Jail register, Kevin V. Palmer’s full name is Kevin Vernett Palmer. Meantime, the shooting scene downtown is still closed to traffic.

5:12 PM UPDATE: In addition to being booked for investigation of robbery and eluding, Palmer is also being held for a “failure to appear” warrant in another case. The records of that case aren’t available via the online source we use, so we don’t have details. Meantime it looks like Cox’s background traces mostly to Eastern Washington, so we’re still not finding West Seattle links to either suspect prior to today’s heist.

7:03 PM UPDATE: Not having much luck finding out if the scene downtown has reopened yet, so unless word comes in within the next 15 minutes or so, we’re probably just going to head down and check for ourselves. Channel 5, meantime, reported in the 6:30 news that one of the suspects had barely been out of prison a month after another bank-robbery conviction. Their online report also says the FBI is now saying the robber was NOT wearing a dress (if you scroll back up to our video clip with Robert at the frame shop next door, he said it was baggy pants, not a dress).

8:14 PM UPDATE: We’re downtown and the scene’s clear, Spring St. is open again. Two TV trucks and one police unit in sight, but no other obvious evidence of what happened earlier today.

USCG tall ship and Heritage Fleet to sail into the bay today


You just might see this from West Seattle shores as the vessels head toward Pier 66 this afternoon: The Coast Guard Academy “tall ship” Eagle (photo above) — billed as “the only square-rigger in U.S. government service” — making a one-day Seattle stop on its way to Tall Ships Tacoma (no public tours here, alas), accompanied by a three-boat Coast Guard Heritage Fleet. This USCG media advisory has details on the ships and says Eagle will arrive around 3:30 pm. (You can also read more about this Heritage Fleet here.) 3:45 PM UPDATE: We are at Duwamish Head and not seeing the ships yet. Two USCG choppers are flying together toward Magnolia Bluff, though, so maybe it’s soon.

Camera missing – with priceless photos on its disc

You’re always welcome to post a lost/found report in the WSB Forums, or to send us pet lost/found info/pix for the Pets page; once in a while we mention unusual cases here on the news page too, and this is one: Karen e-mailed that she is desperately searching for the camera with photos from her mom’s NINETIETH birthday celebration – actually, she just wants the disc back:

I am so sick at heart. While leaving on an anticipated trip on Sunday I inadverntley left my camera on the steps of our front porch. We live near the Junction Hardware. It’s gone. The camera scan card holds photos of my mother’s 90th birthday party. If the “finder” wants to come back I’ll just hand over the camera bag, lenses and accessories in exchange for the disk.

If you have info, Karen’s number is 206.935.1915; she says it’s a black camera with extension and sun hood.

For the birds: Chicken-coop tour; library falcon

June 30, 2008 10:51 pm
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That’s just one example of a city chicken coop – and we’re showing it to you to accompany Seattle Tilth‘s announcement that its “City Chickens Tour” (first mentioned here) is definitely a go for July 12, and will feature West Seattle chicken coops too. Tickets (maps for the self-guided tour) are available through the Seattle Tilth website. Now, a bird of a different feather:

That’s video of a peregrine falcon — and its handler — from Woodland Park Zoo’s SOAR program, visiting the Delridge Library tonight for a program that kept a sizable all-ages audience, well, enrapt. (In the clip, you hear an explanation of how the DDT ban decades ago helped save endangered peregrines – among other birds – by reducing use of the chemical that had thinned their eggshells.) West Seattle’s library branches have programs from story time to games and beyond, all summer long; use this map to browse the branches and their online calendars.

Fauntleroy Place updates: Dates with Design Review, JuNO


Though its groundbreaking ceremony is already two-plus weeks in the rear-view mirror, Fauntleroy Place (aka “the Whole Foods project,” city page here) still has some important audiences ahead: The new design shown above (made public the day of the groundbreaking) will go before the Southwest Design Review Board at 8 pm August 14 (same night as the High Point mixed-use development review mentioned here Friday), according to an update posted today on the city’s Design Review/Upcoming page (which likely means official notice will go out in Thursday’s Land Use Information Bulletin). In the meantime, work on the site will continue — Eric Radovich from BlueStar says that once Hancock Fabrics closes after this Saturday, the next step is asbestos abatement for the building, before it can be demolished. BlueStar, by the way, will be at the next Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO) meeting July 8 (6:30 pm @ Ginomai) to talk about the revised FP design and answer questions. (Also on the JuNO agenda that night, a presentation about the CORA [Congress of Residential Architecture] NW townhouse-design initiatives, featuring West Seattle architect Brandon Nicholson, who presented design ideas on behalf of CORA at Councilmember Sally Clark‘s recent townhouse forum (WSB coverage here).

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Charles Burnett

We’re extending the traditional WSB welcome this afternoon to our newest sponsor, Charles Burnett. He grew up in West Seattle and currently works as an associate broker with Windermere Real Estate in The Junction, where he specializes in helping first-time homebuyers, particularly those interested in condos and townhouses. He says his buyers are interested in West Seattle for many of its most appealing attributes — great views, close to downtown, Junction nightlife. And he’s noticed that it’s become a very attractive place for people who have been out of school for a few years, are getting settled into their careers, and are ready to find a great neighborhood they can truly call home. His expertise comes from seven years of working as an agent before studying for his broker license, as well as from growing up here; when he’s not busy helping clients, he’s an avid hiker, rock-climber, boater, and snowboarder. Check out Charles Burnett’s website for info on how to reach him, and to search for properties that are on the market now. WSB thanks him and our other sponsors for choosing to grow their businesses and support ours by advertising here; they’re all listed on this page, with info on how you can join them.

Government stuff you should know, Monday edition

June 30, 2008 3:48 pm
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-The proposal for King County to reopen talks with cities regarding extending the agreement for jail services – potentially pre-empting the need for the Seattle city jail that might wind up sited in West Seattle – moved out of the county council Committee of the Whole today and goes next to the full council. (Dow Constantine represents you there; here’s how to contact him.)

-We’re watching the Seattle City Council meeting (live on cable 21 or online here) and they’ve just passed the somewhat-controversial Multi-Family Tax Exemption for developers, 7-1 (Licata, no) and a bill on condo conversions, 8-0. Will add links shortly. P.S. The council’s Viaduct briefing is finally about to start (4:05 or so).

-The environmental assessment on the Alaskan Way Viaduct‘s South End project – the reason for the upcoming July 15 hearing at Madison Middle School – has just been published online. Find it here.

-If you have something to say about whether a new parks levy should be on this fall’s ballot, and whether what’s in the levy proposal is what you’d want to pay for, another hearing has just been set – July 10 (a week from Thursday), 5:30 pm, City Hall, before the city council’s Parks Committee (chaired by West Seattle-residing Councilmember Tom Rasmussen).

Reader reports: Cat, birds shot with BBs/pellets

Two separate incidents – but both came to us first as reader reports (police reports have been filed too) from neighbors who want to alert you. First, Michael sent his report with this photo – we debated putting it behind a jump but it’s not particularly gory – just distressing, considering what his kitty is recovering from:


I live on 25th Ave SW one block off of Delridge between Hudson and Brandon. My cat was shot in the hindquarter with either a BB gun or pellet rifle. (see attached pictures) I just wanted to put the word out in case anyone else’s pet has suffered this class C felony and wanted to warn the neighborhood to watch out for their pets.

Not long after Michael’s report came in, we got this forwarded by Sheila in High Point, who also wanted to put it out as an alert to neighbors:

On Monday June 23 some kids were chasing a injured pigeon that was shot with a BB gun. A neighbor caught that pigeon and I called the Seattle animal shelter and it was picked up the next day. [An officer] said if we see anything, call the shelter at 206-386-7387. Nothing was done to the kids since we didn’t see who shot the pigeon.

Saturday night (28th) another neighbor was walking [in the 30th & Graham area] and found another pigeon. This one was dead and there was a small hole with blood, it had appeared to be shot. I called the animal shelter Sunday morning and told them what happened. They said since I didn’t see it happen they cannot do anything about it. Please keep a look out for kids with a BB gun and please report it to the police (911).

Mystery helicopter this morning – still a mystery

More than a few e-mails this morning asking about a helicopter flying around northeastern West Seattle around 5:30 am – checked with Sgt. Jeff Durden at Southwest Precinct and it doesn’t seem to have been associated with police activity. We’ll see if we can find out anything from aviation-related sources.

From the latest Land Use Bulletin: Alki antennas approved

June 30, 2008 10:43 am
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Last year, some controversy simmered in the Alki/west end of Admiral area over proposals to add more antennas to the top of 6609 Admiral (over Alki Point). Today’s Land Use Information Bulletin, just posted by the city, includes a land-use decision allowing 8 more antennas on the building (construction permit still pending); you can see the history of this project (and others at the site) here.

Reminder: Driver-licensing office closed this week

The West Seattle driver-licensing office near Westwood Village is closed for remodeling this week – it won’t reopen until Wednesday, July 9th. If you have to go to a driver-licensing office before then, locations of other Seattle offices are on this page.

Charlestown Cafe is open again!

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

charlestownsign.jpgThe video above shows Charlestown Cafe staff greeting Ted, the first customer to walk through the door on the restaurant’s grand-reopening day – he arrived a few minutes after 6 am, as the beloved restaurant is back in business almost five months after a fire shut it down. We’ve talked with co-owner Larry Mellum, who’s also been interviewed by at least one TV crew so far (that’s a channel 7 photographer you see in the video above), and says he’s thrilled for this day to have finally arrived. More video and pix, including an interview with Larry, coming up. ADDED 6:34 AM: Another clip — a quick look inside, just before the first customer arrived:

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

Now a little of the backstory, to help with context for all this – The Charlestown Cafe has been a West Seattle fixture practically since its opening in 1991. Then, two years ago, in summer 2006, the cafe owners announced they were losing their lease because the property owner wanted to redevelop the site. A community outcry ensued, as did various hearings on the development. Then this year, just a few days before the February fire, when it seemed the project had been stalled for months, the Charlestown owners announced they had something of a reprieve (WSB report here). Still much to be decided about its future, but when the property owner committed to the repairs, that said a lot about a commitment to the restaurant for some time to come. (More later.)

Last day of June: Highlights of what’s happening today

CHARLESTOWN CAFE: Reopens 6 am today. See you there!

WSB ON THE RADIO: KUOW’s “Weekday,” 9-10 am today. Show details here. (94.9 FM on-air, or listen online.)

COUNCIL VIADUCT BRIEFING: Following up on last week’s unveiling of 8 “scenarios” (WSB coverage here), the Seattle City Council gets briefed on Alaskan Way Viaduct matters at 2:30 pm today. (Live on the Seattle Channel, cable channel 21, or watch online.)

KEEP COOL AT THE LIBRARY: Need a/c? Here’s a map to all West Seattle (and the rest of the city) public libraries. Delridge Library has a cool-in-its-own-right program tonight: Raptors, up close and personal. 6:30-7:30 pm.

But wait, there’s more! all on our West Seattle Events calendar page.

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: A week of few increases

Only one of West Seattle’s 20 gas stations is still in the $4.40s, after a week where the majority of stations either cut prices a bit or kept them the same. See the latest prices, on our map and text list, ahead:Read More

This time it’s not fireworks OR gunshots …


(thanks to Brian Pickart for that photo taken from west of The Junction; next one is from MargL)


… it’s lightning/thunder off to the south/southeast. The forecast mentioned there was a chance; if you have a view in that direction, you should get a pretty good show in the hours to come. We were just driving home from downtown (six thumbs up for “Wall-E”) and saw it quite clearly. 10:31 PM UPDATE: Added photographic proof – thanks so much to MargL in Arbor Heights for the pic! P.S. Here’s a pic of clouds moving in earlier tonight, before they got to lightning territory … thanks to Dan E for the sunset shot:


12:11 AM UPDATE: Looks like this has moved out of range … we were just out driving around for the weekly gas price survey and didn’t see any more flashes. Did get some more photos, though; will add them to this post shortly.

Parade updates: Admiral 4th Kids’ Parade, WS Grand Parade

June 29, 2008 9:04 pm
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That’s a scene from a past Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade – and as mentioned previously, the next one is coming up on Friday, and you’re invited to participate/watch – 10:30 am, 44th/Sunset, with picnic and games at Hamilton Viewpoint afterward. One of the organizers, Sherri Chun, also says some help is still needed: “We’re still looking for games helpers. If you or someone you know can help out, please send me an email. The concession stand is also taking donations of baked goods.” (TUESDAY UPDATE: Sherri advises they have all the baked goods they need now; thanks!) Click to send her a note. (More West Seattle 4th of July info here.) Meantime, the West Seattle Grand Parade on July 19th (want to be in it? check out this post) needs some help – you may have the advice Jim Edwards is looking for – to help out a band (the Calgary Round-Up Band) that’s coming here all the way from Calgary for the West Seattle Grand Parade and the Torchlight Parade. And the problem is, according to Jim, they have two 55-passenger coaches that’ll have full sewage tanks by then and they need someplace to offload – got any ideas where?

Not much out there in this part of town. I have not had success calling Grayline, can’t get past the automated messages, to see if they could hit their service station on West Marginal. The idea is to offload during the short period between dropping off at the assembly area (10:00 or so) and picking up at dispersal (11:30 or so). Short of an Aurora station up north and Salt Water State Park to the south I just can’t find anything.

Any suggestions from your readers would be appreciated.

Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion!

Holiday updates: Alki 4th of July traffic reminder; the forecast

We reported the Alki traffic restrictions here first, back on June 14, and they are linked from our West Seattle 4th of July page (along with everything from parades to practical info like bus/Water Taxi/ferry schedules) – but Seattle Police asked us to be sure to remind you a few more times, so here’s what Lt. Norm James originally laid out in our first report:

Over the past several years, the volume of spectators using the Alki community to watch the fireworks over Elliott Bay has grown past the ability to safely handle. The increased vehicle traffic along Alki and Harbor Ave has become a hazard for responding emergency resources. While most spectators are well-behaved, the increase in large crowd disturbances has also been noted.

To alleviate most of these issues, vehicle traffic to the Alki community will be limited on the day of the event. This will commence at 6 pm and remain in effect until the fireworks commence. Vehicle access to the Alki community will be limited to residents living within the restricted area and their guests. The basic area affected will be north of Harbor Ave at Spokane Street, north of Hamilton Viewpoint on California Ave, north of Admiral from Lander to 63rd and all of the little side streets which have access to Alki Ave. Spectators are still welcome to park their vehicles outside of the restricted area and walk to the viewing sites.

Those specific points are noted on a map you’ll see on the 4th of July page, but keep in mind that the police will be wherever they need to be to implement this, so precise turnaround points may vary – we will be checking back in the next few days to see if the plan has changed at all. As for the forecast — the short version updated by the National Weather Service this afternoon is “partly cloudy”; the detailed “forecast discussion” says it’s too soon to tell whether there’s any chance of showers on the 4th but as the meteorologists write, “hard to have a 4th without stratus most of the day and a threat of showers in the forecast … it’s almost tradition.”