Random acts of art: New “Art Attack” in West Seattle overnight


birdhousedelivered.jpgChecked your doorstep this morning? Your home might be among those randomly chosen by a group of “art attackers” who got together late last night to create and distribute whimsical homemade recycled-items art, like what’s shown above, and to the left. If this sounds familiar – they took inspiration from “West Seattle Art Attack,” whose secret surprise missions were chronicled here last year, but it’s a whole different group of people – read on for more pix and info:Read More

Happy Flag Day, West Seattle


That’s one of our favorite flag photos from the WSB archives … taken in The Junction on Memorial Day ’07. How did June 14 get to be Flag Day, you ask? Here’s the history.

And another reader report: Otter killed by car at Duwamish Head

This recent post from the WSB Forums, expressing concern for an otter known to cross Alki Ave., apparently was sadly prescient. This just came in a short time ago from Randy:

Yet another reason to drive cautiously along Alki: Around 9:00 PM Friday night, I watched as an otter attempted to cross the street directly across from the viewpoint at Duwamish Head. As it bounded across the roadway it was struck and run over by a Lincoln Towncar limo, which did not stop. All that could be done was to drag its body off the roadway.

Side note – the otters in Puget Sound are river otters, not sea otters.

2 reader reports: Smash-grab burglary; surprise sleeper

June 13, 2008 10:30 pm
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Two more reports to share from the WSB inbox:Read More

Alert from Boeing Field: Military-jet activity this weekend

Thanks to the Pigeon Point neighborhood mailing list for sharing this alert from Boeing Field management:

Naval Air Station San Diego notified KCIA Operations about four F-18s arriving between 4-6 PM on Saturday, June 14 to conduct over-flights, arrivals and departures, and departing at 5:00 PM on Sunday, June 15.

From June 23-28, one F-21 from Norfolk, VA will visit KCIA to support the Boeing Company’s testing of its Wedgetail aircraft at Boeing’s Military Flight Center. The jet fighter will make a couple operational flights/day during business hours.

Whenever scheduled military flights are known in advance, KCIA will alert surrounding neighborhoods; however, occasional refueling stops occur by military aircraft without any advanced notice to the Airport.
KCIA is an open-access airport and must accommodate all aircraft 24/7. By Federal Aviation Administration regulations, the Airport cannot discriminate against any aircraft because it is a violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

To report noise incidents, please call KCIA’s Noise Information Line at 206-205-5242; or email KCIANoise@metrokc.gov.

We’re no experts but — according to online research, F-18 is a Blue Angels-type jet; F-21 is this.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Last weekend before school’s out

June 13, 2008 4:26 pm
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The first West Seattle wading-pool opening of the season MIGHT be tomorrow @ Lincoln Park, but there’s a hitch – gotta be 70 degrees and sunny – not looking much like there’s a chance of that. (SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: We just went down to check – the pool IS filling, and it WILL be open both days this weekend no matter what.) Nonetheless, we’ll hold out a good thought, and include that possibility in the list of 40 events ahead, from bellydancing tonight to the West Seattle Moms of Tots benefit Bake Sale on Alki tomorrow morning to the WSB Forum Community Happy Hour Meet-Up tomorrow afternoon and beyond – and if you MUST leave West Seattle, there’s the first-ever Capitol Hill Community Garage Sale Day — it’s all ahead:Read More

Gimme shelter: 35th/Webster “surprise”


Got this report from Anna and headed over to get photographic proof:

It’s not a major thing, unless you happen to live near the corner of 35th and Webster [map] and ride the bus. In the last week they have recovered the sidewalk at this bus stop and this morning, I was surprised that the (county) had installed a new bus shelter (previously no shelter from the rain at this stop) and provided us with a trash can. Before yesterday, this stop only had one small exposed bench, no trash receptacle and no covered shelter. A lot of people commute using this stop, so it was really nice to see some … amenities to make our commute a little nicer.

Beautiful bird photo from Beach Drive Blog

Catching up on BDB, noticed this photo posted yesterday. We’re used to seeing herons stalking fish or flying overhead, but this view looks down at a heron in flight. Wow!

Southwest Pool: What’ll be done while it’s closed for 3 1/2 months


After this weekend (which kicks off with a free public swim today at 4:30), Southwest Pool — West Seattle’s only city-run indoor pool — will be closed for 3 1/2 months of work. The sign boils it down to just two words — “capital improvements” — but as we found out in an interview with project manager Garrett Farrell, which we requested after some WSB’ers wondered “why so long,” what’s going is so much more. You won’t see most of the effects — it’s really an overhaul of major components that keep the 1970s-era pool running, like the big old inefficient 30-plus-year-old boiler we got to see during a basement tour (click to watch the short clip):

Lots more about what’s changing, why it’ll take 3 1/2 months, how it’ll affect the adjacent community center (which will close a few times during pool work, starting with a 6/23-6/29 shutdown), and more, in-depth, ahead:Read More

Myrtle Reservoir: Seeding today, Design Commission next week

June 13, 2008 12:32 pm
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ADDED 10:10 PM: Thanks to Scott for that photo of the grass seeding at the future Myrtle Reservoir Park — apparently it was just done today. ORIGINAL REPORT: The Seattle Design Commission‘s agenda for next Thursday just came out, and it includes a return engagement for the Myrtle Reservoir park plan, which has been at the center of “skatepark or not?” controversy for quite a while, though that appears to be out of the picture with recent revelations involving other sites (first High Point, then Delridge). Myrtle’s on the agenda for 1:45 pm Thursday during the SDC’s all-day meeting at City Hall downtown.

Crime Watch reader report: Burglary with unusual loot to look for

Just out of the WSB inbox, from Susan, who hopes you’ll keep an eye out for the unusual items stolen from her:

Bummed to report that my house (off Charlestown near Schmitz Park) was broken into yesterday. Came home from work to discover a slashed screen, window popped out of place. They must have been on foot because all they took were the contents of my change jar and a little safe.

I’m bummed about the safe–and the burglars are going to be bummed, too–because it held all the spare change from my travels around the world. Which is to say, if the burglars thought they were getting another pile of
quarters, they are sorely mistaken, as they got a bunch of coins from around the world, coins that the bank won’t even convert back to U.S. currency. Sentimental value only.

The safe was a gift–it was made out of an old P.O. box. I’m picturing it on the side of the road somewhere; or perhaps dumped in Schmitz Park. If any of your readers find a small old PO box safe, please put them in touch! [WSB note: E-mail or call us if you see it]

And hurrah for my neighbors, who saw the commotion (three police cars responded) and came over to check in on me.

Update: New Fauntleroy/Dawson signal powers up


Thanks to Sean for that photo and the report that the new Fauntleroy/Dawson pedestrian signal (map) is just about ready for action, exactly a month after neighbors reported getting word the construction schedule had been moved way up – he says it was in “flashing yellow” mode when he went by. (We’ll check back on it in a few hours if we don’t get an update first.)

“Car-free” day on Alki? SDOT says it’s not a done deal

As mentioned in our Parks Board meeting report, Parks staffers didn’t say anything more last night about the line in their briefing paper saying there could be a “car-free” day on Alki in late summer — they mentioned it in passing as a city Transportation Department proposal. So we asked SDOT communications boss Rick Sheridan this morning about the status and what’s next. Here’s the reply that just came in:

“Car Free Days,” where some city streets would be open to bikes and pedestrians, is an idea that Mayor Nickels proposed as part of the campaign to “Give Your Car the Summer Off.” The effort seeks to combat global warming by encouraging more walking, biking, car pooling and taking transit. The closures would be similar to Bicycle Saturdays and Sundays along Lake Washington Boulevard.

Parks and Recreation jumped the gun as no definitive decisions have been made. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is still fine-tuning the concept and needs other departments (fire, police, etc.) to approve it. Outstanding issues remain about mitigating the impacts on nearby streets and finding city resources to support it. The three corridors mentioned are, at this point, only possible locations. As we move further along in the process, we are interested in hearing the public’s perspective on the idea itself and suitable locations. SDOT should have more information to share in the next few weeks.

Rick Sheridan

Parks Board details: Beach fires, carlessness, and … disc golf!


Right after the city Parks Board‘s meeting last night, we posted a quick update to say the beach-fire discussion hadn’t taken any startling turns. Lots more to say about it, of course, so here we go – and after our account of that discussion, we have a few other West Seattle-related notes from the meeting:Read More

Design Review details: 3811 California SW and 4532 42nd SW


Two nights after we told you about the sudden change in plans for 3811 California SW – once targeted for teardown, and once rejected for landmark status – the Southwest Design Review Board got its first official look at the new design shown above, which retains and raises the existing building’s front “wings” — this one and its south-side twin:


For our summary of board and public comments – plus what was said about the other project on the SWDRB’s agenda last night, 4532 42nd SW on the east edge of The Junction – read on:Read More

Groundbreaking tonight for Whole Foods (aka Fauntleroy Place)

(Archive note: Video clip lost to hosting service closure)

The formal shovel-turning is now in the books, and construction of the long-awaited Whole Foods/Hancock Fabrics (and residential units) project — Fauntleroy Place — will begin at 39th/Alaska; the existing Hancock/Schuck’s building will be demolished. About 100 people attended tonight’s groundbreaking bash thrown by developers BlueStar Management, who provided food, music, and of course, speeches — King County Councilmember Dow Constantine (at right in the clip above) said the area’s come a long way from the days in the mid-’90s when businesses were closing and people were telling him what a shame it was that the West Seattle business scene was ailing — other speakers included West Seattle Chamber of Commerce executive director Patti Mullen and West Seattle Junction Association president Dave Montoure (proprietor of West 5). A cameo appearance was made by the Seafair Pirates, who sailed, er, drove up about 15 minutes before shovels hit dirt:

(Archive note: Video clip lost to hosting service closure)

Maybe a coincidence, but BlueStar exec Eric Radovich, who emceed tonight, used to do publicity for Seafair. (Pirate side note – co-publisher Patrick says he gave a WSB business card to one of the pirates, who chided him for a misspelling, saying that it should be “West Seattle Flog.” Arrrrrrrrrrrrr.) BlueStar’s newest estimated date for Fauntleroy Place completion is February 2010.

Tonight’s second graduation: Seattle Lutheran Class of ’08

June 12, 2008 10:55 pm
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Thanks to Bil Hood for getting us photos of tonight’s Seattle Lutheran High School graduation — one of two West Seattle schools with commencement ceremonies tonight (we posted West Seattle High School photos earlier). 32 seniors graduated this year; the total number of SLHS grads is now at 1,087, Hood says.


SLHS Class of ’08 valedictorian is Joseph Hwang, one of tonight’s speakers:


As we mentioned earlier, this leaves Chief Sealth High School awaiting its ceremony – 1 pm Saturday, Southwest Athletic Complex.

Quick toplines from tonight’s other events

The whole WSB team is back from the rest of tonight’s events – most of which ran longer than expected — we are processing photos, video, info, all that. But here are the toplines, or bottom lines if you will:

Fauntleroy Place groundbreaking: Seafair Pirates were there. So were the Hulings. And the various dignitaries mentioned earlier.

Design Review Board meeting on 3811 Charlestown: New design with preservation element pronounced “99% successful.” Co-publisher Patrick, who covered Design Review this time, insists KING 5’s Jim Forman was there. Having worked 20-plus years in TV and never known a TV reporter to turn up for something as neighborhood-level as a Design Review meeting, I won’t believe it till I see it, on TV or online (no time to check yet). UPDATE: Here’s the clip.

–Design Review Board meeting on 4532 42nd: Not so glowing, needs more work.

More details on all of the above as soon as we can put it all together (along with more details from the Parks Board). Plus pix of tonight’s second graduation (Seattle Lutheran) are coming up momentarily.

Parks Board meeting: Beach-fire discussion just concluded

June 12, 2008 8:57 pm
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We’re downtown at the city Parks Board meeting, where the discussion of the controversial “beach-fire ban briefing” has just concluded. City staff has backed completely away from the notion that a ban might have anything to do with climate change; “that was … weak,” one staffer said outright. Their focus is now entirely on the problems they say are caused by illegal beach fires at Alki and Golden Gardens, and wanting to “open a discussion” about how to address those problems. Absolutely no conclusions reached and no action is planned; interesting discussion and ideas along the way — full report a bit later, including a couple of other West Seattle items that have come up (meeting’s not over yet).

Walking the walk: Map update; plus, those “walkability” scores

June 12, 2008 7:06 pm
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Two notes: First, Chas Redmond says a few more spots have the new West Seattle Trails walking map, if you’re looking for a (free!) copy — Alki Kayak Tours at Seacrest, Atomic Boys in Admiral, and the city’s Delridge Neighborhood Office. Full distribution list is online at westseattlewalks.org. Second, you probably heard about a new website scoring Seattle neighborhoods by walkability; if you haven’t already seen the WSB Forums discussion about it, here’s the topic we opened this morning.

Congratulations, Class of ’08: WSHS graduation tonight


West Seattle High School‘s graduation ceremony is under way in bright sunshine at Seattle Center’s Memorial Stadium right now; we took that photo (and the ones below) a short time ago – the photo above shows the 49 percent who are graduating with honors — including 10 valedictorians with 4.0 averages — were asked to stand and be acknowledged. They wore special gold banners:


Dignitaries there to share the ceremony with the more than 200 grads included West Seattle’s school-board rep Steve Sundquist and district superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson (third and second from right, respectively):


Seattle Lutheran High School‘s ceremony is 7:30 tonight; Chief Sealth High School grads are honored at 1 pm Saturday (Southwest Athletic Complex across from the school).

Charlestown Center (ex-Schuck’s site) update: Deals in the works


That’s the south side of Charlestown Center, the under-construction commercial building at California/Charlestown, a corner where much is happening — kitty-corner from Charlestown Cafe (where repairs are under way) and just north of Charlestown Court (Design Review meeting tonight). This is the site where the burned-out Schuck’s was torn down exactly six months ago today (WSB video coverage here). We checked today with the leasing agents to see who’s going to be in the building when it opens this summer; they don’t want to name names yet but Joe Beynon with Retail Realty Services tells WSB, “We have numerous deals in process at different stages so it looks that by the time the building is ready for the first tenant we may have 5 of the 7 suites leased.” He says they may be ready to name names by early next month but in the meantime, he believes the businesses with whom they’re negotiating will be “good uses for the neighborhood.”

Congratulations to West Seattle “Small and Simple” winners

The mayor’s office just added another event to tonight’s busy list: Groups from around the city are accepting awards for “Small and Simple” matching-funds grants tonight – and two of those grants are going to West Seattle projects – read on:Read More