Reminder – tomorrow’s closures and changes …

May 25, 2008 12:23 pm
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 |   Holidays

… are in the latest West Seattle Weekend Lineup (including transit-schedule info). P.S. In the WSB Forums, Chris is looking for tips on Memorial Day breakfast/brunch options; join the discussion here.

Learn about the Koran — from a Lutheran pastor

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

That’s Pastor Ron Marshall, longtime leader of First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, getting ready for the next session of his Koran course (starting in early June). He’s been teaching a course about the Koran for several years, but a recent note from him is the first time it’s come to our attention since we started WSB, so we thought it would be interesting to talk with him about the admittedly unusual circumstance of a Christian leader teaching about the Muslims’ holy book:Read More

West Seattle Farmers’ Market “fresh list” for today

May 25, 2008 6:43 am
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 |   West Seattle Farmers' Market

Every Sunday morning, we publish the West Seattle Farmers’ Market list spotlighting what’s new as well as what’s regularly available. Note that this list covers several affiliated farmers’ markets, so you may see others mentioned, but we edit out anything that’s listed as NOT offered in WS. 10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska, here’s the lineup:Read More

Saturday sunset’s afterglow, from Fauntleroy


Thanks to Amy for sharing that photo (she says that’s an Argosy boat near Blake Island). Tomorrow’s forecast is still described as “mostly cloudy” – but today turned out to be nicer than predicted, so we’ll just wait ‘n’ see. 12:35 AM NOTE: Hmm, didn’t have to wait long. It’s raining now.

Admiral Theater website’s back up

For those who e-mailed us, worried because it had gone to a “parking page” for a few days – the Admiral’s site is back, with current movies (plus details on the upcoming John Keawe concert), at

Colman Pool, Day 1: Margaritaville without the margaritas


With the bright sunshine, sapphire sky, and warm turquoise salt water, the season’s first public swim at Colman Pool this afternoon really did feel almost tropical. And even with the summery weather, the crowd wasn’t overwhelming. Colman will be open tomorrow and Monday, then the following two Saturday-Sunday weekends before beginning 7-day summertime operations on 6/14. Do note (this one almost tripped us up) that the “preseason” weekend/holiday days through 6/8 have a different schedule (NOT reflected in this online schedule, but it IS in the brochure), with public swim 3-4:45 (instead of the “regular” 1:45-4:45) and another late-afternoon lap swim 5-7 (during the “regular” season, that’s half lap swim, half family swim). Colman is one of only two outdoor pools in the city system; it’s a few blocks’ walk from either side of the Lincoln Park waterfront. Here’s a good map of the park; if you don’t live close enough to walk from home, park in the Lowman Beach area and walk southwest down the end of Beach Drive (map) and onto the Lincoln Park beach walkway; park in the central Lincoln Park lot and walk through the wooded area to the trail down to Colman; or park near Lincoln Park’s south end and follow the paved waterfront walkway north to the pool. Note that the Lincoln Park parking lots fill up fast on sunny days, and neighborhood parking near the park’s south end (closest to the ferry dock) has new rules because of RPZ restrictions.

Crime Watch reader report: Car vandalism

E-mailed by “j”:

Last night around 1130 we were awakened by some banging that sounded like fireworks. I went out on the front porch and saw nothing …. all was quiet. About 15 min later there were a couple of police cars in front of our house. Someone got ALL of the windows smashed out of their car and apparently other cars on the block were hit. We’re on 44th and Findlay [map].

(P.S. Crime Watch side note for those in north West Seattle — sorry, still no further details on last night’s search.)

Honoring heroes: Scouts’ work at Forest Lawn today


As noted on our Events page, Forest Lawn (east of High Point) will hold its annual Memorial Day service at 2 pm Monday. What we almost missed (until a note from Creighton, who mentioned it on his site) was the preparatory work that local Scouts do, marking the graves with crosses and flags each Memorial Day weekend. At Forest Lawn a few hours ago, we caught up with this group — including 8 Boy Scouts from Troop 284, 1 Boy Scout from Troop 398, and I Cub Scout from Pack 381:


They had hours of work left when we stopped by. But the results will all be in view if you attend Monday’s service, which one WSB’er noted last year is presented by American Legion Post 160, and is one of the city’s longest-running Memorial Day services. If you haven’t been to Forest Lawn before, here’s where to find it.


A side note from the folks at Forest Lawn: They told us today that after the Monday service, the Senior Center of West Seattle‘s Ukulele Band will perform.

Reader report: Charlestown Cafe work-crew sighting


Thanks to PS for snagging and sending that photo this morning. As we reported last weekend, the Charlestown Cafe finally has its permit to proceed with the work needed to get the restaurant back in shape after fire damage closed it in February, and then co-owner Larry Mellum told us a few days later that we wouldn’t see a lot of site activity immediately because the new hood is being built offsite. He’s hoping to reopen next month sometime; a lot of CC fans are anxiously awaiting that, like PS, whose e-mail accompanying the photo included: “… activity this morning at Webster’s! At last! Mmmmmmmm. French toast!” (Reminder, you can find out the latest on the CC situation any time by going to the WSB Categories list down the right sidebar and clicking Charlestown Cafe; WSB Categories archive all coverage that we filed under those categories, in newest-first order – you can also use the links next to their titles to add specific categories to your RSS reader, if you read WSB that way.)

Door-to-door alert: If anyone says they’re with the Dems …

Just sent to us by 34th District Democrats chair Ivan Weiss, his response to a note he received about solicitor concerns in the Fairmount Springs area — someone reportedly asking for $100 contributions to the Democratic Party:

From the e-mails forwarded to me, I would say this is *not* legitimate.
NO one should be canvassing in our District claiming to represent the Democratic Party who is not working with the 34th District Democrats or with a specific candidate’s campaign — ESPECIALLY if they are asking for $100 donations!!!

There is at least some precedent for this. The Democratic National Committee, under its (thank goodness) former chairman, Terry McAuliffe, did send solicitors door-to-door for contributions to the DNC in 2004. I thought Howard Dean had stopped this practice.

Even so, neighbors should refer any such solicitors to me. If they are, in fact, sent here by the DNC, I will get to the bottom of this but FAST! This is NOT the face of the Democratic Party that *I* want represented in our communities. When we canvass door to door, I want our volunteers to be able to say “We are your neighbors!”

Bottom line, if anybody shows up on your doorstep saying they’re soliciting for the Dems, contact Ivan. You can e-mail him at In the same area, someone had written us pointing out a lot of recent concern about security-system soliciting, which one neighbor reportedly checked out and discovered to be legitimate.

2 efforts to get local people better food, for better lives

May 24, 2008 7:42 am
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 |   Delridge | How to help | West Seattle news


That photo is courtesy of Aviva with Community Harvest of West Seattle, which held its first container-vegetable-growing class at White Center Food Bank (which serves part of southern West Seattle) on Wednesday. Aviva sent us this report, including something you can do to help future classes like this:

Participants learned that with a sunny deck or patio, fresh vegetables could be grown and harvested our their back doors. Lettuce Link and West Seattle’s Backyard Greenhouse provided starts ranging from common leaf lettuce to exotic raddichio. Containers and soil were donated by individuals and local businesses (West Seattle Nursery, Junction True Value). We hope that this class improves access to the 5-a-day and increases self-reliance in obtaining healthy foods. We hope to continue this program and are soliciting donations of pots (1-5 gallon) – plastic or other lightweight material. For more info:

And as we mentioned Wednesday night, a big effort to improve local access to not only healthy food but more fitness options is under way in the form of the King County Food and Fitness Initiative, with Delridge/White Center as an area of emphasis. Wednesday night’s update came with a brainstorming session at the monthly Delridge District Council meeting; read on for the latest:Read More

Maybe they’ll settle it on skates: Starbucks v. Rat City Rollergirls

According to Slog, Starbucks is asking the Rat City Rollergirls – who have White Center (aka Rat City) and West Seattle roots/ties, so they’re sort-of-local news to us – to tweak their logo. RCR reaction just went live in a PI followup.

Update: Checking on Admiral-area search

May 23, 2008 10:18 pm
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 |   Crime | WS breaking news

Since more than a few people have e-mailed and texted, just wanted to let you know we’re monitoring the scanner to see if we can figure out what the Admiral-area search is about (perhaps there’s an area resident with direct knowledge?) … nothing obvious so far (and we have the helicopter frequency on our scanner too so we usually hear what they’re up to), and there’s no 911 medic calls in the area, which at least indicates that if a crime was involved, nobody’s hurt. We’ll update if we find anything out. 10:42 PM UPDATE: This is still not official info but two different e-mails have said the same basic thing so we feel comfortable about passing it along – apparently some kind of assault happened in the area. Absolutely no information about circumstances, but police told one resident that they were looking for an “assault suspect.” Don’t know if that person was found – still no scanner traffic hinting at something active. 12:39 AM POSTSCRIPT: Still not another shred of info, anecdotal, scanner, or otherwise. Will try our best to see if we can reach anyone at the precinct tomorrow for followup.

Another coyote sighting – but this one’s hurt

(video no longer available because of shutdown)

Toward the end of that video clip sent by a reader who lives just west of Morgan Junction, you can clearly see that the coyote in the clip is limping. Here’s a photo with a closer look at the coyote as it rests:


The reader tried calling the state Fish and Wildlife Department but couldn’t get through to anyone; it so happens that another reader had written us earlier this week about an injured coyote in what she described as “the Fauntleroy greenbelt” — not sure if it’s the same one — and while she did get through to the state, here’s what she was told:

Of course the Washington Fish and Wildlife said there is nothing they can do, we have to let nature take its course. Sad to say that as much as I do not like them in my yard, I felt really bad for the coyote, if it is serious he will likely die a slow death by starvation.

The Fish/Wildlife Department has a page with tons of info about coyotes and coexisting with them, but nothing about policy for dealing with ones that are hurt. We did find some information at the PAWS site advising calling in a “licensed wildlife rehabilitator” – the ones in this region are listed here; none are based nearby, and there’s no coyote-specific information to be found.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: 3-day-weekend edition

May 23, 2008 3:44 pm
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(photo by WSB contributor Matt Durham; prints of his work are available at
We’re including Monday events too, as well as Monday information (like government closures, Water Taxi/bus/ferry schedule changes, etc.), since this is it … the kickoff of summer … and as we type those very words, in fact, filtered sun is starting to wash over Upper Fauntleroy … 41 events and other notes listed ahead:Read More

Reader report: Alert for bicyclists who commute downtown

Meg e-mailed us an alert she thought her fellow bicycle commuters would want to hear:Read More

Westwood pit-bulls case closed, no charges against owner

We’ve followed up from time to time on the aftermath of the February 26th Westwood incident in which two pit bulls attacked a man and his Chihuahua, and then were shot by police (original WSB report here; followup with police-report narrative here). One pit bull died that night; the other was seized by the Seattle Animal Shelter. During our followup calls, SAS executive director Don Jordan had told us the dogs’ owner faced citations and possibly a criminal charge (March 3 update here; April 10 update here). The second dog’s fate depended on what happened with those cases. Jordan just called WSB to let us know the case is closed because the owner agreed to have the second dog euthanized. “We wanted to make sure that dog was off the street,” Jordan said. The civil citations and possible criminal charge are not being pursued, according to Jordan, because of that agreement, and also because the victim did not want to press charges or even give a written statement. Jordan had told us previously that this owner had a history of trouble involving other dogs, not these; we asked, so does that mean any restrictions can be put on his right to own or license dogs in the future? Not in this case, he said, noting that even in cases where people are found guilty of crimes involving animals and judges decide to impose such restrictions, they can never be prohibited from ownership for a period longer than 2 years. “That can be frustrating for us,” he acknowledged.

West 5-filmed video is a “3-Minute Masterpiece” winner

May 23, 2008 12:58 pm
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 |   West Seattle video | WS culture/arts

Remember that three-minute “short” shot inside West 5? It’s one of the winners.

2 ex-Huling employees sentenced, more to be charged

gavel.jpgJust reported by the P-I. We knew Adrian Dillard and Ted Coxwell were to be sentenced today in the notorious bilking case (each got one year, but Coxwell had already served that time since he didn’t bail out prior to his trial) but we couldn’t be there in person; seems prosecutors also revealed more charges to come. (Previous WSB coverage: January 30 report on Dillard/Coxwell verdicts; January 4 report on Paul Rimbey sentencing.) 4 PM ADDITION: KIRO site has video from today’s hearing.

Bulletin for food fans: Spring Hill Restaurant opens tonight

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

(Updated 12:51 pm with that short video peek inside the new restaurant) We dropped in quickly a short time ago to verify a tip that Spring Hill in The Junction is about to open, and indeed, they tell us tonight is opening night, open for dinner 7 nights a week, 5:45 pm-midnight. (Previous WSB coverage: January Q&A with owner here, sneak peek inside last month is here, and just for the historical record, our very first mention it was coming was November 9, 2006.) EARLY SATURDAY P.S.: Note the comment just posted from a self-identified insider, including menu excerpts.

Reopening update from arson-victim Morgan Junction locksmith

May 23, 2008 10:12 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle fires


Quick update from Puget Sound Lock and Key co-owner Michael Dein, writing to the WSB Forum Community mailing list that was set up during the planning of last month’s WSBFC fundraiser for his business, closed since a still-unsolved arson attack two months ago:

I talked with the contractor who is handling fire restoration, and he estimates that we will be re-opened in 1 1/2 – 2 months. Thank you all once again for your support, I don’t think that I would have even tried to rebuild if not for the
outpouring of support and love from the community.

Some High Point homes to be powerless tomorrow

May 23, 2008 7:02 am
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 |   High Point | Neighborhoods | Utilities | West Seattle news

From High Point’s newly revamped website – word of a Seattle City Light alert that dozens of High Point addresses will be without power for about 10 hours starting at 7:30 tomorrow morning, because of transformer work. Here’s the alert, with a link to a list of addresses to be affected, all of whom already should have been directly notified by SCL.

59th/Stevens meeting tonight: Neighbors face planners

That’s Alki resident Steve Cuddy, explaining to city planning reps tonight why a fence in front of the proposed 5-unit development at 59th/Stevens (city project page here) would dangerously limit visibility for people crossing 59th to Alki Playfield or Elementary. Neighbors gathered at the Admiral library branch for a meeting called because they gathered signatures to demand one.

We’ve told you before about the controversy over this development, most recently when it was discussed at last week’s Alki Community Council meeting (WSB coverage here). The lot is about 7500 square feet, with one single-family home on it now, and a plan to tear that down to make way for two houses plus a three-unit townhouse building:


Most neighbors say they’re not opposed to development at the site, but they have concerns about this plan. In addition to the visibility concerns discussed by Cuddy in the video clip above, they are worried about the shadows they say the 3-story buildings will cast on Alki Playfield and Playground, and they believe those shadows might be a violation of city codes. (See the codes by scrolling to section Q here; also, here’s a gallery of diagrams and photos collected by neighbors at this site, including photos showing how narrow the street can be; neighbor Laura Chassagne says it’s in effect a one-way street at many times of the day.) The alley to the west also is a concern (same one where we showed you then-newly installed speed-limit signs in January), with beach cruisers often using it as a shortcut, and fears that added housing units will mean added clutter with trash, recycling, and yard-waste containers. Another area resident, Steve Turpin, expressed further concerns about whether the existing house, built in 1925, has been assessed for possible toxics concerns when it’s torn down, given its proximity to the playground, playfield, and school. City planners will review this input before ruling on the proposal — you can send them comments by clicking the link next to “Public Involvement” atop this page. (Also worth noting again, the house and land, currently owned by West Seattle-based Cobb Construction, is back on the market.)