Looking for work? City job fair coming to West Seattle

May 16, 2008 11:20 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Just got full details on this — a City of Seattle Career Fair is coming to the Joint Training Facility on the southeastern edge of West Seattle next Wednesday — here’s the announcement:Read More

Seafair Pirates sail to Hi-Yu float’s rescue


Earlier this week, we showed you that photo of the Seafair Pirates clowning around with the West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival banner as both organizations appeared at the first major parade of the season, at the Sequim Irrigation Festival last Saturday. That report also included an account of parade trouble involving the breakdown-plagued float-propelling vehicle; that problem’s not solved yet but Hi-Yu Festival president Tim Winston reports, the Pirates are lending some mechanical expertise, as their signature “vessel” Moby Duck also has decades-old infrastructure. However, that’s not going to help in time to get the Hi-Yu float to what was its next appearance, this weekend in Port Townsend; instead, Winston says, they’re arranging for the Hi-Yu court to ride in convertibles in that parade. He’s hoping the Pirates’ help will enable Hi-Yu to get its float in shape for its 6/14 gig in Marysville; he also says they’re still looking at the prospect of a fundraising drive to get the estimated $30K it would take for a float-propelling vehicle that would last for years to come, as Hi-Yu continues not only delighting West Seattle families, but also representing WS in events around the region (which brings the reciprocal event of those events sending floats and representatives to the midsummer parade here).

Madison Middle School students to be honored in Olympia today


Congratulations to Madison Middle School seventh-graders Allie Commons and Dylan Tucker, who will be honored at a reception in Olympia today. They’re receiving an award at the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s annual School Art Show Awards and Reception, in connection with their work in the 2008 Youth Art Month flag-design contest (shown above). This comes as Arts Education Week wraps up. (Allie and Dylan’s work is featured on the state’s webpage for today’s event, as well as on page 2 of the program.) The Seattle Public Schools communication team also notes that Madison students “have been working on a project titled ‘A World with No Art’ with posters (on display at the school) illustrating what would be missing from their lives if fine art, music, dance, and drama did not exist.

Update: Work parties to fix up WS house for Addie Killam

addie.jpgA month and a half after we first told you about the bizarre surfing injury that left West Seattle native Addie Killam disabled (original WSB report here) — we have two updates: First, Addie is undergoing rehab in a western Colorado hospital and could return to West Seattle sometime next month. Second – work parties are happening today, tomorrow, and Sunday, as well as later this month, to get a West Seattle house wheelchair-accessible for Addie’s homecoming. Full details — including when help is needed, where it’s needed, who to call if you can help, plus a link for a donation fund — are all on this website that’s just been set up.

One more weekend traffic alert: Lane closures on 2 viaducts

In addition to the city traffic alerts we shared here – here’s a third one involving weekend lane closures on the Spokane Street Viaduct and Alaskan Way Viaduct:Read More

Alki Council tonight: Police plans; development concerns

(updated Friday morning with attachments/images re: 59th/Stevens project “shadow” concerns)
Steps away from the busy beachfront, Alki Community Council members gathered tonight for updates on several topics – most notably, police plans for helping Alki stay safe, and two hot development-related issues — read on:Read More

West Seattleites try for fame with grilled baby food

May 15, 2008 9:39 pm
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 |   West Seattle people | West Seattle video

Shane Valentine, baby daughter Alina, and some West Seattle stores and scenery are all featured in this cooking video the Valentines entered in a Food Network contest – viewer ratings might snag them a spot on TV.

Two city traffic alerts that might be of interest

Not in West Seattle but one’s along a popular route (1st Ave S) and the other’s for a variety of events you might encounter elsewhere in the city this weekend:Read More

Update: Big fire callout for vault trouble in alley west of 35th


Thanks to tipsters who e-mailed about seeing huge contingent of fire crews rushing to this. Exact address is on 911 log as 4511 35th SW, our crew’s in the area and trying to pinpoint. 6:31 PM UPDATE: Finally found it – alley behind apartment/commercial buildings along 35th near Snoqualmie, south of Alaska (alley is west of 35th) (map) – smoldering electrical vault, neighbors tell WSB it started about an hour ago, some units are without power because of it. Several engines and City Light still on scene. No injuries reported. 6:39 PM UPDATE: City Light also says it’s had trouble with this vault before, because of rewiring for buildings in the area, some of which have apparently had intermittent outages. Photos to come. 6:52 PM UPDATE: Photos added. Above, the fire units; below, the vault (Friday morning addendum — City Light tells WSB repairs were completed at about 1:35 am today):


Satterlee House owner goes to court to challenge city ruling


The fight over what can and can’t be built on that large lawn in the 4800 block of Beach Drive, stretching westward from the city-landmarked Satterlee House, isn’t over yet. Richard Hill, lawyer for Satterlee House owner William Conner, has just confirmed to WSB that Conner is going to court to challenge the city Hearing Examiner‘s recent ruling on his development proposal. As reported here April 28th, Hearing Examiner Sue Tanner upheld the city Landmarks Board vote against Conner’s proposal to build three 3,000-square-foot homes on the land; it’s been subdivided into three lots for potential development, and it was suggested at the extensive hearing preceding the ruling (this archive includes all WSB coverage) that the board might have looked more favorably on smaller houses. The HE ruling was the city’s final say, so court action was the only means by which it could be challenged; the 51-page appeal asks King County Superior Court to review the decision – we won’t have time to review all 51 pages till later, but we’ve uploaded the document here in case you want to read it first.

Live theater times two in West Seattle tonight

May 15, 2008 3:10 pm
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 |   WS culture/arts

mattwife.jpgAt left, you see Nick DeSantis as Charlotte von
Mahlsdorf (photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Matt Durham) in ArtsWest‘s production of “I Am My Own Wife,” making its Seattle debut. Tonight is the second night of the two-and-a-half-week ArtsWest run for this Pulitzer- and Tony-winning play. It’s one of two live-theater productions you can see in West Seattle tonight — the other one is “Other Places,” presented at Youngstown Arts Center by The Community Theatre. That’s at 8 pm (ticket info here); “I Am My Own Wife” is at 7:30 pm at ArtsWest (ticket info here)

West Seattle wildlife: Bird-banding beneath The Bridge

After our bird-sighting report yesterday (haven’t solved the mystery yet), Ginny (thank you!!!!) sent us a link to the Urban Peregrines of Western Washington blog — pointing out that its newest entry, just published last night, is all about a banding effort targeting a nest that’s right underneath the West Seattle Bridge. Pictures included too. (This is peregrine-falcon-banding season, according to the previous entry.)

Great day for West Seattle gardening – consider these offers

May 15, 2008 1:25 pm
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 |   Gardening


First, this just in from the Admiral-area branch of the city library system, announcing a seed exchange:

Do you have extra garden seeds? Don’t let them go to waste! Bring them to the West Seattle Library in a sealed, labeled envelope, and take home someone else’s extra seeds! The seed exchange is happening from now until the end of May.

And the city’s offering compost bins at reduced prices – read on for full details:Read More

Saving Fauntleroy Schoolhouse: Pursuing landmark status


A little more than a month is left before Fauntleroy Community Services Agency needs to make an official deal with Seattle Public Schools as part of the first round of negotiations to buy the 92-year-old Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, which the district is putting up for sale as “surplus property.” Meantime, landmark status is being pursued – we heard last night from Alison Swing, who is working on the landmark-nomination documentation and asking to hear from anyone who can help her with this type of information:

I’m just looking for testimonies on behalf of the community on significant impacts the school has had on the local community, whether socially, economically, politically, and any other information on the significance of the school as a historic landmark for the community.

If you have anything to say along those lines, please e-mail Alison at aswing@u.washington.edu as soon as you can.

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: Not leveling off yet

35thholdenwatch.jpgLooks like we’re in one of those periods when the folks who change the numbers on gas-station signs are getting quite the upper-body workout. Our informal barometer of the high end of WS prices — 35th/Holden Chevron, which we noted yesterday had broken the $3.90 barrier — is up 2 cents on all grades again this morning. (According to AAA, the citywide and national average prices went up about 2 cents overnight too.)

Happening tonight: The “Taste”; public-school plan; Alki CC

Thursday-night highlights from the frequently updated WSB Events page:

“TASTE OF WEST SEATTLE”: Tonight at The Hall @ Fauntleroy, it’s the annual Taste of West Seattle benefiting West Seattle Helpline. On the menu: dishes from restaurants around West Seattle. 6-8:30 pm; check with Helpline (website here) for ticket availability.

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ STRATEGIC PLAN: The district’s working on one and asking for your help. A round of public meetings is part of the process, and there’s one tonight in the West Seattle High School Commons, 7 pm.

ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Tonight’s ACC agenda (7 pm, Alki Community Center) includes two hot topics — the forthcoming proposal to change the city’s rules for multifamily developments (as previewed in WSB coverage here) and the 59th/Stevens development proposal across from Alki Elementary (that proposal also will be the subject of its own meeting a week from tonight).

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Dightman Capital Group

As is our tradition when a new sponsor joins WSB, we offer them a chance here on the home page to tell you something about themselves and their business. This morning, we’re welcoming Dightman Capital Group, an independent Registered Investment Advisor; here’s what they want you to know: “Dightman Capital was founded in 2007 by West Seattle resident Brian Dightman after nearly 6 years at RBC Dain Rauscher. Brian and his wife Michelle settled in West Seattle 8 years ago and shortly thereafter welcomed their two sons, Maxwell and Owen. Brian summarizes his feelings for West Seattle this way: ‘We love this community, its people, and look forward to continuing to build a rich history here for our family.’ Brian is a 3rd-generation West Seattleite; Grandma Ann and Mom Mitzie have many stories about their time at the Luna Park amusement center and saltwater pool on the pier back in the early 1900’s! Brian founded Dightman Capital when he realized that the best form of investment management and planning was going to come from an independent, fee-only source. The goal at Dightman Capital is to deliver a unique and focused portfolio-management approach to individual and institutional investors within a comprehensive planning environment. The firm emphasizes services in money management, financial planning, wealth management, generating retirement income, college cost evaluations and concentrated stock strategies.” You can reach Dightman Capital Group through its website at www.dightmancapital.com. Thanks to Dightman Capital Group for sponsoring WSB — and thanks to our other sponsors, all of whom you will find on this page, which also has info for anybody interested in joining them to grow their business and reach more customers while helping WSB be a sustainable source of 24/7 community news, information, and discussion for West Seattle.

Crime Watch reader report: Car break-ins near Lincoln Park

From Cass:

Just wanted to alert the neighborhood that there have been a few car break-ins in the neighborhood of Fauntleroy and Cloverdale (map), near Lincoln Park. The neighbors have seen a guy who is supposedly selling magazine subscriptions hanging around, and have reported the break-in and sighting to the Seattle Police. No big damage done, but a reminder to keep your eyes open and your cars locked.

This gives us the opportunity to mention that you can get your questions answered about “casing” — what should you consider suspicious, what should you not worry about, when to call the police, when not to — during a Q&A with local police leadership at next Tuesday’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting (Southwest Precinct meeting room, 7 pm). And if you have any other crime/safety concerns in your neighborhood, that meeting’s also the place to be.

Canceled-condo-conversion building Strata now up for sale


From our latest look at the commercial-real-estate listings: Strata on California (California & Graham, north edge of Morgan Junction) has just been put up for sale, $15,250,000. It was just last June that, after buying the then-Graham Street Apartments for almost $9 million, Mosaic announced the conversion plan (WSB coverage here); the sales pitch started in October (WSB coverage here); Mosaic canceled the conversion in late November (along with its plans to turn the West Ridge Park apartments on Delridge into “Gables” and sell them as condos too). The listing describes Strata as “luxury multi-family” and also notes, “The neighborhood is made up of mostly new townhomes, exciting newer restaurants, and upscale home and clothing retailers.” (And the ex-Chuck and Sally’s across the street.) Listing agent is McQuaid, which has sold a boatload of WS buildings in the past year or so (scroll here). THURSDAY AFTERNOON ADDENDUM: Thanks to Di for the tip that Strata’s having a “model furniture sale” this Saturday, according to this CL ad.

Now officially moving to West Seattle Warm Weather Watch


(July 2007 WSB photo taken along Barton near Westwood Village)
The forecast still suggests it could get into the 70s and maybe approach 80 tomorrow. So by this time tomorrow night, we may all be pulling the cobwebbed fans out of the basement and so forth. For a refresher course (pun not intended) on heat-wave survival, we need only look back to some of what we wrote last July (Colman Pool tip not applicable yet, though; it opens for the weekends-only preseason on May 24).

Update: Man in hospital, woman arrested after 21st SW stabbing

View Larger Map

Just starting to check this out now. 911 log says it’s in the 6000 block of 21st SW, which is near the Croft Place intersection east of Delridge. Team member heading that way, will update here when we get info. King County property records describe the address listed on the 911 log for this call, 6025 21st SW, as a single-family home owned by the city. 6:58 PM UPDATE: Neighbors tell us at the scene that this was a domestic dispute – a woman reportedly stabbed a man and he’s gone to the hospital. “It’s all over now,” says our reporter at the scene. Checking with police to find out more. 7:37 PM UPDATE: Police media-info line tells the story as following: 18-year-old woman under arrest, suspected of stabbing boyfriend “in his 20s” in the front yard of the house, with a “large kitchen knife.” First 911 call came from a neighbor at 6:12 pm. The victim is at Harborview Medical Center with what police describe as “life-threatening injuries.” The woman is expected to be booked into county jail, facing a possible charge of felony domestic-violence assault. No one else hurt, no one else involved or being sought, according to police spokesperson Jeff Kappel (who also adds there’s NO new information on last night’s Delridge shootings).

Health notes: Free fair; fundraiser acupuncture; store freebies

Three notes to share, loosely related in that they have something to do with health care. First, student nurses from the Seattle University College of Nursing are inviting you to a health fair this Saturday – 10 am-4 pm @ High Point Community Center. They’re organizing it as a school-related project and they are really excited about the chance to come help people be healthier; they’re offering blood-sugar testing and blood-pressure checks for adults, mouth-care demos and face painting for kids, as well as information on a variety of health challenges and conditions. Here’s the flyer. Second – On Saturday afternoon 5/31, West Seattle acupuncture practitioner and community activist Miranda Taylor will be offering “community-style acupuncture” at the CommuniChi clinic on Beacon Hill; fees are sliding scale and proceeds on this particular day are going toward West Seattle community activist Maria Ramirez‘s School Board campaign from last fall. Appointments can be made online at the CommuniChi website. Last but not least, the date is now set for a Junction drugstore transition — new information (including plans for grand-opening freebies such as massages!) and a video interview, ahead:Read More

Followup: Helicopter off Alki Point last night “not a search”

We’ve received more than a few inquiries about this and finally got to check with U.S. Coast Guard Public Affairs: Whatever that helicopter was doing off Alki Point last night, it wasn’t a search/rescue. Possibly training, is the best they could tell us.