West Seattle Weather Watch: Saturday snow

Dustin in Arbor Heights (thanks!) caught some flakes on cam in Arbor Heights; below is the video we shot with our cam pointed out the car window while en route to “only because there’s not one in West Seattle” Trader Joe’s in Burien a short time ago – looked more impressive in person but here it is anyway:

Don’t recycle that postcard: Elliott Bay Water Taxi freebie

wtrtxi.jpgOne more event we’re counting down to – opening day for the Elliott Bay Water Taxi a week from tomorrow. (Full schedule here, including details on the opening-day festivities.) Rides are free all day that day, but for subsequent trips, there’s a coupon for a freebie on a postcard from West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Dow Constantine that’s landing in (postal) mailboxes now (we just got ours).

3 weeks till West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 19, 2008 12:24 pm
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Less than a week left to sign up to be part of the 4th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (go here to see how); we’ve now passed 60 sales signed up to be part of one fun day of West Seattle-wide shopping and selling on May 10, but there’s room for more on the map – invite your neighbors to set up a block sale, or have one at your business/school!

Happening today/tonight: Earth Day, to art, to dogs, to darts

April 19, 2008 9:55 am
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Looks like Winter Encore ’08 smacked other areas but spared us (so far), so here are outdoor and indoor highlights (find today’s full list in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup):

EARTH DAY: It’s officially not till Tuesday but today, Cooper Elementary and neighboring Pigeon Point Park are the epicenter of the Duwamish Alive! activities happening all day long (with work parties at Roxhill Park and Brandon Street Natural Area too). Full details here.

FREE SWIMMING! It’s part of the April Pools Day event 10:30 am-noon at Southwest Pool.

LONGFELLOW CREEK FARM WORK PARTY: As we put it in our first report, “free organic produce … with just one catch!” Noon-4 pm.

HOMEMADE BRIGADE: Artists and craftspeople are setting up inside Freshy’s noon-4 pm today to show and sell their creations. Organizer Amber Bennett says live music will follow.

SNOOTY WALK: Across the street from Freshy’s, at Hiawatha, the pet event organized by and benefiting the West Seattle High School Class of ’09 starts at 2 pm. Read all about it here.

GOING TO THE HEALTHY LIVING EXPO? It’s not in West Seattle but if you’re going to this event @ Qwest, the WS Nia Divas asked us to let you know they’re presenting a free Nia class there @ 3 pm.

WSB FORUM COMMUNITY GET-TOGETHER AND ARSON-VICTIM FUNDRAISER: 6-9 pm tonight at Admiral Pub, join the WSB Forum Community for an evening of fun — all ages welcome — including a dart tournament and raffles with a list of enticing items (still growing as we speak) to raise money for Puget Sound Key and Lock, the Morgan Junction business gutted a month ago by a still-unsolved arson attack (recent followup here). Admiral Pub is on the east side of California just a few blocks north of Admiral; here’s the latest forum thread about tonight’s event (including raffle-item updates).

West Seattle Weather Watch: The no-nonsense forecast

In odd-weather times like these, we love the no-nonsense format of the UW-hosted National Weather Service text; you can check that forecast here. 9:43 AM UPDATE: A few flakes are flying here at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy.

Missing terrier: You’ve seen the flyers, now meet the owner

daisymissing.jpgAt left is “Daisy,” the missing Boston Terrier whose photo is on almost every utility pole, store window, and bulletin board in West Seattle — she’s even the subject of a spray-painted bedsheet hung over a section of waterfront railing. We posted her photo on our Pets page, and there it stayed till we got a note Friday from a friend of Daisy’s owner Dez, saying Daisy’s still missing and by the way, not only is Dez dealing with this frantic, relentless search, she’s also 8 months pregnant. We thought you might want to hear from Dez herself, so we talked with her Friday evening at her workplace, the Forsythe Studio salon in The Junction:

As the posting on our Pets page says, Daisy got out quite by accident. A reward is offered; call 206-935-1865 or cell phone number 206-227-7090. if you’ve seen her.

WS Community Recognition Awards: The event & the winners

April 18, 2008 10:56 pm
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Thanks to Capers for again hosting the quarterly West Seattle Community Recognition Awards get-together, with complimentary coffee, tea, and brownies like last time (January report here) – and thanks to everybody who attended – more pix, and the winners, ahead:Read More

New updates on “Inconvenient Ride” site

April 18, 2008 9:14 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle schools

Next Tuesday is homecoming day for the half-dozen local students (and their adult chaperones) who’ve been on a cross-country environmental-awareness bicycle trip dubbed “An Inconvenient Ride” (we interviewed them on video a few days before they left). Their trip officially ends with the Global to Local benefit for Project Earth Care (a West Seattle-based initiative) at Benaroya Hall downtown on Tuesday night. We just noticed a few new updates on the IR website — some humorous road musings on the main page, additions to the “trip log” page where the kids tell their stories, and added links on their media-coverage page. According to the route page, they’re in Northern California tonight.

Community Recognition Awards event: 7-8 pm tonight

Just a reminder, you’re invited to Capers in The Junction 7-8 pm for the second quarterly informal get-together to announce the latest West Seattle Community Recognition Awards recipients. The three of us will be there, as will WSB Forum Community members selling tickets for tomorrow night’s raffle, plus – treats! Come say hi if you can. 8:41 PM UPDATE: Great crowd, fun event. We’ll post with photos and winner announcements in a bit.

Another Alki parking crunch may worsen, for safety’s sake


People returning home tonight from work to the Alki neighborhood along and around SW Stevens and 59th/60th environs will notice many new markings like that (as well as the word “locate”) on the curbs near driveways and corners, thanks to a city Transportation Department worker who was out there, wielding a can of white spray paint, this morning.


This is a busy parking street about to get busier, with the sign in the photo above heralding a teardown we’ve mentioned before, five units going up in its place, directly across 59th from Alki Elementary/Playground/Playfield. But the city marking project — delineating the areas around driveways/corners that must be kept clear — is the first step toward getting cars out of some illegal spaces on the street, for safety’s sake:Read More

“Virtually any kind of weather seems possible …”

So says the National Weather Service in its latest “forecast discussion,” for those of you tracking Possible April Snow Panic ’08. (If ANY kind of weather is really possible, we vote for 75/sunny.)

Official SDOT update on High Point pedestrian update

Last night we published a letter on which we were cc’d, from Denise Sharify of High Point’s Neighborhood House, regarding some long-fought-for High Point-area pedestrian-safety improvements that are apparently finally on the way. This afternoon, we got the official details from SDOT communications boss Rick Sheridan and wanted to share that with you too:Read More

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Punks, Rockypalooza, more

April 18, 2008 1:46 pm
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That’s a photo by Ann Summa, whose “Punk Los Angeles” exhibition opens at Skylark with a reception at 4 pm this Sunday – one of 47 events ahead on the West Seattle Weekend Lineup, including two WSB-related events: Please drop in to say hi during the West Seattle Community Recognition Awards informal get-together tonight @ Capers in The Junction, 7-8 pm, all three of us will be there as will members of the WSB Forum Community; then tomorrow is the night for the Forum Community’s big get-together/fundraiser on behalf of Puget Sound Key and Lock, 6-9 pm Saturday @ Admiral Pub. Now, the full lineup:Read More

Also happening tonight: Benefit by Bobcat Bob

April 18, 2008 12:36 pm
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We are putting together the West Seattle Weekend Lineup right now for publication by 2 pm and just remembered, we wanted to tell you about this separately — One of the C & P Coffee Company regular live-music guests, Bobcat Bob, will be putting on a special performance tonight. Here’s the e-mail, forwarded by C & P’s Cameron Moores, explaining why:

dear friends, almost 3 weeks ago our bass player dave lucas and his wife kenna lost their only child jessica in a car accident back in the midwest. my brother dave and i are dedicating the c and p performance on april 18th to dave, kenna, jessica’s husband and her 2 children. they need our help spiritually and financially. please come to this performance in a show of support for this sweet family. dave will be in his position on bass and we hope to see you all there. thank you. most sincerely, bob.

They’re playing C & P 6-8 pm tonight. (Drop in early, then pop down California SW to Capers and make a cameo appearance at our West Seattle Community Recognition Awards get-together 7-8 pm!)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary updates

So we checked with the Southwest Precinct after getting this e-mail yesterday from Sunny:

Our house was broken into on Tax Day :(

We’re on the 7900 block of 12th Ave SW and both the officer and I suspect the same bra-flinging/pizza-eating group. The thieves helped themselves to some candy and a Coke and made off with some replaceable electronics. They rummaged through my lingerie and really ripped the bedroom apart. The officer walked away with LOTS of evidence which I hope is enough to catch the thieves. I am annoyed about having to replace my pricey toys, but just sick over someone invading our home.

Sgt. Jeffrey Durden at SWP says there’s “no real leads, yet” on the “bra-scattering” burglar. However, he did have more details on the burglary suspect we mentioned in this report from Tuesday night’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting: “Thanks to good investigative work by patrol officers — three different officers lifted the same suspect’s fingerprints at residential burglary scenes –” prosecutors are expected to seek charges against the suspect, who’s currently in custody in Florida, in three burglaries from the past few months.

Parks-plan meetings: What they want to hear from you

April 18, 2008 10:19 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

When the city Parks Department started its first tour of meetings last fall to ask for input on a potential Strategic Plan, we covered the Southwest Community Center version of the meeting in late November (read the story here). After going back to Southwest CC to check in on the second round of meetings last night — three more in West Seattle in the next six days for your chance to have a say — we can tell you how these meetings work, what you’ll hear, what the Parks employees say they want to hear from you, and even some parks-related revelations that emerged last night:Read More

Friday morning one-liners

SNOW? We’ll believe it when we see it, but here’s the forecast discussion.

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY: 1 more week to sign up! Do it here.

“MASTER OF DISASTER” MAP: Pigeon Point just added. Click on your nearest site here.

TWITTER: Scroll to see the widget we just added to the WSB sidebar for our “feed” (we’re “westseattleblog”); plus, find breaking citywide news here.

Cold air, warm hearts: Saturday Earth Day extravaganza

Yeah, it’s supposed to be cold on Saturday (and probably sooner). That’s not going to stop the hardy West Seattle souls planning a huge slate of events we’ve been telling you about (see the Events page for most of ’em, and the West Seattle Weekend Lineup at midday Friday for even more), and here’s another one we wanted to preview — the Duwamish Alive! Earth Day festivities planned for Saturday:Read More

Finally, city action to improve safety @ 34th & Morgan

34th & Morgan is the High Point intersection – on the way to West Seattle Elementary – where we caught this school-crossing close call on video in January:

Neighborhood leaders and pedestrian-safety advocates have been trying to get that situation improved for a long time; in the story that originally accompanied that clip, we detailed some of their concerns. Then on April 1st, we told you about Denise Sharify, who works in High Point for Neighborhood House, pleading with the City Council’s Pedestrian Safety Committee to take action; we followed up the next day. Now tonight, we just got cc’d on this letter she wrote to them:

Dear Mr. Licata, Ms. Drago, Ms Clark, Mr. Conlin and Mr. Burgess:

I was walking to High Point this afternoon and discovered that Jim Curtin of SDOT was measuring this intersection for a temporary crosswalk. New student crossing signs will also be moved to appropriate locations. Two new signs to restrict parking were installed last week and Leah, the crossing guard reported that it is making a big difference for pedestrians and drivers. In addition, Mr. Curtin informed me that the half traffic light at 35th and Raymond will be changed to a full traffic light which is desperately needed.

I cannot thank you enough for you support and your commitment to making our pedestrians safer in this neighborhood. We will invite you to a celebration after the crosswalk is painted (and when the weather is nice).

Thank you very much,
Denise Sharify

Jim Curtin is the newly reassigned SDOT “community traffic liaison” who was part of the West Seattle Community Safety Partnership briefing we covered two nights ago. (The 35th/Raymond light upgrade is mentioned in that report; that addresses some of the challenges Councilmember Nick Licata witnessed firsthand during a High Point tour with Sharify and others [WSB video coverage here].)

Junction Association update #3: Summer Fest preview

April 17, 2008 8:01 pm
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(2007 West Seattle Summer Fest, photo courtesy Chas Redmond)
Third and final update from our recent chat with West Seattle Junction Association president Dave Montoure (of West 5) — some advance scoop on this year’s West Seattle Summer Fest, coming up July 11-13. Last year, you may recall, Summer Fest was retooled with the help of input requested from WSB readers (your input is popular, by the way, the Chamber of Commerce is reviewing everything you had to say on this recent development/business thread). This year, more new features are on the way:Read More

Opening night for new Beveridge Place Pub


We called earlier this afternoon to check on the status of the new Beveridge Place Pub (slightly delayed by a little red tape), and the person who answered the phone said they were expecting to find out by late afternoon if it was thumbs up for opening — Just checked back minutes ago and learned they got “thumbs up,” so they opened the new location (just north of the old one) immediately, and starting at 6 pm, they want you to know, it’s “Georgetown Brewers’ Night.”

Arson follow-up: Locksmith goes mobile

That’s a look inside Puget Sound Key and Lock in Morgan Junction while owner Michael Dein was there this morning to talk to news crews about what’s happened since the firebombing 4 weeks ago. As you can see, the view hasn’t changed much. But he’s managed to keep working by going mobile — he talked about that, and about how little time he would need to get set up again, once his landlord’s insurance coverage (for the structure, not his destroyed business) comes through:

Dein will be on hand for the fundraiser/raffle event that WSB Forum Community members are having Saturday night at Admiral Pub. One more clip … in which he shows the rock he says the firebomber(s) used … plus raffle/fundraiser details (including the list of what’s up for grabs so far!) … ahead:Read More