Former Hart’s Cards and Gifts owner dies

This is somewhat old news but we missed it somehow till two people pointed it out last night, so we’re posting it in case you missed it too. Just a few months after selling his Admiral store, which is now the Atomic Boys retro-stuff store, Alan Hart — longtime owner of Hart’s Cards and Gifts — has died at age 67. The obituary published at a few days ago notes he “thoroughly enjoyed his 2 months of retirement.” Here’s the online guest book mentioned in the obituary.

Crime Watch reader report: Parking-lot problem

Out of the inbox, from Rey:

I park my car in a lot below Bartell in the Admiral District. (Friday) a patrol car came into the lot with their lights flashing. I was actually fixing a rear window of my car and someone reported that someone (me) was breaking into the car. The officer told me they were having problems with thief in this lot. Ironically (the previous Saturday) I went to take my car out and left my truck in its place. When I came back my truck was broken into and my stereo and many of my tools were missing. I thought I would let you know to get out the warning.

We’ve reported a couple incidents in this lot in previous West Seattle Crime Watch reports in recent months.

West Seattle Art Walk: Next lineup’s out, as growth continues

artwalk.jpgJust five nights till the April edition of the West Seattle Second Thursday Art Walk, and the full lineup’s out. (See it here.) Every Art Walk for the past few months has made history with something new — a first-ever feature, biggest-ever participant list, etc. — and this one’s no exception: This time, the Art Walk continues to grow beyond The Junction — with five Admiral participants this time! — and the listings on the official flyer/map now geographically group the venues. More on its growth, plus a closer look at a non-business Art Walk regular, ahead:Read More

More West Seattle (and slightly beyond) Saturday scenes

April 5, 2008 10:32 pm
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 |   West Seattle news


While more than a thousand 34th Legislative District Democrats caucused inside West Seattle High School, the intrepid WSHS Class of 2008 car wash to raise $ for Grad Night continued outside. Parent Carol Viger tells us they brought in $1,200! Next step in their fundraising — they’re giving out vouchers for shopping at Barnes and Noble next Saturday (4/12); they’ll get part of the proceeds from purchases made by people who turn in the vouchers. (Download the vouchers here.) Next, thanks to Robert Stever for this photo of a traditional Khmer dance performance during the Cambodian New Year Street Festival in White Center today:


In his e-mail, Robert adds: “In the photo, note their hands and toes turned backward. … It was cold outside, but the dancers showed no effect. See the kids in the background ready to be involved.” Last but not least, we couldn’t resist the cute pet photo:


We should have just put it on the Pets page but we’re working later tonight to update that and in the short run, this photo post was just looking for a “kicker.” The e-mail accompanying that photo was headed “Welcome Harley to West Seattle!” and went on to say winningly, “Harley is a 10 week old Black Lab that loves his new neighborhood. He will always stop and say hi for a treat or a good belly rub! Peter Brennan and Sarah Bonzer (who are getting married later this year) are the proud parents of the little guy who won’t be little for long.” Thanks as always for sending photos; e-mail us any time at

Caucusing, round 2: A (long) day with the Democrats


We’ve never before gone to a political caucus or convention beyond the precinct level (Feb. 9 caucuses this year, WSB coverage here). There’s a first time for everything, and so we are back from a long day at the 34th Legislative District Democratic Caucus at West Seattle High School. If you thought the February caucuses were lively, you haven’t seen anything until you’ve packed into a high-school gym with more than 1,000 people — and “packing in” was a challenge long before everyone entered the WSHS doors:Read More

Thriftway team thrilled by turnout for benefit barbecue


Just got word from West Seattle Thriftway in Morgan Junction that today’s barbecue lunch to raise money for employee Julie Lynch and her family raised $3,000! That includes donations as well as food sales. Julie is fighting breast cancer and her co-workers wanted to do something to help make sure she could focus more on recovery and less on finances. They’re thankful for everybody who chipped in.

Thanks for your patience, and stand by for updates

April 5, 2008 4:52 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

Just back from a day of covering everything from the Thriftway BBQ to the 34th Legislative District Democratic Caucus (six and a half hours after its start, it still wasn’t over when we finally had to leave); just wanted to let you know we’re working on coverage updates to appear shortly AND if you didn’t see our note in the forum from earlier, apologies again for site trouble today … seems to be better now but we’re keeping close watch, since it’s one of those cases where our technical provider isn’t certain what the problem was, which means the “solution” could be tenuous.

See the Dalai Lama live (via video) at two local libraries

dalailama.jpgLess than a week till His Holiness the Dalai Lama visits Seattle; if you want to see his appearances but didn’t/couldn’t get tickets, the Seattle Public Library is organizing the next best thing: Live video webcasts of select events April 11-15 at select library branches, including High Point and West Seattle (Admiral). Here’s the full list of dates and times. In case you’re wondering, though these are described as webcasts, the announcement doesn’t mention whether they will be viewable online outside of the library-branch events; we have a message out to SPL PR to clarify.

Free organic produce – with just one catch


That’s Longfellow Creek Farm — a quarter-acre at 2311 SW Myrtle (just off Delridge; map) where Growing Washington is inviting you to a “community-garden restoration work party” noon-4 pm April 19. Help is needed raking leaves, clipping brambles, spreading mulch, weed-whacking, and painting. The goal is to restore the site into a “functioning, food-producing garden,” and volunteers will be first in line for free organic produce — once it’s grown. They’d like you to let them know you’ll be there; register during the next week by using the contact info here.

Happening today: Caucus, car wash, sale, BBQ, more …

April 5, 2008 6:30 am
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You’ll find the full list of today’s West Seattle events in our West Seattle Weekend Lineup, but we wanted to call your attention to these highlights one more time:

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL EVENT #1 – 34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS: Sign-ins start at WSHS at 9 am, caucusing at 10 am, for delegates and alternates chosen at Feb. 9 caucuses. More info here.

WEST SEATTLE HS EVENT #2 – “GRAD NIGHT” CAR WASH FUNDRAISER: The Class of 2008 is raising money for a safe, fun Grad Night celebration, and today’s 9 am-2 pm car wash is a big part of it. Free coffee, cocoa, and baked goods while your car is washed at WSHS! Suggested donation $10 or whatever you can give; vouchers also will be available for April 12 shopping at Barnes and Noble to benefit the same cause. (By the way, they’re also still taking volunteers, even last-minute ones, and students can get community-service credit for it; call 206/718-2442.)

GROUP GARAGE SALE: All day at Alki Community Center. (And by the way, registration opens Thursday if you want to have a sale May 10 as part of the annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, presented this year by WSB; the latest info is on our special WSCGSD website.)

WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY BENEFIT BARBECUE LUNCH: 11 am-4 pm, go have a freshly barbecued burger, plus chips and soda, at West Seattle Thriftway in Morgan Junction for $7, all proceeds going to employee Julie Lynch and her family as Julie fights breast cancer.

GET INVOLVED WITH WSB FORUM COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER FOR ARSON VICTIM: Planning is going full-speed ahead for the April 19 (6 pm, Admiral Pub) fundraiser for Puget Sound Key and Lock, closed since the still-unsolved arson two weeks ago. Planning and organizing help is still welcome; join WSB Forum Community members at Admiral Pub at 2 pm today (you can also sign up for the mailing list here).

Again, that’s just part of lots happening today and tonight; find more WS events here.

Get ready to get readier: Simple ways to make it happen

April 4, 2008 11:42 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Safety

We’ve never been big fans of the concept of Whatever Awareness Month … it tends to be overused, for one thing (check out this list). But on occasion, a Whatever Month can be a good occasion to call attention to info that can do some good. In that spirit, we’re joining a coalition of West Seattle community leaders and volunteers — brought together by Cindi Barker from Morgan Community Association (one of our first West Seattle Community Recognition Awards recipients, by the way; get your nomination in now) — in a unique neighborhood campaign to help you participate more easily and efficiently (maybe even having fun along the way) in our state’s Disaster Preparedness Month (happening as we speak). Over the next several weeks, stretching into May, we will share simple things you can do — not necessarily the cliche’ ones you always hear about — to make sure your family is safe and ready, Just In Case. For starters: Make plans to be at the SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare) event at the West Seattle Library branch (Admiral), 6:30 pm April 10. It’s really all about neighborhoods, and part of the West Seattle effort we’ll be tracking for you involves designating and announcing official neighborhood gathering places around West Seattle that would serve as post-disaster info-hubs so you’d know where to go — a schedule is being firmed up for drop-in mini-events at each of these spots. (By the way, Cindi’s still looking for a few more neighborhood coordinators to help with this in areas south of Fauntleroy – please e-mail her, cbarker [at], if you might be able to pitch in.) More info to come!

SK Food Group site listed for sale: $5,795,000


That’s the listing photo for 4600 37th SW, the SK Food Group building immediately north of the American Legion Hall. The company laid off 90 people last summer; the site is now listed for sale for $5,795,000, with a description that includes “… USDA food production facility and many other potential specialty uses. Redevelopment potential with C1-65`zoning and potential to acquire adjacent properties.” This listing is now added to our clickable map of known development projects and for-sale sites in the Junction/”Triangle” area (find it below on 37th one block north of Alaska):

View Larger Map

Still working on a permanent home for this map plus counterparts for other development-laden areas such as greater Alki.

Congratulations to reading teams @ Highland Park, Concord

April 4, 2008 5:53 pm
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Seattle Public Library managers just announced that eight teams of fourth- and fifth-graders citywide have made it to the finals of the 2008 Global Reading Challenge, an event set for 7 pm April 22 at the downtown library. Among those eight teams are the “Flaming Reader Raiders” of Highland Park Elementary School and the “Concord Cougars” from Concord Elementary. Here’s the full announcement:Read More

More details about Elliott Bay Water Taxi ’08

wtrtxi.jpgTwo weeks after we brought you the announcement that April 27 is Opening Day for the Elliott Bay Water Taxi season … the county has just released more details about the kickoff event and the season, including how long it will last. 6:55 PM UPDATE: One more key detail – County West Seattle County Councilmember Dow Constantine‘s team points out that the EBWT will remain on a full schedule all the way through the end of the season, unlike last year when it cut back to commute-runs-only in the final weeks. Now, here’s the full text of the King County news release made public this afternoon:Read More

Three more signs of West Seattle change

Seen this morning along California SW:


That sign’s for the building going up at the ex-burned-out-Schuck’s site (WSB video coverage of the December demolition here) – now christened Charlestown Shopping and Business Center. A short distance south, the California/Andover gas station is now an ex-Exxon:



And in The Junction, that new banner is hanging outside the laundromat next to Yummy Teriyaki. (Which island? Vashon? Blake?)

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: 1st weekend of April

April 4, 2008 11:47 am
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Two live theater productions, one big political caucus, lots of cool cleanups that need your help (including Alki Playfield/Playground till 3 pm today – they’re out there working right now!) – the benefit barbecue at Thriftway tomorrow, the WSHS Grad Night fundraising car wash tomorrow (caucusing? get your car washed while you’re there), another chance to help plan the WSB Forum Community fundraiser for the local business fighting back from arson, a soccer-season kickoff, 39 events listed ahead:Read More

Opening day for Pioneer Coffee on Alki


Thanks to Patricia for the tip, which we just confirmed by phone – Pioneer Coffee’s Aimonetto, in the ex-Alki Mail/Dispatch location at 2536 Alki, is finally open as of today; they’ll be open till 9 pm tonight, said the cheery person who answered the phone, also noting they open at 5:30 am. (We’ve been tracking the progress here since the business name first surfaced last September.)

Remembering “Auntie”

We don’t have an “obituary” section (though it’s been suggested), but when DeAnna Piccini e-mailed to ask that we publish one for her great-aunt, whose Funeral Mass is at Holy Rosary tomorrow, we found it hard to say no:Read More

Crime Watch: Text a tip to CrimeStoppers

Not just in West Seattle, but elsewhere in the metro area, you can now text a tip to CrimeStoppers — anonymously — the demo on this page explains how (and how it’s kept anonymous). Be sure to still call 911 when something’s happening NOW, though! (FRIDAY AFTERNOON ADDITION: Here’s today’s City of Seattle news release about Text-a-Tip.)

West Seattle native fights back from bizarre surfing injury

addie.jpgThat’s 20-year-old Adrianna “Addie” Killam, who grew up in West Seattle — graduating from Our Lady of Guadalupe in 2002, Holy Names Academy in 2006, then heading to Arizona to go to college at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical and Engineering University. Today, she traveled home to Seattle on a plane from Maui – but it was no tourism flight – it was a “medical lift” so that Addie could be admitted to the University of Washington Medical Center for therapy and rehab after a spring-break surfing jaunt left her with a spinal-cord injury. Family friend Maureen Emerson e-mailed WSB to help get the word out about Addie’s injury — which didn’t happen the way you might think after hearing the phrase “surfing injury” — and her fight to recover, which she’s chronicling online:Read More

More West Seattle 101: Wildlife, semi-wild dining/drinking

April 3, 2008 10:56 pm
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 |   West Seattle 101

bookcover1.jpgTonight marks two weeks since we debuted a new WSB section — featuring (note the “tab” link on our header) stories from the popular book “West Seattle 101” by Lori Hinton. lorimugshot.jpgEach week we’ll add to the list of “West Seattle 101” stories available on WSB: tonight, we’ve added two more: Birdwatching, and West 5 (with some of the stories behind the signs). You can find all seven “West Seattle 101” features published here so far by going to the WS 101 on WSB “home page”; more to come next week!

Denny-Sealth update: Decision challenged in Superior Court

One month after the Seattle School Board‘s vote to move Denny Middle School into a new building on the Chief Sealth High School campus (WSB video coverage here), an official challenge to the decision is filed. We just got a copy; it’s filed in the name of 12 individuals and one union (Operating Engineers). The legal documents say the individuals are concerned about “property values, crime, and other effects” of the move, as well as the safety of a 6-12 campus; the union, which represents classified school workers, says it’s concerned about job loss. The filing also contends, among other things, that the decision was made without “following the procedural requirements for citizen involvement required by the school closure statute.” This is filed in King County Superior Court. We will pursue district comment tomorrow.