Hong Bao Na Lai (Happy Lunar New Year!)

February 8, 2008 6:14 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle schools


From WSB contributing photojournalist Matt Durham: “Lafayette Elementary School students and parent volunteers celebrate the ‘Year of the Rat’ Friday afternoon by parading through the school’s halls. To simulate fireworks, twenty-foot lengths of bubble wrap were rolled out for the students to march over; the sound was deafening!” (Prints of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available through his site, MattDurhamPhotography.com.)

2 more politix pix: Obama crowd in Seattle, JP in Olympia

ADDED 6 PM: Thanks to Cami for sending this close-up photo from the Obama KeyArena rally:


From earlier:


That’s one more from Josh at KeyArena earlier, while Sen. Obama was speaking. If you squint at the stage on the lower right quadrant of the pic, you’ll see Rep. Adam Smith, Gov. Gregoire (in the reddish-pinkish top), and West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician (bringing that phrase back for old times’ sake) behind him. For those who asked if the speech was archived anywhere yet – just checked all four tv news sites, both dailies, plus Slog … not yet. Now, a photo from Olympia:


We told you last night that West Seattle’s state Sen. Joe McDermott was introducing a resolution today honoring Chris “JP Patches” Wedes on the 50th anniversary of the start of his classic local kids’ TV show. This pic sent by Sen. McDermott features him with Chris Wedes – sans the makeup – and the senator’s cousin Emmett Blake (“Patches Pals and West Seattleites both,” notes Sen. M). Also, he sent a link to the text of the resolution introduced today.

Atomic Boys opens: About that candy …


Since we all discussed it so much … that’s mostly what we got pix of. As reported last night, Max and Quinn’s Atomic Boys Shop-O-Rama opened for business as of this morning, Admiral just west of California. Couple more pix ahead (and we’ll add a video clip later):Read More

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: So much to do, so little time

February 8, 2008 1:16 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | How to help | WS Weekend Lineup

Fun events to help students at Chief Sealth and West Seattle High Schools … an endless array of opportunities to do good tomorrow, even before you caucus … animal adoption … lots of live music … much more in the 41 West Seattle weekend events listed here:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: “Admiral action” early today

February 8, 2008 12:03 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

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That’s how the subject line put it, in a reader e-mail we just received, simultaneous with info that also came in from the Southwest Precinct. First, the reader report:

I just wanted to let you know about some Crime Watch activity here in N. Admiral late last night. A little after 3 am we awoke to a car alarm a few houses down at 39th and Stevens. A few moments later there was a strange sound like an engine revving really fast, but somehow different. I’m really not sure what was going on since a large tree blocked my view. Almost immediately, a police cruiser approached from Stevens. With lights on, officers got out of the car and began apprehending someone. There was a lot of shouting from the police and the suspect. … Anyways, lots more police cars showed up, and a few neighbors went up and talked to some of the officers. … A couple of the cruisers started looking around the street at other parked cars. I got the impression that they weren’t looking for another person, just more car damage. After about half an hour or so, all the excitement seemed to settle and we went back to bed.

Now, here’s what the Southwest Precinct says that was all about – we’ll paraphrase their account: Near the 2600 block of 39th SW, a citizen interrupted at least two thieves stealing the catalytic converter from his car, parked on the street. He called 911 and chased two male suspects. Officers “contained the area”; a K-9 team started tracking and found one “adult male suspect” four blocks away. Then the K-9 team started following another track that “led back to the theft scene.” At 39th and Stevens, officers heard a vehicle crashing into parked cars and speeding southbound; they stopped the damaged car and arrested an “adult female who had just stolen the car from a paper boy while he was out of the car momentarily.” She’s been booked for investigation of theft and a drug violation; police subsequently found the other suspect’s parked truck, containing stolen auto parts and tools — the man was booked for investigation of theft and malicious mischief. 7:30 PM ADDENDUM: After reviewing the reports at the Southwest Precinct, turns out this is a convoluted tale involving two separate incidents … also, the catalytic-converter theft angle is an alarming trend. More on this in a Crime Watch update later tonight.

Meet a winner: Larry Carpenter

Last month, we announced the winners of the first quarterly West Seattle Community Recognition Awards, trophy.jpga new way to honor West Seattleites working to make a difference — the brainchild of Julie Mireille Anderson from Divina, with the nominating process open to everyone in West Seattle. As we open the next round of nominations, we are profiling the first three winners — people you may or may not have heard about or met, people whose hard work makes West Seattle a better place. Yesterday, we told you about Cindi Barker from the Morgan Community Association; today, Larry Carpenter from the Alki Community Council and Southwest Seattle Historical Society, who has stories galore to tell, starting with the one about the day he and his wife started the cross-country drive to get here:Read More

Caucus Eve update: Obama crowd photo from inside the Key


That photo’s just in from Josh (thank you!), who’s at the KeyArena rally (where scanner discussion says they have reached capacity and are trying to figure out how to securely close the doors because people are reportedly trying to break through them):

Just out of the (postal) mailbox: Station 37 open house

It’s not often these days that we get first word of things from postal mail, firesta37.jpgbut it just happened. According to a postcard from the city, an open house is planned to show off the design of the new Fire Station 37, 2-4 pm Saturday 2/23, at the old Station 37 (seen at left, address 7300 35th SW; postcard promises “meet your neighborhood firefighters and tour the engine” too).

Meet the newest WSB sponsor: Ventana Construction

Taking a quick moment on a busy day to welcome the latest WSB sponsor: Ventana Construction (5458 California SW, 932-3009). Here’s what the folks at Ventana want you to know about them: “Ventana Construction is a full-service remodeling contractor based in West Seattle. We are a family-owned business with a full staff of skilled craftsmen. ventanaconstructionlogo.jpgWe specialize in custom homes, whole-house remodels, and additions, with a focus on seamlessly blending the new areas with the existing home. We also do total facelifts on kitchens, baths and basements and build spectacular outdoor gathering places. We work closely with architects to build functional spaces with inspired design and stellar finishes. Creative solutions and unusual materials make our projects stand out. From custom-built Craftsman-style railings to modern steel and green materials, we build homes that exceed expectations. A successful project is equal parts quality construction and effective management. Our experienced project managers and office staff provide clear communication and the tools to track project costs and stay on schedule. We provide weekly reports on completion and a master calendar that includes deadlines for all material ordering. Those steps make for a calm, logical and predictable building process. We are Built Green members of the Master Builders Association and members of the National Association of Homebuilders. We are also members of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau. Come visit us in our new offices at the corner of California and Findlay in West Seattle to find out more about our construction services. Or visit our website to learn more: www.ventanabuilds.com.” Thanks to Ventana for supporting WSB; to find out how to join the WSB sponsor team, check out our Advertise page.

Caucus Eve update: Obama crowd heading into the Key

obamabarack.jpgEqual time for last night’s Sen. Clinton publicity: Sen. Obama is touring a South Seattle business this morning and speaking at KeyArena early this afternoon – we spun by about an hour ago and noted a good-sized crowd on the west side of the Key – listening to the scanner, they have just opened the doors and it sounds like madness — just heard something about the line stretching to Fifth Avenue (east of Seattle Center). One quote from somebody on the scanner: “This is the longest line I have ever seen in my entire life.” Many citywide media outlets are promising to cover the speech live, including KIRO Radio and KING5.com, which promises to stream an Obama event shortly, and is streaming Sen. Clinton’s Tacoma town hall right now. (Info on tomorrow’s caucus is linked from the top right of this page; we’ll be adding to that info shortly.) TRAFFIC ALERT: We’re also hearing about traffic woes on East Marginal because of Sen. Obama’s visit to McKinstry, so that’s a good area to avoid till he’s moved on to the Key around noontime. 10:40 AM ADDENDUM: Back at the Key, latest radio chatter sounds like they’re expecting capacity and turnaways.

Got a bike you need to bag?

As you can tell from the WSB Events page, and the forthcoming West Seattle Weekend Lineup list, tomorrow is going to be an extremely busy Saturday around West Seattle — and not just because of the caucuses. We’ve spotlighted many of the events in advance and here’s one more that might require some preparation: If you have used bikes or bike parts to donate, they’re being collected at PCC in West Seattle (location info) 11 am-3 pm tomorrow, in the “Bikes for Education” drive. According to a PCC spokesperson: “Donated bikes will be crated and shipped, at the expense of the Alaffia Sustainable Skin Care Company, to Togo, Africa, for distribution to school kids who now walk up to 10 miles every day to get to school. Kids who bring their old bikes during the drive can even have their photos taken with their donations; the photos will be given to the bike recipients in Africa.” (10:50 AM ADDITION: PCC confirms, child AND adult bikes and bike parts welcome, “in any condition.”)

What you might not know about how to coexist with coyotes

From the multi-agency event in Magnolia last night, there’s practical advice you can put to use right now. And ASAP might be a good time to do it, as we seem to be coming up on a critical time in the coyote calendar:Read More

Confirmed tonight: Atomic Boys opens tomorrow

atomicsmaller.jpgWe’ve been telling you (here and here) about this retro/nostalgia gifts/toys/etc. store moving into the ex-Hart’s space on Admiral west of California. Tonight, official word from owner Kent Sadow that his shop opens for business tomorrow (plus some info for those who wanted to know more about the treats he’ll sell): “We are opening the doors Friday the 8th. Finally!!! 10 am-6 pm. And yes, we have Beemans, Chick-O-Stick, Bit-O-Honey, Pop Rocks and alot more. Necco Wafers coming soon, sorry, no ‘Lik-m-ade’.”

Coyotes 1, candidate 0

clintoncolormug.jpgsmallercoyote.jpgSo Team WSB set out a couple hours ago with the following intention: Drop by the Magnolia open house on “coexisting with coyotes and other wildlife” just long enough to get info to bring back to report here, then move on to the Sen. Clinton rally at the Pier 30 Event Center. No, not that we are officially endorsing anyone here, but it seemed like history to us, and we would check out the Sen. Obama KeyArena rally tomorrow morning too if not for a conflict with a meeting we have to cover. Anyway, we’ve got the coyote scoop – it wasn’t just an open house after all, there was a rather engaging/informative presentation and we will write that up for tomorrow morning – but no candidate. For all the fuss about Hillary lukewarmness (as compared to Obama-mania) — it was a ZOO down there for MILES around. People were walking all the way from the ferry dock to the north, and from the WS Bridge to the south. (Tow trucks were starting to target those who dared to park in no-parking zones.) And the people we saw from our vantage point in the Alaskan Way traffic jam weren’t just the “old Democrats” ridiculed by The Stranger and others as the alleged Hillary base, but plenty of young adults, and young families with kids in tow. We shot some vid from the car:

Meantime as expected, she’s running late; we’re watching for the promised webcast of the speech, hasn’t started last we heard. (And as we typed that, we heard scanner traffic indicating she hasn’t landed yet and is expected to start speaking around 9:30. Oh, plus the PD is launching a major parking-enforcement effort because “parking is so bad that some people have parked on the railroad tracks.”) 9:05 PM ADDENDUM: Scanner now says the Hillary venue is full and “they’re turning people away.” 9:30 PM UPDATE: If you’re interested, looks like the rally’s under way. Live on KING5.com.

West Seattleites on the airwaves

-The latest WS’er featured on KUOW Radio‘s “Sound Focus” show is Katy Shaw of The RollerBlog (one of the highlighted sites on this WSB page). Have a listen: Audio links are on this page. (Two weeks ago, the same show featured Jim Edwards of West Seattle Big Band; audio links here.)

Our Other Blogs in West Seattle page, however, will be one blog shorter soon … public-radio guy and funny, funny writer John Moe is leaving West Seattle, moving someplace far to the east (and we don’t mean Issaquah), according to various mysterious posts on his blog Monkey Disaster.

-West Seattle-based Pirate Radio is about to make another fleeting appearance. We got word recently: “We will probably be on the air February 16th starting very late in the evening and run through the 24th or so. The reason for being on this week is that we are planning to carry the 11th annual Homelessness Marathon (www.homelessnessmarathon.org) in its entirety.” Our source says they’ll be at 87.7 FM, a frequency that might not be receivable by all radios.

Lora Lewis at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) was excited this morning about Hotwire’s star turn earlier this week on Evening Magazine, talking about the Valentine’s matchmaking contest. No video clip online at this point but the proof is on the links page. You can see photos of some of the “sweeties” who are participating at this page on the Hotwire site; find out more at the cafe, where it will all culminate with a gathering at 5 pm 2/16.

-Last but not least – tomorrow morning around 10 am, West Seattle’s state Sen. Joe McDermott will introduce a resolution in the Senate honoring J.P. Patches, aka Chris Wedes, who will be on hand for the occasion. This marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the J.P. Patches kids’ TV show, which ran for 23 years.

Fauntleroy ferry wi-fi: See, we weren’t making it up

February 7, 2008 3:59 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle online

We reported here on Jan. 20 that it appeared wi-fi service had finally begun – albeit without fanfare – on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry run. Today, 2-plus weeks later, the vendor, Parsons, just issued this announcement confirming it had indeed launched in mid-January. (A Feb. 7 news release announcing that something started Jan. 17 still seems a little odd. Give it a few days to be sure it’s working before you announce it, but three weeks?)

Happening tonight, in West Seattle and beyond

Besides the Clinton rally tonight at the Pier 30 Event Center (the time is now listed as 8-10 pm in some spots, 8:30 pm in others; we’ve got a message out to the port to find out if parking will be free), here are other events of note on this busy night:

MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY MEETING: As mentioned in the post below, 7 pm, The Kenney. Agenda items include RapidRide.

HIGH POINT PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: Concerned residents meet 6 pm tonight @ High Point Library. Ongoing issues include school-crossing safety (including the intersection featured in our video-enhanced report here).

DUWAMISH VISIONING: Tonight at Youngstown Arts Center, 6-8 pm. One of several events inviting area residents to imagine the future of the Duwamish Valley. (Flyer here.)

CO-EXISTING WITH WILDLIFE: The open house organized after the Discovery Park coyote controversy is happening tonight in Magnolia, Blaine K-8, 6:30-8:30 pm. Suddenly relevant to WSB HQ, as a neighbor stopped us this afternoon to say two coyote pups ran through his yard this morning!

STRESSED OUT? Starting tonight, Tibbetts United Methodist Church will be holding a Taize Service Thursdays at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Tibbetts’ pastor, Rev. Joanne Brown, says, “This is a time to slow down from our usual frantic pace through the use of music, readings, prayers and times of silence and reflection.” (Tibbetts UMC, 3940 41st Ave SW, 932-7777)

ALSO RELAXING: Art reception at the Alki Bathhouse (as mentioned yesterday), 5-8 pm, several artists showing and selling (free Tully’s Coffee, we’re told!).

Meet a winner: Cindi Barker

February 7, 2008 12:24 pm
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 |   West Seattle Community Recognition Awards | West Seattle people

Last month, we announced the winners of the first quarterly West Seattle Community Recognition Awards, trophy.jpga new way to honor West Seattleites working to make a difference — the brainchild of Julie Mireille Anderson from Divina, with the nominating process open to everyone in West Seattle. As we open the next round of nominations, we are profiling the first three winners today, tomorrow, and Saturday — people you may or may not have heard about or met, people whose hard work makes West Seattle a better place. Today, we want to tell you about Cindi Barker from the Morgan Community Association, which has its next quarterly meeting tonight (7 pm, The Kenney); even if you don’t live in the Morgan Junction area, chances are that Cindi’s work has touched you:Read More

Three weather-related notes

First, the wind advisory is now over. Second, if you work or travel through South Seattle/Sodo, there’s a power outage in the area right because of downed lines (possibly including nonworking traffic signals; lots of scanner chatter about this; here’s the official City Light description). Third, thanks to Dan E for this photo of everything washed up on the Alki boardwalk after a stormy night:


County says Alki pump station work is about to begin

February 7, 2008 10:41 am
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 |   Utilities | West Seattle beaches | West Seattle news

This has been in the works for a while, at 53rd/Alki, and it will affect bus service, parking, and drivers going by. Here’s the full text of the county announcement just posted:Read More

Alki Urban Market open for business


As promised yesterday, the new market/deli opened first thing this morning (2820 Alki Ave, east of 63rd, same building as Cactus and All the Best Pet Care). ADDED 9:22 AM: Here’s a 30-second video look inside. Seems pretty much as described when we interviewed the owner for this article last month.

West Seattle weather watch: Wind advisory extended

New forecast from the National Weather Service: Wind advisory extended till 1 pm tomorrow; gusts could hit 55 mph overnight. (Wildly windy already, on our west-facing bluff.) 6:35 AM UPDATE: Looks like the worst is over; the 4 am version of the forecast, same link, mentions up to 35 mph. No West Seattle outages or major road woes reported; if you’re driving elsewhere, the “traffic incidents” link atop the WSB Traffic page can be handy.

Helpers request help, to assist crime victim’s family

From the WSB inbox — yet another event happening this very busy Saturday, but even if you can’t lend a hand, perhaps you can help with the materials they need?Read More